Chair’s Monthly report July 2019

Ngā mihi nui o te wa Matariki!

On Saturday 22 June I joined hundreds of Aucklanders gathered in darkness at the foot of Pukekaaroa Hill in Auckland Domain before Kiingi Tuheitia, accompanied by the Mayor of Auckland Phil Goff and dignitaries from iwi manaaki (host iwi) Waikato-Tainui, led a gentle walk to the hilltop.

It was a poignant occasion as Matariki Dawn Karakia opened 2019’s Matariki Festival. Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland Council, in partnership with Waikato-Tainui brought the festival to the Auckland region from 22 June until 14 July this year.

This report covers the highlights for the period 12 June until 9 July 2019. It is on the agenda for the local board business meeting held on 16 July.

Parnell Plan Launch

 Waitematā Local Board co-hosted with the Parnell Business Association the launch of The Parnell Plan; a 30-year plan for Auckland’s first suburb developed collaboratively by community representatives, local board members and Auckland Council staff, in partnership with mana whenua. It was a true community empowerment approach.

The plan details a key vision for the suburb and outlines a series of objectives, strategies and actions which work together to achieve the vision; that Parnell is a thriving, creative, and collaborative community that celebrates its unique natural, cultural and historic environment.

Five key action areas are defined and focus directly on achieving the plan’s vision and objectives. These are:

  • making Parnell Station a key gateway to Parnell and the Domain
  • realising the Waipapa Greenway through the old Parnell rail tunnel
  • reinforcing the core of Parnell town centre as the heart of Parnell
  • revitalising the St Georges Bay Road warehouse area
  • enhancing key east-west links and realising the Parnell Parks Link Greenway.

 Community Grants

 At our June local board meeting we allocated $13,492 from our final community grant round for the 18/19 financial year.  A community grant round is currently open until 2 August. 

Transport updates

New bus shelter on Parnell Road

Ribbon cutting for the new bus shelter on Parnell Road

Over 3 years ago Gloria Jenkins approached me about the need for a shelter at her bus stop on Parnell Road. Installation of the shelter was held up while AT consulted on new bus lanes and decided to move the existing bus stop.

On 28 June member Adriana Christie and I held an unofficial opening to celebrate the new bus shelter with Gloria cutting the ribbon. We were joined by Gloria’s neighbour and her son about to take the bus, and Gloria’s nephew Brian.

Pedestrian crossings

We support the programme Auckland Transport has underway to upgrade crossings to slow drivers down and make streets safer for pedestrians.

New crossing installed recently are on Khyber Pass  and at Western Springs as part of the shared path project.

Community Safety Fund

At our June business meeting we confirmed our support for the community safety projects listed in the Community Safety Fund document I attached to my Chair’s Report with the addition of Parnell Train Station underpass and requested Auckland Transport work with the local board to progress these projects using the Fund:

  1. safety improvements at Newton Central School from the Safe Schools Tool Box
  2. a new pedestrian crossing on West End Road / Fife Street by the bus stops next to the Westend Tennis Club
  3. iii.   improvements to the pedestrian crossings on Lower Domain Drive at Lovers Lane and at Domain Drive
  4. a new pedestrian crossing at the entrance to the Domain across Park Road
  5. a new pedestrian crossing outside ACG Campus on Davis Crescent to Olympic Reserve
  6. safety improvements to Hopetoun Street
  7. vii.  Cook Street Project – Area 5 Shared Path Cycleway

Transporters on Great North Road

How car transporters off load on Great North Road is a long standing issue I have been following up with Auckland Transport.  Car deliveries have been taking place in non loading areas for decades. I’ve made it very clear to  Auckland Transport and the industry (at meeting in April and in follow up emails) that parking illegally to unload is no longer acceptable especially on Great North Road with changing land use and increasing numbers walking and cycling.

AT has investigated locations for new loading zones and is about to start consultation. It is frustrating how long AT is taking but in the meantime there are options for unloading legally and safely. I’ve asked the industry rep who I met at the meeting with AT in April to look at putting in place traffic management plans and to clearly communicate to the transporters what practices are acceptable. A new pedestrian crossing is also needed on Great North Road but AT doesn’t have any funds available and the local board community safety fund is oversubscribed.   I’ve also asked AT to confirm how the new loading zones are consistent with the proposed GNR cyclelanes but I am yet to receive a response.

Franklin Road upgrade opening

Franklin Road upgrade opening on 3 July was an opportunity to acknowledge the many people who have been involved in this $21m project over a long period of time. For decades it was put in the too hard basket until former Auckland Transport COO, Greg Edmonds found a way to make it happen with partners Auckland Council, Vector, Watercare and Chorus.

The results are stunning and include:

  • Underground service works and street lighting
  • New sewer lines and watermain pipes with new connections added to homes
  • Sewer separation
  • Undergrounding power lines
  • Stormwater upgrade
  • New roundabout at the Wellington St intersection
  • New cycleway (semi Copenhagen style) on both sides of the street
  • Footpaths were replaced.
  • The paths have fibre reinforced concrete to keep the trees from lifting them up again
  • New raised speed tables at every side street intersection to improve the walking experience and to slow vehicle speed •
  • Installation of more than 40 new catch pits to improve stormwater drainage
  • Construction of well-defined parking bays and improved tree pits
  • Upgraded street lighting with new catenary street lighting design using energy-efficient LED luminaries
  • Road rehabilitation and resurfacing

Attachment 3 : My speech at the opening of the Franklin Road upgrade. Attachment 4 Our Auckland: Rebuilding Franklin Road from the underground up

Parking Fund

Waitematā Local Board’s has a legacy Parking Fund that is available for parking improvements and is made up of the following:

Area Amount
City $259,641
Freemans Bay $26,785
Grey Lynn / Westmere $27,842
Parnell $619,952
Ponsonby-Herne Bay $242,987

At our June Business meeting we voted to support utilising the Parnell portion of the Waitematā Local Board’s Parking Fund, in the order of $489,225 to deliver improvements in the Auckland Domain related to:

i)        installing temporary gates at the entrance and exit to the Titoki Street carpark and at the Carlton Gore entrance to manage commuter or long stay parking to ensure parking is available to Domain users; and

ii)       developing a new carpark to support the natural play area and provide safer pedestrian and cycling use of Kiosk Road.

In doing that we confirmed our support the removal of on-road parking from Kiosk Road and Football Drive following the parking improvements, consistent with the outcome of the Auckland Domain Masterplan and the Auckland Domain Accessibility Improvement Programme.

The Governing Body now has to make a decision to release the funds from the Parking Fund for the projects to go ahead.

Bike to football 

Photo credit: Bike Auckland

 Over the years I’ve often heard it said by grownups that kids will never bike to sport. But look what happened at the first bike to football on 15 June.  The team behind Pt Chev Bike to Football pilot scheme planned hot drinks and sausages for the first 30 people to arrive by bike; they expected maybe 20. 74 showed up at Seddon Fields and the numbers have increased every week. And this is without the safe cyclepath that was meant to have been delivered by now (the bike train rode on the footpath)

Parking on berms

Councils voted on a record 24 remits at the AGM on 7 July, held in Wellington as part of the 2019 LGNZ Conference.

Covering issues as varied as climate change, fireworks, tourist accommodation, building defects, campgrounds, alcohol, road safety and the beauty industry, remits are a further opportunity for councils to direct the advocacy work of LGNZ .

I attended the AGM as one of four designated delegates of Auckland Council and spoke in support of the seeking an amendment to clause 6.2 of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004 to prohibit parking on urban berms with out the need for signage.

“In urban areas the berm is part of the footpath.

An interpretation of the current rules requires signage to be able to enforce the prohibition of parking on the berm.

This is a compliance issue. Signage is expensive, impracticable and clutters up the footpath.

There are often good reasons to enforce the prohibition and to be able to act on a complaint.

Berm parking creates safety issues for all road users. It can damage the kerbs, trees and wreak the grass and it  can damage underground utilities creating costs for all ratepayers.

In Auckland berm parking is occurring where parking exists to avoid paying parking changes.

This is an urban issue but we seek support from all the membership for this sensible and common sense change to the Land Transport (Road User ) Rule.

Unfortunately the remit was lost creating even more media interest in “bermageddon”.  What is particularly frustrating about this issue is how AT has interpreted the current rules.  AT has legal advice that signage is needed to be able to enforce prohibited parking. However as Heidi O’Callahan has written for Greater Auckland:

Under the present law, in a typical Auckland street, a grass berm or verge that is retained by a kerb is simply an unpaved part of the footpath.

The rules around parking are in the Road User Rule. Rule 6.14 covers parking on the footpath – you cannot park on the footpath. Rule 6.2 covers parking on the road, and says you should park off the roadway if possible. In urban areas with kerbs, this applies to parking bays and marked carparks. Otherwise you park on the roadway. Rule 6.2 does not override Rule 6.14 and authorise a driver to take over an unpaved part of the footpath.

AT could apply Rule 6.14 to ticket cars parked off the roadway on any part of the footpath, paved or unpaved. This includes the verges and vehicle crossings

Walking Summit

Alex Bonham and Claire Dixon, presenters at the Walking Summit

I attended the two day Walking Summit organised by Living Streets Aotearoa and hosted by Auckland Transport on 20 -21 June.  I introduced the session I chaired on the theme Walking to School and Play by quoting Jeff Speck the author of Walkable Cities and a supporter of 8-80 cities

The healthiest, wealthiest, most sustainable and vibrant communities in cities around the world are unique in many ways. But there is one factor above all others that these communities have in common: they are, nearly without fail, highly walkable places.

In the session Alex Bonham presented on her Children’s play in the city research and Claire Dixon from Auckland Transport on Safe School Streets.

On the second day I stepped in for Cr Chris Darby, chair of Auckland Council’s Planning Committee to provide introductory comments about Why walking connections to public transport is important (Attachment 5)

  • Every public transport user is effectively a pedestrian at some point their journey
  • Public transport just one part of an overall end-to-end journey
  • If the walking component is not acceptable or accessible to the public, the whole journey becomes unattractive
  • Walking is a universal but fragile transport mode. An uncomfortable or hostile walking environment will deter anyone who is able to avoid it – deters people from using public transport
  • Public transport, like public space, is for everyone. Public transport is best when it is inclusive. A Universal Design approach to roads, streets and public spaces also ensures that nobody is excluded from access to public transport. Every part of the journey needs to be designed to be accessible to everyone.
  • Public transport and walking are complementary because of spatial efficiency
    • A 3m traffic lane can move about 1,000 cars per hour, or 9,000 pedestrians
    • A 3m light rail line can serve up to 25,000 people per hour, per direction

Living Streets Aotearoa is committed to ensuring over 50% of children and adolescents walk all or part of their journey to school by 2025.  Waitematā Local Board is looking to fund safety improvements around Newton Central School. Photo right with the walking school bus mascot

Karangahape Road enhancement project

The much-anticipated enhancements to Auckland’s iconic Karangahape Road are finally about to get underway.   I attended the dawn karakia led by mana whenua on 27 June (photo right).

Attachment 6 Our Auckland: Enhancement of Karangahape Road to begin in July

Symonds St Cemetery

The Symonds St cemetery suffered from decades of neglect until Shale Chambers started championing a long-term enhancement programme first initiated by the Waitematā Local Board in 2012. The results are amazing – new paths, monument conservation, ecological restoration and community volunteer events in the cemetery. Along the way Symonds Street Cemetery Friends led by Patricia M Reade have been doing fabulous work to protect, preserve, enhance, restore and educate the public about the cemetery.

Attachment 7:  Our Auckland Symonds Street Cemetery enhancements showing good results

Sturdee Street Mural project

We are supporting the Auckland Council  process for requests Expressions of Interest (EOI) from qualified artists who wish to be considered for the commission of a new Sturdee Street Mural. EOI’s are now open, closing 1 August 2019.  For more information, contact:

Attachment 8: Stuff report Mural in downtown Auckland to be replaced for America’s Cup

Meetings and workshops: 12 June until 9 July

  • Planning Committee City Centre masterplan workshop on 12 June
  • Transport portfolio catch up on 12 June
  • Monthly catch up with city centre residents group representative on 12 June
  • Meeting with John Elliott, Ponsonby News to discuss Council’s use of glysophate (My July Ponsonby News update Attachment 7)
  • Meeting on 13 June with Cr Lee to discuss proposed priority projects to be funded from the Community Safety Fund
  • Meeting with Auckland Fringe Festival Trust on 14 June
  • Weekly chairs catch up held on 17, 24 June and 1 July
  • Attended the meeting on 17 June with the Mayor and Fuller’s CEO to discuss issues with the operation of the Waiheke ferry
  • Local Board members cluster workshop on 17 June
  • Meeting regarding the Erebus National Memorial project with representatives from the Ministry for Culture on 18 June
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 18 June
  • 25th Central Government Local Government Forum held at Premier House

    25th Central Government and Local Government Forum on 19 June at Premier House, Wellington (photo right)

  • Attended the Walking Summit on 20 and 21 June at Auckland Transport
  • Engagement strategy interview with Local board engagement adviser on 24 June
  • Attended Marine Protection public meeting on 24 June organised by Hon Nikki Kaye on Waiheke
  • Waitematā Local Board workshops on 25 June and 2 July
  • Auckland City Centre Advisory Board workshop and meeting on 26 June
  • Meeting with new trustees of the Grey Lynn Park Festival Trust on 27 June
  • City centre network meeting at Ellen Melville Centre on 27 June
  • LGNZ  AGM briefing on 28 June
  • Ponsonby Business Association committee monthly meeting on 3 July
  • Communications meeting on 3 July
  • Meeting with Denise Cosgrove, new CEO of Presbyterian Support
  • City Rail Link Community Liaison Meeting on 3 July
  • Auckland Zoo briefing and guided tour redevelopment project on 5 July
  • Taskforce on alcohol and community safety in the central city meeting on 5 July
  • LGNZ National Council meeting on 7 July
  • Attended LGNZ AGM as an Auckland Council delegate on 7 July (photo right)
  • LGNZ annual conference in Wellington 7-9 July ( I will report fully on the conference in my August Chair’s report)

Events and functions:  12 June until 9 July

  • Auckland Conversations: Making Auckland an Age Friendly City on 13 June
  • Opening night of A Fine Balance at Q Theatre on 15 June at the invitation of Auckland Theatre Company
  • Friends of Symonds St Cemetery AGM on 18 June
  • World Refugee Day celebration at the Auckland Art Gallery  on 20 June.
  • Opening night of War Horse at the Civic on 21 June at the invitation of Auckland Live
  • Matariki Dawn Karakia at Auckland Domain Pukekawa on 22 June
  • School Strike for Climate organisers presentation for The Fabian Society monthly meeting at the Auckland University Business School on 25 June (photo right with Rachel Brown and Denise Bijoux with the organisers)
  • Launch of the Parnell Plan at Jubilee Buildings on 26 June
  • Pre-construction karakia for the Karangahape Road Enhancements project on 27 June
  • Red hat dinner for city centre residents on 27 June
  • World Press photography exhibition opening function on 28 June
  • We’re going on a Bear Hunt at the Pumphouse Theatre at the invitation of Tim Bray Productions on 29 June
  • Hāngi at Takutai Square for the Matariki Festival on 30 June
  • Maori Film Festival Screening of Te Rua at Ellen Melville Centre for the Matariki Festival on 30 June
  • Marilyn Waring book launch hosted by Zonta on 1 July
  • Eat Drink Love Ponsonby launch on 2 July
  • Spoke at the opening of the Franklin Road upgrade project on behalf of the Waitemata Local Board on 3 July
  • Abley new office opening on 3 July
  • Matariki Function for the Downtown Development project team at the Cloud on 3 July
  • Opening of Te Auaunga Project on 6 July (photo right)
  • Aotea Great Barrier Island protest against marine dumping in Aotea Square on 6 July
  • Te Hono a collaboration between Inside Out Productions and story-tellers Rewi Spraggon (Te Kawerau a Maki), Taiaha Hawke (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei) and Pita Turei (Ngāti Paoa) held at the Concert Chamber as part of the Matariki Festival
  • Touch compass Inmotion Matariki parade on 6 July
  • LGNZ conference opening reception on 7 July and conference dinner on 8 July

Monthly board report May 2016

My monthly board report covering activities from 1 April until 1 May 2016. Included on the agenda for the Waitemata Local Board meeting on 10 May 2016.


Annual budget 2016/17

An extraordinary meeting of the Board was held on 26 April to confirm the Board’s position on Local Development Initiatives budgets, our advocacy positions and regional annual plan issues.

Included in the report for the meeting was an overview of 147 submissions received for Waitematā. The board received clear support for the priority projects we wish to take forward in 16/17.  

Franklin Road

Following a community liaison group meeting in early April Auckland Transport released the latest designs for the upgrade of Franklin Road. 

Franklin Road side street treatmentsFeatures include:

  • Improved pavement surface, footpaths and drainage.
  • Protecting tree root zones from vehicles by redefining the berm area.
  • Providing for the safe movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.
  • Retaining as much street parking as possible.
  • Working with utility providers to minimise disruption and deliver an integrated programme of works.
  • Improving street lighting – suspended lighting is currently proposed

franklin-road-artist-impression Franklin RoadI am particularly pleased to see included in the design raised tables on all the side streets. This is a pedestrian safety outcome the Local Board has advocated for since the beginning of the project.

A final round of engagement was undertaken on the detailed design by Auckland Transport until 10 May. Stage 1 (utility upgrade) physical works is due to start in May. Stage 2 works will start in October/November. The current completion date is mid to late 2017

Renaming lower Khartoum Place

 In December 2015 I brought a Notice of Motion to the Board proposing the renaming of lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’.

The proposal received Board support opening the way for a name changing process to commence.  Consultation on naming options is taking place until 25 May.

Path widening in Grey Lynn park for the new Greenways route
Path widening in Grey Lynn park for the new Greenways route

Greenways Design Guide

Work is underway on a design guide which covers both on-street and parks and open space greenways that is intended to become the key resource for the implementation of greenways across Auckland.

The feedback I collated in Attachment A was provided on behalf of the Waitematā Local Board to the Greenways team. 

Photo right: progress on the widening of the Greenways route through Grey Lynn Park

Signage trial

Wayfinding trial at Wynyard As part of a Regional signage project Auckland Transport is trialling various signage elements in four precincts. Signage being trialled includes street signs, pedestrian signs, information hubs (large and small), cycling signs and routes, and public transport signage.

It is good to see the trial at Wynyard Quarter with signage designed for tourists and locals to be able to navigate around central Auckland attractions. There are lots of positive features included including te reo Maori.  However as the Transport portfolio has previously highlighting we still consider the background colour is too dark, the map is not useful without showing where it fits into a wider area and the descriptions are too subjective.  The map also shows Wellesley Street as a walking route through to the Domain – a long standing issue we have raised with ATEED and Auckland Transport. 

Feedback is open until 20 May 2016

 Weona Westmere walkwayWeona – Westmere Walkway

 Phase one of the Weona –Westmere walkway is now open and phase two is well underway. It is now possible to take a scenic walk along coast line that has not been accessible for over 80 years. After visiting on beautiful day in April I felt very proud that the Board (with Shale leading the way) has stuck with this project for the last 5 years.  I think locals and visitors will be very impressed when the 1.4km route is fully opened in September.

Mt Eden car freeMaungawhau/Mt Eden is glorious to visit now the maunga is free of vehicles 

Mt Eden is not in Waitematā but I give thanks to all those who worked so hard over the last 10 years to get cars off the summit. On a recent visit at sunset it was great to see how many people were enjoying the easy walk to the top.

Berm planting guidelines

 The Board gave feedback on Auckland Transport’s draft guidelines in September last year. We are still waiting on the final draft that was Firth Road berm May 2016promised before Easter.

In the meantime I am enjoying all the neighbourly interactions that occur whenever I am outside looking after my (non-complying) berm. 

Parking – the good, the bad and the ugly

 I have been following up on a number of parking issues and concerns outlined in Attachment B.

Auckland Conversations – The value of well designed cities

Auckland Conversation JoeJoe Minicozzi, Principal of Urban3  presented, in a very entertaining way, the research that illustrates the benefits of urban density, heritage conservation and mixed-use developments. These have an economic impact that lead to creating sustainable and vibrant cities. 

The image right shows the maths of land value plus improved value (CV)  applied to Auckland (by Kent Lamberg from MR Cagney). 

Workshops and meetings

From 1 April until 1 May  2016 I attended:

  • Ponsonby Community Centre Board meeting on 4 April
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 5 April
  • Communications catch up on 5 April
  • Franklin Road Community Liaison Meeting on 5 April
  • Ponsonby Road paid parking zone consultation open day at Studio One on 6 April
  • Parks portfolio meeting on 7 April
  • Elected member professional development focus group meeting on 8 April
  • Albert Park safety meeting on 8 April organised by Hon Nikki Kaye with Superintendent Richard Chambers, Inspector Jill Rogers, Area Commander for Auckland City Central and Gary Davy from the Police, Naisi Chen (Chinese NZ Students Association) and Will Matthews (President AUSA) and Auckland Council representatives
  • Youth Voice Phase 2 Cluster Workshops on 9 April at Auckland Central Library  to explore youth-led models options under an empowered communities approach
  • Richmond Rovers strategic plan community meeting on 11 April
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 12 April in Parnell
  • Waitematā Local Board hui with iwi regarding Khartoum Place name change
  • Elected member development programme – political advisory group meeting on 13 April
  • Stakeholder meeting regarding the Khartoum Place name change on 13 April
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 14  April
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 14 April
  • Wynyard Quarter neighbours forum on 19 April
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 19 April
  • Ponsonby Business Association meeting for PBA members with Auckland Transport’s parking team on 19 April
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 20 April
  • Meeting to discuss the Board’s transport advocacy positions on 21 April
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 26 April
  • Presentation from Fresh Concept on Lower Queen St Activation Plans
  • Waitematā Local Board Extraordinary Meeting on 26 April – Annual Budget information
  • Auckland Transport open day on the wayfinding signage trial at Wynyard Quarter
  • Community portfolio meeting on 27 April
  • Inner City Network meeting and presentation on accessibility

Events and functions

From 1 April until 1 May 2016 I attended:

  • Francis Reserve Womens centre community garden Board and Leonie Auckland Theatre Company’s You can always hand them back at Sky Theatre on 2 April (at the invitation of ATC)
  • Bike breakfast at Scarecrow café on 6 April
  • Auckland Conversations on 7 April
  • Opening of the SKIP/ Women’s Centre Francis Reserve (photo right) community garden on 9 April
  • Jam on Toast at the Grey Lynn Community Centre 10 April
  • Japan Day at the Cloud opening reception on 10 April
  • Kokako turns 15 celebratory event on 15 April
  • Welcome morning tea for the new general manager of the K’rd Business Association on 15 April
  • Farewell to Charlotte from Splice on 15 April
  • Between Tides at Westmere beach on 17 April
  • Anzac day service hosted by the Grey Lynn RSC
  • Open Streets K’rd on 1 May (photo below with Margaret Lewis from the K’rd Business Assocation and Kathryn King, Auckland Transport’s walking and cycling manager who hosted the event). Congratulations to everyone involved in putting on such a fantastic event. K’rd was full of people enjoying the vehicle – free space.


Monthly Board report February 2016

This is my first report for 2016 covering updates from December 2015 and January 2016.


City of cycles

The opening of Lightpath and the Nelson St cycleway on 3 December by Hon Simon Bridges marked the beginning of a fantastic summer of cycling for Auckland.  There has been a 20 percent increase in cycling in December 2015 compared to 2014 thanks to the expanding network of safe cycleways.

cycleway-opening-ceremony_500x620Lightpath is now the second busiest route with an average of 936 cycle trips per day (pedestrian numbers have yet to be made available but it is also proving to be extremely popular for walkers, runners and skateboarders).

Although Nelson St cycleway has been a big success (and Lightpath is guaranteed to be an award winner) we have been concerned about poor connections and lack of wayfinding to the route. At our December board meeting we passed the following resolutions detailed here.

As at 2 February NZTA has advised that the work around Mercury Lane and Canada Street is being reviewed as part of the final safety audit which is due to be concluded imminently with remediation work to follow.

 Love to Ride – Auckland Bike Challenge

 I’ve signed up the Waitematā Local Board to the Auckland Bike Challenge through the Love to Ride website. Over February we are going to aim for every member of the local board and all our local board services team to give cycling a go at least once.

 City Rail Link announcement

 CRL BlessingThe Waitematā Local Board has consistently supported the City Rail Link as we understand that it is critical to the development of an integrated, efficient transport system in Auckland.  It was therefore a pleasure to mark two significant CRL milestones.

First on 21st December I attended with Christopher Dempsey on behalf of the Board the dawn blessing for the start of the CRL works (photo right).

On 27 January I joined MP Julie Anne Genter, supporters and board members for a celebration to mark the government’s announcement on CRL celebration at the Greens Officethe CRL funding. This commitment is long overdue but it is good to see the government finally respond to the overwhelming evidence that the CRL is essential to Auckland.

Congratulations to everyone who championed the CRL project and in particular the Mayor who made it his number one priority.

New Network consultation  

In January I worked on the Board’s feedback on Auckland Transport’s proposed New Network for Auckland’s Central Suburbs following the public consultation process that ran from 1 October until 10 December 2015.

The Board’s feedback is attached to the agenda.

Taxi trial on Grafton bridge

 The Board welcomed the news that Auckland Transport proposes an early end to the Grafton bridge taxi trial. We originally opposed the introduction of the trial.

 From AT’s monitoring data it appears that the introduction of taxis to the bridge had a more than minor effect as outlined in the pre-trial monitoring methodology.  The two main areas of concern are; failure to adhere to the 30km/h speed limit and, the number of recorded instances of taxis overtaking cyclists on the bridge.

We agreed with this assessment (which supported our own experience of taxis and unauthorised drivers using Grafton Bridge) and the recommendation to the Traffic Control Committee (TCC) for the trial to be stopped and for the special vehicle lane to be returned to a bus lane.

Franklin Road

franklin-road-revised-option-1-october-2015I am the Board’s representative on the Community Liaison Group for the upgrade of Franklin Road.

In December, following further public engagement and peer review of the options, Auckland Transport announced the preferred design option.

The key reasons given for selecting option 1 as preferred option are:

  • It balances the needs of all road users taking into account feedback from stakeholders.
  • It retains the flush median which is used predominantly by vehicles for right turn movements into side street.
  • It retains parking between trees.
  • It provides for confident cyclists.
  • It’s considered an appropriate facility for the steep gradient of Franklin Road.
  • There is good separation between cyclists and vehicles reversing from driveways.
  • It is supported by an independent peer reviewer.

Option 1 will now progress to the detailed design stage with a draft design expected in March 2016. This will include further consideration of the treatment of the Wellington Street intersection and side road intersections, and the location and design of pedestrian crossing facilities.

Physical works on stage one are due to commence in March 2016 and implementation of the residents parking zone in April. It is great to see this project moving forward after a long campaign by the Board and local residents.

More details on Auckland Transport’s website.

 Unitary Plan

I have been following the Unitary Plan debate closely and how it impacts on our communities even though planning sits outside my portfolios.

On 25th January I attended with the Chair the Grey Lynn Residents Association information evening. At least 40 people came along to Grey Lynn RSC to hear about the latest zone changes.

What is of most of concern is the out of scope upzoning that is currently proposed by Auckland Council. This has involved unilateral changes to zoning without the ability of people to have any input. It is likely that not all the zoning changes will be opposed where it has been done to correct anomalies or where there may be support for more intensification particularly on transport routes (one of the rationales for the upzoning).

However current opposition to the proposals is not a NIMBY response (as is often portrayed of the oppostion) but an objection to the process. As the Shale Chambers said at the meeting it is a “procedural abomination” that the usual rules of natural justice and the democratic process have not been applied to the up-zoning proposals.

Another aspect of the Unitary Plan process that was mentioned at the meeting is how draining it has been on community groups. The Grey Lynn Residents Association is one of the few voluntary groups that are still managing to be part of the hearing process.


Auckland on Anniversary weekend
Auckland on Anniversary weekend

The Auckland Anniversary long weekend provided a smorgasbord of amazing events. I enjoyed checking out the Waitemata Local Board sponsored International buskers festival, Ports of Auckland hosted See Port, and the new Tamaki Herenga Waka Festival in the Cloud as well as taking visitors on a bike ride along the waterfront.

It was just really disappointing to hear that so many people were let down by public transport over the weekend. Member Christopher Dempsey is following this up with Auckland Transport as there is no excuse for not being able to plan for the huge crowds that are now attracted to the city centre to celebrate Auckland’s anniversary.

I was fortunate to attend a number of events in December in the lead up to the holiday break (including the Franklin Road lights, West Lynn Street party, Grey Lynn 2030 Christmas lunch, Ponsonby Business Association breakfast). I was particularly grateful for the invite extended to all elected representatives to attend a settlement waananga and Christmas lunch at Umupuia Marae on 11 December. It was a very special day learning about the history of Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki and their recent settlement with the Crown.

Monthly Board Report April 2015

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during March 2015 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

Hon Nikki Kaye cuts the ribbon with Freemans Bays school students
Hon Nikki Kaye cuts the ribbon with Freemans Bays school students

Bikes in Schools: opening of a new bike track at Freemans Bay School

One of the highlights of the month was attending the bike track opening at Freemans Bay School on 20 March. This is the first bike track in the Waitematā area supported by the Bikes in Schools Trust. It was wonderful to see how excited the kids are to ride a bike. For many of the kids at the school who live in the city centre the track offers them the only safe opportunity to cycle.

Portfolio Report: Transport

RLTP Presentation

All local boards and key stakeholders were given the opportunity to present to an Auckland Transport hearings panel on the draft Regional Land Transport Plan 2015 -2025 (RLTP) as part of the consultation process.

I presented with the Chair on behalf of the Waitematā Local Board on 10 March (Presentation attached as Attachment B). As I mentioned in my introduction to the presentation it was a slightly bizarre process to present before the end of the public consultation period and before we had finalised our submission. A copy of the Board’s final submission submitted on 16 March is attached to the April agenda.

Franklin-Road-revised-plan-option-A-birds-eye-viewFranklin Road

Auckland Transport presented the feedback on the proposed Franklin road upgrade design and the revised options  developed on the back of that feedback at a meeting with Franklin Road residents on 9 March.

Overall the residents at the meeting were positive about the new designs but were strongly opposed to cycle lanes due to safety concerns.   These Franklin-Road-revised-plan-option-B-birds-eye-viewconcerns were outlined in a presentation to the Local Board public forum at the March business meeting on 10 March.   Auckland Transport undertook to do a safety audit to ensure the final design is safe and is able to cater for all users.

Intersection of Curran St & Sarsfield St

For many years residents near to the intersection of Curran St and Sarsfield St have been seeking improvements to slow down drivers who speed up on the approach to the Harbour Bridge.  Unfortunately it took a serious crash in February for Auckland Transport to respond.

Curran St intersectionI arranged a site meeting on 2 March with residents and Auckland Transport representatives to discuss the various concerns about the intersection. On 30 March Auckland Transport responded at a follow-up meeting with a concept design which was positively received. Once the feedback from the meeting has been collated by the Herne Bay Residents Association the design will be finalised by AT for formal consultation.

Portfolio report: Community Development

Empowered Communities Approach

A whole new way for Council to work called “Empowered Communities Approach” is currently being tested with the Community Development and Safety Team.

Local Board members have been briefed and workshops held with the community (I attended the workshop for ethnic migrants) to explain the details and the opportunities arising from this approach.  As it is a major shift for Council I have included the following key messages about the new approach in my report:

Why we are doing this:

Supporting community-led development.

  • Working with communities to develop leadership, skills and capacity is a priority for Auckland Council under the Strengthen Communities goals of the Auckland Plan.
  • Mayor Len Brown proposed under the Long-Term Plan (2015-2025) to change how Auckland Council works around community development.
  • Much research and community consultation has been done by Auckland Council around empowering communities – the ECA is building on this work to bring it to life.
  • While we are developing a ‘whole of council approach’ Community Development and Safety are the first team to have this approach applied.

Purpose of engaging with communities:

  • You know what you need and want and, in turn, we need to hear that from you.
  • We would like to hear what you feel about the direction the ECP is taking and what it means for your communities.
  • Every community is different – a one-size-fits-all approach will not work across Auckland.
  • Council needs to be more responsive and flexible around community needs and priorities.
  • Resources and capacity varies across Auckland and council needs to ensure that each community has the same opportunities and platforms for empowerment.
  • There are benefits from empowering communities including: more responsive to community need; more flexibility and opportunity to change what may not be working; less bureaucracy; and, more opportunity for the communities to show innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.
  • Auckland Council is committing to a new, innovative way of working. It recognises that for the ECA to be successful it has to change both the way it works, and how it works, to benefit Aucklanders.

Empowered Communities Approach:

  • ‘Empowered Communities: Enabling Council’ is an approached underpinned by a two-way relationship.
  • A description rather than a definition is being used to ensure there is room for us all to see ourselves.

What is an empowered community?

  • An empowered community is one where individuals, whanau and communities have the power and ability to influence decisions, take action and make change happen in their lives and communities. This includes communities of place, interest and identity.
  • Community empowerment is about providing real opportunities for people to participate and fostering the conditions that support this.
  • An empowered communities approach is ‘a way of working’ that empowers people to play a more active role in the decisions that affect their communities’.
  • A ‘whole of council’ shift is required to:
    • Provide a gateway / portal into council resources and information
    • Provide more support for local boards and other areas of council to work together in joined-up ways with local communities
    • Facilitating and embedding the ECA across council
    • Developing and implement creative new engagement and participation practices
    • Support the devolution of resources / functions / control to communities.
  • Currently we are exploring ways to operationalise the Community Development and Safety team functions with a new focus on ways of working.

Feedback is currently being sought from community groups about what needs to change for Council to be “an enabling council” and communities to be called “empowered communities”.

Long Term Plan consultation

Have your say event March 2015Consultation on the Auckland Council’s 10 year budget (LTP) closed on 16 March. 27,383 submissions were received in total with 1097 coming from the Waitematā Local Board area.  It was the first consultation process under Auckland Council’s new Significance and Engagement Policy that is required by the Local Government Act 2002.  Instead of hearings, submitters were invited to attend Have your Say events where all comments received were recorded as official feedback (Photo right – the Waitematā Have your say Event)

Personally I did not think the Have your Say events were an adequate alternative to Local Board hearings as there was limited ability to meaningfully engage and discuss issues with submitters.

Professional development

In March I started semester one at AUT University as I continue learning Te Reo Maori ( I completed two stage 1 papers in 2014).  I attend classes twice a week.

I have also appreciated the opportunity to take part in the training series “Making an Impact with Maori” provided by Council’s advisors.  On 25 March I joined councillors and local board members at Te Mahurehure Marae in Pt Chev for an immersive learning experience, designed to take elected members through the protocols and principles involved with entering a marae.

Workshops and meetings

UCF webinarDuring March I attended:

  • Street meeting on 2 March of Herne Bay residents and Auckland Transport to discuss the Curran St/Sarsfield St intersection speeding and safety issues
  • One of the presenters of the LGNZ webinar on 3 March in Wellington: Planning and Investment Opportunities for Cycling (Urban Cycleways Investment Programme) Photo right: delivering the Webinar with Cynthia Bowers, Deputy Mayor, Hawkes Bay District Council
  • Attended Long Term Plan – 10 year budget consultation events: Have your Say event at the Town Hall on 4 March,  the Grey Lynn community meeting on 11 March  (co-hosted with the Arch Hill and Grey Lynn Residents Association) and the Fix Our City: A Discussion with the Mayor co-hosted with Generation Zero at Auckland University
  • Meeting to discuss RLTP feedback on 5 March
  • HBDI Test result discussion with Board members (HBDI survey provided insight into thinking style preferences)
  • Friends of St David meeting on Sunday 8 March
  • Auckland Transport’s meeting on 9 March with Franklin Road residents to discuss the consultation feedback analysis and the revised options developed for the upgrade of Franklin Road
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 10  March
  • Meeting to discuss the community grants template
  • RLTP presentation to Auckland Transport
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 10 March
  • Cycle Advisory Group meeting on 11 March
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 12  March
  • Meeting on 12 March to discuss the development of a Youth HUB in the City Centre
  • Street meeting Waima StSite visit on Waima Street on 16 March organised by Arch Hill residents with representatives of Auckland Transport, NZTA, NZ Police, the Prostitutes Collective, and Newton School. David Shearer, MP also attended (photo right)
  • Grey Lynn community meeting on 17 March to discuss concerns arising from Auckland Transport’s proposals to remove parking at the Grey Lynn shops
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on  18 March
  • Meeting with Albert-Eden and Puketapapa Local Boards to discuss progress on the Central Community Recycling Facility
  • Empowered Communities approach discussion with Local Boards on 20 March
  • Community Place-making champions group meeting on 23 March
  • Meeting to discuss the community grants policy and template
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 24 March
  • Communications update with the Local Board communications advisor
  • Making an Impact with Maori – Training for Elected Members. Visit to Te Mahurehure Marae for all local board members and councillors
  • Local Board Greenways Plans and Walking and Cycling Networks Collaboration Meeting on 26 March
  • Urban Cycling Investment Panel – meeting 3 in Christchurch  on 27 March
  • Cycle Advocates Network cycling summit in Christchurch on 28 and 29 March (Attachment C)
  • Central Local Board cluster briefing on the Auckland Development Agency proposal on 30 March
  • Briefing on the action plan arising from the Elected Member Survey undertaken in September 2014
  • Empowered Communities Approach workshop for ethnic migrants at the Fickling Centre on 30 March
  • Local Board workshop on 31 March
  • Meeting with Herne Bay residents for Auckland Transport to present recommendations on safety improvements to the Curran St/Sarsfield St intersection

Events and functions

Between Tides 2015During March I attended:

  • Between Tides art show on Westmere beach on 1 March (photo right)
  • Fixing Auckland’s Transport panel discussion on 2 March
  • Auckland Arts Festival 4 – 22 March I attended various performances and the opening night drinks in the Festival Gardens (at the invitation of the AAF Trust)
  • Little Day Out at the Mt Eden Village Centre on 7 March
  • International Women’s Day event in Khartoum Place on 9 March
  • Presented the 95bfm Green Desk on 10, 17 and 24 March
  • Grey Power meeting on 12 March at the Fickling Centre as part of a presentation on the LTP (I was invited to present on transport issues in the LTP)
  • Wet Hot beauties Judges BayWet Hot Beauties performance in Judges Bay on 14 March
  • White Nights on 14 March
  • Bike track opening at Freemans Bay School on 20 March


  • Auckland Arts Festival tickets to the following shows:
  • Hikoi
  • Group F: Skin of Fire
  • Macbeth
  • I AM
  • Otello: the Remix
  • Bravo Figaro

Monthly Board Report November 2014

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during October 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.


Greenways proposal - Grey Lynn ParkGreenways

At our October meeting the Board approved a budget of $350,000 from the Auckland Transport capex budget, for the Waitematā Greenways Project (Route G1) in-park route. Consultation on the route design will take place alongside the draft Grey Lynn Park Development Plan.

In addition we have asked Auckland Transport to bring forward the budget to progress the on-road sections of  Route G1 to connect Coxs Bay and Grey Lynn Park with the North Western Cycleway  (the designs are with Auckland Transport ready for public consultation).

Franklin Road upgrade

Franklin Road cyclists
Photo Credit: Non- Motorist @ByTheMotorway

The much needed upgrade of Franklin Road has been in the too hard basket for many years due to the challenge and costs of accommodating historic trees, utilities, parking and transport requirement.  Fortunately the Board and Freemans Bay residents’ persistent advocacy has paid off and Auckland Transport is now planning a major upgrade to get underway in early 2016.

Auckland Transport is consulting on 2 possible options for the design of the road. While it is really positive to see the upgrade progress I have raised with Auckland Transport my concern about the lack of Local Board input at an early stage of the option development and the failure to recognise the Board objectives for the Franklin Road which were finalised following community consultation. The two options only go part way to achieving the improvements we would like to see for this iconic Auckland street:

Franklin Road optionsAuckland Transport to undertake the planned upgrade of Franklin Road including road resurfacing, undergrounding of services, footpath upgrade, pedestrian crossings, cycle path and on road parking and to provide for safe and continuous walking and cycling pathways from Ponsonby Road to Victoria Park including continuous pedestrian facilities (i.e. an unbroken footpath on both sides of the road) across all side streets, driveways and intersections (for example by installing raised tables).  Local Board Agreement 2104/2015


One of the Board’s Transport priorities is for Auckland Transport to implement a residential parking zone scheme to manage commuter parking in central Auckland suburbs (Local Board Agreement 2014/15 Transport Advocacy area). The extension of the successful St Mary’s Bay scheme to city areas suffering the biggest impact from on- street parking has been on hold while Auckland Transport consults on the parking discussion document.

The good news is that Auckland Transport has confirmed at our October catch up that parking occupancy surveys are going to start in Ponsonby and Freemans Bay in November with the aim of consulting on a proposed zone in March 2015.

A zonal approach to parking has the potential to benefit local residents and businesses and provide for short term parking for visitors.

Gladstone Road/Avon Street intersection

Auckland Transport has consulted on safety improvements at the intersection of Avon Street and Gladstone Road in Parnell that involve the removal of angle parking outside the local shops. Following a site visit, consideration of the feedback on the proposal and a public forum presentation from the local building owner and Parnell Community Committee the Board passed the following resolution:

The Waitemata Local Board requests Auckland Transport take a holistic approach to improving cyclist and pedestrian amenity on Gladstone Road and consider traffic calming and mitigation measures that do not require the removal of angled parking at the Gladstone Road/Avon Street Intersection.

Legible Auckland

Waima Street wayfinding signWayfinding signage continues to be installed by Auckland Transport where a request is logged. It is surprising how few directional signs exist to guide pedestrians and cyclists around our city.

Although it was great to see this sign (photo right) appear on the corner of Waima Street/Great North Road I have followed up with Auckland Transport regarding the curious content on the sign with the following queries:

The original request was for a directional sign to the NW cycleway however the information on the sign covers everything except that. What is the reason? Has this design come out of AT’s wayfinding project? Is this now the template or just temporary? NZTA have used distance for their cycleway signage. Why has AT used travel time? Is the time intended for the walker or rider?  Is this now a standard approach?

Cycling Advisory Group Meeting

At the Advisory Group meeting in October discussions continued on the prioritisation of cycling projects. Richard Leggart, Chair of the NZ Cycle Safety Panel discussed the recommendations in the panel’s Safer Journeys for People who Cycle report which was open for feedback until 24 October.

We also heard from Auckland Transport about improvements to the existing network and the development of a customer charter.

I emphasised at the meeting the need for early Local Board input into Auckland Transport’s work programme to best leverage the maintenance budget to address deficiencies on the network.

pohutukawa treesFight to save 6 mature pohutukawa trees on Great North Road

Preparations have been underway during October for the hearing taking place on 5 and 6 November regarding the Board’s objection to Auckland Transport’s Notice of Requirement to remove 6 mature Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road. The removal is sought by AT for road widening to provide for two lanes turning from Great North Road on to a new St Lukes bridge.

The Board’s objection is based on our view that there are alternatives available to Auckland Transport that could retain the trees but achieve the same transport outcomes. All the experts agree that removing the trees will result in a significant adverse effect to the environment. As one submitter put it “the trees provide a buffer of civility amid 19 lanes of tarmac”.

Monthly transport update

A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 29 October.  Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.


Parnell Festival of Roses Accessibility

For a second year the Waitemata Local Board is aiming to make the Parnell Festival of Roses accessible for all. With the support of the community portfolio, member Christopher Dempsey has been working with Paul Brown, Strategic Advisor Disability to confirm the initiatives to be funded from an accessibility budget of $2000.

At the Festival on 15 and 16 November there will be an audio described walk and rose-potting workshop for blind and vision impaired visitors taking place from 11:45 -1.15pm and Rudd (the Bugman) Kleinpaste’s talk 1:30-2.00pm will be audio described.  Rudd’s talks on both the Saturday and Sunday are being signed in New Zealand Sign Language. Accessibility Information has also been circulated.

Family, Whanau and Sexual Violence

We received an update from Kelly Maung on the work she is doing to progress a multi- sector strategic action plan to deal with Family, Whanau and Sexual Violence.  Commitment to this initiative by Council has developed out of the Auckland Plan goal to be the world’s most liveable city and involves partnering with central government.

Kelly has challenged the Board to proactively contribute to White Ribbon day next year. Member Deborah Yates is progressing this with our male colleagues.

Western ParkPark site visits

I joined the Parks team and iwi representatives on site visits to Western Park and Grey Lynn Park.

The visits identified exciting opportunities to promote cultural values and the unique historic features of the parks.  There is particularly strong support for day-lighting Tunamau – the stream that is currently piped through Western Park.

Pioneer Womens Hall activation

Work to activate Pioneer Womens Hall as a community hub prior to major refurbishment taking place next year continues.  We recently confirmed a modest budget to support the Jedi Knights Chess Club initiative led by a previously homeless man who has become a regular contributor to the Pioneer Womens Hall working group.

The community portfolio holds a monthly meeting with relevant officers to discuss the on-going work programme.  I also attended a range of meetings during October relevant to the community portfolio – these are detailed below.

Auckland Conversation Brent Toderian: Liveable cities – vibrant waterfronts

Brent Toderian Waterfront AucklandThe former chief planner for Vancouver returned to Auckland at the invitation of Waterfront Auckland to continue his city-shaping advice with a talk on how rethinking our waterfront can transform our city.

Brent was introduced by John Dalzell, CEO Waterfront Auckland as an “Urban Design Warrior”.

Key points I took away from the presentation at Shed 10:

  • Urban planning & city building best way to influence public health and confront the convergence of global issues such as climate change and aging population.
  • Millennials are pre-disposed to urban living as they interact with technology like previous generations interacted with the car (baby boomers “broken hipsters” are also turning to urban living)
  • We need to aim for “density done well on the waterfront” Land use and movement need to be aligned. We need to recognise “induced demand”. It is just politically popular to build roads.
  • Vancouver shows that if you design for multi-modality it is better for drivers. It is about prioritising not being anti-car. Allows for shorter commute times  (20% fewer cars; 40-60% increase in PT; 10-20% increase in cycling)
  • Brent is a fan of the expression “making streets sticky” for people – it is not just about moving through but how to make people stay
  • “Walk score” is a powerful measurement tool used in North America that shows the positive impact on property values of walkable neighbourhoods. In Auckland the evidence is that we don’t care about walkers just drivers.
  • He noted that the conversation about cycling is picking up but believes we will only make progress with separation (ie protected cycleways). This will be the key to a higher bike share. He also noted that there are enough women riders yet
  • Brent calls buses the heroes of PT as nimble & cheap but we need to change the conversation around buses and to provide a better service
  • Mobility is a space problem that benefits from car sharing. One car in  a car share can replace 20 cars
  • We need to aim for consistently high density design. We have the challenge of a working Port but we should use this to our advantage. Height is just a design challenge
  • We also need to ensure that amenities and facilities are built into any development (in Vancouver achieved through density bonusing)
  • Lots of simple but can be hard to do simple

Brent Toderian Auckland ConversationFinal slide (pictured right)

  • Plan like you love cities
  • Listen like you love opinions
  • Design like you love people – and always challenge the word “cant”

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 October – 31 October I attended:

  • Meeting with Allan Young from ACPL on 1 October to discuss and the implications for Parnell Station, access to the Domain and the regeneration of Waipapa Stream of Kiwi Rail’s proposals to sell the development site where Mainline Steam is currently located
  • Engagement adviser catch up on 1 October
  • Communications catch up on 1 October
  • Local Board Member briefing in Takapuna on spatial priorities and the draft infrastructure strategy that is being developed through the LTP process.
  • Community-led Placemaking Champions Group workshop
  • Local Board Workshop on 7 October
  • AT/Franklin Road Resident’s Meeting on 7 October – Franklin Road Upgrade
  • Meeting to discuss the Child Friendly City project
  • Meetings with the Local Board’s lawyers regarding Notice of Requirement hearing to remove 6 Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road
  • CCO review – Governing Body / Local Board discussion ­– workshop on 8 October provided an opportunity for local board members, councillors and IMSB members on the CCO Governance and Monitoring Committee to receive an update about the CCO review.
  • Review of the Ponsonby Road Plan by Stuart Houghton. A presentation to Board members on 8 October  (on 28 October I arranged for Stuart to present his review to Council and Auckland Transport officers involved in the development of the plan)
  • Meeting with GM of the Ponsonby Business Association
  • Site Visit to Avon Street/ Gladstone Road intersection to meet a representative from Parnell Community Committee and the building owner to discuss AT’s proposal to remove angle parking
  • Meeting with GM of Parnell Community Centre
  • Communications catch up on 13 October
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 14 October
  • Cycle Advisory Group Meeting
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 14 October
  • Auckland Transport Taxi operations Plan presentation and discussion with stakeholders
  • Attended the Events portfolio meeting to discuss the Myers Park centenary celebrations and opportunities for community development
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 16 October
  • Long Term plan presentation to budget committee
    Photo Credit: Cathy Casey

    Attended the Waitemata Local Board presentation to the Budget Committee led by the Chair as part of the local boards discussions with the governing body held over 2 days  to inform final decision-making on the LTP for consultation. Each local board was given 20 minutes to present and discuss key priorities and advocacy areas (photo right – looking far too happy!)

  • LTP financial policy discussion on 20 October with Local Board representatives
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 21 October
  • Community Development portfolio monthly catch up on 22 October
  • Queens Wharf site visit: Briefing in partnership with Waterfront and Auckland Council
  • Western Park site visit and workshop on 24 October with iwi representatives
  • Attended the Waterfront Auckland Board meeting public forum in support of Ponsonby Cruising Club on 29 October
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on  29 October
  • LTP Local Board Cluster Workshop – Central.  Auckland Transport’s engagement with Local Boards about transport priorities for the next decade and how AT has arrived at a prioritised programme, following the Mayor’s budget proposal for the Long Term Plan.
  • Meetings with Auckland Council planners and the Local Board’s lawyers in preparation for the Notice of Requirement hearing to remove 6 Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road
  • Meeting with the CE, Newmarket Business Association
  • Grey Lynn Park Development Plan – site visit to discuss draft update with iwi on 31 October

Events and functions

Smokefree dining with Shale Chambers and Greg MoyleIn the period 1 October – 31 October 2014 I attended:

  • Newmarket Young Fashion Designer Award on 1 October at the invitation of the Newmarket Business Association
  • Cycle Action’s Associates breakfast
  • Pop up smokefree outdoor dining event organised by Auckland Cancer Society in Aotea Square (photo right)
  • Grey Lynn Business Association AGM on 8 October
  • Launch of Art week at Silo 6
  • Opening of Victoria Park Market Art week event
  • Look at K’rd Art Week event
  • Opening ceremony of Auckland Diwali Festival 2014 on 11 October
  • NZ Fashion Museum’s pop-up exhibition, Elle and the Youthquake: The changing face of fashion, at The Nathan Gallery in Britomart.
  • Heritage Festival events on Sunday 12 October: Civic Trust a toast to heritage and the Grey Lynn RSC’s Gaylene Preston WWI presentation
  • Auckland Girls’ Grammar Old Girls’ Association Annual Dinner
  • Great Mugging on Ponsonby Road for Art Week
  • POP 10 : Hauora Garden of Health and Happiness community planting day on 18 October at Studio One Tu Toi 
  • Auckland Conversation with Brent Toderian at Shed 10. Liveable Cities – Vibrant Waterfronts
  • Ponsonby Business Association AGM on 21 October
  • Auckland Arts Festival Launch at the Town Hall on 23 October
  • The New Zealand Dance Company’s Studio Showing at the Wellesley Studio on 28 October at the invitation of the NZ Dance Company
  • Rod Oram in conversation with Sir Stephen Tindall at the Auckland Museum on 30 October hosted by  Anglican Diocese of Auckland’s Diocesan Climate Change Action Group (at the invitation of Rod Oram)