Councillor report June-July 2022

My Councillor report covers the period from 11 June to 8 August and included a two week recess period.  During the second recess week, I represented Auckland Council at the Local Government New Zealand annual conference  (my conference report back will be on the Governing Body meeting agenda on 25 August).

The report has been prepared for the August business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.


Climate action Annual Budget

Waiheke Ferries

  • A new quality partnership agreement (QPA) was signed between Fullers360 and Auckland Transport on 15 July. Although there are some immediate benefits for Waiheke with regards to greater accountability and a reduction in the cost of the monthly pass I share the local board’s disappointment and concern about services and fares.
  • In parallel to the QPA the Minister continues the process to fully integrate the Waiheke ferry service into the Auckland-wide public transport network as a contracted service inside PTOM.
  • In the meantime, I have supported the local board’s advocacy and asked AT to continue to negotiate integrating all trip tickets into the HOP card so Waiheke locals can enjoy integrated fares and free connections (this will also encourage greater bus use to the ferry). I’ve also asked that we look at options for funding free fares for children at weekends as we work towards fare parity for Waiheke (while Waiheke services are outside of PTOM legally Waka Kotahi is not able to provide any funding to reduce fare costs).

NPS-UD new government housing rules

  • On 4 August the Planning Committee approved the public notification of a proposed plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan to meet government’s requirements for greater height and density across the city. It will go out for consultation from 18 August for 6 weeks. ( Attachment A: Why I supported public notification )
  • A majority of the proposed changes were decided by the Planning Committee on 30 June in response to feedback on a preliminary response to the new rules.


Matariki was celebrated for the first time with a public holiday.  To mark the day Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust working in collaboration with Revive Our Gulf deployed 150 tonnes of kūtai into te moana to regenerate the mussel beds. (I was invited as co-chair of the Hauraki Gulf Forum but unfortunately was unable to attend due to post covid illness

Engagements and events attended

  • Judy Gilbert, Windy Hill Sanctuary at Motairehe Marae, Aotea Great Barrier

    11 June – attended a community hui at Motairehe Marae, Aotea Great Barrier on the proposed temporary rāhui to stop people taking the threatened species of scallops, pāua and koura.

  • CCO site visits:
    • 17 June – With Auckland Transport visited the new station at Albany, the ATOC centre and Northcote town centre
    • 4 July – On a visit to Port of Auckland we met the CEO Roger Gray and did a comprehensive tour of the site
  • 13 June – CCRG meeting on noise
  • 15 June – 2022 Auckland Writers Festival Programme launch
  • Motutapu Planting Day with Hauraki Gulf Forum Executive Director Alex Rogers

    18 June – Motutapu Planting Day  and a special evening with Dr Rangi Matamua to launch Matariki: A Light Show Celebration at Stardome Observatory

  • 19 June – launch of Green Global Solutions and attended the Pathway Festival (music encounters along the hidden Opou stream, Grey Lynn to Cox’s Bay)
  • June – Matariki: Te Umu Kohukohu Whetū a dawn event to start the Matariki Festivalat Takaparawhau  hosted by Ngāti Whatua Ōrākei  and also on 21 June the grand opening of Alan Wang Art Gallery at the invite of Cr Young
  • 5 July – Girl from the North Country, at The Civic at the invite of Tataki Auckland Unlimited
  • 7 July – As Deputy Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee attended the Repair Cafe Aotearoa NZ’ s presentation of a petition to Minister Parker at the Central Library to introduce legislation to make to easier for the community to get goods repaired.
  • 7 July – Long Day’s Journey into Night, Q Theatre at the invite of Silo Theatre
  • 9 July – Frieda’s community market in West Lynn and obtained a free rat trap from Urban Arc Manawa Taiao at Coxs Bay
  • 10 July – NZ Eid day Festival at Eden Park
  • With Waiheke Art Gallery Director Fiona Blanchard and Waiheke Local Board member Kylie Matthews

    13 July – Councillor Clinic on Waiheke and met with the new Waiheke Art Gallery Director Fiona Blanchard

  • 18 July – joined the Mayor’s media briefing for the new Federal
    Federal Street upgrade with Mayor Phil Goff

    Street upgrade

  • 19 – 22 July attended the LGNZ conference in Palmy
  • 23 July – As part of the Federal Street upgrade community celebration attended the Auckland City Mission‘s tour of the award winning Homeground. The beautiful building brings together
    Tour group of the Mission’s Homeground with guide Mahara

    permanent housing, health and social services, and lots of community spaces in a warm and welcoming environment. Homegrown was 11 years in the making and cost $110m to build including a $5m contribution from Auckland Council

  • 25 July – Commemorative service for He Taonga Te wai World Drowning Prevention Day 2022 at the invite of Drowning Prevention Auckland
  • 26 July – Reception to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Auckland/Los Angeles Sister City Partnership 26th July
  • 28 July – Wynyard Quarter Neighbours’ Forum hosted by Eke Panuku
  • At the World premiere of Muru with star of the film Tame Iti and Waiheke’s Jeanne Clarkin

    28 July – opening gala of Whānau Mārama New Zealand International Film Festival with the World Premiere of Tearepa Kahi’s powerful film Muru at The Civic for the first time since 2019 at the invite of the NZIFF Trust

  • 29 July – MC for the Fill your Keep Cup event especially curated by Suzanne Kendrick for Plastic Free July 2022 on behalf of Waitematā Waste Away to hear from a range of presenters including MP Eugenie Sage and Min David Parker on waste legislation and waste solutions (I gave a tribute to Warren Snow at the event – see below)
  • Speakers, hosts and many of the attendees at Piritahi Marae, Waiheke to hear the results of the second annual koura/crayfish survey

    30 July – Presentation at Piritahi Marae to hear the results of the second annual koura/crayfish survey run by the Waiheke Marine Project.  Really impressive presentations bringing together citizen scientists, divers and matauranga Māori.  The results however are really troubling. Only 22 koura found across 28,000 sq m. This was a survey across 10,000 more square metres than the 2021 survey but found one less koura

  • 2 August – Rough Lives Speak book launch and poetry reading at the Central City Library and University of Auckland’s Raising the Bar talk Auckland City, What a Pity by Julie Stout
  • 4 August – Skytower 25th birthday celebration at the invitation of SkyCity Auckland
  • 6 August – Haumi Wynyard Quarter’s 11th birthday celebrations
  • 7 August – Friends of Regional Parks AGM

Governing Body meetings – Key decisions  

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only of key decisions.

On 10 June the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

  • Received the 2021/2022 third quarter reports of the substantive Council-controlled Organisations and Ports of Auckland Limited
  • Approved proposed content for Auckland Council’s letter of expectation to Ports of Auckland Limited.

On 23 June the Governing Body   

  • Endorsed the development of Auckland Council’s submission on the Water Services Entities Bill (the submission opposes many aspects of the Bill)
  • adopted the Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Te Ture ā-Rohe Noho Puni Wātea ā-Waka 2022 / Auckland Council Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw 2022
  • Approved reallocation of $25,000 of Regional Events Anzac Day budget underspend from the current FY21/22 financial year to provide a one-off grant to the Auckland Returned and Service Association

On 27 June the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

  • Noted the change of lead agency for the city centre to Eke Panuku.
  • Noted update from Auckland Transport regarding progress on the transport workstreams associated with implementation of the City Centre Masterplan.

On 29 June the Extraordinary Governing Body

  • Adopted the Auckland Council Annual Budget 2022/2023, as the council’s annual plan for 2022/2023, including 21 local board agreements

On 30 June the Planning Committee

Walkable catchments of the City Centre zone, Metropolitan Centre zones and stops on Auckland’s Rapid Transit Network

b) confirm the walkable catchments referred to in Policy 3(c) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development as defined in resolution PLA/2021/80 (see Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to:

i) clarifying that the walkable catchment is from the edge of the City Centre zone and the edge of the Metropolitan Centre zone

ii) the ongoing review of feedback on specific walkable catchments (e.g. modifying factors that might affect the distance in a particular location) as well as carrying out a consistency check on the mapped catchments across the different walkable catchments in Auckland

iii) more work being undertaken to determine the suitability of a walkable catchment of 1,200m from the edge of the city centre following the ongoing review of the feedback.

On 7 July Environment and Climate Change Committee

  • Supported a notice of motion from Councillor Bartley- Fishing control Kawau/Shag species in the Panmure Basin. The committee requested that staff support Councillor Bartley in advocating to the appropriate crown agency or agencies to introduce a fishing ban or other such control in the Panmure basin to protect the Shag species.
  • Discussed natural hazards risk management action plan and received the one-year update.
  • Received an update on the exposure draft of the national policy statement for indigenous biodiversity.

On 26 July Finance and Performance Committee

  • Considered a notice of motion from Councillor Stewart to revoke or alter previous resolution on 9R Fortyfoot Lane, Sunnyhills.
  • Received public input from residents of the area and local board input on Councillor Stewart’s notice of motion. The motion was declared lost by 8 votes to 13.
  • Discussed council’s group’s insurance renewal placement and the self-insurance fund.

On 28 July Governing Body

  • Discussed Climate action targeted rate and proposed governance framework.
  • Established a governance and oversight group for the duration of the climate action targeted rate. Some responsibilities of the group will include providing direction to and endorse annual CATR programmes and projects. Reviewing any variations from the programmes and projects. They are to meet bi-annually and often if required. Report progress on implementations and delegate authority to the mayor to endorse on behalf of the governance group.

On 4 August the Planning Committee

  • approved public notification of the proposed plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan – the city’s planning rulebook – to meet central government requirements for greater building height and density across the city, with people being able to make submissions from 18 August 2022 and endorsed additional policy directions:

Low Density Residential zone

A new Low Density Residential zone was endorsed to provide a lower level of development than the three storeys required by the government. It will be used in areas where some qualifying matters, or exemptions, to limit required building heights apply.

Water supply, wastewater and stormwater QM

New qualifying matters were endorsed for areas where long-term water supply, wastewater and stormwater network constraints exist and need to be managed.

Rural and coastal settlements

A number of rural and coastal settlements were endorsed as not having the Medium Density Residential Standards apply because they have a population less than 5,000 people and are not part of Auckland’s urban environment.

These include: Helensville, Clarks Beach, Glenbrook Beach, Karaka, Maraetai, Riverhead, Snells Beach – Algies Bay, Wellsford, Kingseat, Te Hana, Parakai, Matakana, Whitford, Waimauku, Patumahoe, Stillwater, Kawakawa Bay, Omaha, Point Wells, Waiwera, Clevedon, Okura and Kumeu-Huapai.

  • I moved the motion to approve proposed plan change to make additions and amendments to Schedule 10 Notable Trees Schedule (this was made possible on the back of a motion I moved in November 2020 to agree to schedule trees when resources allow)
  • approved the strategic direction to guide development of a draft Future Development Strategy.


bFM interviews:

In memoriam

John Elliott

John Elliott receiving his Outstanding Contribution certificate at the Waitematā Local Board’s Good Citizen Awards

The wonderful John Elliott sadly passed away on 12 July.   He leaves a tremendous legacy including the huge contribution he made reporting locally on the big issues through Ponsonby News (was also the founder and long time editor).

I’m really grateful to John for his consent presence throughout my political life – a mentor, adviser, supporter and always quick to call me up about the decisions he wasn’t happy about. Smart, witty, compassionate, thoughtful and a gentleman. Deservedly acknowledged with a QSM and a Good Citizen Award from the Waitematā Local Board (photo right presenting the award).  John will be greatly missed.

Warren Snow

At the Zero Waste event on 29 July I gave the following tribute to Warren Snow who has since passed away (unfortunately he wasn’t able to attend as planned).

Many of you will have been inspired by Warren over many years for this work on many zero waste projects including the Kiwi bottle drive and the container bottle scheme.  I’d like to share why I am immensely grateful to Warren.

In 2009 I went along to one of the early Grey Lynn 2030 transition town meetings.  Warren was the guest speaker sharing his ideas for a network of resource recovery centres. For me Warren put it altogether in a way that made complete sense. This was something that had to happen.  The idea for a community-led centre became a Grey Lynn 2030 project and then was picked up by the Waitematā Local Board in the first local board plan – a central site supported by Puketāpapa and Albert-Eden Local Boards too.   Scoping got underway about a decade ago and then a real project with real council money a few years later.

What is so awesome is the Te Waiōrea Western Springs resource recovery centre is going to open very soon. Warren can be super proud of his vision and encouragement.   In acknowledging Warren I also think of his words at that meeting in 2009 that have stuck with me and I always come back to –  we should always remember and acknowledge the “founders”  .  As Warren would say many people contribute to a successful project and idea.

However for me, and I am sure for all Grey Lynn 2030, Warren will always be the originator of Te Waiōrea and because of that Suzanne Kendrick has proposed a tribute to Warren at the centre.  Thanks to Parul, General Manager Waste Solution who has picked up the idea and is making it a reality in the form of a tree and a plaque.

Before I close my tribute to Warren, I acknowledge there is so much more to say and thank Warren for.  At the end of May Elisabeth Easter profiled Warren for her Herald column My Story.   I suggested Warren when Elisabeth asked me to recommend a zero waste hero.  Warren wrote on his facebook that he was really pleased with the full page story and especially being able to call out the Warehouse’s sustainable and affordable marketing campaign.  Thank you Elisabeth for giving Warren the recognition he deserves.

Ema Barton, from Song Writers for Climate Action dedicated a song to Warren to close the event

Auckland NPS UD policy directions keep door open on new housing rules

At a marathon 11 hour Planning Committee meeting on 30 June policy directions were decided that inform the development of the council’s Intensification Planning Instrument (IPI). 

The IPI is required to give effect to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) 2020 and incorporate medium density residential standards (MDRS) into relevant residential zones within the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP). 

The IPI must be publicly notified by 20 August 2022. Following consultation on it, an Independent Hearings Panel (IHP) will make recommendations back to council on necessary changes to the AUP by early 2024.

Council is working to a very tight government-directed timetable. The policy directions come after council’s engagement on a preliminary response to the new housing rules intended to increase intensification and housing supply.

I spoke in support of the policy direction tabled by the Chair Chris Darby (with amendments outlined below). The NPS-UD allows for exceptions to its blanket rules, called Qualifying Matters (QMs). There are specific QMs identified in s77I RMA.  The NPS-UD also allows the council to include “any other matter that makes higher density, as provided for by the MDRS or Policy 3, inappropriate in an area”. I focused on the most controversial issue of the proposed QM called Special Character Areas (SCAs) especially within “walkable catchments”. The proposed QMs for Auckland include matters such as significant ecological areas, volcanic viewshafts, significant natural hazards, open space, gas and oil pipelines, and local viewshafts.

The NPS-UD (under s 77L of the RMA) requires a site-specific analysis of any council proposed QM including special character. (This information sheet explains more about SCAs identified in the AUP as an ‘overlay’.)

The following is based on my notes in speaking to the meeting.

Reconciling the competing needs of urban development and special character is very tricky to navigate but I think it is possible to take an approach that is a win-win. As I wrote a year ago at the start of the process, I don’t think it has to be a zero sum game. 

What the government has dealt us with is a very blunt, one size fits all instrument but I don’t subscribe to the view that it is an EITHER/OR situation; that we only have a choice of either affordable housing or SCAs; climate action or SCAs; equity or SCAs. It is possible, I think, to confront the challenges the city faces and aim for the best possible urban environment at the same time as accommodating a range of qualifying matters including one that covers high quality special character.

In working through what is required by the NPS-UD I don’t think we can ignore the intensive AUP development process and the resulting buy-in to the current rules that put Auckland in a different situation to other metro authorities. We also can’t ignore that the AUP didn’t get everything right. However the NPS-UD is just one urban development and housing supply tool – it is not the be all end all.

Through being forced into this process there is an opportunity to leverage all the tools available to council to enable more affordable housing in well-designed and well-functioning neighbourhoods providing everyone across all our communities the opportunity to live healthy, low carbon lifestyles, safely connected to places of work, study, recreation and community amenities. At the same time we can identify links to past development that are important to many Aucklanders and that future generations will also value and be glad were retained. If we were starting from a blank canvas we could take a totally different approach – perhaps no zoning rules or rules to ensure no low/medium density within a decent walk of the city centre and rapid transport hubs – but that is not the reality of where we are at in Auckland’s development.

In supporting the policy directions, I have four key considerations:

First, what is the legal framework, specifically what are the requirements of the NPS-UD and the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021. This has been an interesting debate when it comes to SCAs.

Recently the Character Coalition took out a full page ad claiming a group of councillors, me included, had voted against more SCAs. Actually the opposite is the case. We voted for the special character assessment to be undertaken (Walker, Watson and Sayers voted against at the July 2021 Planning Committee meeting). We voted for the preliminary response to go out for consultation including high quality special character as a QM. (Walker, Watson, Stuart, Mulholland, Fletcher voted against). 

What we didn’t vote for at the Planning Committee in March 2022 is for a roll-over of ALL current SCAs as a qualifying matter, as many heritage campaigners wanted. This doesn’t stack up under any reading of s77L of the RMA. It is also a high risk strategy from those who want to retain SCAs because there is no way it would get through the Independent Hearing Panel and would very likely result in a lesser amount of the identified high quality special character being included as a QM.

Secondly I’ve looked at the evidence and analysis that has been provided to us. Evidence to support the walkable catchments (such as from the Ministry for the Environment); evidence to support the special character assessments; evidence to support other QMs such as infrastructure constraints, etc. It is evidence backed up by expert advice that needs to go to the IHP. If we don’t support the evidence, when the decision comes back to council’s Planning Committee on the AUP changes  it runs the risk that the final decision ends up with the Minister (with no appeals allowed to the Environment Court) .

Thirdly I have considered the feedback – I’ve read 1000-odd submissions from Waitematā plus many submissions from organisations. To me, this shows there is still a lot of work to do to assess the feedback and consider the impact. Staff have acknowledged this and it is why I suggested changes to the Chair’s recommendations to allow more time to assess the walkable catchments before this is reported back in August. (in bold below). Also as a result of the feedback I suggested the inclusion of k) ii) to deal with the interface between SCA zoning and walkable catchment zoning.

Next I have taken into account where we are at in the process. This is by no means a done deal. The preliminary response engagement conducted by council (an extra step in the process not required by the NPS-UD) has put a lot of pressure on staff in a constrained timeframe but it has resulted in the opportunity to consider community feedback as work continues.  There may be aspects of the policy direction that we have got wrong or where we have pushed the interpretation to the limit but we still have further public consultation to go and the IHP will look in more depth at the evidence. 

I’ve also taken into account that unless a property is identified as being subject to a qualifying matter when the IPI is notified, the MDRS rules (e.g. permitted three-storeys and permitted three dwellings per site) apply immediately.

My approach overall is guided by a climate lens. I want to ensure we deliver on the goal of Te Tāruke -ā -Tāwhiri Auckland’s Climate Plan to achieve a low carbon and resilient region. Reducing emissions is also an objective of the NPS-UD. However, in many ways the NPS-UD actually runs contrary to this objective by enabling more sprawl in areas with unsuitable infrastructure. SCAs are not necessarily the problem.

Waitematā Local Board presentation to the Planning Committee

Alex Bonham, Deputy Chair of the Waitematā Local Board highlighted in presenting to the Committee that many of the existing SCAs are already mid-density neighbourhoods delivering wellbeing and providing support for local economies.

Cohaus (in the featured photo and where my mum happens to live) is held up as an example of the kind of development that will be unwelcome if inner suburbs are zoned for special character. However, Cohaus is in an SCA and supports the view that we can in fact have both. I think this is summed up well by Architect Graeme Burgess in his submission: “I do not consider that these (Special Character) areas of the city should remain unchanged. … these areas have been managed as ‘Special Character’ for decades, and in that time many changes have occurred, including a degree of intensification as demonstrated by the Co-Haus example. The area will continue to change and in accommodating that change should maintain its ‘Special Character’.

What was agreed at the meeting – under o) below – will further accommodate greater levels of development in SCAs together with the removal of parking minimums. These changes will mean that future cohaus type developments don’t face a $500k bill for a notified resource consent.

Overall, I think the agreed policy directions provide further time to consider the climate impacts together with all the NPS-UD objectives, and where not reconcilable or backed by evidence this should be reflected in the Planning Committee decision in August (informed by Councillor workshops during July).

No one will have achieved exactly what they want from the policy directions. However, I feel comfortable in taking an approach at this stage that continues the analysis before the IPI is notified in August. The door is still open.

The amendment

Before the main vote, Cr Simpson put up an amendment to l) that I seconded (the amendment in italics):

I) confirm the approach for the Special Character Areas Overlay –Residential and Business as a qualifying matter as follows:

ii) that outside walkable catchments, Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Special Character Areas Overlay – General is identified as a qualifying matter where special character values are present, being where 66% or more of individual properties score a 4, 5 or 6 where the overall quality of the area is maintained and existing or potential fragmentation is reduced.

I seconded the amendment to get the issue on the table as I think whether 4’s are included should be considered at this stage and not left to the plan change notification in August.  The officer advice at para 61 states  The addition of 4’s will reduce the cohesiveness of the technical assessment and it will therefore be more open to challenge through the hearings process and that There is significant variability in the quality of the 4’s across the region and therefore a blanket approach is not appropriate.  

However it also notes that from a technical perspective, properties scoring 4 contribute or support the overall character of an area and could reduce the fragmentation of the overlay in some areas.I therefore supported the amendment to allow the opportunity for that assessment within tight parameters and to be able to consider the impact at the Planning Committee workshops coming up.

The amendment lost but I think it was the right time to have the debate. Staff warned that if it had been successful they would not have the capacity to assess 4’s AND do the work directed under m) that could lead to increases and/or decreases of the SCAs in walkable catchments.

The decision: Item 14 National Policy Statement on Urban Development – Policy Directions

City Centre zone

a) confirm the principles for the application of Policy 3(a) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 set out in resolution PLA/2022/29 (see Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to:

i) applying special height controls that reduce the general unlimited height controls in the City Centre zone; and

ii) elsewhere in the City Centre zone applying a 72.5 metre height control (other than in the Special Height Control areas and Precincts).

 Walkable catchments of the City Centre zone, Metropolitan Centre zones and stops on Auckland’s Rapid Transit Network

b) confirm the walkable catchments referred to in Policy 3(c) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development as defined in resolution PLA/2021/80 (see Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to:

i) clarifying that the walkable catchment is from the edge of the City Centre zone and the edge of the Metropolitan Centre zone

ii) the ongoing review of feedback on specific walkable catchments (e.g. modifying factors that might affect the distance in a particular location) as well as carrying out a consistency check on the mapped catchments across the different walkable catchments in Auckland

iii) more work being undertaken to determine the suitability of a walkable catchment of around 1,200m from the edge of the city centre following the ongoing review of the feedback.

(Fletcher, Mulholland, Sayers, Stewart, Walker, Watson voted against keeping the door open on reviewing feedback on the walkable catchments)

Intensification within and adjacent to Town Centre zones, Local Centre zones and Neighbourhood Centre zones

c) confirm the principles for the application of Policy 3(d) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development set out in resolution PLA/2022/11 (see Attachment A to the agenda report).

d) agree to the application of a Height Variation Control to enable heights in Neighbourhood Centres of 16m (five storeys) where they are within the area of Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings zone (five storeys) following the application of Policy 3(d).

e) note that the Height Variation Control for Neighbourhood Centres may be amended in some places by the application of qualifying matters.

Qualifying Matters

f) confirm the qualifying matters under sections 77I and 77O of the Resource Management Act 1991 (including council-identified matters under section 77I(j) and section 77O(j)) as set out in Attachment A to the agenda report.

g) note that staff are reviewing whether changes are required to the provisions relating to the council-identified local public views qualifying matter and that any proposed changes will be presented to the Planning Committee for endorsement on 4 August 2022.

h) note that additional qualifying matters relating to locations with significant water supply and wastewater capacity constraints, and areas with significant stormwater disposal constraints, will be presented to the Planning Committee for endorsement on 4 August 2022.

i) request staff to further investigate and advise the practicality of identifying transport capacity constraints as a qualifying matter, and other alternative mechanisms under the Auckland Unitary Plan, and report back to the Planning Committee for a decision on 4 August 2022

j) note that ongoing discussions with Mana Whenua may result in additional qualifying matters relating to sites of cultural significance being presented to the Planning Committee for endorsement on 4 August 2022.

k) request staff report back to the Planning Committee on 4 August 2022 on the following additional potential qualifying matters to provide for appropriate transitions by:

i) restricting the required six storey building heights to some extent on properties within walkable catchments that immediately abut open space

ii) restricting the required six storey building heights to some extent on properties within walkable catchments that immediately abut residential properties with a lower density zoning

I) confirm the approach for the Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Business as a qualifying matter as follows:

i) that the qualifying matter be described as the Special Character Areas Overlay

ii) that outside walkable catchments, Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Special Character Areas Overlay – General is identified as a qualifying matter where special character values are present, being where 66% or more of individual properties score a 5 or 6

iii)      that within walkable catchments under Policy 3(c) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020, Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Special Character Areas Overlay – General is identified as a qualifying matter where special character values are of high quality, being where 75% or more of individual properties score a 5 or 6

iv) that Special Character Areas Overlay – Business is a qualifying matter where it was identified in the council’s preliminary response for the Intensification Planning Instrument.

v) note that staff are investigating appropriate controls to manage the impact of potential development on the cultural and visual qualities of the maunga and will report back to Planning Committee on 4 August

m) subject to (l), agree to amend the extent of the Special Character Areas Overlay – Residential and Special Character Areas Overlay – General by increasing or decreasing the application of the Overlays (while not adding new areas) to respond to:

i) feedback on council’s preliminary response for the Intensification Planning Instrument

ii) walkable catchments where Special Character Areas – Residential and General have a significant effect on development capacity.

n) agree to retain the height variation control within the business zones underlying the Special Character Areas Overlay – Business areas

o) agree to amend the provisions of the Special Character Areas Overlay to accommodate greater levels of development while retaining the special character values:

i) enable up to three dwellings per site (via the conversion of a principal dwelling into a maximum of two dwellings and one minor dwelling), and add new objectives, policies and standards to support this;

ii) amend the provisions to provide for a limited range of non-residential activities (such as home occupations, boarding houses, dairies and restaurants), and add a new objective and policy and assessment criteria to support this;

iii) retain existing standards to maintain and enhance special character values, but amend standards for yards and fences to be more enabling, while maintaining and enhancing special character values;

iv) amend the application of the demolition, removal and relocation rule to individual properties based on the contribution they make to the special character values of an area as identified in the site-specific survey of the Special Character Areas Overlay.

(Fletcher, Mulholland, Sayers, Simpson, Stewart, Walker, Watson voted against I)ii) iii) which if successful would have stopped SCAs progressing as a QM;  Mulholland and Simpson also voted against K)

 Other matters

p) agree to delay the implementation of the National Policy Statement Urban Development and the Medium Density Residential Standards in the Auckland Light Rail Corridor where the route is unknown until the route and stations are announced by Government on the basis that more intensive development in the Auckland Light Rail Corridor is anticipated than is envisaged currently under the National Policy Statement Urban Development and the Medium Density Residential Standards.

q) note that the project sponsors and council staff will continue to work with central government agencies to ensure best urban and transport outcomes are realised by the Auckland Light Rail Project.

r) note that the council is required to notify variations to the following plan changes to incorporate the Medium Density Residential Standards: Private Plan Changes 49 (Drury East Precinct), 50 (Waihoehoe Precinct), 51 (Drury 2 Precinct), 59 (Albany 10 Precinct), 66 (Schnapper Rock Road), 67 (Hingaia Precinct) and the council’s Plan Change 60 (Open Space), and that the variations must be notified at the same time the council’s Intensification Planning Instrument is notified.

s) note that finalising the text and maps for the Intensification Plan Instrument required under the Resource Management Act 1991 and completing the required section 32 analysis is a complex, resource-intensive exercise and that work on capacity modelling, economic and planning analysis is continuing and will be reported to the Planning Committee on 4 August 2022.

t) note that companion plan changes relating to the Regional Policy Statement chapter of the Auckland Unitary Plan, various transport matters and historic heritage places and will also be reported to the Planning Committee on 4 August 2022.

u) note the Medium Density Residential Standards prevent the council from having stronger design standards for up to three dwellings on matters such as privacy, overshadowing, outlook and the size of outdoor living spaces, and that as a result, the council’s ability to ensure good design outcomes has been constrained.

v) note that the council will shortly publish a report prepared under section 35 of the Resource Management Act that investigates the Auckland Unitary Plan in terms of the degree to which it is achieving quality outcomes for the built environment, and that as soon as resources become available, staff will report back on potential improvements to the design standards in the Auckland Unitary Plan on matters that are not restricted by the Medium Density Residential Standards


Councillor monthly report June 2022

My Councillor report covers the period from 7 May to 10 June. It has been prepared for the June business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the public and local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.


  • Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council and Auckland Zone co-chair
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Climate Political Reference Group
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group
  • All Councillors are members of the Planning, CCO Oversight, Finance & Performance and the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committees


  • Consultation on council’s preliminary response to the NPS-UD and MDRS closed 9 May. The feedback will help inform council’s proposed changes to the AucklandUnitary Plan that are required by government to be notified in August.
  • Hauraki Gulf Forum co-chairs and Executive Officer with Ministers Allan and Parker

    As co-chairs of Hauraki Gulf Forum, myself and Nicola MacDonald visted Wellington 11-12 May with Executive Officer Alex Rogers to meet in person with our Ministers, and separately with a variety of members of Parliament from across the House. I stayed on in Wellington to attend the LGNZ Metro meeting on 13 May. The Forum’s public meeting was held on 23 May in Taupiri.

Engagements and events attended during the month included:

  • 10 May the CCO Oversight Committee visit with Auckland Unlimited to the Aotea Centre
  • 13 May joined the panel (photo above) following an international launch of a Lancet publication series on Healthy and Sustainable Cities where members of AUT’s Te Hotonga Hapori team participated and contributed data for Auckland in this international collaboration. The panel of IMBS member Tony Kake, AT Board Director Abbie Reynolds, VC Damon Salesa and Urban Designer George Weeks were invited to reflect on the findings.
  • 19 May official opening of the new Auckland Central Library living “green” roof installed as part of repair work on the building.
  • 24 May attended Auckland’s Future, Now conference hosted by Auckland Unlimited (morning sessions)
  • Also on 24 May paid respect to kaumatua Joe Hawke with a delegation from Auckland Council (see below)
  • 25 May opening of the stage 2 of Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path – Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai
  • 26 May community meeting hosted by the Minister of Conservation, Hon Kiri Allan on Waiheke
  • NZ Muslim Association president Ikhlaq Kashkari, his sister and her husband together with Councillors Efeso Collins and Paul Young

    28 May Eid celebration dinner at the invite of the NZ Muslim Association

  • 30 March attended the City Centre Residents Group meeting at the Ellen Melville Centre to hear a presentation on Koi Tū report, Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau
  • 3 June Objectspace opening for twisting, turning winding: takatāpui + queer objects exhibition
  • 4 June opening of the New Lynn to Avondale shared path by the Minister for Transport and Mayor
  • Also on 4 June SEVEN METHODS OF KILLING KYLIE JENNER at Basement at the invitation of Silo Theatre
  • 5 June attended the anti-war march for Ukraine at the Auckland Museum cenotaph for the speeches including from Mayor Phil Goff, Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan and MP Ricardo Menéndez March honouring all the innocent victims and to express solidarity with Ukrainians.
  • Also on 5 June visited Taste of Pasifika at the Cloud with the Mayor and City Centre Residents Group representative Antony Phillips
  • 8 June attended the opening for Auckland Museum’s Ancient Greeks exhibition
  • 9 June Leaving reception for Her excellency Laura Clarke who is departing Aotearoa after 4.5 years as the British High Commissioner and Governor of the Pitcairn Island at the Auckland Art Gallery
  • 10 June attended the Mayor and councillors’ site visit to Watercare’s wastewater pump station at Ōrākei

Governing Body meetings – Key decisions

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only of key decisions.

On 19 May Finance and Performance Committee

  • Received the Auckland Council Group and Auckland Council quarterly performance reports for the nine months ended 31 March 2022. Noting that:

o Results for the nine months ended 31 March 2022 confirm many of the pressures anticipated in our Recovery Budget and was further exacerbated as the full impact of the Omicron variant took hold affecting usage of facilities, venues and public transport

o Uncertainty and disruption caused by both the COVID-19 pandemic and unfavourable economic trends has placed pressure on the operations and finances of the group and council for this period

o Despite a challenging environment, capital investment delivery for the council group was 74 per cent or $1.48 billion of the $2 billion budget for the period

o Progress of $83.5 million (92.8 per cent) achieved towards the council’s $90 million operating budget savings target for the 2021/2022 financial year

o Customer satisfaction targets across many of our services were met despite the impacts of COVID-19, although challenges related to the high demand for consents and staff shortages have impacted regulatory performance, for which there are improvement initiatives in place to address this

o Regional parks had over five million visits for the nine months ended 31 March 2022 which is on track for record visitation to regional parks in the financial year.

  • Considered a number of items under confidentiality (pursuant to section 48(1)), including:

o Council Group Insurance Renewal 2022

o Transit-Oriented Development in the Eastern Busway Corridor

o Auckland Film Studios

o Alternative Commercial Opportunities

On 26 May the Governing Body

  • Approved the 2022/2023 funding agreement between Auckland Council and Independent Māori Statutory Board, which comprises total direct funding of $3,025,326 (operational expenditure).
  • Adopted the Auckland Council and Auckland Transport Ture ā-Rohe mo nga Tohu 2022/ Signs Bylaw 2022

On 2 June the Planning Committee

  • Requested staff to pause any further work on the preparation and notification of a proposed plan change to rezone 1023 and 1039 Linwood Road, Kingseat from Open Space – Sport and Active Recreation pending the forthcoming central government release of the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land, and the resolution of water supply and wastewater infrastructure issues, and advise the land owners of this direction.
  • Requested staff to instruct the council’s solicitors to lodge appeals with the Environment Court against each of the three decisions made by the council’s independent hearing commissioners relating to Private Plan Changes 48 to 50. (Drury Private Plan Change Decisions)

On 7 June extraordinary meetings of the Finance and Performance Committee and the Governing Body

The main purpose of the meetings was to pass the Mayor’s Climate Action budget 22/23 and a targeted rate (CATR). Following are my comments after the decision: The Climate Action budget will enable more than $1 billion of investment to reduce emissions and tackle climate change across Auckland. Council unanimously declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 and adopted Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan in 2020 led by Cr Richard Hills laying the foundation for change but not backed up with budget.

I have to admit I was sceptical last year when the Mayor first proposed a CATR that it would be possible to achieve support round the table especially as the economic outlook worsened. What has been decisive is the amazing public feedback. A record number of submissions, with 68% support for Climate Action. There was majority support across age, ethnicity and geography. Council’s engagement team have done great work ensuring we heard from a diverse range of Auckland voices and responded nimbly to the challenges of holding community events during a pandemic.

The Mayor’s budget proposal was discussed over 55 hours of workshops led by Cr Desley Simpson. Desley, supported by her Deputy Shane Henderson, was awesome in bringing everyone, including local boards, along on the process. There was ample opportunity to put up alternatives or suggest cuts.

5 Councillors voted against the budget but for CATR even though they know there is no climate action(or investment in their wards) without the entire budget package.

In the finish the clear majority 14-7 supported the Climate Action budget. I think the Mayor can retire on a high. Many thanks and congratulations also to the amazing team behind the scenes led by Matthew Blaikie for building a climate package with the highest impact across Auckland.

On 9 June the PACE Committee

  • Approved the scope to re-imagine Toi Whītiki as an arts and culture sector strategy, developed by council in collaboration with the creative community.
  • Approved the 2022/2023 Arts, Culture and Heritage Regional Work Programme.
  • Approved the Cultural Initiatives Funding grants for marae development and papakāinga/Māori housing for the 2022/2023 financial year
  • Allocated funding from the Regional Sport and Recreation Grants Programme 2022/2023.
  • Approved the reclassification of 30 parcels of reserve land, pursuant to section 24(2)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977
  • Approved submission of a request to the Minister of Conservation to uplift the reserve status on three sites ( 2R Ti Rakau Drive, Pakuranga, 72R Karaka Road, Beachlands, 9R Fortyfoot Lane, Sunnyhills0 that are no longer required by Council for reserve purposes:

Other Meetings – Key decisions

On 16 May the Auckland Domain Committee

  • Approved in principle the 2022 World Rally Championship Super Special Stage and Opening ceremonial to take place in the Auckland Domain on Thursday 29th September 2022
  • Approved in principle the Spring City Music Festival to take place on Saturday 19 November 2022 at Auckland Domain.
  • Endorsed the proposed Community Facilities Regional Work Programme for the Auckland Domain 2022 – 2025
  • Received the overview of council’s response to the protest at Pukekawa / Auckland Domain.

On 23 May the Hauraki Gulf Forum

  • Agreed to strongly urge the Minister of Conservation, Hon. Kiritapu Allan, to place high priority and resourcing on the research and elimination of Koi Carp in all affected catchments, and to have the Department of Conservation liaise with the Ministry of Primary Industries, Ministry for the Environment and Local Government to achieve those outcomes.
  • Approved the 2022-2023 forum’s budget proposal

On 30 May the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

  • Received the Koi Tū report, Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau: harnessing the region’s potential.
  • Noted the update on the existing Te whakahou i tō tātou pokapū tāone o Tamaki : Regenerating our city centre programme with a focus on Regeneration Conversations Phase Tahi led by Auckland Council in conjunction with Tātaki Auckland Unlimited and Eke Panuku.

In memoriam

Joe Hawke

Prominent kaumatua, activist and leader of the long-running Takaparawhau occupation, Joe Hawke has left a lasting legacy for Ngāti Whātua ki Ōrākei and all Aucklanders.

It was an honour to attend his tangihanga held at Ōrākei Marae over a week in May.  The delegation from Te Kaunihera a Tāmaki Makaurau- Auckland Council was led by His Worship the Mayor of Auckland Phil Goff and Councillors, and staff.

A time also for all Aucklanders to reflect on the significant legacy of a great man.

E te rangatira, moe mai rā.

Annette Isby

Talented local artist Annette Isbey passed away in May. I first met Annette in 2010 when I organised an art tour by bike as part of a sustainability week event. She generously hosted us in her studio to talk about her work.

After I was elected I would often receive a call from Annette about the poor condition of the Western Springs bush track though an area that was very dear to her.

I wrote about Annette and the track a few years ago for Ponsonby News.

Western Springs native bush and pine stand update

Councillor monthly report April 2022

My Councillor report covers the period from 8 March to 5 April.  It has been prepared for the April business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the public and local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.


  • At Wynyard Quarter with the Cr Richard Hills doing a final shout out to give feedback on the Annual budget

    Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee (photo right with the Chair Richard Hills doing a final shout out to give feedback on the Annual budget)

  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council and Auckland Zone co-chair
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Climate Political Reference Group
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group
  • Member, Future Development Strategy steering group (new this year)


  • Public consultation on the Annual Budget 2022/23 closed on 28 March.
    • As part of the consultation process council held several webinars on Waste and Climate where I was a panel member.
    • I attended the Pasifika Fono, an online forum for Pasifika community members to give feedback.
    • I also attended presentations by regional stakeholders.

Planning Committee

  • Helicopter activity – Resolutions from the Aotea/ Great Barrier, Waiheke and Waitematā and Local Boards.
  • The report due to go to the Planning Committee 30/03 has been deferred until May.
  • Cr Darby and I requested that a Helicopter Practice Note regarding the relevant provisions and considerations of the Auckland Unitary Plan and the Hauraki Gulf Islands be developed by the Resource Consents team.
  • Auckland Transport’s parking strategy was endorsed to go out for consultation (Good for Auckland parking: my speaking notes in support).
  • NPS-UD – The committee endorsed public consultation on the pre-notification engagement. The timeline is to be confirmed.

Environment and Climate Change Committee

  • The committee adopted a new Water Strategy for Auckland. The vision of the strategy is “te mauri o te wai o Tāmaki Makaurau, the life-sustaining capacity of Auckland’s water, is protected and enhanced”.
    • The strategy is designed to guide the council group in relation to its responsibilities and aspirations for water over the next 30 years.
  • The meeting was also an opportunity to acknowledge the death of young bike rider Levi James and to have, a heartfelt discussion that brought home the costs of delaying “genuine streets for people” ( Our Auckland: Auckland Council launches Ngā Tiriti Ngangahau – The Vibrant Streets Programme).
  • Half price public transport fares started on 1 April for three months. However, unfortunately the price cut excludes the Waiheke ferries because the route is not a contracted service within PTOM.  I am supporting the local board in the on-going fight to bring Waiheke in line with PT fares across Auckland.

On-line meetings continue including the Waiheke Community Forum, Local Board meetings and all workshops and committee meetings.

City Centre Safety

Safety in the city centre is an on-going concern.  I attended a Friday night “walkabout” with new Acting Area Commander and the Mayor with Cr Darby of some of the hot spots (more details below)


I attended as a member of LGNZ’s National Council, the Local Government/Central Government Forum Plenary Session on 1 April chaired by the PM.  The theme for this year’s forum was Working together in a time of major change.

The Auckland Arts Festival

The festival went ahead with a limited programme due to current covid restrictions. I was fortunate to see Live Cinema: The Little Shop of Horrors – Lockdown edition online at the invite of the festival.

City Centre Resilience

The resilience of the city centre has faced one of its toughest tests in recent years due to COVID-19, and efforts are being made by many organisations including Heart of the City, Britomart, Auckland Arts Festival, NZ Fashion Museum, Auckland Council and city centre businesses to bring back its mojo. (Our Auckland: City centre dresses up for fashion shoot)

Myers Park

Work will begin in April to update the Myers Park underpass  This project has been a decade in the making so I’m very excited to see it go ahead.

Hauraki Gulf Forum

The Hauraki Gulf Forum submitted in favour of a complete closure of the Hauraki Gulf’s scallop fishery. We also want to see scallop dredging gone for good.  The Minister’s decision on 29 March to close the scallop fisheries is a big step forward but concerningly still leaves open two areas of the Gulf to commercial and recreational dredging. (Press release: Partial closure of Hauraki Gulf scallop fishery puts Hauturu/Little Barrier at risk)

Key decisions from the Committees of the Whole 

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only of key decisions.

Environment and Climate Change Committee – 10/03/22

  • adopted the Auckland Water Strategy
  • approved the “Too Much Water – A statement of Auckland Council’s current role and direction” as an accurate representation of council’s current response to the water-related impacts of climate change
  • approved the Whangaparāoa Pilot Shoreline Adaptation Plan
  • endorsed the proposed Regional Streets for People projects for management and delivery by Auckland Transport, on behalf of Auckland Council. (Now named Ngā Tiriti Ngangahau – The Vibrant Streets Programme see Attachment 1)
  • approved the Auckland Council submission to the Department of Conservation on the proposed Hākaimangō-Matiatia marine reserve application, northwest Waiheke Island (subject to minor editorial changes)
  • approved the forward work programme as agreed to at the meeting, to October 2022 including a new item added at my request to develop berm planting guidelines.

Finance and Performance Committee – 17/03/22

  • received a presentation from Eden Park Trust Board
  • confirmed the 16 July 2020 approval to dispose of 4 Blomfield Spa, Takapuna as it is not required to be retained by council for open space or recreational purposes
  • received the Auckland Council Group and Auckland Council quarterly performance reports for the six months ended 31 December 2021, noting that the results for the six months ended 31 December 2021, confirm many of the pressures anticipated in our Recovery Budget.

Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee – 22/03/22

  • received the 2021/2022 second quarter reports of the substantive Council-controlled Organisations and Ports of Auckland Limited
  • approved an amendment to the Watercare Services Limited constitution to remove the restriction on directors serving more than three consecutive terms
  • received update on the implementation programme for the Council-controlled Organisations Review
  • agreed to receive a verbal update in relation to the Auckland Unlimited report: Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland: harnessing the region’s potential
  • Considered the agenda item “Defining Auckland Council’s Ownership Objectives for the Ports of Auckland Limited” as confidential due to risks that publicising it may prejudice or disadvantage council’s commercial activities

Governing Body – 24/03/22

  • On behalf of council Fa’anana Efeso Collins and I received the Save our Sands petition

    Accepted a petition from Jessie Stanley relating to Sand Mining from the Pakiri and Mangawhai Embayment

  • unanimously supported the Notice of Motion of Councillor Josephine Bartley to support the proposed private members’ bill: Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Harm Minimisation) Amendment Bill
  • Governing Body meeting during the presentation by MP Chlöe Swarbrick in support of Cr Bartley’s Notice of Motion Notice of Motion of Councillor to support the proposed private members’ bill

    Agreed to timeline for consultation on Māori representation in local government, noting that feedback from the engagement with mana whenua and mataawaka, will be reported to the August 2022 meeting of the Governing Body.

 Planning Committee – 31/03/22

  • endorsed the Draft Auckland Parking Strategy 2022 for public consultation in April 2022
  • Made a series of decision in response to the government’s National Policy Station Urban Development (NPS-UD) including:
    1. endorsed the further investigation of changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan and the Auckland District Plan (Hauraki Gulf Islands Section) to address issues arising from the mandatory removal of parking minimum
    2. endorsed the further investigation of changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan to:
    3. i)           introduce planning provisions for residential private ways to achieve better quality outcomes
    4. ii)         amend the zone provisions to:
  • enable building heights of least six storeys in walkable catchments as required by the Policy 3(c) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development
  • incorporate the Medium Density Residential Standards in the relevant residential zones, as required by the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021
  • provide for quality-built environment outcomes in residential areas of Auckland as discussed in the agenda report.
  • approved the following policy direction for implementing Policy 3(a) in the NPS-UD relating to the city centre:
  • i)       Fewer, simpler, more targeted controls
  • ii)      Protecting sunlight and daylight to open spaces
  • iii)     Protecting amenity and retaining the “human scale” of streets
  • iv)     Enabling tall slender towers with space between them to allow sunlight, daylight and views to permeate the city centre
  • v)      Protecting local and regionally significant views
  • vi)     Protecting the outcomes achieved by the existing city centre precincts
  • vii)    Protecting the relationship between the city centre and the Waitemata Harbour
  • viii)   Protecting historic heritage in the city centre
  • ix)     Promoting climate change resilience.
  • approved in principle the removal of the general building height and floor area ratio standards in the city centre, and the application of alternative built form standards in line with the principles set out above.
  • endorsed “Thriving Town Centres – Guidance for urban regeneration in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland” (Attachment A of the agenda report) as a guidance document for Eke Panuku.
  • In confidential the Committee endorsed the Auckland Council’s preliminary response to the NPS UD for pre-notification engagement. The timeframe for this engagement is not yet confirmed.

Note: After 11 hours the committee was closed with agreement to defer the Auckland Cycling and Micro mobility Programme Business Case and the report responding to resolutions from the Aotea/Great Barrier, Waiheke and Waitematā Local Boards regarding concerns about helicopter activity to the next Planning Committee meeting

City Centre Safety

The visibility of crime and anti-social behaviour and the perception of safety are ongoing issues in the city centre brought about by several factors including lockdowns, the emptying out of people (workers, international students etc) with eyes on the street, and emergency accommodation bringing new people into the city centre with no place to go during the day.

The City Centre Community Safety Taskforce led by council’s community team has been given additional resourcing and is working on several actions across multiple agencies including Heart of the City, residents, MSD and the Police. At the last meeting on 25 March participants reported the city centre has turned the corner and things are improving.  We are likely to see further improvements as university students return from 4 May and restrictions are lifted.

Meeting the beat Police on Fort St during a Friday night “walkabout” with the Acting Area Commander, the Mayor and Cr Darby of city centre hot spots

Also, on 25 March I attended a Friday night “walkabout” with the Acting Area Commander, the Mayor and Cr Darby of city centre hot spots.  What we heard is that police resourcing has ramped up since the end of MIQ and the worst of the outbreak that had a big impact on staffing numbers covering shift work.  The Area Commander has introduced beat police who are out in the city centre on foot and in patrol cars.  Fort St is one problem area that has been a focus of operations.

In response to requests for the return of a city centre police station the Commander explained that the way people now interact with the police and contact the police makes a bricks and mortar police station unnecessary and not a good use of resources.  For example, people will use their own phone on the spot rather than run to a police station. Police can now gather evidence and respond in lots of different ways backed up by units in patrol cars and the eagle helicopter.

A police station might be a visible way of giving people comfort that the police are actively working on crime, but it doesn’t serve the same purpose as it once did in terms of how police can effectively respond and how the police can be contacted.

Following the walkabout, we have followed up on the need to improve the design of the Fort St area through a CPTED review.   This is being worked on by Council and Auckland Transport.  Te Komititanga, Wynyard Quarter and Vincent Street are areas I have also been focused on following concerns raised by residents.

On Vincent St I have secured the placement of physical barriers to deter illegal parking. The rocks have been funded from the city centre targeted rate.

Rocks provide a physical barrier to deter parking on Vincent St, City Centre, Auckland

Good for Auckland parking

Since I was first elected in 2010 I have taken a keen interest in the topic of parking.  I advocated for the removal of parking minimums in the Auckland Unitary Plan and initiated a Getting Parking Right for Auckland seminar targeted at business associations in 2013.    I’m convinced by the substantial body of evidence that reveals the rich rewards available to cities that get parking management* right.   Parking is one of the biggest levers available to local government and has system-wide implications.  It is also a topic which provokes emotive headlines that politicians find hard to ignore, heated public meetings, and many complaints from constituents.

At the Planning Committee on 4 November we considered the objectives and principles, as recommended as a package by the Auckland Transport Board, that will form the strategic direction underpinning the development of the 2022 Parking Strategy.

Here is a fleshed out version of the points I made at the meeting in support of the recommendation. Greater Auckland has also reported on the meeting here.

The opportunity

O’Connell St, City Centre, Auckland showing before and after once parking removed to create space for people

I started by thanking the Auckland Transport Board for doing the  ground work ahead of the council committee meeting.  We were only being asked to endorse the AT Board’s recommended strategic direction so that a parking discussion document can be prepared.  We were not signing off on the removal of parking or a final version of the strategy.  We are only at the starting point of consultation to inform a refresh of the existing 2015 Parking Strategy.

If we get the strategy right, parking management can be a key lever to reduce our carbon emissions, increase mode shift and encourage active transport, improve safety, reduce transport inequity and reduce congestion across the network.  We will have the right size tools to respond to growth and increasing intensification.  It will be good for business and good for Auckland.

“War on cars”

Elliott Street shared space blocked to people and deliveries by parked cars

Our shared spaces, footpaths and public squares are increasingly filling up with parked cars.  Illegal parking is going unchecked on our grass verges and on busy arterials.    Driving is heavily subsidised and drivers have become used to the idea that parking in the public realm is largely “free”.   There are NO signs  that Auckland Transport is anywhere close to waging a “war on cars”.  The cars in Auckland are doing just fine and driving is fully supported as a major part of the transport system.

Examples of illegal parking

In fact, rather than an attack on cars, an effective parking strategy, as proposed by the AT Board, is pro-driving. It will reduce congestion and improve connectivity and access to the places drivers want to go.  It is pro-communities, pro-equity, pro-children , pro-city building and good urban design.  It is also positive for the 30% of Aucklanders who don’t drive at all and those needing space for access (whatever the mode and personal ability).

It’s a “radical plan”

The parking strategy report that came to the Planning Committee grabbed headlines as a “radical plan to remove parking on many of the city’s roads to make way for more bus lanes and cycleways” (NZ Herald, 2 November 2021 )

The current Parking Strategy 2015 was arguably “radical” for Auckland or at least  progressive for its time. The strategy provides for parking to be de-prioritised and for road space to be allocated in favour of active transport, PT,  and the movement of people and freight.  What is being proposed now is not new or “radical” but a refresh of the existing strategy to give AT a clear mandate to implement the very parking management tools AT already has available.

If anything it is “radical” to NOT effectively manage parking to achieve Auckland’s strategic objectives. It is “radical” to give away a valuable resource for free.

It is also not “radical” to take a decade to implement the strategy, as proposed by AT, when many of the parking management tools have already been in place for over 6 years.

Bringing the community along

One of the reasons given by AT for the need to refresh the 2015 Parking Strategy is to provide a “new community mandate”, to “reset expectations” and “set out the need for change”.  The report notes that “Our community’s receptiveness to change is diverse. The approach to public engagement will aim to take our communities with us through the changes arising from the parking strategy”.

There are many examples of how the community has already been brought along  as a result of the current strategy and in response to a growing city.

Drivers are enjoying the benefits where parking has been removed on key arterials to speed up their trips.   It is not necessary to undertake expensive road widening if space is re-allocated from parked cars such as proposed for Great North Road. AT’s Future Connect enables Aucklanders to understand the long-term network plans and where parking is likely to be removed in the future.

Many residents were outraged when the first residential parking scheme was trialed in St Marys Bay almost a decade ago to cope with the influx of all day commuter parking.  That scheme proved extremely successful and has served as the template for a city-wide roll out.

It has been well signaled since 2015 that residents of new apartments will not be eligible for residential parking permits.   In the city centre and central suburbs there is no longer an expectation that vehicle storage will automatically be available on public roads for free.

Business Associations were once very skeptical about the benefits of paid parking have been won over by the results. It is good for business to use demand responsive pricing to encourage turn over and to allow customers to purchase the parking they need. There’s is a heap of evidence from NZ and across the world to share with businesses about the economic opportunities of re-allocating road space to PT, active modes and extended footpaths.  (for example the success of the Karangahape Road street upgrade).

Commuters who once used the residential streets of Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and Freemans Bay to “park and hide”  have discovered the expansion of PT services such as the new bus service to Ponsonby Rd from Kingsland station and the competitive price of PT once parking is no longer “free”. Commuters on Waiheke are used to paying for parking at Matiatia implemented to manage the demand. The same approach at all of Auckland’s crowded park and rides located next to frequent PT and served by feeder services will benefit all commuters  (*once commuting returns to pre-covid levels of course).

Its all coming too fast 

In the debate committee members raised concerns that with the NPS- UD allowing increasing intensification (with no parking minimums) this is not the time to push ahead with the parking strategy.  That we are “making life hard” and “creating a situation”

The NPS-UD is the reason more than ever to push ahead with implementing the parking strategy. Intensification is coming whether we like it or not and we have to proactively plan now how we use the public realm to the benefit of all Aucklanders.  There needs to be a really clear signal to the market that car storage has to be factored into any decision making when purchasing or renting a home.  On-road parking can no longer be advertised as guaranteed “free parking”.  As the report states “Roads are critical assets and valuable public space. They serve a range of purposes, principally movement and places, and they need to cater for all modes, rather than just prioritising cars. The way in which road space is allocated is critical as it should be used, and useable, for all Aucklanders, regardless of their travel choices.”

It is difficult for those caught in the transition.   It is a transition that has been happening for over 3 decades. It was a transition for residents who moved into the city centre during Auckland’s first apartment explosion in the 90’s  expecting to park for free on-street.  It has happened for commuters who accepted a job presuming all central residential streets would remain “free” .   It has been a transition for residents living on key arterial roads like St Lukes or Manukau Road who can no longer park on street.

During the debate I also mentioned that part of the transition will be encouraging residents to use their off-street garage space for parking rather than the storage of stuff (85 % of houses are estimated to have off-street parking available). Councillors for Manurewa-Papakura Newman and Dalton were right to point that many garages are actually homes.

We don’t solve Auckland’s housing, congestion and inequity issues by  pushing out the implementation of the strategy. We don’t help drivers or improve PT by clogging up arterials with parking.   We don’t serve our communities by hiding how much parking is subsidised or  by accepting a poor return on valuable assets (AT was unable to provide information on parking subsidies or the net parking revenue but from the report it appears to be very low rate of return compared to other cities)

We have to provide the right incentives, services, facilities,  information and support to Aucklanders as we transition to a low carbon transport system and an intensified city.  Importantly it will all happen with public consultation.

One of my constituients wrote to me  with “Any councillor who supports AT’s latest madness is equally mad”.  To the contrary, I think it is the AT Board members and Committee members who supported the strategic direction who are completely sane to make evidence based decisions and to embrace a parking strategy that is Good for Auckland.


“Parking management” is used to refer to the range of tools available to manage parking such as paid parking, park and ride services, residential parking schemes, enforcement, removal of parking on arterials etc

Further reading 

 The hidden climate costs of America’s free parking space  The Guardian, 5 November 2021

Parking kills businesses, not bikes or buses  Newsroom 5 November 2021

Climate change:  Auckland’s puzzling political parking own-goal Stuff 9 November

Karangahape Road records retail high before bracing for lockdown Our Auckland 7 September

Rezoning Ponsonby?

I was recently invited by the Urban Development Institute of New Zealand (UDINZ) to be part of a panel discussion to take a closer look at the government’s new National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) and how it could impact central suburbs like Ponsonby.  The event was provocatively headlined “flexible zoning in Ponsonby?”  Unsurprisingly this resulted in a number of concerned and curious residents attending.    Since the NPS-UD was first consulted on by government in 2019 it has largely so far flown under the radar even though it will have a significant impact on Auckland and other metro centres.

I was on the panel as the local Councillor but as Auckland Council is currently working on an official response to the NPS-UD I provided an update on the process and only a personal view about the likely implications.   I was joined on the panel by Chris Crow, Urban Economist PwC (who also gave a scene setting presentation), Geoff Cooper, GM Strategy, NZ Infrastructure Commission, Don Mathieson, Co-Chair, Herne Bay Residents Association and Colin Leuschke, Director, Leuschke Architects.

The Government prepared the NPS-UD as part of its Urban Growth Agenda to address New Zealand’s housing challenges.  The NPS-UD 2020 requires councils to plan for growth and ensure a well-functioning urban environment for all people, communities and future generations.  It requires Auckland Council to implement a series of prescriptive “intensification” policies relating to height and density through a plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan by August 2022.

Many will remember the bitter battle and difficult process over the Unitary plan especially with regards to the extent of protection for heritage and special character.  The government’s directive to councils to make room for growth and to remove rules that constrain supply means that the Unitary Plan has to be revisited.    There is some alignment with the current plan (e.g. allowing more people to live closer to jobs, goods and services, providing greater housing choices), but the NPS-UD is likely to require significant changes to the Unitary Plan in some parts of Auckland.

The intensification policies the council has to implement focus on enabling greater heights and densities within “walkable catchments” of frequent transport networks and in “other locations” that are accessible to employment, goods, services, education or in high demand.  In these locations there has to be a minimum zoning of six stories unless “qualifying matters” apply such as maintaining open space for public use or heritage orders.

Approximately 30,000 properties sit within the current Special Characters overlay that will fall within the NPS-UD areas that have to be considered for further intensification through up-zoning. Council will need to carefully consider what locations fall within the directive and whether Special Character is a “qualifying matter”, and if so, should this apply across the board, or in some but not all areas. Council has the massive task of undertaking site-by-site surveys and analysis for every property in order to be subject to a qualifying matter.   Personally I think we have to find a way of retaining the special character of neighbourhoods that tell the story of where we have come from and are valued by all Aucklanders.  I don’t think it is a zero sum game between providing much needed housing and heritage. As Don on the panel mentioned there are plenty of compact cities around the world that have found a way to grow at the same time as protect heritage.  It is also a wider debate that what is considered heritage and the value of our landscapes is not just a European construct.

At this stage however, it is important to note that council is only at the start of a lengthy period of detailed policy, planning and public engagement work on the NPS-UD and how it needs to be applied.  Another challenge that has to be worked through is what infrastructure will be required to support the increased density and who pays for that infrastructure.   No decisions have been made yet.  Aucklanders will have opportunities to have their say.

This is just a brief summary of the NPS-UD. The UDINZ event provided the first occasion to share some initial thoughts at a very early stage.   Please refer to the Ministry for the Environment website for more details.

First published in the July Ponsonby News

Further updates

Report to the 1 July Planning Committee meeting seeking endorsement of approaches in response to several the intensification provisions in the National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (item 13).

Auckland Council considers urban development policy