Grey Lynn 2030

I am community independent member of City Vision and stood at the Auckland Council elections in 2010 and 2013 with the support of Grey Lynn 2030: Transition Community Trust.  I was trustee until May 2016.

Grey Lynn 2030 is part of the international, grassroots Transition Towns movement. The goal of Transtion Towns is to bring people together to explore how we – as communities – can respond to the challenges and opportunities of climate change and peak oil. Transition Towns works on the belief that communities have within themselves the innovation and ingenuity to create positive solutions to the converging crises of our time. It encourages local communities to step into leadership positions.

Grey Lynn 2030 is a local response to these ideas. We are a participatory, community organisation promoting and engaging in building neighbourhood spirit and cooperation while working towards a vision of a positive, resilient, and sustainable community.

Grey Lynn 2030 and the transition town movement are not affiliated with any political party or religion.

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