Auckland Council’s Code of Conduct requires elected representatives to complete an annual declaration of interests and gifts. My most recent declaration was confirmed as correct up to June 2022. I also declare all gifts regardless of value in my monthly board reports .
As an elected representative I wish to be as transparent and open as possible about all my interests. I take very seriously my responsibility to approach decision making with an open mind, to make decisions in the public interest and to be fully accountable for my decisions and actions. Being completely open about my interests is just one of the ways I personally wish to maintain the high standard of conduct that is expected of me in my role.
The annual salary I receive as an elected representative is determined by the Remuneration Authority and is publicly available on the Auckland Council website here.
Additional Declarations:
My partner, Paul Shortland is former Treasurer of Bike Auckland, Cycle Action Network (until 2018) and the Grey Lynn Residents Association (until 2017). He is also a member of Bike Grey Lynn