Notice of Motion to rename lower Khartoum Place
In accordance with Standing Orders, please place the following Notice of Motion on the agenda for the Waitematā Local Board meeting being held on 8th December 2015:
That the Waitematā Local Board requests the Resource Consenting and Compliance team, in consultation with relevant council departments, report options for re-naming lower Khartoum Place with a suitable name associated with women’s suffrage, and in recognition of the Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ to a local board business meeting for its consideration in time for the renaming to occur by Suffrage Day 2016.
The Women’s Suffrage Centenary Memorial 1893-1993 ‘Women Achieve the Vote’ (the memorial) is located in Khartoum Place, and honours the Auckland women who worked towards the goal of women’s suffrage. The memorial is made of over 2000 brightly coloured tiles and was designed by artists Claudia Pond Eyley and Jan Morrison. It was erected in 1993 with financial assistance from the Suffrage Centennial Year Trust and the then Auckland City Council. The suffragists depicted in the memorial are Amey Daldy, Anne Ward, Lizzie Frost, Matilda Allsopp, Elisabeth Yates, Annie Jane Schnackenberg, Fanny Brown, and Ida Wells.
Following a campaign to retain the memorial, in 2011 Auckland Council voted to protect the memorial in Khartoum Place in perpetuity. In the draft Unitary Plan the memorial is identified as “a historic heritage place”. It is a category B heritage item which has significant heritage values in terms of Social (B) and context (H).
Khartoum Place runs between Kitchener Street and Lorne Street with a stairway connection between the two street levels. Khartoum Place is named after the 1885 siege of Khartoum. Kitchener St is named after Earl Kitchener (24 June 1850 – 5 June 1916) who fought in the Sudan after the battle of Khartoum and became known as “Lord Kitchener of Khartoum.”
In September 2014 Khartoum place was re-opened following a $1.7million upgrade. Key features of the design are a new staircase that opens up a direct line of sight between Lorne Street and the Auckland Art Gallery Toi O Tāmaki and the retention of the suffrage memorial.
In my address at the reopening I commented that Looking around now at how beautiful Khartoum place looks with the memorial at its heart I think all that is needed now is for this space to be named not after an imperial battle that New Zealand actually refused to take part in but in the future I look forward to it being named Suffrage Place or Kate Sheppard Place”.
The proposal to rename lower Khartoum Place has the support of the National Council of Women NZ Auckland Branch and Councillor Cathy Casey. The NCWNZ Auckland branch resolved unanimously at its November 2015 meeting to support the renaming of lower Khartoum Place to Suffrage Place with the upper level to remain as Khartoum Place.
Renaming lower Khartoum Place will not only provide a fitting tribute to the location of the suffrage memorial but will also end the confusion between the two distinct levels of Khartoum Place (that are known informally as Lower and Upper). From a google maps search there does not appear to be any roads etc in New Zealand named specially after women’s suffrage.
The retention of the upper level as Khartoum Place maintains the historical connection to Kitchener Street. There does not appear to be a historical connection between the naming of Lorne St and lower Khartoum Place.
Local Boards have been allocated decision making responsibility for the naming of local roads pursuant to section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974.
Khartoum Place is categorised as a local road. The renaming will need to be carried out in accordance with the Road Naming Guidelines (April 2015) including appropriate consultation.