Local government elections have traditionally failed to spark voter interest which has been reflected in the low voter turnout. Only 39.7% of eligible voters returned their postal ballots in the Auckland City Council elections in 2007 (down from 48.4% in 2004). It was a worse turn out in Waitakere with only 33% and 35.2% on the North Shore. Across New Zealand there are no sitting mayors who have been elected by a majority of voters.
I’m really hoping that young people will make a big difference in the first Auckland Council elections by voting. There is much at stake in these elections, the first for the new ‘Supercity’. Who is elected will determine whether we have a city that values people and their communities while recognising that there are limits on what ratepayers can afford, and ensures that rates are spent on items that are important to, and support, Auckland’s diverse communities.
350 Aotearoa and the ReGeneration network are co-hosting a series of workshops around New Zealand to explore ways that young people can get involved in local politics and make a real difference in these important elections.
Vote Local Auckland is happening this Saturday 17th July
9am – 3pm
PHAB Building, Auburn Street, Takapuna
$5 on the door which includes lunch
To register for this event, please contact Amanda on 021-045-7573 or email:
Please register by Friday 16th July
The event on Facebook here