Councillor monthly report April 2022

My Councillor report covers the period from 8 March to 5 April.  It has been prepared for the April business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the public and local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.


  • At Wynyard Quarter with the Cr Richard Hills doing a final shout out to give feedback on the Annual budget

    Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee (photo right with the Chair Richard Hills doing a final shout out to give feedback on the Annual budget)

  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council and Auckland Zone co-chair
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Climate Political Reference Group
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group
  • Member, Future Development Strategy steering group (new this year)


  • Public consultation on the Annual Budget 2022/23 closed on 28 March.
    • As part of the consultation process council held several webinars on Waste and Climate where I was a panel member.
    • I attended the Pasifika Fono, an online forum for Pasifika community members to give feedback.
    • I also attended presentations by regional stakeholders.

Planning Committee

  • Helicopter activity – Resolutions from the Aotea/ Great Barrier, Waiheke and Waitematā and Local Boards.
  • The report due to go to the Planning Committee 30/03 has been deferred until May.
  • Cr Darby and I requested that a Helicopter Practice Note regarding the relevant provisions and considerations of the Auckland Unitary Plan and the Hauraki Gulf Islands be developed by the Resource Consents team.
  • Auckland Transport’s parking strategy was endorsed to go out for consultation (Good for Auckland parking: my speaking notes in support).
  • NPS-UD – The committee endorsed public consultation on the pre-notification engagement. The timeline is to be confirmed.

Environment and Climate Change Committee

  • The committee adopted a new Water Strategy for Auckland. The vision of the strategy is “te mauri o te wai o Tāmaki Makaurau, the life-sustaining capacity of Auckland’s water, is protected and enhanced”.
    • The strategy is designed to guide the council group in relation to its responsibilities and aspirations for water over the next 30 years.
  • The meeting was also an opportunity to acknowledge the death of young bike rider Levi James and to have, a heartfelt discussion that brought home the costs of delaying “genuine streets for people” ( Our Auckland: Auckland Council launches Ngā Tiriti Ngangahau – The Vibrant Streets Programme).
  • Half price public transport fares started on 1 April for three months. However, unfortunately the price cut excludes the Waiheke ferries because the route is not a contracted service within PTOM.  I am supporting the local board in the on-going fight to bring Waiheke in line with PT fares across Auckland.

On-line meetings continue including the Waiheke Community Forum, Local Board meetings and all workshops and committee meetings.

City Centre Safety

Safety in the city centre is an on-going concern.  I attended a Friday night “walkabout” with new Acting Area Commander and the Mayor with Cr Darby of some of the hot spots (more details below)


I attended as a member of LGNZ’s National Council, the Local Government/Central Government Forum Plenary Session on 1 April chaired by the PM.  The theme for this year’s forum was Working together in a time of major change.

The Auckland Arts Festival

The festival went ahead with a limited programme due to current covid restrictions. I was fortunate to see Live Cinema: The Little Shop of Horrors – Lockdown edition online at the invite of the festival.

City Centre Resilience

The resilience of the city centre has faced one of its toughest tests in recent years due to COVID-19, and efforts are being made by many organisations including Heart of the City, Britomart, Auckland Arts Festival, NZ Fashion Museum, Auckland Council and city centre businesses to bring back its mojo. (Our Auckland: City centre dresses up for fashion shoot)

Myers Park

Work will begin in April to update the Myers Park underpass  This project has been a decade in the making so I’m very excited to see it go ahead.

Hauraki Gulf Forum

The Hauraki Gulf Forum submitted in favour of a complete closure of the Hauraki Gulf’s scallop fishery. We also want to see scallop dredging gone for good.  The Minister’s decision on 29 March to close the scallop fisheries is a big step forward but concerningly still leaves open two areas of the Gulf to commercial and recreational dredging. (Press release: Partial closure of Hauraki Gulf scallop fishery puts Hauturu/Little Barrier at risk)

Key decisions from the Committees of the Whole 

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only of key decisions.

Environment and Climate Change Committee – 10/03/22

  • adopted the Auckland Water Strategy
  • approved the “Too Much Water – A statement of Auckland Council’s current role and direction” as an accurate representation of council’s current response to the water-related impacts of climate change
  • approved the Whangaparāoa Pilot Shoreline Adaptation Plan
  • endorsed the proposed Regional Streets for People projects for management and delivery by Auckland Transport, on behalf of Auckland Council. (Now named Ngā Tiriti Ngangahau – The Vibrant Streets Programme see Attachment 1)
  • approved the Auckland Council submission to the Department of Conservation on the proposed Hākaimangō-Matiatia marine reserve application, northwest Waiheke Island (subject to minor editorial changes)
  • approved the forward work programme as agreed to at the meeting, to October 2022 including a new item added at my request to develop berm planting guidelines.

Finance and Performance Committee – 17/03/22

  • received a presentation from Eden Park Trust Board
  • confirmed the 16 July 2020 approval to dispose of 4 Blomfield Spa, Takapuna as it is not required to be retained by council for open space or recreational purposes
  • received the Auckland Council Group and Auckland Council quarterly performance reports for the six months ended 31 December 2021, noting that the results for the six months ended 31 December 2021, confirm many of the pressures anticipated in our Recovery Budget.

Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee – 22/03/22

  • received the 2021/2022 second quarter reports of the substantive Council-controlled Organisations and Ports of Auckland Limited
  • approved an amendment to the Watercare Services Limited constitution to remove the restriction on directors serving more than three consecutive terms
  • received update on the implementation programme for the Council-controlled Organisations Review
  • agreed to receive a verbal update in relation to the Auckland Unlimited report: Reimagining Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland: harnessing the region’s potential
  • Considered the agenda item “Defining Auckland Council’s Ownership Objectives for the Ports of Auckland Limited” as confidential due to risks that publicising it may prejudice or disadvantage council’s commercial activities

Governing Body – 24/03/22

  • On behalf of council Fa’anana Efeso Collins and I received the Save our Sands petition

    Accepted a petition from Jessie Stanley relating to Sand Mining from the Pakiri and Mangawhai Embayment

  • unanimously supported the Notice of Motion of Councillor Josephine Bartley to support the proposed private members’ bill: Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Harm Minimisation) Amendment Bill
  • Governing Body meeting during the presentation by MP Chlöe Swarbrick in support of Cr Bartley’s Notice of Motion Notice of Motion of Councillor to support the proposed private members’ bill

    Agreed to timeline for consultation on Māori representation in local government, noting that feedback from the engagement with mana whenua and mataawaka, will be reported to the August 2022 meeting of the Governing Body.

 Planning Committee – 31/03/22

  • endorsed the Draft Auckland Parking Strategy 2022 for public consultation in April 2022
  • Made a series of decision in response to the government’s National Policy Station Urban Development (NPS-UD) including:
    1. endorsed the further investigation of changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan and the Auckland District Plan (Hauraki Gulf Islands Section) to address issues arising from the mandatory removal of parking minimum
    2. endorsed the further investigation of changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan to:
    3. i)           introduce planning provisions for residential private ways to achieve better quality outcomes
    4. ii)         amend the zone provisions to:
  • enable building heights of least six storeys in walkable catchments as required by the Policy 3(c) of the National Policy Statement on Urban Development
  • incorporate the Medium Density Residential Standards in the relevant residential zones, as required by the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021
  • provide for quality-built environment outcomes in residential areas of Auckland as discussed in the agenda report.
  • approved the following policy direction for implementing Policy 3(a) in the NPS-UD relating to the city centre:
  • i)       Fewer, simpler, more targeted controls
  • ii)      Protecting sunlight and daylight to open spaces
  • iii)     Protecting amenity and retaining the “human scale” of streets
  • iv)     Enabling tall slender towers with space between them to allow sunlight, daylight and views to permeate the city centre
  • v)      Protecting local and regionally significant views
  • vi)     Protecting the outcomes achieved by the existing city centre precincts
  • vii)    Protecting the relationship between the city centre and the Waitemata Harbour
  • viii)   Protecting historic heritage in the city centre
  • ix)     Promoting climate change resilience.
  • approved in principle the removal of the general building height and floor area ratio standards in the city centre, and the application of alternative built form standards in line with the principles set out above.
  • endorsed “Thriving Town Centres – Guidance for urban regeneration in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland” (Attachment A of the agenda report) as a guidance document for Eke Panuku.
  • In confidential the Committee endorsed the Auckland Council’s preliminary response to the NPS UD for pre-notification engagement. The timeframe for this engagement is not yet confirmed.

Note: After 11 hours the committee was closed with agreement to defer the Auckland Cycling and Micro mobility Programme Business Case and the report responding to resolutions from the Aotea/Great Barrier, Waiheke and Waitematā Local Boards regarding concerns about helicopter activity to the next Planning Committee meeting

City Centre Safety

The visibility of crime and anti-social behaviour and the perception of safety are ongoing issues in the city centre brought about by several factors including lockdowns, the emptying out of people (workers, international students etc) with eyes on the street, and emergency accommodation bringing new people into the city centre with no place to go during the day.

The City Centre Community Safety Taskforce led by council’s community team has been given additional resourcing and is working on several actions across multiple agencies including Heart of the City, residents, MSD and the Police. At the last meeting on 25 March participants reported the city centre has turned the corner and things are improving.  We are likely to see further improvements as university students return from 4 May and restrictions are lifted.

Meeting the beat Police on Fort St during a Friday night “walkabout” with the Acting Area Commander, the Mayor and Cr Darby of city centre hot spots

Also, on 25 March I attended a Friday night “walkabout” with the Acting Area Commander, the Mayor and Cr Darby of city centre hot spots.  What we heard is that police resourcing has ramped up since the end of MIQ and the worst of the outbreak that had a big impact on staffing numbers covering shift work.  The Area Commander has introduced beat police who are out in the city centre on foot and in patrol cars.  Fort St is one problem area that has been a focus of operations.

In response to requests for the return of a city centre police station the Commander explained that the way people now interact with the police and contact the police makes a bricks and mortar police station unnecessary and not a good use of resources.  For example, people will use their own phone on the spot rather than run to a police station. Police can now gather evidence and respond in lots of different ways backed up by units in patrol cars and the eagle helicopter.

A police station might be a visible way of giving people comfort that the police are actively working on crime, but it doesn’t serve the same purpose as it once did in terms of how police can effectively respond and how the police can be contacted.

Following the walkabout, we have followed up on the need to improve the design of the Fort St area through a CPTED review.   This is being worked on by Council and Auckland Transport.  Te Komititanga, Wynyard Quarter and Vincent Street are areas I have also been focused on following concerns raised by residents.

On Vincent St I have secured the placement of physical barriers to deter illegal parking. The rocks have been funded from the city centre targeted rate.

Rocks provide a physical barrier to deter parking on Vincent St, City Centre, Auckland

Monthly Councillor report October 2021

General update 

My Councillor report covers the period from 10 September to 8 October 2021.  It has been prepared for the October business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the public and local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.


  • Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council and Auckland Zone co-chair
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Climate Political Reference Group
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group


Bruce, owner of Big Sur cafe in West Lynn serves up a contactless coffee at Alert Level 3

At the time of writing this report, Auckland remains at Alert Level 3 but with an easing of restrictions (step 1). This is the first phase of a three-part plan by the Government to ease COVID-19 restrictions across the region. In line with restrictions, all meetings and workshops are taking place online.

  • As a result of advocacy on behalf of local businesses a range of support for businesses from council during alert levels 3 and 2 has been progressed. I requested council collate all the business support information in one place on the Auckland Council website.
  • On 2 October an anti-lockdown protest was staged at the Auckland Domain. As the landowner of the Auckland Domain, the council (via the Domain Committee) strongly objected to the event going ahead and did not give consent.
  • On 23 September, Auckland Council’s Governing Body finalised our feedback to government on the Three Waters Reform (decision in full here and Our Auckland story here)
  • On 7 and 8 October I attended the LGNZ strategy day and National Council meeting on behalf of Auckland Council. While the event was hosted live in Wellington, I along with other members in Level 3 areas attended virtually.

Governing Body meetings – Key decisions  

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only of key decisions.

On 16 September the Finance and Performance Committee

  • Agreed to consult on the draft Draft Development Contributions Policy 2021 which has been updated for the capital expenditure in the 10-year budget and includes the following key proposed changes:
    • addition of capital expenditure planned for 2032 onwards in Drury
    • requiring payment of development contributions for all development at grant of building consent except non-commercial development on Māori land
    • identifying that facilitation of the development of Māori land is made through grants under the Māori Cultural Initiatives Fund
    • exempting not-for-profit development on Māori land from contributions for reserve acquisitions.
  • Consultation on the draft policy was open until 17 October

On 21 September the Council Controlled Organisations Oversight Committee

  • Received fourth quarter reports of the substantive Council-Controlled Organisations.
  • Received an update on the implementation programme for the Council-controlled Organisations Review.

 On 23 September the Governing Body

  • Received the Waitākere Ranges Local Board input regarding flooding, land slips and clean up in the Waitākere Ranges after the August 2021 storm.
  • Received report on the North west Auckland floods and thanked those who were instrumental in coordinating welfare and relief efforts.
  • Received briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic and the Auckland Emergency Management status update.
  • On the matter of Three Waters Reform: Feedback on government’s reform proposal [in full in my report – refer to item 13 of the minutes]
  • Approved the draft Significance and Engagement Policy for consultation
  • Adopted the Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw Statement of Proposal 2022 and appointed the hearing panel. Following advocacy from local boards agreed that should additional prohibited or restricted sites come from consultation – which are supported by evidence, these will be discussed  and can be assessed and consulted on following the adoption of the bylaw.  Consultation on the proposed Freedom Camping in Vehicles bylaw is now open until 5 December

 On 27 September the Governing Body

  • Adopted the audited Auckland Council Annual Report 2020/2021
  • Adopt the Auckland Council Summary Annual Report 2020/2021

 On 28 September the Appointments and Performance Review Committee

  • Considered the following as a confidential item

On 30 September the Planning Committee

  • Received public input from Otara Bike Burb
  • Approved a number of Private Plan change requests
  • Approved amendments to Auckland Unitary Plan Historic Heritage Schedule
  • Delegated the drafting of council’s submission to the proposed amendments (wetland provisions) to the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020

Other meetings 10 September to 8 October 2021 

  • On 10 September I co-chaired the Local Government New Zealand’s Auckland Zone meeting with Chair Northey.
  • On 13 September I participated as a panelist interviewing candidates for Auckland Transport Director, the successful candidate will chair Auckland Transport’s Audit and Risk committee.
  • On 14 September I attended the inaugural Transport Emissions Reduction Plan reference group meeting
  • On 17 September I attended a meeting with Minister Poto Williams and all councillors. The Minister gave updates on Police, housing/building and construction, and youth development.
  • Also on 17 September I attended the live streamed event co-hosted by the National Council of Women- Auckland Branch and Auckland Council celebrating Women’s Suffrage.
  • On 20 September I attended an update on Wai Horotiu Queen Street project design
  • On 22 September I delivered my monthly report to the September Waiheke Local Board business meeting.
  • On 24 September I attended a session for the Mayor, all councillors & local board chairs with Superintendent Jill Rogers, District Commander Counties Manukau; Superintendent Karyn Malthus, District Commander Auckland City; Superintendent Naila Hassan, District Commander Waitematā, and Inspector Jared Pirret, District Prevention Manager
  • On 27 September I attended the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting
  • On 28 September I delivered my monthly report to the September Aotea Great Barrier Local Board business meeting.
  • On 29 September I was a panel member for the Fabian Society’s discussion on local government
  • On 30 September I attended the Karanagahape Business Association AGM as a guest
  • On 1 October I attended a wellbeing seminar for elected members delivered by Lance Burdett.
  • Throughout lockdown I have attended the regular covid briefings held for elected representatives.

Hauraki Gulf Forum

On 9 September we received great news for the Hauraki Gulf/Tīkapa Moana, Te Moananui-ā-Toi. The Minister of Oceans and Fisheries approved the s186A temporary closure request from Ngāti Hei.

Fisheries NZ received over 2000 submissions with the majority in support of a closure of the east Coromandel scallop fishery. The closure takes effect from this Saturday.

Huge acknowledgements to Ngāti Hei and Matua Joe Davis for their incredible leadership. The Hauraki Gulf Forum backed the closure and we continue to call for the end to all bottom-impact fishing right across the Marine Park.


In the year up to July 56 people were killed on Auckland’s roads up from 29 the year before. This is despite speed limit reductions across the city and Auckland Transport adopting Vision Zero. The Herald reported on the some of the causes of this tragic increase in deaths and serious injuries.

I also discussed this issue on RNZ’s The Panel on 14 September and on my fortnightly slot on 95 bfm’s “City Counselling.”


Acknowledgement for Matua Bob Hawke

Moe mai rā e te Rangitira Wirihana Takanini (Bob) Hawke.

It is with great sadness to hear of the passing of Matua Bob on 15 September. As Renata Blair said in acknowledgement at the Finance and Performance Committee meeting he was a gentleman with a kind heart and loving words.

Matua Bob made a huge contribution to Auckland’s civic life. I will remember him for the many openings and blessings he led over the years and especially for his leadership at Citizenship ceremonies in the Town Hall. He would open by acknowledging his tipuna, Chief Āpihai Te Kawau who made land available to Hobson in 1840 to establish Auckland. He welcomed all new citizens with a hongi and a friendly Kia ora! To close the ceremony he liked to sing the third verse of the National Anthem and remind everyone that it was written originally as a prayer. It was always a memorable occasion.

Thoughts, aroha and deepest condolences to Matua Bob’s wife Arohanui, whānau and iwi Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei at this really sad and difficult time. He will be greatly missed.

Monthly Councillor report September 2021

General update 

My Councillor report covers the period from 8 August 2021 until 9 September 2021.  It has been prepared for the September business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the public and local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.

Upgraded track through the Te Wai Orea Western Springs bush provided a welcome lockdown walking route. Credit: Russell Brown



  • Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council and Auckland Zone co-chair
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Climate Political Reference Group
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group


  • Following the announcement by the Government that New Zealand will be at Alert Level 4 from 11:59pm on Tuesday 17 August, the majority of Auckland Council facilities closed temporarily to the public from 18 August. Essential services such as rubbish collections, waste water, drinking water and core public transport for essential workers continued to operate. At the time of writing this report, Auckland remains at Alert Level 4. Many council related events have been postponed however all governance meetings quickly transitioned to an online format.
  • Council’s emergency freight subsidy for Covid 19 Alert Level 4 was secured for Barrier Air to ensure operations continued
  • As of 1 September, all overdue fines were removed from accounts. The council is joining the global trend of removing library overdue fines with almost 600 libraries worldwide now fine free, including every public library in Ireland. This was a decision made following the Recovery Budget consultation.
  • On 3 September the Mayor and Minister Woods announced a new Targeted Hardship Fund will be set up to help Auckland small businesses that are impacted by disruption from construction of the City Rail Link. Auckland Council will contribute up to half of the $12m fund.

Governing Body meetings – Key decisions  

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only.

On 12 August the Environment and Climate Change Committee 

  • Received a climate update presentation from Watercare
  • Established a Transport Emissions Reference Group responsible for providing direction to staff in the development of the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan, making changes to the proposed approach as required, and approving the recommended pathway for endorsement by the Environment and Climate Change Committee.  I am an alternate on the Group.
  • Approved Auckland Council’s commitment to becoming a signatory to the C40 Divest/Invest Declaration

On 19 August the Finance and Performance Committee

  • Approved a 125-year lease and the future development of Te Wharau o Horotiu Bledisloe House
  • Approved land exchanges of Bellgrove Reserves, Avondale and reserve land at Murray Halberg Park, Ōwairaka
  • Woodhill Sands Equestrian Centre support and Three Kings land exchange was considered in confidential

On 24 August the Council Controlled Organisations Oversight Committee

  • Received the update on the implementation programme for the Council-controlled Organisations Review.
  • Approved the updated Auckland Council group brand guidelines and required CCOs to comply with the updated Auckland Council group brand guidelines
  • Approved the shareholder comments on the draft Statement of Corporate Intent 2021–2024 for Ports of Auckland Limited as set out in this report
  • Approved the 2021-2024 statements of intent for Auckland Transport, Auckland Unlimited, Eke Panuku and Watercare

 On 26 August the Governing Body

On 2 September the Planning Committee

  • In response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development requiring the removal of carparking minimums from the Auckland Unitary Plan by the end of February 2022 endorsed the development of a plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in part) and a plan change to address consequential technical amendments to provide clarity and consistency within the plans and ensure that the effects of car parking (where developers choose to provide it) can still be addressed and endorsed the investigation of the following matters through amendments to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in part) and/or the Auckland Council District Plan (Hauraki Gulf Islands Section), or other means in order to mitigate possible poor development outcomes as a result of the removal of carparking minimums:
  1. provision of accessible parking
  2. ii) the design of private pedestrian and bicycle / micro-mobility access where no vehicle access is proposed

iii)     provision of on-site bicycle / micro-mobility access and parking including where no vehicle access is proposed

  1. iv) where parking is proposed, the provision of electricity connections that enable installation of compliant smart electric vehicle chargers
  2. v) provision of on-site pick-up and drop-off/loading facilities and access for emergency services where no vehicle access is proposed.
  • Discussed sites of significance to Mana Whenua – Tranche 2 Plan Change Investigation, and feedback Auckland Light Rail in confidential

On 9 September the Parks, Arts, Community and Events committee

  • Approved a reserve Revocation at (part) 331 Great North Road, Henderson
  • Received an update on implementation of Auahi Kore Hapori Whānui as part of the Implementation Plan of the Council’s Smokefree Policyand approved priorities for 2021/2022
  • Received an I Am Auckland Implementation and Evaluation Annual Update 2021and approved a three-year review be undertaken in 2021/2022
  • Approved the development of a re-imagined Toi Whītiki (Auckland’s Art and Culture Strategic Plan) as a collective impact framework that unites the creative sector  towards a shared vision and common purpose of delivering public value for Aucklanders
  • Approved a proposed variation of agreement to facilitate transfer of land at 50 Tihi Street, Stonefields
  • Approved the Regional Event Fund grants allocation 2021/2022
  • Approved the Regional Arts and Culture grants allocation 2021/2022 round one
  • Agreed to implement seasonal restrictions to control motorised vehicles driving on Muriwai Beach and a range of management measures


Attachment 1: Correspondence with the Chairs of NZTA Waka Kotahi and Auckland Transport regarding the delivery of a safe cycling network following the killing of a ride on Stanley Street in May

Attendance at events 8 August – 9 September 2021 

  • On 8 August I attended a meeting with Minister Grant Robertson and all Auckland Councillors where the Minister gave updates on the economy, climate change and water reform.
  • At Watercare’s Māngere Wastewater Treatment Plant with Cr Josephine Bartley

    On 10 August I attended a site visit at Watercare’s Māngere Wastewater Treatment Plant (photo right with Cr Josephine Bartley). The governing body spends half a day each year visiting each CCO to better understand its business and culture and to informally build relationships.

  • Zoe and Jett presenting their Waiheke pump track proposal taking inspiration from the Grey Lynn pump track their proposal

    On 11 August I attended the Community Forum at the Waiheke Local Board office

  • On 12 August I attended an Eke Panuku celebration at the Percy Vos Boat Shed to honour the restoration of this important piece of maritime history in Wynyard Quarter.
  • On 13 August I attended the Metro Sector LGNZ forum in Wellington
    LGNZ National Council board meeting 27 Aug 2021

    via Zoom. Items on the agenda included:

    • Update from the Minister of Immigration
    • Resource Management Reform
    • Three waters
  • Also on 13 August I attended the Central City Alcohol and Community Safety taskforce
  • On 14 August I was a panelist with local board member Kerrin Leoni,
    Vos shipyard Wynyard Quarter

    Julie Stout and Shane Vuletich at the Future of Auckland’s Waterfront Panel at the Pioneer Women’s Hall in the Ellen Melville Centre organized by MP Chlöe (photo below).

  • On 16 August I chaired council’s Climate Political Reference Group meeting
  • Future of the Waterfront panel discussion with panel members Kerrin Leonie, Julie Stout and Shane Vuletich, and MC Chloe Swarbrick

    On 17 August the Joint Governance Working Group meeting was underway when the announcement came through about a case of COVID in the community bring the meeting to an abrupt end.

  • From 18 August all workshops, meetings and committee meetings went online
  • On 23 August I co-chaired the Hauraki Gulf Forum. The Forum received an update on Revitalising the Gulf – Government’s Response Strategy to Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari
  • On 24 August I attended the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board business meeting and delivered my Councillor’s report for August.
  • On 25 August I attended the Waiheke Local Board business meeting and delivered my Councillor’s report for August.
  • On 27 August I attended the LGNZ National Council meeting.
  • On 30 August I attended the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board workshop.
  • On 3 September I attended a meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss solutions for ongoing enforcement issues at St Patrick’s Square.
  • On 3 September I attended LGNZ’s Three Waters discussion for elected representatives
  • Also on 3 September, I attended a forum for elected members in Central Auckland hosted by AT with presentations by elected representatives on Parking and the Parking Strategy.
  • On 6 September I chaired the Waste Advisory Political Group meeting
  • On 7 September I attended the Cycling Programme Business Case (PBC) political reference group meeting
  • On 8 September I attended the Waiheke Local Board Community Forum.
  • Throughout lockdown I have attended the regular  Covid briefings held for elected representatives


Ponsonby News September 2021: Innovating streets are lockdown ready 

Our Auckland: Karangahape Road records retail high before bracing for lockdown 

Our Auckland: Boost for Community Climate Action funding 


Councillor monthly report December 2020

This is my Councillor report covering the period from 3 November to 30 November.  It has been prepared for the December business meetings of the Aotea Great Barrier, Waiheke and Waitematā Board Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events and meetings, regional consultations, media updates and key issues. This is my final report for 2020.  My year in review (Ponsonby News December update).

Following the Governing body meeting on 26 November Councillors, the  Mayor and CEO recorded a message for Chinese New Year

  • Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group


Covid-19 Response
  • All of New Zealand continues at Alert Level 1
  • On Friday 13 November, Aucklanders were asked to avoid the central city area if possible following community case of COVID-19. This was described as a measure of extreme caution and was lifted the following day.
  • Subsequently, the government voted to make mask-wearing mandatory on all public transport in Auckland as of Thursday 19 November
Governing Body meetings – Key decisions

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only.

On 3 November the Appointments and Performance Committee approved appointments to the Auckland War Memorial Museum and Museum of Transport and Technology and agreed a set of performance objectives for the Chief Executive.

On 5 November the Planning Committee received a presentation on Affordable Housing and Inclusionary zoning and agreed not to make any changes to the Auckland Unitary Plan at this time.   We agreed to review or make changes to the notable tree schedules in the Auckland Unitary Plan and the Auckland District Plan (Hauraki Gulf Islands Section) when resources permit. I would like the scheduling to happen so suggested this more positive wording rather than the officer recommendation to “agree that it is not financially viable to review or make changes to the notable tree schedules”.  This allows sources of funding to be investigated for example from local boards. The committee also supported council’s ongoing involvement in the Waitematā Harbour Connections Business Case.

On 12 November the Environment and Climate Change Committee unanimously agreed to support standardising the budget for weed management in the road corridor (including berms/grass verges) across Auckland; providing for local decision-making on preferred methodologies; and re-confirmed support for the Weed Management Policy goals to mininimise agri-chemical usage. The Chair Richard Hills and I as Deputy Chair worked on this approach to put forward instead of the officer recommendation to standardise the methodology which would have seen an increase in glysophate use in some local board areas.

The committee also approved Auckland Council’s submission on the Ministry for the Environment’s consultation on hard-to-recycle plastics and single-use items; adopted the scope of the Auckland Water Strategy Forward Work Programme 2020-2021; and agreed the continuation of the Manukau Harbour Forum while supporting building better relationships between council and mana whenua around the Manukau Harbour with a view to working towards co-governance.

On 19 November the Finance and Performance Committee received the Auckland Council group and Auckland Council quarterly performance report for the period ended 30 September 2020 and a monthly update on Emergency Budget savings to date.  We approved the Treasury Management Policy and received a presentation on interest rate hedging that has been the subject of inaccurate media reports.

The committee also approved the submission on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment consultation on extending the Government Procurement Rules to government entities in the New Zealand public sector.

On 24 November the CCO Oversight Committee approved the Statement of Intent for Auckland Unlimited 2020-2023. I raised the issue that the SOI doesn’t cover “Destination Management” which is of critical importance to Aotea Great Barrier and Waiheke Islands.  CE, Nick Hill agreed to look into it for the next version which is required in 7 months time.

On 26 November the Governing Body agreed to relax water restrictions from 14 December to allow use of an outdoor hose provided it is handheld and has a trigger nozzle.

Governing Body also agreed the scope for a review of the Auckland Council Code of Conduct and delegated authority to Waiheke Local Board to make decisions on and formally adopt the Waiheke Area Plan on the recommendations of the Waiheke Area Plan working party. I was pleased to be able to move this motion.

Other key meetings and events
  • On 3 November I met with Planning staff to discuss the Waiheke Area Plan. I also met with the Grey Lynn Business Association and viewed the new plants & pots on the corner of Williamson Ave and Great North Road.
  • On 4 November I attended the opening of the PwC Tower on Customs Street – New Zealand’s largest commercial building (photo right with the Mayor and Seumanu Simon Matāfai leader of the Auckland Gospel Choir who performed at the opening)
  • On 5 November I attended a blessing for the new changing rooms in Grey Lynn Park.
  • On 6 November I took part in the LGNZ Metro Sector Event via Zoom
  • On 8 November I attended the Italian Festival in Parnell and the launch of Brake’s Road Safety Week where Auckland Harbour Bridge was lit up in yellow to mark the occasion (photo right with Hon Julie Anne Genter and Cr Chris Darby).
  • On 9 November I took part in a site visit along with members of the Auckland Domain Committee followed by the Committee meeting held at the Wintergarden Café for the first time. In noting the financial update with many projects deferred due to budget constraints we requested staff investigate options to extend pathway connections and safety for walking and cycling in the Domain using interim low cost interventions such as painted pathways on the existing carriageway, consistent with the Master Plan
  • On 10 November I travelled to Waiheke for the launch of the electric bus fleet 
  • On 12 November I attended the Herne Bay Residents Association AGM
  • On 15 November I attended the Parnell Festival of Roses.
  • On 16 November I spoke at the Karakia whakawātea (dawn blessing) for Westhaven Promenade and Marine Village – a Panuku/Auckland Council project that has been almost 10 years in the making. I also met with Auckland Transport staff and received a briefing on the Unsealed Roads Improvement Programme (with specific reference to Aotea Great Barrier Island and Waiheke) and an update on the Connected Communities Programme
  • On 17 November I attended the Waitemata Local Board meeting and spoke in support of the Erebus Memorial decision. I was a guest at INEOS Team UK’s reception hosted by British High Commissioner Laura Clarke with Sir Ben Ainslie (photo right with INEOS team UK CEO Grant Simmer and the Mayor)
  • On 18 November I attended the launch of Auckland’s Pride Festival 2021 and a reception to celebrate the awards of the Order of the British Empire to Phil Wood and the British Empire Medal to Robin Shackell at the Northern Club.
  • On 19 November I attended the Sustainable Business Awards at the invite of the Environmental Services Team. Auckland Council’s Future Fit carbon footprint tool was nominated in the ‘Tech for Good’ and ‘Climate Change Innovator’ categories.
  • On 20 November I travelled to Aotea Great Barrier Island to meet with the Local Board; Auckland Transport staff; Destination Aotea staff; and to hold Councillor Clinics (photo above)
  • On 21 November I attended the Grey Lynn Park Festival (photo right at the Pest Free Auckland stand with local board member Alex Bonham)
  • On 23 November I attended the Governing Body / Independent Māori Statutory Board Joint Meeting and met with Waitematā Local Area Manager Trina Thompson; and discussed the Resource Recovery Network with Waste Solutions staff.
  • On 24 November I attended the Joint Governance Working Party and attended the Waiheke Local Board meeting via Skype.
  • On 26 November I facilitated a session with economist Shamubeel Eaqub on the political and economic outlook and key issues facing Auckland. This was held via Skype and attended by the mayor, several councillors and senior staff.
  • On 30 November I co-chaired the Hauraki Gulf Forum workshop and meeting held at Pūkorokoro Shorebird Centre (photo right). The Co-Chair’s report includes the briefing to the incoming government looking at how we wish to partner to restore Tikapa Moana Te Moananui a Toi, the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park.

Councillor report September 2020

General update

This is my Councillor report covering the period from 11 August to 4 September.  It has been prepared for the September business meetings of the Aotea Great Barrier, Waiheke and Waitematā Board Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events and meetings, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.


  • Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, Local Government New Zealand National Council
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group


  • Auckland moved into Alert Level 3 from 12 August until 30 August following evidence of community transmission. (Attachment 1 Our Auckland: Stay home and stay local, Councillor Pippa Coom urges)
  • The Governing Body voted unanimously to approve all 64 recommendations of the independent review of our Council Controlled Organisations including a merger between Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development and Regional Facilities Auckland.
  • As of 1 September, water levels in Auckland’s nine water collection dams is at 66 per cent. However, the water level in the Hūnua dams, which provide 80 per cent of Watercare’s water storage, is still far below normal. Water restrictions continue.

Covid-19 Response

Council staff responded quickly to Alert Level 3 restrictions from 12 August closing council facilities such as libraries and community centres.  Regular updates were provided to all elected representatives.

I supported the funding being put in place to secure Aotea Great Barrier Island’s essential supply and medical freight service.

Councillors Josephine Bartley, Fa’anana Efeso Collins and Alf Filipaina

The Pasifika community has been particularly hard hit by the impact of the coronavirus and the second round of lockdown restrictions. Councillors Josephine Bartley, Fa’anana Efeso Collins and Alf Filipaina  have been taking an especially strong role leading the community outreach, communications and providing support.

Meetings and workshops were up and running online with minimal downtime. Online continues to be the default meeting setting going into Alert Level 2 from 31 August.

Auckland Council community facilities reopened on Monday 31 August, with health and safety the top priority. Face coverings became mandatory on all public transport.

Example of a “parklet” in a parking space

I welcomed the support Council is providing to make better use of outdoor space for hospitality and retail through a new fast track application process but have followed up about extending this to businesses making use of adjacent car parking spaces rather than blocking access on footpaths.

Governing Body meetings – Key decisions

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only.

On 11 August the Finance and Performance Committee approved the Auckland Council Group Policy for Retention Money. The committee received an update on the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 and approved $5.2 million of additional capital expenditure, and associated shovel-ready funding, for the Resource Recovery network project.

On 13 August the Planning Committee approved its forward work programme and established delegations relating to COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) resource consent applications and notices of requirement.

The committee also established a delegation of Planning Committee members to approve the notification of a plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) to remove unnecessary restrictions on the installation of rainwater tanks in urban and rural parts of Auckland.

On 20 August the Parks, Arts, Communities and Events Committee approved 2020/21 funding allocations for the Regional Events Grant Programme; Regional Arts and Culture Grant Allocation; Regional Sports and Recreation Grants Programme; and Cultural Initiatives Fund.

The committee also approved the Māori Outcomes Performance Measurement Framework; progressed the Review of the Regional Parks Management Plan and approved a one-off $100,000 grant funding to the Hibiscus Coast Youth Centre as provided for in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021.

On 27 August Governing Body received a briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic and an Auckland Emergency Management status update from Group Controller Emergency Management, Ian Maxwell, Director Executive Programmes and Phil Wilson, Group Recovery Manager.

That the Governing Body agreed shareholder comments on Ports of Auckland Limited’s 2020-2023 statement of corporate intent. I worked with Councillors Henderson, Casey, Collins and Bartley to ensure that council sought an explanation of what is being done to improve health and safety, including evidence of staff engagement in improving health and safety, and the comments of stakeholders, including unions, on the work done to address any concerns.   Tragically only days later a worker was killed at the Port.

The Governing Body also unanimously approved all 64 recommendations of the independent review of our Council Controlled Organisations including a merger between Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development and Regional Facilities Auckland.

On 3 September the Planning Committee approved an affordable housing forward work programme (available in Attachment A of the agenda report), the formation of a political working group to provide advice to progress affordable housing in Auckland and requested through council’s briefing to incoming ministers, a call for the incoming Minister of Housing to promote:

i)         legislative change to facilitate inclusionary zoning for affordable housing

ii)        increase the building programme for social housing in Auckland

iii)       facilitate investment in build to rent construction

iv)      make changes in the Building Code and Building Act, as outlined in the Mayoral Taskforce on Housing, to lower the cost of building construction.

Plan changes relating to the Avondale Jockey Club, Howick Business Special Character Area and the Pukekoe Park Precinct were also approved.

Other key meetings and events

MC Lucy Lawless and Jenny Cooper of Lawyers for Climate Action NZ

Just before lockdown I was a guest panellist on how NZ’s climate change commitments and legal obligations coalesce with strong advocacy to create a potent context for transforming Auckland’s transport priorities, fast. The panel followed powerful presentations by Dr Paul Winton of the 1 point 5 project and Jenny Cooper QC of Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc.   The All Board! Climate action event was hosted by Bike Auckland, Greater Auckland and Generation Zero and MC’d by Lucy Lawless

A number of events were disrupted by the Alert Level 3 restrictions.  Meetings that continued online included:

  • Mayor and Chairs weekly meeting
  • All Councillors briefings
  • LGNZ Metro Sector meeting on 14 August and LGNZ AGM on 21 August
  • Conservation Week online event on 17 August: Hon. Eugenie Sage, Minister of Conservation was joined by conservation commentators to discuss the last few months and its impact on nature in our urban environment in Tāmaki Makaurau.
  • Auckland Domain Committee meeting on 17 August
  • Meeting on 20 August with Manager, Regulatory Compliance to discuss noise complaints in the city centre
  • Ministers Henare, Mahuta and Auckland Council elected representatives – COVID19 discussion on 25 August
  • Joint Governance Working Party Meeting on 25 August
  • Panuku catch up 28 August
  • Auckland City Centre Advisory Board Meeting 31 August
  • Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Board August business meetings to give my Councillor update
  • Workshops for Governing Body, Finance & Performance Committee (commencing the Long-Term Plan/10 year budget process), Environment & Climate Change Committee (focused on implementation of Auckland’s Climate plan) and Planning Committee
  • Inaugural demographic advisory panel meeting on 31 August (photo right)
  • Pōwhiri for new Chief Executive Jim Stabback on 1 September broadcast online
  • Meeting on 3 September with the Mayor, the CEO, representatives of MUNZ and Councillors Henderson and Casey to discuss the tragic fatality at the Port on 30 August.

Other matters

Hauraki Gulf Forum

The Hauraki Gulf Forum’s meeting on 25 August was held via Zoom. We heard seven public forum presentations and received stocktakes on riparian planting and marine dumping and approved the Annual Report.

A joint government team presented Sea Change Tai Timu Pari Marine Spatial Plan – Government Response Strategy.  Attachment 2 Ponsonby News Column September 2020 A brief reprieve for the Hauraki Gulf during lockdown


It is great to see a project I have worked on for many years as a local board member finally get delivered.

Almost a decade ago Walk Auckland’s Andy Smith brought to my attention the issue with NO EXIT signage on streets that actually provide a thoroughfare for walking (and often cycling too). These streets are all over Auckland but rarely have signage for those walking. The funding for the project was secured just before the end of my last term on the Waitematā Local Board.

When Auckland went into Alert Level 3 and my local walks increased, I spotted one of the new signs.


I attended Local Government New Zealand’s (LGNZ)’s online AGM on 21 August as one of four Auckland Council delegates.  Member councils passed 9 remits to direct LGNZ’s policy advocacy.

I spoke in support of a water bottling remit (with minor suggested amendments to points 2 and 4) proposed by Queenstown Lakes-District Council, calling for LGNZ to work with the Government to:

  • Place a moratorium on applications to take and/or use water for water bottling or bulk export.
  • Enable regional councils and unitary authorities to review inactive water bottling consents, with a view to withdrawal of the consent and discourage consent ‘banking’.
  • Undertake an holistic assessment of the potential effects of the current industry, its future growth and the legislative settings that enable councils to effectively manage those effects.
  • Initiate a comprehensive nationwide discussion on the issue of water bottling (within the wider basis of water use) and implement any changes to the legislation and policy settings as required.

Member councils also elected Stuart Crosby as LGNZ President, replacing Dave Cull who steps down from the role. Hamish McDouall, Mayor of Whanganui District Council was elected as vice-president.

Chair’s monthly report August 2019

This is my penultimate monthly report after almost 9 years on the Waitematā Local Board.

It covers the highlights for the period 9 July until 12 August 2019. It is on the agenda for the local board business meeting held on 20 August 2019.

Achievements report

Every financial year the Waitematā Local Board produces a summary of achievements from the year. Thanks to Shale Chambers initiating an Achievements Report in 2011 we are the only Local Board to have published a report each year.

The Achievements Report contains summaries of projects and initiatives completed over the past year with the help and support of a wider range of community members, stakeholders, iwi partners, staff and volunteers. The 2018/19 report has been printed and is now online.  

LGNZ conference report back

New Zealand’s Mayors and Chairs

I attended the annual Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) conference in Wellington 7-9 July as a LGNZ National Council member representing local boards and as one of four Auckland Council delegates to the AGM.

The 2019 conference theme “Riding the localism wave: Putting communities in charge” was focused on communities and empowering them to take charge of their social, economic, environmental and culture well-being through localism.

My conference report back at Attachment 1 to my report. 

High Street pedestrianisation

Supporting the Mayor’s announcement with Cr Chris Darby.

The Waitematā Local Board has been a long time champion for the pedestrianisation of Queen St. It is an advocacy position in the Local Board Plan 2017.  It has also been prioritised in the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board supported work programme funded by the targeted rate.

On July 26 Mayor Goff announced that High St is moving towards pedestrianisation with the start of “tactical urbanism” trials like pocket parks before construction gets underway.

As the Federal St contra flow cycle lane has shown (marked out with planter boxes and paint) we know that tactical urbansim works. With the massive growth in users of e-bikes and e-scooters and ever congested footpaths that must be prioritized for feet we just need to get on with more trials and temporary bike lanes to create a safe network for everyone.

Plastic Free July

Drinking station at Grey Lynn shops

Plastic Free July heralded in some lasting changes that are going to have an impact including the Local Board supported ban on single use plastic bags.

One of my favs is making use of refill stations. Auckland Council has joined the ‘refillution’ with selected libraries and all pools and leisure centres registering as official ‘RefillNZ Stations’. In Waitematā we’ve also been working on installing drinking fountains at playgrounds and in plazasso it is never necessary to buy plastic water bottles.

Transport updates

Parking on berms

As I reported last month, I spoke at the Local Government New Zealand AGM  in support of a remit seeking a change to the berm parking rules.

The kerbed area of the footpath sitting between the pavement and road that is often planted with grass and trees is known as the “berm”.  In the urban areas of Auckland it is a long standing custom that this area is not for parking vehicles except in emergencies.  It is a recognised as an extension of the paved footpath where kids walk to school in bare feet on hot days.  Parking on the berm can cause damage to underground utilities,  damage to trees and creates safety issues for pedestrians and drivers.

Unfortunately Auckland Transport has taken the position that berm parking is not an enforceable offence unless “no parking” signage is in place.  This is non-sensical when applied to the hundreds of kilometres of urban roads with berms that need to be kept clear for pedestrians.  Nor is it desirable or cost effective to install signage especially in areas where the berm is a long-accepted part of the footpath.

Until recently I have supported Auckland Transport’s recommendation that a rule change is required to remove the requirement for signage.  However more recently I have reviewed the relevant provisions myself. I’ve come to the view that all the necessary rules are already in place and it is just a matter of Auckland Transport taking a firm position that berm parking is not acceptable where the berm is clearly part of the footpath.  I am not proposing a sweeping berm parking “ban”. I would just like Auckland Transport to act on complaints, under the existing rules, where parking on the berm is happening to avoid on street parking charges, causing a safety issue or damaging public property.

 Return of a bus service to Williamson Ave

Thanks to a campaign led by Sophia Fiossetti and with the support of Waitematā Local Board, Auckland Transport has agreed to re-instate a bus service on Williamson Ave from 18 August 2019.

I’ve organised an event with Sophia to celebrate the first No.134 bus from Henderson to be re-routed from Great North Road.

Victoria Park underpass light installation

Victoria park underpass on a bike ride with NY’s Janette Sadik Khan Photo credit: Bike Auckland

Lighting is coming to the Victoria Park underpass. This is a project I’ve been working away at for some time so really delighted that we’ve finally secured the budget and the installation is underway. Once the Daldy St upgrade opens we’ll have a safe, smooth and attractive pathway from Ponsonby Road to Wynyard Quarter via Franklin Road.

Karangahape Road enhancement project 

Karangahape Road Enhancement project underway

Work on the Karangahape Road Enhancements project got underway on 29 July.  It coincided with the release of the annual cycling data showing that cycling numbers have grow. by 8.9 per cent in a year. 3.77 million cycle movements were recorded for the year of July 2018 to June 2019, an increase of 8.9 per cent on the previous 12 months.

The winter weather is also not stopping people riding.  Across 26 Auckland Transport cycle counters, 272,000 cycle movements were recorded in June 2019, an increase of 16.7 per cent when compared to June 2018.

School safety

In November 2018 I was invited by a Marist Primary mum on the school run to see just how tricky it was to walk, scoot and cycle to school because of the lack of a safe crossing. Thanks to her lobbying, support from the school and the Waitematā Local Board, Auckland Transport has installed a zebra crossing outside the school gate.

I was invited back again on the morning of 4 August to see what a difference the new crossing on Kelmarna Ave has made to ensuring a safe journey to school.

 Waiatarau Freemans Bay Park

This community-led project is transforming the newly named Waiatarau Freemans Bay park.

An enthusiastic group of locals showed up at a community planting day on 10 August organised by park designers Mark van Kaahoven and Tony Murrell and the Freemans Bay Residents Association.

Symonds St Cemetery

New paths in the Catholic section of the cemetery funded by the local board are almost complete including new steps to the Grafton Gully shared path.

Myers Park stage two – Mayoral Drive

 At our July business meeting the Waitematā Local Board endorsed the  preferred concept design for stage two of the Myers Park project – Mayoral Drive underpass, which maintains above ground storage of stormwater, to progress to the developed design phase.

The allocation of $1.85 million additional funding from the city centre targeted rate to the Myers Park stage two project was supported by the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board to enable this long standing project to move forward.   The local board has been working to improve the underpass and open up the connection to Myers Park since before the Rugby World Cup 2011 when it was on the Fan Trail route so it is great to see progress.

Waitematā Local Events Development Fund allocation 2019/2020

The Franklin Road Christmas Lights, the Farmers Santa Parade and Auckland International Buskers Festival will all receive support from the local board to carry out their events this year.  At the Local Board meeting in July we allocated a total of $73,813.09 for community events. Our Auckland reported on Community events get support from Waitemata Local Board Another recent article covered other Local Board priorities for 19/20 Parks, arts and community prioritised by the Waitemata Local Board. 

Meetings and workshops: 10 July until 13 August 2019

  • Recess week for the local board 8 – 12 July
  • Meeting with the new Director of the Auckland Art Gallery on 10 July
  • Transport portfolio catch up on 10 July
  • Auckland Transport quarterly briefing with local boards on 15 July
  • Weekly chairs catch up held on 15, 22, 29 July and 5 and 12 August
  • Meeting with mana whenua representatives regarding the draft Te Wai Ōrea Western Park Development Plan on 16 July
  • Auckland Transport stakeholder meeting on 16 July
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 16 July
  • Local Board members cluster workshop on 17 June
  • Regular catch up with the GM, Newmarket Business Association on 18 July
  • Introductory meeting with reporter Ripu Bhatia, Stuff Auckland Reporter on 19 July
  • Meeting on 22 July to hear about the Blind Foundation / Generus Living Group proposal – Parnell Road
  • Waitematā Local Board workshops on 23 and 30 July, 6 and 13 August
  • Wynyard Quarter Traffic Management Association board meeting on 24 July
  • Auckland City Centre Advisory Board workshop and meeting on 24 July
  • Presented to the Hearings Panel on the Proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Places Bylaw with Richard Northey on 26 July
  • Trafinz Exec meeting on 31 July
  • Meeting with Deborah James, Head of Diversity and Inclusion on 31 July to discuss speaking on behalf of Auckland Council at the International Women’s Caucus on 13 August
  • Heads up meeting with ATEED representatives to discuss the significant filming coming to Auckland
  • Catch up with Heart of the City CEO on 1 August
  • Meeting with Isthmus group and the Chair of the Domain Committee regarding the Design Concept for Court of Honour, Auckland Domain
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport’s Exec GM Risk and Assurance on 5 August to discuss AT’s berm parking position
  • Meeting with RFA’s Head of Strategy to discuss the Aotea Square masterplan process
  • City Rail Link Community Liaison Meeting on 5 August
  • Meeting with 254 Ponsonby Park group and the project team on next steps for delivering the project on 7 August
  • Ponsonby Business Association committee monthly meeting on 8 August
  • Monthly catch up with city centre residents group representative on 8 August
  • Chairs Forum on 12 August
  • Local Board cluster “wha” catch up on 12 August

Events and functions:  10 July until 13 August 2019

  • Spoke at the Low Carbon Network meeting at Sustainable Coastlines on 10 July
  • Campaign for Better Transport AGM on 16 July
  • Auckland Conversations: The Future of Auckland: Is density a dirty word? on 17 July
  • Auckland International Film Festival opening night at the Civic on 18 July at the invitation of ATEED
  • Interview on bFM on 19 July with local board member Adriana Christie
  • Pollinator Path working bee on 20 July organised by Andrea Reid . Photo right of the group of awesome volunteers who had fun tidying up and adding a few more plants at Hakanoa Reserve, the first pathway of the Pollinator Paths (I popped by in support)
  • Nga Puke on 24 July at the Herald Theatre at the invitation of Auckland Live and WAITĪ Productions
  • Presentation to Parnell Rotary on 24 July Parnell Rotary on the new Parnell Plan and city transformations including a proposed boulevard for The Strand. It was a great opportunity to share the positive changes happening in central Auckland and lovely to see former Waitematā Youth Collective member Nurain Ayesha Janah there.
  • Destination AKL – One Year On presentation organised by ATEED at Ellerslie Racecourse on 25 July
  • Turama Festival in Albert Park on 28 July
  • AKL Street Talks event on 30 July at the Central Library about that most contested of spaces – the humble footpath with a panel of perspectives.
  • Urbanerds AUCKLAND meet up on 31 July
  • Bike Auckland’s Bike Breakfast supported by the K’Rd Business Association on 1 August
  • GLBA networking function on 1 August at the Surrey Hotel
  • Celebration for Kaumatua Matt Maihi on 2 August at Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Marae.  It was very special to join the celebrations for Kaumatua Matt Maihi. He has dedicated years of service to his marae, iwi and community. Matt has been a big part of numerous Council significant events.
  • New Zealand’s “Fittest Cities” launch by AIA Vitality on 5 August
  • Art unveiling in the Historic South British Building lobby on 5 August
  • Dawn karakia for the 8th anniversary of the opening of Wynyard Quarter on 10 August (photo right of the “originals” who were there on opening day 2011)
  • Waiatarau Freemans Bay community planting on 10 August
  • Joined the official party for the final Citizenship ceremony of this term at the Town Hall on 12 August
  • Spoke at Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa Marae at the first International Women’s Caucus meeting to be held in Auckland on Auckland Council’s commitment to the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). In the photo with host Denise Ewe, President Pacific Women’s Watch and Head of Diversity & Inclusion Deborah James who put together my presentation (Attachment 4)
  • Attended the Auckland Foundation’s first lunchtime seminar at the Northern Club with speakers John Hynds and Sir Stephen Tindall on 13 August
  • Te Tuhi artists collective open evening at Parnell Station
  • Opening night of PINAY at Basement Theatre (the the Waitematā Local Board allocated a quick response grant to the production)




Chair’s monthly report August 2018

This report covers the period 15 July until 14 August 2018.


Western Springs Development Plan consultation
A draft park development plan for Western Springs Te Wai Ōrea Lakeside Park has been released for public feedback.
The vision outlined in the draft plan for the park includes improved water quality in the lake and streams, connecting the surrounding areas via paths, and improvements to event infrastructure. The focus of the plan is on improving the existing state of a well-loved park without making major changes.
Consultation is open until 27 August.

Salisbury Reserve consultation

Land purchased to create an entrance way to Salisbury Reserve

12 Argyle Street, Herne Bay was purchased by the former Auckland City Council to improve the entrance to Salisbury Reserve. There are two draft options out for consultation. In both options the pathways into the reserve are improved with additional lawn and trees. The main difference between the options is whether or not to provide car parking on the reserve. We want to ensure the community can consider the best use of valuable green space. The old Masonic Hall on the site will be removed with as much of the building material recycled as possible. For a number of reasons (outlined in a post here) it wasn’t possible to retain the hall, but we have committed to improving the clubrooms that are in the reserve and making them more user friendly (the clubrooms are leased to the Herne Bay Petanque Club, but available to hire). There is $25,000 in the budget for the coming financial year to refurbish the bathrooms on top of other renewal work that has recently taken place.
Consultation on the two options has been extended until 30 August.

Teed Street upgrade celebration

On 18 July we celebrated the Teed Street upgrade with the Newmarket Business Association and local retailers. It was an opportunity to acknowledge everyone who had worked on the project and to bless the new art work commissioned for the upgrade by Ray Haydon. Our Auckland story and more photos here.

New art work in the City Centre

Light Weight O by artist Catherine Griffiths which is hanging between 1925 heritage buildings the Royal Exchange and Administrator House was opened on 1 August. Member Richard Northey gave a speech on behalf of the Local Board.
The work was commissioned as part of the O’Connell St laneway upgrade and was funded through the regional public art budget and city centre targeted rate.

LGNZ conference in Christchurch 15 – 17 July

I attended the annual LGNZ Conference in Christchurch 15 – 17 July as a National Councilmember and local board representative. For the conference I facilitated one of the workshops on Climate Change. I was also one of Auckland Council’s four delegates to the AGM held on 15 July. My conference report back will be tabled at the business meeting on 21 August.

Agrichemical-free parks

A number of parks within the Waitematā Local Board area are going agri-chemical free. The first parks to benefit will be Albert, Western and Myers, with the non-sports sections of Victoria Park also included.

More than $70,000 has been allocated to the initiative, which comes in response to public feedback during the Local Board Plan and Local Board Long-term Plan consultation processes. Our Auckland story with more details here

Waitematā funded or supported projects underway or completed

Parking updates
Thanks to the efforts of the Parnell Business Association and Parnell Community Committee Auckland Transport has agreed to fast track the implementation of the proposed changes. There are still a number of issues to resolve regarding how the current scheme is working for local residents.
In Grey Lynn Auckland Transport is planning on installing signage for the Residential parking zone by December with go live in February or March. However, concerns have been raised with me regarding AT’s proposal to introduce a time restricted parking zone that was not previously been consulted on.

On College Hill following consultation Auckland Transport will now proceed using a graduated rate structure which will charge $1/hour for the first 2 hours and $2/hour for subsequent hours. The rate structure will align with recent changes to on-street parking along Ponsonby Road and while it will have minimal impact on short-term parking utilised by customers and visitors, Auckland Transport expects that it will encourage parking availability.
Further details are on the Auckland Transport website.

New network bus changes
On 8 July Auckland Transport launched a new bus network for Auckland’s central suburbs. Most services have changed, including bus routes, route numbers, timetables and some bus stops. In the Waitematā area the changes appear to be working smoothly with a few exceptions. I have received complaints regarding the removal of services from Williamson Ave (this is also subject to a local petition), removal of a service to Herne Bay from downtown and the fact the Westmere service stops just short of the shops. Auckland Transport has advised that there will be review of the New network operations after 6 months.

Meetings and workshops: 15 July until 14 August 2018

  • LGNZ National Council meeting on 15 July
  • LGNZ AGM on 15 July
  • LGNZ Conference in Christchurch 15 – 17 July
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 17 July
  • Catch up meeting with Local Board services team on 18 July
  • City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 18 July (as alternate to Deputy Chair Shale Chambers)
  • Board all day workshops on 24 and 31 July and 7 and 14 August
  • Chair’s weekly meeting with the local board services team on 23 and 30 July and 13 August (in our workshop on 23 July we received an update on accountability reports submitted from groups who had received community grants – Attachment 5)
  • Meeting to discuss achievements report on 23 July
  • Comms meetings on 23 July and 2 August
  • Transport portfolio catch up on 24 July
  • Wynyard Quarter Transport Management Association meeting on 24 July
  • Joint Governing Body / Local Board Chairs Meeting on 24 July
  • Meeting with members of the Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Auckland to discuss K-Pop Dance workshops during Mental Health Awareness week
  • Relationship manager monthly meeting on 26 July
  • Newmarket Business Association board meeting on 26 July (as alternate for member Rob Thomas)
  • Housing NZ bi-monthly meeting on 26 July
  • Meeting with representatives from Summerset Parnell development on 27 July
  • Meeting with participants of the Smart Seeds challenge
  • Parnell Plan working group meeting on 30 July
  • NZTA scene setting briefing for Councillors and Local Board chairs re Auckland’s light rail projects on 1 August
  • Meeting with representatives of the National Butterfly Centre project on 2 August
  • Local Board Resource Consent and Planning workshop on 6 August covering the resource consent and planning lead role covering:
     the Auckland Unitary Plan
     developing effective local board feedback for notified resource consents, plan changes and notices of requirement
     presenting feedback at a hearing
  • Auckland Cricket and Grafton Cricket Club introductory meeting on 7 August to discuss their strategic plans and upcoming events
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss options for traffic management improvements at Newton School
  • Parnell Business Association annual presentation to the local board on 9 August
  • Community Liaison Group meeting on 9 August for the Pt Chev/Meola Road cycleway project held at Pt Chev School.
  • Drop in session for the Facility Partnerships Policy Project consultation held at Ellen Melville Centre on 10 August
  • Local Board Chairs’ Forum on 13 August

Events and functions: 15 July until 14 August 2018

  • Teed Street upgrade celebration on 18 July
  • How We Win Change: A Bike Auckland presentation with Paul Steely White at Mason Bros building on 19 July
    How to be a Voice for Change: Towards Safer Streets for Auckland workshop with Paul Steely White hosted by Bike Auckland at Ellen Melville Centre on 21 July
  • InMotion Matariki all-wheels illuminated parade 2018 Hosted by Touch Compass Dance Trust on 21 July
  • Officiated at the Town Hall citizenship ceremony on 23 July
  • Attended the Campaign for Better Transport AGM with a presentation by AT CEO Shane Ellison
  • Attended the 2Walk and Cycle conference dinner on 31 July in Palmerston North for the Bike to the Future Awards at the invitation of NZTA (I was one of the judges for the awards)
  • Morning tea with Grey Lynn library staff on 2 August (photo bottom)
  • Auckland Conversations – Healthy Streets for Auckland presentation by Lucy Saunders and panel discussion at the Viaduct Events Centre on 2 August (photo right)
  • AT Cycling & Walking, Women in Urbanism and Boffa Miskell hosted presentation by Lucy Saunders at Boffa Miskell on 3 August
  • Opening night of HIR on 3 August at Herald Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre
  • Wynyard Quarter 7th birthday celebration on 4 August
  • Opening on 7 August of Moana, a large- scale mural painting by Ahota’e’iloa Toetu’u at the South British Insurance Company Limited Building (photo right of the artist and Paul Baragwanath who commissioned the art work)
  • Street Talks: Urban Japan: Lost in Translation? presentation hosted by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, ARUP and the Auckland Design Office at Auckland Central Library on 8 August
  • Presented on Local Board funding and advocacy to the Bike Auckland “Bike Burbs” hui held at Ellen Melville Centre on 11 August
  • Afternoon tea at the Grey Lynn Community Centre to celebrate the completion of the Re-purpose trial project by Grey Lynn 2030 and Earth Action Trust
  • Newmarket Business Association “State of the Nation” in Newmarket update at Event Cinema Broadway on 14 August followed by the movie “The Book Club” with ice cream and popcorn at the invitation of NBA.

Chair’s monthly report June 2018

This month I have prepared a brief update to be reported at the June meeting when Deputy Chair Shale Chambers will be acting. I am out of New Zealand 2 June – 15 July (including attendance at the Velo-city conference in Rio de Janiero)


10 year budget

All Local Boards had an opportunity to present to the Finance & Performance Committee on their 10-year budget priorities.

I presented on behalf of Waitematā Local Board together with Deputy Chair Shale Chambers and member Adriana Christie (photo right).

The Board’s presentation is attached (Attachment 1).  We focused on seeking Governing Body support for the Board’s priority unfunded project – the development of 254 Ponsonby Road.

Local Government New Zealand

I have recently been appointed to the National Council of LGNZ representing Local Boards.  This position has been created in anticipation of a constitutional review of LGNZ’s rules to look at the representation of local boards and other sector groups.

My first official engagement in this role was to attend the 24th Central and Local Government Forum held at Premier House on 10 May (photo below).  Local government representatives were impressed with constructive level of engagement from the 14 Ministers who attended the forum.

The forum resulted in many positive discussions focused on the key areas of Water, Climate Change, Regional Development and Housing.

I also attended my first National Council meeting on 17 May and the Governance and Strategy Advisory Group meeting on 28 May.


Tamaki Drive Cycleway

Local Board perseverance and advocacy pays off!  Auckland Transport has been working on the design of the Tamaki Drive cycleway between the Strand and Ngapipi intersection.  The board is very supportive of this project that will connect to the bi-directional Quay St cycleway however we have repeatedly raised concerns about Auckland Transport’s original proposal to maintain a small section of shared path between the Strand intersection and Solent St. We considered this to be an unacceptable safety risk for the increasing numbers walking and cycling this route.

We requested a continuous cycleway experience for the entire route (separating people on bikes with walkers) and the removal of the Solent St slip lanes to provide one controlled crossing rather than three. After the board rejected a number of design options Auckland Transport has finally agreed to progress a best practice design that delivers a high quality, safe and attractive cycling facility.  Construction is proposed to start in December 2018.

Road Safety

 As previously reported, Auckland is facing a road safety crisis with devastating consequences.  Auckland Transport board recently released a report called Auckland Transport: Road Safety Business Improvement Review, that concludes. “Road safety performance in Auckland in recent years … reflects a number of deficiencies of public policy at central government and local level. Most of all it reflects an absence of commitment to improving safety on New Zealand and Auckland’s roads.”

The Local Board has consistently advocated for Auckland Transport, NZTA and NZ Police to prioritise safety.

In some good news, Auckland Transport is proposing to install pedestrian crossings on Hobson St and College Hill (consultation ended on 14 June).

Regional Land Transport Plan

I prepared the Board’s submission to the draft Regional Land Transport Plan consulted on between 1 -14 May.

In summary the Waitematā Local Board supports the overall direction of the RLTP. It shows strong alignment between central government and Auckland Council and a real commitment to deliver a transport programme that responds to Auckland’s challenges.  It is reassuring that much of the draft RLTP reflects the transport objectives and initiatives set out in the Waitematā Local Board Plan.

We support the strategic approach towards creating an accessible, connected, safe and sustainable transport network. The RLTP aligns with the Local Board outcome: An accessible, connected and safe transport network with well-designed streets (Waitematā Local Board Plan 2017).

The Local Board supports the Regional Fuel Tax (RFT).  Seventy-two percent of Waitematā submitters to the 10-year Budget support the RFT and want investment to be focused on public transport and active transport.  We particularly support the focus in the RLTP on:

  • Safety, with a Vision Zero approach
  • Environment
  • Rapid transit
  • Accessibility
  • Placemaking
  • City centre
  • Active modes and pedestrian prioritisation

In addition to the projects identified below for inclusion in the transport programme, we request as a priority additional funding be identified to deliver the 10-year Programme Business case for cycling recently adopted by Auckland Transport.

The full submission is included as a report to the board’s June business meeting agenda.

During the consultation period I attended the Have your say session at the Grey Lynn Library Hall on 12 May with members Richard Northey and Denise Roche.

Further transport matters are reported on as part of Auckland Transport monthly report.

Parnell Plan

 Last month the board signed off on the draft Parnell Plan consultation document. “Towards a 30-year plan for Auckland’s First Suburb”  is now out for consultation until 29 June.

Details at

Our upcoming engagement sessions include:

  • 10am- 2pm, 6 and 16 June: Drop-in session at the Parnell Library
  • 9am-12pm, 9 and 23 June: Parnell Farmers Market
  • 5pm-9pm, 21 June: Winter Solstice event at 69 St Georges Bay Road

Auckland Domain Committee

The Committee met on 30 May (I am deputy chair of the committee). We approved a new natural play space and the Kari Street Commons informal recreational space.     The committee is grappling with the issue of commuter parking in the Domain that is diminishing the experience of Domain visitors and creating safety issues for pedestrians.  A report on a proposed way forward to improve access is coming to the next Domain committee meeting in August.

Community grants

At the Board’s May meeting we granted $125,000 in accommodation grants and more than $49,000 in community grants.

The board’s next Quick Response grants round opens on 5 June and closes 6 July. Details are on the Council website.


Waitematā is a year-round busy place for an impressive range of events. Recently I have enjoyed attending:

  • Ockham Book Awards
  • 2018 Writers Festival opening – Gala night
  • Mt Albert Town Centre upgrade opening (in Albert-Eden)
  • GridAKL Tech & Innovation – Building a better world. The Funding Network Tech week event
  • Opening of the Art Fair at the Cloud
  • Opening of the Doc Edge Film Festival at Q Theatre
  • Bike Bike Debate at MOTAT on 31 May

On 25 May I attended the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei commemoration event to l mark the 40th anniversary of the stand at Bastion Point.  After 506 days of occupation, protesters faced off with members of the police, armed forces and the government over plans to build luxury housing on Ngāti Whātua ancestral land at Takaparawhau – Bastion Point, resulting in 222 arrests. The stand at Bastion Point led to the first successful retrospective claim hearing at the Waitangi Tribunal.

The Prime Minster held a morning tea event on 31 May for members of the Mt Albert electorate community.

Mt Albert Electorate community morning tea with the PM Jacinda Ardern

Chair’s monthly report August 2017

Report covering the period 10 July until 6 August 2017.


  • Fukuoka Garden opens:  It has now been over three and half years since the loss of the original garden in the zoo so it was a great pleasure to attend the opening on 17 July and to celebrate the hard work of the many people involved with re-establishing the Fukuoka Friendship Garden including the original garden designer Professor Kubota.   A large delegation led by Mayor Takashima attended from Fukuoka to strengthen the sister city ties. (Attachment A Beautifully crafted Japanese garden blooms again Ponsonby News column)
  • Gave the Opening Address at the Economic Development Masterclass Local Economic Development Masterclass; Supporting economic resilience and was part of a panel discussion with Neil McInroy – Centre for Local Economic Strategies, Gael Surgenor – GM The Southern Initiative,  Riria Te Kanawa – KPMG – Author of Māui Rau: from signal to action. A report on the Māori economy. (Attachment B)
  • Two solar-powered device-charging tables installed at Aotea Square and Victoria Park.  An idea that came from the Board’s Low Carbon Action Plan (Photo right with Board Member Thomas at the charging table in Aotea Square)
  • Attended the LGNZ Annual conference as the Board’s delegate 23- 25 July and Local Board representative with the Auckland Council delegation to the LGNZ AGM on 25 July (Conference report back Attachment C).
  • Presented the prizes for an Auckland Transport road safety poster competition at Richmond Road School.  Congratulations to runners up  Jenna Ivanov-Fesien, Mahina Mareroa  Morgan Laird
  • and winner Lily Smith. The winning poster is going to be super sized and used for traffic management for the Ponsonby Road Pedestrian improvement project works.
  • The renewal and upgrade of the upper Pt Resolution/Taurarua stairs and the concrete path from the top of the stairs to the park entrance are complete as well as the section of path between the stairs.  This completes three stages of the renewals/upgrades that form the Pt Resolution/Taurarua Development Plan. The next stage will be the renewal/upgrade of the fencing around the top of the park. This is being scoped and a proposal will be presented to the local board in November 2017 for consideration and feedback.
  • After a lengthy delay weed control has taken place in the Rose Road Gully (Grey Lynn Park) with funding provided by the Board.  Further weed control works are to be completed with an ongoing maintenance and restoration programme involving community volunteers.

Meetings and workshops: 10 July until 4 August

  • Weekly Chair’s meeting every Monday morning
  • Monthly Local Board Chairs’ Forum on 10 July
  • Business meeting run through
  • Waitematā Local Board workshops on 11, 18 July and 1 August
  • Local Economic Development Masterclass; Supporting economic resilience on 12 July (Attachment B)
  • Parks Portfolio discussion – including parks related Community Facilities matters on 12 July
  • PBA Board meeting on 13 July
  • Meeting with Jenny Hutchings, Mapura Studios on 13 July
  • Meeting on 14 July with John Elliott, Ponsonby News to discuss glysophate spraying issues in Waitematā.
  • Briefing on the Dilworth Terrace Housings viewshaft 14 July
  • Attended the Grafton Residential Parking Zone Public open day held by Auckland Transport on 15 July
  • Local Boards sub-regional workshop on 17 July
  • Engagement Walk-Through on Homelessness (Attachment D)
  • Attended the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel meeting on 17 July and gave a short presentation to introduce the Board.
  • Meeting with Mayor Goff on 18 July to consider council’s position on remits submitted to the LGNZ AGM
  • Parnell Station visit with Simon Wilson for an article in the Spinoff (Attachment E)
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 18 July
  • Meet the Epsom candidates meeting hosting by Parnell Business Association on 18 July at Jubilee Buildings
  • Meeting to discuss Waitemata Good Citizens Awards 2017 on 19 July
  • Monthly comms meeting on 19 July
  • Meeting with Kathryn King, Walking and Cycling Manager to discuss the prioritisation process for cycling projects including the old Parnell Tunnel Greenway
  • Catch up with General Manager, K’rd Business Association
  • Meeting with the CEO of Sport Auckland
  • Annual BID presentation by Ponsonby Business Association on 20 July
  • Interview with BID programme team member on 21 July for an article to be published on Auckland Council’s BID website (Attachment F)
  • Attended the LGNZ Annual conference as the Board’s delegate 23- 25 July (Conference report back Attachment C)
  • Auckland Council delegate to the LGNZ AGM on 25 July
  • Planning Committee briefing on Commercial Bay
  • Attended the Heritage Advisory Panel meeting on 25 July to hear a presentation on the restoration of Parnell Station
  • Friends of Symonds St AGM on 25 July
  • Handover meeting with Kathryn Martin, Acting Relationship Manager before her return to Rodney Local Board and farewell on 26 July
  • Meeting on with Business Lab to finalise the City Fringe Economic Development Action plan refresh
  • Meeting on 26 July with Victoria Carter and Ben Carter, City Hop car share
  • Meeting on 27 July with officers to discuss meeting planned with Richmond Rovers Rugby League Club
  • Inner City Network Meeting on 27 July held at Studio One with a presentation on Civil Defence & Emergency Management
  • Site visit to Didas Café to discuss flooding issues
  • Catch up with James Wilson, Q Theatre CEO and Catherine George, at Q Theatre on 28 July
  • Interview with Julie Fairey for Red Alert radio on Planet FM
  • Auckland Paths Leadership Group meeting on 31 July
  • Meeting to discuss Achievements Report on 1 August
  • Transport portfolio catch up on 2 August
  • Joint Local Board Chairs and Governing body members meeting with Mayor Goff
  • Meeting with 254 Ponsonby Road community- led engagement group on 4 August

Events and functions:  10 July until 6 August

  • The Road That Wasn’t There at Herald Theatre on 11 July
  • My Best Dead Friend at Q Theatre on 12 July
  • Viewing of a new work in development called ‘The Secret Thief’ from the Lights Out Project funded by CNZ at the invitation of TAPAC on 15 July
  • Opening of Fukuoka Gardens at Western Springs on 17 July (Attachment A)
  • Opening of the New Zealand International Film Festival at Civic Theatre on 20 July
  • Event with the PM Rt Hon Bill English to hear the PM’s views on Auckland’s future hosted by Heart of the City at Warren & Mahoney on 27 July
  • Fundraising Art Exhibition hosted by the Ponsonby Cruising Club on 28 July
  • Commentator with Alan Johnson at the NZ Fabian Society’s Election series:  For the Love of Auckland; Housing, Transport, Doing better for the City discussion with Phil Tyford and Julie Anne Genter. Held at the University of Auckland, Business School on 31 July
  • Greens Auckland Launch on 1 August
  • Film Festival Screening of Citizen Jane: Battle for the City at ASB Waterfront Theatre
  • Smarts Seeds showcase on 2 August at Aotea Centre at the invitation of Amy Malcolm, University of Auckland
  • Presentation of prizes for Auckland Transport’s road safety poster competition at Richmond Road Primary School assembly on 4 August
  • Interview with David Batten to discuss Reimagining Great North Road community –led plan
  • Launch by Cr Penny Hulse of the Rubbish and Recycling Guide “Feeling Rubbish” for the blind at the Blind Foundation on 5 August
  • Sweet Harmony concert on 5 August starring the Auckland Street Choir in support of Lifewise and the Auckland City Mission
  • Labour’s Transport policy announcement at Wynyard Quarter on 6 August

Gift Declarations

  • Tickets x 2 The Road That Wasn’t There at Herald Theatre and My Dead Best Friend at Q Theatre at the invitation of Zanetti Productions
  • Opening of the New Zealand International Film Festival

Monthly board report March 2016

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 1 February – 29 February 2016 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

Portfolio Updates

Community Empowerment

Cr Cathy Casey at Community Empowerment unit open day
Cr Cathy Casey at Community Empowerment unit open day

Since October 2015 Auckland Council has been in the process of implementing an empowered communities approach to community development. The new operating model involves a shift from Council delivering community development activities, to using community-led development processes.  The new approach requires Council’s operational practices to allow more people to participate and for budgets to be devolved to communities as much as possible.

The Board has been supportive of the change in approach and we welcomed our new Strategic Broker Shamila Unka at the end of last year. Shamila will be based part time at the Board’s new offices at 52 Swanson Street.

We have however been concerned to ensure a smooth transition and that none of the local board’s priorities are over looked in the new structure.

The leadership team of the new Community Empowerment Unit led by Christine Olsen met with the central area community development portfolio holders in early February and the whole Unit held a very informative Open Day for all elected representatives on 29 February 

Community development work programme

  • Priorities of the community development portfolio for 2016 include:
  • Review and refresh of the Board’s accessibility plan
  • Support for Council’s Homeless Action Plan
  • Continuing the upkeep of Waitemata’s community facilities
  • Transitioning community centres to 3 yearly agreements
  • Supporting the work of the Waitematā Youth Collective and development of a city centre youth hub
  • Provision of temporary meeting spaces in the city centre during the Ellen Meville Hall upgrade period
  • Child Friendly City Accreditation
  • Supporting community empowerment projects such as the community- led design process for 254 Ponsonby Road

Community consultation – Annual budget 2016/17

Annual budget 16The Council’s annual consultation on the budget for the following year got underway in mid-February.  As part of the process the Board also seeks feedback on our local priorities and new proposals.

Waitematā Local Board key priorities outlined in the consultation material: Based on our 10-year budget, in 2016/2017 we plan to invest $11 million to renew and develop assets in your local board area and $23 million to maintain and operate these assets and provide other local initiatives. This includes:

  • renewing existing assets ($2.4 million)
  • completing stage two of Myers Park including the improved entranceway at Mayoral Drive and installation of a splash pad ($3.3 million)
  • completing the Weona-Westmere coastal walkway ($360,000)
  • re-developing Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall ($3.4 million)
  • commencing delivery of a streetscape improvement project from the agreed Newmarket Laneways Plan ($1.4 million)
  • delivering the new Fukuoka gardens in Western Springs park ($40,000)

It is proposed the following additional local priorities for 2016/2017 are funded through local discretionary budgets:

  • improve the pathways through Western Park and upgrade the Pt Resolution steps to concrete
  • install a new pathway through Symonds Street Cemetery to connect Karangahape Road to Grafton Gully cycleway
  • increase spend on low carbon initiatives to help Waitematā lower carbon use and become more energy-resilient including the installation of photovoltaics at Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • increase the budget for the annual Myers Park festival to provide an even better local event
  • investigate the feasibility of establishing a youth hub in the city centre
  • install a solar heating solution at Parnell Baths
  • continue to put children and young people first and achieve UNICEF Child Friendly City accreditation
  • support community-led development and place making such as the open space design for 254 Ponsonby Road and the development of a bicycle pump track at Grey Lynn Park

The Board is also considering allocating budget to change the service levels to increase maintenance of headstones and removal of graffiti at the historic Symonds Street Cemetery.

I’ve raised concerns with the regional consultation team about the poor level of communication to promote local board consultation events and the inaccessibility of the material online.

Fortunately we have a fantastic local board team who have been doing a great job on our behalf working alongside local community groups to arrange consultation events and opportunities to give feedback.

Due to a range of issues with promoting the Annual Budget 2016/17 consultation material the feedback period has been extended to 24 March.  Link to the online feedback form 


At our first transport portfolio meeting of the year we discussed a long list of updates with Auckland Transport representatives including:

  • Ponsonby Road pedestrian experience project:  The proposals for improving Ponsonby Road for people walking were consulted on from from 16 November to 7 December 2015. In total, 129 feedback responses were received with a large majority expressing strong support for the project overall.  The results and recommendations for next steps will be reported back on our April agenda.
  • Cycleway progress and implementation with Kathryn King, Manager of Walking & Cycling: AT plans to seek feedback in March from Western Bays residents on preferences for making the area more attractive for cycling. We raised the issue of the many outstanding small fixes to the existing cycle way network that we are concerned are getting forgotten with the focus on an extensive capital work programme. It was good to hear that many are underway such as contra- flows for cycling on one way streets including Crummer Road (first included in our Local Board Agreement 2011/12)
  • Quay St cyclewayQuay Street update: The design for a two-way separated cycleway on Quay Street leading from Lower Hobson Street, past Princess Wharf to Plumer Street has been confirmed. Completion is expected in April 2016
  • CRL update: Options are being considered for closing the rail crossing on Porters Ave just off New North Road on the boundary of the Waitemata Local Board area. This has an impact on the residents and businesses of Albert – Eden.
  • Nelson Street parking: Auckland Transport consulted the transport portfolio before removing the parking on Nelson St between Wellesley and Victoria Streets alongside
    Parking on Nelson Street
    Parking removed from Nelson St

    the cycleway (photo right). We didn’t object to the removal as occupancy was low and the poor layout was causing a lot of confusion for drivers. However we did ask AT to actively work with the NZ Police to enforce the speed limit on Nelson St (the parked cars had the benefit of slowing down the traffic).

  • Private Planting in Road Corridor: AT’s long awaited berm planting guidelines are expected to come back to Local Boards for comment shortly
  • Parking Fund Reserve: Approximately $100k is available to fund car parking. The transport portfolio has asked that a proposal to leverage this fund to develop sites that are in Council ownership while retaining off street car parking be investigated (for example the car park on Pompellier Tce)
  • Local Board Transport Capital Fund has $216k available that needs to be allocated by October. The Board is exploring a number of options with Auckland Transport

The Auckland Transport monthly report on our agenda provides updates in more detail.

Street Trees

Williamson Ave Rose RoadThe gutting of tree protection regulations by the government has highlighted the importance of street trees for providing the many benefits the city receives from a rich green canopy. Unfortunately Auckland Transport has generally been taking a “business as usual” approach to footpath upgrades and renewals so that opportunities to plant trees have been overlooked.

Part of the problem appears to be an institutional resistance to including trees because of the additional operational costs.

Five recent projects have exposed the need for Auckland Transport and Auckland Council to urgently agree on the policy and procedure for the planting of street trees:

  • Graham Street footpath renewal
    Graham Street footpath renewal

    Rose Road road works as a result of the new Countdown supermarket on Williamson Ave – footpath extended without tree pits (photo top)

  • Graham St footpath renewal – footpaths reinstated without tree pits (photo below)
  • Scotland Street upgrade – plans for greening the footpath build-out are still in discussion
  • Parnell Rise/ Parnell Road upgrade – plans for greening the footpath build-out are still in discussion. A tree pit was not originally included in the design because of underground utilities
  • The Dylan apartment development on the corner of Great North Road and Harcourt St- footpaths reinstated without tree pits

One piece of good news is that following our advocacy and a series of complaints Auckland Transport and the Council’s arborist were able to agree on the inclusion of 4 new tree pits on the footpath between Rose Road and Williamson Ave (issues regarding the development contribution for undertaking the remedial work and how a giant area of concrete was installed without trees in the first place are still to be resolved).

City Centre Master plan review – first steps towards Vision Zero Auckland

The City Centre Master Plan (CCMP) was published in 2012 with nine outcomes and 36 targets. The Waitematā Local Board contributed to a review of the plan leading to new outcomes and targets being signed off by the Auckland Development Committee on 11 February 2016.

I am really pleased that following a request from the Board Outcome 7 has had the words ‘moving towards zero pedestrian deaths or serious injuries as a result of vehicle collisions’ added. This is a significant contribution to road safety and is the first time the principle of “Vision Zero” has been adopted under Auckland Council.

LGNZ meeting

I attended the Zone 1 meeting in Whangarei on 26 February for Local Government NZ delegates in the Auckland and Northland area.

We received presentations from Malcolm Alexander, CEO of LGNZ and Ernst Zollner, Regional Director of NZTA.

An issue I brought up at the zone meeting was my disappointment and incredulity (shared by many elected representatives) that LGNZ has announced a conference programme with zero female presenters. It is also surprising that a conference on the theme of “place making” appears to offer so little for Local Board members.  It highlights to me that LGNZ is still struggling to respond to Auckland’s governance arrangements that established local boards representing more people than Dunedin.

Workshops and meetings

From 1 February – 29 February 2016 I attended:

  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 2 February
  • Meeting to discuss the Board’s participation in Neighbours Day
  • Auckland Transport meeting with representatives of Franklin Road residents to discuss the planning and timetable for the upgrade that is about to get underway
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 9 February in Grey Lynn
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 10 February
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 11 February
  • Draft domain master plan open day on 13 February (see Attachment A)
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on  16 February
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 17  February
  • Community portfolio meeting on 18 February
  • Community Empowerment Unit and Local Board Central Cluster Portfolio Holder meeting on 18 February to meet the new leadership team of the Unit
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 23 February
  • Annual Budget 2016/17 consultation meetings:
  • Western Bays Community Group AGM and presentation
  • Grey Lynn Residents Association meeting
  • Parnell Community Committee meeting
  • Inner City Network meeting
  • Meeting to discuss the development of the Uptown Business Association brand on 24 February
  • Attended the Governing Body extraordinary meeting to discuss the “out of scope” Unitary Plan zoning proposals
  • Richmond Rovers Community meeting on 24 February to discuss the club’s alcohol licence with local residents
  • BID policy workshop with representatives from Ponsonby Business Association and Parnell Inc
  • LGNZ zone 1 meeting on 26 February in Whangarei
  • Community Empowerment Unit’s open day on 29 February

Events and functions

From 1 February – 29 February 2016 I attended:

  • Associates breakfast – urban design, cycling and transport discussion on  4 February at Scarecrow café
  • Joined the anti- TPPA protest on 4 February
  • Attended the Waitangi celebrations at Takaparawha as a zero waste volunteer with Christopher Dempsey on 6 February
  • Go by Bike Day pit stop on the Lightpath on 9 February
  • Phantom of the Opera at the invitation of ATEED on 11 February
  • The Book of Everything at Q Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre on 12 February
  • Rock in Grey Lynn Park on 13 February (free music in parks event)
  • Polo at Sky Theatre at the invitation of the Auckland Theatre Company
  • The Big Gay Out in Coyle Park on 14 February
  • Elected representatives and Local Board staff lunch time ride for the Auckland Bike Challenge on 18 February 
  • Auckland Philharmonia Grand Opening concert at the Auckland Town Hall on 18 February at the invitation of APO
  • Lantern Festival opening function at Auckland Museum on 19 February
  • Opening of Parnell Trust’s new offices in the Jubilee building, Parnell on 23 February
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks
  • Blessing for the Board’s new offices at 52 Swanson Street on 25 February
  • The Board supported Myers Park Medley on 27 February 
  • Official party at the Citizenship ceremony in the Town Hall on 29 February
Members of the Waitemata Local Board and Local Services staff on a lunchtime bike ride for the Auckland Bike Challenge
Members of the Waitemata Local Board and Local Services staff on a lunchtime bike ride for the Auckland Bike Challenge

LGNZ conference 2015 Local Boards Masterclass

Local Boards – connecting with the community

At the LGNZ conference 2015 in Rotorua I took part in a Local Boards masterclass with Brenda Steele, Chair, Rodney Local Board, Grant Taylor, former Governance Director at Auckland Council and Peter McKinley, Executive Director, McKinley Douglas Ltd.

The master class explored the role of local boards within the Auckland Council considering what is working well from a variety of perspectives and where opportunities lie to further lift outcomes.

Each presenter was given 15 minutes to speak followed by questions to the panel. Here is my presentation:

I am really delighted to be taking part in a discussion about Local Boards.  I think even now almost 5 years since the formation of the Super City there is a lot of misunderstanding about the role and powers of Boards.  I’ve probably sounded defensive too many times explaining that I am not on a Community Board!

While I am covering a few observations about what I think is working well and the opportunities for improvement please indulge me with an album of photos from Waitemata. [a few of these photos are included below]

Parnell Festival of roses What of course the photos show are the successes and the fun stuff – an opportunity to share our stories. What isn’t represented are the many struggles of the first term to make the new structure work as a genuine co-governance model.  As Cr Penny Webster said to me yesterday – there wasn’t a manual.

I really have to give credit to people like our Board chair, Shale Chambers who worked tirelessly to ensure Local Boards were empowered within the Auckland Council whanau so that local decisions were actually made locally.

Fortunately it does feel as if we have reached a stage of being able to point to a number of things that are now working well.

Firstly the shared governance model has resulted in an increased number of local champions who have real power to make things happen locally

Misery artwork K rdIn my Board’s case we  are 7 members representing 77,000 people in Auckland’s central suburbs and city centre compared with the old Auckland City Council where there were 19 Councillors representing 404,000 people.  Howick Local Board is the 4th largest Council in NZ.

Local boards have real power – we negotiate local service standards, manage local facilitates and parks, organise and fund local events,  identify and propose local bylaws, we have  input into economic development plans and support local business associations.

We have a statutory role to be the voice of the community and I think we are seeing how this works across Auckland in very practical ways where local boards are focusing on strengthening their local communities  and developing strong connections in a way that just wasn’t possible under the old structure.

Myers Park openingFrom Waitemata: we’ve undertaking major improvements to Myers Park in the city centre which has long been neglected; we completed 2 artificial turfs which the community had been seeking for many years; we stood with the community to stop Auckland Transport destroying majestic pohutukawa trees for a road widening project; we’re putting Children First and have registered as the first Child Friendly Local Board in Auckland; e’re the first Board to develop a low carbon action plan; we’re designing a major public space on Ponsonby Road using a community-led model. Just to give a few examples.

I also like to think that Local Boards have resulted in far greater diversity in our elected representatives although I have to admit my board is probably not the best example of that other than perhaps youthfulness!

I think the shared governance model has achieved a fairer spread of resources locally whilst  enabling a strong regional body to actively work towards Auckland becoming the world’s most liveable city

Grey Lynn Park Local boards have a real budget – we have autonomous decision- making authority over one in every four dollars of council’s core budget spent in our local area.

The Waitemata Local Board is responsible for an operational budget of almost $28m ( $27,837,413.)   Of that $1,153,475 (4.14%) is discretionary opex budget.

Our total capital budget for 2015/16  is almost $14m ($13,754,000) made up of $4,923,000 (36%) renewals and $8,831,000 (64%) towards new or enhanced projects

And a third area where I think it works well – The shared governance model provides greater political leadership, accountability and oversight of ratepayer’s money (or to put into the words of  key note speaker Kevin Robert – we make shit happen)

Waitemata Local Board draft PlanLocal Boards are required to produce a Local Board Plan. The Plan sets the framework that guides our decision making and actions for 3 years. I think each Board takes their plan very seriously especially as we put a considerable amount of time into consulting with the community (in our own unique way) and ensuring we are representing the community’s interests and priorities.

I am certainly very proud of my Board’s plan and the way it informs all our decision making

Drinking station Grey LynnHowever there are still further opportunities for improvement

I think a lot comes down to the Local Board / Governing Body relationship.

For example a key role for local boards is to identify and communicate the interests and preferences of our communities in relation to the content of regional strategies, policies, plans and bylaws.

We need to find better ways to facilitate this legislative role perhaps through the governing body committee chairs being more open to local boards providing input to workshops and formal meetings.

There is inadequate time for local board / councillor interactions. We need to find ways to build closer and more trusting relationships and to better understand each other’s roles. There needs to be improved ways for Local Boards to help inform regional decision-making.

Point resolution bridge openingAnother area where opportunities lie to lift outcomes is the move to a community empowerment approach  that is underway – it is  going to be a big challenge but potentially an exciting opportunity.  If it is done right there is the potential to further strengthen communities and local decision making.

I am going to put CCO’s to one side as it would take up a whole other session to cover the Council Controlled Organisation relationship [but from my experience of working with Auckland Transport I think CCO’s want to play it both ways.  The model is meant to distance CCO’s from the politicians to achieve the best for the region but they like to ignore Local Board priorities and play politics when it suits them.]

Members of the Waitemata Local Board with Mayor Len Brown

But  overall I am a fan of the super city. I think outcomes will be further lifted for Auckland as the shared governance model continues to be bedded in and we respect both arms of governance equally as collectively sharing the decision-making of Auckland Council.

As you have probably noticed from the photos I am particularly happy at the way the super city is making Auckland a great place to cycle!

It has been a privilege to be have been part of the local board experiment right from the beginning, to have seen the  commitment of many people to make it work and to be able to acknowledge how far we’ve come.  It is unfortunate how the debate played out with regards to amalgamation that resulted in a lot of misinformation about Local Boards

I think we have a real voice and are putting local democracy into action (we are not community boards!)

Monthly Board Report September 2014

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during August 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.

Portfolio reports:  Transport

Cycle Advisory Group

The Cycle Advisory Group was established by the Mayor as a forum for providing advice, a strategic review and sounding board on cycling issues in Auckland. Members of the group consist of representatives from advocacy organisations, NZTA, ACC, MOT, Waterfront Auckland, AA, the Mayor’s office and Auckland Transport. Councillors Chris Darby, Linda Cooper and Penny Hulse are also invited to attend.

At the chair’s forum meeting in June it was noted that there was no local board representation on the advisory group. I was nominated by the board chairs as the local board representative.

I attended the fourth meeting of the group on 29 August which focused on the prioritisation process for cycling capex projects.

Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2015

I made a submission on the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport. At the time I was convinced it was a waste of time.

However on 19 August Prime Minister John Key  announced $100 million in new funding to be made available over the next four years to accelerate cycleways in urban centres after a record breaking number of submissions were received on the GPS supporting cycling investment. It is proposed that an Urban Cycleway Investment Panel will investigate opportunities to invest in urban cycleways that would expand and improve the cycling network.

What is significant is that for the first time the National government has acknowledged the benefits commuter cycling and the need to provide connected infrastructure. The challenge to Auckland Transport will be to ensure that robust investment proposals are ready to go so that Auckland can tap into this fund (which does not require matched funding from AT).

Drinking station upper queen st bridgeDrinking fountains

The board has committed to funding three drinking stations in the street environment from the local board capex fund.

The first of the stations has been installed at the corner of Ian McKinnon Drive and Upper Queen Street as part of the Upper Queen Street bridge upgrade (photo right).

Missing connections

A priority of the Board is to improve connectivity around the Waitematā area. One of our advocacy positions to Auckland Transport through our Local Board Agreement 14/15 is for construction of the Wellesley St connection to Auckland Domain under Symonds St overbridge and on-road connection to the NZTA funded/constructed Grafton Gully Cycleway

Last month I came across this Dutch family in the photo right who were lost on the Symonds Street bridge trying to get to the Museum by following a street map.  It reinforced yet again the importance of the City – Domain walking connection bvia Wellesley Street (the project is with the City Centre Integration Group to progress).

Beach Road cyclewayCycling network

Thanks in part to Local Board advocacy great progress has been made to complete major cycling projects in the Waitematā area.  The Grafton Gully cycleway (NZTA project), Upper Queen Street bridge connection (AC project) and Beach Road stage one (Auckland Transport project – pictured) will all be opening in early September to provide a continuous connection from Quay Street through to the NW cycleway.

Monthly transport update

A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 27 August. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Portfolio reports:  Community

The community Development portfolio is working on a number of issues that were discussed at our monthly meeting with CDAC officers on 27 August including:

  • Grey Lynn Community Centre funding
  • Funding available for tables and chairs at community centres
  • Leys Institute Lift

I also attended a number of meetings during August relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Local Board Engagement

Consultation on the draft Waitematā Local Board plan ended on 6 August.  A series of drop-in sessions concluded at the Grey Lynn Library on 4 August. Consultation on the Board’s localised carbon emission reduction plan closed on 16 August.

Community Grants

The Community Grant committee met on 25 August to consider applications to the Board’s community fund for the first round of 2014/15. The Board has $100,000 available for community grants per year.

The Committee has recommended allocating $30,852 in grants from the $80,612 applied for. A final decision will be made at the September Board meeting.

Local Government New Zealand

I attended the LGNZ Zone One meeting on 22 August with representatives from Local Boards, Kaipara District Council, Whangarei District Council, Far North District Council and Northland Regional Council. Councillor Penny Webster is Zone One Chair and Auckland Council’s representative on LGNZ.

The meeting received updates from Malcolm Alexander, CEO of LGNZ (Vision of LGNZ: Local Government powering community and national success) and presentations from Surf Live Saving, Fields of Remembrance Trust (WW1 commemorations) and an update on the Financial Prudence Regulations.

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 August – 31 August I attended:

  • Communications catch up on 4 August
  • Engagement adviser catch up on 4 August
  • Local Board draft plan drop in sessions – Grey Lynn Library Hall on 4 August
  • Local Board workshop on 5 August
  • Newmarket Station Signage – Parks Portfolio Meeting on 6 August
  • Meeting to discuss LTP draft performance measures
  • WEBINAR   Tax – An elected members responsibility
  • Elections 2016 workshop for local board members on decisions to be made prior to the 2016 local government elections on potential changes to the voting system, establishment of Maori wards and representation arrangements.
  • Community meeting organised by Community development team at the Freemans Bay community centre – Inner City Network:  What would a successful network look/feel like? On Friday 8 August
  • City Rail Link Project update for local board members on 11 August
  • Working lunch with Housing NZ board members and housing NZ representatives on 11 August – HNZ  provided an overview and details of their presence in the Waitematā area
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 12 August
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting in Parnell on 12 August
  • Waterfront Auckland CEO update for board members on 13 August
  • Meeting with Dave Peters from Cycling Auckland (bike hire business) regarding Waterfront Auckland’s bike hire operation (attended with Kevin Wright on behalf of Stephen Town and Connie Clackson from Waterfront Auckland)
  • Newmarket Laneways Precinct proposals – initial plans presented to board members on 13 August
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 14 August
  • Effective Meetings for Local Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs – This session is the follow-up from Monday 5 May and concludes the examination of styles and approaches that help meetings to run smoothly and generate decisions.
  • Local Board briefing on the LTP financial policies on 18 August – a briefing for 2 representatives from every board  on the financial policy issues that may be considered as part of the long-term plan with an opportunity to provide early feedback
  • Communications catch up on 19 August
  • Meeting to discuss photos for the board’s achievements report
  • Grants Committee agenda run through on 20 August
  • LGNZ Zone One meeting at the Orewa Service Centre on 22 August
  • Waitematā Local Board Grants Committee Meeting on 25 August
  • Local Board Workshop on 26 August
  • Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 26 August
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 27 August
  • Community Development portfolio monthly catch up on 27 August
  • Auckland Transport meeting with Barbara Holloway, K’rd Business Association to discuss maintenance issues and service levels.
  • Meeting with Waterfront Auckland and Ponsonby Cruising Club to discuss the club’s lease
  • Cycling Advisory Group meeting on 29 August
  • Bus stop interactivity and user experience presentation by AUT students to Auckland Transport representatives

Splice Gift giversEvents and functions

In the period 1 August – 31 August  I attended:

  • 95bfm interview on the Waitemata Local Board plan on 1 August
  • City Givers Launch event at Pioneer Women’s Hall hosted by Splice on Saturday 2 August (photo right)
  • IPENZ annual debate on the positive team with Darren Davies and Matt Hinton The Car is So last century (photo below)
  • Cycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 6 August
  • Vintage Austin Register – Auckland branch AGM on Sunday 10 August
  • Hosted the Green Desk on 95bfm  on 12 August talking to Florence Reynolds from Plastic Diet
  • Carlton Gore Road market dayGrey Lynn Business Association networking drinks
  • Hosted the Green Desk 95bfm  on 26 August talking to Emma McInnes from Generation Zero
  • Locally left at the Grey Lynn RSC with Jacinda Ardern and David Slack
  • Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM on 19 August at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • CAB Auckland AGM at the Flickling Centre on 20 August
  • Herne Bay Residents Association Candidates debate on 21 August at the Ponsonby Cruising Club
  • Carlton Gore Road market day organised by the Newmarket Business Association on Saturday 23 August (photo right of the new footpaths and bike parking)
  • Local Board hosted citizenship ceremony at the Town hall on 25 August
  • Cycle Action Auckland public monthly meeting 28 August
  • Movie fundraiser for Tearfund on 28 August
  • Belleville at the Herald Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre 29 August

IPENZ transport debate