Covering activities from 1 March – 31 March 2011
Portfolio reports for the month
The Register of Issues established with Auckland Transport has quickly grown to over 60 items logged by the Transport portfolio covering everything from strategic projects to minor safety improvements (for both the West and East of the local board area). These issues are progressed by Auckland Transport on an on-going basis and discussed at a monthly meeting. Auckland Transport has been asked to progress as a matter of priority the safety concerns for students walking and cycling to school raised by Richmond Road School and Western Springs College. In addition we have asked Auckland Transport to reconsider the prioritisation of a 40km speed zone in front of Newmarket primary school. The transport portfolio (West) has responded to Auckland Transport’s consultation on:
- Removal of car parking on one side of Livingstone Street
- Bike parking on Ponsonby Road
Residential parking issues created from commuters parking all day in Auckland’s central suburbs are going to be dealt with through a newly established Working group involving the Board convened by Auckland Transport. The Transport Portfolio strongly supports the work Auckland Transport is doing as part of the Central Flagship project to improve central and CBD bus services (consultation on the proposed services started on 28 March). Relevant to the transport portfolio, I attended during March the Transport Committee meeting in support of Cycle Action’s presentation on Cycling for a Super City, a lecture on Fixing Auckland’s transport – lessons from the EU with guest speaker Michael Cramer and Auckland Transport’s Regional Walking and Cycling forum.
Community Engagement
The Community Portfolio, with the strong support of staff, had a busy month preparing for our community engagement on our local board plan starting with the launch of the process at a lunchtime event on 24 March attended by approximately 50 community leaders.
Other activities
Meetings Attendance at:
- Grey Lynn Business Association March meeting
- Auckland Unleashed – Mayoral Summit. Attended for full day and participated in the infrastructure workshop
Local Board Briefings Attended:
- Iwi liaison briefing
- Central cluster briefings by ATEED and Waterfront Auckland
- First of 4 sessions on the Council’s natural environment and heritage policy and operations
Board workshops Attended:
- Workshop on the Auckland Plan (local board cluster meeting)
- David Engwicht – placemaking workshop
- March board workshop focusing on CCO Statements of Intention
On behalf of Frocks on Bikes I was one of the organisers of Try My Bike hosted by Auckland Transport at the Lake House on 2 March encouraging women to cycle. I organised the West Lynn Street Party and Twilight market for the Grey Lynn Business Association and Grey Lynn 2030 in support of Neighbours Day Aotearoa
I joined the official party for the Citizenship ceremony on 21 March for over 400 new citizens at the Auckland Town Hall. I attended the launch of Pasifika Festival by the Mayor on Sunday 6 March, the Pasifika community concert on 10 March and accompanied the Mayor, Local Board members and Councillors around the stages of the Pasifika Festival at Western Springs. I also attended the Memorial Service for Christchurch organised by Auckland Council at the Auckland Museum, the Walk to Work Day on 16 March organised by Walk Auckland and Auckland Transport and the Grey Lynn Business Association March networking evening.
Communications have been focused on our community engagement process
- Victoria Tunnel Tour organised by the Victoria tunnel Alliance for St Mary’s Bay residents and the community open day on 26 March
- Civic Trust annual garden party
- Launch of MacroAuckland report by the Mayor
- Long Lunch on High Street at the invitation of Alex Swney, CEO, Heart of the City
- Richmond Road School Gala
- Newmarket Business Association’s free catwalk show on Osborne street
- Ponsonby Market Day on 19 March
I also attended the SBN Sustainability is mainstream conference