A street tree planting policy for Auckland

Notice of Motion: Auckland Transport Street Tree Planting Policy

A notice of motion is a useful tool available to elected representatives to get action on an issue when the organisation fails to respond by other means.  As lead of the transport porfolio for the Waitemata Local Board I have a particular interest in what goes on in the road corridor managed by Auckland Transport. I want our streets to be safe, vibrant, well connected and beautifully designed for everyone to enjoy.  I’ve come to appreciate how much trees benefit our urban environment and can enhance every transport-led project (not to mention act to reduce GHG emissions).

However what I have come up against time and time again is the lack of a standard practice or policy to ensure Auckland Transport plants street trees. Many oppportunities are being missed to add trees to the city streetscape.   Individual project managers are doing their best but the budget arrangements between AT and Auckland Council parks are a block to trees being incorporated into street designs and renewal projects. I’ve set out these issues and examples below by way of background to my Notice of Motion.

At the Waitemata Local Board meeting last night (14 June 2016) my recommendations were unanimously passed (seconded by Member Dempsey).  We all recognise the huge value of street trees and would like to help Auckland Transport progress a tree planting policy for Auckland.


a)      That the Notice of Motion be received.

b)      That the Waitematā Local Board:

i) notes the benefits of urban street trees and the Auckland Plan, City Centre Master Plan and Waitematā Local Board Plan 2014 commitment to plant street trees;

ii) requests Auckland Transport in association with Auckland Council Parks develop:

  • A street tree planting policy; and
  • A strategy to meet the City Centre Masterplan street tree target of a 25% increase by 2021;

iii) requests Auckland Transport allocate budget (capex and opex) for funding new street trees as part of streetscape projects and footpath renewals;

iii) requests that this Notice of Motion is circulated to all Local Boards, the Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee, Auckland Development Committee, Auckland Transport Board and Chief Executive and Auckland Council Policy and Bylaws team


Auckland Council, with the support of the Waitematā Local Board, has made a clear commitment to plant street trees in the urban environment.

Directive 8.2 of the Auckland Plan is to protect, enhance and increase Auckland’s green infrastructure networks. Auckland Council is committed to increasing the number of trees on reserves and streets. Council has committed to valuing natural heritage and ‘greening’ Auckland’s expanding network of open public spaces which provides for a more attractive city, while reducing GHG emissions and improving community resilience to the effects of climate change and resource scarcity and by supporting local food production.

As outlined in the Waitematā Local Board Plan, the board supports “increasing the number of native plants and trees in our parks and streets to help restore biodiversity”  (Local Board Plan 2014, page 32).

In the Becoming a Local Carbon Community Action Plan (August 2015) we have committed to an Action Area of Enhancing the Urban Forest and Biodiversity.

As part of the Urban Forest Mapping Project Report for Waitematā we committed $2500 to draw up a tree inventory and to collect data in order to analyse the urban forest layer in the local board area. This work will assist us in assessing the need and timing for the replacement of trees.

In February 2016 the City Centre Masterplan targets were reviewed and revised targets approved by the Auckland Development Committee.  The Local Board supports Outcome 8: An exceptional natural environment and leading environmental performer and the revised target of increasing streets trees in the city centre by 25% by 2021.   

Street trees provide a range of benefits in the urban environment including:[1]

  • Improve pedestrian safety by slowing traffic
  • Good for business by increasing foot traffic in town centres
  • Reduce crime
  • Improve the health and wellbeing of neighbourhoods by increasing the attractiveness and security of walking
  • Reduce the need for drainage infrastructure
  • Provide shade
  • Provide oxygen and sequester carbon

Long live the treesIn the photo left Pohutukawa trees on Great North Road saved from road widening with the support of the Waitematā Local Board for future generations to enjoy.

Auckland Transport is responsible for planting trees in the road corridor on behalf of Auckland Council. The responsibility for the ongoing care and maintenance of streets sits with Auckland Council Parks.

Despite the clear benefits of street trees and the Auckland Council commitment to increase street trees, Auckland Transport doesn’t have a policy to ensure street trees are planted in the urban environment. Auckland Transport also doesn’t have a strategy to meet the City Centre Masterplan street tree target.  The responsibility to consider the addition of street trees is left with individual project managers on a case-by-case basis.

Auckland Transport has confirmed that street trees will only be included in a project if a specific budget is identified for the planting and for the ongoing water/maintenance cost.  If there is no budget for ongoing maintenance (for at least 1 year) Auckland Council Parks will not agree to take on the responsibility for new trees.

Auckland Council Parks have provided the following response:[2]

Parks advocate for the inclusion of new tree assets in the road corridor where private development impacts on public open space and where AT is delivering renewals and streetscape upgrades. However, Parks only plays an advisory role (ie we are asked to comment on designs) in the majority of instances. If council is to deliver positive outcomes at all opportunity Auckland Transport and the consenting arm of council need to incorporate conditions around additional tree planting and which for the following reasons may be difficult to do or will require additional funding:

  • New tree planting in the road corridor or within public open space is not a requirement of private development and there are no rules requiring resource consent applicants to plant anything unless they are seeking approval to remove existing vegetation or regulatory consider there are adverse visual effects from the development that need mitigating
  • Footpath renewal budgets do not come with additional budget to plant new trees.
  • Tree planter boxes, or in ground planters, can only be funded by new projects through CAPEX and Community Facilities only accept them from a maintenance perspective when there are funds put aside for their ongoing maintenance. The same would apply to private development projects in the road corridor / public open space.

Parks will of course continue to advocate, with the relevant stakeholders and partners, for the urban forest and support tree planting wherever it is practical (ie accounting for in ground services, footpath widths, AT design requirements etc), but local board involvement may help provide a more focused approach across the relevant departments / organisations either by escalation or a board workshop to which key officers / managers from Parks (Community Services and Facilities), AT and regulatory are invited.

Currently, the only two funding sources that have been identified to cover the additional consequential opex costs associated with a new street trees (or planters) are either that it is Auckland Transport provided or, if the project was initiated by the Local Board, Locally Driven Initiative (LDI) funded.

The Local Board should not have to fund maintenance costs for new street trees that are associated with non-Board projects. As an Auckland-wide commitment, new street trees  should be funded as an asset from a governing body controlled budget.  

The following examples illustrate the various situations in which Auckland Transport is failing to take up opportunities to plant street trees.

  1. Graham Street footpath renewal
    Graham Street footpath renewal

       Footpath maintenance and footpath renewals

The footpaths on Graham Street were recently renewed on a like-for-like basis following completion of a new development. The Local Board was not informed in advance and no consideration was given to the inclusion of street trees.

  1.    Streetscape upgrades or footpath works associated with private developments

Works associated with the new Countdown development on Williamson Ave included street trees and the closing of Rose Road to create a pedestrian plaza.  Unfortunately, only the street trees on the southern side of Williamson Ave alongside the supermarket were included in the resource consent conditions. With the agreement of Auckland Transport, Countdown contractor re-configured Rose Road with an expanded footpath but no steps were taken to include trees (photo right).

Williamson Ave Rose RoadSince this issue was raised by the Local Board, Auckland Transport agreed in March 2016 to include three new tree pits.   These tree pits will now have to be retrospectively installed into the footpath at Auckland Transport’s expense.

  1. New streetscape upgrades

When Auckland Transport undertook the upgrade of the Scotland Street/College Hill intersection as a safety project, the Local Board requested that the project include a street tree or appropriate greening.

Scotland streetAuckland Transport supported a planter and had funds to pay for it but Auckland Council Parks did not support it because of the lack of funding for the ongoing maintenance.

Auckland Council Parks supported a street tree but Auckland Transport was not willing to include a tree pit in the design because of underground utilities.

Since the photo left was taken two car parks have been reinstated but the Board is still waiting for a resolution with regards to the inclusion of some kind of greening.



[1] Burden, D., Walkable Comunities, Inc., Glatting Jackson. (2006) Urban Street Trees: 22 Benefits, Specific Applications. https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dnr/22_benefits_208084_7.pdf

[2] Email from David Barker | Environment and Programmes, Parks, Community Services.

Related reading

Transport benefits of street trees 

In Praise of City Trees – Patrick Reynolds

The lightpath to our cycling future – Te ara i whiti

Freemans Bay primary school Auckland has a stunning new icon.

Te ara i whiti – Lightpath opened yesterday to rave reviews and a huge turn out of people excited to experience the world’s first ever pink (officially magenta) coloured cycleway created from a transformed disused motorway off-ramp.

The day started with a dawn blessing that allowed for a contemplative walk with iwi reprepresentatives along the route to admire the new art works and take in the newly created vistas of the city as the sun came up. 

opening BFm photo
Photo: 95bfm

Hon Simon Bridges with the help of super hero riders from Freemans Bay primary school offically opened Phase One that includes a new swirling Canada Street Bridge connecting to the magenta-coloured Nelson Street off-ramp that joins the cycleway that runs down the length of Nelson St to the intersection of Victoria St. Phase 2, to start early next year, will take the entire Nelson St cycleway to Quay St. 

In the evening thousands gathered on foot, on skateboards and on bikes to enjoy the “first hoon” and interactive light show that runs along one side.

It was a really happy day for Auckland and wonderful to take part in the celebrations for the magic that has been created in an incredibly short time.

Nelson St off ramp before/after - City Centre Masterplan image
Nelson St off ramp before/after – City Centre Masterplan image

Since the Nelson St off ramp closed in 2005 people have looked down on spaghetti junction and imagined what could be possible to break up the endless grey motorway that dissects the city.  The idea to re-purpose the off -ramp took shape in the City Centre Masterplan 2012 (CCMP). It was visualised as a NYC style Highline with an urban garden.  In 2013 Matter Architects installed hundreds of bikes as part of an award winning Designday installation which raised further questions about how the off-ramp could be used.

Janette Sadik-Khan inspirational Auckland Conversation presentation in May 2014 provided the platform for a challenge to city’s leaders to get behind a “quick win” transformational pilot project. Paul and PippaBarb Cuthbert and Max Robitzsch from Bike Auckland (then Cycle Action Auckland) were ready with just the right project – a concept for the off-ramp as a cycleway connected to K’rd (also supported and promoted by Transport Blog).  Fortunately the timing was perfect with a new Regional Director at NZTA willing to make the idea a reality and Auckland Transport agreeing to get on board to tackle Nelson St to provide a business case for the off-ramp as a key connection in the city’s cycling network.  The crucial funding arrived with the Government’s announcement of a $100m Urban Cycling Investment Fund in August 2014 followed by confirmation that

Photo: Phil Walter
Photo: Phil Walter

Nelson St would be included in the programme in January 2015 (I was a member of the Urban Cycling Investment panel that recommended the programme to the Minister). Political support came from the Mayor Len Brown, Councillor Chris Darby (the Council’s political urban design champion) and of course the Waitematā Local Board! (our small financial contribution was to fund a drinking station on route)

The final part fell into place with the decision of the City Centre Advisory Board to use the targeted rate paid by central businesses to fund the WOW factor for the project.  This gave Auckland Council’s urban design champion Ludo Campbell-Reid and the Auckland Design Office the opportunity to get creative and follow through on the potential identified in the CCMP to make sure Auckland ended up with something really unique.

photo: Bike Auckland
photo: Bike Auckland

Following public feedback the concept was created by Monk Mackenzie architects and LandLAB, in association with artist Katz Maihi. Māori patterns annarrative form a core part of the designs, following discussions with iwi. The path includes Nelson St cyclewayetched carvings at intervals along the length, with a 6-metre pou at the entrance. The colour (by Resin Surfaces Ltd) represents the heartwood of a freshly cut totara, with the red and pink shades strengthened to contrast with the surrounding motorway lanes.  It includes LED lights by Iion lighting lining the safety barriers, that can interact and pulse as people pass them, as well as a strong magenta surface colour that fades out at the northern end in a Māori design (details from the Auckland Council media release).

Waitemata Local Board funded drinking station on Nelson St
Waitemata Local Board funded drinking station on Nelson St

I’d like to acknowledge and thank all who played a part in the Lightpath & Nelson St cycleway project from Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, NZTA and the many contractors (including Hawkins Construction, GHD, Construction Landscapes, PFS) who worked hard up right to the opening day. Te ara i whiti is a fantastic example of what can be achieved when the stars align on a great idea and creative people are given the brief and funding to make it happen.   


Film by iion of the first hoon

Time lapse of the paint going down https://youtu.be/tK_mZodXXCk

Aucklander flock to new magenta pathway into the city (Auckland Council media release)

Pedal to the new metal – Catherine Smith in the NZ Herald

Draft Newmarket Laneways Plan consultation

Osborne St, NewmarketIn 2009 the old Auckland City Council completed an upgrade of Obsborne St and part of Teed St. It set new design standards for the streetscape making it one of the most popular retails areas in Newmarket that has attracted private development like Osborne Lane.

The Waitematā Local Board has been working to continue the upgrade to the surrounding network of “laneways” that connect through to the new University of Auckland campus on Khyber Pass and Station Square. The project has a budget of $4m over the next three years. The Board is currently seeking feedback on the draft Newmarket Laneways Plan. The vision of this plan is to improve the quality of the side streets off Broadway and public spaces, making them safer, more inviting, more interesting and more walkable.

Newmarket consultation2At an open day today it was great to get feedback from locals and visitors who were enthusiastic about the huge potential to improve the streetscape to create a much more inviting retail environment. Parking was mentioned as an issue by many shoppers but this is perhaps because of the lack of visibility of the 9 car parking buildings currently in Newmarket. With such an abundance of off -street parking there is huge potential for what can be achieved by re-prioritising road space to cater for people.

Newmarket laneways draft plan.

Newmarket Laneways plan open day Obsorne St

Have your say by completing the online form:

Newmarket Laneways draft plan online form

This consultation closes at 5pm on 14 June 2015

Monthly Board Report December 2013

inaugural Waitemata Local Board meeting with friends and family

I was delighted to be re-elected to the Waitematā Local Board on 12 October 2013 and to be confirmed as Deputy Chair for another term at our inaugural meeting on 4 November.

My first Board report for this term covers my activities from 10 September including the final period of the first triennium of Auckland Council and the election period.


I look forward to continuing to work on the Transport portfolio (portfolio’s to be confirmed at our December Board meeting). There are some exciting projects underway in our area – Beach Road cycle lanes (photo from the Beach Road open day), the Sky path, Grafton Gully Cycleway, Waitematā safer routes scheme  and the Board’s Greenways project that we can look forward to seeing delivered over the next three

Pippa Coom and Christopher Dempsey at theBeach Road open dayAuckland Transport’s draft Cycling Business Plan

The feedback from Christopher and me is on Auckland Transport’s draft Cycling Business Plan is on this month’s agenda. We have raised a number of concerns regarding the draft plan and the failure of Auckland Transport to put forward an investment proposal to meet the Auckland Plan targets.

Greenways Plan

The Board’s Greenways Plan is now online. We heard in November that Auckland Transport are progressing the design work on our priority Greenway Route connecting Coxs Bay to the NW Cycleway via Grey Lynn Park with construction planned for 14/15 .

Work is also underway on an implementation plan for delivering the priority routes in the plan which will be on our February agenda.

SH16 – St Lukes Interchange

During the election period the NZTA and Auckland Transport requested land owner consent from the Board to widen Great North Road into reserve land opposite MOTAT to provide for two lanes on to the motorway.  The Board has pushed back on the widening due to the lack of clear transport benefits and the need to remove mature pohutakawa trees. The plans have now been modified to retain the trees and incorporate cycling and walking improvements. Auckland Transport have given an undertaken that outstanding concerns are going to be addressed through the Great North Road Corridor Management Plan that has recently got underway.

Reporting on transport issues

Auckland Transport reports monthly on the issues progressed with the transport portfolio. The report is available on our agenda.

Community Development

I hope to continue working on the Community Development portfolio for a second term. We are making good progress on a number of projects and initiatives (including the redevelopment of Pioneer Woman’s Hall as a community facility for inner city residents) however there are still a wide range of issues and community priorities that need to be addressed.

Meetings associated with the community development portfolio are listed below.

Community Funding

The Board’s Community Grant committee met on 2 September and recommended the allocation of grants for the first round of funding for 13/14. Grant application decisions totalling $24,601.60 were confirmed at our September Board meeting.

The Central Joint Funding Committee met on 20 September to allocate grants from the Accommodation Support Fund, the Community Group Assistance Fund and the Auckland City Cultural Heritage. These grants are allocated within the old Auckland City Council area by representatives of the relevant Boards. The minutes are available online.

Other board activities

Bunnings Decision

I attended most of the four days of hearings in support of the submitters against the application for a Bunnings mega store development on Great North Road. Board chair, Shale Chambers addressed the hearing on behalf of the Board in opposition.

After hearing the evidence I thought the submitters had a really strong case based on the negative impact of the Bunning’s proposal.  It is a non-complying activity in a Mixed Use zone that abuts the Res 1 neighbourhood of Arch Hill. The scale of the activity is not intended under the district plan in a mixed use zone. I was therefore hugely disappointed that the commissioners granted Bunnings consent on 20 November.   I feel that residents have really been hugely let down by the process and are now faced with taking the fight to the Environment Court

Unitary plan open day at the libraryUnitary Plan

The proposed Unitary Plan was notified on 30 September for public consultation. Feedback is open until 28 February 2014.

I attended the public open day at the Central library on 11 November including presentations on Sustainable Design and Universal Access. I also attended the briefing for all elected representatives on 19 November. The plan and key topic fact sheets are available online.

Urban Design

Gentle Density, Brent Toderian

I had the opportunity to attend a workshop with Brent Toderian, the former Chief Planning Officer for Vancouver City Council. I heard about “gentle density” for the first time – a term that has now been adopted by Auckland Council planners.

Brent covered the magic of density done well:

  • Reduced energy use in buildings
  • Allows for active transport
  • More green design options (in Vancouver called “eco-density”)
  • Less sprawl
  • More affordable housing choices
  • Improved public health
  • Vitality, diversity, safety

Brent emphasised that it is not about height it is about how well you design it and that the emphasis must be on good design. The best thing you can do for density is have a high design standard. In Vancouver this translated into only accepting “excellent” design. He gave examples of how gentle density can be achieved.

  •  Hidden density “laneway” houses by infill housing
  • Ground orientated housing
  • “invisible” housing achieved through secondary suites

His message to the professionals that attended the workshop is that there is no excuse not to achieve density and to have a genuine conversation about the benefits (and challenges)

  • Demographics on their side
  •  Urban environment perfect condition
  • Families are choosing urban living (in US 80% of households are childless) – if you design for kids you attract kids

Following the workshop Brent presented at an Auckland Conversation where Ludo Campbell Reid launched the Auckland Design Manual.

In his presentation Brent focused on transportation issues. Key points:

  • Key problem of sprawl is auto – dependency
  • It is a myth that is is possible to balance modes – what has to happen is a re-prioritisation with walking first then cycling
  • No city has made driving better by building roads. In Vancouver they have achieved 20% less vehicles entering downtown and driving has got better
  • The best transportation plan is a great land use plan
  • Done well density uses the power of nearness
  • He recommended designing “eye candy” for walkers
  • Need to physically protect cyclists only why will increase mode share – cheapest infrastructure investment you can make
  • It is not about being “anti-car” but “pro-choice”

Local Board Workshops and meetings

In the period 10 September – 21 November I attended:

  • Cake presented to the Waitemata Local BoardWaitematā Local Board business meeting on 10 September at Parnell – the final meeting of the first term of the Board (photo of the cake presented at our last Board meeting)
  • Arch Hill Residents public meeting on 16 September
  • Community portfolio monthly catch up on 18 September
  • Meeting to discuss Basement Theatre liquor licence
  • Meeting to discuss Pt. Resolution master plan
  • Central Joint Funding Committee Meeting on 20 September
  • Meeting with Tania Pouwhare, Principal Strategy Analyst to discuss neighbourhood planning/place making
  • Meeting to discuss plans for the children’s area at the Central Library
  • Meeting to discuss waste management funding for the Grey Lynn Festival with the solid waste team on 26 September
  • ATEED tourism update held at Shed 10 on 27 September
  • Community Facilities renewal programme 2014 meeting
  • Auckland Transport monthly catch up
  • Neighbourhood planning working group meeting convened by Roger Blakely on 30 September
  • Meeting to discuss a first draft of a Localised Carbon Reduction Plan for Waitemata on 2 October
  • Hearings for Bunnings – attended on 7, 8, 9, and 10 October
  • Meeting on 9 October with local residents to discuss anti-social behaviour at St Patrick’s Square
  • Pioneer Women’s Hall redevelopment meeting on 9 October
  • Paul Steely White breakfast presentation hosted by Heart of the City and AECOM on 11 October
  • St Luke’s interchange meeting with Parks officers on 11 October
  • Meeting to discuss Sugar tree development and Corridor management plan for Nelson Street on 15 October
  • Presentation by Billy Mathieson, Principal Adviser, Social Entrepreneurs to report back from his attendance at the SOCAP13 conference in SF – one of the leading ‘Social Impact’ events in the world.
  • Waitemata Local Board welcome meeting on 18 October
  • Ways of working workshop on 22 October
  • Interview on Radio Ponsonby on 22 October  to discuss bike park corral and Ponsonby Road Master plan
  • CCOs at the Stepping forward for Auckland ExpoOne day “Stepping Forward for Auckland” – Conference and Expo for newly elected members  (photo of CCO panel at the Expo)
  • Legal Briefing  as part of the induction Expo for elected representatives
  • Waitemata Local Board New Elected Members Technology Training session 25 October
  • Stormwater One day Seminar at the Rendezvous Hotel on 31 October
  • Finance, Comms and Local Board Agreement training for Elected members on 1 November
  • Waiheke Local Board inaugural meeting on 2 November
  • Inaugural meeting of the Waitematā Local Board 2013 – 2016 on 4 November
  • Grey Lynn Business Association Committee meeting on 5 November
  • Launch of Waterfront Auckland’s Sustainable Development Framework on 5 November at Shed 10
  • Albert- Eden Local Board inaugural meeting on 6 November
  • Meeting to discuss Christmas Carols in Western Park
  • Meeting with Lynne Butler, Freemans Bay residents on 6 November to discuss setting up a Freemans Bay Residents Association
  • Meeting to discuss the proposed activation of Quay Street with a Ciclovia event (road “opening” for walking and cycling) to be held on 8 February 2014
  • Coastal walkway meeting with Parks officers on 8 November
  • Waitematā Local Board weekly workshop on 12 November
  • Transport update on 13 November
  • Unitary Plan update for all elected representatives on 19 November
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 19 November
  • Meeting with Sugar tree and Nelson street developers to discuss Auckland Transport plans for a corridor management plan on 20 November
  • Advancing Auckland’s Governance induction workshop for elected representatives on 20 November
  • Greenways meeting with Parks officers and Auckland Transport on 21 November
  • Environmental portfolio first catch up meeting on 21 November
  • Community Development and Partnerships monthly catch up with the portfolio holders on 21 November

Events and functions

In the period from 10 September – 22 November  I attended the following events and functions:

  • Tour and lunch at the Crossroads Clubhouse, Great North Road
  • Great Transport Debate hosted by Campaign for Better Transport on 11 September
  • Unwrapping a new era in transport – launch of Auckland’s new electric commuter trains at Wiri Depot
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks on 12 September
  • Opening of the Age of Aquarius – Fashion Museum on 13 September
  • Survive and Thrive (a public forum, expo and series of workshops for people working in the creative sector)  – attended an afternoon workshop on 14 September at the invitation of the Big Idea
  • Bayfield School Safe School Travel Plan Launch with the Mayor on 16 September
  • Parnell meet the candidates event
  • Grey Lynn meet the candidates event
  • Spoke at the suffrage day celebrations at Khartoun place organised by the National Council for women on 19 September
  • Beach Road walking and cycling improvements Public information day at AECOM hosted by Auckland Transport
  • Parking day installation on Hardinge StreetPark(ing) day event on Hardinge Street organised by the Urban Design team
  • Ponsonby Market Day on 21 September
  • America’s Cup races at Shed 10 over various mornings
  • Arch Hill Street party on 22 September
  • Newmarket Business Association AGM (I was a scrutineer) on 25 September
  • Opening of the Heritage Festival at Shed 10 on 27 September
  • Young and Hungry theatre production at Basement Theatre (at the invitation of the Basement Theatre)
  • Launch and Lunch at the Italian Festival on 29 September at the invitation of the Italian Society
  • Mayoral morning tea with Auckland Senior Citizens to celebrate the 2013 United Nations International Day of Older Persons on 1 October
  • Bayswater walking and cycling pipe bridge opening attended by the Mayor on 5 October
  • Grey Lynn Savalivali Heritage walk
  • Grey Lynn Farmers Market AGM on 6 October (I was re-elected Chair of the management committee)
  • Powhiri for new Voyager director on 7 October
  • Opening of Art Week at K’rd on 10 October
  • Newmarket Business Association Young Designers Awards (at the invitation of NBA) on 11 October
  • RIMU presentation Pseudo-science and caricatures? Reflections on Gen X, Y, X, Z and beyond
  • Fiesta in the Park on 13 October
  • Parnell Trust AGM 15 October
  • Sustainable City Showcase at the Cloud hosted by Sustainable Business Network on 17 – 19 October
  • Official opening of the 12th annual Auckland Diwali Festival on 19 October
  • Jam on Toast event at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 19 October
  • Westhaven drive walkway ground breakingGround-breaking for the start of construction of the Westhaven walk and cycleway 21 October (see photo)
  • Pouwhiri for the new Council on 23 October
  • Opening of the Tall Ships Festival at Queens Wharf on 26 October
  • Inaugural meeting of the Governing Body at the Town Hall on 29 October
  • Gentle Density workshop with Brent Toderian on 30 October
  • Auckland Conversation and launch of the Auckland Design Manual on 30 October with Design for Auckland:   Brent Toderian – Toronto, Canada
  • Meet the Fair Trade Farmers event hosted by Oxfam NZ at Shakey Isles on 31 October
  • Celebration and opening evening at Parnell Baths on 1 November
  • Auckland Conversation – Beauty and Biophilia Amanda Sturgeon, Living Buildings International
  • Auckland Conversation in Association with RIMU Kids in the City – Accommodating Children in an intensifying Auckland Karen Whitten and Robin Kearns on 6 November
  • Cycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast on 7 November
  • TRANX drug and alcohol service 25th  anniversary celebration on 7 November
  • Fairtrade Banana event at Ponsonby Central on 7 November
  • Art in the Dark opening on 7 November
  • Art in the Dark event 8 and 9 November
  • Unitary Plan public Open day on 11 November
  • Newmarket Business Association networking drinks (Buzz) on 13 November
  • Social Enterprise Forum – Growing the fourth sector on 14 November
  • Grey Lynn Business Association AGM on 14 November (I stood down from the Committee)
  • Grey Lynn Community Centre AGM on 20 November
  • Switching on the Parnell Lights event at Heard Park on 21 November