Councillor report June-July 2022

My Councillor report covers the period from 11 June to 8 August and included a two week recess period.  During the second recess week, I represented Auckland Council at the Local Government New Zealand annual conference  (my conference report back will be on the Governing Body meeting agenda on 25 August).

The report has been prepared for the August business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.


Climate action Annual Budget

Waiheke Ferries

  • A new quality partnership agreement (QPA) was signed between Fullers360 and Auckland Transport on 15 July. Although there are some immediate benefits for Waiheke with regards to greater accountability and a reduction in the cost of the monthly pass I share the local board’s disappointment and concern about services and fares.
  • In parallel to the QPA the Minister continues the process to fully integrate the Waiheke ferry service into the Auckland-wide public transport network as a contracted service inside PTOM.
  • In the meantime, I have supported the local board’s advocacy and asked AT to continue to negotiate integrating all trip tickets into the HOP card so Waiheke locals can enjoy integrated fares and free connections (this will also encourage greater bus use to the ferry). I’ve also asked that we look at options for funding free fares for children at weekends as we work towards fare parity for Waiheke (while Waiheke services are outside of PTOM legally Waka Kotahi is not able to provide any funding to reduce fare costs).

NPS-UD new government housing rules

  • On 4 August the Planning Committee approved the public notification of a proposed plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan to meet government’s requirements for greater height and density across the city. It will go out for consultation from 18 August for 6 weeks. ( Attachment A: Why I supported public notification )
  • A majority of the proposed changes were decided by the Planning Committee on 30 June in response to feedback on a preliminary response to the new rules.


Matariki was celebrated for the first time with a public holiday.  To mark the day Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust working in collaboration with Revive Our Gulf deployed 150 tonnes of kūtai into te moana to regenerate the mussel beds. (I was invited as co-chair of the Hauraki Gulf Forum but unfortunately was unable to attend due to post covid illness

Engagements and events attended

  • Judy Gilbert, Windy Hill Sanctuary at Motairehe Marae, Aotea Great Barrier

    11 June – attended a community hui at Motairehe Marae, Aotea Great Barrier on the proposed temporary rāhui to stop people taking the threatened species of scallops, pāua and koura.

  • CCO site visits:
    • 17 June – With Auckland Transport visited the new station at Albany, the ATOC centre and Northcote town centre
    • 4 July – On a visit to Port of Auckland we met the CEO Roger Gray and did a comprehensive tour of the site
  • 13 June – CCRG meeting on noise
  • 15 June – 2022 Auckland Writers Festival Programme launch
  • Motutapu Planting Day with Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Director Alex Rogers

    18 June – Motutapu Planting Day  and a special evening with Dr Rangi Matamua to launch Matariki: A Light Show Celebration at Stardome Observatory

  • 19 June – launch of Green Global Solutions and attended the Pathway Festival (music encounters along the hidden Opou stream, Grey Lynn to Cox’s Bay)
  • June – Matariki: Te Umu Kohukohu Whetū a dawn event to start the Matariki Festivalat Takaparawhau  hosted by Ngāti Whatua Ōrākei  and also on 21 June the grand opening of Alan Wang Art Gallery at the invite of Cr Young
  • 5 July – Girl from the North Country, at The Civic at the invite of Tataki Auckland Unlimited
  • 7 July – As Deputy Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee attended the Repair Cafe Aotearoa NZ’ s presentation of a petition to Minister Parker at the Central Library to introduce legislation to make to easier for the community to get goods repaired.
  • 7 July – Long Day’s Journey into Night, Q Theatre at the invite of Silo Theatre
  • 9 July – Frieda’s community market in West Lynn and obtained a free rat trap from Urban Arc Manawa Taiao at Coxs Bay
  • 10 July – NZ Eid day Festival at Eden Park
  • With Waiheke Art Gallery Director Fiona Blanchard and Waiheke Local Board member Kylie Matthews

    13 July – Councillor Clinic on Waiheke and met with the new Waiheke Art Gallery Director Fiona Blanchard

  • 18 July – joined the Mayor’s media briefing for the new Federal
    Federal Street upgrade with Mayor Phil Goff

    Street upgrade

  • 19 – 22 July attended the LGNZ conference in Palmy
  • 23 July – As part of the Federal Street upgrade community celebration attended the Auckland City Mission‘s tour of the award winning Homeground. The beautiful building brings together
    Tour group of the Mission’s Homeground with guide Mahara

    permanent housing, health and social services, and lots of community spaces in a warm and welcoming environment. Homegrown was 11 years in the making and cost $110m to build including a $5m contribution from Auckland Council

  • 25 July – Commemorative service for He Taonga Te wai World Drowning Prevention Day 2022 at the invite of Drowning Prevention Auckland
  • 26 July – Reception to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Auckland/Los Angeles Sister City Partnership 26th July
  • 28 July – Wynyard Quarter Neighbours’ Forum hosted by Eke Panuku
  • At the World premiere of Muru with star of the film Tame Iti and Waiheke’s Jeanne Clarkin

    28 July – opening gala of Whānau Mārama New Zealand International Film Festival with the World Premiere of Tearepa Kahi’s powerful film Muru at The Civic for the first time since 2019 at the invite of the NZIFF Trust

  • 29 July – MC for the Fill your Keep Cup event especially curated by Suzanne Kendrick for Plastic Free July 2022 on behalf of Waitematā Waste Away to hear from a range of presenters including MP Eugenie Sage and Min David Parker on waste legislation and waste solutions (I gave a tribute to Warren Snow at the event – see below)
  • Speakers, hosts and many of the attendees at Piritahi Marae, Waiheke to hear the results of the second annual koura/crayfish survey

    30 July – Presentation at Piritahi Marae to hear the results of the second annual koura/crayfish survey run by the Waiheke Marine Project.  Really impressive presentations bringing together citizen scientists, divers and matauranga Māori.  The results however are really troubling. Only 22 koura found across 28,000 sq m. This was a survey across 10,000 more square metres than the 2021 survey but found one less koura

  • 2 August – Rough Lives Speak book launch and poetry reading at the Central City Library and University of Auckland’s Raising the Bar talk Auckland City, What a Pity by Julie Stout
  • 4 August – Skytower 25th birthday celebration at the invitation of SkyCity Auckland
  • 6 August – Haumi Wynyard Quarter’s 11th birthday celebrations
  • 7 August – Friends of Regional Parks AGM

Governing Body meetings – Key decisions  

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only of key decisions.

On 10 June the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

  • Received the 2021/2022 third quarter reports of the substantive Council-controlled Organisations and Ports of Auckland Limited
  • Approved proposed content for Auckland Council’s letter of expectation to Ports of Auckland Limited.

On 23 June the Governing Body   

  • Endorsed the development of Auckland Council’s submission on the Water Services Entities Bill (the submission opposes many aspects of the Bill)
  • adopted the Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Noho Puni Wātea ā-Waka 2022 / Auckland Council Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw 2022
  • Approved reallocation of $25,000 of Regional Events Anzac Day budget underspend from the current FY21/22 financial year to provide a one-off grant to the Auckland Returned and Service Association

On 27 June the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

  • Noted the change of lead agency for the city centre to Eke Panuku.
  • Noted update from Auckland Transport regarding progress on the transport workstreams associated with implementation of the City Centre Masterplan.

On 29 June the Extraordinary Governing Body

  • Adopted the Auckland Council Annual Budget 2022/2023, as the council’s annual plan for 2022/2023, including 21 local board agreements

On 30 June the Planning Committee

Walkable catchments of the City Centre zone, Metropolitan Centre zones and stops on Auckland’s Rapid Transit Network

b) confirm the walkable catchments referred to in Policy 3(c) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development as defined in resolution PLA/2021/80 (see Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to:

i) clarifying that the walkable catchment is from the edge of the City Centre zone and the edge of the Metropolitan Centre zone

ii) the ongoing review of feedback on specific walkable catchments (e.g. modifying factors that might affect the distance in a particular location) as well as carrying out a consistency check on the mapped catchments across the different walkable catchments in Auckland

iii) more work being undertaken to determine the suitability of a walkable catchment of 1,200m from the edge of the city centre following the ongoing review of the feedback.

On 7 July Environment and Climate Change Committee

  • Supported a notice of motion from Councillor Bartley- Fishing control Kawau/Shag species in the Panmure Basin. The committee requested that staff support Councillor Bartley in advocating to the appropriate crown agency or agencies to introduce a fishing ban or other such control in the Panmure basin to protect the Shag species.
  • Discussed natural hazards risk management action plan and received the one-year update.
  • Received an update on the exposure draft of the national policy statement for indigenous biodiversity.

On 26 July Finance and Performance Committee

  • Considered a notice of motion from Councillor Stewart to revoke or alter previous resolution on 9R Fortyfoot Lane, Sunnyhills.
  • Received public input from residents of the area and local board input on Councillor Stewart’s notice of motion. The motion was declared lost by 8 votes to 13.
  • Discussed council’s group’s insurance renewal placement and the self-insurance fund.

On 28 July Governing Body

  • Discussed Climate action targeted rate and proposed governance framework.
  • Established a governance and oversight group for the duration of the climate action targeted rate. Some responsibilities of the group will include providing direction to and endorse annual CATR programmes and projects. Reviewing any variations from the programmes and projects. They are to meet bi-annually and often if required. Report progress on implementations and delegate authority to the mayor to endorse on behalf of the governance group.

On 4 August the Planning Committee

  • approved public notification of the proposed plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan – the city’s planning rulebook – to meet central government requirements for greater building height and density across the city, with people being able to make submissions from 18 August 2022 and endorsed additional policy directions:

Low Density Residential zone

A new Low Density Residential zone was endorsed to provide a lower level of development than the three storeys required by the government. It will be used in areas where some qualifying matters, or exemptions, to limit required building heights apply.

Water supply, wastewater and stormwater QM

New qualifying matters were endorsed for areas where long-term water supply, wastewater and stormwater network constraints exist and need to be managed.

Rural and coastal settlements

A number of rural and coastal settlements were endorsed as not having the Medium Density Residential Standards apply because they have a population less than 5,000 people and are not part of Auckland’s urban environment.

These include: Helensville, Clarks Beach, Glenbrook Beach, Karaka, Maraetai, Riverhead, Snells Beach – Algies Bay, Wellsford, Kingseat, Te Hana, Parakai, Matakana, Whitford, Waimauku, Patumahoe, Stillwater, Kawakawa Bay, Omaha, Point Wells, Waiwera, Clevedon, Okura and Kumeu-Huapai.

  • I moved the motion to approve proposed plan change to make additions and amendments to Schedule 10 Notable Trees Schedule (this was made possible on the back of a motion I moved in November 2020 to agree to schedule trees when resources allow)
  • approved the strategic direction to guide development of a draft Future Development Strategy.


bFM interviews:

In memoriam

John Elliott

John Elliott receiving his Outstanding Contribution certificate at the Waitematā Local Board’s Good Citizen Awards

The wonderful John Elliott sadly passed away on 12 July.   He leaves a tremendous legacy including the huge contribution he made reporting locally on the big issues through Ponsonby News (was also the founder and long time editor).

I’m really grateful to John for his consent presence throughout my political life – a mentor, adviser, supporter and always quick to call me up about the decisions he wasn’t happy about. Smart, witty, compassionate, thoughtful and a gentleman. Deservedly acknowledged with a QSM and a Good Citizen Award from the Waitematā Local Board (photo right presenting the award).  John will be greatly missed.

Warren Snow

At the Zero Waste event on 29 July I gave the following tribute to Warren Snow who has since passed away (unfortunately he wasn’t able to attend as planned).

Many of you will have been inspired by Warren over many years for this work on many zero waste projects including the Kiwi bottle drive and the container bottle scheme.  I’d like to share why I am immensely grateful to Warren.

In 2009 I went along to one of the early Grey Lynn 2030 transition town meetings.  Warren was the guest speaker sharing his ideas for a network of resource recovery centres. For me Warren put it altogether in a way that made complete sense. This was something that had to happen.  The idea for a community-led centre became a Grey Lynn 2030 project and then was picked up by the Waitematā Local Board in the first local board plan – a central site supported by Puketāpapa and Albert-Eden Local Boards too.   Scoping got underway about a decade ago and then a real project with real council money a few years later.

What is so awesome is the Te Waiōrea Western Springs resource recovery centre is going to open very soon. Warren can be super proud of his vision and encouragement.   In acknowledging Warren I also think of his words at that meeting in 2009 that have stuck with me and I always come back to –  we should always remember and acknowledge the “founders”  .  As Warren would say many people contribute to a successful project and idea.

However for me, and I am sure for all Grey Lynn 2030, Warren will always be the originator of Te Waiōrea and because of that Suzanne Kendrick has proposed a tribute to Warren at the centre.  Thanks to Parul, General Manager Waste Solution who has picked up the idea and is making it a reality in the form of a tree and a plaque.

Before I close my tribute to Warren, I acknowledge there is so much more to say and thank Warren for.  At the end of May Elisabeth Easter profiled Warren for her Herald column My Story.   I suggested Warren when Elisabeth asked me to recommend a zero waste hero.  Warren wrote on his facebook that he was really pleased with the full page story and especially being able to call out the Warehouse’s sustainable and affordable marketing campaign.  Thank you Elisabeth for giving Warren the recognition he deserves.

Ema Barton, from Song Writers for Climate Action dedicated a song to Warren to close the event

Auckland NPS UD policy directions keep door open on new housing rules

At a marathon 11 hour Planning Committee meeting on 30 June policy directions were decided that inform the development of the council’s Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI). 

The IPI is required to give effect to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) 2020 and incorporate medium density residential standards (MDRS) into relevant residential zones within the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP). 

The IPI must be publicly notified by 20 August 2022. Following consultation on it, an Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) will make recommendations back to council on necessary changes to the AUP by early 2024.

Council is working to a very tight government-directed timetable. The policy directions come after council’s engagement on a preliminary response to the new housing rules intended to increase intensification and housing supply.

I spoke in support of the policy direction tabled by the Chair Chris Darby (with amendments outlined below). The NPS-UD allows for exceptions to its blanket rules, called Qualifying Matters (QMs). There are specific QMs identified in s77I RMA.  The NPS-UD also allows the council to include “any other matter that makes higher density, as provided for by the MDRS or Policy 3, inappropriate in an area”. I focused on the most controversial issue of the proposed QM called Special Character Areas (SCAs) especially within “walkable catchments”. The proposed QMs for Auckland include matters such as significant ecological areas, volcanic viewshafts, significant natural hazards, open space, gas and oil pipelines, and local viewshafts.

The NPS-UD (under s 77L of the RMA) requires a site-specific analysis of any council proposed QM including special character. (This information sheet explains more about SCAs identified in the AUP as an ‘overlay’.)

The following is based on my notes in speaking to the meeting.

Reconciling the competing needs of urban development and special character is very tricky to navigate but I think it is possible to take an approach that is a win-win. As I wrote a year ago at the start of the process, I don’t think it has to be a zero sum game. 

What the government has dealt us with is a very blunt, one size fits all instrument but I don’t subscribe to the view that it is an EITHER/OR situation; that we only have a choice of either affordable housing or SCAs; climate action or SCAs; equity or SCAs. It is possible, I think, to confront the challenges the city faces and aim for the best possible urban environment at the same time as accommodating a range of qualifying matters including one that covers high quality special character.

In working through what is required by the NPS-UD I don’t think we can ignore the intensive AUP development process and the resulting buy-in to the current rules that put Auckland in a different situation to other metro authorities. We also can’t ignore that the AUP didn’t get everything right. However the NPS-UD is just one urban development and housing supply tool – it is not the be all end all.

Through being forced into this process there is an opportunity to leverage all the tools available to council to enable more affordable housing in well-designed and well-functioning neighbourhoods providing everyone across all our communities the opportunity to live healthy, low carbon lifestyles, safely connected to places of work, study, recreation and community amenities. At the same time we can identify links to past development that are important to many Aucklanders and that future generations will also value and be glad were retained. If we were starting from a blank canvas we could take a totally different approach – perhaps no zoning rules or rules to ensure no low/medium density within a decent walk of the city centre and rapid transport hubs – but that is not the reality of where we are at in Auckland’s development.

In supporting the policy directions, I have four key considerations:

First, what is the legal framework, specifically what are the requirements of the NPS-UD and the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021. This has been an interesting debate when it comes to SCAs.

Recently the Character Coalition took out a full page ad claiming a group of councillors, me included, had voted against more SCAs. Actually the opposite is the case. We voted for the special character assessment to be undertaken (Walker, Watson and Sayers voted against at the July 2021 Planning Committee meeting). We voted for the preliminary response to go out for consultation including high quality special character as a QM. (Walker, Watson, Stuart, Mulholland, Fletcher voted against). 

What we didn’t vote for at the Planning Committee in March 2022 is for a roll-over of ALL current SCAs as a qualifying matter, as many heritage campaigners wanted. This doesn’t stack up under any reading of s77L of the RMA. It is also a high risk strategy from those who want to retain SCAs because there is no way it would get through the Independent Hearing Panel and would very likely result in a lesser amount of the identified high quality special character being included as a QM.

Secondly I’ve looked at the evidence and analysis that has been provided to us. Evidence to support the walkable catchments (such as from the Ministry for the Environment); evidence to support the special character assessments; evidence to support other QMs such as infrastructure constraints, etc. It is evidence backed up by expert advice that needs to go to the IHP. If we don’t support the evidence, when the decision comes back to council’s Planning Committee on the AUP changes  it runs the risk that the final decision ends up with the Minister (with no appeals allowed to the Environment Court) .

Thirdly I have considered the feedback – I’ve read 1000-odd submissions from Waitematā plus many submissions from organisations. To me, this shows there is still a lot of work to do to assess the feedback and consider the impact. Staff have acknowledged this and it is why I suggested changes to the Chair’s recommendations to allow more time to assess the walkable catchments before this is reported back in August. (in bold below). Also as a result of the feedback I suggested the inclusion of k) ii) to deal with the interface between SCA zoning and walkable catchment zoning.

Next I have taken into account where we are at in the process. This is by no means a done deal. The preliminary response engagement conducted by council (an extra step in the process not required by the NPS-UD) has put a lot of pressure on staff in a constrained timeframe but it has resulted in the opportunity to consider community feedback as work continues.  There may be aspects of the policy direction that we have got wrong or where we have pushed the interpretation to the limit but we still have further public consultation to go and the IHP will look in more depth at the evidence. 

I’ve also taken into account that unless a property is identified as being subject to a qualifying matter when the IPI is notified, the MDRS rules (e.g. permitted three-storeys and permitted three dwellings per site) apply immediately.

My approach overall is guided by a climate lens. I want to ensure we deliver on the goal of Te Tāruke -ā -Tāwhiri Auckland’s Climate Plan to achieve a low carbon and resilient region. Reducing emissions is also an objective of the NPS-UD. However, in many ways the NPS-UD actually runs contrary to this objective by enabling more sprawl in areas with unsuitable infrastructure. SCAs are not necessarily the problem.

Waitematā Local Board presentation to the Planning Committee

Alex Bonham, Deputy Chair of the Waitematā Local Board highlighted in presenting to the Committee that many of the existing SCAs are already mid-density neighbourhoods delivering wellbeing and providing support for local economies.

Cohaus (in the featured photo and where my mum happens to live) is held up as an example of the kind of development that will be unwelcome if inner suburbs are zoned for special character. However, Cohaus is in an SCA and supports the view that we can in fact have both. I think this is summed up well by Architect Graeme Burgess in his submission: “I do not consider that these (Special Character) areas of the city should remain unchanged. … these areas have been managed as ‘Special Character’ for decades, and in that time many changes have occurred, including a degree of intensification as demonstrated by the Co-Haus example. The area will continue to change and in accommodating that change should maintain its ‘Special Character’.

What was agreed at the meeting – under o) below – will further accommodate greater levels of development in SCAs together with the removal of parking minimums. These changes will mean that future cohaus type developments don’t face a $500k bill for a notified resource consent.

Overall, I think the agreed policy directions provide further time to consider the climate impacts together with all the NPS-UD objectives, and where not reconcilable or backed by evidence this should be reflected in the Planning Committee decision in August (informed by Councillor workshops during July).

No one will have achieved exactly what they want from the policy directions. However, I feel comfortable in taking an approach at this stage that continues the analysis before the IPI is notified in August. The door is still open.

The amendment

Before the main vote, Cr Simpson put up an amendment to l) that I seconded (the amendment in italics):

I) confirm the approach for the Special Character Areas Overlay –Residential and Business as a qualifying matter as follows:

ii) that outside walkable catchments, Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Special Character Areas Overlay – General is identified as a qualifying matter where special character values are present, being where 66% or more of individual properties score a 4, 5 or 6 where the overall quality of the area is maintained and existing or potential fragmentation is reduced.

I seconded the amendment to get the issue on the table as I think whether 4’s are included should be considered at this stage and not left to the plan change notification in August.  The officer advice at para 61 states  The addition of 4’s will reduce the cohesiveness of the technical assessment and it will therefore be more open to challenge through the hearings process and that There is significant variability in the quality of the 4’s across the region and therefore a blanket approach is not appropriate.  

However it also notes that from a technical perspective, properties scoring 4 contribute or support the overall character of an area and could reduce the fragmentation of the overlay in some areas.I therefore supported the amendment to allow the opportunity for that assessment within tight parameters and to be able to consider the impact at the Planning Committee workshops coming up.

The amendment lost but I think it was the right time to have the debate. Staff warned that if it had been successful they would not have the capacity to assess 4’s AND do the work directed under m) that could lead to increases and/or decreases of the SCAs in walkable catchments.

The decision: Item 14 National Policy Statement on Urban Development – Policy Directions

City Centre zone

a) confirm the principles for the application of Policy 3(a) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 set out in resolution PLA/2022/29 (see Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to:

i) applying special height controls that reduce the general unlimited height controls in the City Centre zone; and

ii) elsewhere in the City Centre zone applying a 72.5 metre height control (other than in the Special Height Control areas and Precincts).

 Walkable catchments of the City Centre zone, Metropolitan Centre zones and stops on Auckland’s Rapid Transit Network

b) confirm the walkable catchments referred to in Policy 3(c) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development as defined in resolution PLA/2021/80 (see Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to:

i) clarifying that the walkable catchment is from the edge of the City Centre zone and the edge of the Metropolitan Centre zone

ii) the ongoing review of feedback on specific walkable catchments (e.g. modifying factors that might affect the distance in a particular location) as well as carrying out a consistency check on the mapped catchments across the different walkable catchments in Auckland

iii) more work being undertaken to determine the suitability of a walkable catchment of around 1,200m from the edge of the city centre following the ongoing review of the feedback.

(Fletcher, Mulholland, Sayers, Stewart, Walker, Watson voted against keeping the door open on reviewing feedback on the walkable catchments)

Intensification within and adjacent to Town Centre zones, Local Centre zones and Neighbourhood Centre zones

c) confirm the principles for the application of Policy 3(d) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development set out in resolution PLA/2022/11 (see Attachment A to the agenda report).

d) agree to the application of a Height Variation Control to enable heights in Neighbourhood Centres of 16m (five storeys) where they are within the area of Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings zone (five storeys) following the application of Policy 3(d).

e) note that the Height Variation Control for Neighbourhood Centres may be amended in some places by the application of qualifying matters.

Qualifying Matters

f) confirm the qualifying matters under sections 77I and 77O of the Resource Management Act 1991 (including council-identified matters under section 77I(j) and section 77O(j)) as set out in Attachment A to the agenda report.

g) note that staff are reviewing whether changes are required to the provisions relating to the council-identified local public views qualifying matter and that any proposed changes will be presented to the Planning Committee for endorsement on 4 August 2022.

h) note that additional qualifying matters relating to locations with significant water supply and wastewater capacity constraints, and areas with significant stormwater disposal constraints, will be presented to the Planning Committee for endorsement on 4 August 2022.

i) request staff to further investigate and advise the practicality of identifying transport capacity constraints as a qualifying matter, and other alternative mechanisms under the Auckland Unitary Plan, and report back to the Planning Committee for a decision on 4 August 2022

j) note that ongoing discussions with Mana Whenua may result in additional qualifying matters relating to sites of cultural significance being presented to the Planning Committee for endorsement on 4 August 2022.

k) request staff report back to the Planning Committee on 4 August 2022 on the following additional potential qualifying matters to provide for appropriate transitions by:

i) restricting the required six storey building heights to some extent on properties within walkable catchments that immediately abut open space

ii) restricting the required six storey building heights to some extent on properties within walkable catchments that immediately abut residential properties with a lower density zoning

I) confirm the approach for the Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Business as a qualifying matter as follows:

i) that the qualifying matter be described as the Special Character Areas Overlay

ii) that outside walkable catchments, Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Special Character Areas Overlay – General is identified as a qualifying matter where special character values are present, being where 66% or more of individual properties score a 5 or 6

iii)      that within walkable catchments under Policy 3(c) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020, Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Special Character Areas Overlay – General is identified as a qualifying matter where special character values are of high quality, being where 75% or more of individual properties score a 5 or 6

iv) that Special Character Areas Overlay – Business is a qualifying matter where it was identified in the council’s preliminary response for the Intensification Planning Instrument.

v) note that staff are investigating appropriate controls to manage the impact of potential development on the cultural and visual qualities of the maunga and will report back to Planning Committee on 4 August

m) subject to (l), agree to amend the extent of the Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Special Character Areas Overlay – General by increasing or decreasing the application of the Overlays (while not adding new areas) to respond to:

i) feedback on council’s preliminary response for the Intensification Planning Instrument

ii) walkable catchments where Special Character Areas – Residential and General have a significant effect on development capacity.

n) agree to retain the height variation control within the business zones underlying the Special Character Areas Overlay – Business areas

o) agree to amend the provisions of the Special Character Areas Overlay to accommodate greater levels of development while retaining the special character values:

i) enable up to three dwellings per site (via the conversion of a principal dwelling into a maximum of two dwellings and one minor dwelling), and add new objectives, policies and standards to support this;

ii) amend the provisions to provide for a limited range of non-residential activities (such as home occupations, boarding houses, dairies and restaurants), and add a new objective and policy and assessment criteria to support this;

iii) retain existing standards to maintain and enhance special character values, but amend standards for yards and fences to be more enabling, while maintaining and enhancing special character values;

iv) amend the application of the demolition, removal and relocation rule to individual properties based on the contribution they make to the special character values of an area as identified in the site-specific survey of the Special Character Areas Overlay.

(Fletcher, Mulholland, Sayers, Simpson, Stewart, Walker, Watson voted against I)ii) iii) which if successful would have stopped SCAs progressing as a QM;  Mulholland and Simpson also voted against K)

 Other matters

p) agree to delay the implementation of the National Policy Statement Urban Development and the Medium Density Residential Standards in the Auckland Light Rail Corridor where the route is unknown until the route and stations are announced by Government on the basis that more intensive development in the Auckland Light Rail Corridor is anticipated than is envisaged currently under the National Policy Statement Urban Development and the Medium Density Residential Standards.

q) note that the project sponsors and council staff will continue to work with central government agencies to ensure best urban and transport outcomes are realised by the Auckland Light Rail Project.

r) note that the council is required to notify variations to the following plan changes to incorporate the Medium Density Residential Standards: Private Plan Changes 49 (Drury East Precinct), 50 (Waihoehoe Precinct), 51 (Drury 2 Precinct), 59 (Albany 10 Precinct), 66 (Schnapper Rock Road), 67 (Hingaia Precinct) and the council’s Plan Change 60 (Open Space), and that the variations must be notified at the same time the council’s Intensification Planning Instrument is notified.

s) note that finalising the text and maps for the Intensification Plan Instrument required under the Resource Management Act 1991 and completing the required section 32 analysis is a complex, resource-intensive exercise and that work on capacity modelling, economic and planning analysis is continuing and will be reported to the Planning Committee on 4 August 2022.

t) note that companion plan changes relating to the Regional Policy Statement chapter of the Auckland Unitary Plan, various transport matters and historic heritage places and will also be reported to the Planning Committee on 4 August 2022.

u) note the Medium Density Residential Standards prevent the council from having stronger design standards for up to three dwellings on matters such as privacy, overshadowing, outlook and the size of outdoor living spaces, and that as a result, the council’s ability to ensure good design outcomes has been constrained.

v) note that the council will shortly publish a report prepared under section 35 of the Resource Management Act that investigates the Auckland Unitary Plan in terms of the degree to which it is achieving quality outcomes for the built environment, and that as soon as resources become available, staff will report back on potential improvements to the design standards in the Auckland Unitary Plan on matters that are not restricted by the Medium Density Residential Standards


Chairperson address to the Waitematā Local Board 2016-19 inaugural meeting

Making the Chair's declaration with friends and family in support
Making the Chair’s declaration with friends and family in support

Kia ora huihui mai tātau

E te iwi tēnā koutou, mihi mai,  

E ngā mana, e ngā reo e ngā hau e whā

E te rangatira o Ngāti Whātua o Orākei, tēnā koe

E te iwi o Tāmaki Makau rau tēnā koutou katoa

E te whare, tēnā koe,

E te hapori kua tai mai  tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

Nau mai piki mai, haere mai

With Cr Mike Lee and Deputy Chair, Shale Chambers

On behalf of the board I would like to welcome all our distinguished guests including family and friends who have come along in support. Thank you Matt Maihi and Aunty Margaret from Ngāti Whātua o Orākei for your mihi whakatau and Otene Reweti for responding on our behalf.

Thank you Barry Potter for officiating and our local board services team for their work supporting the inaugural meeting.

Greetings and welcome to Councillor Mike Lee who has been returned for the third time as representative for Waitematā and Gulf ward.  We’re very fortunate to have you here as a strong advocate for the community and look forward to working with you.

The new Mayor Phil Goff gives his apologies but has our full support as he works to build trust and confidence in Council, and tackles the huge challenges facing Auckland. Greetings also to Richard Hills newly elected Councillor for the North Shore Ward who will be working with Mayor Phil to take the city forward.

I’d like to start by acknowledging the founders, all those who have come before us to create and build Tāmaki Makarau and more recently the people who took on the daunting task of establishing the super city and making it work.  An incredible amount has happened over the last 6 years so that, despite many challenges,  Auckland is undoubtedly a better place.

One of the people who has played a significant role over that time has been the inaugural chair of the Waitematā Local Board, Shale Chambers. He has done an outstanding job setting a strong foundation not just for our board but for the governance of Auckland. I’d like to acknowledge his tireless work for the Board in steering a progressive agenda that has achieved results. There is a great deal that Shale can be very proud of making happen with the support of the board including some significant projects like the extensive Myers Park upgrade, securing the funding for the complete refurbishment of the Ellen Melville Centre that is going to create a much needed community hub for the city centre,  and securing resource consent for the Weona-Westmere coastal walkway. He has also been instrument behind the scenes on making things happen. For example securing a venue for the successful Pop Up Globe  and gaining support for a major upgrade of Karanagahape Road from the city centre targeted rate.  In the best tradition of Ken Livingstone he has no wish to ever ride a bicycle but he gets why Auckland should be a bike friendly city.  

He has also been amazingly courageous at times in knowing the time to act and not take the easy path.  I feel particularly proud of the support he gave to the name change of lower Khartoum Place to Te Hā o Hine Place in honour of the suffrage memorial.

I thank him for the opportunity to now lead the board.  It is a huge privilege and I acknowledge the trust, responsibilities and confidence that is being placed in me.  I’ve committed to being collaborative, transparent and to continuing building on the relationships across the community, with our iwi partners and at all levels of the Auckland Council whanau. 

Together with all other previous board members  I’m proud of our many achievements and also to have been part of a Waitematā Local Board that has stood up for social justice, adopted the Living wage, committed to being accessible to everyone, stood up for public transport, for environmental and heritage protection, for public ownership of strategic assets, and for local communities to have a real say.  I’d like to acknowledge all the board members who have previously served for their significant contribution in particular Deborah and Christopher who retired at the end of last term and Greg Moyle for his service to local government. 

Shale, me and Rob are now officially the old timers of the board returned for our third terms.  It is a shock to me to realise that I am now in the senior section of the board!  

I am really delighted that Vernon has been returned for his second term and that we are joined by experienced government veteran Richard Northey, dynamic social entrepreneur and lecturer Adriana Avendano Christie  and planner and business owner Mark Davey.  They, together with the old timers, make up an impressive, talented team who I look forward to working with. We are all committed to working together with effective governance and responsible financial management for the good of Waitematā.

Looking ahead we have much to do over the next three years. We have community assets to enhance and services to maintain including our precious libraries, playgrounds to upgrade, we’re committed to the goals of a smoke free and zero waste Auckland with the establishment of a community resource recovery centre in conjunction with the Puketāpapa and Albert-Eden Local Boards.

We wish to continue the upgrade of Symonds Street cemetery, plant street trees, and the ecological restoration of our native bush and historic streams.  We recognise our role as place makers who can contribute to local economic development in partnership with our 7 business associations.  We value & support the arts, events and culture. We’re determined to connect with our North shore neighbours by finally getting Skypath built (something Shale committed to in his inaugural speech in 2010!)

We also recognise our role to contribute to the wider well-being of  all Aucklanders in creating opportunities for everyone, ending homelessness, providing families with access to quality affordable housing and delivering on real transport choices.

We know that the only way Auckland will truly be the best place in the world to live and a leading international city is if we take care of our people and environment.  We wish to be an age friendly and child friendly local board area that takes local action to meet one of the biggest challenges of our time by becoming a low carbon community.

In thinking about our role as local board members there is one particular aspect I wish to highlight by quoting Jeff Speck the author of Walkable Cities and a supporter of 8-80 cities

The healthiest, wealthiest, most sustainable and vibrant communities in cities around the world are unique in many ways. But there is one factor above all others that these communities have in common: they are, nearly without fail, highly walkable places.

This requires a commitment to slower speeds, people friendly infrastructure, public transport, bikeable streets and public spaces – all very achievable in compact Waitematā with the right political support.  

In finishing I reflect on what it means to serve our citizens and to provide leadership that achieves the aspirations of the community.  I’m committed to celebrating and embracing diversity and providing space for creative innovation and design thinking.   This requires new ways of operating by the Board and Council so all the people of Waitematā (including the growing inner city population) feel that local government matters and that they wish to participate. I look forward to putting this into action with a fantastic team of board members and officers as we start on the term ahead.

So behalf of the Board I’d like  thank everyone for attending today and sharing in the spirit of this very special occasion.  We are committed to working with you to create a strong, enriching, diverse, healthy, safe Waitematā in the beating heart of Tāmaki Makaurau.

Nō reira

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, rau rangatira mā

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

Monthly Board report July 2016

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 1 June to 10 July 2016 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

I was also acting chair for the week of 27 June when I attended the Local Chair’s Forum and the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting.


City Rail Link Ground breaking

 On Thursday 2 June Mayor Len Brown, Auckland Transport chairman Dr Lester Levy, Prime Minister John Key and Minister of Transport Simon Bridges officially marked the start of the construction for the City Rail Link.  It was an explosive ground breaking event with special cupcakes and a fantastic flash mob dance sequence involving many of the CRL workers. More importantly it was an opportunity to acknowledge Mayor Len’s role (and the many people who supported him such as Cr Mike Lee) in pushing ahead with this vital transport project that has been 93 years in the making.

Support for Auckland Transport to develop a Street Tree Planting Policy

Franklin Road street treesMy notice of motion requesting Auckland Transport to develop a street tree planting policy was unanimously passed by the Waitematā Local Board at our June business meeting.

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Member CP Dempsey

That the Waitematā Local Board:

i) notes the benefits of urban street trees and the Auckland Plan, City Centre Master Plan and Waitematā Local Board Plan 2014 commitment to plant street trees;

ii) requests Auckland Transport in association with Auckland Council Parks develop:

a) A street tree planting policy; and

b) A strategy to meet the City Centre Masterplan street tree target of a 25% increase by 2021;

iii) requests Auckland Transport allocate budget (capex and opex) for funding new street trees as part of streetscape projects and footpath renewals;

iv) requests that this Notice of Motion is circulated to all Local Boards, the Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee, Auckland Development Committee, Auckland Transport Board and Chief Executive and Auckland Council Policy and Bylaws team

Hakanoa Street, Grey Lynn kerbingHakanoa Street footpaths and kerbing

I’ve been following up on the concerns residents have raised about the kerb and channelling work currently underway by Auckland Transport’s contractors that involves removing the blue stone kerbing.

Auckland Transport has responded that:

the kerbs are being removed in places due to the disruptions of the tree roots, the tree roots are then unable to be cover over (as per the arborists direction)  therefore AT is unable to replace like for like and has to put in concrete and pointing of which is coloured, this does give a piece meal effect/look but as we are not able to replace with any kerb type i.e. (blue stone ) our hands are tied

 The only way to replace blue stone kerbing over tree roots is by putting in a bigger lintel over the roots, unfortunately the arborists has said we are not allow to do so in some places where the kerb is not replaced and there appears to be no trees, this is because there is 3 applications from residents for vehicle crossings

 Due to the nature of the tree roots AT accepts that we will have on going issues with this street and will return regularly to try to fix

However the road appears to have been widened thereby pushing the kerb closer to the tree roots.  There appears to be a mismatch of concrete and blue stone in big sections between trees not just around the trunk of the tree (as in the photo above). Large areas of blue stone kerbing stones appear to have disappeared without justification when similar streets have retained the traditional kerbing as part of an upgrade (eg Selbourne Street).  The works have also resulted in damage to house frontages.  I will continue to work on this with the residents until we receive a satisfactory response from Auckland Transport.

5. Hakanoa Reserve entrance from Hakanoa StA further issue I am following up is the continuation of the kerbing work despite plans for on road greenway works at the exit of Hakanoa Reserve (photo above) and planned pedestrian/cycleway improvements at the intersection with Richmond Road.

Auckland Transport has not explained the duplication of works and the additional costs.

 Renaming lower Khartoum Place

 Consultation on the renaming of lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ ended on 25 May.

From the 137 submissions there was strong support for the name change.  Details of the feedback and a decision making report are on the Board’s agenda this month.   It is looking positive that we will be a position to change the name in time for Suffrage Day in September.

The future of St Columba Church & parish

St Columba church, Grey Lynn I have been following events at St Columba in Grey Lynn and attended two community hui held during June to discuss the future of the parish.

Following financial difficulties last year the Anglican Diocese commissioned a report to consider the options available to the parish.   The report concluded with three redevelopment options that all involved demolishing the church and facilities on the site including the hall, community garden and labyrinth. This led a campaign to save St Columba involving the wider community.

 On 1 July the following statement was issued by the the Anglican Bishops of Auckland and the Vicar of St Columba Grey Lynn.

Conversations are underway to assist the Parish of St Columba Grey Lynn to address some significant challenges that have developed over a long period of time.

 Those challenges are related to finance and the ongoing costs of providing ministry in the community. They include the maintenance of buildings.

 The Bishops and the diocesan leadership are working closely with the Vicar and the people of the Parish to seek a long-term solution.

 The Diocese continues to have a commitment to the community of Grey Lynn. That commitment is being indicated in conversations that included a visit to the parish last weekend. The Diocese and the Parish are grateful for the support of the wider community.

Further conversations are anticipated with no decisions made at this point.

 The Bishops and the Vicar will be able to comment further once there is a decision to announce

Waitematā Local Board Community Grants

 The final Grants Committee was held on June to consider applications to the fourth and final round of the grants fund for 15/16. A total of $38,613.00 was available to distribute. The committee approved grants totally $29,791.00 to a range of community groups and organisations.

 Waipapa stream planting

 Waipapa planting day June 2016 Hugh and LukeAnnual planting day along the banks of the Waipapa Stream in Parnell was attended by Councillor Mike Lee, representatives from the Waitemata Local Board, Parnell Heritage, Parnell Community Committee, and local neighbours. It is great to see the many years of volunteer labour to re-habilitate the stream is paying off.

Mary Stewart, Senior Biosecurity Advisor, who has been coordinating the planting,is looking to work with Parnell Heritage and the Parnell Community Committee to engage with the surrounding residents to encourage best environmental practices nearby.  The stream has greatly improved  but practices continue that threaten the area (such as growing plants that are weeds in the apartments that are dropping into the stream and naturalising, dumping of garden waste, plant tags, pots, trimmings, old plants, dumping of rubbish and liquids (killing off plants) using driveway cleaners that kill trees).

 Ponsonby Road Pedestrian Experience

Lincoln Street side street render In the July Our Auckland Waitematā Local Board members feature in a story regarding the Board funded project to create a safe and consistent pedestrian experience along Ponsonsby Road between Franklin Road and Williamson Ave (the project was consulted on in November 2015). As mentioned in the article the work was meant to have started in June.

Unfortunately Auckland Transport missed the construction deadline for the works on Lincoln and Collingwood Streets in the last financial year and now has a budget shortfall. We are working through the budget details with Auckland Transport and the consultation process to get the feedback on intersection furniture layouts, materials, and street furniture.

It is now expected that the construction will start late August/early September 2016.

 Berm planting guidelines

 The mystery of Auckland Transport’s berm planting guidelines continues. I’ve given regular updates in my report regarding progress on guidelines that were promised by Easter.

A resident was recently advised the following after she complained about the destruction of her berm garden.

In Central, we mow all berms if they exceed or are approaching a height of 200mm. Our mowing operators work in tandem, with the bulk of the berm mown with a ride-on mower, and then followed up shortly afterwards with weed-eaters to remove encroaching grasses from the edge of footpaths and the kerbside, and around trees and poles which the ride-on mowers cannot reach.  Given the large number of berms to be mown across the city this actually provides better value for ratepayers than the stop-start method of one operator undertaking both activities.

Auckland Transport offered to put her on a no mow register which defeated the point as she had only grown a berm garden after being told she was responsible for it as she wasn’t physically able to mow the verge herself. The resident is now happy for AT to mow her berm again.

Quay Street cyclewayQuay Street Cycleway

On Friday 8 July the Minister of Transport, Hon Simon Bridges and Auckland Mayor Len Brown officially opened the Quay St protected cycleway on Auckland’s busiest cycle route.

At the time of writing my report the cycleway was still closed but attracting large numbers on a sunny weekend.  With the Quay Street Cycleway another gap is connected in the central city cycle network.

 Auckland Conversations : The future of housing in Auckland

Furture of housing in AucklandPanel discussion hosted by Bernard Hickey.

 With Auckland growing at a rate of 896 people a week how can everyone be guaranteed a home, either to buy or rent? Auckland clearly needs new housing options so the economic benefits of growth can be shared by all as we establish our place among the world’s most successful cities.

An excellent discussion about the current Auckland Housing crisis and what is needed to fix it. One big take away pushed by Bernard Hickey  is that young people need to vote in the Local Government Election in September.

The full discussion can be viewed on you tube

Workshops and meetings

Ponsonby Residential parking zone consultationFrom 1 June until 10 July 2016 I attended:

  • Public Open Day hosted by Auckland Transport on the Ponsonby Residential Parking Zone at the Ponsonby Community Centre 1 June
  • Wellesley St/Learning Quarter Interim Business Case Workshop #1 on 3 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 7 June
  • Auckland Transport hui on the Ponsonby Road Pedestrian Experience on 8 June
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 9 June
  • Attended the last session of the Little Grocer Environment Court hearing on 9 June
  • Kai a te rangatira – Elected Members breakfast sessions with Dr Ella Henry on 13 June
  • Central Community Recycling Facility Meeting on 14 June with Albert- Eden and Puketapapa Local Boards re Next Phase of design and provision of service
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 14 June at the board office  on 14 June
  • Engagement Framework meeting with the Board’s engagement adviser
  • Auckland Development Committee joint workshop with Local Board members on 15 June
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 15 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 16 June
  • Community portfolio visit to the Plunket rooms in Parnell
  • St Columba church community hui on 19 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 21 June
  • Community portfolio meeting on 22 June
  • Waitemata Local Board Community Grants committee meeting on 22 June
  • Meeting  on 23 June to discuss the Achievements Report
  • Inner City Network meeting and presentation on the work of the CAB on 23 June
  • Catch up with Michael Richardson, GM K’rd business association on 24 June
  • Spray free community meeting hosted by Deborah Yates at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 26 June
  • Community meeting with Assistant Bishop Jim White on 26 June to discuss the future of St Columba Church
  • Local Board Chairs Forum meeting on 27 June
  • Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 27 June
  • Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 29 June
  • Ports Community Reference Group on 29 June
  • Local Board Briefing – Community Centre Levels of Service Review  (Central Local Boards) on 30 June
  • Newton and Eden-Terrace Plan –Hui on 30 June
  • Changing Minds Community Housing Forum on 1 July at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 5 July
  • Franklin Road Improvement Project community liaison meeting hosting by Auckland Transport on 5 July

Refugee Forum AUTEvents and functions

From 1 June until 10 July 2016 I attended:

  • The Refugee Experience  – Storytelling through visual displays at AUT 1 June (photo right)
  • Countdown Supermarket Williamson Ave opening on 2 June
  • Bike Breakfast at Scarecrow on 2 June
  • City Rail Link ground-breaking on 2 June
  • Spray Free community meeting on 2 June
  • Auckland Transport’s cycling open day at La Cigale market on 4 June
  • Alex clothes swapWaitemata Youth Collective Clothes swap a the Central Library (photo of Alex Johnston at the Clothes Swap)
  • Queen’s Birthday celebrations at the Cloud on 4 June
  • Waipapa Stream planting day on 11 June
  • Auckland Theatre Company’s That Bloody Woman at Sky City Threatre (at the invitation of ATC) on 11 June
  • Auckland Transport’s Bike Market at the Cloud on 12 June
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks at the Malt Public House on 14 June
  • Newmarket Business Awards dinner at the Auckland War memorial museum on 17 July (at the invitation of NBA)
  • Feijoa guild Mik SmellieOtago Law Alumni breakfast at the Northern Club on 21 June
  • Feijoa Festival hosted by Splice at Chuffed Café on 22 June (Photo right: Guild of the Feijoa’s, Mik Smellie )
  • Auckland Conversations on 23 June The Future of Housing in Auckland
  • NZ Maritime Museum – Twin Exhibition Opening on 24 June
  • General Collective Market at Ponsonby Central on 25 June
  • The Minnie Street Community Day on 25 June
  • Cycle Action Network webinar presenter How to influence decision makers (together with Trevor Mallard and David Lee, Wellington City Councillor)
  • Selywn VercoeThe Seven Stars of Matariki exhibition curated by Selwyn Vercoe at Studio One Toi Tu (photo right)
  • Auckland Speaks: Multi media performance event at Adult Education Inc
  • World Press Photo exhibition opening at Smith & Caughey on 1 July
  • Plastic Free July, Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away group at Farro Fresh
  • Pecha Kucha: Special edition Auckland on the move at the Hopetoun Alpha on 5 July
  • Auckland Conversations 6 July
  • Attendance at the 2 Walk and Cycle Conference 6 – 8 July at the Rendevous Hotel (funded from the Local Board’s professional development budget). I will be reporting back on the conference in my August report
  • Vision Zero workshop presenter at the 2 Walk and Cycle Conference (together with Caroline Perry, Brake NZ, Patrick Morgan, Cycle Action Network and Abby Granbery, MR Cagney)
  • Opening of the Quay Street Cycleway by the Minister Simon Bridges on 8 July
  • Grey Lynn Park Greenways opening on Saturday 9 July
  • Te Wananga o Aotearoa Kapa Haka Super 12s at the Cloud
  • 30th anniversary of Homosexual Law Reform at the Auckland Town Hall

Bike Market June 2016 NZ Police officer Cole

Monthly Board Report: November 2012

Covering activities from 1 October – 31 October 2012 and reported on at the Waitemata Local Board meeting held on 13 November 2012

Portfolio Reports


The Transport Portfolio monthly transport catch up with Auckland Transport was held on 25 October with me and Christopher Dempsey.  We covered a number of issues including:

  • Proposed consultation on the Kingdon Street pedestrian crossing and the provision of a new footpath on railway land between Kingdon Street and Davies Cres
  • Sarawia Street Crossing and the options AT have looked at to permanently close this crossing to vehicles.
  • Update on the Richmond Road Safety Action Plan
  • St Mary’s Bay Parking Trial – initial feedback on the trial at the 3 month point and the work that is underway to review requests for business permits for businesses located outside the zone without off street parking.
  • Eden Tce Parking area introducing consistent pay and display that is about to go out to consultation with the support of the business association.

Full details of these issues and other matters discussed are outlined in the Auckland Transport monthly report attached to the November agenda.

Waitemata Local Board capex priorities

The Local Board Agreement transport proposals for funding from the Local Transport Fund that I reported on last month have now been referred to the Review Group for an initial assessment.

Good for business workshop

Invitations went out on 31 October to business associations and members for the “Good for Business” Seminar to be held on Wednesday 28 November. This will be an opportunity to hear from international expert Rodney Tolley about the economic benefits to business of streetscape investment.


The last of our Greenways workshops was held in October to confirm and prioritise the draft greenways routes that we would like presented at our December meeting for endorsing by the Board so that we can start consultation. This is an exciting project that has the potential to transform transport options in our area and will maximise the walking and cycling investment currently underway by Auckland Transport, NZTA and Waterfront Auckland.

Chorus – Ultra Fast Broadband

I have received a number of complaints this month about the standard to which pavements are being re-instated following the Chorus UFB works. In a number of places the high grade footpaths that were renewed in the western bays area only a couple of years ago are being left in a “patchwork” condition. Auckland Transport is following up these issues with Chorus and working to ensure the Code of Practice is followed.

TRAFINZ conference 8/9 October

I attended the NZ Traffic Institute’s annual conference in Takapuna on behalf of the Board.  I learnt a huge amount at the conference about road safety and the “safe system” principles.  I would recommend all members become familiar with the safe system approach to road safety and the responsibility we need to take as politicians for road design and working towards zero fatalities. My conference report is attached.

Community  Portfolio

Community Funding

Tricia Reade attended the Central Local Boards Joint Funding Committee workshop on my behalf on 19 October. We first considered the officer recommendations together for applications to the Community Group Assistance Fund and the Accommodation Support Fund. Both of these funds are substantially over subscribed with many of our local groups relying on the funding support.  The committee meeting to decide which groups will receive funding is on 9 November. The agenda is available online.

Unitary plan

Key stakeholder engagement on the preliminary Unitary Plan proposals that will inform the draft for public consultation in March 2013 got underway in October.  I attended the stakeholder workshop on 4 October and the Unitary Plan public meeting on 18 October. I have also taken every opportunity to gain greater understanding of the Unitary Plan proposals by attending the forums for board members.

Housing affordability

It has been recognised by Auckland Council and the Government that there is a housing crisis in Auckland – a crisis of supply, affordability, quality and choice. I attended the briefing on the Housing Strategic Action Plan (HSAP) that commits Council to working with others to deliver a multi-sector plan. Stage one of the HSAP, which is programmed to be completed by December this year focuses on investigating the whole range of possible housing development vehicles, policy and regulatory tools, available to Council that would increase the supply of affordable housing in Auckland. I would like to see the Auckland Council take a pro-active role in providing and encouraging affordable housing  (which needs to be understood on a continuum from social housing through to assisted home ownership and covering affordable rent) and making full use of the tools available such as inclusionary zoning.

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings and presentations were attended during October relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Other board activities

Keep Auckland Beautiful Conference

I attended this free conference on Saturday 6 October on behalf of the Board. The conference started with an enthusiastic welcome from the Mayor Len Brown, who is patron of the Keep Auckland Beautiful Trust (KABT).

As I learnt at the conference the KABT is a new Trust that falls under the umbrella of Keep NZ Beautiful. It builds on the work of Keep Waitakere Beautiful that has operated from Eco- Matters Environmental Trust. As a non-profit organisation KNZB operates as a charitable trust to promote litter abatement, waste minimisation as well as town and city beautification across New Zealand.  The purpose of the conference was to the determine what level of interest there is in the Auckland Region for localised beautification projects and what Keep Auckland Beautiful Trust can do to support, foster or initiate these projects.

I asked Iris Donoghue, Chair of the KNZBT about the funding sources of the Trust as I am concerned about the support provided by tobacco companies. Iris confirmed that a tobacco company is a member of the Trust and provides funding (which is voted on each year) but not the Auckland Trust. I think the KNZBT has done a lot of good work and it is great we now have an Auckland Trust but I would like to ensure that any support we provide does not in any way benefit the tobacco industry (for example by providing public place ashtrays that normalise smoking in public areas and put the cost on to Council).

Business Improvement District workshop

I attended the BID workshop with Nick Pinchin from the Grey Lynn Business Association to get a better understanding of the process and funding available for setting up a BID. The workshop covered the value of BIDs in an economic development context, identifying a business area’s needs and the key priorities for a BID, how to engage the business community, surveying businesses, developing a strategic plan, lessons from recent BID establishments, the balloting process, resourcing the establishment process, funding and budgeting to get to a successful outcome. The GLBA is going to consider the process more carefully but the initial reaction is that as there is no longer funding available to support a BID establishment process it is going to be extremely difficult for an association run by volunteers to get a BID off the ground.

Local Board workshops and meetings

Attended during October:

  • Cluster workshop for Local Board members to discuss the first draft of the Parkland Design Guidelines on 1 October.
  • The Parkland Design Guidelines are going to directly influence the design, upgrade and maintenance of all parks across the region.  They will also be an important decision making tool for local board members who will enable them to powerfully evaluate design proposals, achieve cost savings and promote high quality designs.
  • Unitary plan briefing for the Board on historic/character overlays on 2 October
  • Local Board workshop on 2 October ·
  • Meeting on 3 October to discuss the Board’s hosting of Carols by Candlelight and ideas for the event to be held in Western Park on 6 December
  • Low impact design for storm water meeting on 3 October
  • Meeting with the new Stormwater Liaison Advisor about her role and the process for regularly engaging with local boards
  • Feedback on Bylaws: Public Places/Public Safety, Trading and Events meeting on 3 October
  • Auckland Transport’s briefing on 4 October for Local Boards on two key upcoming initiatives: The development of the Regional Public Transport Plan, and the Auckland Cycle Network (previously the Regional Cycle Network)
  • Unitary Plan stakeholder engagement workshop on 4 October (photo right)
  • Monthly catch up with Ashley Church, CEO Newmarket Business Association on 4 October
  • Meeting with Andy Davies and Philip Jones to discuss the placement of the bus stop outside Ponsonby Central and parking issues         Waitemata Local Board business meeting at Graham Street on Tuesday 9 October
  • Meeting to finalise Board’s accessibility action plan on 10 October
  • Annual plan meeting for Board members on 11 October
  • Greenways workshop on 11 October
  • BID Establishment and Collaboration Workshop for board members and business associations on 12 October
  • Housing Strategic Action Plan (HSAP) cluster meeting on 15 October
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 16 October
  • Workshop on the Waitemata Coastal Walkway Project on 16 October
  • Movies in the Park Presentation by Gina Dellabarca and Rebecca Knox on 17 October
  • Meeting on 18 October with John Dunshea and Tim Watts regarding the failure to include the Waitemata Local Board’s City Centre priorities and projects in the final version of the CCMP
  • Unitary Plan public engagement on 18 October – information session about the Unitary Plan process
  • GLBA committee meeting on 23 October
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 23 October
  • Public Art Concepts for O’Connell St meeting on 23 October
  • Communications update on 23 October
  • Safety in Albert Park meeting
  • Transport portfolio monthly catch up with Auckland Transport on 26 October
  • Draft Library Future Directions plan review on 26 October
  • Community Development and Partnership Central Portfolio Holders meeting (Community Gardens and Social Enterprise) on 26 October
  • Meeting with Megan Barclay from Be Accessible to finalise the Board’s accessibility plan
  • Final meeting of the Mayoral taskforce on alcohol and community safety to review the work and progress to date of the Taskforce initiatives (as alternate to the Chair)
  • Final workshop of the Greenways working group before a report is prepared for the Board’s December meeting
  • Update from Waterfront Auckland on  proposed activation of Queens Wharf and the restoration of Shed 10
  • Unitary Plan Planning Forum – Topics: Rural Urban Boundary & Heritage & Historic Character on 30 October
  • Discussion and lunch at the Waterfront Auckland October board meeting held on 31 October.

Events and functions

I attended the following events and functions during October:

  • Cycle Action’s Associates breakfast on 4 October
  • Joined the start of the Waitemata Local Board’s Original foreshore walk on 5 October. As part of the Heritage Festival, Malcolm Paterson along with Christopher Dempsey as assistant led a walk of 30  from Parnell pool through to the city centre and out to Victoria Park along the historic foreshore.
  • Attended the Keep Auckland Beautiful conference on Saturday 6 October hosted by at the Mt Albert War Memorial Hall, Mt Albert (see report above).
  • Jam on Toast –  a showcase of users of the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 6 October (I supported a stand for the GLBA, GLFM and Grey Lynn 2030)
  • Trafinz Conference 2012 on  8/9 October (report attached)
  • Your Power Team AECT election launch outside Vector on 10 October
  • GLBA monthly networking drinks on 11 October at the Grey Lynn RSC
  • Kelmarna Community Gardens open day on 12 October (I am a trustee of the gardens)
  • Billy Bragg concert at the Town Hall on 12 October – “The greatest enemy of our time isn’t capitalism or conservatism. It’s cynicism”
  • Leys Hall Official Opening on Saturday 13 October
  • Savalivali Grey Lynn Heritage Walk on 13 October
  • Opening of the Divali Festival on 13 October
  • Grey Lynn Farmers’ Market AGM on 14 October  (I was re-elected as Chair )
  • Sustainable Business Network’s 10 birthday party celebrations on 16 October
  • International Triathlon Age-Group World Championships– enjoyed checking out the racing on Labour Day by bike
  • Art in the Dark launch on 23 October at Barrio, Ponsonby Road (photo right)
  • Green Drinks at the Kitchen on 24 October
  • Jeremy Hubbard’s leaving function as Director of MOTAT after 10 years of service on 25 October
  • Launch of the Living Room programme. Arts+ performance funded by the Waitemata Local Board on 26 October
  • Space Invaders car park installation on K’rd on Saturday 27 October
  • Launch of the Italian Festival held at Freeman’s Bay School on  Sunday 27 October including lunch hosted by  Dante Alighieri society
  • Auckland War Memorial Museum and carboNZero programme sustainability event
  • Launch of the Auckland Arts Festival on 31 October at the Aotea Centre – an impressive line-up of local and international acts that is sure to bring a new level of excitement to the festival under the direction of Carla van Zon.