Chair’s Monthly Report May 2018

This report covers the period 11 April – 8 May 2018.  


10-year budget and Local Board priorities

The Waitematā Local Board received almost 1500 submissions on the Council’s 10-year budget and Local Board priorities. I enjoyed reading them all to understand concerns and what we need to improve on. It was also hugely encouraging to receive such positive feedback confirming we are heading in the right direction.

A summary of the feedback received was presented at a board business meeting on 3 May.  

Highlights include:

  • 72% support the regional fuel tax wanting the additional funding to be directed at improving public transport and walking & cycling
  • 81% support the proposed water quality targeted rate (to stop sewage going into the harbour)
  • 69% support natural environment targeted rate
  • 63% support the proposed rates increase of 2.5%
  • 83% support or partially support the local board’s priorities

Other themes

  • Support for additional Auckland Art Gallery funding of $20m
  • Support for Victoria Quarter city centre improvements
  • Support for Vision Zero to be included in the Auckland Plan 2050
  • Strong support for continuing to develop the Auckland cycling network with separated cycleways
  • Support for increased support to tackle rough sleeping and homelessness.

The Board’s feedback on the 10-year budget 2018-2028 and the draft Auckland Plan 2050 is available on the minutes to the 3 May meeting. We also approved our advocacy initiatives that will form an appendix to the Local Board Agreement 2018/2019.

Auckland Waste Management and Minimisation Plan

The draft waste plan was consulted on at the same time as the 10-year budget. We received 130 submissions from the board area.  There was a strong level of support for the overall direction of the draft plan and the proposals consulted on.

The board’s feedback (Attachment 1) was presented at the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan hearing on 3 May by the Natural Environment portfolio holders Denise Roche and Rob Thomas.

 Regional Land Transport Plan feedback

 The Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) lays out the vision for Auckland’s transport infrastructure over the next ten years- an accessible, safe and sustainable city and region.  The goal of the RLTP is to ensure that Auckland can address its current challenges and take advantage of future growth. The RLTP focuses on:

  • reducing congestion
  • improving freight reliability
  • road safety
  • promoting walking and cycling
  • advancing public transport.

The Board’s presentation to Regional Transport Committee hearing on the RLTP is attached (Attachment 2). The board’s submission will be finalised by 17 May.


We know from the feedback we regularly receive and through the 10-year Budget consultation that our residents would really like to see homelessness and rough sleeping tackled so we no longer have vulnerable people sleeping out on our streets.  The board has agreed to the following advocacy positions to be included in our Local Board Agreement 18/19.  At the same time we welcome the government’s announcement that $100m is to be invested in homelessness including an increase in the number of places available through Housing First, a solution that has been shown to work.

Housing solution for homeless people

Deliver short and medium-term housing solutions to address homelessness

  •  The Governing Body to partner with the Waitematā Local Board to enhance provision of city centre public facilities such as toilets, showers and lockers
  • The Governing Body to financially support the development of Mission HomeGround
  • The Governing Body to increase funding to support Housing First Auckland

Storm Damage

Auckland was hit by a severe storm on the evening of 10 April that caused wide spread power outages and the toppling of trees all over Auckland.  At Western Springs a number of large trees came down causing paths to be closed (the track through the Western Springs pine stand will remain closed while 30 pine trees are assessed that are at risk of toppling).   Our Auckland story on track closures: Attachment 3

Tree debris is being collected by Auckland Council’s contractor Ventia from the side of the road. There is currently a backlog that I have been advised should be cleared by the week beginning 14 May.

Auckland’s Road Safety Crisis

As reported on last month I attended the Road Safety Summit in Wellington called by the Associate Minister of Transport.

Tragically in the past three years, Auckland’s deaths and serious injuries (DSI) have increased at almost triple the rate of the rest of NZ and around five times the growth of travel. Of 29 world cities, Auckland has the second highest pedestrian fatality rate (Our Auckland story: Attachment 4).

Red light running is particularly an issue in the city centre. This has been highlighted at the intersection of Nelson Street and Union St on the Freemans Bay School walking route that has been subject of recent complaints (a video posted on social media showed seven drivers red light running in just one light phase). I have been following this up with AT and NZ Police who are yet to confirm what action is going to be taken.

I reported on road safety issues in the latest Ponsonby News update and the completion of the Ponsonby Pedestrian Improvement project (Attachment 5)

Monkey Bars are back in Grey Lynn Park

 The playground upgrade at Grey Lynn Park completed in November 2016 removed monkey bars from the design.  Following a petition from twins Ila and Jaya Patel (photo right) the Board agreed to fund new monkey bars.  The new equipment has now been installed (Our Auckland story: Attachment 6).

Meetings and workshops: 11 April until 8 May 2018

  • Weekly chair’s meeting held every Monday with the local board services team
  • Government Policy Statement on Land Transport – briefing session with transport strategy team on 12 April to discuss local board feedback
  • Catch up with Maggie Gresson, of Artists Alliance and board member Richard Northey
  • Meeting with Ian Clark (Director at Flow Transportation Specialists Ltd) on 12 April regarding Western Springs Precinct parking project
  • Breakfast meeting with Mark Ames from Strategic Cities hosted by Auckland Transport
  • Catch up with Jill Keyser from Splice on 13 April
  • April cluster workshop for local board members on 16 April
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 17 April
  • Meeting on 18 April to discuss local board advocacy items
  • Ports of Auckland presentation for board members on 19 April draft 30 year masterplan
  • Board all day workshops on 24 April, 1 May and 8 May
  • Inner city network meeting at Auckland Central Library on 26 April
  • Meeting to discuss representation review
  • Monthly comms meeting on 26 April
  • Regional Land Transport Plan briefing by Auckland Transport for local board members on 30 April
  • Finance and Performance committee workshop on 2 May: 10 year budget update
  • RLTP hearing on 7 May (Attachment 2)
  • Ponsonby Business Association board monthly meeting on 8 May

Events and functions:  11 April until 8 May 2018

  • Regional Facilities Auckland tour of the Civic Theatre and function for local board members and advisory panel members on 11 April (photo right)
  • How London became a cycling city presentation by Mark Ames from Strategic Cities hosted by Russell McVeagh
  • Launch on 13 April at the Cloud of a trial of two city centre e-buses by the Mayor and Associate Minister for Transport Julie-Anne Genter (photo below right)
  • Popped into the  Waitemata Safe Routes drop in session at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 14 April led by Boffa Miskell who have been engaged by Auckland Transport to lead a technical review of the Waitemata Safe Routes programme
  • Pump tracks are for girls too!” event with Sarah Walker organised by Women in Urbanism at the Grey Lynn pump track on 14 April
  • Eco Day Festival at EcoMatters on 15 April
  • Opening of Body Worlds Vital at the Hilton Hotel on 23 April
  • The opening night of Southern Star – Te Tonga Whetu o te Rangi on 24 April including live musical performances choreographed to architectural-scale, light artworks by Jeff Smith and Johann Nortje projected onto the historic brick and stone walls of St David’s. (My speech: Attachment 7)
  • Anzac day dawn service at the Auckland War Memorial Museum
  • Spoke on behalf of the board at the Grey Lynn RSC Anzac day service (My speech: Attachment 8). Photo below presenting the local board wreath with board member Denise Roche
  • Comedy Gala opening night on 26 April at the invitation of ATEED
  • Re-opening of the Richmond Road Medical Centre on 27 April by PM Jacinda Adern
  • Trash to Trade competition organised by Grey Lynn Waste Away at the Grey Lynn RSC on 29 April (photo below)
  • Mrs Warren’s profession opening night at the ASB Waterfront Theatre at the invitation of Auckland Theatre Company
  • Unveiling of Te Toka o Apihai Te Kawau by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Ports of Auckland on 4 May (photo right)
  • Foundation North lunch on 4 May to launch their Strategic Plan with the PM and Mayor Goff
  • Attended the Fossil Free Acceleration Tour with Bill McKibben and 350 Aotearoa at the Auckland Town Hall on 7 May
  • Feijoa Festival at Tabac, Mills Lane on 8 May

Photo right: Trash to Trade competition.  Grey Lynn 2030 trustee Brigette Stigid with board member Denise Roche who spoke at the event and board member Adriana Avendaño Christie who was one of the judges, alongside Metal as Anything Creations‘ Andrew Palace. The established artisans category was won by Jared Diprose from Goose Boards the new designer category by Fiona Bonner from Floroganza, and the young makers category by Briar Shaw-Smith.


Chair’s monthly report March 2018

This report covers the period 12 February until 12 March 2018. This report is on the agenda of the Board’s March business meeting.

First board meeting of 2018 held on 20 February. ( Photo taken after we thanked Democracy Advisor Sibyl Mandow for her work for the board before moving to a new role in Council. Member Rob Thomas gave apologies for leaving early)



Have your say month

A massive Council “Have your Say” month of consultation got underway on 28 February.  This is the opportunity every three years to look in depth at Auckland’s 10-year budget.  As part of this budget cycle local priorities for the next financial year 18/19 are also up for discussion.

Over the month the Board is hosting two public meetings, a hearing and four pop in sessions at local libraries (my own summary of the consultation)

International delegation

We hosted the first international delegation to visit Waitemata Local Board on 28 February. Hon Andrew Solomon Napuat Minister of Internal Affairs, Mrs Cherol Alanavibori Director General, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Mr Edward Kaltamat Director of Local Authorities from Vanuatu discussed local planning, funding and community engagement with board members.

 Transport projects:

 Karangahape Road Enhancement Project

The board has confirmed our strong support for this project to proceed.

We have however raised our concerns regarding the development response and project communications. We received reassurances that this joint AT and Auckland Council (with additional government funding) is being coordinated by the Development Programme Office (DPO) including the development response.  This will see to the planning, development and communication on the numerous projects in the precinct managed in a holistic way

The project team has now taken steps to progress a development response action plan with the K’road business association and to ensure the project is successfully delivered with minimal business disruption. Construction is due to start on this transformational and long awaited project at the end of 2018.  The latest update is available on AT’s website.

Consultation on a parking plan to maximise parking options in and around Karangahape Road once the enhancements project is complete is currently under consultation until 1 April. It looks to maximise parking availability and turnover by prioritising short stay parking and loading zone access in peak time.

AT has confirmed the following parking changes are proposed.

Number of on-street car parks currently Number of on-street car parks post-project
Off-peak hours 501 483
Peak hours 485 416


Number of loading zones currently Number of loading zones post-project
Off-peak hours 55 62
Peak hours 52 44

In addition, the parking plan has highlighted the opportunities for improving turnover of 70 existing car parks that are currently unrestricted and 53 car parks in an AT controlled car park on Upper Queen Street.

A parking plan (currently under consultation) to ensure the effective management of the available parking together with a package of assistance should respond to retailer concerns and allow the project to progress with the welcomed support from the KBA.

Waitemata Safe Routes update

 Community Liaison Group meetings for the Richmond Road and Garnet Road routes got underway on 12 February. Both meetings were very well attended and the new process to review the design positively supported by the majority of attendees. The Community Liaison Groups have been established to:

  • Ensure that those organisations or groups with an interest in the project are involved in its development
  • Ensure the project accurately reflects community aspirations and delivers established objectives and design principles

I am the board’s representative on both groups.  Member Rob Thomas is also on the Garnet Road CLG.

Franklin Road upgrade

 At the community liaison group meeting on 13 March Auckland Transport provided an update on progress so far:


  • 20 New stormwater manholes installed
  • 40 New stormwater catch pits installed
  • 440m of new Stormwater main installed in the middle of the road
  • 350m of new catch pit leads installed

Vector ducting complete. New cabling installation in progress.

The new Wellington St/England St roundabout is expected to be completed in April 2018 (photo right). The design is the first of its kind in Auckland to incorporate traffic calming, cyclelanes, high quality materials and street greening.    The project has an overall competition target of mid 2019.  More project details on the AT website.

Further transport updates are available on the AT monthly report to the board.

Western Springs Native bush regeneration project

The Waitemata Local Board has a long standing community project to regenerate an area of native bush in Western Springs with improved tracks for bush walks. The consistent advice we’ve received is that before any track work can be undertaken the 80 year old pine stand behind the zoo needs to be removed because the trees are failing and pose a risk.

Details of the project are being finalised and will be made publicly available shortly (there will also be consultation on the planting and track design) but I recently provided an update via Facebook because I received a complaint on 2 March that Council was committing “eco rape” by felling one of the pine trees. The Council arborist advised the work involved removal of a hazardous and 90% dead pine tree. The Council arborist logged this following a regular monthly inspection and organised the immediate removal without referring it to the board. The arborist has confirmed that the trees are well beyond their 80-year life expectancy and are declining rapidly with regular branch and whole tree failure occurring.

Regular maintenance and occasional removal of unstable trees is required for safety reasons with no viable alternative. The recent incident in Rotorua involving the failure of a tree that resulted in a death has highlighted the need to respond appropriately to recognized risks.

I am also advised that it is considered unlikely (as claimed by the complainant) that white-faced heron nest in the pines given the general lack of foliage and exposed nature of the trees. Tree works are generally only scheduled outside the nesting season unless required for safety reasons


Last month I reported on issues with the poor standard of maintenance that needs to be addressed in Waitemata.

Community Facilities has also undertaken to address the weeds in Rose Road Gully. (Photo right board member Adriana Christie attacks the weeds that are strangling native trees)

 Emergency preparedness

Following the Emergency Preparedness workshop held on the 31 January at the Waitematā Local board office, a Waitematā Facilities Network workshop was held on 22 February to explore what facilities can contribute and what is needed as part of this network.

The outcome we are hoping to achieve from a Facilities Network in Waitematā is to empower our communities to enhance resilience to disasters and the impact of climate change:

  • Support educational programmes to prepare our communities for disasters and the impact of climate change
  • Identify key locations in our community as civil defence information centres

Meetings and workshops: 12 February until 13 March 2018

  • Weekly chair’s meeting held every Monday with the local board services team
  • Board all day workshops on 13, 27 February and 6, 13 March
  • Parnell Plan working group meetings on 12 February and 12 March
  • Chair’s Forum on 12 February and 12 March
  • Ponsonby Business Association committee meetings held on 13 February and 13 March
  • Domain Committee agenda run through meeting on 13 February
  • Trafinz Executive Committee meeting on 14 February
  • Monthly comms update meeting on 14 February
  • Domain committee walking tour and business meeting held in Parnell on 14 February
  • Grey Lynn business Association committee meeting on 15 February
  • Heart of the City annual results presentation to local board members by Viv Beck, CEO on 15 February.
  • Meeting on 16 February with Westfield, Newmarket Business Association, Auckland Transport, and Development Programme Office representatives to discuss potential upgrade of Nuffield Street
  • Community Reference Group meetings for Garnet Road and Richmond Road held at Auckland Transport on 16 February
  • Regional local board cluster workshop on 19 February
  • Local board business meeting on 20 February
  • Waitemata Facilities Network (Emergency Management) Workshop on 21 February at Ellen Melville Centre
  • Grey Lynn Park Multipurpose Facility Briefing on 21 February
  • Auckland Domain bus service briefing by Auckland Transport for the Domain committee and board members on 21 February
  • Attended the governing body meeting on 22 February at the Town Hall for the swearing in of Councillor Josephine Bartley (photo right)
  • Inner City Network Meeting on 22 February
  • Franklin Road lights debrief meeting on 23 February
  • Meeting on 23 February with the board’s engagement adviser to discuss the 10 year budget consultation
  • Catch up with Barbara Ward and Therese Colgan, Mt Albert Electorate Office on 23 February
  • LGNZ Governance & Strategy Advisory Group meeting in Wellington on 26 February
  • LGNZ roadshow briefing to local board members on 28 February
  • Hosted the Vanuatu delegation at the board office on 28 February
  • Meeting with Italian festival organiser on 28 February
  • Morning tea for the departing Board’s engagement adviser
  • Meeting with Derek Handley, sponsor of Active Citizen on 1 March
  • Comms meeting on 1 March
  • Tour of the Auckland City Mission premises at 140 Hobson Street on 1 March and presentation on their project Mission HomeGround
  • LGNZ Zone 1 meeting at the Town Hall on 2 March
  • Leadership for Chairs programme: Session two on 5 March
  • Meeting with the Herne Bay Residents Association on 9 March
  • Local Board briefing by Healthy Waters on 35 year stormwater discharge consents
  • Victoria Quarter transformation meeting with representative from Sugar Tree apartments on 9 March
  • Franklin Road Community Reference Group meeting at Auckland Transport on 13 March

Events and functions:  12 February until 13 March 2018

  • Go by Bike Day on 14 February at Silo Park (coffee and muffin provided by Auckland Transport)
  • Opening of Pā Rongorongo – Citizens Information Hub at Griffith Gardens on 15 February (photo right the Mayor cutting the ribbon)
  • YMCA Auckland City Stadium Re-Opening on 15 February
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks on 15 February
  • Spoke at the Bike to the Future bike ride and petition presentation to Auckland Transport organised by Generation Zero on 17 February (photo right)
  • By-election day on 17 February celebrated the successful election of City Vision’s Denise Roche (photo below)
  • Celebrated Pride Parade on Ponsonby Road in the Glamstand at the invitation of the Pride Trust on 17 February
  • Attended Myers Park Medley hosted by the Waitemata Local Board on 18 February
  • Opening of the Fringe Festival on 19 February
  • Auckland Foundation function on 21 February with guest speaker Celia Caughey, City Mission Trustee
  • New Zealander of the Year Awards dinner on 22 February at the invitation of the University of Auckland
  • Joined mana whenua and Cr Desley Simpson for the pouwhiri at the opening of the Volvo Ocean Race Village on 24 February
  • Repair Café hosted by Grey Lynn 2030 at Westerns Springs Community Hall on 24 February
  • Waireka Festival and tour of the Sanctuary Gardens at Unitec on 24 February
  • Japan Festival Opening at Shed 10 on 25 February
  • Officiated at the Citizenship Ceremony at the Town Hall on 28 February
  • Opening of the Lantern Festival on 28 February at the Auckland Domain (photo right)
  • Opening of the Auckland Arts Festival Playground festival garden at Silo Park on 7 March
  • International Womens Day breakfast hosted by Central City Library to watch livestreamed directly from Parliament in Wellington (hosted by the Minister for Women, Julie-Anne Genter), keynote speakers include Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy and former Prime Minister Helen Clark, in a conversation with Dr Gill Greer, Chief Executive of the National Council for Women.
  • Speaker at Zonta’s International Womens Day celebration at Ellen Melville Centre on 8 March
  • Eru Dangerspiel at the Playground, Silo Park at the invitation of the Auckland Arts Festival on 8 March

10 year budget consultation events

  • Presented to the Inner City Network Meeting on 22 February
  • Gave a presentation to Parnell Rotary’s breakfast meeting on 28 February
  • Attended Auckland Conversations: Transport  on 28 February Bernard Hickey was joined by Auckland Mayor Phil Goff and a panel of industry experts to discuss and debate Auckland’s transport challenges and the potential solutions available.
  • Attended the Pasifika fono at Western Springs Community Hall on 5 March
  • Presented at the Grey Lynn public meeting hosted by the Board with the Grey Lynn Residents’ Association on 8 March
  • Radio Interview with Julie Fairey on Red Alert Radio on the topic of the 10 year budget
  • Presented to the Grafton Residents Association monthly meeting on 12 March

Have your say month: feedback time on issues and priorities for Auckland

A massive Council “Have your Say” month of consultation is underway (28 Feb -28 March).  This is the opportunity every three years to look in depth at Auckland’s 10-year budget.  As Aucklanders we have major decisions to make about how we fund the infrastructure needed to deal with the pressure of growth and bring existing services up to a sustainable standard for a world class city.  As part of this budget cycle local priorities for the next financial year 18/19 are also up for discussion.

The Mayor is leading the regional consultation on what is also known as the draft Long-Term Plan (LTP) that determines the level of rates.  You can respond to questions covering the proposed introduction of a Regional Fuel Tax to pay for improvements to transport and targeted rates to fund protection of endangered species such as kauri and the cleanup of our habours, beaches and streams.

As the board representing the main area in Auckland without stormwater separation we are particularly focused on the long overdue infrastructure investment being brought forward by Council and Watercare to stop the flow of sewage into the Waitemata Harbour. The big question will be whether the wider region is willing to support with funding through additional rates.

Other plans that are out for consultation include the Regional Pest Management Plan, Waste Management and Minimisation Plan and the refresh of the Auckland Plan.  The draft Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) budget that was “inadvertently” released in January by Auckland Transport with a massive reduction to the cycle budget, low prioritization of light right and cuts to rail operating funds is now due out for consultation in April.

The AT Board has directed management to redraft the RLTP budget to more accurately reflect priorities that Council and the new Government give to walking and cycling, public transport and reducing carbon emissions.  If the family friendly Bike to the Future ride organized by Generation Zero on 17 February is any indication there is strong local support for safe cycling infrastructure and funding for transport choice.   At the same time we welcome that the new CEO of AT, Shane Ellison who attended the ride, has committed to the organization taking a fresh approach to community engagement and working with local boards so that mistakes are not repeated.

Further transport funding for projects like streetscape upgrades, safer speed zones and greenway connections is possible through the Board’s transport fund. We’ve got a question on how we should allocate the approximately $500k available per year.  This is in the local board section of the online feedback form along with questions about our priority project, Ponsonby Park, and funding the elimination of agri-chemical spraying, public facilities and further waterway restoration.

Details of consultation events and submission details on the Auckland Council website

A version of this post first appeared in the March Ponsonby News 

More on Waitematā Local Board priorities

Each year we plan the projects and initiatives we will deliver in your local board area. These are based on our 2017 local board plan, which sets our three-year direction. We are seeking your input on our proposals for the 2018/2019 financial year.

We have recently consulted with you during the development of our 2017 local board plan. This plan has now been adopted and will guide our priorities for the next three years as we respond to more people choosing to live, work, visit and study in Waitematā.

We propose to focus on restoring key waterways, maintaining our community facilities and providing cycling and walking greenways. We will continue to activate and improve our local parks and to advocate for the development of a new civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road.

You have told us that you would like us to support the vulnerable and rough sleepers in the inner city. One way that the local board can support rough sleepers as well as cater for other visitors to the city centre is through awareness raising and provision of public facilities. We would like your input about whether we should contribute funding towards this.

Hearing from you is important as it helps us understand the community’s views and ensures that we deliver the projects and initiatives you value the most. We welcome your involvement as we finalise our proposed budget priorities for 2018/2019.

What we propose in the Waitematā Local Board Area in 2018/2019

We plan to invest $41.5 million ($7.4 million capex and $34.1 million opex) to renew, maintain and operate assets in your local board area as well as provide other local initiatives.

Our priorities for the 2018/2019 budget include:

  • Continue to improve and activate our local parks in line with the adopted development plans.  New areas of focus include creating a pathway, improving drainage and investigating the need for a playground at Basque Park. At Heard Park in Parnell we plan to upgrade onsite facilities to provide a more usable space for recreation and events.
  • Restore Waiparuru, Waipapa and Newmarket Streams in collaboration with residents, community groups and iwi and partner with Albert-Eden and Puketāpapa Local Boards to develop a protection and restoration strategy for Meola and Motions Creek catchments and the Three Kings to Western Springs Aquifer Initiative.
  • Continue to improve our transport network by using our Transport Capital Fund to deliver safe and high amenity walking and cycling options, such as the connection from Newmarket to Parnell through the old Parnell rail tunnel, as set out in the Waitematā Greenways Plan 2013, streetscape improvements and slow traffic zones in residential areas.
  • Raise awareness and enhance provision of city centre facilities based on a needs and gaps assessment. Examples include toilets, showers, lockers, drinking fountains and device charging stations.
  • Work towards the elimination of agrichemical spraying at our local parks. Given financial constraints we propose to make Albert Park and Myers Park agrichemical spray free in 2018/2019.

Our key advocacy project

A full site civic and green space at 254 Ponsonby Road will provide a much-needed area for the community’s growing population.

We are seeking the Governing Body to include $5.5m in the 10-year budget for stage 1 of this project. The first stage includes the delivery of a civic and green space, the repurposing of the existing canopy structure for markets and events and the development of public toilet facilities. Stage 2 will repurpose the existing building and improve the adjoining streetscape.  Potential funding options for stage 2 include our Auckland Transport capex fund and other alternative funding sources.

What do you think?

Have we got our priorities right? Please provide feedback.

  • Do you support the 10-year Budget to include first stage funding to create a full site civic space at 254 Ponsonby Road?
  • Should we expand our waterways restoration programme in 2018/2019 to include Waiparuru Stream (Grafton Gully) and partner with Albert-Eden and Puketāpapa Local Boards to develop a protection and restoration strategy for the Waitītiko, Waiateao (Meola and Motions Creek catchments) and the Three Kings to Western Springs Aquifer?
  • How do you think we should prioritise our Auckland Transport capex fund over the next three years? Options include:
    • improved walking and cycling infrastructure though completing greenways routes, such as the connection from Newmarket to Parnell through the old Parnell rail tunnel
    • streetscape improvements
    • implement slow traffic speed zones in residential areas
  • Do you support allocating funding towards raising awareness and enhancing provision of city centre public facilities? If so, what kind of facilities should we prioritise?
  • The elimination of agrichemical spraying may have some impact on the visual presentation of the parks and reserves. Do you support the local board allocating $40,000 funding for agrichemical free weed control methods in specific parks such as at Albert Park and Myers Park in 2018/2019?

Feedback form online

Other ways to give feedback:

Visit the Waitematā Local Board office at 52 Swanson Street (off St Pats Square) to view hard copies of all the consultation documents. You are welcome to complete a feedback from at the office reception and drop in the submissions box.


Post: You can complete the AK Have Your Say feedback form and send it to our freepost address:

AK Have Your Say
Auckland Council
Freepost Authority 182382
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142

Consultation events

Waitematā Local Board is partnering with the community to host two Have Your Say events so that we can hear your feedback. We also have a hearing style meeting scheduled:

  • Thursday 8 March, 6-8pm, Grey Lynn Library Hall, 474 Great North Rd; with the Grey Lynn Residents Association
  • Thursday 15 March, 6-8pm, Parnell Jubilee Hall, 545 Parnell Rd; with the Parnell Community Committee and the Grafton Residents Association
  • Thursday 22 March, 3-5pm, Waitematā Local Board Office, 52 Swanson St. If you would like to present at the hearing please RSVP

Social media

Comments made through these channels will be considered written feedback:

 Twitter: Comments using @aklcouncil and #akhaveyoursay

 Facebook: Posts on the – using #akhaveyoursay


Fixing the traffic in a successful city

Fixing Auckland's transportThe Council’s consultation on the 10 year budget (Long Term Plan) has been a catalyst for a wide-ranging conversation about our city’s transport priorities and investment.  “Fixing Transport” is highlighted as one of the 4 key issues facing Auckland.

The Mayor has led the way in asking Aucklanders to consider the choices.  Do we accept a basic transport network which costs less, or do we invest more to get the advanced transport programme set out in the 30-year vision for our region known as the Auckland Plan. The Auckland Plan transport network includes the new roads, rail, ferries, busways and cycleways our city desperately needs. (From Council’s consultation material)

I was on the panel for the Auckland Conversation event  Fixing Auckland’s Transport – the 10 year budget  (as a local board member and member of the Urban Cycling Investment panel) to discuss the transport options. 

The MC Fran O’Sullivan asked panelists to consider a few points that we wished to get across. Here are mine in a bit more detail than discussed on the night . I’ve also referenced the quotes that I referred to.

What do we really mean by “Fixing” Auckland’s transport.

  •  Brent Toderian (Vancouver’s former Chief Planner and an Auckland Conversations presenter ) says “you can’t fix traffic in a successful city – you have to change it”.
  •  “fixing” is unlikely to result in “getting the traffic moving” for all trips ie there will always be congestion at peak for single occupancy private vehicles.  
  •  in order to fix transport we need to re-think mobility and provide transport choice  (As Florian Lennert presented at the the Velo city conference last year – the future of transport is “multi-modal sustainable mobility” ). If people are provided safe, effective transport choices it will create more space on the road for the vehicles that need to be there which benefits everyone. 

Efficient & smart investment

  •  The presentation of 2 stark choices has been great for forcing the debate about much needed transport investment (and I applaud the Mayor for leading that debate) but I think we have been provided with a Hobson’s choice on the 2 plans.  All the benefits for active transport/PT are locked up in the Advanced transport programme (that also included low value roading projects)
  • Either alternative funding option is going to take at least 2 years to implement so we have to get the “basic” plan right in the meantime to meet Local Board priorities.  Can’t have a basic plan that doesn’t provide for “basic” community needs. Eg There is no cycling investment in the first 3 years of the basic plan – this is unacceptable ( feedback so far shows strongest support for AT to focus more on cycling)
  • Also if cycling investment not included in the final transport programme Auckland cannot leverage off the Urban Cycling Investment Fund established last year by the Govt- there is $90m available over the next 3 years with up to 50% ear marked for Auckland if a local contribution is available
  • There is huge demand for transport choices to include cycling and there has never been a better time to invest in cycling but the current AT investment proposal in draft RLTP means Auckland is going to miss out on the funds available

The investment model

  • I agree we need funding for transport investment other than from rates but we are letting the Government off the hook. The Government needs to bring forward their contribution on the CRL and fund PT investment in the same way as state highways – this would be a game changer for the transport budget and the level of alternative funding required
  • I accept that there is a transport investment funding gap that can not be met out of rates. I support that gap being met from fuel tax as the most preferred option. From a local board perspective motorway tolling is not desirable because of the administration cost, impact on low income households and the negative impact on local roads.

Efficient & smart investment

  • Even if we agree on alternative funding I think we have been provided with a Hobson’s choice on the 2 plans.  All the benefits for active transport/PT are locked up in the alternative funding plan
  • Either alternative funding option is going to take at least 2 years to implement so we have to get the “basic” plan right in the meantime.  Can’t have a basic plan that doesn’t provide for “basic” community needs. Eg There is no cycling investment in the first 3 years of the basic plan – this is unacceptable ( feedback so far shows strongest support for AT to focus more on cycling)
  • Also if cycling investment not included in the basic plan Auckland cannot leverage off the Urban Cycling Investment Fund established last year by the Govt- there is $90m available this financial year with up to 50% ear marked for Auckland if a local contribution is available
  • Key point – there is huge demand for transport choices to include cycling and there has never been a better time to invest in cycling but the current AT investment proposal in draft RLTP means Auckland is going to miss out on the funds available

In my concluding comments I mentioned that the Waitemata Local Board has committed to being a UNICEF accredited child- friendly area. At the heart of the initiative is controlling speed and creating an environment where kids are invited to sit, play and walk.  I quoted Rodney Tolley who said at a recent Child Friendly Waitemata workshop that “a walking city is a paradise for kids” 

I think we often forget who we are building a city for and our focus should be on making the city a great place for children (so far we have let traffic engineers design it to the detriment of everyone). 

More on the transport discussion

Transport Blog – Is PT, Walking and Cycling Advocacy “Leftist” 

Submit for an essential budget 

Council’s online submission form 

Open letter to a car addicted city – Brent Toderian’s letter to Perth (but equally relevant to Auckland)