On 23 May I took part in a panel discussion with Patrick Reynolds (Transport Blog contributor) and Phil Twyford MP (Labour’s Transport spokesperson) on the future of transport in Auckland.
The event was organised by the Auckland Isthmus Labour Hub and MC’ed by Labour MP Jacinda Ardern.
We were asked to start the discussion by each presenting our thoughts on what a progressive agenda for Auckland’s Transport should look like, and what we need to get there.
Thank you to Auckland Isthmus Labour Hub for organising this evenings event and for the invitation to take part on the panel.
I’d like to bring a local board member perspective to the discussion.
Firstly a confession – I don’t ride a bike because I am an evangelical greenie on 2 wheels I actually ride a bike because I am just a lazy transport user. I get door to door parking, and hardly ever have to walk!
When I started out as transport advocate about 7 years ago one of the first politicians I met said to me that no one will ever cycle in Auckland because it is too hilly and it rains too much.
That same politician is now “leader of the opposition” on the Waitemata Local Board. And he is now very much in the minority as what I would call a “mono-modal-list”. Of 7 members on the Board 5 are truly multi-modal – users of PT and active transport.
This is by way of introduction to bring me to a few comments I would like to make about what I think is a progressive transport agenda, how that is starting to be embraced in Auckland but what is needed to actually get there. I think a positive transformation has been happening not just with the make up of elected reps (on Waiheke I hear board members are 100% e-bike users!) but in Auckland’s transport usage & attitudes.
Where Aucklanders have been provided choice they are showing they are not DNA programmed to just drive cars (as we’ve been led to believe) and they are also saying they want options. For example:
At the last census 51% of Waitemata residents didn’t drive to work in a private motor vehicle
There are more people arriving into the city centre in the morning peak by PT than car
Over 50% of households in the city centre don’t even have access to a car
60% of Aucklanders say they would cycle if it felt safe to do so
So when I think of a progressive transport agenda it is definitely about PT and active transport and the Government getting seriously on board with funding (key elements that Patrick and Phil highlighted in their opening remarks).
But I think a progressive agenda goes much further so that kids can actually retake the streets. Walkable communities, slower speeds, the re-prioritisation of road space, accessible mobility, changes to the give way rules to favour pedestrians, NYC- style “vision zero” where we don’t accept any fatalities as “normal” and a “complete” street design approach every time so streets are usable by all ages and abilities regardless of the mode of transport.
I am backing this kind of progressive transport agenda because of the environmental, social, economic and health benefits it will unleash (and the promise of a happy city as we’ve heard about at the recent Auckland Conversations! )
Of course I’m presuming everyone here knows the theory and have heard the successes from places like NYC, Portland, London, Copenhagen, Melbourne that have adopted truly “progressive” agendas . [But then I could be wrong you could be all thinking progressive means self driving transport pods and monorails! ].
I think we’ve started to make some significant steps in Auckland towards a progressive transport agenda – and not just in the city centre.
A big factor has been the super city structure and the separation of politicians from every day transport decisions [confession number 2 I am a big fan of the super city ] We forget how dire it was when Auckland city council’s transport decisions used to be made by politicians from Remuera.
We definitely still have a long way to go. It has been over 4 years of frustratingly hard work getting Auckland Transport’s agenda to align with local priorities and for AT to stop building business as usual crap. I think the ship is turning but delivery and leadership is still a big issue. And it doesn’t help that central government is clearly calling the shots in the background.
But no amount of government funding or alignment is going to help us achieve a progressive agenda if we haven’t brought the community along with us. And I think this is one aspect of what we need to get there.
I think Aucklanders over all want the big picture of a world class PT [ that Patrick/Phil describes] but just not the progressive package if it means the removal of parking on their street, speed bumps, speed cameras on their route to work or an apartment block next door. To give one example. Auckland Transport is trying to implement a complete street design for Franklin Road – everything can be catered for including parking but the residents don’t want it because of concerns about the dangers of leaf fall and the safety of cyclelanes.
We have some ways to go before we are YIMBIES for a progressive transport agenda in our neighbourhood. But I do take comfort from what Janette Sadik-Khan (former Commissioner of Transport for NYC) said on her visit here that people are actually ahead of the politicians and press. She said what worked in NYC was lots of public consultation and lots of data.
To conclude: we need to know what a progressive agenda looks like (One indicator I have given for being able to recognise what this is is when we see kids playing in the streets); the community has to buy it; Central government has to come to the party with funding and alignment; but we have to ensure a strong progressive Council – Mayor, Councillors and Local Board members – is elected next year to continue the work that has been started over the last 5 years and is committed to delivering on the ground.
After the panelists spoke a lively discussed followed with questions from the floor.
[Note: City vision is a coalition of Labour, Green and community independents. I do not belong to a political party. The views expressed are my own and not City Vision policy]
This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during March 2015 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.
Hon Nikki Kaye cuts the ribbon with Freemans Bays school students
Bikes in Schools: opening of a new bike track at Freemans Bay School
One of the highlights of the month was attending the bike track opening at Freemans Bay School on 20 March. This is the first bike track in the Waitematā area supported by the Bikes in Schools Trust. It was wonderful to see how excited the kids are to ride a bike. For many of the kids at the school who live in the city centre the track offers them the only safe opportunity to cycle.
Portfolio Report: Transport
RLTP Presentation
All local boards and key stakeholders were given the opportunity to present to an Auckland Transport hearings panel on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015 -2025 (RLTP) as part of the consultation process.
I presented with the Chair on behalf of the Waitematā Local Board on 10 March (Presentation attached as Attachment B). As I mentioned in my introduction to the presentation it was a slightly bizarre process to present before the end of the public consultation period and before we had finalised our submission. A copy of the Board’s final submission submitted on 16 March is attached to the April agenda.
Franklin Road
Auckland Transport presented the feedback on the proposed Franklin road upgrade design and the revised options developed on the back of that feedback at a meeting with Franklin Road residents on 9 March.
Overall the residents at the meeting were positive about the new designs but were strongly opposed to cycle lanes due to safety concerns. These concerns were outlined in a presentation to the Local Board public forum at the March business meeting on 10 March. Auckland Transport undertook to do a safety audit to ensure the final design is safe and is able to cater for all users.
Intersection of Curran St & Sarsfield St
For many years residents near to the intersection of Curran St and Sarsfield St have been seeking improvements to slow down drivers who speed up on the approach to the Harbour Bridge. Unfortunately it took a serious crash in February for Auckland Transport to respond.
I arranged a site meeting on 2 March with residents and Auckland Transport representatives to discuss the various concerns about the intersection. On 30 March Auckland Transport responded at a follow-up meeting with a concept design which was positively received. Once the feedback from the meeting has been collated by the Herne Bay Residents Association the design will be finalised by AT for formal consultation.
Portfolio report: Community Development
Empowered Communities Approach
A whole new way for Council to work called “Empowered Communities Approach” is currently being tested with the Community Development and Safety Team.
Local Board members have been briefed and workshops held with the community (I attended the workshop for ethnic migrants) to explain the details and the opportunities arising from this approach. As it is a major shift for Council I have included the following key messages about the new approach in my report:
Why we are doing this:
Supporting community-led development.
Working with communities to develop leadership, skills and capacity is a priority for Auckland Council under the Strengthen Communities goals of the Auckland Plan.
Mayor Len Brown proposed under the Long-Term Plan (2015-2025) to change how Auckland Council works around community development.
Much research and community consultation has been done by Auckland Council around empowering communities – the ECA is building on this work to bring it to life.
While we are developing a ‘whole of council approach’ Community Development and Safety are the first team to have this approach applied.
Purpose of engaging with communities:
You know what you need and want and, in turn, we need to hear that from you.
We would like to hear what you feel about the direction the ECP is taking and what it means for your communities.
Every community is different – a one-size-fits-all approach will not work across Auckland.
Council needs to be more responsive and flexible around community needs and priorities.
Resources and capacity varies across Auckland and council needs to ensure that each community has the same opportunities and platforms for empowerment.
There are benefits from empowering communities including: more responsive to community need; more flexibility and opportunity to change what may not be working; less bureaucracy; and, more opportunity for the communities to show innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
Auckland Council is committing to a new, innovative way of working. It recognises that for the ECA to be successful it has to change both the way it works, and how it works, to benefit Aucklanders.
Empowered Communities Approach:
‘Empowered Communities: Enabling Council’ is an approached underpinned by a two-way relationship.
A description rather than a definition is being used to ensure there is room for us all to see ourselves.
What is an empowered community?
An empowered community is one where individuals, whanau and communities have the power and ability to influence decisions, take action and make change happen in their lives and communities. This includes communities of place, interest and identity.
Community empowerment is about providing real opportunities for people to participate and fostering the conditions that support this.
An empowered communities approach is ‘a way of working’ that empowers people to play a more active role in the decisions that affect their communities’.
A ‘whole of council’ shift is required to:
Provide a gateway / portal into council resources and information
Provide more support for local boards and other areas of council to work together in joined-up ways with local communities
Facilitating and embedding the ECA across council
Developing and implement creative new engagement and participation practices
Support the devolution of resources / functions / control to communities.
Currently we are exploring ways to operationalise the Community Development and Safety team functions with a new focus on ways of working.
Feedback is currently being sought from community groups about what needs to change for Council to be “an enabling council” and communities to be called “empowered communities”.
Long Term Plan consultation
Consultation on the Auckland Council’s 10 year budget (LTP) closed on 16 March. 27,383 submissions were received in total with 1097 coming from the Waitematā Local Board area. It was the first consultation process under Auckland Council’s new Significance and Engagement Policy that is required by the Local Government Act 2002. Instead of hearings, submitters were invited to attend Have your Say events where all comments received were recorded as official feedback (Photo right – the Waitematā Have your say Event)
Personally I did not think the Have your Say events were an adequate alternative to Local Board hearings as there was limited ability to meaningfully engage and discuss issues with submitters.
Professional development
In March I started semester one at AUT University as I continue learning Te Reo Maori ( I completed two stage 1 papers in 2014). I attend classes twice a week.
I have also appreciated the opportunity to take part in the training series “Making an Impact with Maori” provided by Council’s advisors. On 25 March I joined councillors and local board members at Te Mahurehure Marae in Pt Chev for an immersive learning experience, designed to take elected members through the protocols and principles involved with entering a marae.
Workshops and meetings
During March I attended:
Street meeting on 2 March of Herne Bay residents and Auckland Transport to discuss the Curran St/Sarsfield St intersection speeding and safety issues
One of the presenters of the LGNZ webinar on 3 March in Wellington: Planning and Investment Opportunities for Cycling (Urban Cycleways Investment Programme) Photo right: delivering the Webinar with Cynthia Bowers, Deputy Mayor, Hawkes Bay District Council
Attended Long Term Plan – 10 year budget consultation events: Have your Say event at the Town Hall on 4 March, the Grey Lynn community meeting on 11 March (co-hosted with the Arch Hill and Grey Lynn Residents Association) and the Fix Our City: A Discussion with the Mayor co-hosted with Generation Zero at Auckland University
Meeting to discuss RLTP feedback on 5 March
HBDI Test result discussion with Board members (HBDI survey provided insight into thinking style preferences)
Friends of St David meeting on Sunday 8 March
Auckland Transport’s meeting on 9 March with Franklin Road residents to discuss the consultation feedback analysis and the revised options developed for the upgrade of Franklin Road
Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 10 March
Meeting to discuss the community grants template
RLTP presentation to Auckland Transport
Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 10 March
Cycle Advisory Group meeting on 11 March
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 12 March
Meeting on 12 March to discuss the development of a Youth HUB in the City Centre
Site visit on Waima Street on 16 March organised by Arch Hill residents with representatives of Auckland Transport, NZTA, NZ Police, the Prostitutes Collective, and Newton School. David Shearer, MP also attended (photo right)
Grey Lynn community meeting on 17 March to discuss concerns arising from Auckland Transport’s proposals to remove parking at the Grey Lynn shops
Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 18 March
Meeting with Albert-Eden and Puketapapa Local Boards to discuss progress on the Central Community Recycling Facility
Empowered Communities approach discussion with Local Boards on 20 March
Community Place-making champions group meeting on 23 March
Meeting to discuss the community grants policy and template
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 24 March
Communications update with the Local Board communications advisor
Making an Impact with Maori – Training for Elected Members. Visit to Te Mahurehure Marae for all local board members and councillors
Local Board Greenways Plans and Walking and Cycling Networks Collaboration Meeting on 26 March
Urban Cycling Investment Panel – meeting 3 in Christchurch on 27 March
Auckland Arts Festival 4 – 22 March I attended various performances and the opening night drinks in the Festival Gardens (at the invitation of the AAF Trust)
Little Day Out at the Mt Eden Village Centre on 7 March
International Women’s Day event in Khartoum Place on 9 March
Presented the 95bfm Green Desk on 10, 17 and 24 March
Grey Power meeting on 12 March at the Fickling Centre as part of a presentation on the LTP (I was invited to present on transport issues in the LTP)
Wet Hot Beauties performance in Judges Bay on 14 March
People power and common sense won the day on February 20th when the Auckland Transport Board went against officer advice in deciding not to go ahead with the planned widening of Great North Road that would have required the removal of six heritage Pohutukawa trees. A well organised campaign challenged an Auckland Transport and NZTA culture that was only willing to consider one option for over 3 years.
It was an important win not just for saving 6 trees but for forcing a rethink about the design of all roading projects. It was also a win for trees in general by raising awareness about the huge range of benefits that a magnificent stand of trees can provide the community and the landscape.
I was proud to be part of the Waitematā Local Board that stood with the community and that has consistently told Auckland Transport the plans needed to be re-considered.
Much has been written during the campaign about the process, plans and final outcome. Here are some highlights:
This is my first report for 2015 covering highlights from December 2014 and January 2015.
Opening up the city centre to people
Despite the transport messaging that the Central City was “closed” the streets of Lower Queen St and Quay St were very much full and open to people over Auckland anniversary weekend.
I enjoyed the impressive 3 days of events for Auckland 175th birthday that included the Waitematā Local Board supported International Buskers Festival and the Story of Auckland in Shed 10 (I attended the launch of both). It was great see so many people enjoying the waterfront and finding time to give feedback about improving the city centre.
The weekend really showed the huge potential for improving downtown by re-prioritising road space.
Saving the Pohutukawa 6
I have provided regular updates on the Board’s opposition to Auckland Transport’s proposal to remove 6 mature Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road. The latest update is attached (ATTACHMENT A) following on from the Commissioners decision on 17 December to recommend removal.
Cycling & walking investment
I am really delighted to have been appointed to the Urban Cycling Investment Panel by the Transport Minister on the recommendation of LGNZ. The launch of the urban cycling programme was held on 30 January 2015 on the old Nelson St motorway off- ramp (ATTACHMENT B). I attended the first meeting of the panel in Wellington on 8 December.
2015 is going to be the year to celebrate new cycling infrastructure in Auckland starting on 20 January when I joined the Albert- Eden community, Cycle Action, David Shearer MP and NZTA to celebrate the opening of the new causeway bridge on the NW cycleway.
The much anticipated and beautifully constructed Westhaven Promenade opened at the end of January. It is perfect for cycling with children in a safe, attractive environment but still needs to be connected to all the way to Silo Park. Auckland Transport announced on 30 January that construction of the final leg of the shared path on Westhaven Drive continuing along Beaumont Street is starting in February with a completion date in March (the shared path is intended as an interim measure).
Over the summer break I enjoyed one of the many cycling adventures now possible in Auckland (ATTACHMENT C)
Speed enforcement
In response to the many unjustified and ill-informed attacks over the summer on the NZ Police in response to speed limit enforcement I decided to write up my personal experience that influences my personal support for the safer systems approach to road safety (ATTACHMENT D). On the positive side I think there is a growing demand for slower speeds especially on residential streets and in the city centre.
Kelmarna Community Gardens
I attended the Kelmarna Community Gardens Trust public meeting on 29 January that gathered people together to reflect on their connections to the garden and to help plan the future now that Framework has withdrawn as a tenant.
It was an incredibly positive, well attended meeting demonstrating a huge amount of support for the gardens to continue as an organic farm with a place for everyone. The Trust, with the assistance from Council officers, is considering options for managing the gardens going forward.
The January Inner City Network meeting was hosted by Waterfront Auckland. Frith Walker gave an excellent presentation on placemaking that inspired the many people who attended to consider what it is possible to achieve in Auckland with clear vision and creativity.
Way finding
Street signage has been a topical local issue over the summer in response to Auckland Transport’s trial new signs on city streets (so far mainly in the Albert- Eden area). The Board has not yet been asked to give formal feedback on the design. In the meantime I continue to push for way finding signage for pedestrians and cyclists on streets that are only NO EXIT for vehicles (such as on Fort St).
I was impressed to see the new way finding signs that have gone up in Myers Park. They are clear and well-designed providing a best practice template for future way finding designs.
Berm planting
At the Board’s December meeting we passed the following resolution in an attempt to progress Auckland Transport’s draft guidelines to encourage responsible plantings on grass verges. In the meantime “happy berms” have appeared over the summer.
Some of the events I attended during December and January
The centenaries of Parnell Pool and the Tepid Baths were celebrated in December and the Grey Lynn Library’s 90th birthday.
Mayoral Reception on the occasion of the Battle of the River Plate 75th anniversary commemoration with the remaining 5 survivors.
The final Citizenship Ceremonies of 2014 were held on 1 December at the Town Hall (I was in the official party for the afternoon ceremony)
Auckland put on a beautiful morning for the Ironman 70.3 on the waterfront. I attended the welcome function on 16 January.
I attended the Breakers game on Friday 23rd January as a guest of the Mayor
It was sad to farewell Chris Davidson at the end of January as the CEO, Parnell Trust but he leaves the Trust in great shape.
Pohutukawa Savers will be out in force at the SH16 St Lukes Interchange Upgrade community liaison meeting on Tuesday evening, 20th January, to highlight the imminent threat to six heritage pohutukawa opposite MOTAT, five of which are at least 80 years old.
A growing alliance of concerned residents from all walks of life and from across the region, the Pohutukawa Savers invite key decision-makers from Auckland Transport to front up and listen to community concerns. The meeting will be held at 6pm in the Western Springs Community Garden Hall – ironically, just down the road from the trees the group aims to save.
Auckland Transport claims the trees must go to make space for its preferred intersection design that creates a second turning lane into St Lukes Road. The Pohutukawa Savers believe the trees can be retained via an improved design that also satisfies traffic requirements. They intend to vigorously appeal Auckland Transport’s decision to the Environment Court.
Pohutukawa Savers spokesperson Jolisa Gracewood says, “These grand old trees are a vital element of the area’s history and living heritage. They were planted in 1934 as part of a continuous avenue of pohutukawa along Great North Road, to beautify the newly created public greenspace as a gift to the citizens of Auckland. As such, they belong to all Aucklanders, and are located on open park land under the responsibility of the Waitematā Local Board.”
“These trees form a spectacular streetscape that welcomes visitors to the Western Springs parks precinct. Trees of this stature are crucial to the urban ecosystem, providing shade, air-filtering and stormwater dispersal, as well as a habitat for native birds. People all over Auckland, and beyond, are aghast at their proposed destruction. The spontaneous joy with which people have decorated the trees since hearing about their possible fate shows how valued they are.”
“Sacrificing these healthy, monumental trees would be a hasty, irreversible loss for little demonstrable gain. We know Auckland Transport has workable alternatives to this ‘either/or scenario’, and we believe that smart design can solve the traffic questions while preserving the historic and visual integrity of the space. We are asking Auckland Transport to recognise the value of these trees to Aucklanders of yesterday, today and tomorrow — and to help create a more liveable city by embracing a 21st century design that saves the trees.”
The meeting will be held on Tuesday 20 January at 6pm at the Western Springs Community Garden Hall, Great North Road. All who wish to support the trees are encouraged to attend.
Over the Christmas – New Year break the “Pohutukawa Savers” have been busy drawing attention to the plight of the majestic trees Auckland Transport wants to chop down at 820 Great North Road opposite MOTAT. The Pohutukawa 6 are up against the motorway widening juggernaut but there is still time to save them for the benefit of future generations.
Here is an update on the process so far and what steps are available to put a stop to Auckland Transport’s tree destruction agenda.
Back in August 2013 Auckland Transport’s presented “final” plans to the Waitematā Local Board for widening Great North Road as part of NZTA’s St Lukes interchange project to provide for an additional turning lane onto SH16 via a reconstructed St Lukes bridge. AT’s plans included improved cycling facilities and an extended bus lane but also required the removal of six 80 year old Pohutukawa trees. As the trees are on Auckland Council owned open space land zoned for car parking Auckland Transport needed the Board’s consent to go ahead with the intended works.
After many months of reviewing draft plans and discussing the options with the Board (and our Park’s advisors) Auckland Transport’s army of consultants were confident the Board’s sign off was a mere formality. However the Board remained unconvinced with Auckland Transport’s assessment that the only option was for the road to be widened and the trees removed so we refused to grant consent. I reported on the Board’s position at the time.
A couple of months later Auckland Transport took a different tack by successfully obtaining resource consent for stage 1 works for a single turning lane from Great North Road on to the new bridge. As landowners the Board gave approval for the trees to be pruned so the turning lane could be raised to meet the height of the new bridge-subject to a range of conditions.
However in Febuary 2014 Auckland Transport informed the Board that instead of going ahead with stage 1 as consented AT intended to seek to vary the resource consent and obtain a Notice of Requirement (NOR) to remove the trees. The application was publicly notified on 6 June 2014 and 65 submissions were received, the majority of which opposed the removal of the trees (frustratingly due to a clerical error 54 of these submissions were disqualified from the process – an absurd situation that undermined the hearing – Jolisa Gracewood has documented the experience here) . The Waitematā Local Board was one of the submitters in opposition to the NOR suggesting an alternative design which would have seen the trees retained without defeating Auckland Transport’s transport objectives.
A public hearing on the NOR was heard in early November over 2 days. The Waitematā Local Board engaged its own lawyer (the excellent Nick Whittington from Meredith Connell) and expert witnesses to strongly oppose Auckland Transport’s application at the hearing as outlined in the Board Chair’s statement.
Auckland Transport’s planting schedule
Just before Christmas, Council received the independent commissioners recommendation unfortunately confirming the NOR as lodged, i.e. with the removal of the trees, with the addition of the landscaping plan (photo right) submitted at the hearing.
Next Steps
Auckland Transport formally received Council’s (through the Hearing Panel) recommendation on 18 December 2014 and has 30 working days to make their decision on whether or not they accept the Hearing Panel’s recommendation. They can now make that decision any time up until 20 February 2015. (For the purposes of the RMA, “working day” does not include the period commencing 20 December to 10 January).
Once Auckland Transport advises Council of their decision, Council has 15 working days to advise submitters of the decision.
Auckland Council (as the Territorial Authority) and/or the submitters may appeal the decision within 15 working days of receiving notice of Auckland Transport’s (the Requiring Authority’s) decision
The appeal period runs for 15 working days from Auckland Council’s notification of Auckland Transport’s decision.
AT cannot do any of the works under the NOR (which includes the removal of trees) until such time as the appeal period has ended and any appeals resolved.
Once the appeal process has been exhausted and if Auckland Transport has permission to remove the trees, Auckland Transport has to seek land owner consent to enter the land. Auckland Council is the landowner. The Waitematā Local Board are the delegated decision makers. If the Board refuses to give consent AT will then have to use the Public Works Act. At the Community Group Liaison Meeting on 20 January (reported on by Transport Blog’s Patrick Reynolds) Board Chair Shale Chambers said that he would take the decision to a Board meeting so that there would be another opportunity for public input.
The fight to save the trees
The appeal process is likely to mean that Auckland Transport cannot take any steps to remove the trees until well into the year. In the meantime campaigning is underway to put pressure on Auckland Transport to re-look at the options.
Action Station: use this handy link to send an email to David Warburton, CEO Auckland Transport (over 500 have used it already)
Follow and support the campaign on Facebook(Save the Western Springs Pohutukawa)
Join the campaign:a Pohutukawa Savers group is using Loomio to plan the protest action. The history of the trees is also being collated by Jolisa Gracewood . It looks highly likely the Pohutukawas that form a boulevard along Great North Road were planted deliberately on Arbor Day in 1934 for the enjoyment of future generations as part of the formation of Chamberlain Golf Course
At the Waitematā Local Board’s December (2014) meeting the Board unanimously passed the following resolution:
b) That the Waitematā Local Board
i) Supports encouraging and enabling community use of berms as much as practicable
ii) Supports the development of berm-planting guidelines, which would include:
Benefits of appropriate berm planting
Safe depths to dig to
Ideal plants in a number of categories – natives, food, trees
Maintenance expectations, including in regard to safety eg height
Role of Local Boards in acting as a key conduit for Auckland Transport to have community relationships around berm planting
Working with neighbours
iii) Requests Auckland Transport develop berm planting guidelines in conjunction with Local Boards
iv) Requests Auckland Transport report on progress to the Board’s February meeting
In July 2013 Auckland Transport standardised the urban berm moving service so that generally all owners and occupiers adjacent to road side grass verges (berms) are responsible for maintenance. Auckland Transport has provided various exceptions such as on road corridors through town centres and on steep sections.
Following an increase in residents informally planting on the berms Auckland Transport undertook in February 2014 to draft guidelines. These guidelines have not yet been forthcoming, even in draft form, although the Community Placemaking Champions group of Local Board members (of which I am a member) was recently briefed that “private” berm guidelines will be released for consultation in 2015. “Private” applies to people who wish to plant a berm that is adjacent to their existing property, and will not cover community groups or gardening collectives who may wish to plant on berms.
The champions group has recognised that the guidelines provide an opportunity to support the “placemaking” function of berms and to foster the many benefits. For example – litter reduction, storm water management, streetscape amenity values, community development and the promotion of bio-diversity. Guidelines can provide a best practice framework for street planting while minimising the impact on the road corridor. For example the City of Sydney Footpath Gardening Policy allows residents and businesses to put planter boxes on the footpath and/or carry out gardening on footpath verges outside their properties under certain conditions.
Auckland Transport’s approach to the guidelines (including advice currently on AT’s website which incorrectly states berm planting is prohibited) suggests that the draft guidelines are not being approached from a placemaking perspective but mainly to identify what is not allowed in the road corridor for safety reasons.
Local Boards are best placed to develop the guidelines with Auckland Transport and to assist with the smooth implementation. I therefore recommend that the Board confirms support for encouraging and enabling community use of berms as much as practicable and directs Auckland Transport to develop appropriate guidelines in conjunction with Local Boards.
Update May 2022: Since my efforts to develop berm planting guidelines while on the local board the responsibility for all green spaces including berms has moved over to Auckland Council’s Community Facilities. I’ve got agreement for the guidelines to be added to the Environment and Climate Change Committee work programme. So it has been slow going but we are making progress. In the meantime the draft guidelines on AT’s website will be followed if there is a complaint about a berm. This is just something to be aware of when planting berms.
This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during November 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.
I was acting chair for the week of 17th November.
This is my final report for 2014 and also brings to an end the first year of this term of Auckland Council.
Many thanks to all those who have supported the Board’s work during 2014. I’d also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy festive season & summer solstice (photo right: Child Fund NZ’s brilliant Tree of Bikes at Queens Wharf)
Recommended resolution:
a) That the report be received.
b) That the Waitemata Local Board
i) Supports encouraging and enabling community use of berms as much as practicable
ii) Supports the development of berm-planting guidelines, which would include:
Benefits of appropriate berm planting
Safe depths to dig to
Ideal plants in a number of categories – natives, food, trees
Maintenance expectations, including in regard to safety eg height
Role of Local Boards in acting as a key conduit for Auckland Transport to have community relationships around berm planting
Working with neighbours
iii) Requests Auckland Transport develop berm planting guidelines in conjunction with Local Boards
iv) Requests Auckland Transport report on progress to the Board’s February meeting.
Portfolio reports: Transport
Parking – Amendment to Road Users Rules to allow residents to park over their own driveways
At the Waitematā Local Board November meeting Trevor Lund, a member of the Freemans Bay Residents Association, presented in public forum seeking a letter of support from the Board requesting NZTA amend clause 6.9 of the Road Users Rule to allow Road Controlling Authorities (in this case Auckland Transport) to exempt residents with a permit, and allow them to park across their own driveways (parallel to the kerb, not over the footpath).
The proposal has the potential to create additional parking spaces in areas where there is high demand for on-road parking. In the response to Mr Lund’s presentation the Board passed the following resolution.
9.2 Public Forum – Trevor Lund, Freemans Bay Resident
Resolution number WTM/2014/215MOVED by Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom:
a) That Trevor Lund be thanked for his attendance and presentation to the Board.
b) That the proposal be referred to Auckland Transport and the Transport portfolio holders for further consideration and that this be reported back to the Board meeting on 8 December 2014
The proposal was discussed at the transport portfolio monthly catch up on 26 November. We considered the benefits of the proposal for areas like Freemans Bay where on street parking is at capacity due to all day commuter parking. We noted a number of points
Currently where a resident parks across their driveway (parallel to the kerb or facing the driveway as in the photo right but not over the footpath) Auckland Transport will not enforce the rule unless there is a complaint. The rule gives Auckland Transport the ability to act where there is a dispute over access or safety issues.
There are benefits to all residents of keeping driveways clear for example driveways provide safer crossing points for pedestrians particularly with pushchairs. A street with no gaps in the on- street parking could also create hazards for wheelchair users and mobility scooters.
The resident parking zone that Auckland Transport is going to consult on early next year is intended alleviate much of the parking pressure on Freemans Bay.
Many residents may wish to see occupancy rates reduce on residential streets once the parking zone is installed and not wish to encourage additional parking across driveways.
There are administrative issues for Auckland Transport to consider for example how to identify the legitimate home owner’s car and how to enforce complaints. There are also costs associated with a permit scheme (and residents may query why a permit should be necessary for an activity that is currently “permitted”).
Overall the transport portfolio concluded that while we wish to support proposals that will address the very serious parking issues currently experienced in Freemans Bay we think there are a number of down-sides to a rule change. Also in practice it is likely to make very little difference to the parking available because residents already park across their own driveways when necessary.
However we will continue to discuss the options with the Freemans Bay Residents Association and Auckland Transport and support Auckland Transport undertaking a trial of the proposal. We also recommend the Board re-consider providing a letter of support to NZTA once the residents parking zone has been implemented and the impact assessed.
Notice of Requirement hearing – removal of 6 mature pohutukawa trees on Great North Road
Auckland Transport’s planting schedule
I attended the Notice of Requirement hearing on 5 and 6 November in support of the Board’s objection to Auckland Transport’s proposal to remove 6 mature Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road. The Board’s lawyer Nick Whittington did a fantastic job at the hearing arguing that the adverse impact of removing the trees on GNR would be “significant” and “enduring” and outlined why Auckland Transport evidence was “back-filling, self-serving and cursory”. We have asked AT to consider an alternative option (referred to in the hearing as option 6).
Disappointingly Auckland Transport has stuck to their position that there is no alternative but to remove these notable trees (probably planted on Arbor Day in 1934) for road widening to provide for two lanes turning from Great North Road on to a new St Lukes bridge. At the hearing AT represented their proposed planting plan to replace the trees. (photo right)
An aspect of the hearing that was particularly preposterous was the 54 submissions out of 64 that all had wrong submission numbers were found to be “invalid” due to clerical error. One submitter Jolisa Gracewood has written here about the experience of being so terribly let down by the process.
Fortunately she still chose to speak and put forward her very well considered points, as she said “Auckland Transport’s plan prioritises car movement at all costs: no creative thought for how to safely move everyone else”
The Commissioners are due to release their decision on 17 December.
Cycling improvements
I was really thrilled to see the greening of new feeder lanes on Great North Road and K’rd at the end of November. As previously reported the issues with the Great North Road intersection were logged with Auckland Transport four years ago (one of the first safety issues I raised with AT after first getting elected). Due to the narrow lanes cyclists were forced to either navigate 3 lanes of traffic or mount the kerb to avoid getting squashed by buses and cars. AT’s original response was to say the feeder was not possible without the widening of the road by removing heritage buildings. Fortunately after persistent advocacy from the Board and Cycle Action Auckland someone clever at AT got on to the job earlier this year and came up with a solution not only on the Great North Road side of the intersection but also the K’rd approach (feeder lanes for the Ponsonby Road and Newton Road sections are also about to be installed)
Monthly transport update
A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 26 November. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.
Portfolio reports: Community
Berm planting guidelines
In July 2013 Auckland Transport standardised the urban berm moving service so that generally all owners and occupiers adjacent to road side grass verges (berms) are responsible for maintenance. Auckland Transport has provided various exceptions such as on road corridors through town centres and on steep sections.
Following an increase in residents informally planting on the berms Auckland Transport undertook in February 2014 to draft guidelines. These guidelines have not yet been forthcoming, even in draft form, although the Community Placemaking Champions group of Local Board members (of which I am a member) was recently briefed that “private” berm guidelines will be released for consultation in 2015. “Private” applies to people who wish to plant a berm that is adjacent to their existing property, and will not cover community groups or gardening collectives who may wish to plant on berms.
The champions group has recognised that the guidelines provide an opportunity to support the “placemaking” function of berms and to foster the many benefits. For example – litter reduction, storm water management, streetscape amenity values, community development and the promotion of bio-diversity. Guidelines can provide a best practice framework for street planting while minimising the impact on the road corridor. For example the City of Sydney Footpath Gardening Policy allows residents and businesses to put planter boxes on the footpath and/or carry out gardening on footpath verges outside their properties under certain conditions.
Auckland Transport’s approach to the guidelines (including advice currently on AT’s website which incorrectly states berm planting is prohibited) suggests that the draft guidelines are not being approached from a placemaking perspective but mainly to identify what is not allowed in the road corridor for safety reasons.
Local Boards are best placed to develop the guidelines with Auckland Transport and to assist with the smooth implementation. I therefore recommend that the Board confirms support for encouraging and enabling community use of berms as much as practicable and directs Auckland Transport to develop appropriate guidelines in conjunction with Local Boards.
Community grants
The Community Grants Committee met in November to consider applications to the second round. We received applications totalling $$104,731 from the available $$69,153.
The committee’s recommendations are on the December agenda. Applications to the third and final community grant round for 14/15 can be made until 6 March 2015 (for a decision in April).
I also attended the Central Joint Funding Committee Meeting on 28 November to consider applications to Round 1 Auckland City Cultural Heritage Fund. We confirmed funding for 5 projects totally $23,322.93 including assistance to St Joseph’s Church, Grey Lynn (leadwork maintenance) and St Patricks Cathedral (restoration work) within the Waitematā Local Board area. $26,677.07 remains for the final round from this fund (which will cease to exist once the new funding policy is implemented for 15/16)
Community Gardens
Te Maara Community Garden blessing
One of the Board’s priorities is to support community gardens so I was particularly pleased to attend the blessing of Te Māra (the Grey Lynn Community Garden). Redevelopment of this garden at St Columba Church under the guidance of a new vicar Brent Swann was made possible with a community grant from the Board
Also during November a new initiative has been launched called Kai Auckland – a movement for all Aucklanders that offers a cohesive and integrated approach to creating connection and nourishment through food. Groups such as community gardens, food coops and farmers markets are encouraged to register on the site.
Kelmarna Community Gardens
Framework Trust confirmed during November that they are no longer in a position to sub-lease Kelmarna Community gardens. This has been a distressing time for the clients and Framework employees who work at the gardens. Fortunately Kelmarna Community Gardens Trust has confirmed that they would like to continue with the lease (which is about to be renewed) and are keen to explore options with the Board for continuing the management of the gardens. A meeting has been arranged with the Trustees, relevant Community Development officers and the community portfolio members to discuss options going forward.
Workshops and meetings
In the period 1 November – 30 November I attended:
Ponsonby Community Centre management committee meeting on 3 November
Local Board Workshop on 4 November
Attended the Notice of Requirement hearing remove 6 Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road on 5 and 6 November
Meet Ponsonby Business Association GM on 6 November
Communications catch up on 10 November
Engagement adviser catch up on 10 November
Auckland’s Resource Recovery Network – Workshop for Local Board Members on 10 November The purpose of this workshop is to update you on the RRN and discuss the opportunities that resource recovery facilities can provide local boards to progress community, economic development and environmental objectives. Presentations from Xtreme Waste Raglan and the new Waiuku Recovery Centre
Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 11 November
City Centre activation programme
Te Reo Māori exam on 11 November
Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 11 November
Attended presentation to Ponsonby Business Association members on 254 Ponsonby Road options on 12 November
Meeting on 13 November with Auckland Transport regarding the prioritisation of transport projects for the Long Term Plan
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 13 November
LGNZ Zone One meeting in Maungawhai on 14 November
Workshop on 18 November with governing body members on options for the Aotea Square/Civic Administration Building
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 18 November
Meeting up of community group representatives organised by Auckland Transport to discuss plans for an “open streets” even on Quay St in April 2015
Joint Governing Body and Local Board Chairs meeting on 19 November (A regular meeting offering the opportunity for the two arms of Auckland Council’s governance to discuss and debate key issues)
Meeting with local resident regarding resource consent issues
Community Grants briefing on 20 November
Local Board Chairs Greenways Plans and Walking and Cycling Networks Collaboration Meeting on 24 November
Community Grants Committee meeting on 24 November
Shinagawa Peace Delegation to Auckland
Meeting with Shinagawa Peace Delegation hosted by Cr Cathy Casey (This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Nuclear-free Peaceful City Shinagawa Declaration. As part of the commemorations, a peace delegation from Shinagawa will be visiting Auckland from the 24th to the 26th November. The purpose of the visit is to exchange information about peace initiatives that are part of the wider ‘Cities for Peace’ movement, of which Auckland Council became a part in 2011. The delegation will also meet with the Peace Council and staff members from the Peace Foundation while they are in Auckland.)
Meeting with Sustainable Coastlines to discuss their Waterfront training centre and resource recovery park concept to be built at Wynyard Quarter
Stakeholders consultation meeting on the Newmarket Laneways Plan on 24 November
Ponsonby Community Centre AGM on 24 November
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 25 November
Communications catch up on 25 November
Meeting to discuss LTP 2015 consultation events with the Board’s engagement adviser
Civil Defence Community Response Group meeting hosted by Grey Lynn Neighbourhood support
Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 26 November
Community Development portfolio monthly catch up on 26 November
Central Joint Funding Committee Meeting on 28 November – Round 1 Auckland City Cultural Heritage Fund Applications
Events and functions
In the period 1 November – 30 November 2014 I attended:
Blessing of Te Māra – St Columba Community Gardens – He Timatanga Hou Project on 1 November
Beach Road stage II consultation open day at Britomart Market on 1 November
Reuse to reduce market at Auckland Zoo for conservation week
ATC’s Jesus Christ Superstar opening night production at Q Theatre on 1 November at the invitation of ATC
Grey Lynn Farmers Market AGM on 2 November (I was re-elected Chair of the management committee)
Blend with the Bluntletts ride on 2 November organised by Generation Zero, Transportblog, Blend Store and the Frockers at Frocks on Bikes – Auckland (photo right published in the Auckland City Harbour News)
Green Desk interview with blogger and writer Melissa Bruntlett, who lives life on two wheels in Vancouver, about Van Cycle Chic – Observations from an Emerging Bike Culture.
Auckland Conversations on 4 November Vancouver Cycle Chic: Observations from emerging bike culture Chris & Melissa Bruntlett ( report back on their presentation)
Silo Theatre’s Blind Date at Basement Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre on 5 November
Cycle Action’s Associates breakfast on 6 November
Light Show at the Auckland Art Gallery (I couldn’t make it to the opening night but enjoyed going with friends)
The Official Launch of Federal Street on 7 November
Franklin Road upgrade Open Day – Community Information Session on 8 November hosted by Auckland Transport
Sustainable Coastlines the Love Project at Silo Six
Armistice Day Commemoration at Auckland Museum
Art in the Dark launch on 12 November and attended Art in the Dark at Western Park on 2 of the 4 nights (one of the four nights was cancelled)
Parnell Festival of Roses opening speech and helped at the Board’s stand to consult on the Pt Resolution plan
Launch of the ATEED innovation plan at GRID AKL
Creative Communities Showcase hosted by Auckland Council
World of Wearable Art Exhibition Launch at the Auckland Museum
Opening of the Outside Art Fair hosted by Toi Ora Art Trust on 21 November
Nuffield Street, Newmarket Christmas Festival on 22 November
Glenn Innes to Tamaki Drive cycleway open day hosted by Auckland Transport on 22 November
Picnic with board members Christopher Dempsey and Deborah Yates for the Daldy Street opening Party Saturday 22 November
Auckland Conversation – Affordable Housing Panel Discussion on 24 November
Blessing of Myers Park new playground on 26 November
Spring Fling event in Takapuna hosted by Auckland Transport and Frocks on Bikes on 26 November
Daldy Street Picnic
Consultation and Engagement Awards 2014 at the Town Hall on 28 November (Since 2011, the Consultation and Engagement Awards have recognised excellence, and encouraged quality and innovation in public participation. The awards are a chance to celebrate and have pride in the high standard of community consultation that happens across Auckland, ensuring sustainable decisions can be made and ultimately creating the world’s most liveable city while delivering Aucklanders great value for money. Congratulations to the Local Board Services Team who won the “involve” category and the People’s choice award for the 21 Local Board Plan)
Lighting up of the Child Fund NZ Tree of Bikes on Queens Wharf on 28 November
Grey Lynn Park Festival and helped out on the Waitemata Local Board stand consulting on the draft Grey Lynn Park Development Plan on 29 November
Santa Parade on 30 November at the invitation of ATEED
Grey Lynn Festival consultation stand (Photo Michael McClintock Ponsonby News)
Book gifted by the author: Auckland’s Remarkable Urban Forest by Mike D Wilcox
This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during October 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.
At our October meeting the Board approved a budget of $350,000 from the Auckland Transport capex budget, for the Waitematā Greenways Project (Route G1) in-park route. Consultation on the route design will take place alongside the draft Grey Lynn Park Development Plan.
In addition we have asked Auckland Transport to bring forward the budget to progress the on-road sections of Route G1 to connect Coxs Bay and Grey Lynn Park with the North Western Cycleway (the designs are with Auckland Transport ready for public consultation).
Franklin Road upgrade
Photo Credit: Non- Motorist @ByTheMotorway
The much needed upgrade of Franklin Road has been in the too hard basket for many years due to the challenge and costs of accommodating historic trees, utilities, parking and transport requirement. Fortunately the Board and Freemans Bay residents’ persistent advocacy has paid off and Auckland Transport is now planning a major upgrade to get underway in early 2016.
Auckland Transport is consulting on 2 possible options for the design of the road. While it is really positive to see the upgrade progress I have raised with Auckland Transport my concern about the lack of Local Board input at an early stage of the option development and the failure to recognise the Board objectives for the Franklin Road which were finalised following community consultation. The two options only go part way to achieving the improvements we would like to see for this iconic Auckland street:
Auckland Transport to undertake the planned upgrade of Franklin Road including road resurfacing, undergrounding of services, footpath upgrade, pedestrian crossings, cycle path and on road parking and to provide for safe and continuous walking and cycling pathways from Ponsonby Road to Victoria Park including continuous pedestrian facilities (i.e. an unbroken footpath on both sides of the road) across all side streets, driveways and intersections (for example by installing raised tables). Local Board Agreement 2104/2015
One of the Board’s Transport priorities is for Auckland Transport to implement a residential parking zone scheme to manage commuter parking in central Auckland suburbs (Local Board Agreement 2014/15 Transport Advocacy area). The extension of the successful St Mary’s Bay scheme to city areas suffering the biggest impact from on- street parking has been on hold while Auckland Transport consults on the parking discussion document.
The good news is that Auckland Transport has confirmed at our October catch up that parking occupancy surveys are going to start in Ponsonby and Freemans Bay in November with the aim of consulting on a proposed zone in March 2015.
A zonal approach to parking has the potential to benefit local residents and businesses and provide for short term parking for visitors.
Gladstone Road/Avon Street intersection
Auckland Transport has consulted on safety improvements at the intersection of Avon Street and Gladstone Road in Parnell that involve the removal of angle parking outside the local shops. Following a site visit, consideration of the feedback on the proposal and a public forum presentation from the local building owner and Parnell Community Committee the Board passed the following resolution:
The Waitemata Local Board requests Auckland Transport take a holistic approach to improving cyclist and pedestrian amenity on Gladstone Road and consider traffic calming and mitigation measures that do not require the removal of angled parking at the Gladstone Road/Avon Street Intersection.
Legible Auckland
Wayfinding signage continues to be installed by Auckland Transport where a request is logged. It is surprising how few directional signs exist to guide pedestrians and cyclists around our city.
Although it was great to see this sign (photo right) appear on the corner of Waima Street/Great North Road I have followed up with Auckland Transport regarding the curious content on the sign with the following queries:
The original request was for a directional sign to the NW cycleway however the information on the sign covers everything except that. What is the reason? Has this design come out of AT’s wayfinding project? Is this now the template or just temporary? NZTA have used distance for their cycleway signage. Why has AT used travel time? Is the time intended for the walker or rider? Is this now a standard approach?
Cycling Advisory Group Meeting
At the Advisory Group meeting in October discussions continued on the prioritisation of cycling projects. Richard Leggart, Chair of the NZ Cycle Safety Panel discussed the recommendations in the panel’s Safer Journeys for People who Cycle report which was open for feedback until 24 October.
We also heard from Auckland Transport about improvements to the existing network and the development of a customer charter.
I emphasised at the meeting the need for early Local Board input into Auckland Transport’s work programme to best leverage the maintenance budget to address deficiencies on the network.
Fight to save 6 mature pohutukawa trees on Great North Road
Preparations have been underway during October for the hearing taking place on 5 and 6 November regarding the Board’s objection to Auckland Transport’s Notice of Requirement to remove 6 mature Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road. The removal is sought by AT for road widening to provide for two lanes turning from Great North Road on to a new St Lukes bridge.
The Board’s objection is based on our view that there are alternatives available to Auckland Transport that could retain the trees but achieve the same transport outcomes. All the experts agree that removing the trees will result in a significant adverse effect to the environment. As one submitter put it “the trees provide a buffer of civility amid 19 lanes of tarmac”.
Monthly transport update
A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 29 October. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.
Parnell Festival of Roses Accessibility
For a second year the Waitemata Local Board is aiming to make the Parnell Festival of Roses accessible for all. With the support of the community portfolio, member Christopher Dempsey has been working with Paul Brown, Strategic Advisor Disability to confirm the initiatives to be funded from an accessibility budget of $2000.
At the Festival on 15 and 16 November there will be an audio described walk and rose-potting workshop for blind and vision impaired visitors taking place from 11:45 -1.15pm and Rudd (the Bugman) Kleinpaste’s talk 1:30-2.00pm will be audio described. Rudd’s talks on both the Saturday and Sunday are being signed in New Zealand Sign Language. Accessibility Information has also been circulated.
Family, Whanau and Sexual Violence
We received an update from Kelly Maung on the work she is doing to progress a multi- sector strategic action plan to deal with Family, Whanau and Sexual Violence. Commitment to this initiative by Council has developed out of the Auckland Plan goal to be the world’s most liveable city and involves partnering with central government.
Kelly has challenged the Board to proactively contribute to White Ribbon day next year. Member Deborah Yates is progressing this with our male colleagues.
Park site visits
I joined the Parks team and iwi representatives on site visits to Western Park and Grey Lynn Park.
The visits identified exciting opportunities to promote cultural values and the unique historic features of the parks. There is particularly strong support for day-lighting Tunamau – the stream that is currently piped through Western Park.
Pioneer Womens Hall activation
Work to activate Pioneer Womens Hall as a community hub prior to major refurbishment taking place next year continues. We recently confirmed a modest budget to support the Jedi Knights Chess Club initiative led by a previously homeless man who has become a regular contributor to the Pioneer Womens Hall working group.
The community portfolio holds a monthly meeting with relevant officers to discuss the on-going work programme. I also attended a range of meetings during October relevant to the community portfolio – these are detailed below.
The former chief planner for Vancouver returned to Auckland at the invitation of Waterfront Auckland to continue his city-shaping advice with a talk on how rethinking our waterfront can transform our city.
Brent was introduced by John Dalzell, CEO Waterfront Auckland as an “Urban Design Warrior”.
Key points I took away from the presentation at Shed 10:
Urban planning & city building best way to influence public health and confront the convergence of global issues such as climate change and aging population.
Millennials are pre-disposed to urban living as they interact with technology like previous generations interacted with the car (baby boomers “broken hipsters” are also turning to urban living)
We need to aim for “density done well on the waterfront” Land use and movement need to be aligned. We need to recognise “induced demand”. It is just politically popular to build roads.
Vancouver shows that if you design for multi-modality it is better for drivers. It is about prioritising not being anti-car. Allows for shorter commute times (20% fewer cars; 40-60% increase in PT; 10-20% increase in cycling)
Brent is a fan of the expression “making streets sticky” for people – it is not just about moving through but how to make people stay
“Walk score” is a powerful measurement tool used in North America that shows the positive impact on property values of walkable neighbourhoods. In Auckland the evidence is that we don’t care about walkers just drivers.
He noted that the conversation about cycling is picking up but believes we will only make progress with separation (ie protected cycleways). This will be the key to a higher bike share. He also noted that there are enough women riders yet
Brent calls buses the heroes of PT as nimble & cheap but we need to change the conversation around buses and to provide a better service
Mobility is a space problem that benefits from car sharing. One car in a car share can replace 20 cars
We need to aim for consistently high density design. We have the challenge of a working Port but we should use this to our advantage. Height is just a design challenge
We also need to ensure that amenities and facilities are built into any development (in Vancouver achieved through density bonusing)
Lots of simple but can be hard to do simple
Final slide (pictured right)
Plan like you love cities
Listen like you love opinions
Design like you love people – and always challenge the word “cant”
Workshops and meetings
In the period 1 October – 31 October I attended:
Meeting with Allan Young from ACPL on 1 October to discuss and the implications for Parnell Station, access to the Domain and the regeneration of Waipapa Stream of Kiwi Rail’s proposals to sell the development site where Mainline Steam is currently located
Engagement adviser catch up on 1 October
Communications catch up on 1 October
Local Board Member briefing in Takapuna on spatial priorities and the draft infrastructure strategy that is being developed through the LTP process.
Community-led Placemaking Champions Group workshop
Local Board Workshop on 7 October
AT/Franklin Road Resident’s Meeting on 7 October – Franklin Road Upgrade
Meeting to discuss the Child Friendly City project
Meetings with the Local Board’s lawyers regarding Notice of Requirement hearing to remove 6 Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road
CCO review – Governing Body / Local Board discussion – workshop on 8 October provided an opportunity for local board members, councillors and IMSB members on the CCO Governance and Monitoring Committee to receive an update about the CCO review.
Review of the Ponsonby Road Plan by Stuart Houghton. A presentation to Board members on 8 October (on 28 October I arranged for Stuart to present his review to Council and Auckland Transport officers involved in the development of the plan)
Meeting with GM of the Ponsonby Business Association
Site Visit to Avon Street/ Gladstone Road intersection to meet a representative from Parnell Community Committee and the building owner to discuss AT’s proposal to remove angle parking
Meeting with GM of Parnell Community Centre
Communications catch up on 13 October
Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 14 October
Cycle Advisory Group Meeting
Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 14 October
Auckland Transport Taxi operations Plan presentation and discussion with stakeholders
Attended the Events portfolio meeting to discuss the Myers Park centenary celebrations and opportunities for community development
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 16 October
Photo Credit: Cathy Casey
Attended the Waitemata Local Board presentation to the Budget Committee led by the Chair as part of the local boards discussions with the governing body held over 2 days to inform final decision-making on the LTP for consultation. Each local board was given 20 minutes to present and discuss key priorities and advocacy areas (photo right – looking far too happy!)
LTP financial policy discussion on 20 October with Local Board representatives
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 21 October
Community Development portfolio monthly catch up on 22 October
Queens Wharf site visit: Briefing in partnership with Waterfront and Auckland Council
Western Park site visit and workshop on 24 October with iwi representatives
Attended the Waterfront Auckland Board meeting public forum in support of Ponsonby Cruising Club on 29 October
Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 29 October
LTP Local Board Cluster Workshop – Central. Auckland Transport’s engagement with Local Boards about transport priorities for the next decade and how AT has arrived at a prioritised programme, following the Mayor’s budget proposal for the Long Term Plan.
Meetings with Auckland Council planners and the Local Board’s lawyers in preparation for the Notice of Requirement hearing to remove 6 Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road
Meeting with the CE, Newmarket Business Association
Grey Lynn Park Development Plan – site visit to discuss draft update with iwi on 31 October
Events and functions
In the period 1 October – 31 October 2014 I attended:
Newmarket Young Fashion Designer Award on 1 October at the invitation of the Newmarket Business Association
Cycle Action’s Associates breakfast
Pop up smokefree outdoor dining event organised by Auckland Cancer Society in Aotea Square (photo right)
Grey Lynn Business Association AGM on 8 October
Launch of Art week at Silo 6
Opening of Victoria Park Market Art week event
Look at K’rd Art Week event
Opening ceremony of Auckland Diwali Festival 2014 on 11 October
NZ Fashion Museum’s pop-up exhibition, Elle and the Youthquake: The changing face of fashion, at The Nathan Gallery in Britomart.
Heritage Festival events on Sunday 12 October: Civic Trust a toast to heritage and the Grey Lynn RSC’s Gaylene Preston WWI presentation
Auckland Girls’ Grammar Old Girls’ Association Annual Dinner
Auckland Conversation with Brent Toderian at Shed 10. Liveable Cities – Vibrant Waterfronts
Ponsonby Business Association AGM on 21 October
Auckland Arts Festival Launch at the Town Hall on 23 October
The New Zealand Dance Company’s Studio Showing at the Wellesley Studio on 28 October at the invitation of the NZ Dance Company
Rod Oram in conversation with Sir Stephen Tindall at the Auckland Museum on 30 October hosted by Anglican Diocese of Auckland’s Diocesan Climate Change Action Group (at the invitation of Rod Oram)
Auckland’s biggest ever cycle infrastructure project was opened yesterday (Saturday 6 September 2014) by Barb Cuthbert, Chair of Cycle Action Auckland, the PM and the Mayor Len Brown. The Grafton Gully cycleway links the NW cycleway via Upper Queen Street Bridge to Quay Street via new separated cycle lanes on Beach Road. Transport blog recorded the opening speeches. There were many people to thank and acknowledge for the successful completion of the project after many years work (much of it behind the scenes to keep the project alive)
I’ve never been so excited about a cycleway opening before. Grafton Gully sets a new standard for design, safety and connectivity. It is beautiful to ride and gives a glimpse of what should be possible across Auckland to make cycling pleasant and easy. I especially love how the route has opened up all the long forgotten bush in the gully and provides a stunning view down to the Harbour (the Waitematā Local Board has plans for walking connections into Symonds St Cemetery which will open up even more of the native bush).
What was a bit lost in the applause for NZTA’s work on Grafton Gully was that Upper Queen Street Bridge (the removal of general traffic lanes and slip lanes to provide a new shared path) and Auckland Transport’s Beach Road cycleway was also opened at the same time. The project teams have worked extraordinarily hard to coordinate the opening of all three sections and deserved far greater acknowledgement.
In March I reported that Auckland Transport was 6 months behind NZTA and that Upper Queen Street Bridge was not even at the design stage. The Waitematā Local Board’s advocacy was instrumental in both projects being brought forward. We also funded the installation of a drinking station on the corner of Upper Queen Street and Ian McKinnon Drive ( a location suggested by Cycle Action Auckland).
This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during August 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.
Portfolio reports: Transport
Cycle Advisory Group
The Cycle Advisory Group was established by the Mayor as a forum for providing advice, a strategic review and sounding board on cycling issues in Auckland. Members of the group consist of representatives from advocacy organisations, NZTA, ACC, MOT, Waterfront Auckland, AA, the Mayor’s office and Auckland Transport. Councillors Chris Darby, Linda Cooper and Penny Hulse are also invited to attend.
At the chair’s forum meeting in June it was noted that there was no local board representation on the advisory group. I was nominated by the board chairs as the local board representative.
I attended the fourth meeting of the group on 29 August which focused on the prioritisation process for cycling capex projects.
Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2015
However on 19 August Prime Minister John Key announced $100 million in new funding to be made available over the next four years to accelerate cycleways in urban centres after a record breaking number of submissions were received on the GPS supporting cycling investment. It is proposed that an Urban Cycleway Investment Panel will investigate opportunities to invest in urban cycleways that would expand and improve the cycling network.
What is significant is that for the first time the National government has acknowledged the benefits commuter cycling and the need to provide connected infrastructure. The challenge to Auckland Transport will be to ensure that robust investment proposals are ready to go so that Auckland can tap into this fund (which does not require matched funding from AT).
Drinking fountains
The board has committed to funding three drinking stations in the street environment from the local board capex fund.
The first of the stations has been installed at the corner of Ian McKinnon Drive and Upper Queen Street as part of the Upper Queen Street bridge upgrade (photo right).
Missing connections
A priority of the Board is to improve connectivity around the Waitematā area. One of our advocacy positions to Auckland Transport through our Local Board Agreement 14/15 is for construction of the Wellesley St connection to Auckland Domain under Symonds St overbridge and on-road connection to the NZTA funded/constructed Grafton Gully Cycleway
Last month I came across this Dutch family in the photo right who were lost on the Symonds Street bridge trying to get to the Museum by following a street map. It reinforced yet again the importance of the City – Domain walking connection bvia Wellesley Street (the project is with the City Centre Integration Group to progress).
Cycling network
Thanks in part to Local Board advocacy great progress has been made to complete major cycling projects in the Waitematā area. The Grafton Gully cycleway (NZTA project), Upper Queen Street bridge connection (AC project) and Beach Road stage one (Auckland Transport project – pictured) will all be opening in early September to provide a continuous connection from Quay Street through to the NW cycleway.
Monthly transport update
A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 27 August. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.
Portfolio reports: Community
The community Development portfolio is working on a number of issues that were discussed at our monthly meeting with CDAC officers on 27 August including:
Grey Lynn Community Centre funding
Funding available for tables and chairs at community centres
Leys Institute Lift
I also attended a number of meetings during August relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.
Local Board Engagement
Consultation on the draft Waitematā Local Board plan ended on 6 August. A series of drop-in sessions concluded at the Grey Lynn Library on 4 August. Consultation on the Board’s localised carbon emission reduction plan closed on 16 August.
Community Grants
The Community Grant committee met on 25 August to consider applications to the Board’s community fund for the first round of 2014/15. The Board has $100,000 available for community grants per year.
The Committee has recommended allocating $30,852 in grants from the $80,612 applied for. A final decision will be made at the September Board meeting.
Local Government New Zealand
I attended the LGNZ Zone One meeting on 22 August with representatives from Local Boards, Kaipara District Council, Whangarei District Council, Far North District Council and Northland Regional Council. Councillor Penny Webster is Zone One Chair and Auckland Council’s representative on LGNZ.
The meeting received updates from Malcolm Alexander, CEO of LGNZ (Vision of LGNZ: Local Government powering community and national success) and presentations from Surf Live Saving, Fields of Remembrance Trust (WW1 commemorations) and an update on the Financial Prudence Regulations.
Workshops and meetings
In the period 1 August – 31 August I attended:
Communications catch up on 4 August
Engagement adviser catch up on 4 August
Local Board draft plan drop in sessions – Grey Lynn Library Hall on 4 August
Local Board workshop on 5 August
Newmarket Station Signage – Parks Portfolio Meeting on 6 August
Meeting to discuss LTP draft performance measures
WEBINAR Tax – An elected members responsibility
Elections 2016 workshop for local board members on decisions to be made prior to the 2016 local government elections on potential changes to the voting system, establishment of Maori wards and representation arrangements.
Community meeting organised by Community development team at the Freemans Bay community centre – Inner City Network: What would a successful network look/feel like? On Friday 8 August
City Rail Link Project update for local board members on 11 August
Working lunch with Housing NZ board members and housing NZ representatives on 11 August – HNZ provided an overview and details of their presence in the Waitematā area
Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 12 August
Waitematā Local Board business meeting in Parnell on 12 August
Waterfront Auckland CEO update for board members on 13 August
Meeting with Dave Peters from Cycling Auckland (bike hire business) regarding Waterfront Auckland’s bike hire operation (attended with Kevin Wright on behalf of Stephen Town and Connie Clackson from Waterfront Auckland)
Newmarket Laneways Precinct proposals – initial plans presented to board members on 13 August
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 14 August
Effective Meetings for Local Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs – This session is the follow-up from Monday 5 May and concludes the examination of styles and approaches that help meetings to run smoothly and generate decisions.
Local Board briefing on the LTP financial policies on 18 August – a briefing for 2 representatives from every board on the financial policy issues that may be considered as part of the long-term plan with an opportunity to provide early feedback
Communications catch up on 19 August
Meeting to discuss photos for the board’s achievements report
Grants Committee agenda run through on 20 August
LGNZ Zone One meeting at the Orewa Service Centre on 22 August
Waitematā Local Board Grants Committee Meeting on 25 August
Local Board Workshop on 26 August
Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 26 August
Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 27 August
Community Development portfolio monthly catch up on 27 August
Auckland Transport meeting with Barbara Holloway, K’rd Business Association to discuss maintenance issues and service levels.
Meeting with Waterfront Auckland and Ponsonby Cruising Club to discuss the club’s lease
Cycling Advisory Group meeting on 29 August
Bus stop interactivity and user experience presentation by AUT students to Auckland Transport representatives
Events and functions
In the period 1 August – 31 August I attended:
95bfm interview on the Waitemata Local Board plan on 1 August
City Givers Launch event at Pioneer Women’s Hall hosted by Splice on Saturday 2 August (photo right)
IPENZ annual debate on the positive team with Darren Davies and Matt Hinton The Car is So last century (photo below)
Cycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 6 August
Vintage Austin Register – Auckland branch AGM on Sunday 10 August
Hosted the Green Desk on 95bfm on 12 August talking to Florence Reynolds from Plastic Diet
Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks
Hosted the Green Desk 95bfm on 26 August talking to Emma McInnes from Generation Zero
Locally left at the Grey Lynn RSC with Jacinda Ardern and David Slack
Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM on 19 August at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
CAB Auckland AGM at the Flickling Centre on 20 August
Herne Bay Residents Association Candidates debate on 21 August at the Ponsonby Cruising Club
Carlton Gore Road market day organised by the Newmarket Business Association on Saturday 23 August (photo right of the new footpaths and bike parking)
Local Board hosted citizenship ceremony at the Town hall on 25 August
Cycle Action Auckland public monthly meeting 28 August
Movie fundraiser for Tearfund on 28 August
Belleville at the Herald Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre 29 August
This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during July 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.
Local Board Plan Engagement
The Pecha Kucha Town Hall special edition was a big highlight for me during July. Pecha Kucha Auckland teamed up with the Waitematā Local Board so that for the first time in New Zealand the Pecha Kucha format was used as a platform for local government consultation. The diverse line up of speakers made the event informative and fun. It was also a great opportunity for board members to present on the draft local board at a unique engagement event. Thank you for everyone who helped organise the event and took part on the night.
As part of our Local Board Plan engagement we have held a series of drop-in sessions during July.
I attended the sessions at:
Campbell Free Kindergarten building, Victoria Park
Pioneer Women’s Hall
Parnell Farmers Market
Station Square, Newmarket
Leys Institute Library, Ponsonby
Ponsonby Community Centre
AUT Quad on AUSM club day (photo right)
Methodist Church Hall, Pitt Street
Drop-ins were also held at the Richmond Rovers clubrooms, Western Springs Football clubrooms, and the Grey Lynn Farmers Market.
In addition I was invited to speak at the Grafton Residents Association on the draft plan at their monthly meeting.
Long Term Plan 2015 – 2025: Options Workshop
I attended the all- day workshop for elected representatives and officers on 7 July as part of the LTP process which is currently underway. I think the workshops provide a valuable opportunity to discuss what the council should prioritise over the next 10 years and how to fund it. There are going to be tough decisions coming up about what we spend to make Auckland the most liveable city in the world.
Retiring members and new members of the Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) were acknowledged by Mayor Len Brown at a function on 28 July attended by YAP liaison councillor Linda Cooper, parents, and elected representatives from the council and local boards. The panel is into its second term and was established by the Mayor in 2011 as a local and regional youth participation and development programme to provide advice on council policies, plans, strategies and bylaws in the interests of young people.
It is made up of 21 young people aged between 12 and 24, nominated from Auckland’s 21 local boards. It involves a two-year term served by each member from July to June, with members selected by young people in their community through 18 local youth voice groups affiliated to local boards. Isabella Lenihan- Ikin is the Waitematā representative on the Panel. In her fantastic inaugural speech she challenged the Mayor to invest in cycling.
Retiring and new members of the Youth Advisory Panel with Local Board members
Portfolio reports: Community
The community Development portfolio is working on a number of issues that were discussed at our monthly meeting with CDAC officers on 23 July:
– Pioneer Women’s Hall stakeholder meeting (held on 31 July attended by Deborah Yates to connect and share with other groups/people that have expressed an interest in activating programmes that meet the needs of the people who live work and play in the central city).
– Future of Grey Lynn Community Centre
– The use of Lumino for Local Board Plan consultation (a Youth portfolio imitative)
– Implementation of the Accessibility Plan
– Women and Children’s Safety
– Leys Institute Lift (in need of repair)
– Women’s Centre Lease ( on the agenda this month)
I also attended a range of meetings during July relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.
Portfolio reports: Transport
The Grafton Gully Multi-way Boulevard
At our July Board meeting Kent Lundberg presented a plan to the Waitematā Local Board for dramatically improving one of the worst corridors in the central city – Stanley St and The Strand. Details of the presentation are available here http://transportblog.co.nz/2014/07/10/the-grafton-gully-multiway-boulevard/
We passed the following resolution:
Moved by C Dempsey, seconded by PJ Coom:
a) That Kent Lundberg be thanked for his attendance and presentation to the Board.
b) That the Waitematā Local Board:
i) supports in principle the Grafton Gully multiway Boulevard proposal;
ii) requests Auckland Transport and NZTA assess the proposal and provide a response as to how it can be progressed;
iii) refers the proposal to the Infrastructure Committee of the Governing Body for its consideration.
Bus stops
Auckland Transport is currently consulting on bus stop design options until 22 August. Three designs have been installed on Symonds Street. I joined a tour of the bus stops for board members. Design A (photo right) is definitely my preferred option as it incorporates recycled materials and solar lighting. It also provides the best protection from the rain and is pleasant to use.
Old Nelson Street off-ramp
AT and NZTA have taken up a Cycle Action Auckland proposal to turn the old Nelson Street off ramp (surplus to motorway needs) into a cycleway providing a link in the Auckland Cycle Network – connecting the Northwestern and other routes entering the City Centre from the south and west to the western parts of our downtown and waterfront, to a Nelson Street cycleway.
Christopher and I joined a NZTA tour of the off- ramp to see how it could connect to K’rd. This work is currently progressing by NZTA with Auckland Transport working on separated cycle lane down Nelson Street to the waterfront
Monthly transport update
A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 30 July. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.
Workshops and meetings
In the period 1 July – 31 July I attended:
Local Board workshop on 1 July
Local Board draft plan drop in sessions – as listed above
Meeting with legal team to discuss Board’s submission on Auckland Transport’s NOR for widening Great North Road
Parks Portfolio meeting to discuss Grey Lynn Park Development Plan
LTP options/advice workshop on 7 July
Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 8 July
Meeting to discussion parking discussion document with Tony Skelton, Chair, St Marys Bay Association and PBA
Waitematā Local Board business meeting at Graham Street on 8 July
Waitematā Local Board workshop on 10 July
Central hui with iwi to discuss local board plans (attended the afternoon’s session as the Chair’s alternate)
Local Board workshop on 15 July
Studio One Tour with Manurewa board members on 16 July
Old Nelson street off ramp cycle pilot project presentation and tour by NZTA on 18 July
Attendance at the LGNZ conference 2014 in Nelson 20- -22 July
Meeting with the owner of Café Byzantium on 23 July to discuss complaints against Council inspection officers
Meeting to discuss feedback on AT’s draft parking discussion document
Community Development portfolio monthly catch up on 23 July
Arch Hill Residents meeting to discuss outcome of mediation with Bunnings
St Mary Bay Association AGM on 24 July
Tour of Bus Stop design options with Auckland Transport
Community-led Placemaking Champions Group – Plenary meeting on 28 July
Local Board Workshop on 29 July
Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 29 July
Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 30 July
Events and functions
In the period 1 July – 31 July I attended:
The People of Auckland Community Trust ‘Urban People’ end of term 2 Celebration and lunch on 2 July (photo right is taken in the Trust’s kitchen where a weekly lunch is provided for up to 80 people. The stoves were funded from a Waitematā Local Board Community Grant)
Cycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 3 July
Urbanist meet- up on 3 July
Studio One Toi Tu Open Day on Saturday 5 July
PBA parking presentation by MR Cagney to PBA members on 8 July
Super Kapa Haka at the Cloud on 12 July
Sod Turning: Myers Park to mark the start of construction of the Myers Park Children’s playground on 14 July
IPENZ presentation on Shared Spaces
Pecha Kucha Town Hall Special Edition on 16 July
Bag It film night organised by Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away as part of Plastic Bag Free July
Lunch on 18 July hosted by Spliced/Lifewise to welcome the Waitematā’s new engagement advisor
ATC production of The Good Soul of Szchuan at Q Theatre (at the invitation of ATC)
Matariki Manu Aute Kite Day at Taraparawha on 26 July (photo right)
Launch of Circability Trust’s Social programmes at the Campbell Free Kindergarten on 27 July (photos below)