Thanks Frocks on Bikes – it has been such fun!

Dalston show on bikeIn 2010, together with Unity Finesmith (of Auckland Cycle Chic fame), I took over coordinating Frocks on Bikes  from the fabulous Jasmine Cargill.   Jasmine was one of the founders of the Frock Flock – Aucks (an off shoot of the Frocks on Bikes Mothership in Wellington) as part of a climate action event in 2008.

At the time I was very hesitant about taking on the role as I didn’t have a frocking bike and didn’t feel like a “frocker”. However I soon came to appreciate that Frocks on Bikes is just about getting on a bike what every your style and wardrobe. It is about your destination as much as your journey. It is about fun, convenience and freedom. And over the years I like to think Frocks on Bikes has inspired a whole range of women to give cycling a go for the first time. I love how many more women there are now out there frocking and helping to make Auckland a much better place.   Tonight we have a Frock meet up  to establish a new crew to take over coordinating Frocks on Bikes- Aucks so we can build on past successes and keep the Flock active.  All welcome (or get in touch via FOB website to get involved)

Frocks Celebration of Spring Ponsonby RoadHere are a few of my Frocks on Bikes highlights:

  • Frocks day out – part of Ponsonby Market day in 2009. It felt so wonderful riding for the first time in a big group down Ponsonby Road
  • Becoming the proud owner of my Velorbis bicycle after it was loaned to me for 6 weeks by the Urban Bicycle Company to help promote FOB
  • The first ever Cycle Style Auckland in 2010 – thanks to an amazing crew we managed to pull off an awesome show (I still love watching the video)
  • Try my bike wine and cheese evenings – fabulous combination to encourage women to give cycling a go on frock friendly bikes
  • Winning the Cycle Friendly awards in 2010 for Cycle Style
  • Appearing in Next magazine all glammed up
  • Pecha Kucha presentation on Frocks on Bikes on a hot summer night in Gisborne
  • FrocksOnBikes_emailBespoke at Silo Park in March 2013 – officially my last Frocks on Bikes event

Thank you to everyone who has been such  a huge part of Frocks on Bikes- Aucks and helped to make it so much fun.

Special mention thanks to Unity (co-coordinator until 2012) , Hilleke (our mothership support person) and Jena (Cycle Action Auckland)