Monthly Board Report July 2011

Covering activities from 1 June – 30 June 2011

Portfolio reports for the month


The Transport portfolio meets monthly with representatives from Auckland Transport. The June meeting was attended by myself and Jesse Chalmers (Transport Portfolio – West) and Christopher Dempsey (Transport Portfolio – East).  We received updates on the prioritisation of the minor safety programme and the proposed Opex projects for investigation in 2011/12. We were also updated on the K’rd bus shelter project by Opus. Updates to matters on our Issues Register are reported on each month by Auckland Transport at our Board meeting (the full reports are available at agendas)

Auckland Transport also briefed the Board (Transport Portfolio) on the minor works planned as part of the Mt Eden Rd corridors for the Rugby World Cup and on the outcome of the Central Flagship project consultation that will see new bus routes and services commence from 14 August (attended by myself and Chair, Shale Chambers together with members of the Albert- Eden Local Board) Relevant to the transport portfolio, I also attended during June:

  • Transport Committee on 7 June  for the Central City Rail Link presentation
  • Walk around Newmarket streets with the Newmarket Business Association to view concerns raised by local business owners (together with Greg Moyle and Rob Thomas)
  • Quarterly Regional Walking and Cycling Forum organised by Auckland Transport
  • Sustainable Transport Advocates meeting
  • “Greenways” presentation by Stephen Smythe

I met local residents regarding transport issues on Ponsonby Road (together with Tricia Reade), Maxwell Street and Bayard Street (together with Jesse Chalmers)

Community Engagement

I assisted the Chair in finalising the draft Waitemata Local Board Plan following the resolution from the Board at our June meeting that confirmed agreement on the text of the plan for consultation using the Special Consultation Procedure (SCP). I also participated in discussions to determine our strategy for the SCP I attended the second Regional Communities Summit organised by Auckland Communities Development Alliance (ACDA) on 1 July with Board member Tricia Reade. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor were both guest speakers.

I organised a Save the Grey Lynn Post office on 8 June on behalf of Grey Lynn 2030 and the Grey Lynn Business Association. More than 50 residents attended to raise their concerns regarding the downgrading of services in Grey Lynn. A follow up meeting was held with NZ Post on 28 June.


The first Auckland Libraries and Information Quarterly Report (January – April 2011) was received at the Board’s June meeting (see June agenda). It was noted at the meeting that the library service is working extremely well and that no issues of concern have been raised by residents with the Board.

Other board activities

I was acting Chair for the week beginning 27 June. During this week I worked with Council officers to finalise the communications with regards to our draft Local Board Plan and details of our Board’s achievements since 1 November 2010 which will be included in the Auckland Council’s annual report.

Local Board briefings


  • Auckland Council Waste Management and Minimisation Plan briefing session to Local Boards on 10 June
  • Youth Engagement briefing hosted by Community Developments & Partnerships with members of the Youth Panel on 29 June at Manukau

Local Board Workshops


  • Naming of the Gateway plaza workshop with John Gundesen from Waterfront Auckland on 1 June
  • 8 June workshop on Myers Park and the Waste Minimisation plan



  • Orakei Local Board meeting on 1 June
  • Minister of Immigration, Hon Dr Jonathan Coleman presentation to the Economic Forum on 2 June
  • Monthly catch up with Auckland Central  MP Nikki Kaye to discuss local issues
  • Meeting with Louise Mason (Arts, Culture and Recreation) and Ian Maxwell (Parks) to talk about the reprioritisation of existing budgets in the Local Board Agreement.
  • St Mary’s Bay Weed Clearance – meeting with Auckland Council officers, St Mary’s Bay residents, Victoria Tunnel Alliance and Board members (myself and Jesse Chambers as SLIPS champion for the project) to discuss actions and funding required to clear the St Mary’s Bay cliffs of weeds with the support of local residents
  • Grey Lynn Business Association meeting on 15 June
  • St Mary’s Bay Residents Association AGM on 28 June to give an update on the weed clearance project

Professional Development

  • All day course on Financial Governance organised by LGNZ
  • Lunchtime learning – “Greening the City by innovative water management” with Hans Schreier


Following our May resolution to become a Fairtrade Local Board we are now serving Fairtrade team and coffee in our meetings. I attended Good magazine’s Fairtrade Cocktail Soiree in honour of Harriet Lamb, Executive Director of the UK’s Fairtrade Foundation who was visiting NZ  and the panel discussion “How to change the world one banana at a time” with Harriet Lamb as a guest speaker.

On behalf of Auckland Council I spoke at the launch of Conscious Consumer a project supported by the Council that awards badges to participating cafes that have demonstrated a commitment to socially and environmentally conscious business practices including Fairtrade and waste minimisation.

I also attended the following events during June:

  • Book launch “Growth Misconduct” with guest speaker Roger Blakely at Pioneer Woman’s Hall
  • Private Screening of ‘A Rotten Shame’ – the Homeowners and Buyers Association fundraiser
  • Grey Lynn Business Association June networking drinks
  • The Tiramarama VIP Function and Concert supported by Auckland Council as part of the Matariki Festival