Monthly Board report June 2014

Ko Te Kai a Te Rangatira – Ko te kai a te rangatira, he korero

(The sustenance of leaders are conversations)

Ko te  tohu o te rangatira, he manaaki

(The mark of leaders is generosity)

Ko te  mahi a te rangatira, he whakatira i te iwi

(The work of leaders is to unite the people)

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during May 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.

Portfolio Report: Community

Community Grants

The Waitemata Local Board Community Grants Committee met in May to consider applications to the fourth and final round of the 13/14 community grants fund.

The recommendations of the committee are on the June agenda of the Waitematā Local Board.


Deborah Yates HNZ meetingIn May we were able to celebrate the decision by Council and the Government to not include Spring St pensioner housing in the list of Special Housing Areas that would have allowed for fast track development (and resulted in the eviction of elderly tenants who were guaranteed a flat for life when the housing was bought from the old Auckland City Council).

It was also a win of sorts that, with the support of the Board, the Great North Road ridge was declared a Special Housing Area but unfortunately too late for the Arch Hill residents who are fighting the big box Bunnings development.

However as was discussed at the public meeting I attended on 10 May (facilitated by Board member Deborah Yates) there is still a great deal of uncertainty and anger about HNZ’s current approach to removing tenants which will have a big impact on the diversity our community.

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings were attended during May relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Portfolio report:  Transport

Upper Queen Street Bridge – Grafton Gully cycleway connection

Upper Queen Street Bridge DesignEarlier this year we discovered that the City Centre Transformation team were not looking to deliver the connection between the Grafton Gully cycleway and Ian McKinnon Drive on the Upper Queen Street bridge until 15/16 despite the cycleway being due to be opened by NZTA in September this year (and despite a budget being available for the project)

Fortunately the escalation of this issue has had results and the good news is that the connection will be ready in time!  After reviewing the design (right) the transport portfolio has requested a drinking station be incorporated, that pedestrians/riders have priority phasing of the lights and that all steps be taken to ensure way finder signage is installed in time for the opening

Legible Auckland

I continue to log requests for pedestrian signage on streets with NO EXIT signage that in fact have walkway access.

No exit St Marys RoadAuckland Transport has confirmed the following streets will receive “walkway” signs:

  • Sheridan Lane, Freemans Bay
  • Gwilliam Place, Freemans Bay
  • Pratt Street, Freemans Bay
  • Samoa House Lane
  • Sylvan West Avenue (Albert – Eden Local Board area)
  • Cheshire Street, Parnell
  • Wharf Road, Herne Bay
  • Bayfield Road, Herne Bay
  • Prosford Road, Ponsonby

There are still many signs on poles that need to be updated with the correct walkway information such as this one on St Marys Bay road.

Auckland Transport Parking Discussion Document

The consultation on Auckland Transport’s parking discussion document went live on 31 May and will be open for feedback until the end of June.

For more on the parking issues and the parking strategy proposed by Auckland Transport refer “Getting Parking Right for Auckland” 

Monthly transport update

A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 21 May. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Other board activities

Local Board Plan

During May I have been assisting with finalising our draft Local Board Plan that will go out for consultation on 7 July (the draft is on our June agenda). I’ve also been working on a very exciting event for the launch of our plan. Details will be available shortly.

Janette Sadik- Khan visits Auckland

Pippa Coom, Janette Sadik-Khan , Mayor Len Brown and Nic Williams from Frocks on bikesA big highlight of May was Janette Sadik-Khan’s visit to Auckland. The transport revolutionary presented “Designing Streets for People” to a record breaking Auckland Conversation audience.  How the streets of New York were transformed while she was NYC commissioner of transportation from 2007 – 2013 under Mayor Bloomberg, is an amazing story and provides a great deal of inspiration for what we can achieve in Auckland.

Best of all she had time for a Frocks on Bikes ride after doing a walkabout with the Mayor.

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 May – 31 May I attended:

Effective Meetings for Local Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs – a very useful session looking at styles and approaches that help meetings to run smoothly and generate decisions.

  • Local Board workshop on 6 May
  • Community Development portfolio discussion on 6 May
  • Presentation to PBA members on the feedback received on the draft Ponsonby Road master plan on 7 May
  • Site visit for the Cowie Street Road Extension / Newmarket Level Crossing project (Parks and Transport portfolios) on 8 May
  • Meeting with Ashley Church, Newmarket Business Association
  • Local Government New Zealand Zone 1 meeting in Whangerei on 9 May
  • Housing public meeting at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 10 May
  • Meeting with Alan Pack regarding a new underpass design for the Newmarket Level Crossing
  • Communications meeting on 12 May
  • Attended the St James Theatre site visit with the Mayor and Councillors (ahead of the governing body’s confidential agenda item on the future of the St James)
  • Open Streets Initiatives in NZ  The gateway drug for walking, cycling and connecting communities– watched the webinar with Christopher Dempsey and Vernon Tava
  • Catch up with Heart of the City
  • Briefing: Downtown Shopping Centre Block Re-development Future Options for Queen Elizabeth Square Report on 13 May
  • Meeting with Luka Hinse regarding a Pecha Kucha collaboration for launching the local board plan
  • Auckland Transport parking strategy workshop for elected representatives on 13 May
  • Planning meeting for Local Board plan pop-ups
  • Waitemata Local Board business meeting at Parnell on 13 May
  • Briefing on Pioneer Womens Hall on 14 May
  • Catch-up  with Alex Williams, SBN to discuss Project NZ and social enterprise in Waitemata
  • Ponsonby Road master plan meeting
  • Meeting to go over feedback on the draft local board plan
  • Auckland Development Committee workshop re Downtown Shopping Centre redevelopment & Waitemata Local Board
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 17 May
  • Local Economic Development workshop with Councillors and Local Board members
  • Central Joint Funding Committee Workshop – Auckland City Cultural Heritage Fund applications
  • Meeting to sign off on Waitemata Local Board plan
  • Maori Responsiveness training for elected members on Te Kai-A-Te Rangatira:  Building relationships with Māori – a forum for elected members to raise questions, share ideas and converse with Council’s subject matter experts (I learnt the Whakatauki that starts my report at this session)
  • Meeting to discuss community-led place making with Parnell Community Committee (part of my Community-led development champions work stream) on 19 May
  • Meeting to approve the draft local board plan to be attached to our June agenda
  • Mayor Len Brown tour of Waitemata Local Board at Pt Erin Pools Waitemata Local Board workshop on 20 May
  • Meeting with Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, Bunnings and Arch Hill representatives regarding a proposal to remove the kerb extension on King Street
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board strategic planning session
  • Monthly transport portfolio meeting on 21 May
  • Mayoral Tour on 21 May including a visit to Pt. Erin Pools (photo right) and Art Station
  • Waitemata Local Board update Briefing from Waterfront Auckland
  • Meeting to finalise Local Board Plan summary
  • Waitemata Local Board Grants Committee meeting on 22 May
  • Auckland Transport’s public meeting on the Cowie Street bridge/Sarawia underpass at Jubilee Hall, Parnell on 22 May
  • Community place-making champions group meeting on 26 May

Events and functions

In the period 1 May – 31 May 2014 I attended:

  • Fair Trade Auckland celebration L-R Wayne Walker, Pippa Coom, Rose from Ghana and Penny HulseCycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 1 May
  • First Thursday on K’rd and K’rd and Newton Plans drop in session
  • POP project 02 / The Park / blessing of the hives in Victoria Park on 3 May
  • Judge for the regional New Zealand Environment Entrepreneurs on Sunday 4 May
  • Fair Trade Auckland event at Ponsonby Central (photo right)
  • Plastic bag Free Auckland meeting held at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • Te Kanano mobile ap launch at AUT
  • Artist Studio opening at 3 Ponsonby Road on 9 May
  • On Saturday 10 May visited the craft fair at Art Station, Station Square market, tree planting at Waipapa Stream with Parnell Heritage, members of the Board and community ; attended a Fair Trade afternoon tea, the Ponsonby Cruising  Club Art Auction exhibition and popped into the Pollen Hotel Workshop part of POP Projects 02: The Park
  • Launch of GridAKL, Wynyard Quarter on 16 May
  • Auckland Writers Festival event
  • TRENDZ conference launch, Viaduct Event Centre, hosted by ATEED
  • Janette Sadik-Khan bike ride with Frocks on BikesVelo –City conference meet- up for attendees from Auckland
  • Gathering for Janette Sadik-Khan sponsored by MR Cagney on 23 May
  • Taste Ponsonby – Ponsonby Primary fundraiser on 23 May
  • Popped into HACK AKL at AUT and the mini music festival on Lorne Street for NZ music month on 24 May
  • Frocks on Bikes ride with Janette Sadik-Khan
  • Auckland Conversation  presentation by Janette Sadik-Khan (NYC, Commissioner for Transportation 2007-2013) followed by dinner hosted by the Mayor
  • Velo-City Global 2014 Celebration of Cycling, Adelaide 27 -30 May (conference report back Attachment B)
  • Place making workshop with Ethan Kent on 30 May (to be reported back next month)

Getting parking right for Auckland

I’ve just attended the Velo-City 2014 conference in Adelaide.  One of the best speakers was Tim Papandreou, Director of Strategic Planning & Policy at the San Fransico municipal transportation agency.  Tim spoke about the range of strategies his agency is employing to achieve sustainable streets.

One of the most important tools, he says, is parking demand management to create more sustainable streets and promote alternative transport options. In SF they estimated 20% of congestion was caused by drivers looking for parking. The approach they have taken with lots of success  (SF Park) is to provide flexible parking options using smart technology to optimise existing parking resources.

There is a lot to be learnt from SF but their parking management approach is particularly relevant as Auckland Transport starts consultation on the Parking discussion document.  Feed back on the document will determine how future parking is managed in Auckland to cope with continuing growth and competing demands on public space.

This following article was first published in Ponsonby News

St Marys Bay parkingParking discussion document

Parking for cars causes one of the biggest headaches for Aucklanders particularly  in our historic inner city suburbs and  the city centre.   In Freemans Bay commuters are waking up residents from the early hours as they start circling for “free” parking. In Ponsonby residents on narrow streets are frustrated at getting infringement notices for parking on the footpath. In Herne Bay residents are feeling the downside of the successful St Marys Bay resident’s parking zone as commuters get pushed into neighbouring streets.

On the Strip the most frequent complaint is about the lack of parking. There are many more issues around price, availability and how public space on our streets is allocated to parking often to the detriment of other transport priorities.    As further development occurs (with less parking built off-street under the Unitary Plan) and the inner city population increases greater demands are going to be placed on space for parking.

The super city restructuring brought together seven legacy council systems of managing parking which created inequalities across the city and failed to resolve long-standing parking issues. For the first time a comprehensive region wide parking policy review is being undertaken by Auckland Transport. Public consultation is open until the end of June to give feedback on how the key parking issues facing Auckland should be addressed.

For the city fringe the proposed approach  applies “demand responsive pricing” for parking adjacent to businesses (using pricing to create capacity – this is how the new city centre parking zone works), the introduction of resident parking scheme (like that currently trialled in St Marys Bay) with priority given to heritage properties with no off- street parking , and paid parking for residential streets close to business, shopping, leisure or public transport.

On arterials it is proposed to prioritise public transport and cycling ahead of parking. Auckland Transport has suggested this may require replacement parking for businesses at convenient locations (as it is currently planned for Dominion Road).

Feedback on a parking discussion document will shape Auckland Transport’s parking strategy and open up the way for the roll out of resident parking zones. These zones will be a game changer for busy areas like Ponsonby Road and neighbouring suburbs where huge amounts of parking could be freed up from commuters for residents and short term visitors.

The Waitemata Local Board will be providing feedback on the discussion document. Our starting point is for effective parking management to provide residents with access to parking in inner city suburbs and to prioritise parking in town centres to support local businesses and welcome shoppers.  We will be listening to our community’s views before commenting.

There is often a perception that the problem with parking is just that there is not enough. However a look at the overall policy approach shows the current issues are really about poor and inconsistent management of our available resources. We welcome Auckland Transport tackling this challenging and at times emotive topic with community input and look forward to the implementation of solutions as soon as possible.

The parking discussion document is available on Auckland Transport’s website:


Monthly Board Report May 2014

ANZAC day 2014This report covers my Board activities during April 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.

Portfolio Reports: Community 

Community Grants

The Central Joint Funding Committee made up of members from Orakei, Albert-Eden, Puketapapa and Waitematā Local Boards met on 15 April to allocate funding from round two of the Community Group Assistance Fund (this is a legacy Auckland City Council fund). In total we allocated $210,093.50 to groups in the central board area including in the Waitemata Local Board area Circability Trust ($25,000), Toi Ora ($25,000), Artist Alliance ($3,888), TAPAC ($13,685), Triangle TV ($18,000), Youthline ($8,050) and Volunteering Auckland ($7000). The minutes of the meeting are available on the Council website.

Community centres

The Community portfolio has been assisting community centres over the last month with funding issues. The Community Facilities team have confirmed that funding grants available for the centres have been rolled over for 14/15 at the same levels as 13/14. This is creating concerns for centres who are trying to improve facilities and programming.

A report should be on our agenda this month seeking a decision on approximately $20,000 available as additional grant funding.  We have encouraged centres to consider proposals focused on sustainability (such as waste minimisation) and accessibility.

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings were attended during April relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Portfolio report:  Transport

 Travel to work census dataShaping Auckland’s transport

 The CEO of Auckland Transport led a workshop on 14 April with Central Local Board’s regarding Transport Plans for the 2015- 25 period. The workshop was an opportunity to discuss issues of interest in our area directly with AT senior management to ensure Auckland Transport better understands Local Board priorities before transport plans are developed.

As part of the scene- setting for the workshop Auckland Transport presented the 2013 Census data for each local Board. In Waitemata there were 42, 882 employed adults (people aged 15 years and over) out of a total population count of 77,136. Of the 16,182 who commuted on census day 49% made the trip to work by car, 1% by motorbike, 16% by public transport, 31% walked and 3% cycled. The Auckland average for travel by car is 83% and only 5% average for walking.

The census data strongly shows the benefits of investment in PT and active transport to provide transport choice.

Great North Road intersection Great North Road resurfacing

The resurfacing of Great North Road between Western Springs and K’rd got underway in April.  We raised with Auckland Transport that this could have been a great opportunity to better use existing infrastructure through improvements for all modes not just locking in the current deficiencies as planned.

One win from the maintenance work is that Auckland Transport is installing a feeder lane at the approach to K’rd/Great North Road intersection.  This pinch point on the network was first logged with Auckland Transport by the transport portfolio over three years ago and is a priority project in our Local Board agreement.

Design for a feeder lane and advance stop box on Great North Road

Great North Road feeder lane

Skypath open day display Vernon Tava and Shale Chambers


An open day organised by the Auckland Harbour Bridge Skypath Trust was held on 12 April to give residents the opportunity to view new designs for the pathway and landings.

All the St Mary’s Bay residents I have spoken to are strongly in support of the project and can see the many benefits it will bring to locals.

The Trust intends to apply for resource consent in June. It is great to see this transformational project progressing.

Grafton Gully Cycleway

Grafton gully Cycleway progress April 2014Progress at Wellesley Street underpass April 2014As these photos show NZTA is making great progress on the Grafton Gully Cycleway. Auckland Transport continue to give assurances that the connection to the cycleway at Beach Road is on track to be completed by September this year between Churchill Street and Quay Street via Mahuhu Crescent (in line with NZTA’s proposed finish to the Grafton Gully Cycleway).  We are monitoring this closely and also progress on the Upper Queen Street connection which is being progressed by Auckland Council’s city transformation team.

Monthly transport update

We’ve attended two transport catch up during April. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Other board activities

Franklin RoadAnnual Plan Local Board hearings

Every year each of the 21 Local Boards has an opportunity to present to the Governing Body (the Mayor and Councillors of Auckland Council) on their activities, advocacy areas and budget requests that the Board wants included in the Annual Plan.

On 29 April the Waitemata Local Board, led by Shale Chambers, had our turn to outline our priorities for 14/15.  I spoke to our transport advocacy areas (attachment A).

Local Board Plan

In early April we completed our early engagement on our Local Board plan with a series of meetings with resident groups. During April we have been working on our draft plan which will be going to our June Board meeting for approval to go out for consultation

Out and about in Waitematā

Newly painted electrical boxes on Picton street just off Ponsonby Road (photo left)

The Central Library has a newly refurbished children’s area which is bright and fun. It was officially opened in April with member Yates representing the Board. (photo centre)

Te Whānau Whāriki from Richmond Road School has adopted the Rose Road Gully in Grey Lynn Park for a restoration project. On their first morning they collected 200 bags of tradescantia and 10 bags of rubbish. (photo right)

Progress on major projects:  

Federal Street upgrade progress April 2014Sky City can thank the Waitemata Local Board for opposing the overbridge development proposed in 2011 for Federal Street. It would have created a dark oppressive road.  Instead the street has received a shared space over haul which is nearly complete.

The new steps and upgrade of Khartoum Place is progressing (photo above). The transport portfolio has raised with the project team the need to slow down the traffic on Kitchener Street to provide for an improved pedestrian connection to the Art Gallery

Bus lane on Fanshawe StreetThank you Generation Zero and Transport Blog for getting Auckland Transport to take action on the Fanshawe Street bus lanes. Only four months from the original proposal to installation! It really shows that Auckland Transport can act quickly and decisively as a CCO when there is clear leadership.

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 April – 31 April  I attended:

  • Local Board workshop on 1 April
  • Local Board Plan engagement meeting with Freemans Bay Residents on 1 April and with Grey Lynn Residents Associations on 3 April
  • Local Board Plan Breakfast meeting with Parnell Community Committee and eastern stakeholders on 2 April
  • Monthly transport portfolio meeting on 2 April
  • Monthly Community Development portfolio meeting on 2 April
  • Meeting to discuss feedback on Draft Auckland Energy Resilience and Low Carbon Action Plan
  • Community Portfolio meeting with Libraries for Geoff Chamberlain (retiring) to introduce Mirla Edmundson (new Manager Local Libraries North & West)
  • Briefing meeting with Ponsonby Cruising Club Inc regarding leasing issues
  • Briefing on Community Facility Fees and Charges on 3 April
  • Meeting with John MacDonald, Minister at large (Splice coordinator)
  • Orakei & Waitemata Local Boards meeting  on 7 April to discuss Greenways connections
  • Central Joint Funding Committee workshop on 7 April
  • Waitemata Local Board monthly business meeting on 7 April at Graham Street
  • Ponsonby Road masterplan catch up
  • Site meeting with Transport Portfolio and the Chair to discuss pedestrian improvements at Anglesea Street
  • Financial scenario information for LTP presentation by the Council’s CFO to Local Boards on 8 April
  • Meeting to discuss proposed concepts for 254 Ponsonby Rd
  • Briefing of the Auckland Development Committee and Waitemata Local Board by Precinct Property Ltd on its proposed redevelopment of the Downtown Shopping centre.
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 10 April
  • Myers Park Centenary event – initial meeting
  • Meeting with Ponsonby Business Association and Chris Rupe SPQR to discuss the draft Ponsonby Masterplan
  • Early Engagement on Transport Planning – Workshop with AT Senior Management
  • Meeting with Grey Lynn Community Centre on 14 April
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 15 April
  • Central Joint Funding Committee meeting on 15 April
  • Catch up with Ponsonby Business Association on 16 April
  • Joint briefing for Orakei and Waitemata Local Boards on the proposed stormwater ports of Auckland project on 16 April
  • Ponsonby Road masterplan meeting on 16 April
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 22 April
  • Community Development portfolio meeting on 23 April
  • Extraordinary Workshop to discuss the Local Board Plan on 28 April
  • Arch Hill Residents Meeting on 28 April
  • Presentation to the Governing Body Annual Plan Local Board Hearings
  • Popped in to a CAB catch up at the Central Library (meeting organised by Deborah Yates)
  • Ponsonby Community Centre Meeting
  • Transport portfolio monthly catch up 30 April
  • Deputised for the Chair at the Governing Body (Budget Committee)/Local Board Chairs Annual Plan discussion on 30 April

Events and functions

Anzac wreath laying 2014In the period 1 April – 30 April  2014 I attended:

  • Cycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 3 April
  • My Bed my Universe – Massive Company and NZ Trio collaboration
  • Ponsonby Community Centre Open day on Saturday 5 April
  • Richmond Road School Gala on Saturday 5 April (congratulations to the school on organising a Zero Waste event)
  • Barry Coates farewell from Oxfam on 9 April
  • After 5 networking event organised by the Uptown Business Association on 10 April
  • Launch of K’rd and Newton Plans on 10 April
  • Newmarket Business Association Business Excellence Awards on 11 April with John Kirwan as guest speakerJohn Kirwan at Newmarket business excellence awards April 2014
  • Skypath Open Day at Westhaven on Saturday 12 April
  • Ponsonby Bike corral video shoot with Auckland Transport
  • At Risk preview at Whitespace on 22 April
  • ANZAC day ceremony hosted by the Grey Lynn RSC
  • Launch of the electric train from Britomart Station on 27 April (photos here)
  • Walking in the Trees in Albert Park  part of Waitemata Pop Project between March and June, 2014.
  • Guest Judge and attendance at Awards ceremony for Roots Pollinate. The Roots, Albert Park Project” consisted of The Roots Creative Entrepreneurs working with year 12 and 13 students.  Working in four groups they designed and built “Pollen Hotels” from recycled materials – hanging baskets with plants that will provide food for our local bees during the winter. I received an Eco Store gift box for being a judge.

Photo of  “Flow” the winning team 

Roots pollinate winning team

Future of Transport in Auckland

Along with thousands of Aucklanders last weekend I celebrated a new era of transport for the city with the launch of the electric trains at Britomart.

The EMU launch on Transport Blog and a really interesting history of how the trains were saved in Auckland here



Monthly Board report April 2014

Tēnā koutou

In March I started learning beginners te reo Māori at AUT University as part of my professional development on the Board. The free course covering Te Kākano I is held over 10 weeks on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2-4pm. I highly recommend the course.

Portfolio Report: Community

Old homestead community gardenCommunity Gardens

A Community and Teaching Gardens tour in March organised for community development officers and board members was a great learning opportunity about the different types of gardens, the benefits and challenges and the potential role Council can play in developing and fostering community gardens.

Old School Road community gardenThe Old Station Reserve teaching garden is particularly impressive. This garden is on Council land and was originally set up in 2009 with the support of the then Manukau City Council Parks department.  They have a philosophy of recycling everything and an open door policy for anyone who wants to work and share the produce. The garden is particularly popular with elders of the Chinese community.

Community Grants

The Community Grants Committee meeting was held on 24 March for applications to the third round of funding for the 13/14 year.  The committee is recommending that the Board support applications to a total of $33,254.70.

If the Committee’s recommendations are accepted $28,459.56 remains for the fourth and final round of funding. Applications close on 25 April 2014.

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings were attended during March relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Portfolio report:  Transport

Progress for cycling (posted as a separate item here) 

Grafton Gully Cycleway Connections

Grafton Gully cycleway progress March 2014At our March Board meeting I reported on concerns that Auckland Transport and Auckland Council were failing to meet the deadlines for constructing the connections at Beach Road and Upper Queen Street to the Grafton Gully Cycle way that is due to open in September by NZTA.

I am therefore pleased to report that significant progress has been achieved over the last month with efforts to bring the project governance under one structure. In addition:

  • $1m additional City Transformation funding has been allocated to the Beach Road project to ensure quality public realm outcomes, as well as a cycleway.
  • Auckland Transport is working to achieve connections from Grafton Gully to Beach Road by September this year
  • City Transformation have developed a concept design for the urban design and landscape enhancements to Upper Queen Street bridge (funded from a $900k budget) and the team is currently working through a funding agreement with NZTA, who have agreed in principle to contribute $250k to the Auckland Council Upper Queen Street project..

It is very exciting to see the Grafton Gully project progress.

Auckland Transport valet bike parking at Pasifika resizeBike Parking

The transport portfolio has long advocated for ATEED, Auckland Transport and Auckland Council to provide bike parking at events. It was therefore great to experience ‘valet’ bike parking at the Pasifika festival. Over the 2 days of the festival the service was heavily used. There is a lot further potential to promote active transport to events during the summer months.

Richmond Road School safety plan

The Richmond Road school community have long been advocating for safety improvements on Richmond Road. During March a parent raised three outstanding major issues:

  •  There has been a notable and significant increase in traffic density on Richmond Road particularly in the mornings, even over the last twelve months. This may be partly due to the high level of renovation in the area around the school at present.
  • Driver distractability and irritability seems to be far greater. It is routine to see cars on Ponsonby and Richmond roads running red lights, texting and talking on phones, and I have personally witnessed a number of occasions when cars have driven across the pedestrian crossings outside Richmond Rd School when the children are putting the stop signs out.
  • The speed of cars is well over the 40kph limit.

The Chair of Auckland Transport, Lester Levy has responded directly to these concerns and promised to undertake a site visit.

In the meantime I have confirmed that the Waitematā Local Board initiated the Richmond Road Safety Plan (of which safety improvements around the school are part) as a result of the school’s advocacy going back over many years and to address the safety concerns along the entire length of Richmond Road. This plan is one of our many advocacy areas to Auckland Transport in our annual agreement (part of the annual plan)

At our March Board meeting Auckland Transport reported that a number of safety improvements are under investigation:

  • Cockburn Street and Chamberlain Streets intersections (about to start)
  • West Lynn shops
  • Countdown/Farro Fresh intersection  (also part of our Greenways project connecting Coxs Bay with Grey Lynn Park)

Peel Street/Richmond Road intersection is also being looked at with a roundabout as a possible option.

We very much want to see a “complete” street approach by Auckland Transport to slow the traffic over the entire length and for works to happen as soon possible with the area around the school prioritised for safety improvements.

Monthly transport update

Our regular monthly transport update was postponed this month however current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Other board activities

Annual Plan hearings

We had a very positive day of annual plan hearings with Cr Darby and Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse joining the Board. One strong theme that emerged is the need for art groups to receive guaranteed annual funding from Auckland Council.

The Local Board Agreement  (budget and activities for 14/15) will be finalised in June as part of the Annual Plan.

Local Board Plan

Community engagement on the Board’s next local board plan has continued in March with stakeholder workshops.

I attended a session for the disability sector led by Christopher Dempsey on 24 March in Parnell. The participants were unanimous in their positive feedback about the value of the session and the Board providing an opportunity to discuss issues of concern to those who are differently abled.

I also led a well-attended session for representatives of the migrant community in Parnell. The discussion was again very positive with many universal themes emerging from the engagement.

The Board was part of an Auckland Council engagement stand at Pasifika on 8 March and further consultation continues in April with resident groups.

The draft local board plan will go out for formal consultation in July 2014.

Out and about in Waitemata (posted as a separate item here)

 Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 March – 31 March I attended:

  • Local Board Plan public engagement sessions on 1 March in Grey Lynn
  • Fortnightly communications catch up on 3 March
  • Meeting organised by the GLBA to discuss with Auckland Transport the development of the Great North Road Corridor Management Plan on 3 March
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 4 March
  • Briefing on progress on the Greenways Project
  • Meeting on 5 March to discuss scope for Herne Bay Walkway Project
  • Presentation to the stage 2 Urban Planning: Urban Policy Analysis class at Auckland University as a guest speaker of Joel Cayford “Policy setting process: the political journey”
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 11 March
  • Waitemata Local Board monthly business meeting on 11 March in Grey Lynn
  • Attended the Infrastructure Committee Meeting at the Town Hall on 12 March
  • Auckland Council Investments presentation by Gary Swift (CE – ACIL) (Albert-Eden, Puketapapa, Waitemata)
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 13 March
  • Meeting with Ponsonby Business Association to discuss the local economic development plan feedback
  • Meeting to meet the new communications adviser and discuss photos for the draft Local Board plan on 14 March
  • Waterfront Auckland up date to the Transport Portfolio on the Westhaven promenade and cycleway on 14 March
  • Community Facilities Network Plan and Community Grants Policy workshops on 17 March at the Flicking Centre
  • Resource Recovery Centre meeting with Albert-Eden/Puketapapa/Waitemata Local Boards on 17 March
  • Waitemata Local Board Annual Plan Hearing
  • Meeting on 19 March to provide the Board with an update on concept design, costing, timing, etc for Freyberg Place and the connections with Melville Hall.
  • Local Economic Overview for Waitemata by Jonathan Sudworth, Economic Development
  • Community Facilities Fees & Charges meeting on 20 March
  • Waitemata Local Board Grants Committee Meeting on 24 March
  • Community Garden Tour on 24 March
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 25 March
  • Meeting to discuss the community facility work programme
  • Ponsonby Community Centre Monthly meeting
  • Local Board Plan Stakeholder Meeting with Disability Groups in Parnell on 26 March
  • Brent Toderian lunchtime talk in Takapuna – Balancing heritage protection with city intensification
  • Meeting to discuss Local Board funding policy
  • Migrant Communities Local Board plan Engagement in Parnell on 27 March
  • Meeting regarding the Local Board plan on 31 March
  • Meeting with O’Neill Street residents on 31 March to discuss parking issues

Events and functions

International Day of Women celebration Freyberg place Auckland March 2014In the period 1 March – 31 March 2014 I attended:

  • Cycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 6 March
  • Celebration of International Women’s Day 2014 on 7 March at Freyberg Place
  • Joined the Mayoral walkabout at Pasifika Festival on 8 March
  • The Olympic Pool 75th Jubilee in Newmarket on 12 March
  • Transport Blog movie fundraiser on 12 March
  • Grey Lynn Business Association Networking drinks at Malt Bar on 13 March
  • Opening of Andy Tolhurst and Mauricio Benega’s ‘Energia’ exhibition at Artstation on 19 March
  • Otago Law Students Alumni Function at Chapman Tripp on 20 March
  • Liveable City Art Auction to raise funds for the Arch Hill residents fight against the Bunnings big box retail development on Great North Road
  • Grey Lynn Street party waste stationGrey Lynn School Aloha Night on 21 March
  • Cat walk in the street event hosted by the Newmarket Business Association on 22 March
  • Pecha Kucha and the showing of the Human Scale at Silo Park on 28 March
  • Neighbour’s Day – Grow in the city at  Myers Park on 29 March part of Waitemata Pop Project between March and June, 2014. Pop has an overarching theme of urban ecology, includes mini projects such as “bee hotels”, “walking among the trees”, hanging gardens, neighbours day pop out gardens and workshops to engage various communities.
  • Newton School Fia Fia fundraising day on 29 March
  • Surrey Cres Street Party hosted by the Grey Lynn Business Association in celebration of Neighbours Day Aotearoa (I volunteered on a resource recovery station to reduce the rubbish going into the street bins)
  • Opening of the Auckland International Cultural Festival in Mt Roskill War Memorial Park
  • Between the Tides sculpture event at Westmere Beach on 30 March

Trees at threat from Great North Road widening

St Lukes interchange – update on the proposed widening of Great North Road

In early February NZTA awarded the contract to construct the next stage of Auckland’s Western Ring Route – upgrading the Northwestern Motorway (State Highway 16) between the St Lukes Road and Great North Road interchanges.  The $70m project is jointly funded by the NZ Transport Agency and Auckland Transport. (Transport blog reported on the widening of the St Lukes interchange here)

St lukes intersection Great North RoadAs part of the project AT and NZTA want to widen Great North Road to provide an extra lane turning onto a newly widened St Lukes overbridge and to feed a two lane motorway onramp . Last year AT sought the Waitemata Local Board’s consent to remove 6 mature pohutukaka trees on Council land opposite MOTAT on Great North Road to create an additional lane (I reported on this in September here).  

The Board declined consent but approved for the trees to be trimmed as part of stage one of the project (allowing for the Great North Road lane to be raised to meet the height of the new St Lukes Bridge). The conditions of this approval were confirmed by the Manager – Local and Sports Parks Central (acting under delegated authority) including a request to prioritise cycling and pedestrian improvements as part of the Great North Road corridor management plan that is underway. See the details below

A a meeting on 19 February AT confirmed it is going ahead with seeking a notified resource consent to remove the trees. The public will now have a say in whether AT and NZTA have made a case for widening Great North Road. I certainly don’t think they have and the proposed design is a very poor outcome for PT users, walkers and cyclists.

25 November 2013

To: Aurecon New Zealand Limited

RE: Landowner Approval for works within 820 Great North Road, Grey Lynn (Waitemata Ward) by Auckland Transport and New Zealand Transport Agency.

I refer to your application for landowner approval for works within 820 Great North Road, Grey Lynn. The following approvals were sought from both Auckland Transport and New Zealand Transport Agency:

 Auckland Transport

 –       Temporary use of open space land designated as D06-08 at 820 Great North Road to carry out earthworks and landscape planting associated with the raising of the carriageway of Great North Road and St Lukes Road.

–       Pruning of three pohutukawa trees along the road frontage of 820 Great North Road.

 The extent of the works is shown in the drawings titled:

 –       “Single Left Turn Lane Option, Great North Road, General Arrangement” (drawing number: 215023-SK-C-100-103 Rev A); dated 04/10/2013; prepared by Aurecon New Zealand Limited.

–       “Single Left Turn Lane Option, Great North Road, Planting Details” (drawing number: 215023-SK-A-919-103 Rev A); not dated; prepared by LA4 Landscape Architects.

New Zealand Transport Agency

–       Temporary use of open space land designated as D06-08 at 820 Great North Road for the purpose of carrying out battering (re-contouring) work parallel to the boundary with SH16.

–       Works within 820 Great North Road will include the removal of vegetation, earthworks (including battering) and landscape planting.

The extent of the works is shown in the drawings titled:

 –       “Single Left Turn Lane Option, Great North Road, General Arrangement” (drawing number: 215023-SK-C-100-103 Rev A); dated 04/10/2013; prepared by Aurecon New Zealand Limited.

–       “Single Left Turn Lane Option, Great North Road, Planting Details” (drawing number: 215023-SK-A-919-103 Rev A); not dated; prepared by LA4 Landscape Architects.

–       “RW-112 St Lukes Road Interchange Northern Abutment Basalt Cut Slope Elevation and Plan Sheets 2 to 4” (drawing numbers: 215023-D-J-240-511, 512 & 513 Rev C); dated 15/07/2013; prepared by Aurecon New Zealand Limited.

 This letter provides formal landowner approval on behalf of Auckland Council, subject to the applicant’s formal acceptance of the following conditions:

  1.     The applicant must contact the Auckland Central Park Ranger – Waitemata Ward (Ph: 301 0101) to arrange a pre-commencement site visit and access to 820 Great North Road.

 2.     This letter provides landowner approval only and does not replace the requirement for resource consent. All works must be completed in accordance with the rules of the Auckland Council District Plan – Operative Auckland City – Isthmus Section 1999, or the conditions of any resource consent issued by Auckland Council.

 Vegetation and Landscape

 3.     Pruning of trees within 820 Great North Road shall occur in accordance with the Auckland Transport Code of Practice dated 16 June 2013 and detailed on Aurecon’s spreadsheet for “Over Dimension Envelope Pruning Requirements at existing kerb at 5.0m height from design level”.

 4.     Prior to works commencing beneath the dripline of the pohutukawa trees at 820 Great North Road Auckland Transport and/ or their contractor shall submit to Auckland Council Local and Sports Parks Central for approval, a construction methodology for all works within the dripline of the trees. Specifically detail shall be provided regarding the build up of the carriageway and footpath.

 5.     The approved construction methodology required by condition 4 shall be implemented on site.

 6.     All tree work shall be undertaken following agreement on methodology and be carried out to the satisfaction of the Arboriculture and Landscape Advisor – Central.

 7.     All tree work shall be carried out by Auckland Council approved contractors.

 8.     All tree pruning and works within the dripline of vegetation within 820 Great North Road shall occur as described in the “Arboricultural Implication Report: Proposed Great North Road (East) carriageway narrowing at the St Lukes Road interchange”, dated October 2013, prepared by The Specimen Tree Company.

 9.     Auckland Council’s Parks Arborist Simon Cook shall approve the use of and brand of any ‘High Fungal Mulch’ or other treatment to be placed beneath the trees within 820 Great North Road.

 10.  Prior to landscape planting commencing a detailed planting plan shall be submitted to Auckland Council Local and Sports Parks Central for approval. The planting plan shall be based on the drawing numbered: 215023-SK-A-919-103 Rev A and include details of species, plant numbers and spacing.

11.  Removal of the asphalt on the footpath adjacent to 820 Great North Road is to be carried out using a small digger with a straight blade bucket – under arboricultural supervision. Root heave is visible within the existing footpath (not in the carriageway) indicating the presence of Pohutukawa roots within this area. Therefore the construction methodology must include a layer that will continue (even if only in the short term – e.g. 5yrs) to allow air and water passage. The detail is to be approved by the Arboricultural and Landscape Advisor but might, for example, involve a layer of rocks overlaid with geotextile and then a compacted layer overlaid with seal or root cells which are used in a number of roads and footpaths in central Auckland.

 12.  Where the ‘W’ Barrier is to be installed between the carpark and SH16, the existing carparks and kerbing shall be cut back to allow a 1m planted overhang between the edge of seal and the barrier, ensuring that the resultant carparks meet the requirements of the Unitary Plan.  Extend Coprosma repens ‘Poor Knights’ to this area.   W Barriers to be on steel supports to minimise their structure.  New kerbing to match existing.  A 1m overhang between the edge of seal and the barrier can be provided. Based on geotechnical investigation taken it is likely that this 1m strip can be planted, however this will be confirmed on site during the works.  Kerb relocation will be carried out in accordance with the District or Unitary Plan rule relevant at the time of construction.

 13.  The style and location of the guard rail along the southern edge of 820 Great North Road adjacent to the battered edge with the motorway shall be designed in association with Local and Sports Parks Central.

 14.  Replace all swathes of Muehlenbeckia complexa on Council land with Anamenthale lessionaina.

15.  Interplant sunnier mass planted areas of Phormium ‘Dwarf Green’ with Leptospermum scoparium ‘Tui’, planted in massed clumps, towards centres of beds.

 16.  Replace all proposed flax/anamenthale lining footpath/shared paths replaced by a more upright species, such as Apodasmia or Libertia to prevent trip hazards caused by drooping foliage.

 17.  Planting maintenance/defects period to be 1 year.

 18.  Any landscape hardworks (walls, paving etc) is to match existing.

 Share with care cycle path

Cycle and pedestrian connections through this precinct are a priority for the Waitemata Local Boards.  Achieving a well-planned and connected cycleway is considered part of the mitigation for the loss of open space caused as a result of the project.  The Waitemata Local Board and Albert-Eden Local Board request Auckland Transport confirm consultation for the Great North Road Corridor Management Plan Project will be undertaken with the Boards as part of the CMP project and that the following matters will be considered through this process:

  • a safe pedestrian and cycle connection on the south side of Great North Road through the motorway intersection
  • a safe pedestrian and cycle crossing at the GNR/ Bullock track intersection, which is one of the most dangerous in Auckland
  • separated, continuous cycle lanes along GNR
  •  in collaboration with other stakeholders and Parks, provide connections off GNR via Motions Road and/or Bullock Track/Old Mill Road to Meola Road
  • acknowledgement that Great North Road is on the Auckland Cycle Network
  • provision of cycle delineators on the north bound cycle lanes on the St Lukes Bridge
  • the installation of grab rails where possible
  • the number and location of pedestrian crossings at the intersection of St Lukes and Great North Road
  • the installation of barriers on pedestrian refuges

 20. The work areas shall be adequately fenced to prevent public access within 5m of the work areas.

 21.  All adjacent Residents which share a common boundary with the Reserve shall be notified five working days prior to commencement of works on site.

22.  Any physical work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, Health and Safety in Employment Amendment Act 2002, and any regulations made pursuant to Section 21 of the Act.

23.  Works shall not commence before 7:00am nor continue past dusk or 6pm, whichever is earlier. Works within the reserve shall not be undertaken during weekends or public holidays.

24.  The works area and machinery located within the Reserve shall be left secure overnight.

25.  The park shall be reinstated to the satisfaction of the Parks Advisor. Once work has been reinstated satisfactorily, the Parks Advisor and the Parks and Recreation Advisor will arrange for the bond to be released.

26.  This written approval expires one year from the date of the issue of this letter.

Please note, the Council is granting approval for temporary access in its non-regulatory capacity. This approval does not bind the Council in its capacity as a regulatory authority in any way, and any consent or approval given under this agreement is not an approval or consent in its regulatory capacity, and vice versa.  The Council will not be liable to any other party if, in its regulatory capacity, the Council declines or imposes conditions on any consent or permission any party seeks for any purpose associated with this approval.

If there are, any amendments to this proposal a new assessment will need to be undertaken by Parks, Sport and Recreation prior to any works commencing.

YS etc

Manager – Local and Sports Parks Central, Parks, Sport and Recreation

Ciclovía on Quay reclaims Auckland’s streets

Ciclovia on QuayThe idea for holding a Ciclovía in Auckland was first proposed over four years ago by Cycle Action Auckland (I was on the committee back then). It was at a time when the concept for “open streets” was becoming popularised overseas following on from the first Ciclovias in Bogota, Columbia where streets are closed for promenading at the weekend.

During the Rugby World Cup Quay street was closed every weekend for party central and people could see how possible it was to reclaim the streets for people.   In 2012 the Playing in the Streets event on Queen Street also demonstrated what could be achieved from a temporary road closure.  (and on Waiheke they held their own Ciclovia in 2010 in support of keeping traffic off the Esplanade)

Over the last year further momentum has been been building for a Ciclovía as plans get underway for the transformation of Quay Street into a pedestrian Boulevard. A Ciclovía is a logical way to trial the use of the space and to give a glimpse of the future opportunities for our waterfront.  The Waitemata Local Board has been championing for an event to happen and was fully supportive of the proposal when it was first suggested by the city centre transformation team at the end of last year.

So it was fantastic to take part in Ciclovía on Quay on Saturday 8 February organised by Auckland Council, Waterfront Auckland and Auckland Transport. I especially enjoyed seeing children take advantage of the wide open space to experience freedom on their bikes and scooters.

As I cycled around the comment I heard the most was “can this happen every weekend”!

Video of Ciclovía on Quay here

 Pippa Coomimpromptu ciclovia before the Pride parade on Ponsonby Road Feb 2014Impromptu Ciclovia on Ponsonby Road

In preparation for the Pride Parade on 22 February 2014 Ponsonby Road was closed to traffic from 4pm.  This was a fabulous opportunity to experience the freedom of cycling and walking along the strip without any conflict with cars.

Perhaps next time we can take advantage of all the expense and time that goes into the Parade’s traffic management plan with an official Ciclovia beforehand on Ponsonby Road.



Beautiful Waitematā berms

Since Auckland Council stopped paying for the grass verges/berms to be mowed in October last year the landscape of our streets has been changing in new and beautiful ways. Yes there are some scruffy roadsides (and as a Board we have been following up with Auckland Transport to maintain berms that have no obvious “owner”- the NZ Herald has reported on this today) but for the most part as I travel around the Waitematā area I have been impressed with what’s starting to grow and how well cared for our neighbourhoods are looking.

There have been other spin offs too. The bees and butterflies are new beneficiaries  enjoying all the roadside food from the flowing berms (one of my neighbours has been leaving a patch of meadow grass for the bees).  Maintaining the berms encourages neighbourly interactions as I have seen on my own road. My neighbour mows our berm as we don’t have a lawn mower. I took the opportunity to meet new neighbours when they were outside planting their berm. Other neighbours finally got talking again after a long running dispute.

It’s also made me appreciate how many residents have been proudly looking after their berms for many years despite it previously being a paid service (not surprisingly as the contractors often did a very poor job).  It was only in the old Auckland City Council area that berms were mowed at ratepayer expense- the rest of Auckland can’t figure out what the fuss is about.  I am all for Auckland Transport maintaining verges that are not getting looked after (usually for very good reasons) but I think we should enjoy, encourage and celebrate our new urban landscapes that have been liberated from expensive Council mono-mowing.

More information

Berm mowing responsibilities on Auckland Transport’s website

Alternative ideas for berm mowing – Auckland City Harbour News, 9 October 2013

Tips for planting bio-corridors – Grey Lynn 2030


Pimp my berm – berm planting in Elleslie on Seven Sharp 12 February 2014

Who will be Auckland’s Janette Sadik Khan?

Paul Steely WhiteCycle Action Auckland recently brought the executive director of Transportation Alternatives in New York, Paul Steely White to Auckland.

At a breakfast presentation hosted by AECOM and Heart of the City, Paul discussed what it had taken to start transforming New York into a cycling city.

He highlighted some keys to New York’s success:

  • Moving beyond “vehicular levels of service”  to wider benefits and modal targets which became possible after  Janette Sadik-Khan was made the Commission of Transport
  • Using other  metrics for measures of performance such as the number of seniors on a street because they want to be there
  • Taking a  “green paint” approach – for example the  quick and dirty work over of Times Square (which started as a trial but has now been made permanent because it was so successful)
  • Doing it quickly with public input a key part of the success (Janette Sadik-Khan’s mantra: Her mantra: Do bold experiments that are cheap to try out.)

Paul observed that Auckland felt like where New York was at 10 years ago.   So what is it going to take to transform Auckland? After being inspired by stories from New York I think we need our own Janette Sadik-Khan who can turn around the culture at Auckland Transport and provide visionary leadership.

From my experience on the Transport portfolio over the last three years I think that Auckland Transport is incapable at the moment of learning any of the lessons from New Year because the organization is fixated on providing a roading network only for efficient vehicle movements.  Cycling infrastructure is considered to be an optional extra and nice to have rather than integral to every transport project.  Auckland Transport is not even on track to meet the Auckland Plan targets for completing the Auckland Cycle Network.

The good news is that Paul Steely White saw signs that the “liveable streets revolution” is underway in Auckland and acknowledged the work of cycling advocates.  What we need now to actually make Auckland the world’s most liveable city with the most liveable streets is our own Janette Sadik-Khan.

Paul Steely White’s visit to Auckland

Auckland Conversation presentation on video

‘Heroic risks’ – US visitor marvels at perils of city cycling NZ Herald 11 October 2013

Kim Hill radio interview

Janette Sadik-Khan: New York’s Streets?  Not so mean anymore. Ted Talk September 2013

Planting bio-corridors on the berms

berm guerilla garden Richmond roadA Grey Lynn 2030 project

Spring is here and the grass is growing. Around our neighbourhoods the berms (grass verges) are looking either very shabby or immaculately well kept. This is because from 1 July Auckland Council stopped mowing the grass and the service has been brought into line with the old council areas of North Shore, Waitakere and Manukau (saving ratepayers

around $3m per year). Officially we are now all “responsible” for taking care of the berms adjacent to our properties with some exceptions. The details are on the Auckland Transport website.

Many residents prefer to maintain “their” berms as they can do a much better job than the contractors. It is also an opportunity for neighbourly interactions and to look out for elderly residents. A few years ago Grey Lynn 2030 started a project to create bio- corridors on the berms. We think the new mowing arrangements are a perfect opportunity to revive this project for the benefit of the environment and our community.

The goal is to create a beautiful and diverse urban landscape that supports a rich mix of flora and fauna; where nature is visible and celebrated; with streets where people, plants, birds, bees and insects flourish. By thinking about the berm as a “bio-corridor” we will end up with beautiful streetscapes; a perfect habitat for birds, bees, native invertebrates (such as lizards) and urban insects. Berms that are planted with suitable species support local pollination and bird life, reduce stormwater runoff and soil erosion, improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

If residents start taking responsibility for planting and maintaining the berm outside their own house it is hoped that over time gardens will form a continuous corridor in any street. In the same way as the Franklin Rd Christmas lights, each house will have a different garden but together they will form a congruous whole. The gardens combined will be visually stunning and create a cohesive landscape that is pleasant to walk and play in.

Grey Lynn 2030 encourages you to only plant what you are willing to take responsibility for and to avoid trees and structures. Ideal plants include hardy, low maintenance, flowering perennials and small shrubs. Native plants provide habitat and food for native flora and

fauna. All year round flowering plants are ideal for bees. For example; lavender, hebe, native grasses, pohuehue (muehlenbeckia) manuka, swan plants, wild flowers, borage, nasturtium and comfrey.

If in doubt contact Auckland Transport and stick to the following guidelines for planting on berms:

  • Only low-level planting should be used. This should not impede pedestrians, restrict visibility or create a safety hazard for motorists or cyclists.
  • The planting must not affect the operation of utility services which are often located on the verge.
  • The planting should be maintained regularly.
  • Trees, large boulders, shells and similar, harder landscaping measures should not be used.

While there is some effort involved to start, once established planted berms will be low maintenance and much less work than lawns! We look forward to seeing a whole new urban landscape flourish.

This article was first published in the October edition of Ponsonby News

Residential parking policy for inner city Auckland

St mary bay parkingI gave an update on the work Auckland Transport has underway on a residential parking policy in my September board report

Parking – Residential parking in St Marys Bay

The St Marys Association has recently raised, in a letter drop, concerns about possible changes to the residents parking scheme that has been successfully trialled for the last year (and recently extended for another year). They do not want to see any moves to encourage commuter parking on residential streets and have not been reassured by the responses received from Auckland Transport..

At our monthly catch up in August Auckland Transport confirmed that a parking strategy is going to the Auckland Transport Board in September which will include residential parking principles. They then intend to consult on a residential parking policy.

My understanding is that the policy is still very much under development and that there are a number of issues the policy needs to cover such as:

  • The appropriate level of on-street parking capacity for each specific zone or suburb: The St Marys Bay trial has been such a success the average capacity is now at 50%.  The consultation needs to give residents an opportunity to respond as to what they think is appropriate in their community.  The Association has made it clear that 50% is about right for St Marys Bay. In areas closer to the city centre or with more mixed use (such as Parnell) there is likely to be greater tolerance for higher  levels of on street parking  (in the city centre the aim is to have capacity at about 75-80% which always guarantee car parking).  In areas with narrow streets and heritage homes a lower level of capacity may be more appropriate.
  • How the scheme prioritises users: The residential policy should seek to prioritise residents but there needs to be consultation on who else the on-street parking can be made available for. For example Freemans Bay and Ponsonby residents may be more receptive to local workers and business owners using the available on street capacity because there are a higher proportion of home based businesses.
  • The appropriate tools to manage the additional capacity through pricing: My understanding is that the parking team are investigating a range of options. A coupon scheme has been given as one example by AT which was strongly rejected by the Association. Through any scheme it is possible to prioritise residents and discourage commuters – it is just a matter of getting the pricing tools right.

I have also been reassured that AT is not working on a policy that seeks to apply a one size fits all scheme to distinct suburbs. There needs to be flexibility about how a residential scheme is applied. For example in Parnell there is a greater need for late night restrictions because of the visitors coming to the bars and restaurants.  Pricing may also need to vary depending on the desirable level of on street parking.

My understanding is that all these issues are going to be covered in the AT policy and it will be consulted on.  It is through the policy development that we need to ensure that St Marys Bay ends up with an appropriate scheme based on the successful trial. I also want to ensure the policy is not delayed as there is a need for effective residential parking schemes in the other central suburbs particularly Freemans Bay.

Parking issues should be reported to Auckland Transport by calling 3553553

Removal of trees on Great North Road for SH16 widening

St lukes intersection Great North RoadI provided this update in my September Board report to our the Waitemata Local Board meeting on 10 September

Auckand Transport and NZTA are seeking the Board’s land owner consent to remove 6 large pohutakawa trees at the intersection of Great North Road and St Lukes Road (opposite MOTAT) to provide for an additional lane for traffic approaching the west bound SH16 onramp.

At an all of Board workshop in August 2013 attended by officials from NZTA, Auckland Transport, Council parks officers and consultants to the project we discussed the reasons for widening the road and the proposed mitigation (the photo shows the trees currently and the same area in 5 years time).

My personal view is that the case for the widening has not been made. The modelling by NZTA and AT suggests the intersection will reach capacity by 2026 with delays of 7 minutes at the peak. However I am not satisfied that they are using the new EEM (economic modelling manual) from NZTA that states default traffic growth assumptions are no longer to be used and real evidence for their predictions must be produced.

“Discontinuation of a default traffic growth rate (travel demand predictions) – The current ‘default’ travel growth rates (1-3%) generally do not accurately reflect the current situation in New Zealand and we are discontinuing these. Funding applications will therefore be required to provide evidence that any assumption of the future growth is realistic.”

It is most likely that the 2026 numbers used to justify destroying the trees are based on an assumption that the traffic is going to grow. There are options available to NZTA and AT to provide the lanes required within the current road width which need to be pursued. The other option is to wait to see if the predictions are correct.

I am also not satisfied with the cycling facilities that have been proposed for the intersection. There are some improvements with an off road shared path across St Lukes bridge however the cycle lanes are not continuous nor safely connected to the existing network.