Councillor monthly report May 2021

General update

My Councillor report covers the period from 12 April 2021 until 7 May 2021.  It has been prepared for the May business meetings of the Aotea Great Barrier, Waiheke and Waitematā Board Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the public and local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events and meetings, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.


  • Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group


  • Council Finance staff reported to the Finance and Performance Committee that we have saved over $119 million so far this financial year as part of the $120million savings target stipulated in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021.
  • Chair Cath Handley and I met with the representatives of the Kennedy Point Marina development on 29 April. We all agreed that we are aiming for a “best practice” approach to managing and monitoring the Kororā habitat.  We requested that the review of their Little Blue Penguin management and monitoring plans is independently audited.  We strongly urged the developer to hold off re-commencing any works until after the review has been completed and the updated resource consent documents are approved by council.
  • Council announced plans to improve Queen Street and make it more pedestrian-friendly including installing wide boardwalks, seating, planter boxes to replace the temporary plastic sticks put in place during lockdown. A pocket park will also be created on the corner of Queen Street and Fort Street. The High Court decision on 6 May not to grant the injunction sought by Save the Queen Street Society means Auckland Council and Auckland Transport are able to proceed with planned improvements from 10 May.
  • I responded to a The Spinoff opinion column harshly criticising Auckland Council’s decision to fell a stand of trees at Western Springs for the native bush restoration project that I have supported since I was on the Waitematā Local Board.

Governing Body meetings – Key decisions

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only.

On 15 April the Environment and Community Committee received a quarterly update from Auckland Unlimited. As part of the development of a Water Strategy the committee adopted ambitious targets designed to reduce Aucklanders’ use of drinking water by 20 per cent over the next 30 years to create a city more resilient to impacts of drought and climate change.

On 22 April the Finance and Performance Committee received an update on progress on savings targets set out in the Emergency Budget and approved the annual plans and council funding contributions for ARAFA, MOTAT and the Auckland War Memorial Museum. The committee also agreed that staff use existing rating policies to fully remit the fourth quarter instalment of the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate set for 2020/2021

On 29 April the Governing Body received the final report of the independent review of health & safety at Ports of Auckland, requested a copy of the implementation plan, and that Ports of Auckland present their progress at the July and October Governing Body Meetings. The Governing Body also endorsed Mayor Goff and Deputy Mayor Cashmore as sponsors of the Light Rail Project and approved recommendations on proposed changes to Te Ture ā-Rohe Whakararata Waipiro 2014 / the Alcohol Control Bylaw 2014.

On 4 May the Appointments and Performance Committee appointed directors for Auckland Unlimited and Panuku Development Auckland and approved a shortlist of Board Members for Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Board.

On 6 May the Planning Committee   received public input from Christine Rose and Bevan Woodward on behalf of Movement regarding “The People’s Path”, a proposal for a walking and cycling facility across the Waitematā Harbour, and in response resolved to support Movement discussing with Waka Kotahi a trial of a walking and cycling lane on the Auckland Harbour Bridge and requested Waka Kotahi to seek a practical solution to a cost effective walking and cycling crossing across the Auckland harbour.

In agreeing to delegate development of the submission to the Transport and Infrastructure Committee inquiry into congestion pricing in Auckland, the Planning Committed agreed to  support in principle congestion pricing in Auckland, conditional upon the following issues being addressed:

i)       mitigation of equity impacts ii)      having public transport services and projects in place across Auckland on an equitable basis to allow road users to switch to alternative modes where appropriate iii)     that revenue collected, in addition to that needed to operate the scheme and to address clauses a) i) and a) ii) above, be used to offset and, as revenue and costs allow, replace the Regional Fuel Tax

Other key meetings and events

  •  On 12 April I met AT staff to discuss the city centre bus plan. The Governing Body held a workshop to discuss the findings of the CHASNZ Independent Review of health & safety at Ports of Auckland. I also attended the City Centre Residents Monthly meeting at the Ellen Meville Centre
  • On 13 April I met with David Abbott, Chair St Marys Bay Residents Association and with Tania Billingsly to discuss her family’s Te Atatu development.
  • On 14 April I attended Auckland Transport’s online RLTP public consultation event.
  • On 15 April Minister Wood met the Mayor and Councillors via Zoom to provide an update on Light Rail. I joined Councillor Desley Simpson in a meeting with the Auckland Bowling Club.
  • I was in the driving seat briefly at a ceremony to mark a major CRL milestone with the start of underground construction on the Aotea Station

    On 16 April I joined Mayor Goff to mark a CRL milestone in the build of the Aotea Station  and joined his visit to Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki’s Umupuia Marae, Cr Dalton gave me a tour of Manurewa on the way there. I attended the Taskforce on Alcohol and Community meeting.

  • On 17 April I attended the opening of the new playground in Western Springs Lakeside Park Te Wai Ōrea with the Waitemata Local Board and Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei.
  • On 18 April spent the afternoon on Waiheke to visit Kennedy Point and Wharetana Bay where residents wished to discuss long standing issues regarding the public reserve.
  • Visit with the Mayor to Ngai Tai Ki Tamaki’s Umupuia Marae

    On 19 April I received an update on the resource consent conditions for the proposed Kennedy Point Marina and visited a business building and selling sustainable eco-friendly tiny homes. I attended a regular catchup with Waiheke Local board members via Skype

  • On 20 April Cr Hills and I met with attendees from British Consulate General and the Regional COP26 Climate Change Advisor Dr Victoria Hatton.
  • On 21 April I attended the Waiheke Local Board meeting in person.
  • On 22 Minister James Shaw met with the Mayor and Councillors to discuss the government’s action and response to the Climate Change Commission. I also received a briefing on the Cycling Programme Business Case Review.
  • On 23 April I attended the City Link e-bus launch; was taken on a walking tour of Wynyard Quarter by Panuku staff; attended a site visit on Beach Road to discuss noise issues and met with City Centre Residents Group representatives.
  • On April 25 I attended Anzac Services at the Auckland War Memorial Museum and the Grey Lynn RSC.
  • On 27 April I attended the first Political Reference Group meeting for the Auckland Cycling Programme Business Case review and attended a Women in Urbanism monthly catch up event.
  • On 28 April I met with Mark Knoff-Thomas of the Newmarket Business Association.
  • On 29 April Chair Handley and I met with the Kennedy Point Marina Director and Project Manager. I also attended the Viaduct Harbour residents’ meeting regarding Project WAVE and the opening night of ‘Single Asian Female’ at the ASB Waterfront Theatre at the invite of ATC
  • On 30 April Local Board I attended local board members Graeme Gunthorp, Julie Sandilands regular catch up with AT to discuss issues in the area and attended the Urban Nerds networking event.
  • On 3 May I met with Christine Rose and Andy Smith to discuss their walking/cycling lane proposal across the Harbour Bridge ahead of their presentation to the Planning Committee.
  • On 4 May I met with Auckland Blues representatives Andrew Finn and Brian Hore. I also attended a meeting for the Hauraki Gulf Forum to discuss the possibility of a Blue Bond and met with the Grey Lynn Business Association to discuss the impact of AT’s work in West Lynn.
  • On 5 May I met with Carolyn Cox to discuss the Hauraki Gulf focus of the Waiheke Local Climate Action Plan
  • MP Chlöe Swarbrick and the owner of Monster Valley, Karl and the opening even for Chlöe’s new office on Karanagahape Road

    On 6 May I attended Bike Auckland’s Bike Breakfast at Terrace café and I attended the opening of MP Chlöe Swarbrick’s new office on Karangahape Road

  • On 7 May I attended City Rail Link’s “ready to bore” event to mark the launch of the tunnel boring machine by the Mayor and Minister of Transport Michael Wood and joined the Minister again in the evening for his Auckland Light Rail discussion meeting with stakeholders at the Fickling Centre
  • I also attend a range of workshops and committee briefings throughout the month

Councillor report June 2020

General update

This is my Councillor report covering the period from 21 April until 5 June.  It has been prepared for the Waitematā Board business meeting to be held on 16 June.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the local board regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events and meetings, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.


  • Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee


  • Auckland Council lockdown activity

    In my previous written report to the local board, I reported on Auckland Council’s response as the pandemic unfolded and through the lockdown period.

  • As NZ moved from Alert Level 3 to 2 council facilities and venues opened up and planning was well underway for the post Covid-19 recovery.
  • The Emergency Committee was established as an ad hoc committee of the whole of the Governing Body due to the pandemic.  The final Emergency Committee meeting was held on 28 May. Workshops and Committees of the whole have recommenced meeting again from the beginning of June.
  • Following advice from Watercare, mandatory water restrictions came into effect on 16 May due to the ongoing drought
  • The first co-chaired Hauraki Gulf Forum meeting was held on 25 May
  • Consultation on the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 started on 29 May

Governing Body meetings

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only.

On 23 April the Emergency Committee approved the levy for funding Auckland’s regional amenities for the next financial year, appointed Phil Wilson as the Group Recovery Manager for COVID-19 and received its regular Auckland Emergency Management update.

Watercare Chief Executive Raveen Jaduram also provided an update on Auckland’s water shortage situation and the requirements for stage one water restrictions.

On 30 April the Emergency Committee received the regular weekly update on the Covid-19 pandemic and the Auckland Emergency Management response.

The committee approved the total levy applied for by the Museum of Transport and Technology of $14,890,578 for 2020/2021 and made appointments to the District Licensing Committee.  A governing body meeting was also held to approve Bylaw Panel recommendations on the proposed new Food Safety Information Bylaw 2020 and approve procedural plan changes.

On 7 May the Emergency Committee received the regular weekly update on the Covid-19 pandemic and the Auckland Emergency Management response.

Upper Nihotupu Dam, Waitakere Feb 7 vs May 8

In response to one of the most severe droughts in Auckland’s history, the committee voted unanimously to introduce mandatory water restrictions, which will come into effect across the region from Saturday 16 May.

Auckland Council’s submission on the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport was approved and the committee endorsed Auckland Transport’s applications to the first tranche of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Innovating Streets for People pilot fund. It also approved the process for developing a recommended package of projects for the second funding round closing on 3 July 2020, which will include Auckland Council, Auckland Transport and Panuku Development Auckland projects.

On 14 May the Emergency Committee received the regular weekly update on the Covid-19 pandemic and the Auckland Emergency Management response.

The committee unanimously endorsed the rationale, scope, and proposed process for updating the Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP) 2020 and its terms of reference.  Within the terms of reference, it was agreed to propose an additional objective for the shared government and council priorities for transport in Auckland to improve the resilience and sustainability of Auckland’s transport system and significantly reduce greenhouse gases.  The refresh will consider a number of emerging issues including the impact of Covid-19 on funding, any government economic stimulus packages, the New Zealand Upgrade Programme (NZUP) of transport investment in Auckland, climate change, mode shift and emerging brownfield and greenfield priorities.

The committee considered the reappointment of three directors of the Tāmaki Redevelopment Company (TRC).  Of the directors on the board, Auckland Council and the government appoint one director each and the remaining directors are jointly appointed by both the government and the council.  With the terms of three of the current directors ending soon decisions need to be made about appointments to those positions.

On 21 May the Emergency Committee received the regular weekly update on the Covid-19 pandemic and the Auckland Emergency Management response.

The committee received Local Board feedback on the first round of public consultation on the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 for consideration when decisions are made.

The committee agreed to consult alongside the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 on the addition to the Rates remission and postponement policy of a COVID-19 Rates postponement scheme.

The committee agreed unanimously to publicly consult on a Covid-19 rates postponement scheme alongside the consultation on the Emergency Budget 2020/2021. Under the proposed scheme rates postponement will be available to all residential and business ratepayers financially stressed because of Covid-19.

The council consulted with Aucklanders on the Annual Budget 2020/2021 from mid-February to mid-March this year. However, due to the impact of Covid-19 the council is proposing to consult on further matters for the Emergency Budget 2020/2021.The committee made a recommendation to the council’s Governing Body to endorse a recommended engagement approach for further consultation on the Emergency Budget to take place from 29 May 2020 to 19 June 2020.

On 28 May the Emergency Committee received the regular weekly update on the Covid-19 pandemic and the Auckland Emergency Management response.

The committee endorsed the Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015 Review findings report. A further options report will be brought to the Regulatory Committee in June.

The Governing Body meeting on 28 May minor changes to rating policy and some fees for inclusion in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 and amendments to the council’s Revenue and Financing Policy were adoped. These changes were publicly consulted on in February and March this year and some of the changes recommended are subject to the consideration of further feedback.

The Governing Body endorsed the engagement approach for public consultation on the Emergency Budget following a recommendation from the Emergency Committee. To adhere to Covid-19 health and safety requirements a digitally led engagement approach is recommended, including the use of online webinar events, with feedback options through written, telephone and digital channels.

On 4 June the Planning Committee approved Auckland Transport and Auckland Council’s proposed list of projects for further development and assessment prior to submission to the second application round of the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Innovating Streets for People pilot fund closing on 3 July 2020.

The Planning Committee endorsed Auckland Council’s draft submission on the proposed amendments to the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality: Particulate Matter and Mercury Emissions (included as Attachment A of the agenda report).

The Planning Committee delegated authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee, Chair of the Regulatory Committee and an Independent Māori Statutory Board member to approve the council’s submission on the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Bill and requested that staff forward the draft submission to the Planning Committee and Local Board chairs for high-level feedback.

The committee also support a Notice of Motion from Cr Walker seeking a joint water conservation campaign with Watercare and the development of a water climate-resilient strategy for Auckland (The strategy is being progressed by the Environment and Climate Change Committee).

Other meetings and events

In the period 21 April to 5 June I attended:

  • A virtual service observed with neighbours joining from their bubble for Stand at Dawn on Anzac Day
  • Hauraki Gulf Forum drop in with the co-chairs for forum members on 4 and 5 May and meetings with the forum’s Executive Officer in preparation for the meeting on 25 May
  • The weekly meeting with the Mayor for Chairs and Deputies of the committees
  • The LGNZ metro sector meeting on 8 May as alternate for the Mayor and the Infrastructure Commission briefing to local government representatives. I also attended the National Council board meeting on 15 May and the meeting on 5 June to meet the new CEO of LGNZ.
  • On 27 May I attended the Central Government and Local Government annual Forum hosted by the Prime Minister
  • Online Waiheke Local Board meeting on 22 April and 27 May, the Waitematā Local Board meetings on 5 and 19 May the Aotea Great Barrier Local Board meeting on 12 May
  • I was invited to speak to the National Council of Women Auckland Branch meeting on 11 May
  • High Street footpath extension. Photo credit Kent Lundberg

    The Auckland City Centre Advisory Board workshop and meeting on 27 May (High St pilot project is one of the projects supported by ACCAB in the City Centre. Attachment 1 Our Auckland More space for pedestrians on High Street)

  • Appointments and Performance Review committee CEO interviews on 18 May
  • The Governing Body and Independent Maori Statutory Board Joint meeting on 19 May
  • Finance and Performance Committee workshops regarding the Emergency Budget
  • Meetings relevant to the work programme of the Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Auckland Festival of Photography exhibition opening on 4 June at the Grey Gallery (first function in real life since Alert level 3 prior to lockdown)

Other matters

Emergency Budget 2020/2021 consultation

Auckland Council has produced an Emergency Budget to address the $525m shortfall in revenue due to Covid-19 and in so doing has to make some tough decisions about where to find significant savings and what to prioritise.

In response to a “rates freeze” campaign and many emails from constituents seeking a zero rates rise I provided the following information (prior to consultation starting on 29 May):

The draft 2020-21 annual budget that was consulted on prior to the lockdown proposed a 3.5% rates increase.  We now need a new “emergency” budget that responds to these extraordinary times.  We are in incredibly challenging times dealing with the Covid-19 crisis and there is no doubt the economic downturn is going to continue hitting hard across our businesses and communities.

At the Emergency Committee meeting on 16 April Councillors were unanimous that the council needs to take decisive steps to reduce the pressure on residents and businesses facing economic hardship, while ensuring we can protect and maintain the essential services Aucklanders rely on. There will be another round of consultation including the option of limiting any rise to 2.5%.   For the average ratepayer, a 2.5 % increase would be equivalent to an extra $1.35 per week, while a 3.5 % increase would be $1.83 per week.

The final details of the Emergency Budget 20/21 including rates will not be voted on until July.

In considering the options it is clear that cutting rates will end up costing ratepayers more and will slow down Auckland’s recovery.  It is important to note:

  • There is going to be a substantial reduction in non-rates revenue caused by the recession, some projects and services will need to be cut or postponed to reduce expenditure. Development Contributions and fees make up 53% of council’s income.  Potential reductions in cash revenue of $350-650m for 20/21 depending on the length of disruption caused by Covid-19
  • The credit rating agencies have allocated Auckland Council an AA/Aa2 rating. This enables council to borrow for capital projects at attractive interest rates, for longer time periods, and means there is no shortage of those wishing to invest. Our financial policy is to limit our debt to revenue ratio to 270%, although internally we manage to a 265% ratio to give ourselves a buffer. Lowering income could potentially put this at risk. The outcome would be higher interest rates, reduced funding abilities and shorter timelines for debt renewals. All these add up to very real costs which would be to the detriment of ratepayers, both now and well into the future. A 1% increase in rates equals $17 million in additional income. 3.5% equates to $59 million net. A 1% increase in interest rates equates to around $100 million of additional interest costs. A single notch credit rating downgrade would cost council approximately $15 million every year in additional interest costs.
  • Even at a 3.5% rates rise there will be substantial cuts to the infrastructure projects, maintenance and services provided by the Council.  This work is already underway with many temp or contracted staff having been given notice.
  • At the same time, council has already driven savings of $270 million in operational expenses. $62 million of additional savings are budgeted for this year.  All opportunities to cut spending still need to be reviewed from across the council group.
  • The CEO and senior executives have voluntarily agreed to pay cuts
  • The Emergency Committee agreed to consult on targeted measures including suspending the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate and the broadening of council’s rates postponement policy. We also announced more help to ratepayers and business who may be struggling to pay their rates in the financial year to 30 June.

I believe we have taken a principle-based approach with a strong commitment to financial prudence and sustainability. An austerity budget based on zero rates rise will hit our most vulnerable communities hardest and limit council’s ability to play a key role in working with Government to promote economic recovery.  I think targeted assistance to ratepayers suffering financial stress is preferable.

Consultation on the Emergency Budget 20/21 budget started on 29 May for three weeks.   The consultation material provides a clear explanation of what each rating option will mean for council services and infrastructure. Please take the time to review the information and provide feedback. (Attachment 1 Emergency Budget decisions will impact Waitematā and Gulf says Councillor)

Hauraki Gulf Forum

I have been working with the Executive Officer and Tangata Whenua co-chair of the Hauraki Gulf Forum, Nicola MacDonald to develop a work plan and governance statement.  We hosted two co-chair drop-in sessions via Skype to provide Forum members the opportunity to give feedback ahead of the Forum meeting held on 25 May. On 14 May a media release went out about the new governance arrangements for the Forum (Attachment 3: Our Auckland: Co-Chairs to lead Hauraki Gulf Forum)

On 25 May the Hauraki Gulf Forum adopted the new work plan with an updated set of ambitious goals for the Gulf:

  • At least 30 per cent marine protection (*up from the 20 per cent goal established in 2019)
  • 1000sqkm of shellfish-bed and reef restoration
  • Riparian planting of the Gulf’s catchment (new goal)
  • An end to marine dumping in or near to the Gulf (new goal).

We also adopted (i) a new Governance Statement reflecting the Forum’s recent move to a co-governance leadership model, and (ii) a 2020-2021 budget which delivers total savings to members of around 25 per cent for the year ahead – reflecting the difficult financial situation as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic (Attachment 4: Our Auckland Ambitious goals for ailing Hauraki Gulf).

Hauraki Gulf Forum co-chairs

In the photo right with co-chair Nicola MacDonald wearing pake (capes) commissioned by Nicola for the co-Chairs to symbolise our enduring relationship and stewardship to protect our taonga tuku iho. These kahu korari will pass from co-Chairs to successive co-Chairs and serve to remind us of our duty to look after Te Moananui o Toi and Tikapa Moana

I am wearing a kahu korari beautifully made by master weaver Meleta Bennett, Te Arawa, named Tipaka Moana, a name gifted by the Hauraki tangata whenua members.

Nicola’s kahu korari is called Te Moananui o Toi the name was gifted by Ngāti Wai Tangata Whenua members and was woven by master weaver Maakere Taane no Ngai Tahu.

Innovating Streets

I supported Auckland Transport rolling out a set of initiatives on 20 roads and popular walkways across Auckland to assist with safe physical distancing during Covid-19 Alert Level 3 (Attachment 5: Our Auckland Improved facilities for people walking and cycling across Auckland)

These emergency measures were reviewed going into Alert Level 2. I agreed at that point with the removal of the temporary measures on Ponsonby Road because I didn’t think the scheme was strong enough to withstand a significant increase in traffic.  (photo right of the additional space on Ponsonby Road during Alert Level 3).

However, the temporary measures provided a valuable opportunity to re-image how Ponsonby Road could be made far more people friendly and has directly contributed to a Ponsonby Road pilot being included as an application in the second round of the Innovating Streets Funding considered by the Planning Committee on 3 June.

Photo credit: Kent Lundberg

The temporary works on Queen St installed for Alert Level 3  are intended to transition into an Innovating Streets pilot if the NZTA funding application is successful