Report covering the period 4 May – 9 June 2017.

- Presented to the Finance and Performance Committee on our Local Board priorities for 17/18 as part of the Annual Budget (presentation Attachment A). Approved the Local Board Agreement and work programmes 2017/18 at an extraordinary meeting on 6 June.
- At our May business meeting we acknowledged the passing on 29 April 2017 of Ken Havill, inspirational and highly respected principal of Ngā Puna o Waiorea Western Springs College for 19 years until 2016, and extended our sincere condolences to Mr Havill’s family and the school community.
- Opened the Grey Lynn Greenway with Mayor Phil Goff on 2 June (My speech on behalf of the Board and Auckland Transport media release Attachment B). The Grey Lynn pump track informally opened on 24 May.
- Met with the 254 Ponsonby Road facilitation group and relevant Council officers to progress the community-led design for Ponsonby Park
- Consultation on the draft Waitematā Local Board Plan got underway on 22 May. Have your say events held in Parnell, Grey Lynn and at the board office. Information sessions held at libraries and farmers’ markets. Consultation closes on 30 June.
- Followed up a number of transport issues including:
Resurfacing on Ponsonby Road between Williamson Ave and Hopetoun Street without any safety improvements
- Pedestrian safety and footpath clutter at the intersection of Carlton Gore Road and Davies Crescent
- Leaf collection and maintenance of street trees by Auckland Transport contractors
- Parking in Arch Hill and rollout of the Ponsonby Residential parking zone
- Final Grosvenor Street cycleway design removing a large number of car parks and failure by AT to install crossing points along greenway route at the intersection of Grosvenor and Crummer Rd
Safety issues with car transporters using bus stops and the flush medium for unloading on Great North Road
- Parking on the grass in the Domain (enforcement issues are being addressed through the Domain Committee)
- Provided feedback to Auckland Transport on behalf of the Board on the Pt Chev to Westmere cycle improvements (Refer Auckland Transport monthly report)
- Traffic calming polka dots installed on Shortland Street (following pedestrian safety concerns raised by the Local Board. Attachment C).
- Construction got underway on Teed Street, Nelson Street cycleway stage 2 and continued on the Ponsonby Road Pedestrian Improvement Project (photo right)
- Community Reference Group established by Auckland Transport to progress the design of the Gladstone Road cycleway.
- Media coverage included Local Board reports in Ponsonby News (Attachment D) and the Hobson (Attachments E)
Attended an event to mark Word Fair Trade Day at Albert Park organised by a student Christine Zhang (Photo right with Christine and Julie Anne Genter MP). Auckland became a Fairtrade Region in 2012.
Meetings and workshops attended:
- Weekly Chair’s meeting every Monday morning
- Ponsonby Business Association monthly board meetings on 4 May and 8 June
- Uptown Business Association presentation to the Local Board to discuss BID obligations on 4 May
- Site visits to Wood Street and Hakanoa Street to discuss constituent issues on 5 May
- Panuku discussion with local board members regarding urban development tools on 8 May
- Local Board Chairs’ Forum on 8 May
- Waitematā Local Board workshops on 9, 23, 30 May and 6 June
2017/2018 Annual Budget Waitemata Local Board advocacy. Presentation to the Finance and Performance Committee on 9 May (Photo right. Presentation Attachment A)
- Franklin Road community reference group meeting on 10 May
- Meeting to discuss support for the Santa Parade with representatives of the Council family on 11 May
- Meeting to discuss the Franklin Road lights on 11 May
- Meeting with Business Lab to discuss the City Fringe Economic Development Action plan refresh on 11 May and 1 June
- Meeting on 15 May to discuss partnership opportunities with Western Springs College arising from the school rebuild
- Local Boards sub-regional workshop on 15 May
- Pre- agenda briefing for the Domain Committee
- Meeting with AT’s parking manager on 16 May
- Meeting to discuss Western Springs Precinct with Regional Facilities
- Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 16 May and extraordinary meeting on 6 June
- Transport portfolio catch up on 17 May
- NZTA strategic direction presentation to invited stakeholders on 17 May
- Meeting to discuss the development of Council’s homelessness policy
- Monthly Local Finance Advisor catch up on 23 May
- Auckland Domain committee workshop and business meeting on 24 May
- Attended the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 24 May (as alternate)
Community Reference Group for the Parnell cycle route workshop organised by Auckland Transport on 31 May
- Chair’s recommendations run through meeting on 11 and 31 May
- Meola Reef Reserve development plan site visit with mana whenua on 31 May (photo right)
- Tour on 1 June of the Central Library planned refurbishment
- Meeting on 2 June with Christina Sayers-Wickstead to discuss the NZ Suffrage Museum project
- Phone interview as part of research looking at road user pricing
- Workshop with the 254 Ponsonby Road facilitation group on 7 June
- Agenda run-through meeting on 7 June
Spoke at the Economic Development workshop with city fringe business representatives to assist with the refresh of the ED plan held at ATEED on 8 June
- One-day workshop on 9 June for Chairs developed by the Institute of Directors
Events and functions attended:
- Opening night of Amadeus at ASB Waterfront Theatre at the invitation of Auckland Theatre Company
Community planting day at Hakanoa pollinator Park (Photo right with Bike Grey Lynn volunteers) and the Grey Lynn Pump Track on 6 May
- Farewell to Carla van Zon, Auckland Festival director
- Spoke on the IAP2 Australasia 2017 Engagement Symposium K’rd Walking Tour about Myers Park consultation on 12 May (photo right)
- Fairtrade Festival in Albert Park on 13 May
- NZ Book Awards on 16 May
Writers Festival Gala Opening night on 18 May
- NZ Trio at Q Theatre 21 May
- Auckland Conversations on 23 May: Manhattan to Manukau – Lessons from New York
- Innovators in discussion at MOTAT on 25 May
- Autumn Biking bee adventure on 27 May
- John Macdonald’s Induction as Methodist Mission Northern Head of Mission on 30 May
- Grey Lynn Greenway opening on 2 June (Attachment B)
Presided at the Central Citizenship Ceremony on 6 June (photo right)
Draft Local Board Plan consultation events:
- Have your say events in Parnell, Grey Lynn and at the Local Board Office
- Information sessions held at Parnell Farmers Market, Grey Lynn Farmers Market and at Libraries (photo below with members Richard Northey and Adriana Christie at Parnell Library)