Chair’s monthly report October 2017

Chair's monthly report October 2017

Report covering the period 11 September until 9 October 2017.


Chair's monthly report October 2017Opening of Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Place

The biggest project that the Board has delivered was opened on 15 September.  In my speech I looked back on the journey to create an inner city community hub and acknowledged the many people involved with the restoration of Ellen Melville Centre (the Board’s project) and the upgrade of Freyberg Place (funded from the City Centre targeted rate). It was a very proud day for the Board.  Since the opening I have enjoyed a number of events at the centre.

Project updates:

Teed Street upgrade

As part of the Board Member Local Board Area Orientation Tour 2017 on 28 September we visited Teed Street to see how the work is coming along to widen footpaths and add new tree pits.

 The work is expected to be completed by the end of October.

Photo right: Mark Knoff- Thomas, GM Newmarket Business Association

Ponsonby Road pedestrian improvements project

Summary of the latest update from Auckland Transport on Ponsonby works:

Brown Street (photo right) and Angelsea Street are expected to be completed the week of 9 October. The contractor has been:

  • removing the existing kerbs/asphalt in Brown St,
  • concrete work for kerbs, ramps and channels
  • installing the paver blocks in Anglesea Street.

Pollen Street begins 9 October. Remediation work on MacKelvie Street starts on 24 October weather permitting and will take a total of seven nights.

Eastern Viaduct Carpark

 Following advocacy from the Local Board, Panuku has agreed to work towards closing the Eastern Viaduct car park to make it public space and to improve waterfront connectively.

In moving towards the closure in March 2018, Panuku is seeking ideas on how the space can be used. Media Release Attachment B.

West Lynn improvements

I have been following up on a number of issues associated with the project to improve pedestrian safety and install cycle lanes on Richmond Road (Route 2 of the Waitemata Safer routes scheme). Works are progressing fast but there are concerns about the location of the bus stops and the disruption to the shopping area during the construction.   I’ve also asked Auckland Transport to improve the parking signage and “businesses open” messaging (now in place – photo right).

As at 9 October AT has confirmed:

  • Signage larger A0 signage went up over the weekend.
  • The messaging on the electronic boards have been changes at AT’s request.
  • We have had approval to establish temporary parking on the Eastern side come through. We’re currently working through the final details and have signage in development. The parking will be one-way only and directed by additional monitoring staff to minimise collision risk when exiting.

Grafton Residential Parking Zone consultation

Waitematā Local Board’s feedback on the proposed Grafton parking changes is attached to the Auckland Transport monthly report on the agenda.

Hobson Bay Walkway

The Board has been looking to complete the Hobson Bay walkway for some time to take the route up to Pt Resolution. It is a project in the Pt Resolution Taurarua Development Plan however it is looking like it will be expensive and challenging to construct a suitable staircase at Pt Resolution.

In the meantime, the mudcrete walkway at the base of the cliffs has been poorly maintained and has suffered storm damage.

At our September meeting we considered a report from officers advising that the no exit section north of Awatea Road poses a health and safety risk due to slips.  We passed the following resolution.

Closure of the Hobson Bay walkway between Awatea Road and St Stephens Avenue
Resolution number WTM/2017/182

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson S Chambers, seconded by Member R Thomas:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)       note the officer recommendation that the no exit section of the Hobson Bay walkway between the Awatea Road access point and the headland below St Stephens Avenue should be closed due to ongoing embankment slips resulting in a health and safety risk to the public

b)       approve the closure of the Hobson Bay existing mudcrete walkway between the Awatea Road access point and the headland below St Stephens Avenue due to the health and safety risk.

c)      notes the closure will be by way of advisory signage.

d)      request officers update signage along the entire route as soon as possible including at the Elam Road access point and the section of the Hobson Bay walkway from Awatea Road to Parnell Baths/Pt Resolution in accordance the Pt Resolution Taurarua Development Plan

e)      request officers to investigate the feasibility of other options for maintenance, renewal and completion of the entire Hobson’s Bay walkway from Thomas Bloodworth Park to St Stephen’s Avenue.

f)        delegate to the portfolio leads Member Shale Chambers and Member Adriana         Avendano Christie for approval of the permanent walkway signage wording


We anticipate a temporary closure while options for completing the walkway are investigated. Any proposal will go out for public consultation.


 Festival Italiano goes Zero Waste

Festival Italiano organizer Alessandra  Zecchini has again done a tremendous job delivering a successful event in Newmarket (despite the challenge of spring weather).

I was delighted to speak at the opening on behalf of the Board (Attachment C) and to acknowledge the implementation of Zero Waste for the first time. I received a lot of positive feedback about this initiative.

Photo right:  Board member Adriana Christie with Zero Waste Alliance community volunteers

I also spoke at the opening of Art Week (Attachment D)

Meetings and workshops: 11 September until 9 October

  • Weekly Chair’s meeting every Monday morning
  • Chair’s forum on 11 September
  • Waitematā Local Board workshops on 12, 26 September (half day), and 2 October
  • Planning Committee
  • Ports Community Reference Group on 13 September
  • Tour of Ellen Melville Centre on 14 September for Local Board services team and board members (photo right with Project Manager Lisa Spasic)
  • Judges Panel decision making meeting for the Good Citizens Awards 2017
  • Local Boards sub-regional workshop on 18 September
  • Waitematā Local Board business meeting on 19 September
  • Newmarket Business Association AGM on 20 September
  • Meeting with GM Ponsonby Business Association on 21 September
  • Meeting to discuss Achievement Report photos on 26 September
  • Wynyard Quarter Transport Management Association montly board meeting on 27 September (I am now a non-voting member of the Association)
  • Sat in on the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board meeting on 27 September
  • Annual General Meeting of SASOC on 28 September
  • Board Member Local Board Area Orientation Tour 2017 on 28 September (photo right at Basque Park)
  • LGNZ Governance and Strategy Advisory Group meeting in Wellington on 29 September
  • Local board long-term plan briefing on infrastructure funding and investment on 2 October
  • Meeting to finalise Local Board Plan
  • Meeting with Shaughan Woodcock, Pride Parade producer
  • Meeting with Taha Macpherson & Nirupa George from the Mayor’s office to discuss issues going into 10 year budget
  • Catch up with Phil Wilson, Governance Director
  • Catch up with Councillor Lee on 4 October
  • Chair’s Forum on 9 October

Events and functions:  11 September until 8 October

  • Farewell Function – Karen Lyons, GM Local Board Services on 11 September
  • Low Carbon Network – Meet The Candidates event at Freemans Bay Community Centre on 12 September (Photo right making a few introductory remarks)
  • Launch of City Hop electric car charging station in the Downtown car park on 15 September
  • Opening of Ellen Melville Centre and Freyberg Place on 15 September (Opening speech on behalf of the Board)
  • Ponsonby Market Day on 16 September (Attachment E)
  • He Ra Maumahara – Project launch of Te Toka O Apihai by Ports of Auckland and Ngati Whatua Orakei on 18 September
  • Suffrage Day celebrations at Te Hā o Hine Place on 19 September (photo right with the Mayor and Councillors)
  • Attended Tashlikh (Jewish atonement ceremony) at the end of Queens Wharf on 21 September
  • Auckland Conversation In partnership with #Liveable RMLA Conference on 22 September: Toronto’s Chief Planner, Jennifer Keesmaat outlined the ways in which her city has been addressing the shared challenges of rapid population growth, urban redevelopment and renewal, transport choice, housing affordability and community change.
  • Opening of Festival Italiano at Non Solo Pizza on 27 September
  • Knot Touch exhibition opening celebration at the Maritime Museum on 28 September
  • Festival Italiano and festival lunch at the invite of Dante Alighieri on 1 October
  • Civic Trust Heritage Festival debate on 3 October
  • Tyler Golly presentation: Can you build a bike network overnight? at a Bike Auckland and Auckland Council event on 3 October
  • Opening of the new DOC/i-site on Princes Wharf on 4 October (photo right: Lou Sampson, DG of DOC)
  • Māpura Studios debate at Studio One on 4 October including Richard Northey as a panel member
  • Bike Breakfast on 5 October
  • Opening of the Generator at GRID AKL by the Mayor on 5 October
  • Waterview cycleway opening on 6 October
  • Presentation by Greg Vann at MR Cagney on 6 October
  • Spoke at the opening of Art Week at the Ellen Melville Centre on 6 October (Attachment D)
  • Pedal Power in Aotea Square for Biketober
  • Pollinator Park first birthday celebrations on 7 October
  • Auckland Heritage Festival walk of the Waitemata Local Board’s Foreshore Heritage walk on 8 October (photo right of the happy walkers)