Waitematā has become the first Local Board to launch a community low carbon action plan. The plan came out of community concern about the lack of action on climate change that led to the Board in 2011 committing to develop a localised plan for reducing emissions that will focus on reducing energy use, sustainable transport options, waste reduction, local food production and more effective and cooperative use of resources and land.
On Wednesday 4 November the plan and a Low Carbon Community Network was launched by the Board at the Auckland Museum. The network is intended as a loose collaboration of all
those interested in climate change and forging a low carbon community. The Board aims to make the most of sharing the considerable ideas, news and events which make up our collective local knowledge.
At the launch the Museum’s Director of Corporate Servicecs Les Fleming described the huge success they have had in reducing their carbon footprint and took attendees on the roof to see the solar array which is contributing to their effort.
Becoming a Low Carbon Community: An action Plan.
Auckland Council Media release
28 October 2015
Waitematā is becoming a low carbon community
Waitematā is the first local board to create a localised carbon reduction plan which supports the region’s 10 year Energy Resilience and Low Carbon Action Plan.
Becoming a Low Carbon Community: An Action Plan, will be officially launched at the Auckland War Memorial Museum on November 4, 2015. The venue was chosen because it showcases energy resilient practices that are beneficial for both an organisation and the environment. Guest speaker Roy Clare, Director of the Museum, will talk about the museum’s initiatives and invite guests to a tour of the building’s roof-top solar panels.
The Low Carbon Action Plan provides a guide on how, from a local level, greenhouse emissions can be reduced through efficient energy use in both new and older buildings, smart reuse of waste products, sustainable transport options, local food production and through enhancing tree coverage.
“This plan is a positive step towards the region’s transformation to an energy-resilient low carbon city” says Deborah Yates, Waitematā Local Board member leading this project.
“We will also be launching a Low Carbon Community Network, which will bring together organisations, businesses, individuals and council staff to share their knowledge and work together on making better use of energy and reducing carbon.”
Rob Thomas, local board member who contributed to the plan, believes that “now more than ever there is a concerted global urgency to support communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb the rise in global temperatures,” and that “more New Zealand communities need to take up the challenge.”
Waitematā Local Board Chair Shale Chambers describes Waitematā as “an environmentally astute community, many businesses and schools already have practices in place that are low carbon effective. This plan aims to encourage such activities and support those who would like to do more.
“The whole community needs to get behind making the changes needed to transform Auckland and reach the target of 40 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. It also aligns with Council’s empowered communities’ strategy.”
A copy of the Low Carbon Action Plan can be downloaded from the Auckland Council website here, printed copies can be collected from the Waitematā Local Board Graham Street office.