Inspired by Freecycle London to open the streets for the Tour of Auckland

Commuter cyclists at Blackfriars
Commuter cyclists at Blackfriars

I recently accompanied my mum to London to support her competing in the 10th World Brompton Championship race. I hadn’t been back in 5 years so I was also looking forward to checking out the explosion of cycling I’d been hearing about. From dispatches I was expecting London to have been transformed into a Copenhagen of the British Isles. The increase in bikes everywhere was really noticeable but I was also surprised to discover this is despite many central London streets still being very congested and hostile to riding.

Commuter cycling along the Embankment, London
Commuter cycling along the Embankment, London

Even as a confident rider the few times I ventured out on a public hire “Boris” bike in central London I found to be a scary experience.  The super cycle highways currently under construction are going to make a huge difference however many historic London roads are narrow and cyclelanes are unlikely to be an option.  I understand this has led to a multi -pronged approach to encourage cycling by calming streets, slowing traffic, safety campaigns and the creation of routes through quieter areas.

It confirmed for me that if London can grow cycling numbers spectacularly with huge transport challenges in a city of 8.6 million people then in Auckland we really have no excuse.  I’ve heard too many times that we don’t have space for cyclelanes and that there are too many barriers to cycling (weather, hills, dangerous roads). . We only have to look at London to know most of our arterials are more than wide enough to comfortably accommodate everyone including people on bikes –  we just have to refocus our priorities.

Freecycle London
Freecycle London

But the real surprise for me on my trip was getting to take part in the Prudential Ride London Freecycle event. A day of cycling traffic- free around 10 miles of London’s most ironic streetscapes. On a glorious summer’s day we joined the estimated 70,000 of people (including many very small children) on bikes taking advantage of an “open” streets circuit and festival zones along the way.

Of course it made me wonder when we are going to have Auckland’s first genuine “freecycle” event with the roads made available just for cycling. We’ve had Playing in the Streets in 2012, Ciclovia in 2014 and Open Streets Auckland earlier this year which were lots of fun and opened streets for people to enjoy but just didn’t cater for riding on mass, on a dedicated route (there are lots of other successful examples from around the world like NYC’s Tour de Brooklyn).

The idea of an event taking advantage of a car free circuit has been floating around for a while but may now be gaining momentum with the injection of Urban Cycling Programme Funding starting to have an impact. Finally in Auckland with the opening of Grafton Gully and Beach Rd cycleways, Nelson St about to open and Quay St promised by April 2016 we can see a real network taking shape. We will soon be able to “circle the city” by bike.  A freecycle type event will provide the opportunity to showcase progress in the city centre, give Aucklanders a chance to reclaim their streets and hopefully introduce many new people to cycling.

Proposed routes for "freecycle" Auckland an open streets event. Map design: Lennart Nout
Proposed routes for “freecycle” Auckland an open streets event. Map design: Lennart Nout

Urban Planner Lennart Nout has designed a map of a possible circuit. Riders would be able to start at any point and other that the loop in the Domain cycle in either direction on the course. Festival zones could be included in places like Silo Park, Teal Park, and at the Domain.

As the traffic management for the event is likely to be very expensive it would make sense to give a major sponsor naming rights (in London the sponsor called the event “Freecycle” to fit with their brand but I don’t think this works as a name in Auckland).

The Waitemata Local Board and Auckland Museum have provided support in principle for an “open” streets mass ride event. Auckland Transport’s walking and cycling team is wondering if the time is right and whether people will show up.

I am sure that if we make it happen then the riders – especially novices, children, families –  will come!

London Cyclists ‘the most active in the world’  The Telegraph 6 October 2015

City Centre community hub upgrade

Ellen Melville Centre

An upgrade of the only community centre in the central city has been on the Waitamatā Local Board to do list since we first got planning after the 2010 election. Ellen Melville & Pioneer Womens Hall on Freyberg Square between High and O’Connell Streets had been neglected under the old Auckland City Council. The facilities are tired, inaccessible and under -utilised. Many people who live and visit the city centre don’t even know that there is a community hall right in the heart of Auckland. 

The Board was able to secure the $3m budget and agreed to the upgrade being combined with refurbishment of Freyberg Square (funded from the city centre targetted rated) to ensure the projects are well integrated and disruption minimised during construction.

Historic photo Ellen MelvilleThe Square upgrade and the proposed removal of the road through the square in front of the hall has created debate about the value of people- focused spaces in the city centre.  NZ Herald 21 September Car v people issue splits city precinct

Feedback is open until 27 September

Quick submission template by Generation Zero

Media Release: Auckland Council

7 September 2015

Major upgrades are planned for the city centre’s only community centre and the square in front of it, and Aucklanders are being asked for their thoughts on the draft concept design.

The redesign of Freyberg Square and refurbishment of Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall are being funded by the Waitematā Local Board and by city centre businesses and residents through the targeted rate.

The proposals will provide a better pedestrian connection from High Street to Courthouse Lane and the recently upgraded O’Connell Street, building on the success of that popular improvement. It also proposes closing off the roadway to the front of the Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall to improve safety and create an improved public square that better integrates with the community facility.

Waitematā Local Board Chair Shale Chambers says, “City centre resident numbers have tripled to 30,000 in the last 12 years and we need our community facilities to catch up. The hall and the square are both already popular and well used; but with these enhancements, they will be able to become a real draw card, meeting the needs of people living and working in this part of the city, while creating more foot traffic for local retailers and landowners.”

Auckland design champion Ludo Campbell-Reid says, “This is an opportunity to create a world-class, vibrant community hub in the city centre and is another step in delivering the City Centre Masterplan. Improving the square and the hall as one project will create a better, more integrated result and save money.”

Concept designs have been drafted for the square and building with input from local groups and key stakeholders. Children were also actively engaged in the design process as part of the Waitemata Local Board’s Child Friendly City UNICEF initiative.

The consultation will give the public, other users and visitors the opportunity to fine tune those designs and ensure that what is delivered meets the wider community needs.

Construction is expected to take 9-12 months, starting in winter 2016. The council is committed to minimising disruption during construction, so is also asking for input on how to retain activity and available public space during the construction period.

Feedback on the draft designs closes on 27 September, 2015. There are a number of on-site drop-in sessions and an open day on Saturday 12 September.

For information and to complete an online feedback form visit Shape Auckland.

Vision Zero for Auckland

Fanshawe StreetOn 2 June 2015 Robert Su, 33 was heading home from work at the ASB bank to his family in Hillcrest. Like hundreds of commuters he was walking from Wynyard Quarter to the bus stops on Fanshawe Street. Tragically while crossing the road he was struck by a truck and killed. The exact details of the crash have not been released but it is highly likely that a range of factors were involved – speed, driver error, vehicle design,  road design, weather conditions. Flowers have been placed in memory of Mr Su at the pedestrian crossing.

The day after Mr Su’s death a woman was killed in Orewa as she crossed the road marking a week when two pedestrians were also seriously injured and a rider on his way to work was almost killed.  So far this year 14 pedestrians have been killed in NZ, 4 in the Auckland area.

Photo credit: @ByTheMotorway
Photo credit: @ByTheMotorway

What I find particularly tragic and frustrating about Mr Su’s death is that the road he was expected to cross is designed like a motorway for speed and traffic efficiency. For drivers coming off SH1 there are no clues that Fanshawe St is the gateway to the central city. For some time office blocks have been going up near by but no changes have been made to the road to respond to changing land use and the growing numbers of people walking (and cycling) through the area.

At a time when the Auckland Council family of organisations is working to make the city the most liveable in the world through a whole range of transformational projects we continue to let down our most vulnerable road users.   Improvements are definitely underway (eg removal of slip lanes in the city centre, complete street upgrades) and various campaigns take a safe systems approach to road safety supported by the NZ Police but what I think is missing is a comprehensive, everyone on board, Vision Zero  response where we, collectively as a city, do not consider any fatalities or serious injuries are acceptable or inevitable.

Letter to the NZ Herald 15 June 2015
Letter to the NZ Herald 15 June 2015  

I think Auckland needs to officially adopt Vision Zero (as the Mayor of NYC did in January 2014 ) with a clear action plan.  It will need support from politicians, traffic engineers, transport agencies, all road users and grassroots campaigners. Most importantly it will require a huge culture shift in our attitudes to driving  and acceptance that managing speeds is at the heart of improving safety.

There is strong community support for improving public transport and providing greater opportunities for active travel (as indicated by feedback on the Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan) but too often resistance if this means slowing down drivers. It is far too common to hear complaints that speed enforcement is “revenue raising” and politicians shy away from taking decisive action on speed control in the face of evidence and the recommendation of safety experts. 

 Vision Zero AKL – embracing street design, slower speeds, rules changes,  education and enforcement -I think could provide the right platform for far greater public support for the concept of putting the safety of people first.

In the meantime I think there is the need for immediate action focused on city centre streets so that no one needs to be put at risk of getting killed on their way home from work.

Fanshawe Street missing ped leg
Photo credit: @BytheMotorway
  • Remove motorway signage from Fanshawe St
  • Install the missing pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Fanshawe St and Halsey St (this needs to happen before the new Fonterra HQ opens)
  • Enforce the speed limit particularly on “motorway” style city streets like Fanshawe, Hobson and Nelson
  • Implement the 30km/h speed limit for the City Centre and Wynyard Quarter (as proposed in the City Centre masterplan)
  • Repair the urban fabric of the city where footpaths connections are missing 
  • Target road safety campaigns

(this is my initial list as a non expert – I am sure there are many more actions requiring immediate attention)

Update 17 July 2016 

I’ve joined the call to for Vision Zero to be adopted for NZ to bring down road toll 

More reading

 Five key lessons from Europe’s Vision Zero Success

1) Managing speeds — and speed differentials — is a top priority

In all three of these countries, the leaders of traffic safety efforts emphasize that managing speed is the number one determinant in their successes in improving safety.

Over the past 15 years, the national governments of Sweden, the Netherlands, and Germany have all proactively and systematically changed their approaches to speed. Each nation (to differing degrees, but all significantly) has lowered speed limits for a clearly defined hierarchy of roads and corresponding speeds. For instance, the Netherlands has shifted…

  • from 50 kilometers per hour (kph) to 30 kph on smaller, residential streets;
  • from 70 kph to 50 kph on bigger, or what we’d consider arterial roads; and
  • from 100 kph to 70 kph on the freeway-like roads outside cities.

In each of the three nations, nearly everyone I’ve spoken with credits speed management as the greatest contributor to their success in improving safety on the streets and saving more lives.

A progressive transport agenda

Labour transport panel with Patrick ReynoldsOn 23 May I took part in a panel discussion with Patrick Reynolds (Transport Blog contributor) and Phil Twyford MP (Labour’s Transport spokesperson) on the future of transport in Auckland.

The event was organised by the Auckland Isthmus Labour Hub and MC’ed by Labour MP Jacinda Ardern.

We were asked to start the discussion by each presenting our thoughts on what a progressive agenda for Auckland’s Transport should look like, and what we need to get there.  

Thank you to Auckland Isthmus Labour Hub for organising this evenings event and for the invitation to take part on the panel.

I’d like to bring a local board member perspective to the discussion.

Firstly a confession – I don’t ride a bike because I am an evangelical greenie on 2 wheels I actually ride a bike because I am just a lazy transport user. I get door to door parking, and hardly ever have to walk!

When I started out as transport advocate about 7 years ago one of the first politicians I met said to me that no one will ever cycle in Auckland because it is too hilly and it rains too much.

That same politician is now “leader of the opposition” on the Waitemata Local Board.  And he is now very much in the minority as what I would call a “mono-modal-list”. Of 7 members on the Board  5 are truly multi-modal – users of PT and active transport.

This is by way of introduction to bring me to a few comments I would like to make about what I think is a progressive transport agenda, how that is starting to be embraced in Auckland but what is needed to actually get there. I think a positive transformation has been happening not just with the make up of elected reps (on Waiheke I hear board members are 100% e-bike users!) but in Auckland’s transport usage & attitudes.

Where Aucklanders have been provided choice they are showing they are not DNA programmed to just drive cars (as we’ve been led to believe) and they are also saying they want options. For example:

  • At the last census 51% of Waitemata residents didn’t drive to work in a private motor vehicle
  • There are more people arriving into the city centre in the morning peak by PT than car
  • Over 50% of households in the city centre don’t even have access to a car
  • 60% of Aucklanders  say they would cycle if it felt safe to do so

So when I think of a  progressive transport agenda it is definitely about PT and active transport and the Government getting seriously on board with funding (key elements that Patrick and Phil highlighted in their opening remarks).

But I think a progressive agenda goes much further so that kids can actually retake the streets. Walkable communities, slower speeds, the re-prioritisation of road space, accessible mobility, changes to the give way rules to favour pedestrians,  NYC- style “vision zero” where we don’t accept any fatalities as “normal” and a “complete” street design approach every time so streets are usable by all ages and abilities regardless of the mode of transport.  

I am backing this kind of progressive transport agenda because of the environmental, social, economic and health benefits it will unleash (and the promise of a happy city as we’ve heard about at the recent Auckland Conversations! )

Of course I’m presuming everyone here knows the theory and have heard the successes from places like NYC, Portland, London, Copenhagen, Melbourne that have adopted truly “progressive” agendas . [But then I could be wrong you could be all  thinking progressive means self driving transport pods and monorails! ].

I think we’ve started to make some significant steps in Auckland towards a progressive transport agenda – and not just in the city centre. 

A big factor has been the super city structure and the separation of politicians from every day transport decisions  [confession number 2 I am a big fan of the super city ] We forget how dire it was when Auckland city council’s transport decisions used to be made by politicians from Remuera.  

We definitely still have a long way to go.  It has been over 4 years of frustratingly hard work getting Auckland Transport’s agenda to align with local priorities and for AT to  stop building business as usual crap.    I think the ship is turning but delivery and leadership is still a big issue. And it doesn’t help that central government is clearly calling the shots in the background.

But no amount of government funding or alignment is going to help us achieve a progressive agenda if we haven’t brought the community along with us.  And I think this is one aspect of what we need to get there.

I think Aucklanders over all want the big picture of a world class PT  [ that Patrick/Phil describes] but just not the progressive package if it means the removal of parking on their street, speed bumps, speed cameras on their route to work  or an apartment block next door.  To give one example. Auckland Transport is trying to implement a complete street design for Franklin Road – everything can be catered for including parking but the residents don’t want it because of concerns about the dangers of leaf fall and the safety of  cyclelanes.

We have some ways to go before we are YIMBIES for a progressive transport agenda in our neighbourhood.  But I do take comfort from what Janette Sadik-Khan (former Commissioner of Transport for NYC) said on her visit here that people are actually ahead of the politicians and press. She said what worked in NYC was lots of public consultation and lots of data.

To conclude: we need to know what a progressive agenda looks like (One indicator I have given for being able to recognise what this is is when we see kids playing in the streets); the community has to buy it;   Central government has to come to the party with funding and alignment; but we have to ensure a strong progressive Council – Mayor, Councillors and Local Board members – is elected next year to continue the work that has been started over the last 5 years and is committed to delivering on the ground.

After the panelists spoke a lively discussed followed with questions from the floor.

[Note: City vision is a coalition of Labour, Green and community independents. I do not belong to a political party. The views expressed are my own and not City Vision policy]

Fixing the traffic in a successful city

Fixing Auckland's transportThe Council’s consultation on the 10 year budget (Long Term Plan) has been a catalyst for a wide-ranging conversation about our city’s transport priorities and investment.  “Fixing Transport” is highlighted as one of the 4 key issues facing Auckland.

The Mayor has led the way in asking Aucklanders to consider the choices.  Do we accept a basic transport network which costs less, or do we invest more to get the advanced transport programme set out in the 30-year vision for our region known as the Auckland Plan. The Auckland Plan transport network includes the new roads, rail, ferries, busways and cycleways our city desperately needs. (From Council’s consultation material)

I was on the panel for the Auckland Conversation event  Fixing Auckland’s Transport – the 10 year budget  (as a local board member and member of the Urban Cycling Investment panel) to discuss the transport options. 

The MC Fran O’Sullivan asked panelists to consider a few points that we wished to get across. Here are mine in a bit more detail than discussed on the night . I’ve also referenced the quotes that I referred to.

What do we really mean by “Fixing” Auckland’s transport.

  •  Brent Toderian (Vancouver’s former Chief Planner and an Auckland Conversations presenter ) says “you can’t fix traffic in a successful city – you have to change it”.
  •  “fixing” is unlikely to result in “getting the traffic moving” for all trips ie there will always be congestion at peak for single occupancy private vehicles.  
  •  in order to fix transport we need to re-think mobility and provide transport choice  (As Florian Lennert presented at the the Velo city conference last year – the future of transport is “multi-modal sustainable mobility” ). If people are provided safe, effective transport choices it will create more space on the road for the vehicles that need to be there which benefits everyone. 

Efficient & smart investment

  •  The presentation of 2 stark choices has been great for forcing the debate about much needed transport investment (and I applaud the Mayor for leading that debate) but I think we have been provided with a Hobson’s choice on the 2 plans.  All the benefits for active transport/PT are locked up in the Advanced transport programme (that also included low value roading projects)
  • Either alternative funding option is going to take at least 2 years to implement so we have to get the “basic” plan right in the meantime to meet Local Board priorities.  Can’t have a basic plan that doesn’t provide for “basic” community needs. Eg There is no cycling investment in the first 3 years of the basic plan – this is unacceptable ( feedback so far shows strongest support for AT to focus more on cycling)
  • Also if cycling investment not included in the final transport programme Auckland cannot leverage off the Urban Cycling Investment Fund established last year by the Govt- there is $90m available over the next 3 years with up to 50% ear marked for Auckland if a local contribution is available
  • There is huge demand for transport choices to include cycling and there has never been a better time to invest in cycling but the current AT investment proposal in draft RLTP means Auckland is going to miss out on the funds available

The investment model

  • I agree we need funding for transport investment other than from rates but we are letting the Government off the hook. The Government needs to bring forward their contribution on the CRL and fund PT investment in the same way as state highways – this would be a game changer for the transport budget and the level of alternative funding required
  • I accept that there is a transport investment funding gap that can not be met out of rates. I support that gap being met from fuel tax as the most preferred option. From a local board perspective motorway tolling is not desirable because of the administration cost, impact on low income households and the negative impact on local roads.

Efficient & smart investment

  • Even if we agree on alternative funding I think we have been provided with a Hobson’s choice on the 2 plans.  All the benefits for active transport/PT are locked up in the alternative funding plan
  • Either alternative funding option is going to take at least 2 years to implement so we have to get the “basic” plan right in the meantime.  Can’t have a basic plan that doesn’t provide for “basic” community needs. Eg There is no cycling investment in the first 3 years of the basic plan – this is unacceptable ( feedback so far shows strongest support for AT to focus more on cycling)
  • Also if cycling investment not included in the basic plan Auckland cannot leverage off the Urban Cycling Investment Fund established last year by the Govt- there is $90m available this financial year with up to 50% ear marked for Auckland if a local contribution is available
  • Key point – there is huge demand for transport choices to include cycling and there has never been a better time to invest in cycling but the current AT investment proposal in draft RLTP means Auckland is going to miss out on the funds available

In my concluding comments I mentioned that the Waitemata Local Board has committed to being a UNICEF accredited child- friendly area. At the heart of the initiative is controlling speed and creating an environment where kids are invited to sit, play and walk.  I quoted Rodney Tolley who said at a recent Child Friendly Waitemata workshop that “a walking city is a paradise for kids” 

I think we often forget who we are building a city for and our focus should be on making the city a great place for children (so far we have let traffic engineers design it to the detriment of everyone). 

More on the transport discussion

Transport Blog – Is PT, Walking and Cycling Advocacy “Leftist” 

Submit for an essential budget 

Council’s online submission form 

Open letter to a car addicted city – Brent Toderian’s letter to Perth (but equally relevant to Auckland)

Monthly Board Report February 2015

This is my first report for 2015 covering highlights from December 2014 and January 2015.

Welcome Queens WharfOpening up the city centre to people

Despite the transport messaging that the Central City was “closed” the streets of Lower Queen St and Quay St were very much full and open to people over Auckland anniversary weekend.

I enjoyed the impressive 3 days of events for Auckland 175th birthday that included the Waitematā Local Board supported International Buskers Festival and the Story of Auckland in Shed 10 (I attended the launch of both). It was great see so many people enjoying the waterfront and finding time to give feedback about improving the city centre.

The weekend really showed the huge potential for improving downtown by re-prioritising road space.

Saving the Pohutukawa 6

I have provided regular updates on the Board’s opposition to Auckland Transport’s proposal to remove 6 mature Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road. The latest update is attached (ATTACHMENT A) following on from the Commissioners decision on 17 December to recommend removal.

Cycling & walking investment

I am really delighted to have been appointed to the Urban Cycling Investment Panel by the Transport Minister on the recommendation of LGNZ.  The launch of the urban cycling programme was held on 30 January 2015 on the old Nelson St motorway off- ramp (ATTACHMENT B). I attended the first meeting of the panel in Wellington on 8 December.

causeway opening group2015 is going to be the year to celebrate new cycling infrastructure in Auckland starting on 20 January when I joined the Albert- Eden community, Cycle Action, David Shearer MP and NZTA to celebrate the opening of the new causeway bridge on the NW cycleway.

The much anticipated and beautifully constructed Westhaven Promenade opened at the end of January. It is perfect for cycling with children in a safe, attractive environment but still needs to be connected to all the way to Silo Park. Auckland Transport announced on 30 January that Westhaven promenade January 2015construction of the final leg of the shared path on Westhaven Drive continuing along Beaumont Street is starting in February with a completion date in March (the shared path is intended as an interim measure).

Over the summer break I enjoyed one of the many cycling adventures now possible in Auckland (ATTACHMENT C)

Speed enforcement

In response to the many unjustified and ill-informed attacks over the summer on the NZ Police in response to speed limit enforcement I decided to write up my personal experience that influences my personal support for the safer systems approach to road safety (ATTACHMENT D). On the positive side I think there is a growing demand for slower speeds especially on residential streets and in the city centre.

Kelmarna Community Gardens

I attended the Kelmarna Community Gardens Trust public meeting on 29 January that gathered people together to reflect on their connections to the garden and to help plan the future now that Framework has withdrawn as a tenant.

It was an incredibly positive, well attended meeting demonstrating a huge amount of support for the gardens to continue as an organic farm with a place for everyone.  The Trust, with the assistance from Council officers, is considering options for managing the gardens going forward.

Everyday is your chance to make this city a little betterPlacemaking

The January Inner City Network meeting was hosted by Waterfront Auckland. Frith Walker gave an excellent presentation on placemaking that inspired the many people who attended to consider what it is possible to achieve in Auckland with clear vision and creativity.

Way finding

Street signage has been a topical local issue over the summer in response to Auckland Transport’s trial new signs on city streets (so far mainly in the Fort St no exitAlbert- Eden area). The Board has not yet been asked to give formal feedback on the design.  In the meantime I continue to push for way finding signage for pedestrians and cyclists on streets that are only NO EXIT for vehicles (such as on Fort St).

I was impressed to see the new way finding signs that have gone up in Myers Park. They are clear and well-designed providing a best practice template for future way finding designs.

Berm planting

At the Board’s December meeting we passed the following resolution in an attempt to progress Auckland Transport’s draft guidelines to encourage responsible plantings on grass verges. In the meantime “happy berms” have appeared over the summer.

Some of the events I attended during December and January

Grey Lynn library cake cuttingThe centenaries of Parnell Pool and the Tepid Baths were celebrated in December and the Grey Lynn Library’s 90th birthday.

Mayoral Reception on the occasion of the Battle of the River Plate 75th anniversary commemoration with the remaining 5 survivors.

The final Citizenship Ceremonies of 2014 were held on 1 December at the Town Hall (I was in the official party for the afternoon ceremony)

Auckland put on a beautiful morning for the Ironman 70.3 on the waterfront. I attended the welcome function on 16 January.

I attended the Breakers game on Friday 23rd January as a guest of the Mayor

It was sad to farewell Chris Davidson at the end of January as the CEO, Parnell Trust but he leaves the Trust in great shape.


Urban Cycleways investment underway

Transport Minister Simon Bridges, Mayor Len Brown and NZTA CEO, Geoff Dangerfield
Transport Minister Simon Bridges, Mayor Len Brown and NZTA CEO, Geoff Dangerfield

On 30 January on the old Nelson St motorway off-ramp the Minister of Transport announced the first package of projects to receive funding as part of the government’s $100 million Urban Cycleways programme. He also announced the Urban Cycleways Investment Panel that will recommend projects to the Minister.  I’m delighted to have been appointed as one of 5 panel members representing LGNZ. 

An exciting new cycleway on the redundant off -ramp (a project included in the City Centre Masterplan) connecting Upper Queen Street with Quay St via Nelson St is one of the projects to receive Urban Cycleways funding from the first tranche of projects.

Ministry of Transport Media Release: 30 January 2015

Panel Members Richard Leggert and Pippa Coom
Panel Members Richard Leggert and Pippa Coom

First set of Urban Cycleways projects announced

Transport Minister Simon Bridges today announced the first $37 million worth of cycleway projects to be rolled out across the country as part of the Government’s Urban Cycleways Programme.

First announced in August 2014, the $100 million Programme is designed to pull together a range of funding sources to invest in expanding and improving New Zealand’s cycling network.

“This is the beginning of a programme that will change the face of cycleways in New Zealand using clever funding leveraging.

By pulling together multiple funding sources, the Urban Cycleways Programme will get high-quality projects underway much sooner than may otherwise have been the case.

The Government’s Urban Cycleways Fund will contribute $9.92 million, with

Nelson St off ramp before/after - City Centre Masterplan image
Nelson St off ramp before/after – City Centre Masterplan image

another $21.12 million coming from the National Land Transport Fund, and $6.26 million from local government and other contributions,” Mr Bridges says.

This year, those sources have made available a total of $37,295,000.

When completed, the Urban Cycleways Programme will have supported the investment of up to $320 million, over four years, to create a safe, user-friendly cycleway network across the country.

“The Urban Cycleways Fund will accelerate the first set of 13 projects, which will get underway in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, and almost all will be completed over the next 6-9 months,” Mr Bridges says.

“The projects I am announcing today have been prioritised because of their value to commuter cyclists, and their additional benefits to recreational riders.

“Further projects to receive funding from the remaining $90 million in the Urban Cycleways Fund will be announced later this year,” Mr Bridges says.

Urban Cycleways Programme projects are decided by the Minister of Transport, on the recommendation of the Urban Cycleways Investment Panel.

The Panel has been selected to assess the projects and prioritise funding.

The Panel members are:

  • Cynthia Bowers, Deputy Mayor of Hastings
  • Glen Koorey, Senior Lecturer in Transportation Engineering at the University of Canterbury
  • Richard Leggett, Director of Cycling NZ and Chair of the Cycling Safety Panel
  • Pippa Coom, Deputy Chair of the Waitemata Local Board
  • Mike James, General Manager Road and Rail, Ministry of Transport
  • Dave Brash, Group Manager Planning and Investment, New Zealand Transport Agency.

For further information on the Urban Cycleways Programme the ,

Projects to be accelerated in 2014/15:


Monthly Board report June 2014

Ko Te Kai a Te Rangatira – Ko te kai a te rangatira, he korero

(The sustenance of leaders are conversations)

Ko te  tohu o te rangatira, he manaaki

(The mark of leaders is generosity)

Ko te  mahi a te rangatira, he whakatira i te iwi

(The work of leaders is to unite the people)

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during May 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.

Portfolio Report: Community

Community Grants

The Waitemata Local Board Community Grants Committee met in May to consider applications to the fourth and final round of the 13/14 community grants fund.

The recommendations of the committee are on the June agenda of the Waitematā Local Board.


Deborah Yates HNZ meetingIn May we were able to celebrate the decision by Council and the Government to not include Spring St pensioner housing in the list of Special Housing Areas that would have allowed for fast track development (and resulted in the eviction of elderly tenants who were guaranteed a flat for life when the housing was bought from the old Auckland City Council).

It was also a win of sorts that, with the support of the Board, the Great North Road ridge was declared a Special Housing Area but unfortunately too late for the Arch Hill residents who are fighting the big box Bunnings development.

However as was discussed at the public meeting I attended on 10 May (facilitated by Board member Deborah Yates) there is still a great deal of uncertainty and anger about HNZ’s current approach to removing tenants which will have a big impact on the diversity our community.

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings were attended during May relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Portfolio report:  Transport

Upper Queen Street Bridge – Grafton Gully cycleway connection

Upper Queen Street Bridge DesignEarlier this year we discovered that the City Centre Transformation team were not looking to deliver the connection between the Grafton Gully cycleway and Ian McKinnon Drive on the Upper Queen Street bridge until 15/16 despite the cycleway being due to be opened by NZTA in September this year (and despite a budget being available for the project)

Fortunately the escalation of this issue has had results and the good news is that the connection will be ready in time!  After reviewing the design (right) the transport portfolio has requested a drinking station be incorporated, that pedestrians/riders have priority phasing of the lights and that all steps be taken to ensure way finder signage is installed in time for the opening

Legible Auckland

I continue to log requests for pedestrian signage on streets with NO EXIT signage that in fact have walkway access.

No exit St Marys RoadAuckland Transport has confirmed the following streets will receive “walkway” signs:

  • Sheridan Lane, Freemans Bay
  • Gwilliam Place, Freemans Bay
  • Pratt Street, Freemans Bay
  • Samoa House Lane
  • Sylvan West Avenue (Albert – Eden Local Board area)
  • Cheshire Street, Parnell
  • Wharf Road, Herne Bay
  • Bayfield Road, Herne Bay
  • Prosford Road, Ponsonby

There are still many signs on poles that need to be updated with the correct walkway information such as this one on St Marys Bay road.

Auckland Transport Parking Discussion Document

The consultation on Auckland Transport’s parking discussion document went live on 31 May and will be open for feedback until the end of June.

For more on the parking issues and the parking strategy proposed by Auckland Transport refer “Getting Parking Right for Auckland” 

Monthly transport update

A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 21 May. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Other board activities

Local Board Plan

During May I have been assisting with finalising our draft Local Board Plan that will go out for consultation on 7 July (the draft is on our June agenda). I’ve also been working on a very exciting event for the launch of our plan. Details will be available shortly.

Janette Sadik- Khan visits Auckland

Pippa Coom, Janette Sadik-Khan , Mayor Len Brown and Nic Williams from Frocks on bikesA big highlight of May was Janette Sadik-Khan’s visit to Auckland. The transport revolutionary presented “Designing Streets for People” to a record breaking Auckland Conversation audience.  How the streets of New York were transformed while she was NYC commissioner of transportation from 2007 – 2013 under Mayor Bloomberg, is an amazing story and provides a great deal of inspiration for what we can achieve in Auckland.

Best of all she had time for a Frocks on Bikes ride after doing a walkabout with the Mayor.

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 May – 31 May I attended:

Effective Meetings for Local Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs – a very useful session looking at styles and approaches that help meetings to run smoothly and generate decisions.

  • Local Board workshop on 6 May
  • Community Development portfolio discussion on 6 May
  • Presentation to PBA members on the feedback received on the draft Ponsonby Road master plan on 7 May
  • Site visit for the Cowie Street Road Extension / Newmarket Level Crossing project (Parks and Transport portfolios) on 8 May
  • Meeting with Ashley Church, Newmarket Business Association
  • Local Government New Zealand Zone 1 meeting in Whangerei on 9 May
  • Housing public meeting at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 10 May
  • Meeting with Alan Pack regarding a new underpass design for the Newmarket Level Crossing
  • Communications meeting on 12 May
  • Attended the St James Theatre site visit with the Mayor and Councillors (ahead of the governing body’s confidential agenda item on the future of the St James)
  • Open Streets Initiatives in NZ  The gateway drug for walking, cycling and connecting communities– watched the webinar with Christopher Dempsey and Vernon Tava
  • Catch up with Heart of the City
  • Briefing: Downtown Shopping Centre Block Re-development Future Options for Queen Elizabeth Square Report on 13 May
  • Meeting with Luka Hinse regarding a Pecha Kucha collaboration for launching the local board plan
  • Auckland Transport parking strategy workshop for elected representatives on 13 May
  • Planning meeting for Local Board plan pop-ups
  • Waitemata Local Board business meeting at Parnell on 13 May
  • Briefing on Pioneer Womens Hall on 14 May
  • Catch-up  with Alex Williams, SBN to discuss Project NZ and social enterprise in Waitemata
  • Ponsonby Road master plan meeting
  • Meeting to go over feedback on the draft local board plan
  • Auckland Development Committee workshop re Downtown Shopping Centre redevelopment & Waitemata Local Board
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 17 May
  • Local Economic Development workshop with Councillors and Local Board members
  • Central Joint Funding Committee Workshop – Auckland City Cultural Heritage Fund applications
  • Meeting to sign off on Waitemata Local Board plan
  • Maori Responsiveness training for elected members on Te Kai-A-Te Rangatira:  Building relationships with Māori – a forum for elected members to raise questions, share ideas and converse with Council’s subject matter experts (I learnt the Whakatauki that starts my report at this session)
  • Meeting to discuss community-led place making with Parnell Community Committee (part of my Community-led development champions work stream) on 19 May
  • Meeting to approve the draft local board plan to be attached to our June agenda
  • Mayor Len Brown tour of Waitemata Local Board at Pt Erin Pools Waitemata Local Board workshop on 20 May
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, Bunnings and Arch Hill representatives regarding a proposal to remove the kerb extension on King Street
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board strategic planning session
  • Monthly transport portfolio meeting on 21 May
  • Mayoral Tour on 21 May including a visit to Pt. Erin Pools (photo right) and Art Station
  • Waitemata Local Board update Briefing from Waterfront Auckland
  • Meeting to finalise Local Board Plan summary
  • Waitemata Local Board Grants Committee meeting on 22 May
  • Auckland Transport’s public meeting on the Cowie Street bridge/Sarawia underpass at Jubilee Hall, Parnell on 22 May
  • Community place-making champions group meeting on 26 May

Events and functions

In the period 1 May – 31 May 2014 I attended:

  • Fair Trade Auckland celebration L-R Wayne Walker, Pippa Coom, Rose from Ghana and Penny HulseCycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 1 May
  • First Thursday on K’rd and K’rd and Newton Plans drop in session
  • POP project 02 / The Park / blessing of the hives in Victoria Park on 3 May
  • Judge for the regional New Zealand Environment Entrepreneurs on Sunday 4 May
  • Fair Trade Auckland event at Ponsonby Central (photo right)
  • Plastic bag Free Auckland meeting held at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • Te Kanano mobile ap launch at AUT
  • Artist Studio opening at 3 Ponsonby Road on 9 May
  • On Saturday 10 May visited the craft fair at Art Station, Station Square market, tree planting at Waipapa Stream with Parnell Heritage, members of the Board and community ; attended a Fair Trade afternoon tea, the Ponsonby Cruising  Club Art Auction exhibition and popped into the Pollen Hotel Workshop part of POP Projects 02: The Park
  • Launch of GridAKL, Wynyard Quarter on 16 May
  • Auckland Writers Festival event
  • TRENDZ conference launch, Viaduct Event Centre, hosted by ATEED
  • Janette Sadik-Khan bike ride with Frocks on BikesVelo –City conference meet- up for attendees from Auckland
  • Gathering for Janette Sadik-Khan sponsored by MR Cagney on 23 May
  • Taste Ponsonby – Ponsonby Primary fundraiser on 23 May
  • Popped into HACK AKL at AUT and the mini music festival on Lorne Street for NZ music month on 24 May
  • Frocks on Bikes ride with Janette Sadik-Khan
  • Auckland Conversation  presentation by Janette Sadik-Khan (NYC, Commissioner for Transportation 2007-2013) followed by dinner hosted by the Mayor
  • Velo-City Global 2014 Celebration of Cycling, Adelaide 27 -30 May (conference report back Attachment B)
  • Place making workshop with Ethan Kent on 30 May (to be reported back next month)

What my mum knows about cycling

Barbara Grace with her electric bikeMy mum, Barbara Grace, has had a lot of time to think about what would make Auckland a great place to cycle. When we immigrated to NZ in 1982 she brought her bike and since then hasn’t stopped cycling for transport around town. Today she has three bikes – her folding Brompton, her bike for performing with the Velociteers (New Zealand’s only synchronised cycling performance group ) and her electric bike which is her new pride and joy. She rarely uses her car as she also has a convenient bus stop right outside her house and a goldcard!

It wasn’t that long ago people used to say to her “I know you, you are the lady that cycles around Ponsonby” – she was recognised because so few people were on bikes. She has been waiting a long time for Aucklanders to appreciate the benefits of cycling and for the roads to feel safe for everyone.  She’s  had a few scary moments herself – most recently knocked off by a guy who “just didn’t see her” as he turned out of a side street into her path (despite being  “high viz” as she  was lit up like a Christmas tree).

Barbara Grace performing with the VelociteersSo my mum has been following with particular interest the recent debate about cycle safety following the tragic fatality in Parnell early in January. I think she nailed it with her most recent letter to the NZ Herald that was published last week.

Dear Editor

Thank you NZ Herald for having a week of bike related stuff.  So many opinions from the daft to the very useful.

This is what I know:

  • A small but significant proportion of all road users don’t  obey the rules and are ill-disciplined and arrogant. Trying to work out whether motorists or cyclists are worse is impossible and  pointless. An important difference is that its the motorists who  kill and injure on a regular basis.
  • Cyclists contribute as much as anyone to road maintenance etc. and provide a positive cost/benefit.
  • Because the number of cyclists is increasing all the time (hooray!) we need to get our act together and have bells and lights and show more respect to pedestrians.
  • Every year cycle tourists from overseas, leave NZ shaken and horrified at the way they were treated on the road, this is no help at all to our tourism industry.
  • In spite of the problems, cycling in Auckland is the most efficient and enjoyable way to get around the city.

Thank you

Barbara Grace

Barbara Grace taking part in the 2013 Pride Parade on her Brompton


Who will be Auckland’s Janette Sadik Khan?

Paul Steely WhiteCycle Action Auckland recently brought the executive director of Transportation Alternatives in New York, Paul Steely White to Auckland.

At a breakfast presentation hosted by AECOM and Heart of the City, Paul discussed what it had taken to start transforming New York into a cycling city.

He highlighted some keys to New York’s success:

  • Moving beyond “vehicular levels of service”  to wider benefits and modal targets which became possible after  Janette Sadik-Khan was made the Commission of Transport
  • Using other  metrics for measures of performance such as the number of seniors on a street because they want to be there
  • Taking a  “green paint” approach – for example the  quick and dirty work over of Times Square (which started as a trial but has now been made permanent because it was so successful)
  • Doing it quickly with public input a key part of the success (Janette Sadik-Khan’s mantra: Her mantra: Do bold experiments that are cheap to try out.)

Paul observed that Auckland felt like where New York was at 10 years ago.   So what is it going to take to transform Auckland? After being inspired by stories from New York I think we need our own Janette Sadik-Khan who can turn around the culture at Auckland Transport and provide visionary leadership.

From my experience on the Transport portfolio over the last three years I think that Auckland Transport is incapable at the moment of learning any of the lessons from New Year because the organization is fixated on providing a roading network only for efficient vehicle movements.  Cycling infrastructure is considered to be an optional extra and nice to have rather than integral to every transport project.  Auckland Transport is not even on track to meet the Auckland Plan targets for completing the Auckland Cycle Network.

The good news is that Paul Steely White saw signs that the “liveable streets revolution” is underway in Auckland and acknowledged the work of cycling advocates.  What we need now to actually make Auckland the world’s most liveable city with the most liveable streets is our own Janette Sadik-Khan.

Paul Steely White’s visit to Auckland

Auckland Conversation presentation on video

‘Heroic risks’ – US visitor marvels at perils of city cycling NZ Herald 11 October 2013

Kim Hill radio interview

Janette Sadik-Khan: New York’s Streets?  Not so mean anymore. Ted Talk September 2013