Grey Lynn vs Bunnings

Cr Mike Lee presents at the Bunnings hearing
Cr Mike Lee presents at the Bunnings hearing

The NZ Herald gave Shelley Bridgeman space on Thursday to express her views on the Bunnings proposal for Arch Hill. And then invited readers to have their say. I’ve tried to add my comment several times but it is not going up. I’ve asked NZ Herald to give a reason but not received a response.

So here is my comment:

Shelley you have completely mis-represented what the fight against Bunnings is about. The Bunnings mega store proposal is for a non-complying activity in a MIxed Use zone that abuts the Res 1 neighbourhood of Arch Hill. The scale of the activity is not intended under the district plan in a mixed use zone.

Bunnings operations will effectively turn Dean Street in to a service lane. At a minimum there are going to be 35 trucks a day seeking to enter this narrow street.

Before characterising Arch Hill and Grey Lynn residents as precious NIMBYs I would suggest you look at the strong reasons presented to decline the Bunnings application. The evidence from the experts is compelling.

It is in the interests of everyone that the inner city Great North Road ridge continues to develop as a retail/commercial/residential mix as intended (which is already starting to happen).

Bunnings are welcome to operate in an appropriate zone. However in this instance we should be applauding all those who are fighting this development at great personal cost and not denigrating them.

Pippa Coom, Tricia Reade, Christopher Dempsey with Sue Lyons at the Arch Hill fundraising street party