Chairperson address to the Waitematā Local Board 2016-19 inaugural meeting

Making the Chair's declaration with friends and family in support
Making the Chair’s declaration with friends and family in support

Kia ora huihui mai tātau

E te iwi tēnā koutou, mihi mai,  

E ngā mana, e ngā reo e ngā hau e whā

E te rangatira o Ngāti Whātua o Orākei, tēnā koe

E te iwi o Tāmaki Makau rau tēnā koutou katoa

E te whare, tēnā koe,

E te hapori kua tai mai  tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

Nau mai piki mai, haere mai

With Cr Mike Lee and Deputy Chair, Shale Chambers

On behalf of the board I would like to welcome all our distinguished guests including family and friends who have come along in support. Thank you Matt Maihi and Aunty Margaret from Ngāti Whātua o Orākei for your mihi whakatau and Otene Reweti for responding on our behalf.

Thank you Barry Potter for officiating and our local board services team for their work supporting the inaugural meeting.

Greetings and welcome to Councillor Mike Lee who has been returned for the third time as representative for Waitematā and Gulf ward.  We’re very fortunate to have you here as a strong advocate for the community and look forward to working with you.

The new Mayor Phil Goff gives his apologies but has our full support as he works to build trust and confidence in Council, and tackles the huge challenges facing Auckland. Greetings also to Richard Hills newly elected Councillor for the North Shore Ward who will be working with Mayor Phil to take the city forward.

I’d like to start by acknowledging the founders, all those who have come before us to create and build Tāmaki Makarau and more recently the people who took on the daunting task of establishing the super city and making it work.  An incredible amount has happened over the last 6 years so that, despite many challenges,  Auckland is undoubtedly a better place.

One of the people who has played a significant role over that time has been the inaugural chair of the Waitematā Local Board, Shale Chambers. He has done an outstanding job setting a strong foundation not just for our board but for the governance of Auckland. I’d like to acknowledge his tireless work for the Board in steering a progressive agenda that has achieved results. There is a great deal that Shale can be very proud of making happen with the support of the board including some significant projects like the extensive Myers Park upgrade, securing the funding for the complete refurbishment of the Ellen Melville Centre that is going to create a much needed community hub for the city centre,  and securing resource consent for the Weona-Westmere coastal walkway. He has also been instrument behind the scenes on making things happen. For example securing a venue for the successful Pop Up Globe  and gaining support for a major upgrade of Karanagahape Road from the city centre targeted rate.  In the best tradition of Ken Livingstone he has no wish to ever ride a bicycle but he gets why Auckland should be a bike friendly city.  

He has also been amazingly courageous at times in knowing the time to act and not take the easy path.  I feel particularly proud of the support he gave to the name change of lower Khartoum Place to Te Hā o Hine Place in honour of the suffrage memorial.

I thank him for the opportunity to now lead the board.  It is a huge privilege and I acknowledge the trust, responsibilities and confidence that is being placed in me.  I’ve committed to being collaborative, transparent and to continuing building on the relationships across the community, with our iwi partners and at all levels of the Auckland Council whanau. 

Together with all other previous board members  I’m proud of our many achievements and also to have been part of a Waitematā Local Board that has stood up for social justice, adopted the Living wage, committed to being accessible to everyone, stood up for public transport, for environmental and heritage protection, for public ownership of strategic assets, and for local communities to have a real say.  I’d like to acknowledge all the board members who have previously served for their significant contribution in particular Deborah and Christopher who retired at the end of last term and Greg Moyle for his service to local government. 

Shale, me and Rob are now officially the old timers of the board returned for our third terms.  It is a shock to me to realise that I am now in the senior section of the board!  

I am really delighted that Vernon has been returned for his second term and that we are joined by experienced government veteran Richard Northey, dynamic social entrepreneur and lecturer Adriana Avendano Christie  and planner and business owner Mark Davey.  They, together with the old timers, make up an impressive, talented team who I look forward to working with. We are all committed to working together with effective governance and responsible financial management for the good of Waitematā.

Looking ahead we have much to do over the next three years. We have community assets to enhance and services to maintain including our precious libraries, playgrounds to upgrade, we’re committed to the goals of a smoke free and zero waste Auckland with the establishment of a community resource recovery centre in conjunction with the Puketāpapa and Albert-Eden Local Boards.

We wish to continue the upgrade of Symonds Street cemetery, plant street trees, and the ecological restoration of our native bush and historic streams.  We recognise our role as place makers who can contribute to local economic development in partnership with our 7 business associations.  We value & support the arts, events and culture. We’re determined to connect with our North shore neighbours by finally getting Skypath built (something Shale committed to in his inaugural speech in 2010!)

We also recognise our role to contribute to the wider well-being of  all Aucklanders in creating opportunities for everyone, ending homelessness, providing families with access to quality affordable housing and delivering on real transport choices.

We know that the only way Auckland will truly be the best place in the world to live and a leading international city is if we take care of our people and environment.  We wish to be an age friendly and child friendly local board area that takes local action to meet one of the biggest challenges of our time by becoming a low carbon community.

In thinking about our role as local board members there is one particular aspect I wish to highlight by quoting Jeff Speck the author of Walkable Cities and a supporter of 8-80 cities

The healthiest, wealthiest, most sustainable and vibrant communities in cities around the world are unique in many ways. But there is one factor above all others that these communities have in common: they are, nearly without fail, highly walkable places.

This requires a commitment to slower speeds, people friendly infrastructure, public transport, bikeable streets and public spaces – all very achievable in compact Waitematā with the right political support.  

In finishing I reflect on what it means to serve our citizens and to provide leadership that achieves the aspirations of the community.  I’m committed to celebrating and embracing diversity and providing space for creative innovation and design thinking.   This requires new ways of operating by the Board and Council so all the people of Waitematā (including the growing inner city population) feel that local government matters and that they wish to participate. I look forward to putting this into action with a fantastic team of board members and officers as we start on the term ahead.

So behalf of the Board I’d like  thank everyone for attending today and sharing in the spirit of this very special occasion.  We are committed to working with you to create a strong, enriching, diverse, healthy, safe Waitematā in the beating heart of Tāmaki Makaurau.

Nō reira

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, rau rangatira mā

Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

Monthly Board report: December 2012

Rachel Brown, Len Brown and Pippa Coom at the Sustainable City Showcase2012 in Review
This is my last report for 2012. Looking back over the year I think it has been characterised by the significant progress we have made as a Board on our projects and initiatives following an inaugural year of planning and figuring out how the new Super City structure fits together. It has also become noticeable this year that the role of the Board is far better understood by the community. I think we have become the go to people on a huge range of local issues.

Inevitably there have been challenges and frustrations but personally I have found 2012 to be hugely enjoyable and rewarding. I have particularly welcomed all the opportunities to learn from international experts, to meet the people we represent and to fully take part in civic life.   I feel very privileged to represent such a dynamic, interesting and diverse area at the centre of Auckland.

I very much appreciate the skills and passion that officers bring to their role that has enabled local board projects to be advanced and implemented quickly.  We still have lots to do but I think we are fortunate to have a great board team with excellent leadership that will ensure 2013 is a good one.

Board activities for the period 1 November – 1 December 2012

A number of meetings were held with Auckland Transport during November. These are covered in the Auckland Transport monthly report and included:

  • the Board’s greenways aspirations and potential locations for AT to fund on-street routes
  • Update on a public bike hire scheme for Auckland
  • Draft Regional Public Transport Plan
  • Location of the bus stop outside Ponsonby Central

Good for business seminar
Good For BusinessIn February this year I asked Auckland Transport to consider bringing international expert Rodney Tolley to Auckland to be the key note speaker at a seminar aimed at our business associations and their members. I would like to thank Auckland Transport for making it happen and their work in organising the “Good for Business” seminar in partnership with the Board that was held on 28 November at the offices of AECOM.
Dr Tolley spoke about the economic benefits of investing in walkability to an audience of over 60 including representatives of business associations from across Auckland
My presentation that concluded the seminar is attached (Attachment A).

Community Funding
I represented the Board a the Central Joint Funding Committee meeting on 9 November that decided the allocation of grants from the Accommodation Support Fund, Cultural Heritage Fund and Community Group Assistance Fund (round one). These funds are legacy Council funds that following a recent decision by the Regional Development and Operations Committee are going to be rolled over for a further year (2013/14).
The minutes of this meeting are available online.

Local Government
LGNZ Zone 1 meeting
I attended the Local Government New Zealand Zone 1 meeting in Whangerei on 16 November (at no cost to the Board).
The presentations covered:
–       Alcohol Reform Bill – Charlotte Connell Senior Advisor Ministry of Justice – update on the Bill and what the changes to the supply and sale alcohol regime is likely to mean for TA’s
–       Mayor’s taskforce for jobs, Jan Francis
–       Strategic Plan introduced by Malcolm Alexander, CEO LGNZ
–       TRAFINZ update from Karen Hay
I found Malcolm’s presentation to be particularly interesting because of the energy, leadership and skills he is bringing to local government. The new strategic work plan has specific actions to bring about a brand shift to LG with LGNZ’s aim to be the Strong voice for great local government.
Malcolm intends presenting the LGNZ strategic plan to local board members next year.

Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill
I was extremely disappointed that the Government passed the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill on 28 November with the slimmest majority, with no mandate and no evidence what so ever that Councils are operating ineffectively and uneconomically because of the “four well-beings”
I agree with LGNZ’s President, Lawrence Yule assessment that in its drive to have councils move their focus away from the four well-beings, the Government has instead injected uncertainty into the law by increasing the scope for council decisions to be judicially reviewed.As Lawrence said on the day the Bill was passed “The lesson from this legislation is that processes that are not based on facts, principle and constructive dialogue between central and local government do not serve the public well.”

Building a Better Newmarket Seminar
I attended this one day seminar for members of the Newmarket Business Association and was invited to sit on the panel that concluded the day.
At the seminar Westfield New Zealand Director, Justin Lynch outlined plans for a proposed new retail development on the Dominion Motors/Levene Extreme/Farmers site which borders Mortimer Pass and Broadway. In addition to a proposed flagship 9,500 sqm Department store, 95 new specialty stores are planned, along with a six-screen cinema, gymnasium and 1,400 car additional parking spaces. Westfield is waiting for the right market conditions to commence the multi-million dollar complex.

NZTA Senior Urban Design Advisor, Jacque Bell presented on the draft master plan for the area under the Newmarket viaduct which provides for a mix of commercial and office space, active retail frontages, car parking buildings and multi-functional open space. Consultation is currently underway on the plans.

Other speakers included Dr Libby Weaver (building a better you), and Hon Stephen Joyce (the big picture)

Community empowerment and the strengthening of democracy
During November local board members had the opportunity to attend presentations by two international speakers on the related areas of participatory budgeting and building community capacity.

Giovanni Allegretti, an architect, planner and senior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies at Coimbra University (Portugal) spoke about the benefits of entrusting citizens to decide how to allocate Council budgets in his presentation on participatory budgeting.

The following week Jim Diers, who is internationally recognised for his work with communities, gave his presentation on the Power of Community and how to get people to cherish their government and strengthen citizen participation. He also gave examples of neighbourhood planning process and the value of community driven planning.

Support social enterprise A4 eInvite_Page_1Social Enterprise conference 26 November

The Social Enterprise conference was organised by the CDAC team with the support by the Waitematā Local Board, University of Auckland Business School, Mira Szászy Research Centre, and The Kitchen with the aim of supporting the sector, celebrating best practices and exploring initiatives to support social enterprises.

The conference included Pecha Kucha style presentations from a number of social enterprises based in the Waitemata Local Board area.

Key speakers included:

  • Di Jennings, Community Economic Development Trust
  • Nicky Benson, New Zealand Centre for Social Innovation
  • Andrew Hamilton, ICEHOUSE
  • Assoc. Prof. Manuka Henare University of Auckland Business School

The CDAC team are to be congratulated on successfully organising the conference.

My welcome on behalf of the Board is attached (Attachment B)

Local Board workshops and meetings

Attended during November:

  • Parks Renewals Programme – Workshop on 1 November
  • Community leases meeting 1 November
  • Meetings to finalise the Board’s Unitary Plan report on 1 November, 5 and 12  November
  • One to one engagement meetings on the Unitary Plan with key community groups. I attended the following:
    o   Westmere Heritage Projection Group on 1 November
    o   GLBA and Grey Lynn 2030 on 5 November
    o   Western Bays Community Group on 5 November
    o   Newmarket Business Association on 7 November
    o   Parnell Community Committee on 7 November
    o   NZ Historic Places Trust on 8 November
    o   Parnell Heritage on 12 November
  • Local Board workshop on 6 November (Thriving communities discussion document , Pioneers Women’s Hall redevelopment and Pt. Erin Pools)
  • Communications update on 6 November
  • Meeting on 7 November with Team Leader, Community Facilities to discuss Parnell Trust’s request for financial assistance
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport and Council officers to discuss the Board’s Greenways priorities on 7 November
  • Workshop with Auckland Transport on the Draft Regional Public Transport Plan to assist with preparing the Board’s submission on the plan
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss the options for the location and design of the bus stop outside Ponsonby Central on Ponsonby Road
  • Meeting with Julie Fairey, Community spokesperson,  Puketapapa Local Board
  • Central Joint Funding Committee meeting on 9 November
  • Waitemata Local Board business meeting at Graham Street on Tuesday 13 November in Parnell
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss portfolio processes
  • Introduction to the new reporters for the Central Leader and the Auckland City Harbour News on 15 November
  •  Meeting on 15 November to discuss the City Centre Noise Management Action Plan 2012-2015 and how Waitemata Local Board can respond in support of the latest Noise Report to the Unitary Plan submission process and what actions can be initiated going forward through the Noise Action Plan
  •  Waitemata Christmas event organisation in Western Park meeting on 15 November
  • Resource Recovery Centre workshop with transition town groups looking to support the development of a centre – hosting by Puketapapa Local Board on 15 November with Warren Snow
  • LGNZ Zone One meeting in Whangerei on 16 November
  • Meeting with the Central Relationship Managers to discuss options for dealing with applications for Facilities Partnership funding on 19 November
  • Financial information and support for Local Boards meeting prior to the Chair’s forum on 19 November (part attended for the Chair )
  • GLBA meeting on 20 November
  •  Local Board workshop on 20 November
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to receive an update on the Public Bike Hire scheme  on 22 November
  • Meeting and site visit at Auckland Cathedral of the Holy Trinity on 22 November with Christopher Dempsey
  • Participatory Budgeting presentation by international guest, Giovanni Allegretti. on 23 November
  • Waipapa Stream project update on 23 November
  • Grey Lynn Park Advisory Group meeting on 26 November
  •  Breakfast presentation by Jim Diers for elected representative on 27 November
  • Local Board workshop on 27 November to discuss the Board’s draft annual agreement
  •  Ports of Auckland Briefing to Local Boards on 27 November
  • Good for Business seminar on 28 November
  • Transport portfolio monthly meeting with Auckland Transport (informal catch up)

Events and functions
I attended the following events and functions during November:

  • Cycle Action’s Associates breakfast on 1 November
  • Square Art – opening of the art exhibition in Station Square as part of the Newmarket Festival
  • Art in the Dark event on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 November
  • Highwic House Cycle Style (part of the Festival of Flowers) on 18 November
  • Taste Auckland at Victoria Park on 18 November (at the invitation of Taste Auckland)
  • Opening of Ponsonby Central on 20 November
  • Building a better Newmarket conference hosted by the Newmarket Business Association
  • Grey Lynn Business Association AGM (I have been re-elected to the Board )
  •  Sustainable Business Network’s  Sustainable City Showcase 22-24 November including:
    o   SBN Sustainable Business Awards
    o   Conscious consumer breakfast
    o   Ethical Fashion Show
    o   Walk around with Cr Mike Lee
    o   Carrot mob launched by Mayor Len
  • Social Enterprise Conference organised by CDAC on 26 November
  • Regional Facilities Auckland Limited’s end of year drinks for  Local  Board  Chairs and Deputy Chairs at the Auckland Art Gallery on 28 November
  •  Cycle Action Auckland Christmas gathering in support of Bikes for refugees
  • Invite from Royal NZ Ballet – RNZB season of Giselle on 30 November
  • Ponsonby Market Day on 1 December
  • Launch of the Franklin Road Christmas lights at the Rob Roy plaza on 1 December

Monthly Board report – July 2012

Covering activities from 1 June – 30 June 2012



Monthly transport update

The monthly Transport catch up was held with the Transport portfolio (attended by myself and Member Dempsey) and relevant officers from Auckland Transport on 28 June. The issues discussed are reported back monthly by AT on our public agenda.  Specific issues include:

  • K’rd bus shelters –options AT are looking at to lower the panels that are currently blocking the view from the overbridge
  • Route optimisation process – a discussion about the approach taken to investigate and review existing traffic systems
  • Auckland Cycle network-  programme for development of what was known as the Regional Cycle Network

Richmond Road Safety Action Plan

Due to the numerous safety concerns raised by residents, businesses and Richmond Road School we are advocating through our Local Board Agreement for Auckland Transport to develop a safety improvement action plan for the shopping areas and schools zones on Richmond Road, concentrating on the following elements:

  • Pedestrian and cycle safety
  • Traffic calming and slower speeds
  • Urban design and amenity values.

I am currently in the process of pulling together all the issues that have come to our attention to form the basis of this plan.

Chorus Ultra-Fast Broadband rollout

We were briefed last month by Chorus on their rollout of ultra-fast broadband within the Waitemata Local Board area. The rollout will have many benefits to residents and businesses as average data speeds will increase from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps. However the rollout does require footpaths to put be dug up, many of which have only just been renewed.

On 26 June I attended the Chorus “Shed some light” open evening for residents at Café O, Great North Road. A number of residents from Arch Hill came along who fought hard to have their footpaths renewed in time for the RWC but are about to see them dug up for the rollout.

I have also raised with Auckland Transport that Chorus is not reinstating footpaths to exactly the same condition following the laying of fibre which is resulting in a patchwork of footpaths.

 Allocation of Auckland Transport capital budget to Local Board Priorities

I was delegated with Christopher Dempsey to provide the Board’s feedback on a discussion paper on the Allocation of an Auckland Transport $10m capital budget to fund Local Board priorities. We would like to see the budget used to fund small, one-off, single-site projects or initiatives that add value, enhance or unlock Auckland Transport directed projects that would not otherwise be funded  A copy of this feedback is attached to the agenda.


Gambling Harm Reduction Amendment Bill

A Working Party is preparing Auckland Council’s submission on the Gambling (Harm Reduction) Amendment Bill (the Bill). At our business meeting on 12 June the Community Portfolio holders, were delegated to provide feedback on the Bill to the working party by 29 June 2012.

The amendments proposed in the Bill would significantly change the way Council interacts with the Class 4 gaming sector (non-casino “pokie” machines).

The feedback confirms the Board supports transferring to local authorities the ability to regulate gambling within their locality, including the number of machines and venues, and their type and location. However we raised a number of issues that we believe need to be addressed in the Bill particularly regarding distribution decisions. A full copy of the feedback is attached to the agenda.

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings were attended during June relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Other Board activities

Grey Lynn Business Association

The GLBA business meeting on 19 June included a presentation by local planner Kris Macpherson on the Council’s planning process. Members of the Western Bays Community Group joined the meeting to discuss ideas for developing a Grey Lynn precinct plan.

Weona Westmere Coastal Walkway

At our Board meeting on 19 June I voted with my City Vision colleagues to progress the proposed Westmere walkway on public reserve land.  I wish to report on my reasons and why I believe all the issues raised in opposition at the open day on 17 May and at our meeting and sent via email can be adequately addressed.

Lack of consultation – it is unfortunate that a group of residents didn’t receive notice of the open day until it was too late. This was a stuff up however the open day wasn’t the only opportunity for residents to provide feedback on the proposal. The idea of a walkway and opening up the public reserve land is also not new. I first heard about it in August 2010 at a Western Bays Community Board meeting. Consulation is continuing with residents.

Privacy – residents who have enjoyed exclusive use of the public reserve will now have to deal with a walkway bordering their property. Privacy can be achieved through fencing and planting. However I have noticed in other coastal areas where private homes boarder public reserve land that each property engages differently with a walkway. Many residents open their gardens on to the reserve and prefer to have no fencing.

Safety – there is no evidence that coastal walkways on public reserve land increase safety risks for nearby residents. If anything passive surveillance is likely to improve safety.

Traffic – if the walkway does attract more visitors they are likely to park close to the Garnet Road shops to do a circular walk ending with visit to a café (thereby supporting the local economy). Once the walkway is further extended with signage to Westhaven (by road through Herne Bay at high tide or along the coast at low tide) I predict that walkers are likely to get dropped off to enjoy a one- way coastal walk.

Cost – it does seem like a lot of money is being spent on one project. However compared with other capex projects I think we are getting good value money for a 1.4km walkway that will have long term benefits. It will be unfortunate if costs escalate due to affected neighbours taking their opposition to the environment court.

Loss of funding for other projects –Member Moyle claimed that he has been blocked from advancing other projects where the funds could be better spent. This is incorrect. Member Moyle has proposed just one new project in 18 months for a car park on reserve land at Coxs Bay. With the support of the Board plans were drawn up for this proposal and costed. The proposal is currently with Auckland Transport. There are no projects identified in the local board plan that are going unfunded as a result of the walkway.

Loss of neighbourhood character – the walkway is likely to add to the character of the neighbourhood and become a key feature for the benefit of locals. The walkway also provides an opportunity to celebrate the heritage of the area which has long been neglected.

Environmental damage – at the open day I heard about middens along the route and the many ecological values of the area. I also heard that there is continuing concern about the pollution in Motions Creek. I think the walkway is an opportunity to enhance and project the environment. Historic features can be incorporated into the interpretation boards for the walkway.

At the end of the day the walkway is on public reserve land that belongs to everyone. For over 80 years the residents with coastal properties have enjoyed almost exclusive use and have come to see the coastal reserve as an extension of their backyards. I can therefore fully understand why the walkway is seen as a threat to their lifestyle and there are concerns.  However I believe these can be addressed by the Board and Council officers working with the residents. I think the walkway is going to be used primarily by locals who I hope will come to feel proud of it as a lasting legacy.

Local Board workshops and meetings


  • Local Board workshop on 5 June with members of the Be Accessible team to work towards a vision statement and action for the Board around our goal to become the first “accessible” Local Board. The workshop was a unique collaboration with officers and Board members.
  • Site meeting on 1 June to discuss fruit tree planting in Grey Lynn Park with Simon Cook, Jesse Chalmers and members of Grey Lynn 2030
  • Visit to The Kitchen (a collaborative workspace for change makers and social entrepreneurs in Ponsonby)  with members of Puketapapa Local Board and Community Development officers
  • Tamaki Drive master plan workshop organised by Orakei Local Board on 5 June in St Heliers
  • Meeting with Waterfront Auckland to discuss local board priorities and Waterfront Auckland projects update
  • Unitary Plan central cluster workshop on 7 June  providing an opportunity for Local Board members to input into key issues
  • Governing Body meeting making decisions on the draft waste management and minimisation plan
  • Waitemata Local Board public meetings on 12 June at the Grey Lynn Community Centre and on 19 June at 35 Graham Street
  • Regional Walking and Cycling Forum organised by Auckland Transport on 12 June
  • Hīkoi, Part II walking of the proposed Waitemata heritage foreshore with Malcolm Paterson from Ngati Whatua o Orakei
  • Meeting of the Community portfolios from Waitemata, Puketapapa and Albert-Eden Local Boards to discuss possibilities for collaboration
  • Meeting to discuss Waitemata’s submission on the Gambling Harm Reduction Bill
  • Youth Focus Strategy with Community Development officers
  • Local Board workshop on 19 June
  • Waitemata Communications catch up
  • Monthly meeting with  Community Development and Partnerships Central
  • Meeting to discuss Pt Resolution Bridge design proposals
  • Meeting to discuss the proposed capital renewal programme for 12/13 for community facilities.  Officers have worked together to compile a list of proposed capital work projects for each local board area (central at this stage), prioritised and rated the projects in order of need, and matched against local board community facilities budget.
  • Meeting with Malcolm Paterson; Manager -Ngāti Whātua o Ōrākei Heritage and Resource Management Unit following the Hikoi to discuss the board’s 2012/13 projects and priorities and to discuss how the board can best work with Ngāti Whātua o Orakei to progress these projects in a mutually beneficial way.
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport and Council officers to provide the Board with an opportunity to communicate feedback on any issues, concerns, ideas or opportunities relating to the development of the Khyber Pass and Broadway corridor plans
  • Meeting with members of the Western Bays Community Group to discuss community engagement
  • June ATEED Board Meeting – Meet and Greet with Local Board Chairs (attended for the Chair)
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss the proposed City Centre Parking Zone proposal attending by the Board and Cr Mike Lee
  • Meeting to discuss Auckland Council’s discussion document “Powering Auckland’s Low Carbon Transformation”
  • Meetings to finalise the Board’s feedback on the Gambling Harm Reduction Amendment Bill and the Discussion Document on the proposed allocation of the $10m capex fund for Local Board priorities
  • Follow up meeting with a member of the public concerned with the level of spitting in the city centre that creates a hazard for those using walking sticks
  • Local Board workshop on 26 June – we received a report outlining the community input on the future of the Campbell Free Kindergarten
  • Monthly transport portfolio catch ups with Auckland Transport on 29 June

Events and functions

I attended the following events and functions during May:

  • Backbenches TVNZ 7’s final Auckland show at the Britomart Social Club
  • Cycle Action’s Associates Breakfast at the Art Gallery on 7 June
  • Auckland Peace City  Declaration – Launch on 8 June
  • Gala Preview of the TelstraClear Season of A Shortcut To Happiness at the invitation of the Auckland Theatre Company on 8 June
  • Twenty Fifth Anniversary of Nuclear Free New Zealand on Saturday 9 June in Aotea Square
  • Youth Advisory Panel Waitemata selection event
  • Grey Lynn Business Association June networking drinks
  • Launch of the Matariki Festival at the Mangere Events Centre
  • Public Open Day for the proposed Development Plan of Myers Park and heritage walk with Edward Bennett
  • Inner City Connectedness Research Launch by Parnell Trust on 18 June
  • VIP celebration for the reopening of  the restored Tepid Baths
  • Official opening of the Tepid Baths on Saturday 23 June
  • Chorus “Shed some light” open evening for residents on 26 June at Café O, Great North Road
  • Cocktail Party to launch Highwic’s 150th year on 27 June
  • Gala Opening of Margaret Mahy’s The Great Piratical Rumbustification at the Pumphouse (at the invitation of Tim Bray Productions)

I was one  of 3 guest speakers to present on “Sustainable Auckland” at the Mercy Spirituality Centre in Epsom on 6 June

I also participated in The Big Sleepout on 28 June with 60 celebrities, business leaders and politicians personally raising over $1500 for Lifewise’s support of homelessness.