Chair’s monthly report June 2019

This report covers the period 15 May until 11 June 2019. It is on the agenda for the local board business meeting held on 18 June.

Climate Emergency Declaration

Rangatahi o Tāmaki Makaurau (and Grant Hewitson from the Waitematā Low Carbon Network) speaking up for climate action. Photo credit: Cr Richard Hills

At the local board meeting on 4 June we supported member Denise Roche’s Notice of Motion calling for an Auckland Council declaration of an ecological and climate emergency.

Notice of Motion – Member D Roche – Ecological and Climate Emergency Declaration

MOVED by Member DR Roche, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie:

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)                  note its concerns about the ecological and climate crisis

b)                  support any Auckland Council declaration of an ecological and climate emergency for the Auckland region

c)         urge the Governing Body to declare an ecological and climate emergency for the Auckland region

d)         note that the Governing Body will shortly be consulting on Auckland’s Climate Action Plan

e)         forward these resolutions to the Environment and Community Committee, all local boards and to Auckland Transport for their consideration and immediate action.

Denise spoke at the Environment and Community Committee on 11 June on behalf of the local board.  The Committee voted unanimously to join a growing community of cities around the world who have formally and publicly recognised the urgency for action on climate change by declaring a climate emergency.

“Our declaration further elevates the importance of an immediate national and global response to address our changing climate,” said Councillor Penny Hulse, chair of the committee.

Photo credit right Cr Richard Hills: Rangatahi o Tāmaki Makau Rau (and Grant Hewitson from the Waitematā Low Carbon Network) speaking up for climate action.

Attachment 1:  Our Auckland article Waitematā Local Board welcomes Climate Emergency


The local board is committed to road safety and street design which delivers “slower traffic speeds, safer intersections and footpaths and cycle lanes built to international best practice” (Local Board Plan 2017).   The transport portfolio has been working on a number of safety related projects.

Solent St intersection

We have supported AT removing the slip lanes at Solent Street intersection design as part of the Tamaki Drive cycleway project (photo right: a truck using the slip lane at speed).

In a very surprising and disappointing letter the Ports of Auckland CEO has outlined why he opposes the removal of the slip lanes. Auckland Transport has provided a response robustly outlining why the preferred design has been chosen,

Attachment 2: Correspondence with Ports of Auckland.

Pedestrian crossings

We support the programme Auckland Transport has underway to upgrade crossings to slow drivers down and make streets safer for pedestrians.  This has resulted in improved crossings on Parnell Road (photo right).

The local board has also successfully advocated for new crossings on Kelmarna Ave by Marist School and College Hill by St Mary’s College.

Community Safety Fund

Local Boards have been allocated a share of a new one-off Community Safety Fund. This fund is $20 million split over the 2019/20 and 2020/21 Financial Years and is designed to address safety issues raised by local communities, that don’t meet Auckland Transport’s regional prioritisation for funding. The fund is divided between the 21 local board areas using the area’s numbers of Deaths and Serious Injuries, as a major component of the funding formula.

Waitematā Local Board has been allocated approx. $1.4m from the fund.  A decision on which projects to progress to the next stage (AT preparation of rough order of costs) will be made at the business meeting on 18 June.  Attachment 3 ( Item 24 ) outlines the projects considered for funding from the Community Safety Fund and additional projects the transport portfolio would like AT to progress.

Tactical Urbanism

Auckland Transport is working NZTA on a new Innovating streets toolkit to allow for quicker interventions that promote healthy and safe roads.

I have asked AT to consider the following projects for the quick win/tactical urbanism approach.

  • Midtown to the Domain route needing minor physical changes and wayfinding: Wellesley St cycle lane connection to the Princes St slip lane alongside Wellesley St up to Symonds St Bridge (cycle crossing phase at the intersection Wellesley/Princes St) crossing to Whitaker Place with ped crossing phase via Grafton Gully cycleway to Grafton Road “shared path” on northern side to the Domain
  • Painted cycle lane connection to the current feeder lane on Williamson Ave at Ponsonby Road. Eg connection to start at MacKelvie St intersection alongside the service station through Pollen St intersection (markings already exist as an oversize vehicle lane and no parking has to be removed)- this will create visibility of people on bikes as currently a safety issue with number of vehicle crossings into service station
  • Alex Evans Drive connection between Symonds St and Upper Queen St bridge/start of Ian McKinnnon cycleway – plans were developed about four years ago by AT
  • Crummer Road contra flow at Scanlan St – currently blocked to through traffic but ideal to create a cut through for people on bikes (currently used informally) – first logged with AT in 2011

Western Springs shared path

Local board advocacy has resulted in construction of the Western Springs shared path on Great North Road.  NZTA and AT first undertook to progress this work in 2013 as part of the St Lukes interchange project.  I escalated the unacceptable delay to the project after a cyclist was seriously injured in a crash with a driver coming off the motorway.

We are however disappointed that the final design doesn’t include raised tables on the off ramps as recommended by AT.  NZTA has advised as follows:

We have been working with AT but we are finding it challenging to find a solution that keeps all our vulnerable uses (cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclist) safe. The issue is that there is a lack of a policy position on raised tables at motorway interchanges. We have recognised this as an issue and we are working as quickly as possible to form a view. We are very cognisant that the world is changing and that we need to work with our partners (AT and stakeholders) to ensure our policies keep up with urban form and urban development.

To confirm where we are at:

  • The Transport Agency is happy with the off-ramp realignment, where the curve has been straightened
  • The Transport Agency is happy with the on-ramp alignment, although we would prefer that it is re-aligned to reduce entry speed
  • The Transport Agency has not made a decision on raised tables at motorway interchanges at this point. The AT proposal sets significant precedence and the lack of an Agency policy position has serious implications on other projects in Auckland and wider New Zealand
  • Until a policy can be confirmed we are advising that the Agency is not in support of raised table junctions at these locations
  • We have engaged with parties internal to the Agency to establish a path forward so we can have a clear direction going forward
  • This has been escalated to the highest point in our organisations and they are aware of the issue (Tier 2 in NZTA and CEO at AT)

As mentioned our safety team is working as quickly as possible to establish a path forward. It has been suggested that the works could be completed without raised tables, which could be retrofitted at a later date should it become policy.

Auckland Harbour Bridge Shared Path

On 22 May NZTA announced a preferred design for the Auckland Harbour Bridge Shared Path (formally known as SkyPath). The local board has been advocating for this project for many years.

NZTA is currently analysing the current consent and conditions and working to see if the preferred design fits within it.  A variation is a possibility. A detailed business case is being currently being developed.  Best case scenario is a Dec 2020 construction start.

A drop-in session is planned for 4 July between 4-8pm at Ponsonby Cruising Club, 141-151 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven. NZTA has reaffirmed this project is a priority for the Government.

Western Springs resource consent – next steps

On 4 June the Waitematā Local Board received a briefing on the outcomes of the resource consent hearing for the removal of pine trees at Te Wai Orea – Western Springs Lakeside Park and received recommendations on the next steps in order to progress the local board’s native forest restoration project. The resource consent has been granted for the removal of 200+ pine trees with a set of conditions.

The local board has accepted the advice of officers to proceed with the project. We considered the additional conditions and noted as follows:

  • The independent commissioners reviewed all the evidence presented and determined that removal of the pines in one operation as now proposed is a practicable approach to enhancing the indigenous biodiversity values of the SEA and providing for the appreciation of the park as an urban forest (para 145 of the decision)
  • The commissioners accepted that removal is required due to ongoing and increasing health and safety concerns in relation to the trees continuing decline and failure (para 117)
  • The alternative option of allowing the pines to fall and the indigenous vegetation to continue to develop was considered, but rejected as this would require the closure of the pine tree area and involve no access and no pest control. This will lead to the proliferation of pest plants and hinder the regeneration of the indigenous vegetation (para 119).
  • The methodology has been revised to focus on the aim of restoring and enhancing the park’s SEA values. The access track will only be to the width of the digger (up to 4m wide is consented, but likely to be less) and for 200m (50 per cent less area than originally proposed).
  • Removal of tree trunks will be limited and most will be mulched on site.
  • An independent ecologist will provide oversight to limit the damage to the understory. This will be minimised as much as possible – at the most extreme there could be up to 50 per cent damage to low level plants but due to the change in methodology damage is likely to be a lot less. Soil erosion and silt run off will also be minimised.
  • An independent arborist is required to oversee the works and will work closely with the independent ecologist to minimise damage from the tree felling
  • Planting will be from a “species palette” consistent with the SEA values. Up to 15,000 plants are available, but with the reduction in the plantable area (due to the trunks remaining in situ) there is likely to be space for approximately 10,000 plants
  • As part of the conditions Council will appoint a community liaison person to be available 12 hours per day; updates will be provided every second day on a purpose-built webpage

The next window for pine removal is now Feb/March 2020 (to avoid bird roosting season, wet weather etc). The whole operation including planting will take approximately 6 weeks.  There will then be the opportunity for community engagement and involvement to determine the management going forward and potential track upgrades.

Officers have advised that unfortunately it is not possible to open the walking track in the interim. A buffer zone would need to be created alongside the track and as the trees are over 60m tall nearly all would need to be removed.

The commissioner’s decision can still be appealed.  This will further delay the restoration project and limit the park’s use for public access and recreational purposes.

Western Springs Lakeside Park update

I have been providing a regular update on path cleaning and other maintenance matters at Westerns Springs Lakeside Park.  Following my Ponsonby News update in May I received a complaint about the park and the accuracy of my reporting.  I provided the following response (published in the June Ponsonby News):

I have visited the park and followed up with Mr Hay to confirm that what I reported in my Ponsonby News update is correct. I agree that we want Western Springs Lakeside Park to be well maintained but the huge amount of geese poo is an ongoing issue.  Here is a summary from Council’s Senior Maintenance Delivery Coordinator about the action being taken:  cleaning of the pathway is being completed a minimum of five times a week. The contractor has been instructed to check the path every day and if cleaning is required it is to be completed that day. The contractor has been using a combination of a sweeping vehicle and water blasting to clear the path. Recently Community Facilities has also been trialling some methods to keep the geese from congregating on the path. The most recent trial involves a low level temporary fence. It has been successful at keeping the geese off a portion but unfortunately the geese just move on to another area of the path and cause the same issues. Council’s long-term solution to reduce the number of geese will greatly improve the situation and at this stage we are aiming to begin control in late June.

The water quality and sediment issues that Mr Hay referred to have been forwarded on to Council’s Healthy Waters department. The rubbish floating at the water’s edge should be removed by the contractors as loose litter. A recent inspection has confirmed that the bins that should be in place are in place. There are still park benches that require replacement following last year’s storm.

City Centre amenities

The local board is championing the provision of public toilets in the city centre. Work is currently underway on a City Centre Amenities strategic review following the local board raising concerns that the public toilets at the new CRL stations  will be located behind gate barriers with no plans to install accessible facilities and no part of council responsible for mapping the location of public toilets (the most up to date resource has been created by board member Vernon Tava on his personal website).

In the meantime Auckland Transport is rolling out a Bus Driver Exeloo Programme in the City Centre that also provides a public toilet in a number of locations.  The programme includes a Exeloo on Lower Albert St that was installed last year and a new Exeloo opened on Victoria St at the beginning of June (photo right).  The local board provided input into the locations and suggested including drinking fountains.

AT has provided the following update on other locations:

Quay Street (seaside 120m east of Tapora Street):     This site supports bus layovers for some 24 buses opposite Vector Arena.  The unit will sit between the new cycle path and the old footpath with access from the footpath side only.  Because of the cycle traffic through this area, AT will also be installing a drinking fountain (with dog drinking bowl) to the specification requested by the LB.

City Works Depot:  AT could not find a suitable site on Nelson (Wellesley St or Cook Street) and City Works Deport did not want an Exeloo on their Sale St frontage which they are developing.  So we again approached CWD with a lease proposal.  The agreement is to build a bespoke, secure keypad access, single-unit toilet within the CWD site, next to customer toilets in the Nelson St retaining wall.  Drivers will access the toilet via the spiral stairs from Nelson Street.     The agreement sees CWD designing, constructing, cleaning and maintaining the toilet for the exclusive use by bus drivers in exchange for an annual lease fee; ultimately the asset will pass to CWD once permanent bus layover facilities are created in the CBD.

FY19/20 Forward Plan:  FY19/20 funding has yet to be confirmed, however AT Metro Service Delivery have approved a project mandate to investigate further Exeloo sites as follows:

  • Bus Driver Exeloo sites: Mayoral Drive (near AUT); Nuffield Street Newmarket; Hobson Street (between Wolfe & Wyndam St) Avondale Terminus (Copsey Place); Waikowhai Terminus
  • Rail Exeloo Sites: Parnell Station; Grafton Station; Ellerslie Station; Glenn Innes Station; Papatoetoe Station; Middlemore Station

Auckland Domain

We’re fortunate to have an excellent maintenance manager for Waitematā. Karl (photo right) is passionately on the case sorting out issues in our parks.

On June he was happy to meet me for a site visit at the Domain (along with his boss) to look at a few maintenance issues that have been logged with me.  Lots of work is underway to make the Domain a world class premier park.

For the first time Auckland Museum has an accessible (very grand and beautifully landscaped) pathway to the front door. On 27 May, the Mayor announced the new official name Te Ara Oranga (Attachment 4: Our Auckland Domain Pathway Officially Opened)

At the Domain Committee meeting on 5 June four new paths funded by the local board were approved (details on the agenda under Item 24).

In another milestone for the Domain the new Wintergarden nursery glasshouses were blessed on 11 June by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.  Cr Mike Lee spoke at the opening.

Homelessness initiatives

We’re continuing to look at ways to fund small initiatives that complement Housing First Auckland and other regional projects that address homelessness. From a $20,000 allocation Lifewise Auckland will receive a $10,000 grant to support the initial scoping of an Auckland Housing Help Centre; an $8,000 grant will go to Heart of the City to support their Street Guardians Programme, and $2,000 will go towards volunteer training facilitated by the Auckland City Mission.  (Attachment 5: Our Auckland Homeless Community shown support in Waitemata)

The city centre targeted rate paid by businesses and residents contributed $2million to the upgrade of James Liston Hostel in Freemans Bay. On 5 June the Mayor, joined by Minister Phil Twyford opened the newly revamped facility providing 55 emergency beds with wrap around services. It has been a tremendous effort by the Hostel Trust team led Dame Diane Robertson and supported by Lifewise and the City Mission.

Enhancing Auckland’s tree cover

On 2 June Stuff journalist Charlie Mitchell reported on The Aotearoa Chainsaw Massacre.  In 2013 the former National-led government removed general tree protection rules leading to the loss of many urban trees. Here’s what the local board has been doing to enhance and protect tree cover:

  • opposed the RMA changes and have continued to advocate for tree protection
  • worked to identify trees to be scheduled in the Unitary Plan – this was work led by former board member Tricia Reade
  • included as many trees as possible in our projects (eg Teed St upgrade) and have pushed AT to identify new opportunities for tree pits
  • supported the revised City Centre Masterplan revised target of increasing streets trees in the city centre by 25 per cent by 2021.
  • support Auckland’s Urban Ngahere (Forest) Strategy and the Mayor’s 1 million trees project
  • working to develop a local urban ngahere implementation plan
  • funding tree planting for Arbor Day (Photo right: planting in Newmarket Park on 8 June)
  • funding volunteer plantings and regeneration projects
  • allocated a grant the Urban Tree Alliance for an Adopt a Tree event in Western Park
  •  funded the LiDar (Light Detection and Ranging) data mapping to calculate the “canopy cover” of Waitemata
  • part of the team that helped Save the Western Springs Pohutukawas
  • planted fruit trees in Grey Lynn Park
  • Deputy Chair Shale Chambers was part of the City Centre Advisory Board working group who have successfully secured agreement from AT to include more street trees in the Albert St upgrade design
  • And at Western Springs up to 15,000 new trees will be planted as part of a native bush regeneration project.

Annual Budget 19/20

At a business meeting on 4 June we approved the Waitemata local content for the Annual Budget 2019/2020 which includes a Local Board Agreement, a message from the chair, local board advocacy, and a local fees and charges schedule for 2019/2020. Each financial year, Auckland Council must have a Local Board Agreement between the Governing Body and each local board, for each local board area. On 20 June 2019, the Governing Body will meet to adopt Auckland Council’s Annual Budget 2019/2020, including 21 local board agreements.

Attachment 6: Our Auckland Youth leadership developed with spoken word poetry (funding provided from the local board community grant fund 18/19)

Meetings and workshops: 15 May until 11 June

  •  Planning Committee workshop on 15 May
  • Meeting to discuss SBN’s GulfX project on 15 May
  • Meeting with University of Auckland healthy homes researchers on 16 May
  • LGNZ National Council meeting in Wellington on 17 May (photo right with Mayor Justin Lester who recently announced his intention to make Lambton Quay car free)
  • Weekly chairs catch up held on 20 May, 27 May and 10 June
  • Meeting on 20 May hosted by Deputy Mayor Bill Cashmore, local board representatives and Auckland Transport to discuss the speed bylaw implementation
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 21 May
  • Monthly catch up with the GM of the K’rd Business Association on 22 May
  • Communications meeting on 22 May
  • Auckland City Centre Advisory Board workshop and meeting on 22 May
  • Meeting on 23 May with Civic Events and Regional Facilities Auckland to discuss the organisation of citizenship ceremonies at the Town Hall
  • LGNZ Zone 1 meeting on 24 May
  • Meeting with the Pop Up Globe team on 24 May
  • Waitematā Local Board workshops on 28 May, 4 and 11 June
  • Transport portfolio meeting on 29 May
  • Joint Governing Body/Local Board Chairs meeting on 29 May
  • Meeting with Trevor Dunn and Boud Hammelburg, Advisors to Westhaven Forum Trust at Royal NZ Yacht Club on 31 May
  • Meeting with Community Facilities managers on 5 June to discuss Victoria Park car park driveway renewal
  • Domain Committee workshop and business meeting on 5 June
  • Meeting with Newmarket Business Association GM on 1 May
  • Domain Committee meeting on 5 June
  • Meeting with GM Parnell Business Association on 6 June
  • Attended meeting on 6 June organised by Hon Nikki Kaye with businesses impacted by CRL works
  • Meeting with Parnell Business Association GM on 5 June
  • Informal catch up with the Chair, Waiheke Local Board on 6 June
  • Local Board Chairs Monthly Forum on 10 June

Events and functions:  15 May until 11 June

  • Good Citizens Awards ceremony on 16 May (Attachment 7 Our Auckland and featured in Ponsonby News June update Attachment 8)
  • Auckland Writers Festival opening night party on 16 May
  • Literally Lorne, Auckland Writers Festival free event on 17 May
  • Te reo with Scottie Morrison, Auckland Writers Festival on 18 May
  • Spoke at Trash to Trade event organised by Grey Lynn 2030 on 19 May
  • Tripartite 2019 (An economic alliance of LA, Guangzhou and Auckland coinciding with Tech Week) Welcome Reception for our international delegates and speakers on Sunday 19 May and attended an Innovation Showcase for Tripartite 2019 followed by lunch 20 May. I was interested to hear from Stephen Cheung, President World Trade Centre, LA  about Los Angeles’ Clean Air Action Plan based on data and innovation to force changes to deal with the pollution and health implications of dirty bunker fuel. He was part of a panel on new trends in public and private sector data sharing.
  • With Tapata Wehi, founder The Haka Experience at the Go with Tourism Expo

    Auckland Museum stakeholder breakfast on 23 May

  • Joined the community of St Matthew-in-the-City for a Powhiri and reception on 23 May to welcome our overseas guests who belong to an international network of inner city churches
  • Opened the Go with Tourism Expo on 24 May at Auckland Showgrounds
  • HiTech gala dinner on 24 May at the invitation of ATEED
  • Opening of the new walkway Te ara Oranga connecting Auckland Museum on 27 May
  • Pride Pledge launch on 28 May at Coco’s cantina at the invitation of Krd Business Association
  • Officiated at the Town Hall Citizenship Ceremony on 28 May
  • Attended Friends of Sustainable Coastlines event on 28 May
  • Opening of the Doc Edge Festival at Q Theatre on 29 May
  • New citizen Constable Pavee from Thailand and Karem Colmenares, Event organiser

    Join the Dante Auckland at Winger Maserati to celebrate the Italian Republic Day on 2 June

  • Attended Open Iftar (dinner) 2019 hosted by New Zealand Eid Day at Ellen Melville Centre on 2 June
  • Mt Albert Electorate community morning tea with the PM on 5 June
  • Opening of James Liston Hostel by the Mayor on 5 June
  • China Business Awards dinner at Shed 10 on 6 June at the invitation of NZ China Council
  • Newmarket Business Association awards dinner on 7 June
  • Arbor Day tree planting in Newmarket Park on 8 June
  • Attended the opening of the Wintergarden nursery glasshouses at Auckland Domain on 11 June
  • Again Again co-founders Melissa Firth and Nada Piatek and Sustainable Business Network, CEO Rachel Brown

    Spoke at the launch of Again Again, reusable cups as a service system, at The Store, Quay Street on 11 June

  • Delicious Oblivion, Cabaret Season Launch on 11 June at the Civic Theatre at the invitation of Auckland Live

Conference report back: 2 Walk and Cycle conference

 Conference report back:  2 Walk and Cycle conference – moving towards healthy communities, Auckland 6 – 8 July

“Cities have the capability of providing for everybody only when and only because they are created by everybody” Jane Jacobs (quoted by Tyler Golly, conference presenter)

PM John Key and Mayor Len Brown
PM John Key and Mayor Len Brownat the Quay St cycleway opening

I attended the 2 Walk and Cycling Conference 2016, the premier national conference addressing walking and cycling issues held every two years. The conference’s focus was on active, human-powered transport to achieve healthier, smarter and more liveable cities.

A great deal has changed since I attended my first 2 Walk and Cycle Conference in 2008.  The debate has shifted from trying to convince politicians “why” cycling should be funded and on the agenda to “how” to best deliver cycling infrastructure as part of an integrated transport network. The funding situation has improved massively. Eight years ago a very small percentage of Council and Government transport budget was directed to walking and cycling. Previously the conference has been dominated by advocates arguing the case for increased investment and discussing case studies from overseas. 

The new cycleway counter on Quay Street
The new cycleway counter on Quay Street

This year the conference, with significant sponsorship from NZTA, was attended by a range of professionals many of whom are working on projects in NZ boosted by the Urban Cycling Investment fund.

Auckland played host to the conference putting on a number of associated events.  Delegates were treated to a Pecha Kucha special transport edition sponsored by Auckland Transport, Auckland Conversations with the conference keynote speaker Gil Penalosa and were invited to attend the opening of the Quay Street cycleway that includes Auckland’s first visible cycle counter (10,000 trips recorded within the first 19 days!). 

Delegates were also able to experience Auckland’s growing cycling network and the award winning Te ara i whiti/Lightpath.

I participated in the conference as delegate, workshop presenter (Vision Zero workshop detailed in Attachment A), as networking breakfast host (with Margaret Lewis, to discuss the success of K’rd Open Streets event – photo right) and as one of the judges of the Bike to the Future awards announced at the conference dinner (Attachment B).

Conference informal networking breakfast with K'rd's Margaret Lewis
Conference informal networking breakfast with K’rd’s Margaret Lewis

I found the conference hugely encouraging and affirming of how far we have progressed in Auckland with making cycling a viable option for more people to enjoy. There is however still much to do if Auckland is going to unleash the huge benefits that can be realised from prioritising walking and cycling.  My only disappointment about the conference was the lack of diversity that failed to capture the many cycling “tribes” of Auckland.

There were a number of key themes that I took away from the conference

Healthy communities designed for everyone

 There is overwhelming evidence that policies encouraging walking and cycling provide major health benefits.  The Minister of Health should be the biggest champion of active transport when considering ways to combat soaring obesity related illnesses such as diabetes.

Karen Witten in her presentation Healthy places and spaces bringing a children’s voice to city planning noted that children involved in active transport have higher rates of physical activity. “Cities that work for children work for everyone”

The keynote speaker Gil Penalosa talked about all ages, all abilities networks that encourage activity that helps everyone (see more from Gil’s presentation below).  Another keynote speaker Ben Rossiter from Victoria Walks said that “walking is fundamental to healthy communities.”

 Shared paths

 Dr Ben Rossiter from Walk Victoria gave a hard hitting, evidence based assessment on the need to design for walkability.

His presentation, Walking promotion and advocacy: An Australian story explained very convincingly why safer road design is needed for older pedestrians and why shared paths are not best practice. 

  • 25- 40% of those who suffer from a hip injury die within one year
  • If want to deal with health and obesity walking is critical
  • Constraints to older people walking – dogs off leash, bike riders on shared paths
  • If you need sign to slow down the street is designed wrong!

 His view is that shared paths should only be supported where designed for low speed, recreational environments where it is clear that cyclists must give way.

This is a particular issue in Australia and New Zealand where shared paths are often preferred to avoid difficult decisions about re-allocating road space for separate cycle lanes.  This presentation is relevant to a number of designs that are currently being considered for Auckland’s cycleway network eg Ian McKinnion Drive that has recently gone out for consultation and Nelson Street phase 2 that included a section of shared path opposed by the Waitematā Local Board.

 Pop- ups and temporary trials

 I have heard many experts recommend trials and pop ups as a low cost, quick way to demonstrate the benefits of new street design and build community support. Tyler Golly in his presentation Communities Designing Communities, shared ideas from Canada such as bike corrals, painted kerb extensions and parklets.

The Waitematā Local Board has been a supporter of trials particularly for cycling infrastructure but it has proved very difficult to progress.  Part of the problem has been the lack of a nimble, empowered AT team who are able to focus on trials.

Lorne Street parkletHowever we hopefully might start seeing “parklets” in the city.  An Auckland Council parklet popped on Lorne Street during the conference (photo right).  Providing additional space for people by removing two car parks was an instant success for nearby food vendors who reported a tripling in trade. High Street retailers take note!

We’ve also heard that AT is working a temporary brightly painted contra-flow cycle lane on Federal Street.

Road safety

 A number of speakers highlighted how essential it is to make city roads safer for walking and cycling with a range of measures:

  • Lower speeds
  • Changes to the give way rules
  • Vision Zero policy
  • Creating more traffic free areas and restrictions (a pro liveability measure discussed by Glen Koorey, What can NZ learn from cycling in Europe)
  • Network of cycleways
  • Traffic calming measures

Disappointingly the CEO of Auckland Transport does not appear to prioritise safety over efficiency. In his opening address he responded to the challenge of more pedestrian walking zones by saying the real problem in the city centre is not the speed and volume of traffic but the number of people walking while looking at their phones!

Vision Zero is a policy that I have been championing with the support of the Board.  Together with Cycle Action Network, Brake NZ and Walk Auckland I took part in a workshop on Building a grassroots campaign for Vision Zero: Why we need a new approach to road safety and how we can make it happen.  (see Attachment A)

 Auckland Conversations and keynote speaker, Gil Penalosa. The 8 80 City: Creating Vibrant and Healthy Communities

How can we create vibrant and healthy cities for everyone, regardless of age or social status? What is the role of streets – the largest public space in any city? How can parks improve the quality of life that attracts and retains people to their communities? 

Gil answers these questions while also explaining a simple and effective principle for inclusive city building: ensuring the safety and joy of children and older adults (from 8 year olds to 80 year olds) are at the forefront of every decision we make in our cities. Drawing on his experience as Commissioner of Parks and Recreation in Bogota, Gil presents some of the now widely celebrated approaches to urban regeneration through investments in parks and public spaces. Gil also draws upon examples from cities around the world which demonstrate the power of parks and public space in making lives happier, communities better, and economies stronger.

Key points:

  • Sustainable mobility: moving people towards a brighter, healthy more equitable future
  • Gil was responsible for starting Ciclovia (Open Streets) in Bogota – his advice is to just do it as requires no capital investment, works to change minds and is an inclusive event that belongs to everyone (In Auckland we have now held three “ciclovia” type events and more are planned)
  • When saying “no” also saying “yes” to something else eg more cars, more pollution and obesity.
  • Designing a city for everyone is not a technical issue or funding issue but a political issue
  • Need to evaluate cities by how they treat the most vulnerable
  • Transport policies have a direct impact on equality and equity. 25% of income is tied up with mobility by car but for lower income is often nearer 50%
  • Supports a focus on putting pedestrians first to encourage walkability: Vision Zero, max speed limit of 30Km p/h, quality infrastructure that shows a respect for people
  • Benefits: environment, economic activity, health

Skypath presentation with Richard HillsSkypath

It is great news that in the same month as the conference councillors agreed unanimously to progress Skypath the walk/cycleway over the Auckland Harbour Bridge.

See Attachment C for the presentation I gave in support at the Finance and Performance Committee on 21 July.

Unanimous vote to support Skypath

Skypath presentation with Richard HillsYesterday Auckland Council voted unanimously to support a Private Public Partnership funding model to deliver the Skypath project.  This now clears the way for a walking and cycling connection to finally be built on the Auckland Harbour Bridge.

At the Finance and Performance Committee meeting I was privileged to  speak in support on behalf of the Waitematā Local Board (the full report to Council is available here):

Happy smiles after the Skypath vote
Happy smiles after the Skypath vote

Thank you for the opportunity to speak in support of the PPP proposal in front of you today. I’m Pippa Coom Deputy Chair of the Waitematā Local Board joined by  member Richard Hill who will also present on behalf of the Kaipatiki Local Board.  Chair, Shale Chambers would have liked to have been here but gives his apologies.

We have been unflagging supporters of Skypath since day one of the Super City.  Our consistent support is found in our Local Board plan and each year as an advocacy position in our Local Board Agreement (extensively consulted on with our communties through the formal consultation process).    I would like to acknowledge those who have worked so tirelessly on this project over a long period of time (*listed below).

Support from the Waitematā community is strong.  You will have seen the map of submitters .    Of 63 submitters in St Marys Bay all are in support. In Freemans Bay 133 submitted in support.   In Herne Bay there is only one household in opposition .  From the  LTP consultation  558 submitters  specifically mentioned Skypath as a project with 485 in support.

The St Marys Bay Association  statement of position on Skypath notes they agree in principle to walking and cycling connection, note that there are technical and viability concerns but note that these technical issues can be resolved through NZTA licence to use process.  They also say the concerns raised by NRA about Council’s legal ability to fund Skypath are properly matters for Council.

The benefits to the Waitematā community are numerous:

  • Improved transport options to the North shore
  • Less congestion and less impact on the environment
  • Improved health and wellbeing of residents and greater productivity
  • Create the conditions for stronger local economies
  • Make both sides of the bridge more liveable
  • Opportunities to recognise mana whenua connections at  Pt Erin

I recommend NZ Govt/  NZTA’s recently published document Benefits of investing in cycling in New Zealand communities a comprehensive analyisis of the  key benefits of investing in cycling, for councils, communities and individuals.

These benefits return not just to Waitematā but to the wider Auckland region as Skypath plugs into a wider and  growing network of cycleways.  Like ATEED  we are also excited by the tourism potential.  I guarantee that no tourist will leave Auckland before experiencing Skypath and on to the harbour circuit.  It will be one of the must do attractions in NZ.  

Concerns have been raised about parking.   But I think parking issues have been over played and are based on the assumption that the Skypath experience starts and ends at the foot of the bridge.    Skypath is a missing connection of a much wider and growing network .  The starting point on the city side is  likely to be any number of locations on the network such as Tamaki Drive or  the downtown car park for those who really want to drive to a bike ride or a walk.  

We supported AT’s view that it is  unnecessary to do a parking survey on the southern side until we understand the extent of the currently hypothetical problem once Skypath opens. We can then look at what tools are necessary to manage  parking such as time restrictions or a residents priority parking scheme.  Fortunately AT now has a parking strategy with a suite of tools fit for purpose.

In the same way I think the query around patronage is also based on misconceptions about how Skypath is used – Barbara from Bike Auckland has addressed that well but just to also mentioned we are talking about trips – walkers, cycling, joggers – and the many return day trippers who will not exit at Northcote Point.

Skypath has been put under enormous scrutiny that is unprecedented for any other strategic transport project – except perhaps the CRL  . (I would love to see councillors push for the same level of assessment to roading projects ) It represents incredible value for money and is better value than most transport projects because of the wide benefits – environmental, tourism , health and well being, connected communities. We would  prefer for Skypath to be funded in the same way as nearly all regionally significant transport projects – from taxes and rates – but the PPP provides an excellent opportunity for a way forward that Council should support.

As the report in front of Councillors outlines the benefits of the PPP proposal are:

  • Skypath can be delivered sooner that would otherwise be possible and without Council carrying the entire financing cost
  • The private sector is incentivised to design, manage, finance, operate and maintain Skypath on an innovative and efficient whole of life basis
  • Appropriate delivery and operating risks are transferred to the private sector

Even if Council becomes liable for costs of any demand shortfall  (which is incredibly unlikely ) it is a relatively low cost project for the benefits we what we are getting  .  PWC review of the proposal concludes that the commercial terms are comprehensive and appropriate

If the PM and 3 ministers show up for the opening of 1km Quay St cycleway (not to mention the Mayor , Councillors, Chairman of the AT Board) – imagine the jostle of politicians when Skypath opens next year! But of course this is not about feel good photo ops for politicians. This project is for all Aucklanders that we just need to get on with and the means to do that are in the hands of Councillors today.

Award winning Te ara i whiti Lightpath has really opened Aucklanders eyes to how inspiring, innovative  and transformative a walking and cycle project can be  – Skypath is going to absolutely blow us away and will bring Auckland priceless international attention.

Thank you for your support.

*The many people we can thank for Skypath (from a list collated by Cr Chris Darby)

1970s & 1980s: Keith Salmon, Michael Bland and PATH group.

John Strevens, Colin Kay, Barry Curtis, Eric Salmon, Audrey van Ryn, Bryan Pulham, David Sidwell, the University of Auckland Cycle Club, the ARC Cycle Planning Group.

2003-2004 Petition: Graeme Knowles, Isy Kennedy, Ann Hartley MP, Bevan Woodward, Judy Barfoot,

Cycle Action Auckland: Including Adrian Croucher, Sally McAra, and others

Original Getacross Launch 2008:

Bob Harvey (now patron of the PathwayTrust)


Christine Rose (chair), Alex Swney, Andy Smith, Bevan Woodward, Kirsten Shouler (Coordinator), Roger Twiname (Airey Consultants engineers),Barry Copeland & Finn Scott (Copeland Associates Architects

Advisors: Lance Wiggs & Ed Willis

Cycle Action Auckland/Bike Auckland:

Graham Knowles, Barbara Cuthbert, Paul Shortland.

Launch of Initial Concept Design (2011):

Rod Oram, Mayor Len Brown, Nikki Kaye MP, Hopper Developments

Organisations – active support

Akina Foundation (then Hikurangi Foundation)

Ministry for the Environment (Community Environment Fund), Buildmedia, Heart of the City, Public Infrastructure Partnership Fund, Waterfront Auckland (John Dalzell), ATEED (Brett O’Riley), Auckland Transport (Kathryn King), Auckland Council (Marguerite Pearson), NZTA (Stephen Town), Beca Infrastructure, WT Partnership, KPMG, Russell McVeagh.

Advocacy: Generation Zero, Bike Auckland, Transportblog, Cycle Advocates Network, Walk Auckland.

Auckland Councillors: Chris Darby, Mike Lee.

Local Boards: Waitematā, Kaipatiki, Devonport-Takapuna.

Hundreds of Aucklanders donated time and money and many other Aucklanders donated money to pay for project expenses or gave pro-bono professional services including: Raul Sarrot, Graeme Lindsay.

Related reading

Unanimous vote for Skypath, NZ Herald

Greenlight for Skypath, Radio NZ (audio)

Auckland Council vote yes on Skypath, Stuff

The long road to Skypath – a 40 year time line, Bike Auckland

Where is Skypath- the story so far, Bike Auckland

Council gives Skypath green light, Bike Auckland

Council unanimously approves Skypath, Transport Blog


Monthly Board Report May 2014

ANZAC day 2014This report covers my Board activities during April 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.

Portfolio Reports: Community 

Community Grants

The Central Joint Funding Committee made up of members from Orakei, Albert-Eden, Puketapapa and Waitematā Local Boards met on 15 April to allocate funding from round two of the Community Group Assistance Fund (this is a legacy Auckland City Council fund). In total we allocated $210,093.50 to groups in the central board area including in the Waitemata Local Board area Circability Trust ($25,000), Toi Ora ($25,000), Artist Alliance ($3,888), TAPAC ($13,685), Triangle TV ($18,000), Youthline ($8,050) and Volunteering Auckland ($7000). The minutes of the meeting are available on the Council website.

Community centres

The Community portfolio has been assisting community centres over the last month with funding issues. The Community Facilities team have confirmed that funding grants available for the centres have been rolled over for 14/15 at the same levels as 13/14. This is creating concerns for centres who are trying to improve facilities and programming.

A report should be on our agenda this month seeking a decision on approximately $20,000 available as additional grant funding.  We have encouraged centres to consider proposals focused on sustainability (such as waste minimisation) and accessibility.

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings were attended during April relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Portfolio report:  Transport

 Travel to work census dataShaping Auckland’s transport

 The CEO of Auckland Transport led a workshop on 14 April with Central Local Board’s regarding Transport Plans for the 2015- 25 period. The workshop was an opportunity to discuss issues of interest in our area directly with AT senior management to ensure Auckland Transport better understands Local Board priorities before transport plans are developed.

As part of the scene- setting for the workshop Auckland Transport presented the 2013 Census data for each local Board. In Waitemata there were 42, 882 employed adults (people aged 15 years and over) out of a total population count of 77,136. Of the 16,182 who commuted on census day 49% made the trip to work by car, 1% by motorbike, 16% by public transport, 31% walked and 3% cycled. The Auckland average for travel by car is 83% and only 5% average for walking.

The census data strongly shows the benefits of investment in PT and active transport to provide transport choice.

Great North Road intersection Great North Road resurfacing

The resurfacing of Great North Road between Western Springs and K’rd got underway in April.  We raised with Auckland Transport that this could have been a great opportunity to better use existing infrastructure through improvements for all modes not just locking in the current deficiencies as planned.

One win from the maintenance work is that Auckland Transport is installing a feeder lane at the approach to K’rd/Great North Road intersection.  This pinch point on the network was first logged with Auckland Transport by the transport portfolio over three years ago and is a priority project in our Local Board agreement.

Design for a feeder lane and advance stop box on Great North Road

Great North Road feeder lane

Skypath open day display Vernon Tava and Shale Chambers


An open day organised by the Auckland Harbour Bridge Skypath Trust was held on 12 April to give residents the opportunity to view new designs for the pathway and landings.

All the St Mary’s Bay residents I have spoken to are strongly in support of the project and can see the many benefits it will bring to locals.

The Trust intends to apply for resource consent in June. It is great to see this transformational project progressing.

Grafton Gully Cycleway

Grafton gully Cycleway progress April 2014Progress at Wellesley Street underpass April 2014As these photos show NZTA is making great progress on the Grafton Gully Cycleway. Auckland Transport continue to give assurances that the connection to the cycleway at Beach Road is on track to be completed by September this year between Churchill Street and Quay Street via Mahuhu Crescent (in line with NZTA’s proposed finish to the Grafton Gully Cycleway).  We are monitoring this closely and also progress on the Upper Queen Street connection which is being progressed by Auckland Council’s city transformation team.

Monthly transport update

We’ve attended two transport catch up during April. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Other board activities

Franklin RoadAnnual Plan Local Board hearings

Every year each of the 21 Local Boards has an opportunity to present to the Governing Body (the Mayor and Councillors of Auckland Council) on their activities, advocacy areas and budget requests that the Board wants included in the Annual Plan.

On 29 April the Waitemata Local Board, led by Shale Chambers, had our turn to outline our priorities for 14/15.  I spoke to our transport advocacy areas (attachment A).

Local Board Plan

In early April we completed our early engagement on our Local Board plan with a series of meetings with resident groups. During April we have been working on our draft plan which will be going to our June Board meeting for approval to go out for consultation

Out and about in Waitematā

Newly painted electrical boxes on Picton street just off Ponsonby Road (photo left)

The Central Library has a newly refurbished children’s area which is bright and fun. It was officially opened in April with member Yates representing the Board. (photo centre)

Te Whānau Whāriki from Richmond Road School has adopted the Rose Road Gully in Grey Lynn Park for a restoration project. On their first morning they collected 200 bags of tradescantia and 10 bags of rubbish. (photo right)

Progress on major projects:  

Federal Street upgrade progress April 2014Sky City can thank the Waitemata Local Board for opposing the overbridge development proposed in 2011 for Federal Street. It would have created a dark oppressive road.  Instead the street has received a shared space over haul which is nearly complete.

The new steps and upgrade of Khartoum Place is progressing (photo above). The transport portfolio has raised with the project team the need to slow down the traffic on Kitchener Street to provide for an improved pedestrian connection to the Art Gallery

Bus lane on Fanshawe StreetThank you Generation Zero and Transport Blog for getting Auckland Transport to take action on the Fanshawe Street bus lanes. Only four months from the original proposal to installation! It really shows that Auckland Transport can act quickly and decisively as a CCO when there is clear leadership.

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 April – 31 April  I attended:

  • Local Board workshop on 1 April
  • Local Board Plan engagement meeting with Freemans Bay Residents on 1 April and with Grey Lynn Residents Associations on 3 April
  • Local Board Plan Breakfast meeting with Parnell Community Committee and eastern stakeholders on 2 April
  • Monthly transport portfolio meeting on 2 April
  • Monthly Community Development portfolio meeting on 2 April
  • Meeting to discuss feedback on Draft Auckland Energy Resilience and Low Carbon Action Plan
  • Community Portfolio meeting with Libraries for Geoff Chamberlain (retiring) to introduce Mirla Edmundson (new Manager Local Libraries North & West)
  • Briefing meeting with Ponsonby Cruising Club Inc regarding leasing issues
  • Briefing on Community Facility Fees and Charges on 3 April
  • Meeting with John MacDonald, Minister at large (Splice coordinator)
  • Orakei & Waitemata Local Boards meeting  on 7 April to discuss Greenways connections
  • Central Joint Funding Committee workshop on 7 April
  • Waitemata Local Board monthly business meeting on 7 April at Graham Street
  • Ponsonby Road masterplan catch up
  • Site meeting with Transport Portfolio and the Chair to discuss pedestrian improvements at Anglesea Street
  • Financial scenario information for LTP presentation by the Council’s CFO to Local Boards on 8 April
  • Meeting to discuss proposed concepts for 254 Ponsonby Rd
  • Briefing of the Auckland Development Committee and Waitemata Local Board by Precinct Property Ltd on its proposed redevelopment of the Downtown Shopping centre.
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 10 April
  • Myers Park Centenary event – initial meeting
  • Meeting with Ponsonby Business Association and Chris Rupe SPQR to discuss the draft Ponsonby Masterplan
  • Early Engagement on Transport Planning – Workshop with AT Senior Management
  • Meeting with Grey Lynn Community Centre on 14 April
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 15 April
  • Central Joint Funding Committee meeting on 15 April
  • Catch up with Ponsonby Business Association on 16 April
  • Joint briefing for Orakei and Waitemata Local Boards on the proposed stormwater ports of Auckland project on 16 April
  • Ponsonby Road masterplan meeting on 16 April
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 22 April
  • Community Development portfolio meeting on 23 April
  • Extraordinary Workshop to discuss the Local Board Plan on 28 April
  • Arch Hill Residents Meeting on 28 April
  • Presentation to the Governing Body Annual Plan Local Board Hearings
  • Popped in to a CAB catch up at the Central Library (meeting organised by Deborah Yates)
  • Ponsonby Community Centre Meeting
  • Transport portfolio monthly catch up 30 April
  • Deputised for the Chair at the Governing Body (Budget Committee)/Local Board Chairs Annual Plan discussion on 30 April

Events and functions

Anzac wreath laying 2014In the period 1 April – 30 April  2014 I attended:

  • Cycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 3 April
  • My Bed my Universe – Massive Company and NZ Trio collaboration
  • Ponsonby Community Centre Open day on Saturday 5 April
  • Richmond Road School Gala on Saturday 5 April (congratulations to the school on organising a Zero Waste event)
  • Barry Coates farewell from Oxfam on 9 April
  • After 5 networking event organised by the Uptown Business Association on 10 April
  • Launch of K’rd and Newton Plans on 10 April
  • Newmarket Business Association Business Excellence Awards on 11 April with John Kirwan as guest speakerJohn Kirwan at Newmarket business excellence awards April 2014
  • Skypath Open Day at Westhaven on Saturday 12 April
  • Ponsonby Bike corral video shoot with Auckland Transport
  • At Risk preview at Whitespace on 22 April
  • ANZAC day ceremony hosted by the Grey Lynn RSC
  • Launch of the electric train from Britomart Station on 27 April (photos here)
  • Walking in the Trees in Albert Park  part of Waitemata Pop Project between March and June, 2014.
  • Guest Judge and attendance at Awards ceremony for Roots Pollinate. The Roots, Albert Park Project” consisted of The Roots Creative Entrepreneurs working with year 12 and 13 students.  Working in four groups they designed and built “Pollen Hotels” from recycled materials – hanging baskets with plants that will provide food for our local bees during the winter. I received an Eco Store gift box for being a judge.

Photo of  “Flow” the winning team 

Roots pollinate winning team

Transport advocacy at Auckland Council

Photo credit: Cathy Casey
Photo credit: Cathy Casey

Every year each of the 21 Local Boards has an opportunity to present to the Governing Body (the Mayor and Councillors of Auckland Council) on their activities, advocacy areas and budget requests that the Board wants included in the Annual Plan.

Today the Waitemata Local Board, led by Shale Chambers, had our turn to  outline our priorities for 14/15.  I spoke to our transport advocacy areas:


I come here today still buzzing from having experienced the future of transport in Auckland on the electric train on Sunday and with good news from the latest census data that clearly shows that when Aucklanders are provided transport choice they are eager to take up PT, walking and cycling.  On census day 51% of residents in Waitemata travelled to work by means other than a car.

We have developed a comprehensive list of 20 transport advocacy areas for 14/15 that respond to the transport expectations of our residents, visitors and businesses that can be summed up as investment in cycling and walking infrastructure, pedestrian safety and amenity, quality street design, and effective parking management as we work towards an outstanding public transport system as part of a congestion free network

We are seeking a clear direction from the Governing Body to Auckland Transport that our local board transport initiatives must be incorporated into their 14/15 programme of work.

I would like to quickly highlight 5 specific areas.

Greenways The GB is very familiar with the concept of greenways and it is great so many Boards have either developed or are developing Greenways plans. The successful implementation of the Greenways Plan requires co-ordination and commitment from St Marys Bay parkingnot only Waitemata Local Board but also  the wider Council family. We are advocating that a regional greenways budget is secured in the Auckland Transport budget and included in the Auckland Transport Statement of Intent

Inner City Parking Scheme –  The number one complaint received by Auckland Transport is in relation to parking issues in our inner city suburbs particularly Freemans Bays as a result of all day commuter parking.  The situation is getting worse and has a number of negative impacts not just on residents but on local businesses. We support the roll out of resident parking zones for our inner city suburbs like the scheme currently being trialled in St Marys Bay. We want to see this happen by the end of the year following Auckland Transport’s consultation on their parking strategy.

Franklin RoadFranklin Road –  The much needed  upgrade of Franklin Road has been postponed for many years as it has been in the too hard basket.  This project includes road resurfacing, undergrounding of services, footpath upgrade, pedestrian crossings, cycle path and on road parking and to provide for safe and continuous walking and cycling pathways from Ponsonby Road to Victoria Park.

The good news is that Auckland Transport has recently put the project back on the table and is revisiting  a design from 2011 but needs a budget allocated to the upgrade by Council.

Intersections and Amenity for pedestrians and cyclists – After a really slow start there are positive signs that Auckland Transport is starting to make progress on improving the pedestrian and cycling experience in Waitemata.

We have provided a very detailed list of safety and infrastructure improvements in our advocacy section, which has been done deliberately to make sure local priorities are included in AT’s work programme and funded from the regional safety and maintenance budgets.  This includes cycle lanes  on Carlton Gore Road, linking Beach Road with the Grafton Gully Cycleway , and advocating for a change of the give way rule at intersections in favour of pedestrians

SkypathSkypath – Lastly thank you for supporting the Auckland Harbour Bridge Skypath so far. One of the most exciting and transformation projects currently underway in Auckland.

We would like to request that the Governing Body continues to progress and provide regional leadership for the skypath.

Our full list of transport advocacy areas for 14/15

Auckland Transport

  • Cycle infrastructure
    • Consult with local boards on the development of the Cycling Business Plan and routes and priorities of the Auckland Cycle Network.
    • Improve cycle infrastructure through the completion and extension of the Auckland Cycle Network with safe, connected, dedicated cycleways including:
    • Carlton Gore Road (bike lanes currently planned).
    • Beach Road, linking with the Grafton Gully Cycleway and with Tamaki Drive and Parnell Station.
    • Parnell to the City Centre walk/cycleway, through the new underpass south of the Parnell Train Station.
    • Nelson & Hobson Street (with separated two-way cycleways, as described in the City Centre Masterplan).
    • Wellesley St connection to Auckland Domain under Symonds St overbridge and on-road connection to the NZTA funded / constructed Grafton Gully Cycleway.
      • Prioritise the upgrade of all routes in 2014/2015 currently identified as “complete” on the Auckland Cycle Network within the Waitematā Local Board area, but are not of a safe standard.
      • Traffic calming
        • Undertake a trial of a slow speed zone in a residential area.
        • Implement the city centre 30km per hour speed zone (as described in the City Centre Masterplan) and the Wynyard Quarter slower speed zone.
  • Cycle safety
    • Prioritise the installation of advance cycle stop boxes with feeder lanes including in the following locations:                    I.      Williamson Avenue northeast coming onto Ponsonby Road
    •  II.     College Hill Road westbound coming onto Ponsonby Road
    •  III.     Tamaki Drive, westbound at The Strand
    • IV.         St Stephen’s Avenue westbound coming onto Parnell Road
    • v.            Karangahape Road eastbound at Symonds Street, onto the Grafton Bridge
    • VI.         Great North Road eastbound coming on to Karangahape Road.
  • Ensure safe, connected and continuous cycling is provided for in the St Lukes bridge widening including undertaking cycling safety works at the Bullock Track and Great North Road intersection.
  • Pedestrian safety and amenity
    • Improve intersections for pedestrians with substantial foot traffic and develop solutions to improve safety and amenity for pedestrians. This includes:
    •                   I.      All intersections with left–turn slip lanes and no pedestrian facility
    •                II.      Intersections with long pedestrian crossing delays.
    •                III.    Undertaking route optimisation for pedestrians in the city centre including automatic pedestrian phases on one way streets.
  • Advocate for a change of the give way rule requiring motorists to give way to pedestrians crossing parallel to the priority (main) road at intersections.
  • Richmond Road Safety Plan
    • Complete the implementation of the safety improvement action plan during the 2014-2015 financial year in conjunction with Auckland Council for the shopping areas and school zones of Richmond Road, concentrating on the following elements:
    •                     I.    Pedestrian and cycle safety
    •                    II.    Traffic calming and slower speeds
    •                   III.    Urban design.
  • Franklin Road upgrade
    • Undertake the planned upgrade of Franklin Road including road resurfacing, undergrounding of services, footpath upgrade, pedestrian crossings, cycle path and on road parking and to  provide for safe and continuous walking and cycling pathways from Ponsonby Road to Victoria Park including continuous pedestrian facilities (i.e. an unbroken footpath on both sides of the road) across all side streets, driveways and intersections (for example by installing raised tables).
  • Newmarket traffic management plan
    • Develop a traffic management plan for Newmarket to make traffic flow in a way that is logical and supports public transport, walking and cycling and economic development. This would include consideration of parking, arterial infrastructure, motorway access and signage.
  • Residential parking zone
    • Auckland Transport to implement the residential parking zone scheme to manage commuter parking in central Auckland suburbs following consultation with residents.
  • Auckland Domain traffic management
    • Auckland Transport to improve walking and cycling access to and around the Domain, while discouraging commuter parking use of the Domain through:
    • I.    Implementation of a parking scheme for the Domain that works to discourage commuter parking (e.g. through pricing)
    •  II.    Improving walking and cycling options
  • Contribute to the development of a Masterplan for the Domain (to be led by Auckland Council).
  • SkyPath
    • Auckland Transport and Auckland Waterfront to progress the Auckland Harbour pathway project (the SkyPath) for delivery in 2014/2015.
  • Footpaths
    • Prioritise the 2014/2015 footpath renewal programme in conjunction with the Waitematā Local Board.
    • Create an agreed public consultation framework for the footpath renewal programme.
  • Greenways
    • Fund and deliver the on-road components of the Waitematā Local Board greenways project prioritised for 2014/2015.
  • Set the three year programme of works in collaboration with the Waitematā Local Board with regards to footpaths, road safety initiatives, cycleways, parking, greenways.
  • Support other Waitematā Local Board agreement priorities including:
    • the introduction of low impact storm water solutions in the Local Board area;
    • delivery of green walls, roofs and community gardens on Auckland Transport assets e.g. car park buildings;
    • drinking water fountains in the street environment;
    • development and implementation of the Ponsonby Road master plan, the Karangahape Precinct Plan and the Newton Precinct Plan;
    • Wayfinding signage for pedestrians; and
    • Upgrade of Teed Street (western part), York Street and Kent Street, Newmarket.

Skypath open day

It is very exciting to see progress being made on the Skypath designs which are going to be on view for feedback on Saturday.

Open Day sessions:

10 am to 12pm:        Westhaven, beside AJ Hackett’s ‘Bridge Climb’ base, Curran St.

1:30pm to 3:30pm:   Northcote, under the bridge at Stokes Point, Princes St.

The images are available on our website:  with link to Dropbox

The open day is in preparation for SkyPath’s Resource Consent application which will be fully notified to enable anyone to make a submission.

Skypath open day

Monthly Board Report February 2014

Covering activities from 1 December 2013 – 31 January 2014

This is my first Board report for 2014.  At the December meeting of the Waitemata Local Board confirmed Board member portfolios and positions. This term I am the following:

  • Transport and Community portfolio lead
  • Chair, Grants Committee
  • Member of the Isthmus Local Board Joint Funding Committee
  • Positions: Ponsonby Business Association, Newmarket Business Association (alternate), Ponsonby Community Centre representative, Parnell Trust Liaison

Getting to better know the Waitemata Local Board area

Margi Watson and Pippa Coom Beating the boundsBeating the Bounds

We started the new term by teaming up with Walk Auckland to “Beat the Bounds” of the Waitemata Local Board area. We walked our boundary from Meola Reef to Pt Resolution. It was an excellent opportunity to get to know our Board area and to ensure no encroachments from our neighbours on the Albert-Eden and Orakei Local Boards.

A highlight for me was walking the boundary along Newmarket stream and into Newmarket Park for the first time.  Access from Middleton Road has been blocked due to slips. I think there is huge potential to better link Newmarket Park with Ayr reserve and Thomas Bloodworth Park. As we discovered the Shore Road roundabout presents a formidable barrier and is unsafe for crossing pedestrians (the Transport portfolio has logged this issue with Auckland Transport).

Local Board Tour

Board member tour symonds st cemetaryIn January our appreciation of our Board area continued with a tour organised by our local board services team. We spent the day visiting our key projects from Weona walkway in the west over to the Pt Resolution headland in the east including Art Station (under refurbishment), Pioneer Women’s Hall, Freemans Bay Community Hall, and Symonds St Cemetery. We also had an unscheduled stop to pick up an order of Arch Hill War Chest larger from the Grovner brewery.

The Tour really highlighted just how many projects we have underway and what a fantastic board area we are fortunate to represent.

Portfolio reports:  Transport

Cycle safety

Barbara Grace with her electric bikeTragically the year started with a cycling fatality in our local board area on the corner of Parnell Rise and the Strand. It highlighted the desperate need for safe, separated cycling infrastructure on our busy roads.  Unfortunately it also unleashed ill-informed, heartless, victim bashing and the resurrection of myths like cyclists do not pay for the roads therefore shouldn’t ride on them.

I raised concerns with Auckland Transport regarding their communications  following the crash which wrongly attempted to put the focus on so called red light running rather than the positive steps AT is taking to improve cycling infrastructure in Auckland.  Fortunately the NZ Herald did run a very good series on cycling safety following the crash.  (See What my mum knows about cycling attached).

Greys Ave bus parking proposal

At the end of last year we responded to Auckland Transport’s proposal to install bus parking outside 95- 113 Greys Ave with the following feedback.

The Waitemata Local Board supports the work underway to upgrade Auckland bus services and the move to a new network with frequent bus services.  The provision of quality public transport as part of an integrated transport system is a Board priority. We appreciate that additional buses in the city centre require layover locations and it will be necessary to re-allocate road space for buses.

However we have met concerned residents on Greys Ave and have considered their reasons for objecting to the proposal.

Greys Ave is one of the few residential streets in the City Centre with apartments at ground floor level. We agree with the residents that Greys Ave is not a suitable location for a bus layover location (for a variety of factors) and object to the proposal to install bus parking.

We ask that AT consider alternative locations and road space suitable for bus parking (which might require the re-prioritisation of a general traffic lane).  Our feedback, made under delegated authority, will also be included in the Board’s February meeting agenda for endorsement by the Board.

SkypathSky path

In December the governing body voted to progress the Auckland Harbour Bridge pathway to move towards signing a memorandum of understanding with the Sky path Trust. I spoke in support of the project on behalf of the Board

I attended the meeting on 29 January hosted by the Council’s Sky path champion Brett O’Reilly (ATEED, CEO) with local residents groups and the Westhaven Marina Users Association to discuss the patronage review results.

Walkway to Arthur StreetWay finding

One of Local Board initiatives is way finding for pedestrians and cyclists. A surprising number of access ways in our area have no signage.

It is good to see a walkway sign been installed by Auckland Transport at our request on Ponsonby Road (indicating the walkway through to Arthur Street). We have requested AT investigate including the destination information on the standard walkway sign design

Monthly transport update

Monthly Transport catch ups were held with the Transport portfolio in December and January. Specific issues discussed include:

  • Coxs Bay bus turnaround proposal
  • Kingdom Street level crossing upgrade
  • Signage on Walkways/ access ways – it is the Board’s preference that these include directional information
  • Auckland Transport Code of Practice – currently under consultation until the end of March
  • Richmond Road safety action plan – upgrades on Richmond Road currently underway on the intersection of Cockburn street
  • Ponsonby Road safety improvements proposed for the Anglesey St intersection

Current issues are reported back monthly by AT on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Portfolio update: Community

Community Funding

The allocation of grants for the second round of Community Grant funding was made by the Waitemata Local Board’s December meeting (it wasn’t possible to hold a Grants Committee meeting for this round due to the committee not being established following the election). Grants totalled $16, 505.15 were approved.

The deadline for applications to the third round is 21 February 2014.

Freemans Bay Residents Association

Congratulations to the latest Residents Association to be formed in our area. It has been a pleasure assisting the residents who have enthusiastically taken on the task of promoting and protecting the citizens of Freemans Bay. I attended the Association’s well attended first public meeting in December and answered queries.

More information at

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings were attended during December and January relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Other board activities

Local Board Agreement

Council’s consultation on the draft Annual Plan got underway on 23 January and continues until 24 February 2014. As part of the Annual Plan each local board agrees with Auckland Council’s governing body on the funding for local activities and the local service levels for the coming year.

The draft Local Board agreement and details of proposed projects and budget changes is available on the Annual plan website

Unitary Plan

The Board hosted a workshop on 29 January to assist with making submissions on the Unitary Plan. I thought the workshop was useful for explaining the process and giving our community representatives the opportunity to raise issues and concerns.

Submissions can be made until the end of February

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 December – 31 January I attended:

  • Local Board grants workshop on 2 December
  • Local Board workshop on 3 December
  • Meeting with the Newmarket Community Association on 3 December
  • Freemans Bay Residents Association public meeting on 3 December
  • Meeting to discuss Transport consultations on 4 December
  • Meeting with Ken Clive regarding SH16 widening project
  • Review of the Ponsonby Road masterplan meeting on 4 December
  • Site visit with Arch Hill residents to discuss safety and maintenance concerns on Waima Street
  • Waterfront Forum on 5 December at Shed 10 – developing a new form of partnership
  • Newmarket Business Association meet and greet at the Board office on 5 December
  • Localised carbon reduction plan for Waitemata local board area discussion on draft and next steps
  • Introductory ATEED meeting on 6 December
  • Site visit with John Street resident on 6 December to discuss parking on the footpath
  • Kids in the City (Project: Children Researching Children) presentation by 6 children  (aged 10-12) on findings from research they conducted this year on various aspects of what it’s like for children living in /around the Auckland CBD. This pilot research was funded by Massey University and Auckland Council
  • Ponsonby Road draft masterplan feedback – report to the Ponsonby Road masterplan working group at the Local Board office on 9 December
  • Pioneer Women’s Hall needs assessment presentation on 10 December
  • Waitemata Local Board monthly business meeting on 10 December 2013  at the Local Board office, Graham Street
  • Meeting with the General Manager of the Ponsonby Business Association on 11 December
  • Briefing of local board members on the Sky path project on 12 December
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 12 December
  • Workshop – Low Carbon Auckland: To seek feedback from Councillors and Local Board representatives on the proposed draft Auckland Energy Resilience and Low Carbon Action Plan (titled ‘Low Carbon Auckland’).  Engagement with the incoming Councillors/ Local Board representatives was requested by Councillors and Local Board representatives who attended a workshop held on 19 June 2013 when an initial draft action plan was discussed.
  • Meeting with Cheryll Martin, GM at Volunteering Auckland on 12 December
  • Seminar on the second release of 2013 Census data held by RIMU on 13 December
  • Community-led Placemaking Champions Group meeting on 13 December
  • Waterfront Auckland workshop for Local Board members and Councillors on the development plans Wynyard Central
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 17 December
  • Attended the Governing Body meeting on 19 December 2013 and spoke in support of Skypath.
  • Update on Costley Reserve playground upgrade/concept plan  and Playground Design and consultation for the play space renewals projects programmed for 2013/2014
  • Transport catch up on 14 January
  • Meeting to discuss the draft Waitemata Local Board Transport Engagement Plan on 20 January
  • Meeting to discuss Art Station
  • Site meeting with a mosaic artist to discuss a mural in the Grey Lynn toilets
  • Waitemata Local Board tour on 23 January
  • Unitary Plan workshop discussion on 24 January
  • Meeting to discuss Local Board Plan timetable
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 28 January
  • Ponsonby Community centre Board meeting on 28 January
  • Monthly Transport portfolio meeting on 29 January
  • Board hosted Public Workshop: Making Submissions on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan on 29 January
  • SkyPath – meeting on 29 January with local residents groups to discuss the patronage review results
  • Meeting to discuss community leases under consideration 30 January
  • Workshop on the Local Government Act (LGA) Amendment Bill (no 3) and opportunity for Local Board input in to the council’s submission on 31 January
  • Meeting to discuss Neighbours Day with the Community Development portfolio on 31 January

Events and functions

In the period 1 December 2013 – 31 January 2014 I attended:

  • Opening of the Franklin Road Christmas lights on 1 December 2013
  • Official party at the Citizenship Ceremony at the Town Hall on 3 December 2013
  • Annette Isbey exhibition opening at the Central Library on 4 December
  • Cycle Action Associates breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 5 December
  • Outlook for Someday Awards at the Aotea Centre  on 6 December at the invitation of Connected Media (I am a trustee of Connected Media)
  • Beating of the Bounds – walk of the Waitemata Local Board boundary from Meola Reef to Pt Resolution bridge  on 7 December
  • Carols by Candlelight at Western Park on Sunday 8 December delivered by the Board
  • GLBA Christmas lunch on 10 December
  • Auckland Conversations: New Zealand’s Climate Change and Oceans – Professor Sir Peter Gluckman on 12 December
  • Grey Lynn 2030 Christmas lunch and annual public meeting on 18 December
  • Sugartree development Christmas function (at the invitation of Sugartree)
  • Memorial gathering for the victim of the crash at the intersection of Parnell Rise and the Strand
  • Big Day out at Western Springs on 17  January (two tickets provided by Regional Facilities)
  • International Buskers Festival VIP Night Show at the invitation of Crackerjack Productions on 25 January
  • On Anniversary Day  I enjoyed checking out all the activities along the waterfront including the Ports of Auckland festival at Captain Cook Wharf, Seafood Festival at the Viaduct Events centre, Buskers International Festival and Laneways
  • Auckland Conversations: Auckland’s Economic Development – Greg Clark – Global Cities Advisor

End of Beating the Bounds on Pt Resolution Bridge

Walking and cycling on Auckland Harbour Bridge a step closer with approval of Skypath

SkypathYesterday’s Governing Body meeting was dominated by the censure of the Mayor. But also on the agenda was a very significant and exciting project that has strong public support. In a confidential session the council voted to move the project to the next phase allowing council officers to work towards a formal agreement with the Skypath trust and their backers.

The Skypath presentation is available here including details of the proposed construction and a range of  impressive design images . Ben from Cycle Action Auckland also spoke in support of the project and highlighted that it is a critical link for walking and cycling.  More details on how the path will connect at each end on Transport Blog. 

Photo credit: Cathy Casey
Photo credit: Cathy Casey

I had a last minute call up to speak on behalf of the Waitemata Local Board (standing in for our Chair Shale Chambers who waited 3 hours to speak) to confirm the backing of the Board.

I noted the Board’s long term support for the project which is included in our Local Board Plan and emphasised that we are now keen to move on to the details which will address the concerns raised by the resident associations. There is no doubt that it is a transformational project that has the Board’s full support to be taken forward to the next stage.

Congratulations to everyone who has worked so hard to get to the project to this point in particular Bevan Woodward from the Skypath Trust.