Chair’s monthly report August 2018

This report covers the period 15 July until 14 August 2018.


Western Springs Development Plan consultation
A draft park development plan for Western Springs Te Wai Ōrea Lakeside Park has been released for public feedback.
The vision outlined in the draft plan for the park includes improved water quality in the lake and streams, connecting the surrounding areas via paths, and improvements to event infrastructure. The focus of the plan is on improving the existing state of a well-loved park without making major changes.
Consultation is open until 27 August.

Salisbury Reserve consultation

Land purchased to create an entrance way to Salisbury Reserve

12 Argyle Street, Herne Bay was purchased by the former Auckland City Council to improve the entrance to Salisbury Reserve. There are two draft options out for consultation. In both options the pathways into the reserve are improved with additional lawn and trees. The main difference between the options is whether or not to provide car parking on the reserve. We want to ensure the community can consider the best use of valuable green space. The old Masonic Hall on the site will be removed with as much of the building material recycled as possible. For a number of reasons (outlined in a post here) it wasn’t possible to retain the hall, but we have committed to improving the clubrooms that are in the reserve and making them more user friendly (the clubrooms are leased to the Herne Bay Petanque Club, but available to hire). There is $25,000 in the budget for the coming financial year to refurbish the bathrooms on top of other renewal work that has recently taken place.
Consultation on the two options has been extended until 30 August.

Teed Street upgrade celebration

On 18 July we celebrated the Teed Street upgrade with the Newmarket Business Association and local retailers. It was an opportunity to acknowledge everyone who had worked on the project and to bless the new art work commissioned for the upgrade by Ray Haydon. Our Auckland story and more photos here.

New art work in the City Centre

Light Weight O by artist Catherine Griffiths which is hanging between 1925 heritage buildings the Royal Exchange and Administrator House was opened on 1 August. Member Richard Northey gave a speech on behalf of the Local Board.
The work was commissioned as part of the O’Connell St laneway upgrade and was funded through the regional public art budget and city centre targeted rate.

LGNZ conference in Christchurch 15 – 17 July

I attended the annual LGNZ Conference in Christchurch 15 – 17 July as a National Councilmember and local board representative. For the conference I facilitated one of the workshops on Climate Change. I was also one of Auckland Council’s four delegates to the AGM held on 15 July. My conference report back will be tabled at the business meeting on 21 August.

Agrichemical-free parks

A number of parks within the Waitematā Local Board area are going agri-chemical free. The first parks to benefit will be Albert, Western and Myers, with the non-sports sections of Victoria Park also included.

More than $70,000 has been allocated to the initiative, which comes in response to public feedback during the Local Board Plan and Local Board Long-term Plan consultation processes. Our Auckland story with more details here

Waitematā funded or supported projects underway or completed

Parking updates
Thanks to the efforts of the Parnell Business Association and Parnell Community Committee Auckland Transport has agreed to fast track the implementation of the proposed changes. There are still a number of issues to resolve regarding how the current scheme is working for local residents.
In Grey Lynn Auckland Transport is planning on installing signage for the Residential parking zone by December with go live in February or March. However, concerns have been raised with me regarding AT’s proposal to introduce a time restricted parking zone that was not previously been consulted on.

On College Hill following consultation Auckland Transport will now proceed using a graduated rate structure which will charge $1/hour for the first 2 hours and $2/hour for subsequent hours. The rate structure will align with recent changes to on-street parking along Ponsonby Road and while it will have minimal impact on short-term parking utilised by customers and visitors, Auckland Transport expects that it will encourage parking availability.
Further details are on the Auckland Transport website.

New network bus changes
On 8 July Auckland Transport launched a new bus network for Auckland’s central suburbs. Most services have changed, including bus routes, route numbers, timetables and some bus stops. In the Waitematā area the changes appear to be working smoothly with a few exceptions. I have received complaints regarding the removal of services from Williamson Ave (this is also subject to a local petition), removal of a service to Herne Bay from downtown and the fact the Westmere service stops just short of the shops. Auckland Transport has advised that there will be review of the New network operations after 6 months.

Meetings and workshops: 15 July until 14 August 2018

  • LGNZ National Council meeting on 15 July
  • LGNZ AGM on 15 July
  • LGNZ Conference in Christchurch 15 – 17 July
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 17 July
  • Catch up meeting with Local Board services team on 18 July
  • City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 18 July (as alternate to Deputy Chair Shale Chambers)
  • Board all day workshops on 24 and 31 July and 7 and 14 August
  • Chair’s weekly meeting with the local board services team on 23 and 30 July and 13 August (in our workshop on 23 July we received an update on accountability reports submitted from groups who had received community grants – Attachment 5)
  • Meeting to discuss achievements report on 23 July
  • Comms meetings on 23 July and 2 August
  • Transport portfolio catch up on 24 July
  • Wynyard Quarter Transport Management Association meeting on 24 July
  • Joint Governing Body / Local Board Chairs Meeting on 24 July
  • Meeting with members of the Consulate of the Republic of Korea in Auckland to discuss K-Pop Dance workshops during Mental Health Awareness week
  • Relationship manager monthly meeting on 26 July
  • Newmarket Business Association board meeting on 26 July (as alternate for member Rob Thomas)
  • Housing NZ bi-monthly meeting on 26 July
  • Meeting with representatives from Summerset Parnell development on 27 July
  • Meeting with participants of the Smart Seeds challenge
  • Parnell Plan working group meeting on 30 July
  • NZTA scene setting briefing for Councillors and Local Board chairs re Auckland’s light rail projects on 1 August
  • Meeting with representatives of the National Butterfly Centre project on 2 August
  • Local Board Resource Consent and Planning workshop on 6 August covering the resource consent and planning lead role covering:
     the Auckland Unitary Plan
     developing effective local board feedback for notified resource consents, plan changes and notices of requirement
     presenting feedback at a hearing
  • Auckland Cricket and Grafton Cricket Club introductory meeting on 7 August to discuss their strategic plans and upcoming events
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss options for traffic management improvements at Newton School
  • Parnell Business Association annual presentation to the local board on 9 August
  • Community Liaison Group meeting on 9 August for the Pt Chev/Meola Road cycleway project held at Pt Chev School.
  • Drop in session for the Facility Partnerships Policy Project consultation held at Ellen Melville Centre on 10 August
  • Local Board Chairs’ Forum on 13 August

Events and functions: 15 July until 14 August 2018

  • Teed Street upgrade celebration on 18 July
  • How We Win Change: A Bike Auckland presentation with Paul Steely White at Mason Bros building on 19 July
    How to be a Voice for Change: Towards Safer Streets for Auckland workshop with Paul Steely White hosted by Bike Auckland at Ellen Melville Centre on 21 July
  • InMotion Matariki all-wheels illuminated parade 2018 Hosted by Touch Compass Dance Trust on 21 July
  • Officiated at the Town Hall citizenship ceremony on 23 July
  • Attended the Campaign for Better Transport AGM with a presentation by AT CEO Shane Ellison
  • Attended the 2Walk and Cycle conference dinner on 31 July in Palmerston North for the Bike to the Future Awards at the invitation of NZTA (I was one of the judges for the awards)
  • Morning tea with Grey Lynn library staff on 2 August (photo bottom)
  • Auckland Conversations – Healthy Streets for Auckland presentation by Lucy Saunders and panel discussion at the Viaduct Events Centre on 2 August (photo right)
  • AT Cycling & Walking, Women in Urbanism and Boffa Miskell hosted presentation by Lucy Saunders at Boffa Miskell on 3 August
  • Opening night of HIR on 3 August at Herald Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre
  • Wynyard Quarter 7th birthday celebration on 4 August
  • Opening on 7 August of Moana, a large- scale mural painting by Ahota’e’iloa Toetu’u at the South British Insurance Company Limited Building (photo right of the artist and Paul Baragwanath who commissioned the art work)
  • Street Talks: Urban Japan: Lost in Translation? presentation hosted by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, ARUP and the Auckland Design Office at Auckland Central Library on 8 August
  • Presented on Local Board funding and advocacy to the Bike Auckland “Bike Burbs” hui held at Ellen Melville Centre on 11 August
  • Afternoon tea at the Grey Lynn Community Centre to celebrate the completion of the Re-purpose trial project by Grey Lynn 2030 and Earth Action Trust
  • Newmarket Business Association “State of the Nation” in Newmarket update at Event Cinema Broadway on 14 August followed by the movie “The Book Club” with ice cream and popcorn at the invitation of NBA.