General update
- My Councillor report, covering the period from 31 January until 29 February 2020, is prepared for the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards’ March business meeting agendas.
- The purpose of my report is to share key information with the local boards including governing body activities, attendance at events, conferences and meetings, regional consultations, media activities and ward issues I have been following up on. I also declare all gifts in my report regardless of value.
Governing Body and Committee meetings*
The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website here.
Planning Committee on 4 February 2020
- Approved Auckland Council’s submission on the Land Transport (Rail) legislation bill
- Approved approach to the Auckland Council’s submission on the Urban Development Bill
Governing Body on 12 and 27 February 2020
- Adopted the Draft Tūpuna Maunga Operational Plan 2020/2021
- Adopted the consultation material and supporting documentation for Annual Budget 2020/2021
- Adopted the amendments to the Revenue and Financing Policy
- Approved the draft submission to the Justice Committee’s inquiry into the 2019 Local Elections and Liquor Licensing Trust Elections, and Recent Energy Trust Elections
- Approved the submission on funding options for Fire and Emergency New Zealand
CCO Oversight Committee on 18 February
Received the updated report on the CCO Review work programme and requested the report be circulated to local boards
Auckland Domain Committee on 25 February
- Requested staff explore costs and possible funding to implement recommendations in the master plan
- Requested staff investigate options to meet the shortfall for the Accessible Improvement Programme (aiming to improve walking and cycling in the Domain)
*Note: This is not intended to be a complete summary of all governing body and committee meetings. Refer Auckland Council’s website for full details
Hauraki Gulf Forum
- The Hauraki Gulf Forum is a statutory body, which promotes and facilitates integrated management and the protection and enhancement of the Hauraki Gulf, under the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000.
- Hauraki Gulf Forum members are representatives of the Ministers of Conservation, Fisheries and Māori Development, elected representatives of Auckland Council (7 in total including representatives from Waiheke Local Board and Aotea Great Barrier), Waikato Regional Council, Thames-Coromandel, Hauraki, Waikato and Matamata-Piako District Councils and 6 representatives of the tangata whenua of the Hauraki Gulf and its islands appointed by the Minister of Conservation.
- At the first Hauraki Gulf Forum meeting of the term on 17 February the historic decision was made to adopt a co-governance model with co-chairs (one elected by all forum members and one co-chair recommended by the tangata whenua representatives). I was delighted to be elected one of the co-chairs.
- The ‘State of our Gulf 2020’ report released on 27 February by the Hauraki Gulf Forum puts a spotlight on the ongoing environmental degradation facing the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. (Attachment 1: Media Release from the Hauraki Gulf Forum: The Hauraki Gulf is hurting and needs our help)
Events and other meetings
- Attended a range of meetings with the Environment and Climate Change Committee Chair in my role as Deputy Chair
First Mayor and Councillors catch up of the year held on 3 February I attend a weekly chairs’ catch up with the Mayor and a fortnightly Mayor and Councillors catch up
- I have a fortnightly meeting for transport updates relating to ward issues
- Attended the LGNZ National Council meeting on 10 February and the Metro Sector meeting (as alternate to the Mayor) on 14 February
- Attended the Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 18 February to give my Councillor’s update
- Met with the Chair of the Environment and Climate Change committee to finalise the Council’s submission on the Reducing waste: A more effective landfill levy paper
On Friday 21 February I hosted a Councillor “clinic” on Waiheke with booked appointment times including meeting Cycle Action Waiheke (photo below), caught up with the Waiheke Community Art Gallery Director, enjoyed a delicious Kai Conscious Cafe lunch, got taken on a site visit to the WWII lookout and historic buildings, popped by the Whitaker’s music museum (gate crashed MP Nikki Kaye’s meeting!) and wrapped up the day meeting local board chair Cath Handley.
- The Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 26 February confirmed Heart of the City’s CEO Viv Beck as chair
- Met with the CCO Review panel on 28 February
- Throughout the month I meet constituents on request and request a range of meetings to follow up on issues raised with me.
I also attended the following events:
Official Opening on 4 February of Te Ipu Kōrero o Maungawhau and Whau Cafe on Maungawhau / Mount Eden hosted by the Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority (photo right with Councillors Bartley, Filipaina and Casey and members of the Authority)
- Waitangi Day ki Ōkahu 2020 festival hosted by Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei
- Farewell reception for Stephen Jacobi from New Zealand China Council at the Northern Club on 10 February
- Scales to Tails dinner hosted by Peter Gordon at the invite of The Sugar Club and Ōra King
- Whales Tales Auckland 2021 launch at the Auckland Art Gallery on 11 February
- Wynyard Quarter Celebration hosted by Willis Bond & Co on 12 February
- Opening by the PM on 13 February of Te Whare Hīnātore, City Mission’s new transitional housing programme, assisting wāhine experiencing homelessness
Minister of Transport Phil Twyford, the Mayor and elected representatives Sod turning for the portal where the boring machine will launch to build the City Rail Link tunnels connecting Mt Eden Station to the new Aotea Station (photo right)
- Opening night of Roger Hall’s play Winding Up at the invitation of Auckland Theatre Company on 13 February
- Sod turning for the start of the Tamaki Drive cycleway on 16 February (photo right the Mayor and Minister of Transport Phil Twyford with the spades)
- Waitematā Local Board’s Myers Park Medley festival on 16 February
- Opening of the Auckland Fringe Festival 2020 on 17 February at Caluzzi Cabaret
- Launch by the Mayor of City Hop’s EV vehicles at the Crowne Plaza on 20 February
- Auckland Museum Medals on 26 February
- Media briefing for the release of the State of the Gulf report by the Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage MP and two of the authors. The report is a major piece of work led by the former Hauraki Gulf Chair John Meeuwsen and Deputy Chair Moana Tamaariki-Pohe.
- Participated on the panel of the Auckland Conversations “Gift of the Gulf” at the RNZYC on 27 February (photo right)
A walk of the Waitematā Local Board boundary on 29 February with Living Streets Aotearoa’s Andy Smith, continuing the tradition of starting the new term with Beating the Bounds – a walk of the boundary to ensure neighbouring local boards haven’t “encroached” over the last three years and to check out projects along the way. I walked with local board members until the point on Newton Road (photo right) where my ward boundary diverges and then walking the shared Ōrākei boundary with Cr Desley Simpson to Tamaki Drive
- Ponsonby Road Street Festival on 29 February
Mayor Phil Goff, Sir Bob Harvey, Covert Theatre Trustee Mike Hutchinson and founder Wade Jackson at the opening of Covert Theatre, Ponsonby Opening Covert Theatre at the invitation of The Yes and Trust
Regional grants
The Regional Event Fund and the Regional Community Development Grants were allocated at the Parks, Arts, Community and Events committee on 13 February.
Regional consultation topics
- The Annual Budget 2020/21 consultation started on 21 February and will continue until 22 March. Have your save events are being held across the region.
- The independent panel appointed to review how well Auckland Council’s CCOs are working is hosting drop-in sessions across the region so Aucklanders can provide their feedback into the review. Consultation on the review closes on 22 March.
- The engagement and consultation documents are available at akhaveyoursay.
Significant issues and ward issues (as at 29 February)
Leys Institute Library Building
- In response to a planned “save the Leys Institute building” protest on 26 February I provided this update:
I appreciate the considerable concerns regarding the sudden closure of the much-loved Leys Institute buildings and the desire to see the restoration happen as fast as possible and library services resumed.
I am not able to attend the protest but want to provide a reassurance that I am not aware of any part of council that considers demolition to be a viable or desirable option for a class A scheduled building (even if it were possible under the Leys bequest) .
The report on the options will be going to the local board in June. I am absolutely committed to the restoration of the building and the return of library services (temporary services are due to open in mid-March at 14 Jervois Road). My role is to work with the local board to ensure the project secures what is likely to be a considerable budge, from the governing body (Councillors and Mayor).
On-going water issues during the dry weather
- The lack of rainfall over summer has been particularly hard for Aucklanders on tank water. Updates have been provided regularly on the support available during the dry weather.
- Watercare is monitoring water levels and reports that, with nearly 65 per cent storage in its dams, the municipal water supply is stable. It is running a campaign to remind customers to be waterwise during dry periods when demand is high.
- An advice brochure for tank owners is being distributed via council’s community networks and is available to download from OurAuckland.
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
The Mayor has been in regular contact with the Director General of Health and is providing regular updates. Since the first case arrived in New Zealand the main message is that Aucklanders should be prepared but should not panic – they should take sensible measures and contact health officials if they are worried:
- There is no reason for people to change the way they go about their daily lives
- The first case is being well managed, and the patient is in a stable condition
- Ministry of Health and the airport are moving to meet everyone coming off flights to give people information on what to do should they feel unwell
Together with the Local Board transport portfolio lead Graeme Gunthorp I have been following up on a number of transport issues that I would like to see Auckland Transport resolve including:
- Car transporters unloading illegally on Great North Road
- Enforcement of car parking on berms and on footpaths. I dispute AT’s position on this issue and do not agree that signage is required before AT can take enforcement action.
- East bound bus lanes on Customs Street that are needed as a result of the ongoing closure of Lower Albert Street.
The positive resolution by Auckland Transport of issues I have raised on behalf of constituents includes:
- confirmation that traffic calming on Clifton Road is going ahead as part of the Herne Bay walking and cycling project
- the installation of new safety barriers on the Westerns Springs Shared path (photo right)
- I was quoted in the Hauraki Gulf Forum media release: The Hauraki Gulf is hurting and needs our help
- My regular Ponsonby News column was published in the March edition
- I wrote an OpEd for the NZ Herald about the positive side of seeing so many orange road cones in Auckland. Humble orange cone means the future is coming (Our Auckland version)
There are no gift disclosures this month. Invitations to events are all noted above.