Submit for a healthy transport future for everyone in Aotearoa

I’m making a submission on the Draft Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024-34 (GPS) by the cut off midday on Tuesday 2 April.  The GPS sets the funding priorities for land transport for the next 1o years so is hugely important for delivering an efficient, safe, accessible, healthy and affordable transport system for all.

Unfortunately the draft GPS is not informed by evidence, ignores the fundamental reasons why people travel and will not deliver on the government’s strategic priorities. The GPS starkly deviates from sensible transport policy, value-for-money investment decisions, and best-practice transport planning seen in other countries around the world.  

For Aucklanders the GPS will result in more congestion, higher travels costs, poorer heath outcomes from increased pollution and reduced access to active travel options. 

It completely ignores the needs of the 30% of New Zealanders who cannot or do not drive. More people, especially the most vulnerable road users like children and elderly, will die or be seriously injured on our streets and roads if the GPS is allowed to progress as drafted.  

The GPS will not enhance economic growth and activity in urban centres like Auckland.  Our transport challenges can not be met by building more roads as proposed by the GPS – the Roads of National Significance (RONS) make up only 1% of Auckland’s road network and according to Waka Kotahi’s own studies have Benefit-to-cost ratios of 1 or less. The RONS are not a good use of public money and are inefficient. 

Leveraging every opportunity to get more out of the existing network, providing more efficient ways to move goods and people and encouraging mode shift will have the greatest positive impact for the city. The rapid transit network (and cycling network) can be completed by making use of existing road space. It makes no sense for the GPS to ban the current approach of funding improvements to local roads from a single funding source. Requiring walking and cycling investment from only one activity class will be inefficient and expensive for councils and create additional administrative costs.  It also makes no sense for the GPS to direct that investment is only to be made “where demonstrated volumes of pedestrians and cyclists already exist.”  The Auckland Harbour Bridge would never have been built if the same criteria had been applied. 

As a former Auckland Councillor and Local Board member I know from experience that people want safer streets, want more transport options especially for local trips, and support investment in walking and cycling infrastructure.  This is not based on “ideology” but on the feedback from countless public consultation processes and Waka Kotahi’s own surveying.


It also concerns me that there is no mention of engagement with Māori and improving outcomes for Māori.  Again, from my experience on council I know that when engagement happens properly and respectfully with Māori the outcome is improved and of a higher quality for everyone.  

There are a lot more points to cover about what needs to be ditched and improved in the GPS.  Fortunately,  smart and informed people have put together a submission guide Transport 4 all  to assist with feedback on the main issues.  Auckland Council also gave astute feedback on the GPS

Further reading

The GPS is a disaster for local government 

Submission from a group of academics specialising in transport systems, public health, urban development, and geography

Lawyers for Climate Action NZ submission 

The draft GPS cover reimagined as Transport for Life by Carol Green

Monthly Councillor report September 2021

General update 

My Councillor report covers the period from 8 August 2021 until 9 September 2021.  It has been prepared for the September business meetings of the Waitematā, Waiheke and Aotea Great Barrier Local Boards.

The purpose of my report is to detail my main activities and to share information with the public and local boards in my ward regarding governing body decisions, my attendance at events, regional consultations, media updates and key issues.

Upgraded track through the Te Wai Orea Western Springs bush provided a welcome lockdown walking route. Credit: Russell Brown



  • Deputy Chair, Environment and Climate Change Committee
  • Co-Chair, Hauraki Gulf Forum
  • Member, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board (ACCAB)
  • Board Member, LGNZ National Council and Auckland Zone co-chair
  • Member, Auckland Domain Committee
  • Member, Appointments and Performance Review Committee
  • Member, Joint Governance Working Party
  • Member, Climate Political Reference Group
  • Member, Waste Political Advisory Group


  • Following the announcement by the Government that New Zealand will be at Alert Level 4 from 11:59pm on Tuesday 17 August, the majority of Auckland Council facilities closed temporarily to the public from 18 August. Essential services such as rubbish collections, waste water, drinking water and core public transport for essential workers continued to operate. At the time of writing this report, Auckland remains at Alert Level 4. Many council related events have been postponed however all governance meetings quickly transitioned to an online format.
  • Council’s emergency freight subsidy for Covid 19 Alert Level 4 was secured for Barrier Air to ensure operations continued
  • As of 1 September, all overdue fines were removed from accounts. The council is joining the global trend of removing library overdue fines with almost 600 libraries worldwide now fine free, including every public library in Ireland. This was a decision made following the Recovery Budget consultation.
  • On 3 September the Mayor and Minister Woods announced a new Targeted Hardship Fund will be set up to help Auckland small businesses that are impacted by disruption from construction of the City Rail Link. Auckland Council will contribute up to half of the $12m fund.

Governing Body meetings – Key decisions  

The minutes for all meetings are available on the Auckland Council website. The following is intended as a summary only.

On 12 August the Environment and Climate Change Committee 

  • Received a climate update presentation from Watercare
  • Established a Transport Emissions Reference Group responsible for providing direction to staff in the development of the Transport Emissions Reduction Plan, making changes to the proposed approach as required, and approving the recommended pathway for endorsement by the Environment and Climate Change Committee.  I am an alternate on the Group.
  • Approved Auckland Council’s commitment to becoming a signatory to the C40 Divest/Invest Declaration

On 19 August the Finance and Performance Committee

  • Approved a 125-year lease and the future development of Te Wharau o Horotiu Bledisloe House
  • Approved land exchanges of Bellgrove Reserves, Avondale and reserve land at Murray Halberg Park, Ōwairaka
  • Woodhill Sands Equestrian Centre support and Three Kings land exchange was considered in confidential

On 24 August the Council Controlled Organisations Oversight Committee

  • Received the update on the implementation programme for the Council-controlled Organisations Review.
  • Approved the updated Auckland Council group brand guidelines and required CCOs to comply with the updated Auckland Council group brand guidelines
  • Approved the shareholder comments on the draft Statement of Corporate Intent 2021–2024 for Ports of Auckland Limited as set out in this report
  • Approved the 2021-2024 statements of intent for Auckland Transport, Auckland Unlimited, Eke Panuku and Watercare

 On 26 August the Governing Body

On 2 September the Planning Committee

  • In response to the National Policy Statement on Urban Development requiring the removal of carparking minimums from the Auckland Unitary Plan by the end of February 2022 endorsed the development of a plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in part) and a plan change to address consequential technical amendments to provide clarity and consistency within the plans and ensure that the effects of car parking (where developers choose to provide it) can still be addressed and endorsed the investigation of the following matters through amendments to the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in part) and/or the Auckland Council District Plan (Hauraki Gulf Islands Section), or other means in order to mitigate possible poor development outcomes as a result of the removal of carparking minimums:
  1. provision of accessible parking
  2. ii) the design of private pedestrian and bicycle / micro-mobility access where no vehicle access is proposed

iii)     provision of on-site bicycle / micro-mobility access and parking including where no vehicle access is proposed

  1. iv) where parking is proposed, the provision of electricity connections that enable installation of compliant smart electric vehicle chargers
  2. v) provision of on-site pick-up and drop-off/loading facilities and access for emergency services where no vehicle access is proposed.
  • Discussed sites of significance to Mana Whenua – Tranche 2 Plan Change Investigation, and feedback Auckland Light Rail in confidential

On 9 September the Parks, Arts, Community and Events committee

  • Approved a reserve Revocation at (part) 331 Great North Road, Henderson
  • Received an update on implementation of Auahi Kore Hapori Whānui as part of the Implementation Plan of the Council’s Smokefree Policyand approved priorities for 2021/2022
  • Received an I Am Auckland Implementation and Evaluation Annual Update 2021and approved a three-year review be undertaken in 2021/2022
  • Approved the development of a re-imagined Toi Whītiki (Auckland’s Art and Culture Strategic Plan) as a collective impact framework that unites the creative sector  towards a shared vision and common purpose of delivering public value for Aucklanders
  • Approved a proposed variation of agreement to facilitate transfer of land at 50 Tihi Street, Stonefields
  • Approved the Regional Event Fund grants allocation 2021/2022
  • Approved the Regional Arts and Culture grants allocation 2021/2022 round one
  • Agreed to implement seasonal restrictions to control motorised vehicles driving on Muriwai Beach and a range of management measures


Attachment 1: Correspondence with the Chairs of NZTA Waka Kotahi and Auckland Transport regarding the delivery of a safe cycling network following the killing of a ride on Stanley Street in May

Attendance at events 8 August – 9 September 2021 

  • On 8 August I attended a meeting with Minister Grant Robertson and all Auckland Councillors where the Minister gave updates on the economy, climate change and water reform.
  • At Watercare’s Māngere Wastewater Treatment Plant with Cr Josephine Bartley

    On 10 August I attended a site visit at Watercare’s Māngere Wastewater Treatment Plant (photo right with Cr Josephine Bartley). The governing body spends half a day each year visiting each CCO to better understand its business and culture and to informally build relationships.

  • Zoe and Jett presenting their Waiheke pump track proposal taking inspiration from the Grey Lynn pump track their proposal

    On 11 August I attended the Community Forum at the Waiheke Local Board office

  • On 12 August I attended an Eke Panuku celebration at the Percy Vos Boat Shed to honour the restoration of this important piece of maritime history in Wynyard Quarter.
  • On 13 August I attended the Metro Sector LGNZ forum in Wellington
    LGNZ National Council board meeting 27 Aug 2021

    via Zoom. Items on the agenda included:

    • Update from the Minister of Immigration
    • Resource Management Reform
    • Three waters
  • Also on 13 August I attended the Central City Alcohol and Community Safety taskforce
  • On 14 August I was a panelist with local board member Kerrin Leoni,
    Vos shipyard Wynyard Quarter

    Julie Stout and Shane Vuletich at the Future of Auckland’s Waterfront Panel at the Pioneer Women’s Hall in the Ellen Melville Centre organized by MP Chlöe (photo below).

  • On 16 August I chaired council’s Climate Political Reference Group meeting
  • Future of the Waterfront panel discussion with panel members Kerrin Leonie, Julie Stout and Shane Vuletich, and MC Chloe Swarbrick

    On 17 August the Joint Governance Working Group meeting was underway when the announcement came through about a case of COVID in the community bring the meeting to an abrupt end.

  • From 18 August all workshops, meetings and committee meetings went online
  • On 23 August I co-chaired the Hauraki Gulf Forum. The Forum received an update on Revitalising the Gulf – Government’s Response Strategy to Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari
  • On 24 August I attended the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board business meeting and delivered my Councillor’s report for August.
  • On 25 August I attended the Waiheke Local Board business meeting and delivered my Councillor’s report for August.
  • On 27 August I attended the LGNZ National Council meeting.
  • On 30 August I attended the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board workshop.
  • On 3 September I attended a meeting with Auckland Transport to discuss solutions for ongoing enforcement issues at St Patrick’s Square.
  • On 3 September I attended LGNZ’s Three Waters discussion for elected representatives
  • Also on 3 September, I attended a forum for elected members in Central Auckland hosted by AT with presentations by elected representatives on Parking and the Parking Strategy.
  • On 6 September I chaired the Waste Advisory Political Group meeting
  • On 7 September I attended the Cycling Programme Business Case (PBC) political reference group meeting
  • On 8 September I attended the Waiheke Local Board Community Forum.
  • Throughout lockdown I have attended the regular  Covid briefings held for elected representatives


Ponsonby News September 2021: Innovating streets are lockdown ready 

Our Auckland: Karangahape Road records retail high before bracing for lockdown 

Our Auckland: Boost for Community Climate Action funding