Report covering the period 8 November until 12 December 2017.

This is my final report for the year and the end of my first year as Chair. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow board members, the Local Board services team and everyone who works to make Waitemata a great place. Our Achievements Report 16/17 really highlights the diversity of the board’s responsibilities and how we can make a difference locally when we respond to and partner with the community.
It has been a challenging but rewarding year. The new way of working introduced this term which focuses on the board’s work programme has limited the role of portfolios and made it more difficult for board members to effectively keep on top of project delivery (this will be reviewed in the new year). Internal restructuring and the changeover to a new maintenance contract in July has resulted in far more complaints to the board. In October the only Auckland Future member of the board resigned forcing a by-election to be held in February 2018. The year is coming to an end with the cycleway programme in the spotlight and robust discussion about how Auckland Transport delivers on local priorities (this is covered in detail in Attachment 1).
On 14th December we are launching the Waitematā Local Board plan which sets our three-year direction. Consultation in May and June this year guided development of the plan and confirmed strong support for the direction of the Board. At the December business meeting we are confirming budget priorities for 2018/19. These priorities will be extensively consulted on as part of the 10 year budget consultation starting on 28 February 2018
Achievements Report 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017
The Board’s annual report of highlights covering major projects and initiatives, community grants, advocacy and local governance is now available online.
The report overlaps with the last term so provides a good opportunity to acknowledge the work of former board members and Chair, Shale Chambers who originally kicked off the annual record of achievements.
Waitemata Safe Routes Projects- update
In Attachment 1 I provide an update on two of the inner west walking and cycling projects that have created a great deal of controversy and scrutiny of Auckland Transport’s engagement and delivery practices. This has provided an opportunity to reflect on the board’s role through the process.
As covered in the update the board is actively working with Auckland Transport on the solutions and agreed process for further consultation.
The now complete Teed Street upgrade as featured in Paperboy
Domain Committee
There has been a long standing issue in the Domain of drivers parking on the grass. Currently Auckland Transport does not have enforcement power to prohibit parking on areas of the Domain outside of formed roads.
At the Domain Committee meeting on 30 November we resolved to delegate the authority that Auckland Transport needs to enforce the no parking on the grass signage.
Prior to the Committee meeting members were led on a site visit around the southern area of Auckland museum where construction on a new pathway is about to start (photo right). We also observed the significant amount of commuter parking in this area.
Currently a parking survey is underway with recommendations planned to come to our February meeting regarding options for effective parking management that will potentially open the way to freeing up far more on road space for visitors to the Domain. It has long been my goal, now supported by the outcomes in the Domain Masterplan, to greatly improve accessibility, connectively and mobility in our premier park.
Vision Zero and report back from TRAFINZ conference
The Waitematā Local Board has led the way supporting Vision Zero, the philosophy that has, as its bottom line, the principle that no deaths or serious injuries on the roads are acceptable.
In order to further the implementation of Vision Zero I attended the Trafinz conference in Nelson and have joined the Trafinz Executive Committee. (Trafinz represents local authority views on road safety and traffic management in New Zealand). My report from the conference is attached (Attachment 2)
Dr Matts Ake Belin was the guest speaker at the Trafinz conference and guest of Auckland Conversations. The timing of his visit coincided the new Minister of Transport and Associate Minister announcing strong support for a new approach to road safety at time of a rising road toll.
Photo: Stand for Zero organised by Brake road safety charity to commemorate World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
Parking consultations
The roll out of residential parking zones in the city fringe suburbs continues with the support of the board. Auckland Transport’s consultation on Parnell parking improvements has just ended. The Grey Lynn and Arch Hill Residential Parking Zones consultation ends on 20 December. The Board will consider the public feedback before providing our input in the new year.
The year ended with a huge number of events supported the Local Board including the Grey Lynn Park Festival, Santa Parade, West End Tennis Tournament, and Franklin Road Christmas Lights. We also successfully held the Parnell Festival of Roses for the 24th year. The Festival has developed as an exemplar for Zero Waste management and accessibility.
It was an honour to open the new exhibition Changing Gear at MOTAT on 8 December. There is a lot to celebrate about cycling in Aotearoa. However very much on my mind in giving my speech was the most recent rider to needlessly lose their life only the night before. (Speech at the opening Attachment 3)
Meetings and workshops: 8 November until 12 December
- Weekly Chair’s meeting with the Local Board services team every Monday morning
- Chair’s forum on 13 November
- Waitematā Local Board workshops on 14, 21, 28 November and 5 December
- Civic Trust AGM at the Ellen Melville Centre on 12 November
- Auckland Transport Powhiri to welcome Dr Belin (Swedish Vision Zero expert) on 13 November
- Vision Zero session for Local Board members on 15 November at Auckland Transport
- Lower Queen Street Plans – Brief members from CRL on 15 November
- Meeting with Teed Street retailers and Newmarket Business Association on 16 November
- Auckland Harbour Bridge lights update with Mayor Phil and Vector representatives on 16 November
- Meeting with Age Concern Auckland on 16 November
- Traffic calming workshop for board members organised by the Albert-Eden Local Board on 16 November
- Grey Lynn Business Association meeting with new committee on 16 November
- Herne Bay Residents Association AGM on 16 November
- Meeting with the Chair of the Wynyard Quarter Transport Association on 17 November
- West Lynn shops site visit with Auckland Transport on 17 November (Attachment 1 details the issues that were identified at the site visit that are now being followed up by AT)
- Local Board input into Regional / sub-regional decision making – CENTRAL on 20 November
- Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 21 November
- Catch up with General Manager, K’rd Business Association on 22 November
- Domain Committee pre-agenda meeting on 22 November
- Attended a site visit with Auckland Transport and the Occupy Garnet Road group on 22 November including a walk of the route to the West Lynn shops
- Joint Governing Body / Local Board Chairs Meeting on 22 November
- Attended the Governing Body meeting on 23 November to support Deputy Chair Shale Chambers and board member Richard Northey’s presentation regarding the location of the America’s Cup Village
- Myers Park / Waihorotiu public artwork (Mayoral Drive underpass) – review of developed concept at the officers of Warren & Mahoney on 23 November
- Update on 2018 Auckland Arts Festival programme with the Festival Artistic Director and Chief Executive
- Site visit to the rehearsal space at 313 Queen Street on 24 November (prior to the beginning of renewal work and confirmation of a community lease tenancy of the space)
- Meeting with the co-chairs Grey Lynn Business Association on 24 November
- Grey Lynn Business Association hosted meeting regarding the issues at West Lynn shops at the Grey Lynn RSC on 28 November
- Tour of the refurbishments at the Central Library on 29 November
- Meeting with the board’s communications adviser on 29 November
- Meeting to discuss LTP (10-year budget) consultation material
- Domain Committee site visit and business meeting at Auckland Museum on 30 November
- Grey Lynn Residents Association AGM on 30 November
- Meeting with Soala Wilson from the Occupy Garnet Road Group on 1 December
- Leadership for Local Board Leaders – session one on 4 December
- Ponsonby Community Centre AGM on 4 December
- Auckland Paths Project Refresh – Workshop 1 on 6 December
- LGNZ Governance and Strategy Advisory Group meeting in Wellington on 7 December
- Catch up with GM Parnell Business Association on 8 December
- Meeting with Parnell Trust on 8 December
- Chairs’ Forum on 11 December
- West Lynn community reference group meeting with Auckland Transport on 11 December
- Ponsonby Business Association meeting and Christmas breakfast on 12 December
- Parnell cycleway progress update with Auckland Transport on 12 December
- Waitemata Local Board business meeting on 12 December
Events and functions: 8 November until 12 December
- Attended the Trafinz conference 8- 10 November in Nelson (Attachment 2)
- Armistice Day Commemoration Ceremony at Auckland Museum on 11 November
Women in Urbanism Vision Zero presentation with Dr Belin and panel discussion at Ellen Meville Centre on 13 November (photo right- on the panel with Dr Belin, Caroline Perry from Brake and Jessica Rose, Albert-Eden Board member)
- Westpac Regional Business Awards- Central at the Langham Hotel at the invitation of ATEED on 14 November
- Gave the vote of thanks at Auckland Conversations Vision Zero event on 15 November
- Auckland Harbour Bridge lights update and morning tea with Mayor Phil and Vector representatives on 16 November. The Harbour Bridge will be the first bridge in the world to have its
lighting powered entirely by solar energy. The LED lights will be individually controlled and will transform our bridge with lighting shows for special events and occasions.
- Launched the Adopt a Tree campaign organised by the Urban Tree Alliance with a grant from the local board. Held at Western Park on 18 November
- Ellen Melville Centre community day on 18 November (photo right with board members Adriana Christie and Richard Northey and the EMC team)
Grey Lynn Pump Track opening party on 18 November (Photo below right Johnloyd, aged 7 in his winning race)
- Parnell Festival of Roses on 19 November
- Stand for Zero at Silo Park to commemorate international day of road traffic victims on 19 November
- Fire and Emergency NZ stakeholder function to meet Chair, Hon Paul Swain, board members and the Chief Executive Rhys Jones at Rydges Hotel on 20 November
- ASB Classic 2018 Launch at Holy Trinity Cathedral on 22 November
- Opening of the Latvian honorary consulate in Auckland on 23 November
- Grey Lynn Park Festival on 25 November
- Santa Parade at the invitation of Crackerjack Productions on 26 November
- Low carbon Christmas organised by the low carbon network at Studio One on 29 November
- Rainbow Youth sponsors breakfast on 30 November
- Lifewise Christmas function at Merge Café on 30 November
Annual Enviroschools celebration at Western Springs Community Hall on 1 December. I presented to Newmarket School with a certificate to recognise their commitment to sustainability (photo right)
- Opening Night of the Franklin Road Christmas Lights on 1 December (photo right with Governor General, Mayor Phil Goff and lights coordinator Roscoe Thorby)
- Ponsonby Market Day on 2 December
- Lightpath Festival on 2 December (photo below with Minister of Transport Phil Twyford)
- Wither Hills West End Tennis Cup Tournament finals on 3 December (at the invitation of the West End Tennis Club)
At the Lightpath Festival with Minister of Transport Phil Twyford Sugartree Design showcase at Sugartree apartments on 5 December
- Attended Basement Theatre’s Patron’s night and Christmas show Santa Claus on 7 December
- Opened the exhibition Changing Gear: Celebrating cycling in Aotearoa on 8 December (opening speech Attachment 3)
- Italian Christmas market on 9 December at Freemans Bay Community Hall on 9 December
- Joined the official party at the Citizenship Ceremony at the Town Hall on 11 December