Monthly Board Report September 2014

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board activities during August 2014 as Deputy Chair, lead for the Community and Transport portfolios, Chair of the Grants Committee, Deputy Chair of the Central Joint Funding Committee and with positions on the Ponsonby Business Association and Ponsonby Community Centre Committee.

Portfolio reports:  Transport

Cycle Advisory Group

The Cycle Advisory Group was established by the Mayor as a forum for providing advice, a strategic review and sounding board on cycling issues in Auckland. Members of the group consist of representatives from advocacy organisations, NZTA, ACC, MOT, Waterfront Auckland, AA, the Mayor’s office and Auckland Transport. Councillors Chris Darby, Linda Cooper and Penny Hulse are also invited to attend.

At the chair’s forum meeting in June it was noted that there was no local board representation on the advisory group. I was nominated by the board chairs as the local board representative.

I attended the fourth meeting of the group on 29 August which focused on the prioritisation process for cycling capex projects.

Draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2015

I made a submission on the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport. At the time I was convinced it was a waste of time.

However on 19 August Prime Minister John Key  announced $100 million in new funding to be made available over the next four years to accelerate cycleways in urban centres after a record breaking number of submissions were received on the GPS supporting cycling investment. It is proposed that an Urban Cycleway Investment Panel will investigate opportunities to invest in urban cycleways that would expand and improve the cycling network.

What is significant is that for the first time the National government has acknowledged the benefits commuter cycling and the need to provide connected infrastructure. The challenge to Auckland Transport will be to ensure that robust investment proposals are ready to go so that Auckland can tap into this fund (which does not require matched funding from AT).

Drinking station upper queen st bridgeDrinking fountains

The board has committed to funding three drinking stations in the street environment from the local board capex fund.

The first of the stations has been installed at the corner of Ian McKinnon Drive and Upper Queen Street as part of the Upper Queen Street bridge upgrade (photo right).

Missing connections

A priority of the Board is to improve connectivity around the Waitematā area. One of our advocacy positions to Auckland Transport through our Local Board Agreement 14/15 is for construction of the Wellesley St connection to Auckland Domain under Symonds St overbridge and on-road connection to the NZTA funded/constructed Grafton Gully Cycleway

Last month I came across this Dutch family in the photo right who were lost on the Symonds Street bridge trying to get to the Museum by following a street map.  It reinforced yet again the importance of the City – Domain walking connection bvia Wellesley Street (the project is with the City Centre Integration Group to progress).

Beach Road cyclewayCycling network

Thanks in part to Local Board advocacy great progress has been made to complete major cycling projects in the Waitematā area.  The Grafton Gully cycleway (NZTA project), Upper Queen Street bridge connection (AC project) and Beach Road stage one (Auckland Transport project – pictured) will all be opening in early September to provide a continuous connection from Quay Street through to the NW cycleway.

Monthly transport update

A monthly update with Auckland Transport took place on 27 August. Current issues are reported back monthly by Auckland Transport on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Portfolio reports:  Community

The community Development portfolio is working on a number of issues that were discussed at our monthly meeting with CDAC officers on 27 August including:

  • Grey Lynn Community Centre funding
  • Funding available for tables and chairs at community centres
  • Leys Institute Lift

I also attended a number of meetings during August relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Local Board Engagement

Consultation on the draft Waitematā Local Board plan ended on 6 August.  A series of drop-in sessions concluded at the Grey Lynn Library on 4 August. Consultation on the Board’s localised carbon emission reduction plan closed on 16 August.

Community Grants

The Community Grant committee met on 25 August to consider applications to the Board’s community fund for the first round of 2014/15. The Board has $100,000 available for community grants per year.

The Committee has recommended allocating $30,852 in grants from the $80,612 applied for. A final decision will be made at the September Board meeting.

Local Government New Zealand

I attended the LGNZ Zone One meeting on 22 August with representatives from Local Boards, Kaipara District Council, Whangarei District Council, Far North District Council and Northland Regional Council. Councillor Penny Webster is Zone One Chair and Auckland Council’s representative on LGNZ.

The meeting received updates from Malcolm Alexander, CEO of LGNZ (Vision of LGNZ: Local Government powering community and national success) and presentations from Surf Live Saving, Fields of Remembrance Trust (WW1 commemorations) and an update on the Financial Prudence Regulations.

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 August – 31 August I attended:

  • Communications catch up on 4 August
  • Engagement adviser catch up on 4 August
  • Local Board draft plan drop in sessions – Grey Lynn Library Hall on 4 August
  • Local Board workshop on 5 August
  • Newmarket Station Signage – Parks Portfolio Meeting on 6 August
  • Meeting to discuss LTP draft performance measures
  • WEBINAR   Tax – An elected members responsibility
  • Elections 2016 workshop for local board members on decisions to be made prior to the 2016 local government elections on potential changes to the voting system, establishment of Maori wards and representation arrangements.
  • Community meeting organised by Community development team at the Freemans Bay community centre – Inner City Network:  What would a successful network look/feel like? On Friday 8 August
  • City Rail Link Project update for local board members on 11 August
  • Working lunch with Housing NZ board members and housing NZ representatives on 11 August – HNZ  provided an overview and details of their presence in the Waitematā area
  • Ponsonby Business Association Board meeting on 12 August
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting in Parnell on 12 August
  • Waterfront Auckland CEO update for board members on 13 August
  • Meeting with Dave Peters from Cycling Auckland (bike hire business) regarding Waterfront Auckland’s bike hire operation (attended with Kevin Wright on behalf of Stephen Town and Connie Clackson from Waterfront Auckland)
  • Newmarket Laneways Precinct proposals – initial plans presented to board members on 13 August
  • Waitematā Local Board workshop on 14 August
  • Effective Meetings for Local Board Chairs and Deputy Chairs – This session is the follow-up from Monday 5 May and concludes the examination of styles and approaches that help meetings to run smoothly and generate decisions.
  • Local Board briefing on the LTP financial policies on 18 August – a briefing for 2 representatives from every board  on the financial policy issues that may be considered as part of the long-term plan with an opportunity to provide early feedback
  • Communications catch up on 19 August
  • Meeting to discuss photos for the board’s achievements report
  • Grants Committee agenda run through on 20 August
  • LGNZ Zone One meeting at the Orewa Service Centre on 22 August
  • Waitematā Local Board Grants Committee Meeting on 25 August
  • Local Board Workshop on 26 August
  • Ponsonby Community Centre committee meeting on 26 August
  • Monthly Transport portfolio catch up on 27 August
  • Community Development portfolio monthly catch up on 27 August
  • Auckland Transport meeting with Barbara Holloway, K’rd Business Association to discuss maintenance issues and service levels.
  • Meeting with Waterfront Auckland and Ponsonby Cruising Club to discuss the club’s lease
  • Cycling Advisory Group meeting on 29 August
  • Bus stop interactivity and user experience presentation by AUT students to Auckland Transport representatives

Splice Gift giversEvents and functions

In the period 1 August – 31 August  I attended:

  • 95bfm interview on the Waitemata Local Board plan on 1 August
  • City Givers Launch event at Pioneer Women’s Hall hosted by Splice on Saturday 2 August (photo right)
  • IPENZ annual debate on the positive team with Darren Davies and Matt Hinton The Car is So last century (photo below)
  • Cycle Action Auckland’s Associates Breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 6 August
  • Vintage Austin Register – Auckland branch AGM on Sunday 10 August
  • Hosted the Green Desk on 95bfm  on 12 August talking to Florence Reynolds from Plastic Diet
  • Carlton Gore Road market dayGrey Lynn Business Association networking drinks
  • Hosted the Green Desk 95bfm  on 26 August talking to Emma McInnes from Generation Zero
  • Locally left at the Grey Lynn RSC with Jacinda Ardern and David Slack
  • Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM on 19 August at the Grey Lynn Community Centre
  • CAB Auckland AGM at the Flickling Centre on 20 August
  • Herne Bay Residents Association Candidates debate on 21 August at the Ponsonby Cruising Club
  • Carlton Gore Road market day organised by the Newmarket Business Association on Saturday 23 August (photo right of the new footpaths and bike parking)
  • Local Board hosted citizenship ceremony at the Town hall on 25 August
  • Cycle Action Auckland public monthly meeting 28 August
  • Movie fundraiser for Tearfund on 28 August
  • Belleville at the Herald Theatre at the invitation of Silo Theatre 29 August

IPENZ transport debate

Monthly Board Report February 2014

Covering activities from 1 December 2013 – 31 January 2014

This is my first Board report for 2014.  At the December meeting of the Waitemata Local Board confirmed Board member portfolios and positions. This term I am the following:

  • Transport and Community portfolio lead
  • Chair, Grants Committee
  • Member of the Isthmus Local Board Joint Funding Committee
  • Positions: Ponsonby Business Association, Newmarket Business Association (alternate), Ponsonby Community Centre representative, Parnell Trust Liaison

Getting to better know the Waitemata Local Board area

Margi Watson and Pippa Coom Beating the boundsBeating the Bounds

We started the new term by teaming up with Walk Auckland to “Beat the Bounds” of the Waitemata Local Board area. We walked our boundary from Meola Reef to Pt Resolution. It was an excellent opportunity to get to know our Board area and to ensure no encroachments from our neighbours on the Albert-Eden and Orakei Local Boards.

A highlight for me was walking the boundary along Newmarket stream and into Newmarket Park for the first time.  Access from Middleton Road has been blocked due to slips. I think there is huge potential to better link Newmarket Park with Ayr reserve and Thomas Bloodworth Park. As we discovered the Shore Road roundabout presents a formidable barrier and is unsafe for crossing pedestrians (the Transport portfolio has logged this issue with Auckland Transport).

Local Board Tour

Board member tour symonds st cemetaryIn January our appreciation of our Board area continued with a tour organised by our local board services team. We spent the day visiting our key projects from Weona walkway in the west over to the Pt Resolution headland in the east including Art Station (under refurbishment), Pioneer Women’s Hall, Freemans Bay Community Hall, and Symonds St Cemetery. We also had an unscheduled stop to pick up an order of Arch Hill War Chest larger from the Grovner brewery.

The Tour really highlighted just how many projects we have underway and what a fantastic board area we are fortunate to represent.

Portfolio reports:  Transport

Cycle safety

Barbara Grace with her electric bikeTragically the year started with a cycling fatality in our local board area on the corner of Parnell Rise and the Strand. It highlighted the desperate need for safe, separated cycling infrastructure on our busy roads.  Unfortunately it also unleashed ill-informed, heartless, victim bashing and the resurrection of myths like cyclists do not pay for the roads therefore shouldn’t ride on them.

I raised concerns with Auckland Transport regarding their communications  following the crash which wrongly attempted to put the focus on so called red light running rather than the positive steps AT is taking to improve cycling infrastructure in Auckland.  Fortunately the NZ Herald did run a very good series on cycling safety following the crash.  (See What my mum knows about cycling attached).

Greys Ave bus parking proposal

At the end of last year we responded to Auckland Transport’s proposal to install bus parking outside 95- 113 Greys Ave with the following feedback.

The Waitemata Local Board supports the work underway to upgrade Auckland bus services and the move to a new network with frequent bus services.  The provision of quality public transport as part of an integrated transport system is a Board priority. We appreciate that additional buses in the city centre require layover locations and it will be necessary to re-allocate road space for buses.

However we have met concerned residents on Greys Ave and have considered their reasons for objecting to the proposal.

Greys Ave is one of the few residential streets in the City Centre with apartments at ground floor level. We agree with the residents that Greys Ave is not a suitable location for a bus layover location (for a variety of factors) and object to the proposal to install bus parking.

We ask that AT consider alternative locations and road space suitable for bus parking (which might require the re-prioritisation of a general traffic lane).  Our feedback, made under delegated authority, will also be included in the Board’s February meeting agenda for endorsement by the Board.

SkypathSky path

In December the governing body voted to progress the Auckland Harbour Bridge pathway to move towards signing a memorandum of understanding with the Sky path Trust. I spoke in support of the project on behalf of the Board

I attended the meeting on 29 January hosted by the Council’s Sky path champion Brett O’Reilly (ATEED, CEO) with local residents groups and the Westhaven Marina Users Association to discuss the patronage review results.

Walkway to Arthur StreetWay finding

One of Local Board initiatives is way finding for pedestrians and cyclists. A surprising number of access ways in our area have no signage.

It is good to see a walkway sign been installed by Auckland Transport at our request on Ponsonby Road (indicating the walkway through to Arthur Street). We have requested AT investigate including the destination information on the standard walkway sign design

Monthly transport update

Monthly Transport catch ups were held with the Transport portfolio in December and January. Specific issues discussed include:

  • Coxs Bay bus turnaround proposal
  • Kingdom Street level crossing upgrade
  • Signage on Walkways/ access ways – it is the Board’s preference that these include directional information
  • Auckland Transport Code of Practice – currently under consultation until the end of March
  • Richmond Road safety action plan – upgrades on Richmond Road currently underway on the intersection of Cockburn street
  • Ponsonby Road safety improvements proposed for the Anglesey St intersection

Current issues are reported back monthly by AT on our public agenda including the details of the consultation undertaken with the Transport portfolio on behalf of the Board.

Portfolio update: Community

Community Funding

The allocation of grants for the second round of Community Grant funding was made by the Waitemata Local Board’s December meeting (it wasn’t possible to hold a Grants Committee meeting for this round due to the committee not being established following the election). Grants totalled $16, 505.15 were approved.

The deadline for applications to the third round is 21 February 2014.

Freemans Bay Residents Association

Congratulations to the latest Residents Association to be formed in our area. It has been a pleasure assisting the residents who have enthusiastically taken on the task of promoting and protecting the citizens of Freemans Bay. I attended the Association’s well attended first public meeting in December and answered queries.

More information at

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings were attended during December and January relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below.

Other board activities

Local Board Agreement

Council’s consultation on the draft Annual Plan got underway on 23 January and continues until 24 February 2014. As part of the Annual Plan each local board agrees with Auckland Council’s governing body on the funding for local activities and the local service levels for the coming year.

The draft Local Board agreement and details of proposed projects and budget changes is available on the Annual plan website

Unitary Plan

The Board hosted a workshop on 29 January to assist with making submissions on the Unitary Plan. I thought the workshop was useful for explaining the process and giving our community representatives the opportunity to raise issues and concerns.

Submissions can be made until the end of February

Workshops and meetings

In the period 1 December – 31 January I attended:

  • Local Board grants workshop on 2 December
  • Local Board workshop on 3 December
  • Meeting with the Newmarket Community Association on 3 December
  • Freemans Bay Residents Association public meeting on 3 December
  • Meeting to discuss Transport consultations on 4 December
  • Meeting with Ken Clive regarding SH16 widening project
  • Review of the Ponsonby Road masterplan meeting on 4 December
  • Site visit with Arch Hill residents to discuss safety and maintenance concerns on Waima Street
  • Waterfront Forum on 5 December at Shed 10 – developing a new form of partnership
  • Newmarket Business Association meet and greet at the Board office on 5 December
  • Localised carbon reduction plan for Waitemata local board area discussion on draft and next steps
  • Introductory ATEED meeting on 6 December
  • Site visit with John Street resident on 6 December to discuss parking on the footpath
  • Kids in the City (Project: Children Researching Children) presentation by 6 children  (aged 10-12) on findings from research they conducted this year on various aspects of what it’s like for children living in /around the Auckland CBD. This pilot research was funded by Massey University and Auckland Council
  • Ponsonby Road draft masterplan feedback – report to the Ponsonby Road masterplan working group at the Local Board office on 9 December
  • Pioneer Women’s Hall needs assessment presentation on 10 December
  • Waitemata Local Board monthly business meeting on 10 December 2013  at the Local Board office, Graham Street
  • Meeting with the General Manager of the Ponsonby Business Association on 11 December
  • Briefing of local board members on the Sky path project on 12 December
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 12 December
  • Workshop – Low Carbon Auckland: To seek feedback from Councillors and Local Board representatives on the proposed draft Auckland Energy Resilience and Low Carbon Action Plan (titled ‘Low Carbon Auckland’).  Engagement with the incoming Councillors/ Local Board representatives was requested by Councillors and Local Board representatives who attended a workshop held on 19 June 2013 when an initial draft action plan was discussed.
  • Meeting with Cheryll Martin, GM at Volunteering Auckland on 12 December
  • Seminar on the second release of 2013 Census data held by RIMU on 13 December
  • Community-led Placemaking Champions Group meeting on 13 December
  • Waterfront Auckland workshop for Local Board members and Councillors on the development plans Wynyard Central
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 17 December
  • Attended the Governing Body meeting on 19 December 2013 and spoke in support of Skypath.
  • Update on Costley Reserve playground upgrade/concept plan  and Playground Design and consultation for the play space renewals projects programmed for 2013/2014
  • Transport catch up on 14 January
  • Meeting to discuss the draft Waitemata Local Board Transport Engagement Plan on 20 January
  • Meeting to discuss Art Station
  • Site meeting with a mosaic artist to discuss a mural in the Grey Lynn toilets
  • Waitemata Local Board tour on 23 January
  • Unitary Plan workshop discussion on 24 January
  • Meeting to discuss Local Board Plan timetable
  • Waitemata Local Board workshop on 28 January
  • Ponsonby Community centre Board meeting on 28 January
  • Monthly Transport portfolio meeting on 29 January
  • Board hosted Public Workshop: Making Submissions on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan on 29 January
  • SkyPath – meeting on 29 January with local residents groups to discuss the patronage review results
  • Meeting to discuss community leases under consideration 30 January
  • Workshop on the Local Government Act (LGA) Amendment Bill (no 3) and opportunity for Local Board input in to the council’s submission on 31 January
  • Meeting to discuss Neighbours Day with the Community Development portfolio on 31 January

Events and functions

In the period 1 December 2013 – 31 January 2014 I attended:

  • Opening of the Franklin Road Christmas lights on 1 December 2013
  • Official party at the Citizenship Ceremony at the Town Hall on 3 December 2013
  • Annette Isbey exhibition opening at the Central Library on 4 December
  • Cycle Action Associates breakfast at the Auckland Art Gallery on 5 December
  • Outlook for Someday Awards at the Aotea Centre  on 6 December at the invitation of Connected Media (I am a trustee of Connected Media)
  • Beating of the Bounds – walk of the Waitemata Local Board boundary from Meola Reef to Pt Resolution bridge  on 7 December
  • Carols by Candlelight at Western Park on Sunday 8 December delivered by the Board
  • GLBA Christmas lunch on 10 December
  • Auckland Conversations: New Zealand’s Climate Change and Oceans – Professor Sir Peter Gluckman on 12 December
  • Grey Lynn 2030 Christmas lunch and annual public meeting on 18 December
  • Sugartree development Christmas function (at the invitation of Sugartree)
  • Memorial gathering for the victim of the crash at the intersection of Parnell Rise and the Strand
  • Big Day out at Western Springs on 17  January (two tickets provided by Regional Facilities)
  • International Buskers Festival VIP Night Show at the invitation of Crackerjack Productions on 25 January
  • On Anniversary Day  I enjoyed checking out all the activities along the waterfront including the Ports of Auckland festival at Captain Cook Wharf, Seafood Festival at the Viaduct Events centre, Buskers International Festival and Laneways
  • Auckland Conversations: Auckland’s Economic Development – Greg Clark – Global Cities Advisor

End of Beating the Bounds on Pt Resolution Bridge

Monthly board report September 2012

Covering activities from 1 August – 31 August 2012


  • Transport (West including Regional portfolio) with Greg Moyle
  • Community (including Regional portfolio) with Tricia Reade
  • Chair, Grants Committee
  • Member of the Isthmus Local Board Joint Funding Committee
  • Positions: Grey Lynn Business Association, Newmarket Business Association (alternate)

Portfolio reports


Monthly transport update

The monthly Transport catch up was held with the Transport portfolio and relevant officers from Auckland Transport on 16 August. We covered:

  • Footpath renewals – explanation of how the programme is scheduled (we are waiting to receive the final programme which has been delayed due to budget changes).
  • Auckland Transport CBD Streetscape Team update (this team has recently moved into AT from Council)
  • Cycling and walking improvements proposed for the Domain (refer agenda item)

The issues discussed are reported back monthly by AT on our public agenda.

Waitemata Local Board new footpath priorities 2012-13

Auckland Transport has allocated around $3 million per year in the Regional Land Transport Programme to construct new footpaths. Local Boards have been invited to assist in establishing the new footpath programme by providing proposals to Auckland Transport.  The attached memo outlines the proposal for a footpath on Judges Bay Road extension that I have submitted on behalf of the Board.

A number of issues have been referred to Auckland Transport this month regarding footpath patching following the installation of ultra-fast broadband by Chorus, traffic concerns resulting from the opening of Farro Fresh on Westmorland Street in Grey Lynn and parking enforcement in parks.


Affordable Housing

I attended two excellent presentations during August on the subject of affordable housing.  George Housakos, CEO of Urban Communities Ltd, Victoria, Australia spoke at a lunchtime learning event about building mixed tenure communities.  He shared valuable experience about making the most of business streams that are the key to the success of a mixed tenure project. He highlighted that it makes good business sense to bring everyone to the table and to develop a management and delivery structure that involves the owners.

I also attended the launch of the Salvation Army Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit’s paper Adding it all up- Political Economy of Auckland’s Housing by Alan Johnson. Ian Shirley, Pro vice Chancellor of AUT introduced the author. The paper seeks to analyse the underlying institutional and philosophical reasons for the Auckland’s current housing shortage and makes specific points for action by Auckland Council to work towards building affordable housing.

Community Development

I attended the breakfast seminar with Jim Diers, a community development practitioner from Seattle, who was jointly hosted by Auckland Council and Inspiring Communities. His focus is on building strong communities and neighbourhoods from the ground up. His presentation “Community Power unleashed” was inspiring and extremely relevant to Auckland and many of the initiatives we are supporting as a Board. Some of the points I took away:

  • Encourage active citizens – not just ratepayers
  • Move from silos at Council (in Seattle he started a Department of Neighbourhoods) –
  • Start with the community’s strengths NOT needs

I was really interested to learn about the Seattle neighbourhood matching funds scheme (currently $4.5m) that allows any group or individual to create one-off projects. This scheme has seen some fantastic projects get developed without creating dependency on Council.

Also relevant to our Board projects was his advice about how to encourage community driven planning where neighbourhood plans are locally initiated and developed. The Council provides funding and technical assistance but the community hires their own planners, defines the scope of work and drives the plan throughout the process. Jim Diers gave examples of this approach working successfully in Seattle where the implementation has happened and the resources of the Council and the community have multiplied as a result.


There were a number of workshops in August looking at the future direction of our libraries and the work being undertaken by the department to contribute to the vision of the Auckland Plan. At the workshop for all Boards on 29 August we had the opportunity to learn from and discuss with senior staff the long term direction for libraries, trends, focus for 2012/13, library facilities planning, programmes and events – regional/local, digital developments, library collections, local history heritage and archival collections. I am impressed that the Libraries team are really getting to grips with the challenges and opportunities arising from the move from the information age, with books as the central feature, to the knowledge society.  Allison Dobbie, Manager Libraries and Information, spoke about libraries moving to being high touch, high tech, high use, high engagement and making content (in whatever form) fully accessible . I think she is right that library space is as relevant as ever and can fulfil a role in the community that no other agency can.

Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio

A range of meetings and presentations were attended during August relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below including a presentation by students on their research project-  Women’s Safety: Myer’s Park and Newmarket Train Station Square and the Local Settlement Network meeting.

Other board activities


Work is now underway on the Board’s project to develop greenways and greenlinks throughout the Board to connect our open space and parks and to create safe options for walking and cycling and provide for ecological benefits. During August we had 3 workshops with members from Transport and Parks and Council officers who are working on developing a map of potential greenways. Workshops are continuing every fortnight.

LGNZ Zone One Meeting

I attended the Zone One meeting in Orewa on 24 August on behalf of the Board.  Presentations included:

  • Public Libraries of NZ – Strategic Framework
  • Sally Davenport from the NZ Productivity Commission  –  to discuss the Local government regulatory performance issues paper
  • LGNZ update from Malcolm Alexander, CEO of LGNZ

I found this Zone meeting to be the most worthwhile of the three I have now attended as it directly addressed local board issues and allowed for meaningful discussion involving local board members.

Grey Lynn Park

The Grey Lynn Park Advisory group met for the first time under the new Council structure. Members of the group have been frustrated at the lack of action in the Park and brought their concerns to our Board meeting in July. A number of issues have now been progressed as a result of the meeting and we are looking to continue on a quarterly basis going forward. I assisted member Chalmers in writing a letter to neighbours of Grey Lynn Park regarding the proposed fruit tree planting to take place on 15 September.  25 letters were delivered by my partner Paul on a voluntary basis.

Local Board workshops and meetings


  • Greenways workshops on 2, 16 and 30th August
  • Meeting with members of the Newmarket Protection Society regarding Station Square
  • Grey Lynn Park Advisory Group meeting on 6 August at the Richmond Rovers Clubrooms
  • Local Board workshop on 7 August
  • Women’s Safety: Myer’s Park and Newmarket Train Station Square Report presented by students of Auckland University to the community portfolio and community development officers on 10 August ·
  • Waitemata Communications update 14 August ·
  • Libraries Future Directions meeting on 14 August (community portfolio)
  • Local Board monthly  public meeting on 14 August in Parnell
  • Monthly catch up with officers from Community Development and Partnerships Central on 15 August ·
  • Graffiti Vandalism – Local Boards cluster workshop on 15 August to be briefed on the Auckland Graffiti Vandalism Prevention Plan July 2012
  •  Auckland Transport presentation to Heart of the City on the City Centre Parking Scheme consultation results on 15 August
  • Monthly transport portfolio catch ups with Auckland Transport on 16 August ·
  • Ponsonby development briefing by Progressive on 17 August ·
  • The health of children and young people in Auckland – research presented by Liz Craig ·
  • Meeting with the new E&B Reporter, Karina Abadia ·
  • Community Unleashed – a breakfast seminar with Jim Diers on 21 August ·
  • CMP Khyber Pass follow up meeting with Waitemata Local Board 23 August ·
  • Parnell Trust meeting on 23 August ·
  •  LGNZ Zone One meeting in Orewa on 24 August ·
  • Meeting with the Waitemata Local Board Relationship Manager 27 August (filling in for the Chair) ·
  • ATEED Tourism Industry Update at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on 27 August ·
  • Local Board and Libraries Workshop at Henderson on 29 August ·
  • Local Settlement meeting Community Connectedness – collaboration to help newcomers to feel connected to our community organised by Settlement Support New Zealand on 30 August ·
  • Child Play Spaces Meeting with the Public Art team on 30 August

Events and functions

I attended the following events and functions during August:

  • Cycle Action’s Associates Breakfast at the Art Gallery on 2 August
  • First Thursdays on K’rd
  • Opening of Powerflowers by Paul Hartigan in the Bledisloe walkway on Friday 3 August
  • Grey Power public meeting at the Flicking Centre with speakers David Shearer and Winston Peters on 7 August
  • Grey Lynn Business Association August networking drinks at Café O
  • Red carpet night in West Lynn
  • City Centre Masterplan and Waterfront Plan launch at the Cloud on 10 August
  • Lighting up celebrations of the new “3 Lamps” at Three Lamps in Ponsonby on 10 August
  • Auckland Conversation with George Housakos, CEO of Urban Communities Ltd, Victoria, Australia on 13 August
  • Bio- diversity Strategy launch at the Town Hall on 15 August (photo right)
  •  Auckland Transport Blog fundraiser movie “Urbanize”
  •  Citizenship ceremony on 20 August at the Town Hall (photo right)
  • Parent Action Group meeting at Western Springs College regarding the new school development and community consultation 21 August
  • Political Economy of Auckland’s Housing 23 August at AUT
  • 2012 Roading Excellence Awards Dinner at the Langham – Auckland Council Shared Space projects won the medium road project category and the Kitchener St Upgrade project was a finalist (minor road category)
  • Table talk at the Kitchen on 29 August – presentations by social innovators and change makers
  • Launch of the SugarTree – a $250m residential and commercial development on Nelson Street Recommendation