As part of developing the 2015/16 New Footpath programme the Auckland Transport Walking and Cycling team has asked for Local Board input about footpaths in the Waitematā area.
“Missing” footpaths that Auckland Transport already has on the list are:
- Meola Road
- George St next to the Domain
- Judges Bay Road extension (connecting from the Boardwalk in the photo right to Parnell Baths) – I proposed this to AT 3 years ago

I recently put the call out on twitter to help identify locations where it is currently not possible to walk safety so would benefit from investment in a new footpath. I’ve collated the tremendous feedback so far from people who really know the streets of Auckland.
Please let me know if I have missed any more roads that need a footpath (particularly where no footpath exists at the moment – the funds available are just for new footpaths but I will also forward on the list of renewal work that has also been identified). The final list will be prioritised by the Board and submitted to Auckland Transport by the end of June.
Locations needing new footpaths (where no footpath exists at the moment)
- The Strand just east of St Georges Bay Rd
- Wellesley Street under the Symonds St bridge
- East side of Cheshire St in Parnell
- Falcon St, Parnell
- Eastern side of Grafton Road (stairs up to the slip lane also blocked)
- Mills Lane, City Centre
- Durham Lane, City Centre
- Myers St, City Centre (leading to Aotea Square off Albert St)
- Liverpool St leading into White Street and the lane access to Airedale St, City Centre
- Mamion St, City Centre
- Hopetown St bridge landing at Howe St
- Cook street off ramp connecting to Union St, City Centre
- Hargreaves St, Freemas Bay
- Gudgeon St, Freemans
- Maunsell St, Domain
- Titoki St alongside the Domain
- George St alongside the Domain (*Domain footpaths also to be considered as part of the Domain masterplan going out for public consultation in August)

Repair of footpaths across driveways (where pedestrians have right of way)
- Victoria Street car park entrance on Kitchener St, City Centre
- Entrance to the Civic car park next to Myers St off Albert St, City Centre
- Stanley Street ASB tennis centre entrance (photo right)
- Entrance to the UofA business school car park on Grafton rd
- Union Street, east side north of Drake St
- Grafton Road, hospital driveway, east side, south of Ferncroft
- Grafton Road, hospital driveway, east side, south of Moehau St
Footpaths needing maintenance or widening
- Winchester St connection to Gundry St, Newton (a walking connection that has been lost to people)
- Boston Road roundabout
- Kerb between path and road at Khyber Pass/Grafton Station
- Southern side of Great North Rd between St Lukes and Stadium Road
- Bankside St, City Centre- narrow footpath
- Fields Lane, City Centre – narrow footpath
- Scott Street, Ponsonby
How treating pedestrians better will boost the economy