The wheels are spinning for urban cycling

Todd McClay MP for Rotorua,  PM John Key , Richard Leggart (member of the panel)
Todd McClay MP for Rotorua, PM John Key , Richard Leggart (member of the panel)

Urban Cycleways Programme 

When I first became involved in cycle advocacy through Cycle Action in 2008 it was a struggle convincing politicians about the benefits of cycling. It was very common to hear arguments along the lines of “what is the point of spending money on cycling when people don’t and won’t cycle because it is too hilly and rains too much.”

The debate started to slowly move from “why” to “when and how” by the time the super city was established in 2010 and Len Brown was elected on a commitment to cycling.

The “how” got a major boost in August 2014 with the unexpected  announcement of a $100m Urban Cycling Investment Fund by the Prime Minister.  Councils across the country were given a massive incentive to dust off their cycling plans to take advantage of the funding to accelerate urban cycling projects.

Minister Simon Bridges and PM John Key
Minister Simon Bridges and PM John Key

All credit to the Prime Minister for leading this initiative. It is a smart move that he knows, from his experience of investing in NZ cycle trails, has the potential to yield impressive results.

It was great to be at the launch (as a member of the panel that recommended the programme to the Minister) on 25 June 2015 when the Prime Minister and Minister of Transport jointly announced the full 2015-18 Urban Cycleways Programme  at an event in Rotorua.

It is going to be exciting to see projects progress, cycling networks take shape and more people encouraged to take up cycling in a safe environment.

Media Release

Minister of Transport

25 June 2015

Government delivers $333 million urban cycleways

Transport Minister Simon Bridges has today announced a $333 million cycleways investment that he says will change the face of cycling in New Zealand.

The Minister has announced that, on top of the 13 cycleways projects announced in January, a further 41 will receive funding under the Urban Cycleways Programme.

“This is the single biggest investment in cycling in New Zealand’s history,” he says.

The programme is designed to pull together a range of funding sources to build the best possible cycling network that benefits all New Zealanders.

“The Government’s $100 million Urban Cycleways Fund has helped generate an overall investment of $333 million in cycling, getting world-class projects underway much sooner than may otherwise have been the case.”

More than $87 million will be spent in provincial centres, including Whangarei, Hamilton, Tauranga/Western Bay, Rotorua, Gisborne, Hastings/Napier, New Plymouth, Whanganui, Palmerston North, Blenheim, Nelson and Dunedin.

Together with those announced in January, these projects will make cycling a safer, more attractive transport choice for thousands of people around the country.

“The projects announced today will draw on the $90 million remaining in the Urban Cycleways Fund, as well as $107 million from the National Land Transport Fund, and $99 million from local government,” Mr Bridges says.

The Urban Cycleways Investment Panel assessed and recommended the projects to receive the funding.

Projects to be accelerated

Urban Cycleways investment underway

Transport Minister Simon Bridges, Mayor Len Brown and NZTA CEO, Geoff Dangerfield
Transport Minister Simon Bridges, Mayor Len Brown and NZTA CEO, Geoff Dangerfield

On 30 January on the old Nelson St motorway off-ramp the Minister of Transport announced the first package of projects to receive funding as part of the government’s $100 million Urban Cycleways programme. He also announced the Urban Cycleways Investment Panel that will recommend projects to the Minister.  I’m delighted to have been appointed as one of 5 panel members representing LGNZ. 

An exciting new cycleway on the redundant off -ramp (a project included in the City Centre Masterplan) connecting Upper Queen Street with Quay St via Nelson St is one of the projects to receive Urban Cycleways funding from the first tranche of projects.

Ministry of Transport Media Release: 30 January 2015

Panel Members Richard Leggert and Pippa Coom
Panel Members Richard Leggert and Pippa Coom

First set of Urban Cycleways projects announced

Transport Minister Simon Bridges today announced the first $37 million worth of cycleway projects to be rolled out across the country as part of the Government’s Urban Cycleways Programme.

First announced in August 2014, the $100 million Programme is designed to pull together a range of funding sources to invest in expanding and improving New Zealand’s cycling network.

“This is the beginning of a programme that will change the face of cycleways in New Zealand using clever funding leveraging.

By pulling together multiple funding sources, the Urban Cycleways Programme will get high-quality projects underway much sooner than may otherwise have been the case.

The Government’s Urban Cycleways Fund will contribute $9.92 million, with

Nelson St off ramp before/after - City Centre Masterplan image
Nelson St off ramp before/after – City Centre Masterplan image

another $21.12 million coming from the National Land Transport Fund, and $6.26 million from local government and other contributions,” Mr Bridges says.

This year, those sources have made available a total of $37,295,000.

When completed, the Urban Cycleways Programme will have supported the investment of up to $320 million, over four years, to create a safe, user-friendly cycleway network across the country.

“The Urban Cycleways Fund will accelerate the first set of 13 projects, which will get underway in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, and almost all will be completed over the next 6-9 months,” Mr Bridges says.

“The projects I am announcing today have been prioritised because of their value to commuter cyclists, and their additional benefits to recreational riders.

“Further projects to receive funding from the remaining $90 million in the Urban Cycleways Fund will be announced later this year,” Mr Bridges says.

Urban Cycleways Programme projects are decided by the Minister of Transport, on the recommendation of the Urban Cycleways Investment Panel.

The Panel has been selected to assess the projects and prioritise funding.

The Panel members are:

  • Cynthia Bowers, Deputy Mayor of Hastings
  • Glen Koorey, Senior Lecturer in Transportation Engineering at the University of Canterbury
  • Richard Leggett, Director of Cycling NZ and Chair of the Cycling Safety Panel
  • Pippa Coom, Deputy Chair of the Waitemata Local Board
  • Mike James, General Manager Road and Rail, Ministry of Transport
  • Dave Brash, Group Manager Planning and Investment, New Zealand Transport Agency.

For further information on the Urban Cycleways Programme the ,

Projects to be accelerated in 2014/15:
