Monthly Board report September 2016

This is my final report for the second triennium of Auckland Council.  It includes my reflections on the last three years and covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 31 July to 6 September 2016 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

I have provided a report each month this term. My previous reports are available at

Summary of August highlights

 Unitary Plan passed

 The Governing Body of Auckland Council passed the Auckland Unitary Plan (UP) on 15 Auckland following a mammoth five-year process to unify all former regional and district council plans into one.  I sat in on several days of the decision making to hear the debate and support, with reservations, the passing of a unified planning rulebook for Auckland. The Board, particularly through the work and leadership of our Chair, Shale Chambers has been actively involved right from day one. There is a lot to reflect on with the community about the process and final decisions on the Independent Hearings Panel recommendations.

It is a significant milestone but there are still big question marks over whether the UP achieves affordable housing, heritage protection, density done well and quality design.  There is a lot of work to be done to now deliver on the promise and potential of a unified plan that responds appropriately to inevitable future growth and delivers on the Auckland Plan.  

Renaming lower Khartoum Place

Khartoum Place July 2016Following consultation on the renaming of lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ the Board voted in July to adopt a bi-lingual name. After receiving further information about the suitability of a bi-lingual name and following a meeting between board representatives, Ngati Whatua and National Council of Women the Board held an extraordinary meeting on 30 August to confirm the new name as Te Hā o Hine Place.

I look forward to Suffrage Day on 19 September when we will be celebrating the new name and acknowledging all those who have contributed to the process and the claiming of a small space for women in the city centre.    

Auckland Council media release

1 September 2016

Te Hā o Hine Place at home in the city centre

At a special meeting this week, the Waitematā Local Board voted to change the name of the lower section of Khartoum Place, to acknowledge the location of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993, ‘Women Achieve the Vote’.

On Suffrage Day 2016, September 19, Waitematā Local Board and iwi partners will unveil the new name for the lower section of Khartoum Place; Te Hā o Hine Place, in recognition of the struggle New Zealand Suffragists faced until 1893.

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei gifted the name ‘Te Hā o Hine’ which is derived from the whakatauki (proverb) ‘Me aro koe ki te Hā o Hine-ahu-one’ and translates to ‘pay heed to the dignity of women’.  The board felt it was a fitting sentiment as did National Council of Women – Auckland Branch.

Carol Beaumont, President of the National Council of Women – Auckland Branch, says they are pleased that the name Khartoum Place is being replaced with Te Hā o Hine Place, as it is more fitting to the Suffrage Memorial.

Since opening a refreshed Khartoum Place in September 2014, the Waitematā Local Board began looking more seriously at changing the name of the lower section, an area that was being informally referred to as “Suffrage Place” due to the location next to the Suffrage Memorial and the space being used for annual Women’s Day and Suffrage Day events.

In April 2016 the local board consulted  with iwi, the National Council of Women, local businesses, residents and the wider public to ascertain the level of support for a name change and a preference should they support a change.  The majority of submitters supported a name change and for the options for consideration to include; Te Hā o Hine, Suffrage Place and Kate Sheppard Place.

 Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Place upgrade underway

 The creation of a community hub for the growing number of city centre residents got closer with the start of the work to renovate and refurbish Ellen Melville Hall.

This is one of the Board’s most significant projects that we initiated last term.  Once completed, the new centre will provide a range of facilities including a new kitchen, Wi-Fi, improved amenities, café-style seating and a modern refurbishment.  It will be a much needed community facility for Auckland’s growing city centre residential population.

The $10.7m project includes the upgrade of Freyberg Place (funded by the City Centre targeted rate).  The upgrades to Freyberg Place and Ellen Melville Centre are expected to be completed by mid-2017. 

Hakanoa Street footpaths and kerbing

Hakanoa Street, Grey Lynn, kerb inspection meetingAuckland Transport’s renewal of kerbing and footpaths on Hakanoa Street has been an on-going saga.   In August I attended several meetings with residents to resolve the issues related to the removal of bluestone kerbing (replaced in unacceptably large areas with faux concrete kerbing) and poor workmanship including new footpaths on the northern side that led to flooding.  The photo right shows residents inspecting a trial of concrete to mimic bluestone (once complete only the area between the cones will be in concrete)

In the latest update to be communicated to all residents Auckland Transport has confirmed that the areas where faux bluestone are to be constructed in concrete are being marked in white paint once each tree site has been investigated to determine the extent where real bluestone kerbs can be installed. AT has committed to re-instating as much bluestone as possible. The northern side footpath/vehicle crossing levels will be remediated to ensure road reserve stormwater is contained.  

Auckland Transport’s approach to this renewal has highlighted the need to provide the local board with plans and consult with residents in advance.  I am also following up on the need for a longer term tree management strategy.

weona-planting-day-july-2016-stephenWeona Westmere Walkway community planting day

The project to complete a 1.4km long coastal walkway on council reserve land and the coastal marine area in Westmere got underway last term after years of community campaigning.

It was great to take part in a community planting day to see how far the walkway has progressed around a beautiful but neglected stretch of coastline. Hopefully the walkway will be open by the end of September for everyone to enjoy.



Pippa Coom and Christopher Dempsey on the Lightpath I’ve worked on the transport portfolio with Christopher Dempsey over the last six years.  It has been exciting to see the positive progress being made to improve transport choices in Auckland.  Over the last three years the board has achieved or played a role in achieving for transport:  

  • Start of the City Rail Link (a legacy Mayor Brown can be very proud about)
  • Funded a Parnell Station connection to Nicholls Lane to support opening of the station
  • Progress on the Harbour Bridge pathway SkyPath
  • Increased funding for cycleways that has led to the completion of the Te ara i whiti /Lightpath, Nelson St cycleway, Quay St cycleway, Westhaven promenade and a central programme of cycleways
  • Progressed the Grey Lynn Greenways route
  • Worked with Auckland Transport on the Ponsonby Road pedestrian experience project
  • Secured the upgrade of Franklin Road with undergrounding of power lines, stormwater separation,  new footpaths, road surfacing, pedestrian crossing and cycle lanes
  • Implementation of the Freemans Bay Residential Parking Zone (now scheduled for 2 October) and parking zones in all central city suburbs
  • Successfully advocated for improved pedestrian safety such as walking improvements at the Grey Lynn shops and in the city centre.
  • Ensured Auckland Transport leveraged maintenance budgets to provide safety improvements for all road users such cycle feeder lanes and stop boxes on Ponsonby Road as part of a resurfacing project
  • Successfully advocated for the removal of parking minimums from the Unitary Plan
  • Advocated for improved local bus services as part of the New Network to be rolled out in 2017
  • Successfully advocated for the inclusion of a new outcome in the City Centre Masterplan:  A walkable and pedestrian- friendly city centre, moving towards zero pedestrian deaths or serious injuries as a result of vehicle collisions.
  • Initiated a street tree planting policy and identified locations for new street trees (including three new tree pits on Williamson Ave as part of the Countdown development)
  • Installed three on street drinking stations

We’ve also provided input into a range of Regional transport policies.

There is still a lot to be done to reduce congestion and carbon emissions, and provide safe, connected, accessible transport choices in Waitematā.  Next term I hope to progress: slower speeds in the city centre and on residential streets, implementation of vision zero, opening up of greenways routes (including opening up the old Parnell Rail tunnel), changes to the give way rule, roll out of improved wayfinding, acceleration of the cycleways programme and residential parking schemes, driver education regarding vulnerable road users, ending dangerous car transporter practices on Great North Road and further work to improve the walking experience in Waitemata.


Deborah YatesAs portfolio holder with Deborah Yates, we cover community facilities, libraries and initiatives aimed at building community wellbeing capacity, leadership and skills.   Some of what has been achieved for the community over the last three years includes:

  • Increased community funding to $125,000 per year for grants to community and sports groups  (distributing funds through the Community Grants Committee)
  • Established an accommodation grant fund
  • Funded the Inner City Network and Inner City Neighbours Day event
  • In January 2015 registered the Waitematā Local Board with UNICEF as the first local board to be working toward “child friendly” accreditation.
  • Funded Child Friendly Cities initiatives such as Think Big – the creation of a consultation website for children
  • Supported a Community-led design process for the development 254 Ponsonby Road with open space
  • Provided funding support for Kelmarna Gardens and a community garden coordinator
  • Extended library hours
  • Continued to implement the Accessibility Plan and undertaken a review
  • Agreed funding and work programmes for our three community centres.
  • Provided additional funding to support growing participation at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • Provided support to the Waitematā Youth Collective involvement in events, activities, steering groups and projects

One of the areas of ongoing concern has been the increasing numbers of rough sleepers in the city centre.  We have supported the Homelessness Action Plan initiatives currently underway but going into next term a great deal of further work is needed to make an impact.

There is also more to do to develop partnership approaches with mana whenua, improve the health of our communities such as extended smoke free areas, improve safety and increase engagement and participation especially by inner city residents.

I am sad that both of my co-portfolio holders Deborah Yates and Christopher Dempsey have decided to retire from local government.  They have made a huge contribution and I have really appreciated working with them.

In the online version of my report at I have included photos of Deborah and Christopher in action. Photos of board members are not allowed in reports during the election period (There will of course be a photo of me and Christopher on our bikes – the most enjoyable and fun way to get around Waitematā as a board member!)

Waitematā Local Board 2013 – 2016

Waitemata Local Board 2013 -2016It has been a privilege to serve on the Waitematā Local Board for two terms as Deputy Chair.  After the hard work in the first term to make the new super city structure work effectively for local decision making, I was grateful to be elected for a second time to continue the many projects underway with an ongoing commitment by the Board to strong community engagement.

There is still a lot to do to ensure Council is listening and responsive to local aspirations and that the governance framework is fit for purpose. There are parts of the organisational structure and culture that still need further refinement to properly support the role of local boards.  The Auckland Transport relationship with local achievements-report-2016boards is particularly problematic and only a complete overhaul of the leadership is likely to result in any meaningful improvement.

This term has been immensely rewarding and at times lots of fun too. The Board’s annual achievements reports available on the Council website highlight just how much has happened over the term (Link to the 2015/2016 Achievement Report). We are fortunate to be supported by an outstanding, hardworking local board team.

The rewards are great for board members able to put the time into the role.  I’ve appreciated the many learning opportunities and the amazing speakers that take part in the Auckland Conversations series.   It has also been an opportunity to meet a wonderfully diverse range of people, to get involved with our many community groups (particularly through our community grant funding) and to take part in the many events on offer in the Waitematā area.

There is still much to do. I hope to be part of a progressive Local Board next term that will continue to deliver for everyone who lives, works, plays and visits Waitematā.

Workshops and meetings

From 31 July until 6 September 2016 I attended:

  • Local Board Members briefing on greenways identity on 1 August
  • Hakanoa road works meeting with local residents on 1 August
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 2 August
  • Independent Hearings Panel recommendations: Briefing session for local board members
  • Meeting to discuss renaming of Khartoum Place with Ngati Whatua Orakei, National Council for Woman and representatives of the Waitematā Local Board.
  • Community Portfolio additional meeting – Grey Lynn Community Centre funding increase
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 9 August at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • Meeting to discuss a proposal for an Inner City Community Garden on Griffith Building Site (temporary site as a result of the CRL works on the corner of Albert Street and Wellesley Street)
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 11 August
  • Attended the Unitary Plan debate at the Governing Body meetings on 11 and 12 August
  • Meeting with GLBA and Auckland Transport to discuss parking impacts of Richmond Road cyclelane project
  • Workshop on 15 August on opportunities for Community-led development support and development with Ākina and Inspiring Communities (at the invitation of Denise Bijoux )
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 16 August
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 17 August
  • Franklin Road Improvement Project Community Liaison Group Meeting on 17 August
  • Hakanoa St Trial Mimic Kerb Inspection on 22 August (see details above)
  • CRL update  for Waitemata and Albert Eden Boards Chairs and portfolio holders on 22 August
  • Meeting to discuss Greenways branding on 23 August
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 23 August
  • Communications update on 23 August
  • Meeting on 23 August of the community portfolio and inner city residents to discuss action on homelessness and use of the Civic Administration building as a night shelter
  • Meeting to discuss the Board’s feedback on the Maori Language Policy and implementation plan
  • Community portfolio meeting on 24 August
  • Inner City Network meeting and lunch hosted by Splice on 25 August. Presentation: social impact of intensification of housing
  • Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 29 August
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 30 August
  • Waitemata Local Board Extraordinary Meeting for Renaming of Khartoum Place on 30 August
  • Meeting with Hakanoa residents at the Grey  Lynn Community Centre on 31 August to discuss kerb and channel work
  • Meeting on 31 August  of the Elected Member Political Advisory Group to discuss induction planned for new term
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 6 September
  • Newmarket Laneways meeting:  feedback from Public Consultation and approval of Final Concept Design
  • Ponsonby Business Association committee meeting on 8 September

Events and functions

From 31 July until 9 September I attended:

  • west-end-tennis-club roomOpening the Club House – West End Lawn Tennis Club on Sunday 31 July (photo right)
  • Backbenchers Auckland edition at the Britomart Social Club on 3 August
  • First Thursdays on K’rd on 4 August
  • Wynyard Quarter 5th birthday on 6 August
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks  at  Storage King on 10 August
  • Blessing for the start of works at the Ellen Mellville Centre and Freyberg Square
  • OperaNesia on O’Connell Street on 11 August
  • Opening of the new Grey Lynn Fire Station on Williamson Ave on 12 August
  • Volunteer planting day on the  Weona Walkway, Westmere
  • Franklin Road Community BBQ hosted by Auckland Transport for the start of works on 14 August
  • Venus in Fur at the Herald Theatre at the invitation of the Auckland Theatre Company
  • bishop-selwyn-chapel-opening-dean-jo-kelly-moore-mike-leeDedication and official opening of the Bishop Selwyn Chapel on 21 August (photo right)
  • K’rd presents catwalk show at NZ Fashion Week at the invitation of the K’rd Business Association on 23 August
  • St Columba’s fundraising Potter’s market on 29 August
  • Campaign for Better Transport’s Rail to the Airport public meeting in Onehunga on 30 August
  • Bike Breakfast at Scarecrow on 1 September
  • Random Act of Kindness Day hosted by Splice
  • Rod Oram’s book launch at AUT: Three Cities – Seeking Hope in the Anthropocene
  • Living Wage Assembly at St Matthews for Mayor candidates and Waitematā & Gulf Ward Candidates
  • Q Theatre 5th Birthday celebration at the invitation of Q Theatre on 2 September
  • Merchant Navy remembrance service at the Maritime Museum on 3 September
  • Fukuoka Day at the Town Hall on 3 September
  • LATE at the Museum from #Slackivism to Activism panel discussion on 5 September
  • Boys will be Boys at Q Theatre on 9 September at the invitation of Silo Theatre

Conference report back: 2 Walk and Cycle conference

 Conference report back:  2 Walk and Cycle conference – moving towards healthy communities, Auckland 6 – 8 July

“Cities have the capability of providing for everybody only when and only because they are created by everybody” Jane Jacobs (quoted by Tyler Golly, conference presenter)

PM John Key and Mayor Len Brown
PM John Key and Mayor Len Brownat the Quay St cycleway opening

I attended the 2 Walk and Cycling Conference 2016, the premier national conference addressing walking and cycling issues held every two years. The conference’s focus was on active, human-powered transport to achieve healthier, smarter and more liveable cities.

A great deal has changed since I attended my first 2 Walk and Cycle Conference in 2008.  The debate has shifted from trying to convince politicians “why” cycling should be funded and on the agenda to “how” to best deliver cycling infrastructure as part of an integrated transport network. The funding situation has improved massively. Eight years ago a very small percentage of Council and Government transport budget was directed to walking and cycling. Previously the conference has been dominated by advocates arguing the case for increased investment and discussing case studies from overseas. 

The new cycleway counter on Quay Street
The new cycleway counter on Quay Street

This year the conference, with significant sponsorship from NZTA, was attended by a range of professionals many of whom are working on projects in NZ boosted by the Urban Cycling Investment fund.

Auckland played host to the conference putting on a number of associated events.  Delegates were treated to a Pecha Kucha special transport edition sponsored by Auckland Transport, Auckland Conversations with the conference keynote speaker Gil Penalosa and were invited to attend the opening of the Quay Street cycleway that includes Auckland’s first visible cycle counter (10,000 trips recorded within the first 19 days!). 

Delegates were also able to experience Auckland’s growing cycling network and the award winning Te ara i whiti/Lightpath.

I participated in the conference as delegate, workshop presenter (Vision Zero workshop detailed in Attachment A), as networking breakfast host (with Margaret Lewis, to discuss the success of K’rd Open Streets event – photo right) and as one of the judges of the Bike to the Future awards announced at the conference dinner (Attachment B).

Conference informal networking breakfast with K'rd's Margaret Lewis
Conference informal networking breakfast with K’rd’s Margaret Lewis

I found the conference hugely encouraging and affirming of how far we have progressed in Auckland with making cycling a viable option for more people to enjoy. There is however still much to do if Auckland is going to unleash the huge benefits that can be realised from prioritising walking and cycling.  My only disappointment about the conference was the lack of diversity that failed to capture the many cycling “tribes” of Auckland.

There were a number of key themes that I took away from the conference

Healthy communities designed for everyone

 There is overwhelming evidence that policies encouraging walking and cycling provide major health benefits.  The Minister of Health should be the biggest champion of active transport when considering ways to combat soaring obesity related illnesses such as diabetes.

Karen Witten in her presentation Healthy places and spaces bringing a children’s voice to city planning noted that children involved in active transport have higher rates of physical activity. “Cities that work for children work for everyone”

The keynote speaker Gil Penalosa talked about all ages, all abilities networks that encourage activity that helps everyone (see more from Gil’s presentation below).  Another keynote speaker Ben Rossiter from Victoria Walks said that “walking is fundamental to healthy communities.”

 Shared paths

 Dr Ben Rossiter from Walk Victoria gave a hard hitting, evidence based assessment on the need to design for walkability.

His presentation, Walking promotion and advocacy: An Australian story explained very convincingly why safer road design is needed for older pedestrians and why shared paths are not best practice. 

  • 25- 40% of those who suffer from a hip injury die within one year
  • If want to deal with health and obesity walking is critical
  • Constraints to older people walking – dogs off leash, bike riders on shared paths
  • If you need sign to slow down the street is designed wrong!

 His view is that shared paths should only be supported where designed for low speed, recreational environments where it is clear that cyclists must give way.

This is a particular issue in Australia and New Zealand where shared paths are often preferred to avoid difficult decisions about re-allocating road space for separate cycle lanes.  This presentation is relevant to a number of designs that are currently being considered for Auckland’s cycleway network eg Ian McKinnion Drive that has recently gone out for consultation and Nelson Street phase 2 that included a section of shared path opposed by the Waitematā Local Board.

 Pop- ups and temporary trials

 I have heard many experts recommend trials and pop ups as a low cost, quick way to demonstrate the benefits of new street design and build community support. Tyler Golly in his presentation Communities Designing Communities, shared ideas from Canada such as bike corrals, painted kerb extensions and parklets.

The Waitematā Local Board has been a supporter of trials particularly for cycling infrastructure but it has proved very difficult to progress.  Part of the problem has been the lack of a nimble, empowered AT team who are able to focus on trials.

Lorne Street parkletHowever we hopefully might start seeing “parklets” in the city.  An Auckland Council parklet popped on Lorne Street during the conference (photo right).  Providing additional space for people by removing two car parks was an instant success for nearby food vendors who reported a tripling in trade. High Street retailers take note!

We’ve also heard that AT is working a temporary brightly painted contra-flow cycle lane on Federal Street.

Road safety

 A number of speakers highlighted how essential it is to make city roads safer for walking and cycling with a range of measures:

  • Lower speeds
  • Changes to the give way rules
  • Vision Zero policy
  • Creating more traffic free areas and restrictions (a pro liveability measure discussed by Glen Koorey, What can NZ learn from cycling in Europe)
  • Network of cycleways
  • Traffic calming measures

Disappointingly the CEO of Auckland Transport does not appear to prioritise safety over efficiency. In his opening address he responded to the challenge of more pedestrian walking zones by saying the real problem in the city centre is not the speed and volume of traffic but the number of people walking while looking at their phones!

Vision Zero is a policy that I have been championing with the support of the Board.  Together with Cycle Action Network, Brake NZ and Walk Auckland I took part in a workshop on Building a grassroots campaign for Vision Zero: Why we need a new approach to road safety and how we can make it happen.  (see Attachment A)

 Auckland Conversations and keynote speaker, Gil Penalosa. The 8 80 City: Creating Vibrant and Healthy Communities

How can we create vibrant and healthy cities for everyone, regardless of age or social status? What is the role of streets – the largest public space in any city? How can parks improve the quality of life that attracts and retains people to their communities? 

Gil answers these questions while also explaining a simple and effective principle for inclusive city building: ensuring the safety and joy of children and older adults (from 8 year olds to 80 year olds) are at the forefront of every decision we make in our cities. Drawing on his experience as Commissioner of Parks and Recreation in Bogota, Gil presents some of the now widely celebrated approaches to urban regeneration through investments in parks and public spaces. Gil also draws upon examples from cities around the world which demonstrate the power of parks and public space in making lives happier, communities better, and economies stronger.

Key points:

  • Sustainable mobility: moving people towards a brighter, healthy more equitable future
  • Gil was responsible for starting Ciclovia (Open Streets) in Bogota – his advice is to just do it as requires no capital investment, works to change minds and is an inclusive event that belongs to everyone (In Auckland we have now held three “ciclovia” type events and more are planned)
  • When saying “no” also saying “yes” to something else eg more cars, more pollution and obesity.
  • Designing a city for everyone is not a technical issue or funding issue but a political issue
  • Need to evaluate cities by how they treat the most vulnerable
  • Transport policies have a direct impact on equality and equity. 25% of income is tied up with mobility by car but for lower income is often nearer 50%
  • Supports a focus on putting pedestrians first to encourage walkability: Vision Zero, max speed limit of 30Km p/h, quality infrastructure that shows a respect for people
  • Benefits: environment, economic activity, health

Skypath presentation with Richard HillsSkypath

It is great news that in the same month as the conference councillors agreed unanimously to progress Skypath the walk/cycleway over the Auckland Harbour Bridge.

See Attachment C for the presentation I gave in support at the Finance and Performance Committee on 21 July.

Monthly Board report July 2016

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 1 June to 10 July 2016 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

I was also acting chair for the week of 27 June when I attended the Local Chair’s Forum and the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting.


City Rail Link Ground breaking

 On Thursday 2 June Mayor Len Brown, Auckland Transport chairman Dr Lester Levy, Prime Minister John Key and Minister of Transport Simon Bridges officially marked the start of the construction for the City Rail Link.  It was an explosive ground breaking event with special cupcakes and a fantastic flash mob dance sequence involving many of the CRL workers. More importantly it was an opportunity to acknowledge Mayor Len’s role (and the many people who supported him such as Cr Mike Lee) in pushing ahead with this vital transport project that has been 93 years in the making.

Support for Auckland Transport to develop a Street Tree Planting Policy

Franklin Road street treesMy notice of motion requesting Auckland Transport to develop a street tree planting policy was unanimously passed by the Waitematā Local Board at our June business meeting.

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Member CP Dempsey

That the Waitematā Local Board:

i) notes the benefits of urban street trees and the Auckland Plan, City Centre Master Plan and Waitematā Local Board Plan 2014 commitment to plant street trees;

ii) requests Auckland Transport in association with Auckland Council Parks develop:

a) A street tree planting policy; and

b) A strategy to meet the City Centre Masterplan street tree target of a 25% increase by 2021;

iii) requests Auckland Transport allocate budget (capex and opex) for funding new street trees as part of streetscape projects and footpath renewals;

iv) requests that this Notice of Motion is circulated to all Local Boards, the Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee, Auckland Development Committee, Auckland Transport Board and Chief Executive and Auckland Council Policy and Bylaws team

Hakanoa Street, Grey Lynn kerbingHakanoa Street footpaths and kerbing

I’ve been following up on the concerns residents have raised about the kerb and channelling work currently underway by Auckland Transport’s contractors that involves removing the blue stone kerbing.

Auckland Transport has responded that:

the kerbs are being removed in places due to the disruptions of the tree roots, the tree roots are then unable to be cover over (as per the arborists direction)  therefore AT is unable to replace like for like and has to put in concrete and pointing of which is coloured, this does give a piece meal effect/look but as we are not able to replace with any kerb type i.e. (blue stone ) our hands are tied

 The only way to replace blue stone kerbing over tree roots is by putting in a bigger lintel over the roots, unfortunately the arborists has said we are not allow to do so in some places where the kerb is not replaced and there appears to be no trees, this is because there is 3 applications from residents for vehicle crossings

 Due to the nature of the tree roots AT accepts that we will have on going issues with this street and will return regularly to try to fix

However the road appears to have been widened thereby pushing the kerb closer to the tree roots.  There appears to be a mismatch of concrete and blue stone in big sections between trees not just around the trunk of the tree (as in the photo above). Large areas of blue stone kerbing stones appear to have disappeared without justification when similar streets have retained the traditional kerbing as part of an upgrade (eg Selbourne Street).  The works have also resulted in damage to house frontages.  I will continue to work on this with the residents until we receive a satisfactory response from Auckland Transport.

5. Hakanoa Reserve entrance from Hakanoa StA further issue I am following up is the continuation of the kerbing work despite plans for on road greenway works at the exit of Hakanoa Reserve (photo above) and planned pedestrian/cycleway improvements at the intersection with Richmond Road.

Auckland Transport has not explained the duplication of works and the additional costs.

 Renaming lower Khartoum Place

 Consultation on the renaming of lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ ended on 25 May.

From the 137 submissions there was strong support for the name change.  Details of the feedback and a decision making report are on the Board’s agenda this month.   It is looking positive that we will be a position to change the name in time for Suffrage Day in September.

The future of St Columba Church & parish

St Columba church, Grey Lynn I have been following events at St Columba in Grey Lynn and attended two community hui held during June to discuss the future of the parish.

Following financial difficulties last year the Anglican Diocese commissioned a report to consider the options available to the parish.   The report concluded with three redevelopment options that all involved demolishing the church and facilities on the site including the hall, community garden and labyrinth. This led a campaign to save St Columba involving the wider community.

 On 1 July the following statement was issued by the the Anglican Bishops of Auckland and the Vicar of St Columba Grey Lynn.

Conversations are underway to assist the Parish of St Columba Grey Lynn to address some significant challenges that have developed over a long period of time.

 Those challenges are related to finance and the ongoing costs of providing ministry in the community. They include the maintenance of buildings.

 The Bishops and the diocesan leadership are working closely with the Vicar and the people of the Parish to seek a long-term solution.

 The Diocese continues to have a commitment to the community of Grey Lynn. That commitment is being indicated in conversations that included a visit to the parish last weekend. The Diocese and the Parish are grateful for the support of the wider community.

Further conversations are anticipated with no decisions made at this point.

 The Bishops and the Vicar will be able to comment further once there is a decision to announce

Waitematā Local Board Community Grants

 The final Grants Committee was held on June to consider applications to the fourth and final round of the grants fund for 15/16. A total of $38,613.00 was available to distribute. The committee approved grants totally $29,791.00 to a range of community groups and organisations.

 Waipapa stream planting

 Waipapa planting day June 2016 Hugh and LukeAnnual planting day along the banks of the Waipapa Stream in Parnell was attended by Councillor Mike Lee, representatives from the Waitemata Local Board, Parnell Heritage, Parnell Community Committee, and local neighbours. It is great to see the many years of volunteer labour to re-habilitate the stream is paying off.

Mary Stewart, Senior Biosecurity Advisor, who has been coordinating the planting,is looking to work with Parnell Heritage and the Parnell Community Committee to engage with the surrounding residents to encourage best environmental practices nearby.  The stream has greatly improved  but practices continue that threaten the area (such as growing plants that are weeds in the apartments that are dropping into the stream and naturalising, dumping of garden waste, plant tags, pots, trimmings, old plants, dumping of rubbish and liquids (killing off plants) using driveway cleaners that kill trees).

 Ponsonby Road Pedestrian Experience

Lincoln Street side street render In the July Our Auckland Waitematā Local Board members feature in a story regarding the Board funded project to create a safe and consistent pedestrian experience along Ponsonsby Road between Franklin Road and Williamson Ave (the project was consulted on in November 2015). As mentioned in the article the work was meant to have started in June.

Unfortunately Auckland Transport missed the construction deadline for the works on Lincoln and Collingwood Streets in the last financial year and now has a budget shortfall. We are working through the budget details with Auckland Transport and the consultation process to get the feedback on intersection furniture layouts, materials, and street furniture.

It is now expected that the construction will start late August/early September 2016.

 Berm planting guidelines

 The mystery of Auckland Transport’s berm planting guidelines continues. I’ve given regular updates in my report regarding progress on guidelines that were promised by Easter.

A resident was recently advised the following after she complained about the destruction of her berm garden.

In Central, we mow all berms if they exceed or are approaching a height of 200mm. Our mowing operators work in tandem, with the bulk of the berm mown with a ride-on mower, and then followed up shortly afterwards with weed-eaters to remove encroaching grasses from the edge of footpaths and the kerbside, and around trees and poles which the ride-on mowers cannot reach.  Given the large number of berms to be mown across the city this actually provides better value for ratepayers than the stop-start method of one operator undertaking both activities.

Auckland Transport offered to put her on a no mow register which defeated the point as she had only grown a berm garden after being told she was responsible for it as she wasn’t physically able to mow the verge herself. The resident is now happy for AT to mow her berm again.

Quay Street cyclewayQuay Street Cycleway

On Friday 8 July the Minister of Transport, Hon Simon Bridges and Auckland Mayor Len Brown officially opened the Quay St protected cycleway on Auckland’s busiest cycle route.

At the time of writing my report the cycleway was still closed but attracting large numbers on a sunny weekend.  With the Quay Street Cycleway another gap is connected in the central city cycle network.

 Auckland Conversations : The future of housing in Auckland

Furture of housing in AucklandPanel discussion hosted by Bernard Hickey.

 With Auckland growing at a rate of 896 people a week how can everyone be guaranteed a home, either to buy or rent? Auckland clearly needs new housing options so the economic benefits of growth can be shared by all as we establish our place among the world’s most successful cities.

An excellent discussion about the current Auckland Housing crisis and what is needed to fix it. One big take away pushed by Bernard Hickey  is that young people need to vote in the Local Government Election in September.

The full discussion can be viewed on you tube

Workshops and meetings

Ponsonby Residential parking zone consultationFrom 1 June until 10 July 2016 I attended:

  • Public Open Day hosted by Auckland Transport on the Ponsonby Residential Parking Zone at the Ponsonby Community Centre 1 June
  • Wellesley St/Learning Quarter Interim Business Case Workshop #1 on 3 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 7 June
  • Auckland Transport hui on the Ponsonby Road Pedestrian Experience on 8 June
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 9 June
  • Attended the last session of the Little Grocer Environment Court hearing on 9 June
  • Kai a te rangatira – Elected Members breakfast sessions with Dr Ella Henry on 13 June
  • Central Community Recycling Facility Meeting on 14 June with Albert- Eden and Puketapapa Local Boards re Next Phase of design and provision of service
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 14 June at the board office  on 14 June
  • Engagement Framework meeting with the Board’s engagement adviser
  • Auckland Development Committee joint workshop with Local Board members on 15 June
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 15 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 16 June
  • Community portfolio visit to the Plunket rooms in Parnell
  • St Columba church community hui on 19 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 21 June
  • Community portfolio meeting on 22 June
  • Waitemata Local Board Community Grants committee meeting on 22 June
  • Meeting  on 23 June to discuss the Achievements Report
  • Inner City Network meeting and presentation on the work of the CAB on 23 June
  • Catch up with Michael Richardson, GM K’rd business association on 24 June
  • Spray free community meeting hosted by Deborah Yates at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 26 June
  • Community meeting with Assistant Bishop Jim White on 26 June to discuss the future of St Columba Church
  • Local Board Chairs Forum meeting on 27 June
  • Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 27 June
  • Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 29 June
  • Ports Community Reference Group on 29 June
  • Local Board Briefing – Community Centre Levels of Service Review  (Central Local Boards) on 30 June
  • Newton and Eden-Terrace Plan –Hui on 30 June
  • Changing Minds Community Housing Forum on 1 July at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 5 July
  • Franklin Road Improvement Project community liaison meeting hosting by Auckland Transport on 5 July

Refugee Forum AUTEvents and functions

From 1 June until 10 July 2016 I attended:

  • The Refugee Experience  – Storytelling through visual displays at AUT 1 June (photo right)
  • Countdown Supermarket Williamson Ave opening on 2 June
  • Bike Breakfast at Scarecrow on 2 June
  • City Rail Link ground-breaking on 2 June
  • Spray Free community meeting on 2 June
  • Auckland Transport’s cycling open day at La Cigale market on 4 June
  • Alex clothes swapWaitemata Youth Collective Clothes swap a the Central Library (photo of Alex Johnston at the Clothes Swap)
  • Queen’s Birthday celebrations at the Cloud on 4 June
  • Waipapa Stream planting day on 11 June
  • Auckland Theatre Company’s That Bloody Woman at Sky City Threatre (at the invitation of ATC) on 11 June
  • Auckland Transport’s Bike Market at the Cloud on 12 June
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks at the Malt Public House on 14 June
  • Newmarket Business Awards dinner at the Auckland War memorial museum on 17 July (at the invitation of NBA)
  • Feijoa guild Mik SmellieOtago Law Alumni breakfast at the Northern Club on 21 June
  • Feijoa Festival hosted by Splice at Chuffed Café on 22 June (Photo right: Guild of the Feijoa’s, Mik Smellie )
  • Auckland Conversations on 23 June The Future of Housing in Auckland
  • NZ Maritime Museum – Twin Exhibition Opening on 24 June
  • General Collective Market at Ponsonby Central on 25 June
  • The Minnie Street Community Day on 25 June
  • Cycle Action Network webinar presenter How to influence decision makers (together with Trevor Mallard and David Lee, Wellington City Councillor)
  • Selywn VercoeThe Seven Stars of Matariki exhibition curated by Selwyn Vercoe at Studio One Toi Tu (photo right)
  • Auckland Speaks: Multi media performance event at Adult Education Inc
  • World Press Photo exhibition opening at Smith & Caughey on 1 July
  • Plastic Free July, Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away group at Farro Fresh
  • Pecha Kucha: Special edition Auckland on the move at the Hopetoun Alpha on 5 July
  • Auckland Conversations 6 July
  • Attendance at the 2 Walk and Cycle Conference 6 – 8 July at the Rendevous Hotel (funded from the Local Board’s professional development budget). I will be reporting back on the conference in my August report
  • Vision Zero workshop presenter at the 2 Walk and Cycle Conference (together with Caroline Perry, Brake NZ, Patrick Morgan, Cycle Action Network and Abby Granbery, MR Cagney)
  • Opening of the Quay Street Cycleway by the Minister Simon Bridges on 8 July
  • Grey Lynn Park Greenways opening on Saturday 9 July
  • Te Wananga o Aotearoa Kapa Haka Super 12s at the Cloud
  • 30th anniversary of Homosexual Law Reform at the Auckland Town Hall

Bike Market June 2016 NZ Police officer Cole

Monthly board report May 2016

My monthly board report covering activities from 1 April until 1 May 2016. Included on the agenda for the Waitemata Local Board meeting on 10 May 2016.


Annual budget 2016/17

An extraordinary meeting of the Board was held on 26 April to confirm the Board’s position on Local Development Initiatives budgets, our advocacy positions and regional annual plan issues.

Included in the report for the meeting was an overview of 147 submissions received for Waitematā. The board received clear support for the priority projects we wish to take forward in 16/17.  

Franklin Road

Following a community liaison group meeting in early April Auckland Transport released the latest designs for the upgrade of Franklin Road. 

Franklin Road side street treatmentsFeatures include:

  • Improved pavement surface, footpaths and drainage.
  • Protecting tree root zones from vehicles by redefining the berm area.
  • Providing for the safe movement of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.
  • Retaining as much street parking as possible.
  • Working with utility providers to minimise disruption and deliver an integrated programme of works.
  • Improving street lighting – suspended lighting is currently proposed

franklin-road-artist-impression Franklin RoadI am particularly pleased to see included in the design raised tables on all the side streets. This is a pedestrian safety outcome the Local Board has advocated for since the beginning of the project.

A final round of engagement was undertaken on the detailed design by Auckland Transport until 10 May. Stage 1 (utility upgrade) physical works is due to start in May. Stage 2 works will start in October/November. The current completion date is mid to late 2017

Renaming lower Khartoum Place

 In December 2015 I brought a Notice of Motion to the Board proposing the renaming of lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’.

The proposal received Board support opening the way for a name changing process to commence.  Consultation on naming options is taking place until 25 May.

Path widening in Grey Lynn park for the new Greenways route
Path widening in Grey Lynn park for the new Greenways route

Greenways Design Guide

Work is underway on a design guide which covers both on-street and parks and open space greenways that is intended to become the key resource for the implementation of greenways across Auckland.

The feedback I collated in Attachment A was provided on behalf of the Waitematā Local Board to the Greenways team. 

Photo right: progress on the widening of the Greenways route through Grey Lynn Park

Signage trial

Wayfinding trial at Wynyard As part of a Regional signage project Auckland Transport is trialling various signage elements in four precincts. Signage being trialled includes street signs, pedestrian signs, information hubs (large and small), cycling signs and routes, and public transport signage.

It is good to see the trial at Wynyard Quarter with signage designed for tourists and locals to be able to navigate around central Auckland attractions. There are lots of positive features included including te reo Maori.  However as the Transport portfolio has previously highlighting we still consider the background colour is too dark, the map is not useful without showing where it fits into a wider area and the descriptions are too subjective.  The map also shows Wellesley Street as a walking route through to the Domain – a long standing issue we have raised with ATEED and Auckland Transport. 

Feedback is open until 20 May 2016

 Weona Westmere walkwayWeona – Westmere Walkway

 Phase one of the Weona –Westmere walkway is now open and phase two is well underway. It is now possible to take a scenic walk along coast line that has not been accessible for over 80 years. After visiting on beautiful day in April I felt very proud that the Board (with Shale leading the way) has stuck with this project for the last 5 years.  I think locals and visitors will be very impressed when the 1.4km route is fully opened in September.

Mt Eden car freeMaungawhau/Mt Eden is glorious to visit now the maunga is free of vehicles 

Mt Eden is not in Waitematā but I give thanks to all those who worked so hard over the last 10 years to get cars off the summit. On a recent visit at sunset it was great to see how many people were enjoying the easy walk to the top.

Berm planting guidelines

 The Board gave feedback on Auckland Transport’s draft guidelines in September last year. We are still waiting on the final draft that was Firth Road berm May 2016promised before Easter.

In the meantime I am enjoying all the neighbourly interactions that occur whenever I am outside looking after my (non-complying) berm. 

Parking – the good, the bad and the ugly

 I have been following up on a number of parking issues and concerns outlined in Attachment B.

Auckland Conversations – The value of well designed cities

Auckland Conversation JoeJoe Minicozzi, Principal of Urban3  presented, in a very entertaining way, the research that illustrates the benefits of urban density, heritage conservation and mixed-use developments. These have an economic impact that lead to creating sustainable and vibrant cities. 

The image right shows the maths of land value plus improved value (CV)  applied to Auckland (by Kent Lamberg from MR Cagney). 

Workshops and meetings

From 1 April until 1 May  2016 I attended:

  • Ponsonby Community Centre Board meeting on 4 April
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 5 April
  • Communications catch up on 5 April
  • Franklin Road Community Liaison Meeting on 5 April
  • Ponsonby Road paid parking zone consultation open day at Studio One on 6 April
  • Parks portfolio meeting on 7 April
  • Elected member professional development focus group meeting on 8 April
  • Albert Park safety meeting on 8 April organised by Hon Nikki Kaye with Superintendent Richard Chambers, Inspector Jill Rogers, Area Commander for Auckland City Central and Gary Davy from the Police, Naisi Chen (Chinese NZ Students Association) and Will Matthews (President AUSA) and Auckland Council representatives
  • Youth Voice Phase 2 Cluster Workshops on 9 April at Auckland Central Library  to explore youth-led models options under an empowered communities approach
  • Richmond Rovers strategic plan community meeting on 11 April
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 12 April in Parnell
  • Waitematā Local Board hui with iwi regarding Khartoum Place name change
  • Elected member development programme – political advisory group meeting on 13 April
  • Stakeholder meeting regarding the Khartoum Place name change on 13 April
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 14  April
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 14 April
  • Wynyard Quarter neighbours forum on 19 April
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 19 April
  • Ponsonby Business Association meeting for PBA members with Auckland Transport’s parking team on 19 April
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 20 April
  • Meeting to discuss the Board’s transport advocacy positions on 21 April
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 26 April
  • Presentation from Fresh Concept on Lower Queen St Activation Plans
  • Waitematā Local Board Extraordinary Meeting on 26 April – Annual Budget information
  • Auckland Transport open day on the wayfinding signage trial at Wynyard Quarter
  • Community portfolio meeting on 27 April
  • Inner City Network meeting and presentation on accessibility

Events and functions

From 1 April until 1 May 2016 I attended:

  • Francis Reserve Womens centre community garden Board and Leonie Auckland Theatre Company’s You can always hand them back at Sky Theatre on 2 April (at the invitation of ATC)
  • Bike breakfast at Scarecrow café on 6 April
  • Auckland Conversations on 7 April
  • Opening of the SKIP/ Women’s Centre Francis Reserve (photo right) community garden on 9 April
  • Jam on Toast at the Grey Lynn Community Centre 10 April
  • Japan Day at the Cloud opening reception on 10 April
  • Kokako turns 15 celebratory event on 15 April
  • Welcome morning tea for the new general manager of the K’rd Business Association on 15 April
  • Farewell to Charlotte from Splice on 15 April
  • Between Tides at Westmere beach on 17 April
  • Anzac day service hosted by the Grey Lynn RSC
  • Open Streets K’rd on 1 May (photo below with Margaret Lewis from the K’rd Business Assocation and Kathryn King, Auckland Transport’s walking and cycling manager who hosted the event). Congratulations to everyone involved in putting on such a fantastic event. K’rd was full of people enjoying the vehicle – free space.


Monthly board report April 2016

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 1 March – 31 March 2016 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.


Waitemata LB office opening local board services teamLocal Board “Democracy shop” – open for business

On 2 March the Board officially moved into our new offices at 52 Swanson Street just off St Patricks Square.  The offices are a huge improvement on our location at Graham St and provide a much better working environment for our hard working Local Board services team (photo right) and space for board members. I like to think we now have a “democracy shop”- a front door to our community that is easily accessible and welcoming.

Community Grants

 The Waitematā Local Board grants committee met on March to discuss the grant application to the Quick Response Fund and the Local Grant fund. In total we had $70,330.58 remaining  to distribute from the 15/16 financial year with one Quick Response Grant round to go (currently open until 6 May for grants up to $3000).

The grants committee minutes and recommendations for the Local Grant Fund are attached to the April agenda.

Community consultation – Annual budget 2016/17

Consultation on the Council’s Annual Budget 2016/17 and local board priorities took place until 24 March.  Community meetings in Ponsonby, Grafton Parnell and Grey Lynn were well attended but the official Have your Say consultation meeting at the Town Hall attracted only 4 members of the public.  The low attendance may partly be due to the number of events on that evening but I think the problem is mainly with the format which is very unsatisfactory for groups that wish to present feedback.  The Board’s public hearings style meeting held on 10 March provided a much more effective forum for presentations to the Board.

Cycling improvements consultation

inner west auckland cycle network During March Auckland Transport consulted on the network of cycling routes in the inner west area (map right) and asked for feedback on cycling improvements to make riding a bike for local trips safer.  The feedback period was extended to 5 April.

I attended the consultation events in Grey Lynn Park on 13 and 20 March.

This is the first time that Auckland Transport has consulted on the actual routes that make up the Auckland Cycle Network and support the routes in our Greenways plan.

Pippa Coom and Christopher Dempsey Lightpath Te ara i whiti / Lightpath

The electronic counter doesn’t lie!  The aphorism “Build it and they will come” proved ever so true when it comes to the amazing magenta adventure.

Christopher and I were very happy to celebrate the 100,000 trip over Lightpath since opening day on 3 December 2015.  Almost 1,000 people a day are riding the route.

There are also huge numbers of people enjoying Lightpath on foot at all times of day and night. Unfortunately the walking counter has not been working so Auckland Transport is unable to provide exact data at the moment.

Lantern Festival – transport planning

valet bike parking Lantern FestivalThe Lantern Festival, held for the first time in the Domain in February was the first Auckland Council funded evening event to promote active transport. The valet parking provided at the venue was a big success working to encourage people to give cycling ago – many bringing along children. However the overall communication and coordination regarding transport to the event was not well managed by Auckland Transport and there were a lot of lessons for next time.  I have sent the following email to the CEO of ATEED and the Manager Event Design who responded that it would be included in the mix for their debrief.

Congratulations to everyone involved on the success of the Lantern Festival (if the numbers attending are the best indicator of success!). I really enjoyed attending on the Friday and Sunday evenings.

I’m sure there will be a big exercise underway with Auckland Transport to look at the transport management plan and the messaging for the event next year. I just wanted to give some feedback while it is still fresh in my mind:

  • Although the map handed out on site was not intended as a travel map it was clearly being used for that purpose  – it needs to clearly show all the walking and cycling connections  (especially as people were arriving up hill at Grafton Station and able to walk down hill back to town but as previously mentioned the map showed the Domain as an island )
  • Creating a “Lantern Trail” in the same style as the RWC Fan trail (suggested route from Britomart via Beach Road, Churchhill street, and up Lovers Lane) – a few people have mentioned this idea to me
  • Improve the lighting on Lovers Lane – if felt too dark to use safety but is the logical connection to the Domain from the city
  • Close Grafton bridge to cars and only open to buses and ambulances – implement bus priority lanes
  • Provide wayfinding signage from all directions but particularly for those walking from different points in the city centre (the Wellesley St – Grafton Gully route particularly needs signage as previously mentioned but hopefully by next year AT will have finally got that sorted)
  • The valet bike parking was brilliant and I loved using it (of course!) but difficult to access so lots of bikes were parked all over the place (there was no signage to the bike parking)
  • Security guards were directing cyclists to dismount but did not know where the bike parking was located
  • Online information needs to spell out all the transport options including the location of car parks (I estimate there are at least 15 car parks in walking distance to the Domain but the online information just said “ the Domain is a 10 minute drive from the city centre” !!!).
  • Wayfinding signage needed throughout the entire site

Auckland Conversations: Climate Solutions: Cities in Action, Mark Watts, Executive Director C40 cities

Mark Watts C40Auckland has become the newest member of C40, a network of the world’s megacities committed to addressing climate change. C40 supports cities to collaborate effectively, share knowledge and drive meaningful, measurable and sustainable action on climate change. Auckland will be working with more than 80 of the world’s greatest cities, representing more than 550 million people and one quarter of the global economy. Sharing research, experiences and ideas, C40 is helping to find and implement innovative solutions to urban climate issues such as transport, energy, buildings and waste.

At the Auckland Conversations on  15 March Mark Watts talked about the initiatives that cities around the globe are putting in place to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and climate risks.

Cities are central to delivering greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets (Auckland’s target is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% in 2040) through a focus on land use planning, transport and buildings. Every city needs to aim to get to 1.5 tons per person per year if we have any chance of avoiding dangerous levels of climate warming. Auckland is currently at about 7.2 tons (US cities are on 16.5 tpp).

The good news from Mark is that we know what we need to do create successful, prosperous, healthy cities. No city will be successful in the future unless it is low carbon. He made comments in relation to three key areas:

1 Compact City

Sprawl is the enemy, density is the friend. 6% of growth in energy consumption is urban sprawl.  For example Copenhagen spends 4% of GDP on transport whereas Houston spends 16%.

2. Connected Cities

‘Return of the bike the most important tool in urban transport’

There are now 700 cities with bike share. 40% cycle to work in one of the richest cities.

Benefits from health care cost savings, cuts in air pollution and economic benefits

C40 consider that road pricing is inevitable in most big cities. In London as a result most people are not driving.  Stockholm has seen a 35% fall in emissions and 40% growth

3. Co-ordinated cities

Successful cities will run on data. Benchmarking is a catalyst to change. For example in NYC they are looking for a 30% GHG emissions reduction from buildings between 2005 and 2017.

 Mark ended by asking what if Mayor’s ruled the world?  Political leadership is being shown by mayors from around the world.

The Waitematā Local Board received a special mention at the event for having a Low Carbon Community Action plan and a low carbon community network.


Hakanoa greenway routeLocal board members came together on 31 March to hear an update on the work that has been underway to progress Greenways across Auckland. Simon Randall, Chair, Maungakiekie- Tamaki Local Board is the local board representative on a Greenways Leadership group set up by Stephen Town CEO, Auckland Council. That group has been looking at how best to deliver a connected Auckland through active transport.

We heard about the work underway to create a Greenways identity, an overview of a Greenways Design Guide and the potential level of investment in Greenways.

It is great to see the enthusiasm for Greenways from Local Boards and the commitment to making Auckland the world’s best city for cycling where Greenways are embraced.

In Waitematā we have recently made progress on the Grey Lynn greenways route with the widening of the Hakanoa reserve pathway (photo right). The design of the on-road sections of the route is in the process of being finalised by Auckland Transport and will shortly be available for public input.

neighbours day carlos and tanaNeighbours Day in the City Centre

Member Deborah Yates and I, with officer support, organised a Waitematā Local Board display at the Neighbours Day event in Freyberg Square and Ellen Melville Hall as part of Neighbours Day Aotearoa.  The event was aimed at inner city residents and involved a wide range of community organisations. Thanks to Splice, ADCOSS, Heart of the City and everyone who made the celebration of the city centre happen.

Ponsonby Road improvements

Fresh Kermit Ponsonby RoadFresh Kermit!  New feeder lanes and advance stop boxes on Ponsonby Road included as part of recent re-surfacing at the Board’s request are small but significant safety improvements for all road users.

Update on the Ponsonby Road pedestrian experience is reported on our agenda by Auckland Transport.

IPENZ transportation group conference

I attended the IPENZ transportation group conference 7-9 March with funding from the Board’s professional development budget.

The report back from the conference is attached to my monthly report (item 22).

 Workshops and meetings

From 1 March – 31 March  2016 I attended:

  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 1 March
  • Tamaki Drive Cycle Route Preferred Option/s Workshop hosted by Beca on behalf of Auckland Transport on 2 March
  • Have your say event for the Annual Budget 16/17 consultation at the Auckland Town Hall on 3 March
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 8 March at our new offices on Swanson St
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 9 March
  • Waitematā Local Board Annual Budget 2016/17 Hearing on 10 March
  • Met with Mik Smellie from the Residents Advisory Group on 10 March
  • Grafton Residents Association meeting to discuss the Annual budget and local board priorities on 14 March
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on  15 March
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 16 March
  • ADCOSS Forum on 17 March at Western Springs Community Hall: Towards an Age-friendly Auckland: The missing links
  • Elected Members Professional Development Programme – Social Media Forum on 18 March
  • Local Board Briefing on the new Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 on 18 March
  • Elected Members – Local Government Excellence Programme LGNZ Briefing on 21 March
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 22 March
  • Monthly media catch up on 22 March
  • Meeting organised by Auckland Transport to discuss the “Open Streets” event planned for 1 May on K’rd
  • Community portfolio meeting on 24 March
  • Grants Committee meeting on 30 March
  • Meeting to discuss the Ponsonby Cruising Club lease with Panuku Development Agency
  • Newmarket Lanesways project working group meeting to discuss progress to date
  • Local Board briefing on the Greenways project on 31 March

Events and functions

From 1 March – 31 March 2016 I attended:

  • Waitematā Local Board – official office opening on 2 March
  • IPENZ transportation group conference 7 -9 March (see Attachment A for my conference report back)
  • The James Play reception Steve MillerAuckland Arts Festival shows at the invitation of the AAF Trust (I have declared these tickets as gifts in accordance with Auckland Council’s code of practice)
    • Te Po
    • Cucina dell’ arte
    • St James Play: Part 1 (photo right at the opening night reception with Steven Miller who plays James I)
    • Carabosse Fire Garden at the Auckland Domain
  • Little Day Out at the Mt Eden Village Centre on 5 March
  • Music in Parks at Western Park (free music in parks event) on 5 March
  • Pasifika Festival Saturday 12 March
  • Ponsonby Market Day on Saturday 12 March
  • White Nights. Making Light performance by the Velociteers on Lightpath on 12 March
  • St Patricks Day parade along Ponsonby Road on 13 March
  • Learn to ride and consultation event in Grey Lynn Park on 13 and 20 March
  • Auckland Conversations on 15 March
  • Zoo opening with the PM March 2016One Planet Living launch at Unitec on 17 March
  • Grey Lynn school Aloha night on 18 March
  • Neighbours day city centre event on 19 March
  • David Haigh’s farewell from the Grafton Residents Association
  • Member of the official party at the Citizenship ceremony in the Town Hall on 22 March
  • Official opening of the Auckland Zoo’s new African savannah development by the Prime Minister, the Rt.Hon. John Key on 24 March 2016  (photo right)
  • Celebration of Lightpath with free ice cream on 30 March provided by Auckland Transport for the 100,000 trip since opening day on 3 December
  • Regional Facilities hosted local board function at Auckland Zoo on 30 March

Monthly board report March 2016

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 1 February – 29 February 2016 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

Portfolio Updates

Community Empowerment

Cr Cathy Casey at Community Empowerment unit open day
Cr Cathy Casey at Community Empowerment unit open day

Since October 2015 Auckland Council has been in the process of implementing an empowered communities approach to community development. The new operating model involves a shift from Council delivering community development activities, to using community-led development processes.  The new approach requires Council’s operational practices to allow more people to participate and for budgets to be devolved to communities as much as possible.

The Board has been supportive of the change in approach and we welcomed our new Strategic Broker Shamila Unka at the end of last year. Shamila will be based part time at the Board’s new offices at 52 Swanson Street.

We have however been concerned to ensure a smooth transition and that none of the local board’s priorities are over looked in the new structure.

The leadership team of the new Community Empowerment Unit led by Christine Olsen met with the central area community development portfolio holders in early February and the whole Unit held a very informative Open Day for all elected representatives on 29 February 

Community development work programme

  • Priorities of the community development portfolio for 2016 include:
  • Review and refresh of the Board’s accessibility plan
  • Support for Council’s Homeless Action Plan
  • Continuing the upkeep of Waitemata’s community facilities
  • Transitioning community centres to 3 yearly agreements
  • Supporting the work of the Waitematā Youth Collective and development of a city centre youth hub
  • Provision of temporary meeting spaces in the city centre during the Ellen Meville Hall upgrade period
  • Child Friendly City Accreditation
  • Supporting community empowerment projects such as the community- led design process for 254 Ponsonby Road

Community consultation – Annual budget 2016/17

Annual budget 16The Council’s annual consultation on the budget for the following year got underway in mid-February.  As part of the process the Board also seeks feedback on our local priorities and new proposals.

Waitematā Local Board key priorities outlined in the consultation material: Based on our 10-year budget, in 2016/2017 we plan to invest $11 million to renew and develop assets in your local board area and $23 million to maintain and operate these assets and provide other local initiatives. This includes:

  • renewing existing assets ($2.4 million)
  • completing stage two of Myers Park including the improved entranceway at Mayoral Drive and installation of a splash pad ($3.3 million)
  • completing the Weona-Westmere coastal walkway ($360,000)
  • re-developing Pioneer Women’s and Ellen Melville Hall ($3.4 million)
  • commencing delivery of a streetscape improvement project from the agreed Newmarket Laneways Plan ($1.4 million)
  • delivering the new Fukuoka gardens in Western Springs park ($40,000)

It is proposed the following additional local priorities for 2016/2017 are funded through local discretionary budgets:

  • improve the pathways through Western Park and upgrade the Pt Resolution steps to concrete
  • install a new pathway through Symonds Street Cemetery to connect Karangahape Road to Grafton Gully cycleway
  • increase spend on low carbon initiatives to help Waitematā lower carbon use and become more energy-resilient including the installation of photovoltaics at Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • increase the budget for the annual Myers Park festival to provide an even better local event
  • investigate the feasibility of establishing a youth hub in the city centre
  • install a solar heating solution at Parnell Baths
  • continue to put children and young people first and achieve UNICEF Child Friendly City accreditation
  • support community-led development and place making such as the open space design for 254 Ponsonby Road and the development of a bicycle pump track at Grey Lynn Park

The Board is also considering allocating budget to change the service levels to increase maintenance of headstones and removal of graffiti at the historic Symonds Street Cemetery.

I’ve raised concerns with the regional consultation team about the poor level of communication to promote local board consultation events and the inaccessibility of the material online.

Fortunately we have a fantastic local board team who have been doing a great job on our behalf working alongside local community groups to arrange consultation events and opportunities to give feedback.

Due to a range of issues with promoting the Annual Budget 2016/17 consultation material the feedback period has been extended to 24 March.  Link to the online feedback form 


At our first transport portfolio meeting of the year we discussed a long list of updates with Auckland Transport representatives including:

  • Ponsonby Road pedestrian experience project:  The proposals for improving Ponsonby Road for people walking were consulted on from from 16 November to 7 December 2015. In total, 129 feedback responses were received with a large majority expressing strong support for the project overall.  The results and recommendations for next steps will be reported back on our April agenda.
  • Cycleway progress and implementation with Kathryn King, Manager of Walking & Cycling: AT plans to seek feedback in March from Western Bays residents on preferences for making the area more attractive for cycling. We raised the issue of the many outstanding small fixes to the existing cycle way network that we are concerned are getting forgotten with the focus on an extensive capital work programme. It was good to hear that many are underway such as contra- flows for cycling on one way streets including Crummer Road (first included in our Local Board Agreement 2011/12)
  • Quay St cyclewayQuay Street update: The design for a two-way separated cycleway on Quay Street leading from Lower Hobson Street, past Princess Wharf to Plumer Street has been confirmed. Completion is expected in April 2016
  • CRL update: Options are being considered for closing the rail crossing on Porters Ave just off New North Road on the boundary of the Waitemata Local Board area. This has an impact on the residents and businesses of Albert – Eden.
  • Nelson Street parking: Auckland Transport consulted the transport portfolio before removing the parking on Nelson St between Wellesley and Victoria Streets alongside
    Parking on Nelson Street
    Parking removed from Nelson St

    the cycleway (photo right). We didn’t object to the removal as occupancy was low and the poor layout was causing a lot of confusion for drivers. However we did ask AT to actively work with the NZ Police to enforce the speed limit on Nelson St (the parked cars had the benefit of slowing down the traffic).

  • Private Planting in Road Corridor: AT’s long awaited berm planting guidelines are expected to come back to Local Boards for comment shortly
  • Parking Fund Reserve: Approximately $100k is available to fund car parking. The transport portfolio has asked that a proposal to leverage this fund to develop sites that are in Council ownership while retaining off street car parking be investigated (for example the car park on Pompellier Tce)
  • Local Board Transport Capital Fund has $216k available that needs to be allocated by October. The Board is exploring a number of options with Auckland Transport

The Auckland Transport monthly report on our agenda provides updates in more detail.

Street Trees

Williamson Ave Rose RoadThe gutting of tree protection regulations by the government has highlighted the importance of street trees for providing the many benefits the city receives from a rich green canopy. Unfortunately Auckland Transport has generally been taking a “business as usual” approach to footpath upgrades and renewals so that opportunities to plant trees have been overlooked.

Part of the problem appears to be an institutional resistance to including trees because of the additional operational costs.

Five recent projects have exposed the need for Auckland Transport and Auckland Council to urgently agree on the policy and procedure for the planting of street trees:

  • Graham Street footpath renewal
    Graham Street footpath renewal

    Rose Road road works as a result of the new Countdown supermarket on Williamson Ave – footpath extended without tree pits (photo top)

  • Graham St footpath renewal – footpaths reinstated without tree pits (photo below)
  • Scotland Street upgrade – plans for greening the footpath build-out are still in discussion
  • Parnell Rise/ Parnell Road upgrade – plans for greening the footpath build-out are still in discussion. A tree pit was not originally included in the design because of underground utilities
  • The Dylan apartment development on the corner of Great North Road and Harcourt St- footpaths reinstated without tree pits

One piece of good news is that following our advocacy and a series of complaints Auckland Transport and the Council’s arborist were able to agree on the inclusion of 4 new tree pits on the footpath between Rose Road and Williamson Ave (issues regarding the development contribution for undertaking the remedial work and how a giant area of concrete was installed without trees in the first place are still to be resolved).

City Centre Master plan review – first steps towards Vision Zero Auckland

The City Centre Master Plan (CCMP) was published in 2012 with nine outcomes and 36 targets. The Waitematā Local Board contributed to a review of the plan leading to new outcomes and targets being signed off by the Auckland Development Committee on 11 February 2016.

I am really pleased that following a request from the Board Outcome 7 has had the words ‘moving towards zero pedestrian deaths or serious injuries as a result of vehicle collisions’ added. This is a significant contribution to road safety and is the first time the principle of “Vision Zero” has been adopted under Auckland Council.

LGNZ meeting

I attended the Zone 1 meeting in Whangarei on 26 February for Local Government NZ delegates in the Auckland and Northland area.

We received presentations from Malcolm Alexander, CEO of LGNZ and Ernst Zollner, Regional Director of NZTA.

An issue I brought up at the zone meeting was my disappointment and incredulity (shared by many elected representatives) that LGNZ has announced a conference programme with zero female presenters. It is also surprising that a conference on the theme of “place making” appears to offer so little for Local Board members.  It highlights to me that LGNZ is still struggling to respond to Auckland’s governance arrangements that established local boards representing more people than Dunedin.

Workshops and meetings

From 1 February – 29 February 2016 I attended:

  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 2 February
  • Meeting to discuss the Board’s participation in Neighbours Day
  • Auckland Transport meeting with representatives of Franklin Road residents to discuss the planning and timetable for the upgrade that is about to get underway
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 9 February in Grey Lynn
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 10 February
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 11 February
  • Draft domain master plan open day on 13 February (see Attachment A)
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on  16 February
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 17  February
  • Community portfolio meeting on 18 February
  • Community Empowerment Unit and Local Board Central Cluster Portfolio Holder meeting on 18 February to meet the new leadership team of the Unit
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 23 February
  • Annual Budget 2016/17 consultation meetings:
  • Western Bays Community Group AGM and presentation
  • Grey Lynn Residents Association meeting
  • Parnell Community Committee meeting
  • Inner City Network meeting
  • Meeting to discuss the development of the Uptown Business Association brand on 24 February
  • Attended the Governing Body extraordinary meeting to discuss the “out of scope” Unitary Plan zoning proposals
  • Richmond Rovers Community meeting on 24 February to discuss the club’s alcohol licence with local residents
  • BID policy workshop with representatives from Ponsonby Business Association and Parnell Inc
  • LGNZ zone 1 meeting on 26 February in Whangarei
  • Community Empowerment Unit’s open day on 29 February

Events and functions

From 1 February – 29 February 2016 I attended:

  • Associates breakfast – urban design, cycling and transport discussion on  4 February at Scarecrow café
  • Joined the anti- TPPA protest on 4 February
  • Attended the Waitangi celebrations at Takaparawha as a zero waste volunteer with Christopher Dempsey on 6 February
  • Go by Bike Day pit stop on the Lightpath on 9 February
  • Phantom of the Opera at the invitation of ATEED on 11 February
  • The Book of Everything at Q Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre on 12 February
  • Rock in Grey Lynn Park on 13 February (free music in parks event)
  • Polo at Sky Theatre at the invitation of the Auckland Theatre Company
  • The Big Gay Out in Coyle Park on 14 February
  • Elected representatives and Local Board staff lunch time ride for the Auckland Bike Challenge on 18 February 
  • Auckland Philharmonia Grand Opening concert at the Auckland Town Hall on 18 February at the invitation of APO
  • Lantern Festival opening function at Auckland Museum on 19 February
  • Opening of Parnell Trust’s new offices in the Jubilee building, Parnell on 23 February
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks
  • Blessing for the Board’s new offices at 52 Swanson Street on 25 February
  • The Board supported Myers Park Medley on 27 February 
  • Official party at the Citizenship ceremony in the Town Hall on 29 February
Members of the Waitemata Local Board and Local Services staff on a lunchtime bike ride for the Auckland Bike Challenge
Members of the Waitemata Local Board and Local Services staff on a lunchtime bike ride for the Auckland Bike Challenge

Monthly Board report February 2016

This is my first report for 2016 covering updates from December 2015 and January 2016.


City of cycles

The opening of Lightpath and the Nelson St cycleway on 3 December by Hon Simon Bridges marked the beginning of a fantastic summer of cycling for Auckland.  There has been a 20 percent increase in cycling in December 2015 compared to 2014 thanks to the expanding network of safe cycleways.

cycleway-opening-ceremony_500x620Lightpath is now the second busiest route with an average of 936 cycle trips per day (pedestrian numbers have yet to be made available but it is also proving to be extremely popular for walkers, runners and skateboarders).

Although Nelson St cycleway has been a big success (and Lightpath is guaranteed to be an award winner) we have been concerned about poor connections and lack of wayfinding to the route. At our December board meeting we passed the following resolutions detailed here.

As at 2 February NZTA has advised that the work around Mercury Lane and Canada Street is being reviewed as part of the final safety audit which is due to be concluded imminently with remediation work to follow.

 Love to Ride – Auckland Bike Challenge

 I’ve signed up the Waitematā Local Board to the Auckland Bike Challenge through the Love to Ride website. Over February we are going to aim for every member of the local board and all our local board services team to give cycling a go at least once.

 City Rail Link announcement

 CRL BlessingThe Waitematā Local Board has consistently supported the City Rail Link as we understand that it is critical to the development of an integrated, efficient transport system in Auckland.  It was therefore a pleasure to mark two significant CRL milestones.

First on 21st December I attended with Christopher Dempsey on behalf of the Board the dawn blessing for the start of the CRL works (photo right).

On 27 January I joined MP Julie Anne Genter, supporters and board members for a celebration to mark the government’s announcement on CRL celebration at the Greens Officethe CRL funding. This commitment is long overdue but it is good to see the government finally respond to the overwhelming evidence that the CRL is essential to Auckland.

Congratulations to everyone who championed the CRL project and in particular the Mayor who made it his number one priority.

New Network consultation  

In January I worked on the Board’s feedback on Auckland Transport’s proposed New Network for Auckland’s Central Suburbs following the public consultation process that ran from 1 October until 10 December 2015.

The Board’s feedback is attached to the agenda.

Taxi trial on Grafton bridge

 The Board welcomed the news that Auckland Transport proposes an early end to the Grafton bridge taxi trial. We originally opposed the introduction of the trial.

 From AT’s monitoring data it appears that the introduction of taxis to the bridge had a more than minor effect as outlined in the pre-trial monitoring methodology.  The two main areas of concern are; failure to adhere to the 30km/h speed limit and, the number of recorded instances of taxis overtaking cyclists on the bridge.

We agreed with this assessment (which supported our own experience of taxis and unauthorised drivers using Grafton Bridge) and the recommendation to the Traffic Control Committee (TCC) for the trial to be stopped and for the special vehicle lane to be returned to a bus lane.

Franklin Road

franklin-road-revised-option-1-october-2015I am the Board’s representative on the Community Liaison Group for the upgrade of Franklin Road.

In December, following further public engagement and peer review of the options, Auckland Transport announced the preferred design option.

The key reasons given for selecting option 1 as preferred option are:

  • It balances the needs of all road users taking into account feedback from stakeholders.
  • It retains the flush median which is used predominantly by vehicles for right turn movements into side street.
  • It retains parking between trees.
  • It provides for confident cyclists.
  • It’s considered an appropriate facility for the steep gradient of Franklin Road.
  • There is good separation between cyclists and vehicles reversing from driveways.
  • It is supported by an independent peer reviewer.

Option 1 will now progress to the detailed design stage with a draft design expected in March 2016. This will include further consideration of the treatment of the Wellington Street intersection and side road intersections, and the location and design of pedestrian crossing facilities.

Physical works on stage one are due to commence in March 2016 and implementation of the residents parking zone in April. It is great to see this project moving forward after a long campaign by the Board and local residents.

More details on Auckland Transport’s website.

 Unitary Plan

I have been following the Unitary Plan debate closely and how it impacts on our communities even though planning sits outside my portfolios.

On 25th January I attended with the Chair the Grey Lynn Residents Association information evening. At least 40 people came along to Grey Lynn RSC to hear about the latest zone changes.

What is of most of concern is the out of scope upzoning that is currently proposed by Auckland Council. This has involved unilateral changes to zoning without the ability of people to have any input. It is likely that not all the zoning changes will be opposed where it has been done to correct anomalies or where there may be support for more intensification particularly on transport routes (one of the rationales for the upzoning).

However current opposition to the proposals is not a NIMBY response (as is often portrayed of the oppostion) but an objection to the process. As the Shale Chambers said at the meeting it is a “procedural abomination” that the usual rules of natural justice and the democratic process have not been applied to the up-zoning proposals.

Another aspect of the Unitary Plan process that was mentioned at the meeting is how draining it has been on community groups. The Grey Lynn Residents Association is one of the few voluntary groups that are still managing to be part of the hearing process.


Auckland on Anniversary weekend
Auckland on Anniversary weekend

The Auckland Anniversary long weekend provided a smorgasbord of amazing events. I enjoyed checking out the Waitemata Local Board sponsored International buskers festival, Ports of Auckland hosted See Port, and the new Tamaki Herenga Waka Festival in the Cloud as well as taking visitors on a bike ride along the waterfront.

It was just really disappointing to hear that so many people were let down by public transport over the weekend. Member Christopher Dempsey is following this up with Auckland Transport as there is no excuse for not being able to plan for the huge crowds that are now attracted to the city centre to celebrate Auckland’s anniversary.

I was fortunate to attend a number of events in December in the lead up to the holiday break (including the Franklin Road lights, West Lynn Street party, Grey Lynn 2030 Christmas lunch, Ponsonby Business Association breakfast). I was particularly grateful for the invite extended to all elected representatives to attend a settlement waananga and Christmas lunch at Umupuia Marae on 11 December. It was a very special day learning about the history of Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki and their recent settlement with the Crown.

Monthly Board report December 2015

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 1 November until 5 December 2015 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.  I was also acting chair from 15 – 19 November.

This is my final report for 2015. Many thanks to everyone who supports the work of the Board during the year.


Parnell Festival of roses 2015 zero wasteParnell Festival of Roses on 15 November

Congratulations to the team who delivered an outstanding community-focused Parnell Festival of Roses this year (the festival is now in its 22nd year).  I was particularly impressed to hear that the festival broke zero waste records. It is the most sustainable event in terms of zero waste since Auckland Zero Waste Alliance’s Zero Waste Event Project started operating in 2013 achieving a diversion from landfill of 98%.  90% of the event’s waste was composted, and another 8% recycled. Only 2% of the waste generated went to landfill.

David Seymour MP took a big interest in learning about zero waste


Freemans Bay School think big projectFreemans Bay School Think Big project

The launch of the Auckland Kids Voice website by Freeman’s Bay School was held on 11 November at Auckland Council. The website is a Think Big project developed by the school with funding from the Waitematā Local Board earmarked for youth initiatives as part of being a UNICEF Child Friendly City.

The website includes an adult survey form adapted by the school students for kids to be able to give local feedback on Auckland Transport’s New Network bus consultation.  The project was recognised in a NZ Herald article Inner City youngsters have region’s interests at heart

Thanks to everyone who made this project happen.

Launch of the Low Carbon Community Action Plan at the Auckland Museum

Launch of low carbon plan at Auckland Museum
Launch of low carbon plan at Auckland Museum

Waitematā is the first Local Board to launch a community low carbon action plan. The plan came out of community concern about the lack of action on climate change that led to the Board in 2011 committing to develop a localised plan for reducing emissions that will focus on reducing energy use, sustainable transport options, waste reduction, local food production and more effective and cooperative use of resources and land. I acknowledge the work of the Natural Environment Portfolio team (members Deborah Yates and Rob Thomas) who have seen through the project this term.

On Wednesday 4 November the plan and a Low Carbon Community Network was launched by the Board at the Auckland Museum.  The network is intended as a loose collaboration of all those interested in climate change and forging a low carbon community. The Board aims to make the most of sharing the considerable ideas, news and events which make up our collective local knowledge.

At the launch the Museum’s Director of Corporate Services Les Fleming (pictured below with board members) described the huge success they have had in reducing their carbon footprint and took attendees on the roof to see the solar array which is contributing to their effort.

Ponsonby Rd Pedestrian Experience project

On 17 November consultation started on the proposal by Auckland Transport and the Waitematā Local Board to make Ponsonby Road more visually attractive and pedestrian-friendly through improvements to 8 side streets between Franklin Road and Williamson Ave.  Additional improvements for Mackelvie Street include a new central island with plantings and an additional raised table. Depending on the preferred design the improvements will result in the addition of between 8 – 12 on street car parks, a new pedestrian refuge for crossing Ponsonby Road and new street furniture.

The improvements are funded from the Waitematā Local Board transport capital expenditure fund to support delivery of the Ponsonby Road Plan.

I’ve previously reported on the 2 year battle the Board had with Auckland Transport to achieve a pedestrian friendly design so it is great to see this project progress.

Consultation is open until 7 December.

Grey Lynn Transport project consultation

Auckland Transport has made unnecessarily difficult work of proposals for transport changes at the Grey Lynn shops.  Auckland Transport failed to appreciate the impact of their original proposals (that started out as a project to just relocate one bus stop and improve the safety of two more in the town centre), didn’t develop a consultation plan with the Local Board and didn’t respond adequately to issues raised by the local business community.   

It is unfortunate because there are many positive aspects of the revised project (following initial community feedback) that Auckland Transport started consultation on in early November.  The new proposals include a new pedestrian crossing, relocation of a loading zone and revised changes to bus stops in the town centre, as well as the installation of  traffic calming treatments on Prime Rd and Selbourne St. The changes aim to improve pedestrian safety, create a more pedestrian-friendly environment, and improve the operation of bus services.  Importantly it is no longer proposed to remove a loading zone and substantial on street parking which was the focus of original concerns about the project.

On my request the feedback period was extended by 2 weeks (until 9 December) following the Surrey Cres working group raising concerns about the timeframe and extent of the consultation.

Update on the berm planting guidelines

Richmond Rd berm dec 2015I’ve previously reported on the feedback we gave Auckland Transport on their draft berm planting guidelines. As part of the feedback the Board requested that Auckland Transport re-write the guidelines in conjunction with Local Board Services and that the guidelines include:

  • details about why berm planting is encouraged and supported
  • sets out an empowering and enabling criteria
  • clarifies the local board role
  • identifies how to mitigate potential hazards and maintenance expectations
  • tips on working with neighbours to achieve the best outcomes for the community from private plantings in the road corridor

However Auckland Transport has advised that a new draft of the guidelines will go to Auckland Transport’s Executive Team and the AT Board, with a final version of the guidelines likely to be available in the new year. In other words AT has ignored the Board’s request to have input BEFORE the guidelines are finalised.

I have therefore written to the CEO of Auckland Transport bringing his attention to the flawed process his senior managers are pursuing with regards to the berm planting guidelines and to ask that he takes action to ensure the guidelines are only finalised after AT has sought the input of Local Board services as requested (by Waitemata and many other Boards).

In ignoring the request for further input from Local Board Services AT is failing to recognise the Local Board’s placemaking role and desire to work with the community on this issue.  AT is also acting contrary to the governance structure and engagement agreement with Local Boards. The current process proposed by AT is unacceptable and is likely to lead to Local Boards having no choice but to draft our own guidelines together with the community.

Freemans Bay Residential Parking Scheme

The results of  Auckland Transport’s consultation on the Freemans Bay Residential Parking Scheme showed 59% overall support (78% support from residents).  However AT advised the Freemans Bay Residents Association that further consultation may be necessary due to the low response rate  (2439 letter sent out, 305 responses received). This led to over 140 emails from concerned residents to Board members asking that the scheme be implemented as soon as possible. I assisted the chair in drafting the following response to Freemans Bay residents:

Thank you for your email and for showing your support for the Freemans Bay Residential Parking Scheme. The Waitematā Local Board is very concerned about the ongoing parking issues in Freemans Bay.

We have asked Auckland Transport (AT) to implement the scheme as soon as possible.

The Board has been advocating for the introduction of the Freemans Bay Residential parking scheme since 2011 and we have actively supported the work of AT together with the Freemans Bay Residents Association to develop the proposed scheme that was recently been consulted on by AT.

One of our key advocacy areas in our Local Board Agreement 2015/16 is Auckland Transport to implement the residential parking zone scheme to manage commuter parking in central Auckland suburbs following consultation with residents.

On 3 November Auckland Transport’s parking team briefed Local Board members on their analysis of the consultation feedback. Although AT advised that they are satisfied they carried out a robust and thorough consultation process, the AT parking team raised with the Board their concern about the low response rate from residents and whether this might require further directed consultation such as door to door enquiries to ensure residents understand and support the scheme.

However we confirmed with AT that we do not think there is any reason to delay the implementation or undertake further consultation given the level of support at the public meeting we attended and that a low response rate is to be expected when the majority are favourable to a proposal.

I, on behalf of the Board, have therefore given AT a very clear direction of the Board’s support for the scheme which has also been backed up by the many positive messages of support, including your own, that we have received from residents.

The parking team confirmed that they will be recommending this month to the Auckland Transport Executive (the final decision maker) that the implementation of the scheme goes ahead based on the consultation results and the support of the Waitematā Local Board. AT have undertaken to get back to the Board with an implementation plan very shortly.

At our November Board meeting we also directed Auckland Transport to implement the scheme as soon as possible (thanks to the Freemans Bay Residents Association for supporting this work and attending the meeting).   AT has now confirmed implementation will take place in March 2016.

Community Grants

Applications for the Quick Response Round Two 2015- 2016 were considered at the Community Grants Committee meeting on 2 December. 17 applications totally $36,622.00 were received for a remaining grants fund of $53,298.58.

Details of the applications and the committee’s decision is available on the Council website under agenda and minutes.

Franklin Road lights 2015Franklin Road lights

The annual switch on of the Franklin Road lights took place on 1 December. This is a very special community event that the Board supports with a grant for the opening night celebrations and additional waste services.

Thanks to the organiser Roscoe Thorby who is to be congratulated on a fantastic opening night with record crowds and special guests Buckwheat and Tess.

Nelson St cycleway opening

cycleway-opening-ceremony_500x620The Nelson St cycleway and Canada St bridge opened on 3 December by Hon Simon Bridges. It is fantastic to see this cycleway project progress so quickly since receiving funding from the Urban Cycleway Investment fund. It is the most exciting and interesting cycling project happening in New Zealand if not the world right now. The magenta colour, lighting installation and clever repurposing of a disused motorway off ramp are sure to be award winning and a huge visitor attraction.

Workshops and meetings

From 1 November – 5 December 2015 I attended:

  • Central Local Boards briefing on financial policies for Annual Plan 2016/2017 on 2 November
  • Surrey Crescent working group meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss the Grey Lynn transport project on 2 November
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 3 November
  • Media and communications catch up on 4 November
  • Business Improvement Districts policy workshop for Councillors and Local Board member representatives on 5 November
  • Meeting for Board members to discuss proposed Unitary Plan rezoning
  • Meeting to discuss Waitematā Local Board Grants programme
  • Auckland Transport presentation to Parnell Inc members regarding the New  Network bus consultation
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 10 November
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 11 November
  • Meeting  on 11 November to discuss Ellen Melville Hall art concept proposals
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 12 November
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss Franklin Road upgrade options and process
  • Presentation by 5 year two AUT students of their innovative ecological design project for Western Bays.
  • GHD hosted breakfast on 13 November and ‘Bikes are good for business’ presentation by Kyle Rowe, Transport Planner with the Seattle Department of Transportation
  • Catch up with NBA General manager on  13 November
  • Weekly update with Relationship Manager including update with Senior Advisor on 16 November (as acting Chair)
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 17 November
  • Transport portfolio monthly meeting with Auckland Transport on 18 November
  • Meeting at MacKelvie St  organised by the Ponsonby Business Association with Auckland Transport to discuss the Ponsonby Road pedestrian experience project consultation
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 24 November
  • Meeting with Julian Hulls from Nextbike to discuss bike share
  • Waitematā Local Board extraordinary meeting on 24 November
  • Community Development Portfolio meeting on 25 November
  • Inner City Network meeting organised by ADCOSS on 26 November at Ellen Melville Hall
  • Meeting to discuss Greenways route through Parnell Station
  • Waitematā Local Board annual plan presentation to the governing body (presented by the Chair)
  • Tamaki Drive (Plumer St to Ngapipi Rd) cycle route workshop organised by Auckland Transport on 30 November at Beca
  • Ponsonby Community Centre Committee meeting on 30 November
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 1 December
  • Attended the Step it Up conference organised by Centre for NZ Progress  opening plenary on 30 November  and with Michael Wood (member Puketapapa Local Board ) presented at the Step It Up conference on 1 December Local government elections in 2016 – Fighting for progress
  • Waterfront Forum hosted by Panuku Development Agency on 1 December
  • Waitematā Local Board grants committee meeting on 2 December
  • Local Board Members briefing on Housing Affordability on 3 December

Events and functions

From 1 November – 5 December 2015 I attended:

  • All Blacks parade in Victoria Park on 4 November
  • Launch of the Low Carbon Community Action plan at Auckland Museum on 4 November
  • Community information event for the POP programme 2016 held at Studio One on 6 November
  • Hudson & Halls at the Herald Theatre on 6 November at the invitation of Silo Theatre
  • Opening of the Salisbury Reserve playground upgrade on 7 November
  • Auckland Transport’s New Network Consultation at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market on 8 November
  • Freemans Bay School’s Think Big Project launch (Auckland Kids Voice website)
  • Armistice Day commemoration held at the Auckland War Memorial Museum on 11 November
  • Opening of the Short me Shorts Film Festival at the Civic Theatre on 11 November
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks
  • Opening of the Onehunga Foreshore Taumanu on Saturday 14 November
  • Parnell Festival of Roses on Sunday 15 November
  • Auckland Architecture Association Awards and Lecture by the chief judge Rewi Thompson at the Auckland Art Gallery on 17 November
  • Parnell Community Committee AGM on 17 November
  • The Grey Lynn Book Launch at the Grey Lynn RSC on 18 November
  • Opening of the Air New Zealand 75th anniversary exhibition at the Auckland Museum on 19 November
  • Herne Bay Residents Association AGM on 19 November
  • Launch of the Arch Hill Art Wall at Lot 23 on 20 November
  • Bike Market organised by Auckland Transport at the Pitt St YMCA Hall
  • Announcement event for the Phil Goff mayoralty campaign on 22 November
  • Civic Trust AGM at the Leys Institute Library on 22 November
  • Cycle Action Auckland relaunch as Bike Auckland on 24 November
  • White Ribbon march on 25 November
  • Ponsonby Community Centre Christmas drinks on 25 November (I received coasters as a Christmas gift from the staff at the centre)
  • Drinks with Jarret Walker , author of  Human Transit How clearer thinking about public transit can enrich our communities and our lives  hosted by MR Cagney on 27 November
  • climate change christopherGrey Lynn Park Festival on 28 November
  • People’s Climate March on 28 November (photo right with Christopher Dempsey on the Climate March)
  • Ponsonby Community Centre AGM on 30 November
  • Waterfront Forum hosted by Panuku Development Agency on 1 December
  • Franklin Road Christmas lights opening on 1 December
  • Silo Park Christmas launch on 2 December
  • Dawn blessing and opening of the Nelson St cycleway on 3 December
  • First Thursdays on K’rd
  • Grey Lynn Community Centre Christmas gathering on 3 December
  • Ponsonby Market Day on 5 December
  • Bike Rave on 5 December

Monthly Board report November 2015

This report provides highlights from my Waitematā Local Board activities during October 2015. It is included on the agenda of the Board’s November business meeting.

Penelope Carroll (Massey University) and children from central schools present on the children’s audit carried out as part of the Freyberg Square consultation
Penelope Carroll (Massey University) and children from central schools present on the children’s audit carried out as part of the Freyberg Square consultation


Public Forum

Public forum at the Board’s October business meeting was one of our most interesting and thought-provoking with seven presentations covering a range of projects and issues. We are really fortunate that people in the Waitematā Local Board area are willing to take the time to engage with local government through our public forums.

Charlotte Fisher and Erwin van Asbeck bring along the litter collected from a Herne Bay beach to highlight local stormwater, sewage and pollution issues.
Charlotte Fisher and Erwin van Asbeck bring along the litter collected from a Herne Bay beach to highlight local stormwater, sewage and pollution issues.

Friends of St Davids, Grey Lynn Surrey Crescent shopsworking group, Hauora Gardens at Studio One, Brian McClure a local business landlord and the Grey Lynn pump track society also presented at the public forum.

Presentations that were tabled are available on the Council website.

Berm planting

Auckland Transport has done a great job sparking interest in berm planting!  Local Board feedback on Auckland Transport’s draft berm planting guidelines was made available in October (our feedback was attached to the October agenda) leading to media coverage extending all the way to the BBC and a NZ gardener petition.

Disappointingly Auckland Transport incorrectly claimed in the media that the draft had been provided to local boards in confidence. Throughout the development of the draft guidelines AT has shown a lack of understanding of Local Board’s placemaking role and processes.

Photo Credit: Nick Young
Photo Credit: Nick Young








Ponsonby Road feeder lane
Ponsonby Road feeder lane

Ponsonby Road safety improvements

A new feeder lane and advance stop boxes (“fresh Kermit) have been installed on Ponsonby Road as part of Auckland Transport’s resurfacing project.

Report back: Future of Cycling symposium: Challenges and Possibilities

I attended the Future of Cycling symposium hosted by the University of Waikato and Cycling New Zealand at the Avantidrome in Cambridge on 2 October 2015.

The symposium was a first for bringing together academics, sports administrators, cycle advocates and representatives from transport agencies to discuss a range of cycling related issues and opportunities.

The symposium was opened by Andrew Matheson, CEO of Cycling NZ. He shared some interested statistics from research Cycling NZ has carried out:

–       23% of adults get on a bike at least once a year

–       Half have high engagement with cycling

–       High engagement riders are estimated to save our health economy $1 billion per year

I was particularly interested in presentations about safety and making cycling an everyday transport option.  For example from a  report back from the Cycle Safety conference in Germany we heard about new bike technology to make cycling safer for older people (in Holland cycling injuries and fatalities are very low by international standards but older people make up the largest and growing group of victims). It was recommended that rather than follow the lead of Europe we need to find our own safety solutions to meet them in the future.

Gerry Dance from NZTA reported that we are now “riding with a political tailwind” due to the increase in cycling investment from the government.

I attended the symposium with members Christopher Dempsey and Rob Thomas. Registration of $80 was paid from the Board’s professional development budget.

October events and functions

In addition to Local Board workshops and meetings I attended:

  • Cycling symposium in Cambridge on 2 October
  • Pecha Kucha Maritime edition at the Voyager Museum 8 October
  • Art Week opening at Silo 6 on 9 October
  • Auckland Refugees Council AGM on 10 October at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • Kelmarna Spring Festival on 11 October
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 14 October
  • Introduction to Local Board members by the new Panuku Development Agency
  • At the Beach NZ Fashion Museum launch at Voyager Museum on 15 October
  • Spring Fling in the Myers Park underpass on 16 October
  • Diwali Festival opening ceremony in Aotea Square on 17 October
  • Grey Lynn Farmers Market AGM on 18 October  (I have now resigned from the Grey Lynn Farmers Market management committee after 5 years as Chair )
  • Bikes vs Cars documentary screening on 18 October
  • Ports of Auckland community reference group meeting
  • Presentation by the world homeless expert Dr Sam  Tsemberis, Pathways to Housing, NYC  at Merge Café hosted by Lifewise on 20 October
  • Opening of the Screenies International children’s film festival at TAPAC on 22 October
  • Inner city network meeting to discuss neighbours day 2016 preparations
  • Ponsonby Business Association AGM on 27 October
  • The Lesson opening night at Basement Theatre on 27 October
  • Franklin Road community liaison group meeting on 28 October (to discuss the latest options for the upgrade of Franklin Road)

Monthly Board Report October 2015

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 17 August – 30 September 2015 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.


Portfolio updates: Transport

Beach Rd Stage 2 opening
Beach Rd Stage 2 opening

Beach Road stage 2

I was delighted to join the celebrations for the opening of Beach Road stage 2 especially as the Board (through our Chair Shale Chambers) played a role in securing the funding for the project to get underway. The opening brought together the Mayor, NZTA regional director, Hon Nikki Kaye, Kaumatua Matt Maihi (on what was also the 175th anniversary of Ngati Whatua’s signing over of land to the Crown, which officially began the process of creating Auckland city), local politicians and the many people from across multiple organisations who are all committed to Auckland being a great place to cycle.

The design adds to the city centre’s growing network of cycleways and

Walkers on the Beach Rd cycleway
Walkers on the Beach Rd cycleway

provides attractive street amenity to the soulless apartment frontages on Beach Road.

Unfortunately there are already concerns about the design of the separated pathways for cycling and walking. The layout and signage is confusing so that both pathways have become “shared” by default putting more vulnerable walkers in conflict with riders.

We hope to see Auckland Transport address these issues as well as improving the connections from Beach Road to Britomart and Fort St (a cycle crossing phase has been requested on the intersection of Customs, Britomart Pl and Beach Rd).

Update on the footpath programme: Making Auckland’s footpaths safer, easier to navigate and more convenient

I have previously reported on the streets we would like to see included in Auckland Transport’s footpath work programme 15/16 including footpaths requiring maintenance.

In August Christopher and I went on a site visit with Auckland Transport’s maintenance team leader to ascertain what works can be leveraged from the renewal budget to deliver local board priorities. Attachment B outlines the actions we logged with Auckland Transport for follow up.  

Ponsonby Rd safety

Following concerns regarding the safety of people on bikes using Ponsonby Rd (highlighted by a painful and concerning account of a “dooring” on the Cycle Action Auckland website) I have provided the following update on what the transport portfolio is doing regarding education, enforcement and short term fixes:

  • For some time now we have been asking AT to work with the Police to enforce the speed limit (frustratingly no sign of this happening on any of our city centre streets)
  • We have requested safety campaigns aimed at drivers – passing rules, driveway rules etc (we have raised concerns about AT’s campaigns aimed at vulnerable road users and the lack of evidence that these campaigns work eg “Pay attention or pay the price” type messages)
  • Ponsonby Rd feeder lane "Fresh Kermit"We advocated for the recent resealing of Ponsonby Rd to be used as an opportunity to include new “greening” for cyclists at the intersections (unfortunately AT have recently confirmed that despite earlier assurances the feeder lanes to new advance stop boxes at the Franklin Rd intersection are not going ahead)
  • We have requested a barnes dance at the intersection with Richmond Rd
  • We have a “Ponsonby Rd pedestrian experience project” underway funded with approx. $500k from the Local board transport capex fund. This is aimed at providing improvements (raised tables) to all the side streets between Franklin Rd and McKelvie St (this project is not directly delivering cycle infrastructure but it will assist with calming the traffic)
  • We’ve supported residential parking zones being rolled out in Freemans Bay and Ponsonby which will release short term parking for visitors and take the pressure off Ponsonby Road as the main parking area
  • We’ve asked for data to be collected on how people are currently travelling to Ponsonby Rd and the % of through traffic v local traffic to assist with future planning
  • Since the latest dooring that CAA alerted us to recently we’ve asked AT to provide data on crashes involving cyclists on Ponsonby Rd and an update on how AT is going to respond with a specific campaign.

Longer term the board has committed to a solution under Outcome 3 of the Ponsonby Plan (“Pedestrian and Cyclist safety- develop Ponsonby Road with various transport options that prioritise the safety of pedestrians and cyclists”)

We are looking to AT to confirm how quickly the investigation of cyclelanes can be investigated given that Ponsonby Road is not currently in AT’s 3 year work programme. Personally I think the best time to start will be after we have effective parking management in place (residential parking zones) and once the connections at either end on K’rd and Great North Road and to Westhaven have been installed.  

Best practice in walking

Jim Walker, the founder of the Walk21 conferences and global expert in walking, gave a lunchtime presentation hosted by the NZ Institute of Architects and Auckland Transport. Jim talked about the importance of walking, promoting the formula for effective investment in walking; showcasing examples of best practice internationally.

Key messages:

  • Walkability the best indicator of a liveable city
  • By far the biggest percentage of trips are under 5km (63%) but most resources are allocated to trips over 30km which are only 7% of all trips
  • Need to make walking visible with data. For example when trips were measured in Sydney’s CBD 92% were found to be walking trips with 50% of each trip made up of waiting time (it would Sales revenues increase after pedestrianisation (in a Munich example up to 40%)
  • People walking to town centres are found to spend more per week than drivers
  • It is safer for everyone in cities where people walk and cycle
  • In the UK it is estimated that for every pound spent on walking 7 pounds are saved in health costs

In making observations about Auckland Jim recommended:

  • making walking as appealing and enjoyable as possible
  • deliver streets that are safer, easier to navigate and more comfortable
  • promote walking as the first choice for every day short trips

This presentation confirmed for me the need for Auckland focused trip data (at the moment most of the data is derived from pedestrian counts and census journey to work data) and more NZ based evidence about the benefits of investing in walking (refer Attachment C for a Grey Lynn example).

High Street parking issues

High St Chris Cherry in the HeraldConsultation on the upgrade Ellen Melville and Pioneer Womens Hall and Freyberg Square (with the proposed removal of the road in front of the hall) has highlighted a number of current High St parking issues that could be addressed before the project goes ahead.

The city centre team, who are project managing the upgrade, have been asked to investigate the following with Auckland Transport:

  1. Removal of the High St exit from the Victoria St carpark
  2. Change to light phases at the High St /Victoria St intersection to speed up access from the Victoria St car park
  3. Re-configuration of the Victoria St car park to better provide for short term parking (ie moving long term parking from the lower levels)
  4. Management of the number of trade vehicles on High St to free up short term on -street car parking  (through permits and encouraging tradies to use the car park)
  5. Promoting Victoria St car park as the “pop in” short term parking for visitors to High St/O’Connell St/Vulcan Lane precinct (ie changing perceptions that it is difficult to access the shopping area)
  6. Undertake a parking survey on High St to confirm current vacancy/occupancy rates and make the data publicly available and for Heart of the City to share with members
  7. Depending on the results of the parking survey discuss with AT the tools available to increase availability and turn over

Portfolio updates: Community

Age – Friendly Cities Forum

I attended the ADCOSS organised Age- Friendly cities forum on 27 August. This was an opportunity to hear from a wider range of speakers about how an age-friendly city benefits people of all ages. A youth perspective was provided by members of the Waitematā Youth Collective.

Key messages for me:

  • We need to be designing and building age and disability friendly housing that can support existing communities not just in isolated suburbs  (David Haigh, Lecturer in social practice at Unitec)
  • We should implement the UK’s “Shopmobility” initiative that can benefit retailers (Vivian Naylor, CCS disability Action)
  • We need to be including dementia-friendly perspectives in our design (Karen Smith, Clinical Research nurse at Auckland University’s Centre for brain research)
  • Connectedness is the most important factor for enhancing well-being. Strong, cohesive communities are the best thing for people’s health and psychological sense of control (Prof. John Raeburn)

Smokefree Auckland 2025  

smokefree outside areas forumThe board has supported the bringing forward of the review of Council’s Smokefree Policy and the earlier implementation of the planned stage 3 including extending smokefree areas to beaches, shared spaces and outside dining.

Following a meeting with Auckland Cancer Society we have also confirmed our commitment to promote our current smokefree events and facilities and ensure phase 1 has been fully implemented (covering  signage and smokefree bus stops).

I also attended the Auckland Cancer society’s smokefree outside areas forum where I heard that there is increasing evidence of the public’s approval to extend smokefree areas to all public places such as beaches and outside dining. There is evidence that smokefree outdoor areas help to limit exposure to smoking and decrease the chances of former smokers relapsing. Outdoor policies also help people quit.

Investigations are underway on whether it is preferable to adopt a regulatory rather than non-regulatory approach (as is currently taken in the smokefree policy). In Ontario there is very effective use of signs and very little enforcement.

We are at a similar point to when indoor venues went smokefree – business ended up having nothing to fear and it was also good for hospitality workers.

Community Grants

The Waitematā Local Board grants committee that I chair considered the applications for round one 2015/16. For the first time we have a “Quick Response Grants” process for applications up to $3000 and Local Grants for applications up to $7500. In total $280,920.46 was requested from round one from our total community grants fund of $100,000. This massive over subscription was partly due to the demise of the Community Group Assistance Fund and Accommodation Support Fund benefitting boards in the old Auckland City Council area. These funds have been distributed between all 21 local boards unfortunately leaving a large funding shortfall for organisations based in the Waitematā area.

Think Big mural project at Richmond Rd School
Think Big mural project at Richmond Rd School

The round one decisions and recommendations of the committee are attached to the agenda.

Photo right: students from Richmond Road School with their ‘Think Big’ project ‘The Colour Project’ certificates presented by member Deborah Yates at the school assembly on behalf of the Board

Further meetings and activities relevant to the community portfolio are detailed below

Workshops and meetings

From 17 August – 30 September 2015 I attended:

  • Local Boards greenways collaborative meeting on 17 August
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss Grey Lynn transport project presentation
  • Auckland Transports’ public meeting on 17 August to present Grey Lynn transport project proposals
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 18 August including meeting with Auckland Museum representatives
  • Waitematā Youth Collective introductory meeting on 18 August
  • Meeting with Auckland Cancer Society to discuss the progress on the regional Smoke free policy and the upcoming review that is planned for later this year
  • Lunchtime Learning: The housing we’d choose: A study of housing preferences, choices and trade-offs in Auckland.
  • Meeting with GM Ponsonby Business Association 21 August
  • Elected member professional development working group meeting 24 August
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 25 August
  • Newmarket Laneways working group
  • Grey Lynn park pump track presentation
  • Pre-view of the proposed Nelson St Off-ramp Cycleway – amenity lighting on 25 August
  • Community Development portfolio monthly update on 26 August
  • ADCOSS age friendly cities forum at Western Springs Hall on 27 August
  • Meeting to discuss achievements report photos on 27 August
  • Jim Walker – founder of Walk21: International best practice in walking seminar on 28 August
  • Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 31 August
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 1 September
  • Catch up with NBA General manager on 4 September
  • New footpath programme – site visit on 4 September
  • Attended the Seniors Advisory Panel on 7 September
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 8 September
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 9 September
  • Auckland Development Committee workshop on 9 September (covering SHAs, City Centre Integration Group update, Downtown Car park  and the Chief Economist housing report)
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 10 September
  • Visit to the Auckland Central Library CAB
  • Meeting with Cowie St residents 14 September
  • Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Square consultation drop in
    Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Square consultation drop in

    Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Square consultation drop- ins on 11 and 14 September (photo right)

  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 15 September
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up and site visit to MacKelvie St (part of the Ponsonby Road pedestrian experience funded from the local board capex fund)
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss Curran St/Sarsfield St intersection proposals
  • Consultation meeting on 17 September for Heart of the City members to discuss Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Square proposals
  • Interview with a representative from Hay Group on 18 September (As part of their regular three-yearly job sizing exercise, the Remuneration Authority has commissioned Hay Group to meet with a cross section of elected members from Auckland Council to conduct an assessment)
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 22 September
  • Media and communications meeting
  • Community Development Portfolio meeting on 22 September
  • Waitemata Local Board Grants Committee meetings on 23 and 29 September
  • Smokefree outdoor areas forum on 23 September
  • Inner City Network meeting organised by ADCOSS on 24 September
  • Meeting on 25 September to discuss elected member professional development
  • Ponsonby Community Centre management committee meeting 28 September
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 29 September
  • Local Board greenways collaborative meeting on 30 September

Events and functions

From 16 August – 30 September 2015 I attended:

  • Opening of the Tole Reserve playground on 22 August
  • Officiated at the citizenship ceremony at the Town Hall on 24 August
  • Cycle Action Auckland AGM on 27 August
  • Richmond Road School ‘Think Big’ project ‘The Colour Project’ assembly presentation of certificates to the working group on 28 August
  • Ponsonby presents NZ Fashion Festival show at the invitation of PBA on 29 August
  • Heroes at Maidment Theatre at the invitation of ATC
  • Wallace Art Awards at Pah Homestead on 7 September
  • The Events at Q Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre Trust on 9 September
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks
  • Auckland Conversations on 10 September Building Bridges not walls, Gill Hicks, peace advocate
  • Diversity Job Fair 2015 (morning tea for invited guests) at AUT on 12 September
  • Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Square open day on Saturday 12 September
  • Circability Trust  afternoon tea on 13 September celebrating one year at Campbell Free Kindergarten
  • Cats the musical at the Civic Theatre at the invitation of Regional Facilities Auckland
  • Aotea Quarter consultation walking tour
    Aotea Quarter consultation walking tour

    Aotea Quarter Framework consultation walk on 17 September (photo right)

  • Opening of Beach Rd cycleway on 18 September
  • International Park(ing) day installations on High and Lorne St on 18 September
  • Suffrage Day celebration at Khartoum Place on 18 September hosted by National Council of Women
  • Ponsonby Market Day on 19 September
  • Newmarket Business Association AGM on 24 September
  • Opening of the Heritage Festival at Pah Homestead on 24 September
  • Screening of the movie Everest at the invitation of Santa Parade Trust
  • Grey Lynn Farmers Market 6th birthday celebrations
  • Festival Italiano opening and lunch in Newmarket at the invitation of Dante Alighieri Society Auckland on Sunday 27 September (photo below: Osborne St open for people to enjoy the festival)

Italian festival 2015

Monthly Board report July 2015

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 1 June – 7 July 2015 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board, Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

I have also been acting Chair from 19 June – 10 July.


Costley Reserve playground opening on 27 June

Costley Reserve playground board members at the opening



 Urban Cycleways programme

Auckland urban cycleways Since December 2014 I have been a member of the Urban Cycleways Investment Panel.  The Panel considered proposed cycleway projects that Councils from across the country put forward for funding from the $100m urban cycling fund, and provided recommendations to the Minister of Transport on the final Urban Cycleway Programme.

On 25 June I attended the launch of the programme by the Prime Minister and Minister of Transport in Rotorua (see Attachment A). On the same day as the launch the governing body signed off the Long -Term Plan budget including the local share of a $124m three year walking and cycling programme which should deliver 52 kilometres of new cycleways.

This is great news especially for the Waitematā Local Board area. After many years of the Board advocating for dedicated cycleways and the completion of the Auckland Cycle Network we will see the acceleration of projects with safe connections on Great North Road, Surry Crescent, Gladstone Road,  a Western Connection via Sarsfield St together with city centre routes.

 Auckland Council’s Long Term Plan

Newmarket laneways open dayThe 10-year budget that was adopted on 25 June by the governing body includes the funded priorities for each local board. The Waitematā Local Board consulted on the following proposals for the next 10 years:

  • complete the Weona-Westmere Coastal Walkway
  • upgrade Newmarket Laneways public realm to provide a safer and more vibrant environment for pedestrians and shoppers
  • deliver the Western Springs Native Bush Restoration Plan
  • redevelop Pioneer Womens and Ellen Melville Hall as a city centre community hub
  • continue the delivery of the Waipapa Stream restoration and ecological project
  • support local community services, events and grants
  • continue to deliver initiatives from our local board plan.

Of the 1,412 submissions received, 745 made comments on the local proposals. Overall the majority of these respondents supported the local proposed projects for 2015/2016 and 2016-2025. In particular, there was support for the implementation of the Waipapa Stream and the Western Springs native bush restoration, the completion of the Weona-Westmere walkway and delivery of local events. There was also strong opposition towards reducing local library opening hours.

After considering the feedback, the board has funded the proposals listed above, and has reduced the budget from $100,000 to $75,000 for a temporary arts and culture POP  programme for which there was lower support. The Board has also allocated funding to support increasing Grey Lynn Library’s opening hours by half an hour a week. (refer Auckland Council media release Attachment B)


Resource consent for the walking and cycling pathway over the Auckland Harbour Bridge (Skypath) was granted on 3 July.  This is a significant milestone in a 10 year long campaign to establish this critical link in Auckland’s cycling network.

The Waitematā Local Board has consistently supported the Skypath project. (Photo right from the Get Across protest in 2009 when thousands enjoyed walking and cycling over the bridge)

Grandstand driveGrandstand Drive improved for people to enjoy the Domain

It is surprisingly difficult to move around the Domain without coming into conflict with cars or running out of footpath so it is great to see the parks team have closed the parking on Grandstand drive (due to the risk posed by the oak trees). This is hopefully the start of many further improvements that will progress through the Domain masterplan (to be consulted on in August) and the Museum’s work to improve walking connections.

New footpath programme 15/16

The Transport portfolio provided input to Auckland Transport’s new footpath work programme 15/16.  In Attachment C I explain how I finalised a list of locations with assistance from the public. 

Tactical Urbanism workshop

I attended a workshop with Mike Lydon, Principal Street Plans Collaborative – New York to and author of Tactical Urbanism: Short-term Action for Long-term Change, a book that shares techniques for ambitiously jump starting projects in the urban realm.

tree pit Great North RdThe workshop (hosted by Waterfront Auckland, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport) focused on the opportunities afforded by tactical urbanism, how the ‘lighter, cheaper, faster’ methodology can better deliver desired outcomes for the city, what obstacles lay in the way of achieving the desired outcomes and how we best work together to mitigate these obstacles and achieve the vision for Auckland as the world’s most liveable city. 

The city centre team have a budget of $800k for tactical urbanism projects like pop-up parks. It is great to see that many examples of “tactical urbanism” are already springing up in the community without any support from Council (for example the tree pit in the photo was recently planted after being empty for some time).

New initiative: Vision Zero

Fanshawe StreetTragically Mr Robert Su was killed on Fanshawe St on 2 June (early indications are that he was crossing at the pedestrian crossing with the green man when he was hit by a speeding truck).    In Attachment D I outline why I think the time has come for Vision Zero Auckland.

Not long after the crash on Fanshawe St Auckland Transport started a misguided and patronising “cross safely with the green man” campaign aimed at the victims of traffic violence. I have raised my concern with Auckland Transport that this kind of approach is shown not to be effective and that resources should be directed at measures that improve pedestrian safety (eg road design, enforcement, speed reduction).

 Workshops and meetings

From 1 June to 7 July I attended:

  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 2 June
  • Two days of the Skypath resource consent hearing
  • Visit to the Art of remembrance installation at St David’s church to meet Paul Baragwanath, Trustee Friends of St David
  • Communications update with the Local Board communications advisor
  • Engagement adviser update
  • Draft Newmarket Laneways plan open day on Osborne St, Newmarket on Saturday 6 June
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 9 June in Parnell
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 10 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 11 June
  • Draft Newmarket Laneways plan- Stakeholder Workshop at the Rialto Cinema on 11 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on  16 June
  • Community Meeting  on Western Park Development Plan consultation feedback on 16 June
  • Newmarket Laneways Member Working Group Update on 17 June
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 17  June
  • Meeting to discuss up- coming playground openings
  • Tactical Urbanism workshop with Mike Lydon hosted by Waterfront Auckland  on 22 June
  • Local Board Chairs Forum on 22 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 23 June
  • Meeting with Ponsonby Business Association reps to discuss parking proposals
  • Franklin Road residents meeting hosted by Auckland Transport to discuss progress on the upgrade of Franklin Road on 23 June
  • Elected member professional development working group meeting
  • Central joint funding committee reestablishment meeting with representatives from Albert-Eden, Orakei, Maungakiekie-Tamaki and Puketapapa Local Boards
  • Senior Advisor/ Relationship manager weekly chairs meeting
  • Ponsonby Community Centre management committee meeting
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 30 June
  • Meeting to discuss Auckland Transport’s wayfinding signage proposals
  • Auckland Cycle Forum on 30 June at GridAKL
  • Community Development portfolio monthly update on 1 July
  • Meeting with Matt Ball, Ports of Auckland to discuss proposed Rainbow Warrior memorial art installation
  • Lunchtime learning: Auckland’s Green Lifeline – presentation by Andrea Reid about a new movement that aims to connect Auckland’s parks and reserves together to make pollination pathways.
  • Visited the homelessness Wānaga at Tātai Hono Marae, Grafton hosted by Te Puni Kokiri for Matariki

 Events and functions

Parnell Baths book launchFrom 1 June – 7 July attended:

  • Parnell Baths book launch at the Parnell library on 4 June (photo right)
  • Italian National Day piano concert at the invitation of Dante Alighieri Auckland
  • Parnell Heritage and RSC-Anzac Celebration with member Greg Moyle as guest speaker at the Parnell RSC
  • Kiss the Fish at Q Theatre at the invitation of Indian Ink Theatre Company
  • Waipapa Stream planting day on Saturday 13 June
  • Waipapa planting day July 2015Waitemata Local Board Good Citizen Awards at the Town Hall on 17 June
  • Newmarket Business Association business awards at the Auckland museum at the invitation of the NBA on 19 June
  • Launch of Greater Auckland on 21 June at Golden Dawn
  • Launch of the Urban Cycleways Programme in Rotorua on 25 June
  • Costley Reserve playground opening on 27 June
  • Breakfast celebration at the Zoo to welcome the new elephant Anjalee at the invitation of Regional Facilities Auckland
  • Associates breakfast – urban design, cycling and transport discussion on 2 July at the Auckland Art Gallery
  • Auckland Conversation: Mary Jane Jacob Public Art – what is it good for? on 2 July at St James Theatre
  • Opening of the World Press Photography exhibition at Smith & Caughey on 3 July
  • Skypath resource consent approval celebration at the Northcote Tavern on 3 July
  • Pecha Kucha cycling edition on 7 July at Shed 10 hosted by Auckland Transport

 pecha kucha cycling edition Barbara Grace


Monthly board report June 2015

Pop plinths on Symonds StThis report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during May 2015 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

Community- led development: 254 Ponsonby Road

 At Auckland Council we have been talking a lot about community-led development and empowered communities over the last 4 years (I reported in April on the empowering communities approach currently underway) . We’ve been introduced to the concepts through excellent visiting speakers such as Milenko Matanovic  and Jim Diers. We have a community-led development champions group convened by Roger Blakely, Chief Planner of which I am a member.  We have many community groups participating in shaping local services and placemaking but we don’t have many positive examples of Council putting community-led development into practice.

254 Ponsonby roadI am therefore really thrilled about the approach the Board has decided to take in response to the feedback on the development of 254 Ponsonby Road.

At the April business meeting we agreed that the Waitematā Local Board:

i)       Notes the feedback on the three concept plan options for 254 Ponsonby Road that were subject to public consultation from September to December 2014.

ii)      Further notes that subsequent to the start of the consultation period that budget for the delivery of any of the three concept plan options is no longer available.

iii)     Further notes the majority of submitters support option 3 providing for full use of the site as open space.

iv)     Agrees to include an advocacy position to the Governing Body seeking a capex budget to develop the site consistent with option 3.

v)      Agrees to build on the consultation feedback to work in partnership with the community to develop a solution within the available resources for 254 Ponsonby Road.

vi)     Agrees to reallocate $10,000 from the Heritage Planning budget 2014/2015 to support the community partnership approach to developing a solution.

vii)    Requests clarification from ACPL on whether the amendment to the Council’s Revenue and Financing Policy, which now allows for sales proceeds resulting from optimisation of service property assets to be reinvested into eligible local projects, applies to 254 Ponsonby Road  that was purchased to provide civic space for future generations.

viii)   Agrees that submitters to the consultation on the three concept plan options are provided a summary of the feedback received.

Work has since got underway by Council officers to develop the steps involved in the process.  It is going to be challenge to all involved to attempt a new model for delivering an outcome that is widely supported by the community but hopefully “254 Ponsonby Road” ends up being an exemplar for an empowered community development project.

Community funding

For the last four years I have been a member of the Central Joint Funding Committee made up of representatives from the Local Boards in the old Auckland City Council area. The Committee has continued to distribute legacy ACC grants (Accommodation Support Fund, Community Group Assistance Fund, Auckland City Cultural Heritage Fund) totalling approx. $1.2m. The final committee meeting was in April and the Governing Body has decided that from 1 July these grants, and all other legacy grants from the across the region will no longer exist. 

The Auckland -wide community grant budget of $3,249,441 has been allocated equally to all 21 local Boards. Unfortunately this means a big drop in the funding available for community groups that are based in Waitematā but provide a regional service (eg Youthline).

Starting with the next round of funding (due to open in August) community groups will be directed to apply to Local Board community funding. As Waitematā Local Board grants are for a maximum of $6k (rather than $25k under the legacy central grants) there is inevitably going to be a difficult transition period for community groups who are likely to see a big decrease in funding available from Council.

At the community development portfolio meeting in May we asked that the fact that there are new arrangements and that there will be a major impact on organisations should be clearly communicated in advertising for the community funding workshops coming up (to be held on 10 June for Waitemata groups).


Ponsonby Road resurfacing

Ponsonby Road Cycle Improvements Consultation Plans-page-001The Transport portfolio has consistently challenged Auckland Transport to consider every renewal or maintenance project in terms of what can be achieved to maximize the transport budget to provide for all transport modes (this was reflected in our feedback on the RLTP). For example maintenance projects provide an opportunity for arterials to be relooked at with new layouts that include bus lanes and cycle lanes, remove cycle pinch points and add better pedestrian crossings.

Ponsonby Road was scheduled by AT to be resurfaced in May on a like for like basis. The good news is that following Local Board advocacy and input from stakeholders, Auckland Transport has agreed to make minor but critical safety improvements when the surface is re-marked (the remarking will take place once the new surface has sufficiently hardened). 

Auckland Transport’s Parking Strategy

 On 27 May Auckland Transport briefed Local Boards, key stakeholders and the media on the new parking strategy that has been adopted which will mean a consistent approach for the first time for parking across the region. The strategy was developed following public consultation with AT receiving 5,500 submissions. A quarter of submissions were about the overall management of demand parking, 18% were about parking on residential streets and on park and rides and 11% were about parking on arterial roads. Half the submissions came from central Auckland or from City Centre fringe suburbs such as Parnell, Ponsonby and Newton.

The document allows for a case by case approach to parking taking into account local issues and the views of local boards and the community. As advocated by the Board, consultation with the community will continue as parking measures are introduced.

Adoption of the strategy means that Auckland Transport can now move forward on implementing critically needed residential parking zones for central suburbs based on the successful St Marys Bay trial. Auckland Transport has met with the Board and Freemans Bay Residents Association to discuss details of the Freemans Bay scheme which will be consulted on in June.

Inner city network meeting at GridAKLInner city network meeting – Transport

I facilitated the May inner city network stakeholders meeting on the theme of transport hosted at GridAKL on 28 May with presentations from Priscilla Steel on Auckland Transport’s work programme; Carol Greensmith AT’s Communications Manager on the City Rail Link; Kathryn King, AT’s Cycling/Walking manager and Ellie Craft on Generation Zero’s transport campaigns.

Transport is seen as a priority for the network stakeholders so the presentations were well received.

Workshops and meetings

During May I attended:

  • The Albert-Eden Community Development Portfolio team hosted meeting on 1 May of the central boards’ Community Development portfolio leads to share ideas and issues, and opportunities for collaboration and professional development. 
  • Volunteer Centre Network of Aotearoa National Hui opening with the Deputy Mayor and Lee Corrick from Albert-Eden Local Board on 4 May
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 5 May
  • Communications update with the Local Board communications advisor
  • Briefing discussion on kindergarten multi-premises lease on 6 May
  • Meeting Freemans Bay Residents’ Association and Auckland Transport to discuss progress on implementing the residents parking zone
  • Meeting to discuss the urban cycleways programme with Kathryn King (AT’s walking and cycling manager) and the Mayor’s office
  • Presentation by Sarah Clark Director of Office of Senior Citizens and Blair McCarthy on the Positive Ageing Strategy hosted by Joan Lardner-Rivlin on 12 May
  • Meeting to discuss freedom camping in local parks and Council’s strategy
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 12 May
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 13 May
  • Catch up with the NBA’s General Manager
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 14 May
  • Urban Cycleway Investment panel all day meeting in Auckland on 15 May (this was the final meeting of the panel)
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 19 May
  • Communications update with the Local Board communications advisor on 19 May
  • 254 Ponsonby Road – Community Empowered Approach Next Steps discussion on 19 May
  • ATEED economic development update meeting with the Board on 20 May
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 20 May
  • Attended the Governing Body Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 21 May when the accelerated transport programme funded by a transport level was discussed and approved.
  • Community Place-making champions group meeting on 25  May
  • Follow up meeting regarding Waima Street issues organised by Arch Hill residents with representatives of Auckland Council, NZ Police, and Newton School.
  • Presentation of the preliminary results of the Auckland’s Public Life Survey, in collaboration with Gehl Architects
  • Site visit to new local board offices on Swanson street
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 26 May
  • Auckland Transport’s presentation of final approved Parking Strategy for Local Boards on 27 May
  • Community development portfolio monthly meeting on 27 May
  • Inner City Network meeting on Transport hosted at GridAKL
  • Good Citizen Awards selection panel meeting on 28 May

Events and functions

  • During May I attended:
  • Lisa Reihana In Pursuit of Venus [infected] opening at the Auckland Art Gallery on 1 May
  • TEDx Auckland on 2 May
  • The Dolls House at the Maidment on 2 May at the invitation of Auckland Theatre Company on 2 May
  • Save our Harbour protest on 3 May
  • Art Ache at Golden Dawn
  • First Thursdays on K’rd on 7 May
  • Sugar Tree apartments stage 1 opening at La Zeppa
  • Bike Rave May 2015 with Christopher Dempsey and Vernon Tava
    Bike Rave May 2015 with Christopher Dempsey and Vernon Tava

    Associates breakfast – urban design, cycling and transport discussion on 7 May at the Auckland Art Gallery

  • Frocks on Bikes mothers day bike ride
  • Opening of University of Auckland’s Newmarket campus on 13 May
  • GLBA monthly drinks on 14 May
  • Auckland Writers Festival Designing Auckland panel discussion on 16 May
  • Auckland Women’s Centre Charity Art Auction preview hosted by Hair Works on 16 May
  • Fairtrade morning tea hosted by All Good Bananas in support of Oxfam and celebrating 5 years of fairtrade bananas
  • Bike Rave on 22 May (photo with members Tava and Dempsey)
  • Future of Transport meeting hosted by the Auckland Labour Isthmus hub on 23 May 
  • Citizenship ceremony at the Town Hall on 26 May
  • Taku Tamaki: Auckland Stories opening at the Auckland Museum on 28 May
  • Attended a two day Wānanga Reo at AUT over Queens Birthday weekend to further my understanding of te reo Maori
Pop ping pong Aotea Square
Pop ping pong Aotea Square

Photos: In my report I’ve included photos of the Waitematā Local Board funded Pop programme. I’ve particularly enjoyed seeing the Pop ping pong tables in action at Aotea Square.

Gifts registered: Auckland Theatre Company tickets to opening night productions