At the local government elections in 2010 I promised that if I was elected to the Waitemata Local Board I would ” be full time on the job, promoting projects that make our inner city suburbs, the CBD and waterfront more liveable, accessible and productive”. Half way through our term and there is no doubt that local board work is a 12/7 job with meetings, briefings, workshops, events and follow up taking place non- stop. It is also hugely enjoyable and every day is a privilege to be on the Board working with a very dedicated group of people.
I report monthly at our local board meetings on my activities. So far my reports have been very dry, factual descriptions of what I have been doing over the last month but they do provide a good overview of just how much happens for the local board each month. The Chair’s and other member reports are also online on the monthly agenda.
Monthly report covering activities from 1 March – 31 March 2012
Portfolio reports
RLTP- I worked with officers and member Dempsey to finalise the Board’s feedback on the draft Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP). We raised a number of issues with the draft document in particular the failure to align high-level plans and strategies that drive investment with local board plans and priorities. We also noted the absence of City Centre Master plan and Waterfront plan transport projects which we believe should be included as the RLTP is required to cover all transport activities in the Auckland region. A copy of the submission is attached to the agenda.
Proposed Traffic and Speed Limit Bylaws – Feedback was also provided in March on the proposed Traffic and Speed Limit Bylaws. Our submission included a request that the clause allowing AT to make some roads and shared spaces one-way for motor vehicles, also provides for two-ways for cyclists and other active transport modes (e.g. contra-flows).
Report back from 2Walk and Cycle conference 22-24 February, Hastings – Member Dempsey has prepared a comprehensive report back on the 2Walk and Cycle Conference I also attended in Hastings (22-24 February). As he concludes in the report there are several key messages:
- Cycling and walking offers health benefits far in excess of costs (this requires a “whole of government” approach to invest in future proofing cities to reduce diseases of modern living)
- It is important to properly fund infrastructure to secure these substantial benefits (we saw the direct benefits in Hawkes Bay where the installation of cycle lanes and pathways is resulting in huge increases in everyday cycling for transport and cycle tourism).
- Political leadership is needed in supporting the critical development of cycling/walking infrastructure.
School bike tracks – I had the opportunity to attend the opening of Wellsford Primary School’s Te Huanui Cycle Track on 9 March at the invitation of Harbour Sport. This is only the second track in Auckland based on the Bike-On initiative developed in Hastings by Paul McArdle to get kids back on bikes and exercising in a safe environment. As Auckland Transport reported at the Regional Walking and Cycling Forum on 13 March they are supporting the development of more bike tracks and will shortly be releasing a “How to” manual for schools. In the Waitemata Local Board area I have been involved with a group assisting Grey Lynn School to install a bike track around the school grounds. However this project has now been put on hold while new classrooms and a hall development are underway.
Monthly transport updates – Transport catch ups were held with the Transport portfolio and relevant officers from Auckland Transport on 1st March (postponed from February) and 23 March. The issues discussed are reported back monthly by AT on our public agenda.
Parking at the zoo – On 19 March I met with the CEO of Auckland Zoo and Natalie Hansby, Manager, Visitor Experience and Business Development to discuss the traffic calming proposed by AT on Motions Road and the installation of a signalised intersection at Great North Road/Motions Road Next steps: A number of actions arose from the meeting including improvements to the bus stops servicing the Zoo and a longer term plan to provide for parking for the wider precinct.
Parnell roundabout – AT have proposed a roundabout at the intersection of Parnell Rise and Parnell Road in order cope with the increase in the number of cars expected to be generated from the new Geyser development. On 26 March I met with representatives from Parnell Inc, AT and the Parnell Community Committee to discuss concerns raised by local businesses that the roundabout will increase congestion on Parnell Road. Next steps: AT is in the process of responding to a number of issues before taking this project further.
Parnell Station and the old Parnell tunnel – On 8 March Nick Seymour of Auckland Transport took members of the Board on a walk around the Mainland Stream site and to the entrance of the old tunnel. We had an opportunity to see the retaining work alongside the Waipapa stream as well as look around the Domain underpass and plans for the Domain ramps/stairs.
LTP consultation – Two community meetings were held in March to discuss the draft Long Term plan 2012-2022 and our draft Local Board Agreement which forms part of the draft LTP. The Mayor and Cr Lee attended the meeting on 1 March at the Grey Lynn RSC. I also visited the LTP road show at the Grey Lynn Farmers Market on 18 March. The feedback I have received from the community is that the online submission form was incredibly difficult to understand and was a deterrent to providing feedback on a huge number of important issues.
I had the opportunity to discuss the Board’s transport priorities that form part of the LTP in an interview on Bfm’s Green desk on 13 March.
Fairtrade – During March the Regional Development and Operations Committee and the Tenders and Procurement Subcommittee supported the Economic Forum’s recommendation to make Auckland Fairtrade. This is the final stage of the political process that was kicked off in May last year with the Waitemata Local Board’s resolution recommending to the Governing Body of Auckland Council that Auckland becomes a Fair Trade City. Next steps: work is now underway within Auckland Council to obtain Fair trade status in time for Fair trade fortnight in May.
Hearings on the Auckland Council’s draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan – I attended the hearings with member Dempsey on 26 March as part of Local Board feedback on the draft plan. I also attended the public hearings to support the Grey Lynn 2030 waste away submission. The councillors on the hearings panel are to be congratulated for the enthusiasm and genuine interest with which they are receiving submissions which has made submitters feel part of a robust and transparent process.
Other issues relevant to the Community portfolio – A range of meetings were attended during March relevant to the Community portfolio – these are listed below
Grey Lynn Business Association
Attended one of the GLBA’s fortnightly meetings in March. I am following up on a number of issues for GLBA members including the beautification of the Surrey Cres shops, bike parking outside the new Kokako café and progress on the Williamson Ave Fire station development.
Newmarket Business Association – Attended the presentation to the Board on the NBA’s strategic plan and current initiatives. I also attended the NBA’s fashion in the street event on 24 March.
Other board activities
Local Board workshops and meetings
- Monthly transport portfolio catch ups with AT on 1st and 23rd March
- Meeting to discuss allocation of Waitemata LB’s LIPS and Discretionary CAPEX on 1 March
- Meeting with Kiwirail to discuss use of old Parnell Rail tunnel as a connection to Newmarket (part of the Board’s “green link” aspirations)
- A number of RLTP discussion meetings to prepare our submission on the draft RLTP
- Local Board engagement as part of the LTP consultation at the Grey Lynn RSC attended by the Mayor and Cr Lee on 1 March and on 6 March at the Board offices, Graham Street
- Transport Committee meeting on 6 March including presentations by Cycle Action Auckland and the Greenways Project
- Tour of Highwic House and a presentation over morning tea hosted by Cheryl Laurie, Manager Highwic
- Waitemata Local Board workshops on 6 March , 20 and 27 March
- Regional Walking and cycling forum on 13 March
- CBD advisory board meeting (in the absence of the Chair)
- Local Board business meeting in Grey Lynn on 13 March
- Isthmus Joint Funding Committee Workshop
- Chinese Garden site in Western Springs Park – briefing by Shyrel Burt on 19 March
- Parnell Trust – Community Facilities City Centre area meeting with Phillippa Pitcher and Anne Barrowclough
- Tepid Baths Presentation to Waitemata Local Board
- Delegations to Chief Executive – workshop on 20 March with the Auckland Council executive team and local board members from Waitemata, Albert- Eden and Waiheke Local Boards
- Working lunch with directors and senior team of Waterfront Auckland on 22 March
- LanzaTech & opportunities to support growth in Auckland meeting hosted by ATEED
- Meeting with Geoff Chamberlain and Kate Roberts to discuss medium-long term library development in the Wynard Quarter, the Parnell Library lease and also the Grey Lynn and Leys Institute libraries on 22 March. ·
- EDS strategy workshop for local board members to discuss issues with Councillors and Harvey Brookes
- Local Boards Treaty Settlements briefing on 26 March
- Auckland Conversation on 28 March – 10 presentations from 10 cities moderated by Greg Clark (part of the Sea Edge symposium for waterfront development leaders)
- Governing Body meeting on 29 March for signing off the Auckland Plan – travelled to the Manukau Chamber with Member Dempsey by bike and train in recognition of the Plan’s aim to create the world’s most liveable city
Communications update with Kim Reed and the Chair - Meeting with Tricia Reade to meet the new community lease advisor Local Boards Unitary Plan Symposium on 30 March
- Meeting with Emily Harris from Urban Pantry to discuss a community garden on the Cross Street car park off K’rd
Events and functions
I attended the following events and functions during March:
- Launch of Seaweek at Auckland Zoo
- Try my Bike at the Lake House in Takapuna (an Auckland Transport event in association with Frocks on Bike)
- International Women’s Day Celebration at Khartoum Place on 8 March
- Pacifika festival at Western Springs
- Walk to work day breakfast at Pigeon Park
- Cycle Action’s associates breakfast
- Chairman’s inaugural lunch at the Voyager Museum V
- olvo Ocean Race Auckland Leg Four Prize giving Dinner
- Movies in the Park in Grey Lynn
- Ponsonby Market Day
- AT’s family fun bike day
- NBA’s fashion in the street
- Cycle Style (an Auckland Transport funded event in association with Frocks on Bike)
- Launch of the Social Entrepreneurs School. Opening on The Kitchen – a new shared work space for social entrepreneurs
- Cycle Action public meeting
- Richmond Road School gala on Saturday 31 March
Report to the March 2012 meeting: Covering activities from 1 February – 29 February 2012
Transport (West including Regional portfolio) with Greg Moyle
Community (including Regional portfolio) with Tricia Reade
Chair, Grants Committee
Positions: Grey Lynn Business Association, Newmarket Business Association (alternate)
Portfolio reports
At the beginning of February I worked to finalise the list of initiatives and projects detailed in our draft Local Board Agreement (included in the draft Long-Term Plan 2012-2022) that we will be advocating to Auckland Transport to deliver during 12/13 (the draft was agreed to at our business meeting on 14 February). The Transport Portfolio took the view that a prescriptive transport list is required in the terms of the agreement to best ensure that Auckland Transport will deliver on the community outcomes outlined in our Local board Plan.
I have included the full list taken from the draft agreement in my report below for ease of reference as it is very difficult to locate this part of the document in the draft LTP on the Auckland Council website. (From page Vol 4, chapter 26 page 365)
Some of the initiatives and priorities contained within Waitemata’s Local Board Plan fall outside the decision-making responsibilities or budgets of local boards. These will require decisions from the governing body, council-controlled organisations (CCOs) or other agencies. The Waitemata Local Board will advocate for the following initiatives:
Auckland Transport
1. Improve cycle infrastructure through an increase in connected, dedicated cycleways
a. Auckland Transport to deliver an initial dedicated cycleway project in the area of Surrey Crescent including from Garnet Road to Great North Road / Williamson Avenue and from the Richmond Road shops to Surrey Crescent.
The form could be any of the following:
· cycle lanes protected behind parked cars cycle lanes protected behind low, intermittent kerbing / traffic islands
· Copenhagen lanes / raised lanes
· high-quality shared path / two-way cycleway with physical separation (southern side – less
· side-roads).
b. Auckland Transport to continue the delivery of the below projects, already under consideration:
i. Carlton Gore Road (painted bike lanes currently planned)
ii. Beach Road, linking the Northern Western Cycleway, through the Central Motorway Junction,
with Tamaki Drive and Parnell Station
iii. Parnell to the City Centre walk/cycleway, through the new underpass south of the Parnell
Train Station
iv. Nelson & Hobson Street (with separated two-way cycleways, as described in the City Centre
v. Wellesley St connection to Auckland Domain under Symonds St overbridge.
2. Slow traffic on residential streets and at local shopping centres:
a. Auckland Transport and the Board to work together on identifying traffic calming measures for the shopping areas in Parnell, Ponsonby, Karangahape Road and Richmond Road to support 40 km/h zones. This would include for example, raised crossings, raised intersections and kerb build-outs
to narrow the road.
b. Auckland Transport to trial a 40km/h (or even 30km/h) speed zone for a residential area for example the area west of Ponsonby Road (between Richmond Road and Jervois Road where the speed environment is already below 40km/h).
c. Auckland Transport to implement the city centre 30km/h speed zone (as described in the City Centre Master Plan).
3. Install advance cycle stop boxes with feeder lanes Auckland Transport to install advance cycle stop boxes with feeder lanes in the following locations:
i. Williamson Avenue northeast coming onto Ponsonby Road
ii. College Hill Road westbound coming onto Ponsonby Road
iii. Tamaki Drive, westbound at The Strand
iv. St Stephen’s Avenue westbound coming onto Parnell Road
v. Carlton Gore Road westbound onto Park Road
vi. Karangahape Road eastbound at Symonds Street, onto the Grafton Bridge
vii. Great North Road eastbound coming on to Karangahape Road.
4. Review and improve traffic management in Auckland Domain Auckland Transport to improve walking and cycling access to and around the Domain, while discouraging commuter parking use of the Domain through:
i. Implementation of a parking scheme for the Domain that works to discourage commuter parking
(e.g. through pricing)
ii. Improving walking and cycling options through the Parnell-City Centre walk/cycleway and Carlton Gore Road (cycle lanes and the pedestrian crossing over Carlton Gore Road at George Street concept).
5. Conduct an audit of intersections that can be improved for pedestrians Auckland Transport to conduct an audit of intersections in substantial foot traffic areas and develop solutions to improve safety and mobility for pedestrians.
This includes: all intersections with left–turn slip lanes and no pedestrian facility e.g. Mayoral Drive/Albert Street, Mayoral Drive/Vincent Street; Beach Road to Tangihua Road, and from Tangihua Road to Beach Road
other slip lanes with no pedestrian facility e.g. Albert with Wyndham, Victoria and Wellesley streets intersections with long pedestrian crossing delays, eg Curran Street and Jervois Road, St Marys Bay Road, College Hill in Ponsonby.
In addition to the examples above, this list includes for priority investigation the following dangerous intersections:
i. Victoria Street East / Bowen Avenue (lack of crossing options, etc)
ii. Carlton Gore Road / George Street (pedestrian crossing over Carlton Gore, slowing traffic into and out of George Street – under investigation)
iii. Union Street / Hobson Street (improving traffic phasing for pedestrians crossing over Hobson Street)
iv. Left-turn slip from Hobson Street onto Pitt Street
v. Left-turn slip from Nelson Street onto Victoria Street West
vi. Beach Road / Britomart Place / Fort Street (lack of crossing options, opportunities for removal of slips)
vii. Parnell Rise / Parnell Road
viii. Symonds St on to Southern Motorway (no pedestrian crossing)
ix. Left-turn slip from Symonds St onto Karangahape Road
x. Left-turn from Parnell Road to Ayr Street.
6. Develop and deliver a Master Plan for Ponsonby Road
Auckland Transport to continue the development of the Masterplan for Ponsonby Road, taking a complete street/living arterial approach to meet the community’s desired outcomes (eg, slower traffic, pedestrian friendly, heritage protection and improved urban design) in conjunction with urban design officers at Auckland Council.
7. Develop a Master Plan for Richmond Road
Auckland Transport to develop a Masterplan for Richmond Road taking a complete street/living arterial approach to meet the community’s desired outcomes (eg slower traffic, pedestrian friendly, improved urban design), taking into account previous research including the 2011 safety audit. The plan will then be delivered in the 2013-2014 financial year.
8. Upgrade Franklin Road
Auckland Transport to undertake the planned upgrade of Franklin Road to provide for safe and continuous walking and cycling pathways from Ponsonby Road to Victoria Park including continuous pedestrian facilities (ie, an unbroken footpath on both sides of the road) across all side streets, driveways and intersections (for example by installing raised tables).
9. Develop and implement a residential parking zone scheme for the central Auckland suburbs
Auckland Transport to develop and implement a residential parking zone scheme to manage the problem of commuter parking for residents in central Auckland suburbs.
10. Support of other (non-transport) draft local board agreement priorities
Auckland Transport to support other Waitemata Local Board agreement priorities including:
· Support the introduction of three swales in the Local Board area
· Support delivery of green walls, roofs and community gardens on Auckland Transport assets e.g. car park buildings
· Support development of green links connecting parks and open spaces.
Feedback on the draft Local Board Agreement transport initiatives can be provided as part of the LTP consultation until 23 March (refer
Consultation on the draft Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) is being undertaken alongside the Long-term Plan. The RLTP will summarise the transport priorities for Auckland over the next 10 years so the Transport Portfolio is working to ensure that our local board priorities are also included in this document. I attended the cluster workshop on 2 February for Auckland Transport to inform all Local Boards about the RLTP as well as a presentation from the Bylaws review team on the preliminary consultation on a Speed Limits Bylaw and a Traffic Bylaw.
As part of February’s Bike wise month I attended the launch of Auckland Transport’s summer cycling guide in Aotea Square and the Go by Bike Breakfast on 15 February. I attended the Walking and Cycling Conference in Hastings (22-24 February) with Christopher Dempsey (a full report will be attached to our April agenda). In February I also attended the Governing Body’s Transport committee.
Auckland Council’s consultation on the draft Long Term plan 2012-2022 commenced at the end of February. For the Board this involves hosting 3 community meetings starting in Parnell on 28 February. I presented on behalf of the Board with an overview of the initiatives in our draft Local Board Agreement which forms part of the draft LTP. Consultation is open until 23 March.
At the Economic Forum on Monday 13 February we moved closer to Auckland becoming Fairtrade. I spoke to the Forum in support of the Board’s resolution passed in May 2011 (WTM/2011/85)That the Waitemata Local Board recommends to the Governing Body of Auckland Council that Auckland becomes a Fair Trade City.
The Economic Forum voted to recommend to the Regional Development and Operations Committee and the Tenders and Procurement Subcommittee that Auckland Council support Auckland being a Fairtrade region.(Resolution number ED/2012/7)
On 28 February I presented with Tricia Reade the Board’s community initiatives and projects to the Social and Community Development Forum at the invitation of the Chair, Cr Casey. During February I also contributed to the Board’s submission on Auckland Council’s draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (attached to the March agenda).
Other board activities
Local Board workshops and meetings
- Local Boards cluster workshop on 2 February
- Waitemata Local Board workshop on 7 February
- Meeting to discuss the location of water fountains (project led by Jesse Chalmers)
- Local Boards cluster meeting for an update on the current position with regards to financial contributions – how they are collected and being spent in the legacy areas and a summary of the Draft Integrated Contributions Policy 2012 that will be consulted on as part of the LTP process.
- Meeting with Toni Giacon; Acquisitions and Disposals Advisor, ACPL to discuss the potential disposal of 3 Ponsonby Road.
- Meeting on 10 February with a multi-disciplinary team from Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, and a representative of the Auckland War Memorial Museum and Councillors Lee and Coney to discuss issues associated with cycling and pedestrian safety through the Auckland Domain.
- Meeting and lunch with Civic contractors on 17 February
- Local Board business meeting in Parnell on 14 February
- Waitemata Local Board workshop on 28 February
Events and functions
- I attended the following events and functions during February:
- Lantern Festival in Albert Park
- Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra concert at the invite of Q Theatre
- Playing in the Streets event in Queen Street (sponsored by the Board) on Sunday 19 February