Report covering the period 10 June to 8 July 2017.
We concluded consultation on the draft Local Board plan on 30 June. Our final Information Session was held at the Leys Institute Library on 22 June (Photo right with board members Adriana Christie and Richard Northey)
At our June Board meeting we approved the names to be given to the rooms in the refurbished Ellen Melville Centre: Helen Clark Room, Elizabeth Yates Room, Betty Wark Room, Marilyn Waring Room, and Eleitino (Paddy) Walker Room. Our thanks to National Council of Women – Auckland Branch for selecting the names of these significant women. The opening date is currently provisionally scheduled for 15 September.
At the meeting we also approved the final Quick Response Round and Accommodation Grants for 2016/17 (link to the minutes of the meeting). We allocated $14,967.00 utilising ‘Local Discretionary Community Grants’ budget of $11,157.00 and $3810.00 from the ‘Community Response Fund’ budget and allocated Accommodation Grants utilising ‘Community group assistance – Accommodation Grants’ budget of $125,000 and $11,190.00 from the ‘Community Response Fund’ budget. The minutes of the meeting are on the Council website. (Picture right: a thank you from the Indian Ink Trust who received a $2500 accommodation grant).
On the 30th anniversary of the Nuclear- free New Zealand legislation I spoke at the unveiling of the Pohutukawa for Peace plaque to acknowledge all those who campaigned for nuclear- free NZ in particular my colleague Richard Northey, Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (1970-83) and MP in the Labour government when the legislation was passed. I also spoke at the launch of the Our Climate Declaration initiative on 18th June (Attachment A)
Provided feedback to Auckland Transport on behalf of the Board on the Victoria Street cycleway, Midtown Bus consultations, AT election sign bylaw review (Refer Auckland Transport monthly report) and made a submission to New Zealand Transport Agency on behalf of the Board on setting speed limits rule (Attachment B)
Wynyard Quarter and Viaduct Harbour safer speed zone introduced (Attachment C). The Board has been a long time advocate for 30km speed limit for the area.
The Teed Street Upgrade is well underway. The Newmarket Business Association is working with Council and the contractors to keep the surrounding streets open and welcoming. (Photo right: A local retailer proposed the wording for this sign on Teed St)
Provided Local Board updates in Ponsonby News (Attachment D) and the Hobson (Attachments E)
Attended a number of events detailed below.
Took part in the Big Sleep Out 2017 on 6 July raising over $2000 for Lifewise. After the 5.30am wakeup at the event held in the AUT plaza I walked through the city centre to the board office. People were sleeping in doorways all along the way. It was a reality check about the housing crisis and why Lifewise’s work to tackle homelessness is so essential.
Meetings and workshops: 12 June until 7 July
- Weekly Chair’s meeting every Monday morning
- Waitematā Local Board workshops on 13, 27 June and 4 July
- Auckland Transport quarterly briefing on 12 June
- Local Board Chairs’ Forum on 12 June
- Auckland Domain committee workshop and extraordinary business meeting on 13 June
- Attended the Wynyard Quarter Transport Management Association Board meeting on 14 June to give a brief presentation on the role of the Local Board
- Monthly comms meeting on 14 June
- Community Reference Group for the Parnell cycle route workshop organised by Auckland Transport on 14 June
- Chair’s recommendations run through meeting on 15 June
- CBD Jobs and Skills Hub introduction for Local Board members on 16 June
- Meeting on 16 June with Principal and Deputy Principal of St Mary’s College to discuss a range of road safety issues
- Local Boards sub-regional workshop on 19 June
- Chaired the Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 20 June
- Meeting on 21 June organised by Mayor Phil Goff to set up an Advisory Group to progress the WW1 Memorial (Waitematā Local Board rep on this group has not yet been confirmed)
- Transport portfolio catch up on 21 June and 5 July
- Pacific Peoples Advisory Panel meeting with Local Board Members on 21 June
- Local Board plan information session at Leys Institute Library on 22 June
- Briefing on 22 June on proposed Civic Administration Building / Aotea Square rezoning
- LGNZ Governance and Strategy working group meeting in Wellington on 23 June
- Site visit to the Petanque Club in Salisbury Reserve on 25 June
- Planning Committee Auckland Plan Refresh Workshop on 26 June re Development Strategy Scenarios
- Meeting on 27 June with Business Lab to discuss the City Fringe Economic Development Action plan refresh
- Attended the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 28 June
Albert Street walking tour on 29 June with the CRL Street Response Manager (photo right showing the design on the new hoardings on Albert St)
- Meeting on 30 June with David Gaimster new Director of Auckland Museum
- Catch up with John Hutton, Manager Treaty Settlements regarding Gladstone Reserve settlement
- Meeting at St Mary’s College with Auckland Transport to discuss road safety issues
- Meeting with Rangimarie Huria, Chief Executive, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Maia Limited on 30 June
- Attended the Rainbow Communities Advisory Panel meeting on 3 July
- Meeting on 5 July with Splice representatives to discuss programming at Ellen Meville Hall
- Meeting on 6 July with Gary Holmes and Gill Plume from Uptown Business Association regarding an update on retaining and developing innovative businesses in the Uptown area.
- Briefing on 6 July regarding the proposed St Mary’s Bay and Masefield Beach project
- Meeting with CAB Managers on 6 July
- Site visit of Victoria Quarter with a constituent and Manager City Centre Design on 7 July (to discuss range of safety and road design issues)
Events and functions: 10 June until 7 July
- Spoke on behalf of the Board at the unveiling of the Pohutukawa for Peace Plaque on 11 June (photo right)
- Parnell Business Association networking event “Future Museum” at Auckland Museum on 15 June
- Spoke at the launch of the Our Climate Declaration initiative on 18 June (Attachment A)
- Kokako café handover event hosted by the Grey Lynn Business Association to welcome the new owner
- Newmarket Business Association Business Awards at the
Langham Hotel on 22 June at the invitation of the NBA
- Pestival at Aotea Centre on 24 June: the inaugural Auckland event showcasing and celebrating current community-led conservation work in Auckland (photo right Cr Penny Hulse opening the event)
- Te hokinga mai o ngā pou whakairo a te Kiingitanga ki Pukekawa/Pukekaroa (return of the carvings of the Kiingitanga to Auckland Domain) on 24 June (photo right Cr Lee with Sharon Hawke, Te Ariki Tamaroa the master carver Alan Nopera and his wife and Renata Blair)
- Ngati Whatua Orakei – Mana Whenua Signage Unveiling/Blessing
at Emily Place on 28 June (photo right)
- Auckland Chief Executive’s Forum – Unlocking Auckland’s Growth on 28 June
- Social function for Auckland City Centre Advisory Board members hosted by Warren & Mahoney on 28 June
- St Joseph’s Primary School Art exhibition on 29 June
- Opening night of Kiss the Sky on 29 June at the Bruce Mason Centre at the invite of the New Zealand Dance Company
- World Press Photo Exhibition opening night on 30 June at the invitation of Crackjack
- Te Taumata Kapa Haka a Matariki event at the Cloud on 1 July
featuring performances by some of New Zealand’s best kapa haka
- Celebrating the return of Tara welcome on 1 July organised by Auckland Council and the Sir Peter Blake Trust
- Bring your Own Bag -International Plastic Bag Free Day event organised by Grey Lynn 2030 Waste Away group for Plastic Free July (photo right with Mayor Phil Goff and Colinda Rowe, Chair of Grey Lynn 2030)
- Civic Reception for the crew of Tara at the Auckland Town Hall on 4 July (photo right)
- Auckland Conversations on 5 July The Future of Our Oceans: Continuing Sir Peter Blake’s Environmental Legacy
Tour of The Body Laid Bare: Masterpieces from Tate at Auckland Art Gallery on 5 July at the invitation of Regional Facilities Auckland
- Emirates Team New Zealand homecoming parade and function on 6 July at Headquarters at the invitation of ATEED
- Participated in The Big Sleep Out on 6 July raising over $2000 for Lifewise (Photo below with elected representatives: Board member Nerissa Henry, Cr Greg Sayers, Mayor Goff and Cr Cathy Casey)