General update
My Councillor report covers the period from 6 November to 6 December 2021. It has been prepared for the December business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.
The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the public and local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events, regional consultations, media updates and key issues. This is my final report for 2021.
- Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
- Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
- Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
- Board Member, LGNZ National Council and Auckland Zone co-chair
- Member, Auckland Domain Committee
- Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
- Member, Joint Governance Working Party
- Member, Climate Political Reference Group
- Member, Waste Political Advisory Group
- All Councillors are members of the Planning, CCO Oversight, Finance & Performance and the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committees
- At the time of writing this report, Auckland has emerged from 107 days of lockdown. On December 3rd, Auckland entered the Covid-19 Protection Framework at the Red setting. At Red setting, all Council’s staffed services and facilities will require the use of vaccination passes until at least 17 January 2022. All Council meetings and workshops are continuing online until the end of the year.
- I was acting Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee meetings during November and chaired the final Committee meeting of the year on 2 December
- Transport Emissions Reduction Plan progress report received at the meeting confirmed Auckland’s emission are not remotely tracking in line with the target to reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2030.
Major pieces of the work progressed during the month include adoption of the Age-Friendly Tamaki Makaurau Action Plan, Council’s submission on the Enabling Housing Supply Bill, Council’s submission on Te hau mārohi ki anamata – Transitioning to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future (I was a signatory to the submission), adoption of the Water Strategy Framework and the Annual Budget 2022/23 Mayoral Proposal with a billion-dollar climate action package was announced (it was unanimously supported to go out for consultation at the Governing Body meeting on 8 December)
- Consultation opened on 3 December seeking Aucklander’s views on how the government might set up a new water entity for Auckland (and the northern councils). Feedback on the Three Waters Reform is open until 19 December.
- A groundbreaking new poll was released showing huge public support for measures to protect and restore the Hauraki Gulf, Tīkapa Moana, Te Moananui-ā-Toi.
It has been a demanding year dominated by the pandemic response and an extensive lockdown. I’m sure everyone is looking forward to a rest and a fresh start to 2022. Ngā mihi o te wā season’s greetings ki a koutou.
Governing Body meetings – Key decisions
The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only of key decisions.
On 11 November the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee
- Received a presentation on Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment Fund 2021/2022 and approved $300,000 from the 2021/2022 Sport and Recreation Facility Investment Fund to be managed by Community Facilities as part of a targeted sports field investment programme.
- Received the annual Auckland Council Group Māori Outcomes Report: Te Pūrongo a Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau Ngā Huanga Māori 2020-2021
- Endorsed the Te Kete Rukuruku programme and process for Māori naming of regional parks, noting that it supports the visibility of te reo Māori and seeks to capture and tell the unique stories of Tāmaki Makaurau.
- Adopted the Tāmaki tauawhi kaumātua – Age-friendly Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland Action Plan.
- Received the indicative business case for aquatic provision in Albert-Eden, and agreed that no further investigation of investment options to maintain aquatic services in the Albert-Eden Local Board area as part of a detailed business case be undertaken.
On 23 November the Council Controlled Organisations Oversight Committee
- Received the 2021/2022 first quarter reports of the substantive Council-controlled Organisations and Ports of Auckland Limited
- Received the update on the implementation programme for the Council-controlled Organisations Review
- Considered under confidentiality the Unsolicited Bid Guidelines – Report back of bid
On 25 November the Governing Body
- Received a COVID-19 briefing and Auckland Emergency Management status update from Phil Wilson, Acting Controller Auckland Emergency Management
- Adopted the recommended new Public Trading, Events and Filming Bylaw
- Adopted the recommended amendments to Animal Management Bylaw 2015 and associated controls
- Adopted the recommended amendments to Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw 2015
- Approved the transfer of the ex-Glenfield Bowling Club buildings at Ross Reserve, Glenfield to Pest Free Kaipātiki Restoration Society.
On 30 November the Planning Committee
- Received a presentation from the Herne Bay Residents Association Inc about the nuisance caused by helipads (I have also received a substantial number of emails from Waiheke on this matter). I have confirmed that I share the community’s concern around the environmental and social impact of helicopter landings and take-offs in residential areas. I am looking at what follow-up action to amend the Unitary Plan can be taken in the new year
- Endorsed Eke Panuku as the lead agency for the implementation of the City Centre Masterplan 2020, by adding the city centre to the Eke Panuku Waterfront Transform location.
On 2 December the Environment and Climate Change Committee
- Adopted the Auckland Water Strategy Framework as the core content for a new Auckland Water Strategy brought to committee for consideration and adoption in the first half of 2022.
- Received a progress update on the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan. The following is the resolution in full as it is a significant piece of work and the Committee supported the early implementation of actions. I added e) iv) as a chairs recommendation to progress work by AT to leverage renewals to reduce emissions and realise co-benefits from safer streets.
That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:
a) tuhi /note the progress update provided on the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan, in particular the scale of the challenge to meet Auckland’s transport emissions reduction target and that every available lever will have to be pulled as hard as possible to meet that target
b) tuhi /note the emphasis that Auckland Transport is already placing on climate change
c) tuhi /note that mode shift is the most powerful lever for reducing transport emissions, and that some action can be taken in advance of having an emission reduction pathway endorsed
d) request Auckland Council staff to progress the following actions, and to report back to the Environment and Climate Change Committee in March 2022 with a progress update:
i)an investigation into council’s own corporate mobility to ensure alignment with the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan, which would cover, amongst other things, the provision of corporate car parking
ii)further and more detailed research into all people’s willingness and ability to change travel behaviour, taking note of the equity implications of mode shift, the barriers that people face, and the importance of a just transition
iii) an investigation into a methodology and feasibility of a region-wide spatial assessment of access via walking, cycling and public transport
e) Requested Auckland Transport and Auckland Council staff jointly progress the following for early delivery and report back to the Transport Emissions Reference Group with a progress update in March 2022:
i)development of a public communications campaign on climate change to present a vision of a low carbon transport system and build momentum for action
ii)a tactical behavioural change programme focused on mode shift to public transport and active modes, for implementation as soon as possible
iii) work to ensure that all capital and renewals projects on corridors designated as part of the Future Connect active modes strategic networks include safe walking, cycling and micro-mobility infrastructure
iv) the use of the renewals programme to deliver improved outcomes for sustainable transport modes, including a summary of work already underway, any impediments to taking this approach across the entire renewals programme, and the actions required to overcome these impediments
v)the development of a pipeline of active and public transport projects that could be ready for delivery to capitalise on any potential funding injection from central government
vi)an investigation into the feasibility of different options of public transport fare reductions for particular groups in advance of Government providing further details on its commitment to reducing public transport fares
vii) an assessment of how the faster roll-out of the public transport related minor infrastructure programme could be resourced
- Received the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan Progress Report, November 2021 and noted despite the progress being made, as shown in the Progress Report, Auckland’s emission are not remotely tracking in line with the target to reduce emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and that work on the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan shows the stark reality of the scale of the challenge and the level of intervention required and that more work and investment will be required
- Allocated Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund, and Regional Environment and Natural Heritage grants
On 2 December the Extraordinary Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee
- Adopted the draft Regional Parks Management Plan for public consultation (now out for consultation until 4 March 2022)
Other meetings 6 November to 6 December 2021
- On 8 November I attended a CCO Oversight Committee briefing from Auckland Unlimited.
- On 9 November I chaired the Waste Advisory Political Group.
- On 10 November I attended the Waiheke Community Forum where the forum received a presentation from Living Waters on emergency accommodation.
- On 12 November I attended
- LGNZ Sector update for Mayors, Chairs and Chief Executives.
- Staff briefing on the Wai Horotiu Queen Street project
- Meeting with Minister David Parker and all Auckland Councillors where RMA Reform, Taxation Bill, and a ban on public sale and use of fireworks (not supported by the Minister) were discussed.
- On 16 November I presented my monthly councillor report to the Waitematā Local Board business meeting.
- Also on 16 November I attended a CCO Oversight Committee briefing from Eke Panuku.
- On 17 November I attended an extraordinary business meeting of the Waiheke Local Board.
- On 18 November I received a presentation from Seniors Climate Action Network called ‘Thriving within Planetary Boundaries – A Framework for Aotearoa/NZ – Net Zero Emissions by 2030’
- On 22 November I chaired the meeting of the Climate Political Reference Group.
Advisory Panel co-chairs and Governing Body members Also on 22 November I attended a meeting of the Advisory Panel co-chairs and Governing Body members where the following were discussed:
- Recovery and resilience/communities living with covid
- Climate change and sustainability
- Diversity in employment and leadership including civic participation in elections
- On 24 November I presented my monthly councillor report to the Waiheke Local Board business meeting.
- On 25 November I attended
- meeting with AT’s Connected Communities Team regarding and received an update on plans for Great North Road.
- A catch up with Waikehe Local Board members.
- A meeting with Waka Kotahi representatives to receive an update on Newton Road.
- On 3 December I attended the LGNZ National Council meeting.
- On 6 December I attended the Governing Body / Independent Māori Statutory Board joint meeting and the joint Governing Body / Local Board Chairs meeting
Event highlights – all online!
Aotea GBI Schools Marine project presenting to an audience of over 100 stakeholders from the island and beyond On 12 November I was a guest speaker at the Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM
- On 19 November I was a presenter at the Wynyard Quarter Neighbours’ Forum celebrating 10 years of Wynyard Quarter (My speech is attached to my report on the local board agenda).
- On 25 November I attended the Mayoral Conservation Awards as a judge and presented the Penny Hulse Supreme Environmental Award to Aotea GBI Schools Marine project.
- On 30 November attended Auckland Conversations – Ka hao te rangatahi: The new net goes fishing
On 3 December I gave the opening address at the Enviroschools Celebrations for 2021 ‘Papatuanuku is breathing’. (My speech is attached to my report on the local board agenda)
- On 6 December I attended the Three Waters webinar consultation event
Hauraki Gulf Forum
A groundbreaking new poll was released showing huge public support for measures to protect and restore the Hauraki Gulf, Tīkapa Moana, Te Moananui-ā-Toi. The poll of 1020 respondents was conducted by Horizon Research from 27 September to 17 October 2021. Respondents were asked whether the Gulf was important to them, what they valued about it, and whether they supported or opposed the goals of the Hauraki Gulf Forum. The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3 percent. (Attachment 1).
On the same day as the Hauraki Gulf Forum meeting on 29 November we heard the wonderful news that the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries has approved Ngāti Pāoa’s request for a temporary closure around Waiheke. There is no take allowed of scallops, mussels, rock lobster or pāua from the closure area while the notice is in force. It comes into force from 1 December 2021.
The forum supported the rāhui laid down in January and has the ambitious goal of at least 30% marine protection for Tīkapa Moana Te Moananui-ā-Toi.