Covering activities 1 December 2011 – 31 January 2012
Portfolio Reports
In early December I attended the Auckland Walking Seminar – stepping into the future hosted by Auckland Transport. Guest speaker Rodney Tolley outlined why a good walking environment is a pre-condition for an economically healthy city. (resolution WTM 2011/321 approved the registration costs be paid from the professional development budget). A full report of this seminar is marked as Attachment A.
During December I also attended:
- Meeting with Auckland Transport for an update on the response to the revised 020 bus route consultation and proposed changes to the service;
- The quarterly Walking and Cycling Forum hosted by Auckland Transport with a range of presentations
- Parnell District School Travel plan launch on 7 December
- Auckland Rail electrification project update
- Governing Body’s Transport committee
In December new textured surfaces were installed on Ponsonby Road by Auckland Transport at the request of the Transport portfolio to encourage motorists to drive to the 40km speed limit.
On 17 January a briefing was held with board members to outline the feedback from the St Marys Bay resident parking scheme consultation.
The Transport portfolio monthly briefings with Auckland Transport representatives re-commenced on 26 January. Full details of current proposals and issues are outlined in Auckland Transport’s monthly report attached to the Board agenda (available at under agendas).
The community portfolio is working to identify what Council property is available to be used for community facilities and to ensure that potential community purposes take precedence over commercial arrangements. To this end it was confirmed at our December Board meeting that we are looking to the community lease team to consider options for the Campbell Free Kindergarten (newly restored by NZTA) by holding an open day to gather feedback from the community on possible uses.
At our December Board meeting we also took further steps towards becoming an accessible local board. With the support of Member Thomas we have requested Democracy Services to report back on options to ensure all online content is fully accessible electronically.
I attended
- Meeting with the Manager Community Development and Partnerships to discuss programmes
- Neighbours Day Aotearoa planning meeting on 8 December
- Open day at The Kitchen – a new shared working space for social entrepreneurs in Ponsonby
I also attended the Getting Our Rubbish Sorted – Seminar organised by Civic Trust Auckland on 17 January and have taken a close interest in submissions on the Auckland Council’s draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan which were due by 31 January.
Grants Committee
The Committee met to consider applications to the second round of community grants funding 2011/12. A total of $25, 345 was recommended in grants to the Waitemata Local Board ordinary meeting on 13 December 2011. The minutes of the meeting are available here.
Grey Lynn Business Association
Attended the GLBA networking drinks and a strategy session with committee members in December and the first meeting of the year for the GLBA committee on 24 January.
Newmarket Business Association
I attended the final meeting of the year as the alternative on the Board (thank you NBA for the bottle of wine!).
Other board activities
Local Board Workshops
- Waitemata Local Board workshop on 6 December
- Waitemata Local Board workshop on 22 December to work on the draft Local Board Agreement
- Waitemata Local Board workshop on 31 January
Professional development
I attended:
- the IPANZ Auckland One Year on Conference on 13 December
- A Community Economic Development /Social Economy Forum
- Auckland Conversation – Peter Gluckman: Innovation through science
Official Engagements
Represented the Board, together with member Dempsey, at the 3rd Auckland Northern Battalion Group Charter Parade on 3 December 2011
Events and functions
I attended the following events and functions during December:
- The Outlook for Someday film challenge awards at the Aotea Centre
- Franklin Road Christmas Lights
- The Twits at Q Theatre (at the invite of ATC)
- Heart of the City Christmas party
- GLBA networking drinks on 8 December
- Grey Lynn Christmas Cheer street party on 9 December
- Ponsonby Market Day
- Telstraclear Clip on Challenge – bike ride over the Auckland Harbour Bridge with the Mayor on 11 December
- Centenary Concert for the100th Anniversary of the Town Hall on 14 December
- 50th anniversary of St Joseph’s Parish, Grey Lynn service and lunch on 16 December.
- Auckland Communities Foundation Christmas gathering
I also enjoyed everything the Auckland Waterfront has to offer on Auckland Anniversary day including the Regatta, Buskers Festival and Seafood Festival.