High score for draft Waitemata Local Board Plan

The draft Waitemata Local Board Plan has now been out for a week for consultation and so far the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

Yesterday at a presentation on the priorities, initiatives and projects we are proposing for the next 3 years one attendee gave us a score of 92% (thank you Mr Houtman from OurHood and passionate tram advocate!).

The draft plan is full of innovative and creative ideas put forward by the community that will make the central areas of Auckland the best place to live, work and play. Across all the priorities is a strong sustainability and environmental focus.

We now need to make sure that this initial enthusiasm translates into submissions so we end up with a robust final plan with broad support. And of course we also need to know what locals don’t like in the draft plan. Already a number of areas for improvement have been raised; for example more focus on the needs of older people, clarification about the Board’s role in supporting business and better recognition of Pacifika culture.

Submissions can be made online here

The plan is available on the Auckland Council website or email pippa.coom@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz if you would like me to send you a hard copy.  

Auckland Council Media Release
1 July 2011

Blueprint to shape future of local communities

Better heritage protection, slower speeds on some residential streets, a Parnell to Meola Reef coastal walkway, and a network of cycle ways are among the community priorities reflected in a new local blueprint for Waitemata.

The initiatives form part of a draft local board plan prepared by Waitemata Local Board, which sets out the aspirations and priorities of the communities in Auckland’s city centre and inner suburbs and will guide decisions the local board makes on what happens in the area over the next three years and beyond.

A summary of the draft plan, with a submission form, is being posted to every home in Waitemata in the week beginning 4 July.

Waitemata Local Board Chair Shale Chambers says the ground-breaking plan is a blueprint that will shape the future of the local community.

“From enhancing Pt Erin Pool and developing a coastal walkway to prioritising healthy transport options and moves to better protect our heritage buildings, this plan reflects the priorities of the people of Waitemata as we work towards developing and fostering vibrant, connected and sustainable communities.”

Local board plans, which are being prepared by each of Auckland’s 21 local boards, will feed into other key Auckland Council plans, such as the Auckland Plan and Long Term Plan 2012-22.

“I encourage the people of Waitemata to look at the draft plan and let your local board know before August 8 whether it’s on the right track.  We will listen and decide what changes will be made to the plan before a final version is adopted in October,” Mr Chambers says.

Submissions can be made online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/haveyoursay, or by returning a completed form to a public library, council service centre or by post using the freepost envelope provided.

Copies of your draft local board plan are available at:       

  •         public libraries, council service centres and local board offices
  •         online at www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/haveyoursay
  •         Auckland Council customer centre – call toll free (09) 301 0101

Submissions close at 4pm on Monday 8 August. At a later date local boards will hold hearings to consider submissions.