Chair’s monthly report October 2018

This report covers the period 13 September 2018 until 9 October 2018.


Completed projects

The new stairs with an improved handrail between Hopetoun Street and Western Park are now open.

A constituent wrote to say “I have just discovered the new stairs to Western Park off Hopetoun. This is amazing and within metres it’s hard to believe you are not in the Waitakeres. Congratulations. You have created a wonderful place for those of us in the inner city”

Poynton Terrace connection between St Kevin’s Arcade and Myers Park (funded from the City Centre Targeted rate).  A safety audit is still to be completed on the design.

An interpretation sign in Te Hā o Hine place has been installed.  It explains the background to the Women’s suffrage memorial commissioned in 1993 for the suffrage centennial.

New Trees

10 elm trees at Grey Lynn Park’s Schofield Street entrance were removed because of Dutch elm disease. They have now been replaced by a mix of tanekaha and puriri.

 Representation Review

Every six years a review of Auckland Council representation arrangements is required including whether the wards properly reflect their populations. The outcome of the review applies at the next local body election (2019).

The Auckland Council review of the ratio of population to number of elected members showed four wards did not comply with the 10 per cent (more or less than the average) guideline. The Waitematā and Gulf Ward population differs from the average per member by 43 per cent.  The submission I gave at the Representation Review hearings (photo right) on behalf of Waitematā Local Board focused on the proposed Waitematā and Gulf ward boundary change (attached as an agenda item).

Following the hearings the council’s joint governance working party responded to submissions on the council’s proposal and decided to recommend changes to the council’s initial proposal.

The changes include retaining all of Grey Lynn and Westmere in the Waitematā and Gulf Ward. This was in response to submissions and public concern from the Grey Lynn area.

The working party also recommended to the council’s governing body that an area of Grafton should become part of the Ōrākei Ward in addition to the proposal for Newmarket and Parnell to become part of the Ōrākei Ward. (the recommendations were to be considered at a governing body meeting on 18 October)

The review does not impact the Local Board boundaries. Working party recommendations to the governing body meeting 18 October.

 Auckland Domain Committee

 At the Auckland Domain Committee meeting on 30 August 2018 a working group was set up to review the Accessibility Improvement Review Programme and its long-term implications.

The working group met on 14 September 2018 agreeing to a range of proposals to improve walking connections and parking management. The working group’s recommendations will be referred to the Domain Committee meeting to be held on 29 November.

At the same time the Local Board is progressing options for funding improved paths in the Domain.  At our September Business Meeting we requested Auckland Transport prepare rough order of costs for the following walking and/or cycling connections in the Auckland Domain as identified in the Auckland Domain Masterplan and/or Waitematā Greenways Plan and work with Community Facilities to identify the renewals budget available for each project:

  • Titoki Street carpark to Football Road from Parnell Train Station through the woodchip yard to meet the track leading to Lovers Lane
  • loop around Watsons Bequest, including path on north side of Domain Drive
  • upper connections to Kari Street Commons
  • Centennial Path to Grafton Mews
  • Park Road entrance to Grandstand Road South
  • path on The Crescent to connect the Wintergarden to the Auckland
  • Museum
  • path extension on east side of Domain Drive off Parnell Road to meet
  • Lower Domain Drive
  • path on east side of Domain Drive to meet Lower Domain Drive – not costed – part of Greenway and Auckland Domain Masterplan for cycling

Local Government New Zealand

As the LGNZ national council member representing local boards I attended the LGNZ strategy meeting on 4 October in Wellington.  LGNZ is focused on four priority areas – water, housing, climate change and localism.  Minister Mahuta attended the meeting to discuss the three waters review and water regulation.

Minster Phil Twyford attended the National council meeting on 5 October to provide an update on the new Urban Development Authority.

Helen Clark Room at Ellen Melville Centre

To coincide with the one-year celebration for the revamped Ellen Melville Centre, former prime minister Helen Clark was welcomed at an event hosted by the Local Board and the Auckland Branch of National Council of Women held in the room named in her honour. (Our Auckland story).  Photo right: With Helen Clark and Auckland’s National Council of Women chair Carol Beaumont

125 Suffrage Day celebration

The National Council of Women – Auckland Branch, Auckland Council and Auckland Live hosted a Sunrise celebration to mark 125 years since New Zealand became the first country where women were able to vote in a general election. The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern led a parade from Te Hā o Hine Place to Aotea Square (photo right) for speeches and performances by Annie Crummer and New Zealand Poet Laureate Selina Tusitala Marsh MC’ed by Jennifer Ward-Lealand.   It was a very special morning to honour the fight for gender equality in Aotearoa.

I reported on why I am grateful for all the women who fought vigorously for the right to vote and for the right to stand for public office in my latest Ponsonby News update. 

Meetings and workshops 13 September until 9 October

  • Monthly comms meeting on 13 September
  • Domain Committee working group meeting at Auckland Museum on 14 September
  • Presented an ADO lunchtime learning talk “Auckland as a Cycling City: Dare to compare – Learnings from Velo-City Conference in Rio de Janeiro”  at Auckland Central City Library on 14 September at the invitation of Darren Davis
  • Catch up with Cr Darby
  • Meeting with Big Street Bikers to discuss their Ebike network strategy on 14 September
  • Weekly chair’s catch up held on 17, 24 September, 1, 8 October
  • Regional Cluster Workshop for local board elected members on 17 September
  •  NZTA road show discussion on the new National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) at the end of August that gives effect to the new Government Policy Statement (GPS).  This NLTP helps create a transport system that is safer, more accessible, better protects the environment and delivers value for money transport solutions for all New Zealand. The Transport Agency invites you to a conversation with our new Board Chair Michael Stiassny, Board representatives, Chief Executive Fergus Gammie and Director of Regional Relationships Steve Mutton to hear about how we’re partnering with local government to deliver on this new direction for transport. It’s all about enabling our economy to prosper and helping people get the most out of life.  By working together, we will create liveable cities, thriving regions, stronger communities and achieve the best outcomes for New Zealand by giving people choice on how they move about
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 18 September
  • Meeting with Housing NZ representations on 19 September regarding the HNZ development at 139 Greys Avenue discussion prior to lodging Resource consent
  • Attended the Parnell Trust board meeting on 19 September
  • Catch up with K’rd Business Association GM on 20 September
  • Presented to the Joint Governance Working Party on the Waitemata Local Board’s submission on the representation review (attached as a report item on the October business meeting agenda)
  • Tour for members of the Western Springs Lakeside Park rock forest with Elizabeth Walker and Sel Arbuckle from STEPs – St Lukes Environmental Protection Society Inc on 21 September (photo right)
  • Waitematā Local Board workshops on 25 September and 9 October (the board had a recess week so no workshop was held on 2 October)
  • Central City Community Network meeting on 27 September hosted by Central City Library and guided tour of the Wahine take action Suffrage exhibition
  • Housing NZ bi-monthly meeting
  • Monthly catch up with the Board’s relationship manager
  • Meeting with the GM of the Newmarket Business Association and representatives of Newmarket Pool on 28 September
  • LGNZ strategy meeting in Wellington on 4 September
  • LGNZ National Council meeting on 5 October in Wellington
  • Monthly Chairs Forum on 8 October
  • Parnell Plan Working Group meeting on 8 October
  • Ponsonby Business Association monthly meeting on 9 October

Events attended 13 September until 9 October

  • Morning tea in honour of the Rt Hon Helen Clark in the Helen Clark room at Ellen Melville Centre on 13 September (one year anniversary of the opening of the Ellen Melville Centre)
  • Hīkoia te Kōrero: a parade in celebration of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori at Aotea Square
  • GLBA networking drinks held at Malt to discuss the West Lynn upgrade proposals
  • Opening night of Mr Burns at the invitation of Silo Theatre on 14 September
  • Auckland Pestival 2018 held at Aotea Centre on Saturday 15 September Pest Free Auckland is a community-led conservation programme, facilitated by Auckland Council, to eradicate pests (pest plants, animals and pathogens) and concurrently restore the region’s native ecosystems. Partnerships with mana whenua, community groups, landowners, schools, the Department of Conservation, and the private and philanthropic sectors are key to the success of this programme.  As part of the Pest Free Auckland programme, Auckland Council hosted the annual Auckland Pestival to showcase community-led conservation, provide a networking opportunity and seek feedback on initial plans to support expanded delivery funded by the natural environment targeted rate
  • Launch of Mātātuhi Foundation on 17 September by the Writers Festival Trust at Auckland Central City Library – a new initiative to support the literary landscape of New Zealand
  • Sunrise Celebration with the PM on-Suffrage Day 2018
  • Opening night of Rendered on 20 September at the invitation of the Auckland Theatre Company
  • World Park(ing) day installations on Tyler Street and High Street as part of the Festival of Architecture (photo right)
  • Bad Jelly the Witch gala opening at the invitation of Tim Bray Productions on 22 September
  • Heritage Festival Opening on 26 September at Ellen Melville Centre
  • Auckland Boat Show on 29 September at the invitation of ATEED
  • Foreshore Heritage Walk guided by member Vernon Tava on 30 September for the Auckland Heritage Festival (photo below)
  • Hosted a significant birthday morning tea for board members and local board services team on 2 October
  • Beauty and the Beast at TAPAC at the invitation of TAPAC (four tickets) on 2 October
  • Late Night Art event on 9 October for Art Week
  • Biondi Brunialti duo concert at St Matthew in the City on 9 October at the invitation of the Italian Ambassador


Monthly Board report July 2016

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities from 1 June to 10 July 2016 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, and Chair of the Grants Committee, and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association Board and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee and Board liaison for the Parnell Community Centre.

I was also acting chair for the week of 27 June when I attended the Local Chair’s Forum and the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting.


City Rail Link Ground breaking

 On Thursday 2 June Mayor Len Brown, Auckland Transport chairman Dr Lester Levy, Prime Minister John Key and Minister of Transport Simon Bridges officially marked the start of the construction for the City Rail Link.  It was an explosive ground breaking event with special cupcakes and a fantastic flash mob dance sequence involving many of the CRL workers. More importantly it was an opportunity to acknowledge Mayor Len’s role (and the many people who supported him such as Cr Mike Lee) in pushing ahead with this vital transport project that has been 93 years in the making.

Support for Auckland Transport to develop a Street Tree Planting Policy

Franklin Road street treesMy notice of motion requesting Auckland Transport to develop a street tree planting policy was unanimously passed by the Waitematā Local Board at our June business meeting.

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson PJ Coom, seconded by Member CP Dempsey

That the Waitematā Local Board:

i) notes the benefits of urban street trees and the Auckland Plan, City Centre Master Plan and Waitematā Local Board Plan 2014 commitment to plant street trees;

ii) requests Auckland Transport in association with Auckland Council Parks develop:

a) A street tree planting policy; and

b) A strategy to meet the City Centre Masterplan street tree target of a 25% increase by 2021;

iii) requests Auckland Transport allocate budget (capex and opex) for funding new street trees as part of streetscape projects and footpath renewals;

iv) requests that this Notice of Motion is circulated to all Local Boards, the Parks, Recreation and Sports Committee, Auckland Development Committee, Auckland Transport Board and Chief Executive and Auckland Council Policy and Bylaws team

Hakanoa Street, Grey Lynn kerbingHakanoa Street footpaths and kerbing

I’ve been following up on the concerns residents have raised about the kerb and channelling work currently underway by Auckland Transport’s contractors that involves removing the blue stone kerbing.

Auckland Transport has responded that:

the kerbs are being removed in places due to the disruptions of the tree roots, the tree roots are then unable to be cover over (as per the arborists direction)  therefore AT is unable to replace like for like and has to put in concrete and pointing of which is coloured, this does give a piece meal effect/look but as we are not able to replace with any kerb type i.e. (blue stone ) our hands are tied

 The only way to replace blue stone kerbing over tree roots is by putting in a bigger lintel over the roots, unfortunately the arborists has said we are not allow to do so in some places where the kerb is not replaced and there appears to be no trees, this is because there is 3 applications from residents for vehicle crossings

 Due to the nature of the tree roots AT accepts that we will have on going issues with this street and will return regularly to try to fix

However the road appears to have been widened thereby pushing the kerb closer to the tree roots.  There appears to be a mismatch of concrete and blue stone in big sections between trees not just around the trunk of the tree (as in the photo above). Large areas of blue stone kerbing stones appear to have disappeared without justification when similar streets have retained the traditional kerbing as part of an upgrade (eg Selbourne Street).  The works have also resulted in damage to house frontages.  I will continue to work on this with the residents until we receive a satisfactory response from Auckland Transport.

5. Hakanoa Reserve entrance from Hakanoa StA further issue I am following up is the continuation of the kerbing work despite plans for on road greenway works at the exit of Hakanoa Reserve (photo above) and planned pedestrian/cycleway improvements at the intersection with Richmond Road.

Auckland Transport has not explained the duplication of works and the additional costs.

 Renaming lower Khartoum Place

 Consultation on the renaming of lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ ended on 25 May.

From the 137 submissions there was strong support for the name change.  Details of the feedback and a decision making report are on the Board’s agenda this month.   It is looking positive that we will be a position to change the name in time for Suffrage Day in September.

The future of St Columba Church & parish

St Columba church, Grey Lynn I have been following events at St Columba in Grey Lynn and attended two community hui held during June to discuss the future of the parish.

Following financial difficulties last year the Anglican Diocese commissioned a report to consider the options available to the parish.   The report concluded with three redevelopment options that all involved demolishing the church and facilities on the site including the hall, community garden and labyrinth. This led a campaign to save St Columba involving the wider community.

 On 1 July the following statement was issued by the the Anglican Bishops of Auckland and the Vicar of St Columba Grey Lynn.

Conversations are underway to assist the Parish of St Columba Grey Lynn to address some significant challenges that have developed over a long period of time.

 Those challenges are related to finance and the ongoing costs of providing ministry in the community. They include the maintenance of buildings.

 The Bishops and the diocesan leadership are working closely with the Vicar and the people of the Parish to seek a long-term solution.

 The Diocese continues to have a commitment to the community of Grey Lynn. That commitment is being indicated in conversations that included a visit to the parish last weekend. The Diocese and the Parish are grateful for the support of the wider community.

Further conversations are anticipated with no decisions made at this point.

 The Bishops and the Vicar will be able to comment further once there is a decision to announce

Waitematā Local Board Community Grants

 The final Grants Committee was held on June to consider applications to the fourth and final round of the grants fund for 15/16. A total of $38,613.00 was available to distribute. The committee approved grants totally $29,791.00 to a range of community groups and organisations.

 Waipapa stream planting

 Waipapa planting day June 2016 Hugh and LukeAnnual planting day along the banks of the Waipapa Stream in Parnell was attended by Councillor Mike Lee, representatives from the Waitemata Local Board, Parnell Heritage, Parnell Community Committee, and local neighbours. It is great to see the many years of volunteer labour to re-habilitate the stream is paying off.

Mary Stewart, Senior Biosecurity Advisor, who has been coordinating the planting,is looking to work with Parnell Heritage and the Parnell Community Committee to engage with the surrounding residents to encourage best environmental practices nearby.  The stream has greatly improved  but practices continue that threaten the area (such as growing plants that are weeds in the apartments that are dropping into the stream and naturalising, dumping of garden waste, plant tags, pots, trimmings, old plants, dumping of rubbish and liquids (killing off plants) using driveway cleaners that kill trees).

 Ponsonby Road Pedestrian Experience

Lincoln Street side street render In the July Our Auckland Waitematā Local Board members feature in a story regarding the Board funded project to create a safe and consistent pedestrian experience along Ponsonsby Road between Franklin Road and Williamson Ave (the project was consulted on in November 2015). As mentioned in the article the work was meant to have started in June.

Unfortunately Auckland Transport missed the construction deadline for the works on Lincoln and Collingwood Streets in the last financial year and now has a budget shortfall. We are working through the budget details with Auckland Transport and the consultation process to get the feedback on intersection furniture layouts, materials, and street furniture.

It is now expected that the construction will start late August/early September 2016.

 Berm planting guidelines

 The mystery of Auckland Transport’s berm planting guidelines continues. I’ve given regular updates in my report regarding progress on guidelines that were promised by Easter.

A resident was recently advised the following after she complained about the destruction of her berm garden.

In Central, we mow all berms if they exceed or are approaching a height of 200mm. Our mowing operators work in tandem, with the bulk of the berm mown with a ride-on mower, and then followed up shortly afterwards with weed-eaters to remove encroaching grasses from the edge of footpaths and the kerbside, and around trees and poles which the ride-on mowers cannot reach.  Given the large number of berms to be mown across the city this actually provides better value for ratepayers than the stop-start method of one operator undertaking both activities.

Auckland Transport offered to put her on a no mow register which defeated the point as she had only grown a berm garden after being told she was responsible for it as she wasn’t physically able to mow the verge herself. The resident is now happy for AT to mow her berm again.

Quay Street cyclewayQuay Street Cycleway

On Friday 8 July the Minister of Transport, Hon Simon Bridges and Auckland Mayor Len Brown officially opened the Quay St protected cycleway on Auckland’s busiest cycle route.

At the time of writing my report the cycleway was still closed but attracting large numbers on a sunny weekend.  With the Quay Street Cycleway another gap is connected in the central city cycle network.

 Auckland Conversations : The future of housing in Auckland

Furture of housing in AucklandPanel discussion hosted by Bernard Hickey.

 With Auckland growing at a rate of 896 people a week how can everyone be guaranteed a home, either to buy or rent? Auckland clearly needs new housing options so the economic benefits of growth can be shared by all as we establish our place among the world’s most successful cities.

An excellent discussion about the current Auckland Housing crisis and what is needed to fix it. One big take away pushed by Bernard Hickey  is that young people need to vote in the Local Government Election in September.

The full discussion can be viewed on you tube

Workshops and meetings

Ponsonby Residential parking zone consultationFrom 1 June until 10 July 2016 I attended:

  • Public Open Day hosted by Auckland Transport on the Ponsonby Residential Parking Zone at the Ponsonby Community Centre 1 June
  • Wellesley St/Learning Quarter Interim Business Case Workshop #1 on 3 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 7 June
  • Auckland Transport hui on the Ponsonby Road Pedestrian Experience on 8 June
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 9 June
  • Attended the last session of the Little Grocer Environment Court hearing on 9 June
  • Kai a te rangatira – Elected Members breakfast sessions with Dr Ella Henry on 13 June
  • Central Community Recycling Facility Meeting on 14 June with Albert- Eden and Puketapapa Local Boards re Next Phase of design and provision of service
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 14 June at the board office  on 14 June
  • Engagement Framework meeting with the Board’s engagement adviser
  • Auckland Development Committee joint workshop with Local Board members on 15 June
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 15 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 16 June
  • Community portfolio visit to the Plunket rooms in Parnell
  • St Columba church community hui on 19 June
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 21 June
  • Community portfolio meeting on 22 June
  • Waitemata Local Board Community Grants committee meeting on 22 June
  • Meeting  on 23 June to discuss the Achievements Report
  • Inner City Network meeting and presentation on the work of the CAB on 23 June
  • Catch up with Michael Richardson, GM K’rd business association on 24 June
  • Spray free community meeting hosted by Deborah Yates at the Grey Lynn Community Centre on 26 June
  • Community meeting with Assistant Bishop Jim White on 26 June to discuss the future of St Columba Church
  • Local Board Chairs Forum meeting on 27 June
  • Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 27 June
  • Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 29 June
  • Ports Community Reference Group on 29 June
  • Local Board Briefing – Community Centre Levels of Service Review  (Central Local Boards) on 30 June
  • Newton and Eden-Terrace Plan –Hui on 30 June
  • Changing Minds Community Housing Forum on 1 July at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 5 July
  • Franklin Road Improvement Project community liaison meeting hosting by Auckland Transport on 5 July

Refugee Forum AUTEvents and functions

From 1 June until 10 July 2016 I attended:

  • The Refugee Experience  – Storytelling through visual displays at AUT 1 June (photo right)
  • Countdown Supermarket Williamson Ave opening on 2 June
  • Bike Breakfast at Scarecrow on 2 June
  • City Rail Link ground-breaking on 2 June
  • Spray Free community meeting on 2 June
  • Auckland Transport’s cycling open day at La Cigale market on 4 June
  • Alex clothes swapWaitemata Youth Collective Clothes swap a the Central Library (photo of Alex Johnston at the Clothes Swap)
  • Queen’s Birthday celebrations at the Cloud on 4 June
  • Waipapa Stream planting day on 11 June
  • Auckland Theatre Company’s That Bloody Woman at Sky City Threatre (at the invitation of ATC) on 11 June
  • Auckland Transport’s Bike Market at the Cloud on 12 June
  • Grey Lynn Business Association networking drinks at the Malt Public House on 14 June
  • Newmarket Business Awards dinner at the Auckland War memorial museum on 17 July (at the invitation of NBA)
  • Feijoa guild Mik SmellieOtago Law Alumni breakfast at the Northern Club on 21 June
  • Feijoa Festival hosted by Splice at Chuffed Café on 22 June (Photo right: Guild of the Feijoa’s, Mik Smellie )
  • Auckland Conversations on 23 June The Future of Housing in Auckland
  • NZ Maritime Museum – Twin Exhibition Opening on 24 June
  • General Collective Market at Ponsonby Central on 25 June
  • The Minnie Street Community Day on 25 June
  • Cycle Action Network webinar presenter How to influence decision makers (together with Trevor Mallard and David Lee, Wellington City Councillor)
  • Selywn VercoeThe Seven Stars of Matariki exhibition curated by Selwyn Vercoe at Studio One Toi Tu (photo right)
  • Auckland Speaks: Multi media performance event at Adult Education Inc
  • World Press Photo exhibition opening at Smith & Caughey on 1 July
  • Plastic Free July, Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away group at Farro Fresh
  • Pecha Kucha: Special edition Auckland on the move at the Hopetoun Alpha on 5 July
  • Auckland Conversations 6 July
  • Attendance at the 2 Walk and Cycle Conference 6 – 8 July at the Rendevous Hotel (funded from the Local Board’s professional development budget). I will be reporting back on the conference in my August report
  • Vision Zero workshop presenter at the 2 Walk and Cycle Conference (together with Caroline Perry, Brake NZ, Patrick Morgan, Cycle Action Network and Abby Granbery, MR Cagney)
  • Opening of the Quay Street Cycleway by the Minister Simon Bridges on 8 July
  • Grey Lynn Park Greenways opening on Saturday 9 July
  • Te Wananga o Aotearoa Kapa Haka Super 12s at the Cloud
  • 30th anniversary of Homosexual Law Reform at the Auckland Town Hall

Bike Market June 2016 NZ Police officer Cole

Proposal to rename lower Khartoum Place

Notice of Motion to rename lower Khartoum Place

In accordance with Standing Orders, please place the following Notice of Motion on the agenda for the Waitematā Local Board meeting being held on 8th December 2015:


That the Waitematā Local Board requests the Resource Consenting and Compliance team, in consultation with relevant council departments, report options for re-naming lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ to a local board business meeting for its consideration in time for the renaming to occur by Suffrage Day 2016.


The Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ (the memorial) is located in Khartoum Place, and honours the Auckland women who worked towards the goal of women’s suffrage. The memorial is made of over 2000 brightly coloured tiles and was designed by artists Claudia Pond Eyley and Jan Morrison. It was erected in 1993 with financial assistance from the Suffrage Centennial Year Trust and the then Auckland City Council. The suffragists depicted in the memorial are  Amey Daldy, Anne Ward, Lizzie Frost, Matilda Allsopp, Elisabeth Yates, Annie Jane Schnackenberg, Fanny Brown, and Ida Wells.

Following a campaign to retain the memorial, in 2011 Auckland Council voted to protect the memorial in Khartoum Place in perpetuity. In the draft Unitary Plan the memorial is identified as “a historic heritage place”. It is a category B heritage item which has significant heritage values in terms of Social (B) and context (H).

Khartoum Place runs between Kitchener Street and Lorne Street with a stairway connection between the two street levels. Khartoum Place is named after the 1885 siege of Khartoum. Kitchener St is named after Earl Kitchener (24 June 1850 – 5 June 1916) who fought in the Sudan after the battle of Khartoum and became known as “Lord Kitchener of Khartoum.”

In September 2014 Khartoum place was re-opened following a $1.7million upgrade.  Key features of the design are a new staircase that opens up a direct line of sight between Lorne Street and the Auckland Art Gallery Toi O Tāmaki and the retention of the suffrage memorial.

In my address at the reopening I commented that Looking around now at how beautiful Khartoum place looks with the memorial at its heart I think all that is needed now is for this space to be named not after an imperial battle that New Zealand actually refused to take part in but in the future I look forward to it being named Suffrage Place or Kate Sheppard Place”.

The proposal to rename lower Khartoum Place has the support of the National Council of Women NZ Auckland Branch and Councillor Cathy Casey.  The NCWNZ Auckland branch resolved unanimously at its November 2015 meeting to support the renaming of lower Khartoum Place to Suffrage Place with the upper level to remain as Khartoum Place.

Renaming lower Khartoum Place will not only provide a fitting tribute to the location of the suffrage memorial but will also end the confusion between the two distinct levels of Khartoum Place (that are known informally as Lower and Upper). From a google maps search there does not appear to be any roads etc in New Zealand named specially after women’s suffrage.

The retention of the upper level as Khartoum Place maintains the historical connection to Kitchener Street. There does not appear to be a historical connection between the naming of Lorne St and lower Khartoum Place.

Local Boards have been allocated decision making responsibility for the naming of local roads pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.

Khartoum Place is categorised as a local road. The renaming will need to be carried out in accordance with the Road Naming Guidelines (April 2015) including appropriate consultation.

Khartoum place with Art Gallery